path: root/cider-compat.el
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 185 deletions
diff --git a/cider-compat.el b/cider-compat.el
deleted file mode 100644
index ec928dfd..00000000
--- a/cider-compat.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-;;; cider-compat.el --- Functions from newer Emacs versions for compatibility -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
-;; Copyright © 2012-2013 Tim King, Phil Hagelberg, Bozhidar Batsov
-;; Copyright © 2013-2018 Bozhidar Batsov, Artur Malabarba and CIDER contributors
-;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-;; (at your option) any later version.
-;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
-;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
-;;; Commentary:
-;; Pretty much everything here's copied from subr-x for compatibility with
-;; Emacs 24.4.
-;;; Code:
- (unless (fboundp 'internal--thread-argument)
- (defmacro internal--thread-argument (first? &rest forms)
- "Internal implementation for `thread-first' and `thread-last'.
-When Argument FIRST? is non-nil argument is threaded first, else
-last. FORMS are the expressions to be threaded."
- (pcase forms
- (`(,x (,f . ,args) . ,rest)
- `(internal--thread-argument
- ,first? ,(if first? `(,f ,x ,@args) `(,f ,@args ,x)) ,@rest))
- (`(,x ,f . ,rest) `(internal--thread-argument ,first? (,f ,x) ,@rest))
- (_ (car forms)))))
- (unless (fboundp 'thread-first)
- (defmacro thread-first (&rest forms)
- "Thread FORMS elements as the first argument of their successor.
- (thread-first
- 5
- (+ 20)
- (/ 25)
- -
- (+ 40))
-Is equivalent to:
- (+ (- (/ (+ 5 20) 25)) 40)
-Note how the single `-' got converted into a list before
- (declare (indent 1)
- (debug (form &rest [&or symbolp (sexp &rest form)])))
- `(internal--thread-argument t ,@forms)))
- (unless (fboundp 'thread-last)
- (defmacro thread-last (&rest forms)
- "Thread FORMS elements as the last argument of their successor.
- (thread-last
- 5
- (+ 20)
- (/ 25)
- -
- (+ 40))
-Is equivalent to:
- (+ 40 (- (/ 25 (+ 20 5))))
-Note how the single `-' got converted into a list before
- (declare (indent 1) (debug thread-first))
- `(internal--thread-argument nil ,@forms))))
- (unless (fboundp 'internal--listify)
- (defsubst internal--listify (elt)
- "Wrap ELT in a list if it is not one."
- (if (not (listp elt))
- (list elt)
- elt)))
- (unless (fboundp 'internal--check-binding)
- (defsubst internal--check-binding (binding)
- "Check BINDING is properly formed."
- (when (> (length binding) 2)
- (signal
- 'error
- (cons "`let' bindings can have only one value-form" binding)))
- binding))
- (unless (fboundp 'internal--build-binding-value-form)
- (defsubst internal--build-binding-value-form (binding prev-var)
- "Build the conditional value form for BINDING using PREV-VAR."
- `(,(car binding) (and ,prev-var ,(cadr binding)))))
- (unless (fboundp 'internal--build-binding)
- (defun internal--build-binding (binding prev-var)
- "Check and build a single BINDING with PREV-VAR."
- (thread-first
- binding
- internal--listify
- internal--check-binding
- (internal--build-binding-value-form prev-var))))
- (unless (fboundp 'internal--build-bindings)
- (defun internal--build-bindings (bindings)
- "Check and build conditional value forms for BINDINGS."
- (let ((prev-var t))
- (mapcar (lambda (binding)
- (let ((binding (internal--build-binding binding prev-var)))
- (setq prev-var (car binding))
- binding))
- bindings)))))
- (unless (fboundp 'if-let*)
- (defmacro if-let* (bindings then &rest else)
- "Process BINDINGS and if all values are non-nil eval THEN, else ELSE.
-Argument BINDINGS is a list of tuples whose car is a symbol to be
-bound and (optionally) used in THEN, and its cadr is a sexp to be
-evalled to set symbol's value."
- (declare (indent 2)
- (debug ([&or (&rest (symbolp form)) (symbolp form)] form body)))
- `(let* ,(internal--build-bindings bindings)
- (if ,(car (internal--listify (car (last bindings))))
- ,then
- ,@else))))
- (unless (fboundp 'when-let*)
- (defmacro when-let* (bindings &rest body)
- "Process BINDINGS and if all values are non-nil eval BODY.
-Argument BINDINGS is a list of tuples whose car is a symbol to be
-bound and (optionally) used in BODY, and its cadr is a sexp to be
-evalled to set symbol's value."
- (declare (indent 1) (debug if-let*))
- `(if-let* ,bindings ,(macroexp-progn body)))))
- (with-no-warnings
- (unless (fboundp 'directory-files-recursively)
- (defun directory-files-recursively (dir regexp &optional include-directories)
- "Return list of all files under DIR that have file names matching REGEXP.
-This function works recursively. Files are returned in \"depth first\"
-order, and files from each directory are sorted in alphabetical order.
-Each file name appears in the returned list in its absolute form.
-Optional argument INCLUDE-DIRECTORIES non-nil means also include in the
-output directories whose names match REGEXP."
- (let ((result nil)
- (files nil)
- ;; When DIR is "/", remote file names like "/method:" could
- ;; also be offered. We shall suppress them.
- (tramp-mode (and tramp-mode (file-remote-p (expand-file-name dir)))))
- (dolist (file (sort (file-name-all-completions "" dir)
- 'string<))
- (unless (member file '("./" "../"))
- (if (directory-name-p file)
- (let* ((leaf (substring file 0 (1- (length file))))
- (full-file (expand-file-name leaf dir)))
- ;; Don't follow symlinks to other directories.
- (unless (file-symlink-p full-file)
- (setq result
- (nconc result (directory-files-recursively
- full-file regexp include-directories))))
- (when (and include-directories
- (string-match regexp leaf))
- (setq result (nconc result (list full-file)))))
- (when (string-match regexp file)
- (push (expand-file-name file dir) files)))))
- (nconc result (nreverse files)))))))
-(provide 'cider-compat)
-;;; cider-compat.el ends here