diff options
4 files changed, 52 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 40e40ec4..c0556667 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
* [#2373]( Make it possible to configure the welcome message displayed in scratch buffers via `cider-scratch-initial-message`.
* Add the ability to jump to the profiler buffer using `cider-selector`.
* [#1980]( Echo back missing namespace name on interactive eval (requires nREPL 0.4.3+).
+* [#2397]( Add shadow-select CLJS REPL type.
* [#2314]( Add `cider-ns-reload` and `cider-ns-reload-all` interactive commands.
### Bugs fixed
diff --git a/cider.el b/cider.el
index 6e188513..b308f047 100644
--- a/cider.el
+++ b/cider.el
@@ -682,12 +682,38 @@ Generally you should not disable this unless you run into some faulty check."
(unless (cider-library-present-p "thheller/shadow-cljs")
(user-error "The shadow-cljs ClojureScript REPL is not available")))
+(defun cider-normalize-cljs-init-options (options)
+ "Normalize the OPTIONS string used for initializing a CLJS REPL."
+ (if (or (string-prefix-p "{" options)
+ (string-prefix-p "(" options)
+ (string-prefix-p "[" options)
+ (string-prefix-p ":" options))
+ options
+ (concat ":" options)))
+(defcustom cider-shadow-default-options nil
+ "Defines default `shadow-cljs' options."
+ :type 'string
+ :safe (lambda (s) (or (null s) (stringp s)))
+ :package-version '(cider . "0.18.0"))
+(defun cider-shadow-select-cljs-init-form ()
+ "Generate the init form for a shadow-cljs select-only REPL.
+We have to prompt the user to select a build, that's why this is a command,
+not just a string."
+ (let ((form "(do (require '[shadow.cljs.devtools.api :as shadow]) (shadow/nrepl-select %s))")
+ (options (or cider-shadow-default-options
+ (read-from-minibuffer "Select shadow-cljs build (e.g. dev): "))))
+ (format form (cider-normalize-cljs-init-options options))))
(defun cider-shadow-cljs-init-form ()
"Generate the init form for a shadow-cljs REPL.
We have to prompt the user to select a build, that's why
this is a command, not just a string."
- (let ((form "(do (require '[shadow.cljs.devtools.api :as shadow]) (shadow/watch :%s) (shadow/nrepl-select :%s))")
- (build (string-remove-prefix ":" (read-from-minibuffer "Select shadow-cljs build (e.g. dev): "))))
+ (let* ((form "(do (require '[shadow.cljs.devtools.api :as shadow]) (shadow/watch %s) (shadow/nrepl-select %s))")
+ (options (or cider-shadow-default-options
+ (read-from-minibuffer "Select shadow-cljs build (e.g. dev): ")))
+ (build (cider-normalize-cljs-init-options options)))
(format form build build)))
(defcustom cider-figwheel-main-default-options nil
@@ -701,16 +727,11 @@ Figwheel for details."
(defun cider-figwheel-main-init-form ()
"Produce the figwheel-main ClojureScript init form."
- (let* ((form "(do (require 'figwheel.main) (figwheel.main/start %s))")
- (options (string-trim
- (or cider-figwheel-main-default-options
- (read-from-minibuffer "Select figwheel-main build (e.g. :dev): "))))
- (normalized-options (if (or (string-prefix-p "{" options)
- (string-prefix-p "(" options)
- (string-prefix-p ":" options))
- options
- (concat ":" options))))
- (format form normalized-options)))
+ (let ((form "(do (require 'figwheel.main) (figwheel.main/start %s))")
+ (options (string-trim
+ (or cider-figwheel-main-default-options
+ (read-from-minibuffer "Select figwheel-main build (e.g. :dev): ")))))
+ (format form (cider-normalize-cljs-init-options options))))
(defun cider-custom-cljs-repl-init-form ()
"Prompt for a form that would start a ClojureScript REPL.
@@ -735,6 +756,7 @@ The supplied string will be wrapped in a do form if needed."
(boot "(do (require 'adzerk.boot-cljs-repl) (adzerk.boot-cljs-repl/start-repl))"
(shadow cider-shadow-cljs-init-form cider-check-shadow-cljs-requirements)
+ (shadow-select cider-shadow-select-cljs-init-form cider-check-shadow-cljs-requirements)
(custom cider-custom-cljs-repl-init-form nil))
"A list of supported ClojureScript REPLs.
diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
index be7110d5..d4b665ee 100644
--- a/doc/
+++ b/doc/
@@ -254,6 +254,10 @@ npx shadow-cljs server
And connect to it with `cider-connect`.
+Lastly, if you already have a running server watching a build, for instance you
+have already run `npx shadow-cljs watch :dev`, you can use the `shadow-select`
+CLJS REPL and specify `:dev` when prompted.
diff --git a/test/cider-tests.el b/test/cider-tests.el
index e812207c..070557a4 100644
--- a/test/cider-tests.el
+++ b/test/cider-tests.el
@@ -207,6 +207,19 @@
:and-return-value '())
(expect (cider-project-type) :to-equal cider-default-repl-command))))
+(describe "cider-normalize-cljs-init-options"
+ (describe "from options"
+ (it "leaves keywords alone"
+ (expect (cider-normalize-cljs-init-options ":dev") :to-equal ":dev"))
+ (it "leaves maps alone"
+ (expect (cider-normalize-cljs-init-options "{:a 1 :b 2}") :to-equal "{:a 1 :b 2}"))
+ (it "leaves s-exprs alone"
+ (expect (cider-normalize-cljs-init-options "(hashmap :a 1 :b 2)") :to-equal "(hashmap :a 1 :b 2)"))
+ (it "leaves vectors alone"
+ (expect (cider-normalize-cljs-init-options "[1 2 3]") :to-equal "[1 2 3]"))
+ (it "prepends colon to plain names"
+ (expect (cider-normalize-cljs-init-options "dev") :to-equal ":dev"))))
(describe "cider-figwheel-main-init-form"
;; whitespace checks sprinkled amongst other tests
(describe "from options"