path: root/xpi/locale
diff options
authorAris-t2 <>2016-06-22 13:36:15 +0200
committerAris-t2 <>2016-06-22 13:36:15 +0200
commitd08d681b1997038ef319cb004ac3f8347ac722fd (patch)
treeb89f665a49691f6d57c29e44db51caa74df6264a /xpi/locale
parentd59f836532137d09f43b0a3a107e0f6e872c6fc5 (diff)
<b>[locale(s)]</b> - Estonian (et) translation updated (thanks to Maidur) - Slovenian (sl-SI) translation updated (thanks to Klofutar) - Spanish (es) translation updated (thanks to strel) - Japanese (ja) translation updated (thanks to mm_k) - Polish (pl-PL) translation updated (thanks to Mrere) <b>[new option(s)]</b> - Location bar (3) > Autocomplete popup > Highlighting of text hits > -- > bold -- > italic -- > underlined <b>[general change(s)]</b> - removed autocomplete popup option 'bold & underlined marking of hits' - minor tweaks on 'alt autocomplete popup' option
Diffstat (limited to 'xpi/locale')
20 files changed, 44 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/xpi/locale/cs/options.dtd b/xpi/locale/cs/options.dtd
index 74315f5..d36f217 100644
--- a/xpi/locale/cs/options.dtd
+++ b/xpi/locale/cs/options.dtd
@@ -232,6 +232,7 @@
<!ENTITY Ctr_ntabhov "Nový panel (najetí myši)">
<!ENTITY Ctr_bold "Tučný">
<!ENTITY Ctr_italic "Kurzíva">
+<!ENTITY Ctr_underlined "Underlined">
<!ENTITY Ctr_notabhov "Zvoleným nastavením přepsat 'najetí myši'">
<!ENTITY Ctr_tabc_act_tb "Barva pozadí lišt">
@@ -268,7 +269,7 @@
<!ENTITY Ctr_autocomplete "Okno autokompletace">
<!ENTITY Ctr_altautocompl "Alternativní vzhled">
<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_it "Odstranit položky 'Vyhledat pomocí...' a 'Navštívit' (pokud se vyskytují)">
-<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_hl "Marking of hits: Bold and Underlined">
+<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_hl "Highlighting of text hits">
<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_sep "Show separator between results">
<!ENTITY Ctr_urlbar_uc "Zakázat automatické doplňování">
<!ENTITY Ctr_lbsugresi "Zrušit limit pro výšku">
diff --git a/xpi/locale/da/options.dtd b/xpi/locale/da/options.dtd
index 2691755..383462f 100644
--- a/xpi/locale/da/options.dtd
+++ b/xpi/locale/da/options.dtd
@@ -232,6 +232,7 @@
<!ENTITY Ctr_ntabhov "Nyt faneblad der peges på">
<!ENTITY Ctr_bold "Fed">
<!ENTITY Ctr_italic "Kursiv">
+<!ENTITY Ctr_underlined "Underlined">
<!ENTITY Ctr_notabhov "Aktiveret indstillinger overstyrer 'Der peges på'-indstillinger">
<!ENTITY Ctr_tabc_act_tb "Baggrundsfarve på værktøjslinjer">
@@ -268,7 +269,7 @@
<!ENTITY Ctr_autocomplete "Autofuldfør-popup">
<!ENTITY Ctr_altautocompl "Alternativt udseende">
<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_it "Remove 'Search with...' and 'Visit' items (if present)">
-<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_hl "Marking of hits: Bold and Underlined">
+<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_hl "Highlighting of text hits">
<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_sep "Show separator between results">
<!ENTITY Ctr_urlbar_uc "Deaktivér 'samlede autofuldfør'-funktion">
<!ENTITY Ctr_lbsugresi "Deaktivér højdegrænse">
diff --git a/xpi/locale/de/options.dtd b/xpi/locale/de/options.dtd
index 44053a8..b5fa328 100644
--- a/xpi/locale/de/options.dtd
+++ b/xpi/locale/de/options.dtd
@@ -232,6 +232,7 @@
<!ENTITY Ctr_ntabhov "Neuer Tab (hover)">
<!ENTITY Ctr_bold "Fett">
<!ENTITY Ctr_italic "Kursiv">
+<!ENTITY Ctr_underlined "Unterstrichen">
<!ENTITY Ctr_notabhov "Aktivierte Einstellungen ersetzen 'Hover-Einstellungen'">
<!ENTITY Ctr_tabc_act_tb "Tab-Hintergrundfarbe auf Leisten">
@@ -268,7 +269,7 @@
<!ENTITY Ctr_autocomplete "Autovervollständigungs-Pop-up">
<!ENTITY Ctr_altautocompl "Alternative Darstellung">
<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_it "'Mit ... suchen' und 'Aufrufen' Elemente entfernen (falls vorhanden)">
-<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_hl "Trefferhervorhebung: Fett und Unterstrichen">
+<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_hl "Hervorhebung von Texttreffern">
<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_sep "Trennlinie zwischen den Ergebnissen anzeigen">
<!ENTITY Ctr_urlbar_uc "'Vereinigte Autovervollständigung' deaktivieren">
<!ENTITY Ctr_lbsugresi "Höhenlimit deaktivieren">
diff --git a/xpi/locale/dsb/options.dtd b/xpi/locale/dsb/options.dtd
index 20aded7..f2e546f 100644
--- a/xpi/locale/dsb/options.dtd
+++ b/xpi/locale/dsb/options.dtd
@@ -232,6 +232,7 @@
<!ENTITY Ctr_ntabhov "Nowy rejtark (hover)">
<!ENTITY Ctr_bold "Tucny">
<!ENTITY Ctr_italic "Kursiwny">
+<!ENTITY Ctr_underlined "Underlined">
<!ENTITY Ctr_notabhov "Zmóžnjone nastajenja pśepisuju 'hover-nastajenja">
<!ENTITY Ctr_tabc_act_tb "Slězynowa barwa na symbolowych rědkach">
@@ -268,7 +269,7 @@
<!ENTITY Ctr_autocomplete "Wuskokujuce wokno awtowudopołnjenja">
<!ENTITY Ctr_altautocompl "Alternatiwny naglěd">
<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_it "Remove 'Search with...' and 'Visit' items (if present)">
-<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_hl "Marking of hits: Bold and Underlined">
+<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_hl "Highlighting of text hits">
<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_sep "Show separator between results">
<!ENTITY Ctr_urlbar_uc "Funkciju 'zjadnośone awotwudopołnjenje' znjemóžniś">
<!ENTITY Ctr_lbsugresi "Limit wusokosći znjemóžniś">
diff --git a/xpi/locale/el/options.dtd b/xpi/locale/el/options.dtd
index 5d47054..cc7071c 100644
--- a/xpi/locale/el/options.dtd
+++ b/xpi/locale/el/options.dtd
@@ -232,6 +232,7 @@
<!ENTITY Ctr_ntabhov "Κατάδειξη νέας καρτέλας">
<!ENTITY Ctr_bold "Έντονη γραφή">
<!ENTITY Ctr_italic "Πλάγια γραφή">
+<!ENTITY Ctr_underlined "Underlined">
<!ENTITY Ctr_notabhov "Παράκαμψη ρυθμίσεων κατάδειξης από τις ενεργοποιημένες ρυθμίσεις εδώ">
<!ENTITY Ctr_tabc_act_tb "Χρώμα φόντου σε εργαλειοθήκες">
@@ -268,7 +269,7 @@
<!ENTITY Ctr_autocomplete "Αναδυόμενο αυτόματης συμπλήρωσης">
<!ENTITY Ctr_altautocompl "Εναλλακτική εμφάνιση">
<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_it "Remove 'Search with...' and 'Visit' items (if present)">
-<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_hl "Marking of hits: Bold and Underlined">
+<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_hl "Highlighting of text hits">
<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_sep "Show separator between results">
<!ENTITY Ctr_urlbar_uc "Απενεργοποίηση χαρακτηριστικού ενιαίας αυτόματης συμπλήρωσης">
<!ENTITY Ctr_lbsugresi "Απενεργοποίηση ορίου ύψους">
diff --git a/xpi/locale/en-US/options.dtd b/xpi/locale/en-US/options.dtd
index cd81fdd..491384c 100644
--- a/xpi/locale/en-US/options.dtd
+++ b/xpi/locale/en-US/options.dtd
@@ -232,6 +232,7 @@
<!ENTITY Ctr_ntabhov "Hovered New tab">
<!ENTITY Ctr_bold "Bold">
<!ENTITY Ctr_italic "Italic">
+<!ENTITY Ctr_underlined "Underlined">
<!ENTITY Ctr_notabhov "Enabled settings override 'hovered' settings">
<!ENTITY Ctr_tabc_act_tb "Background color on toolbars">
@@ -268,7 +269,7 @@
<!ENTITY Ctr_autocomplete "Autocomplete popup">
<!ENTITY Ctr_altautocompl "Alternative appearance">
<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_it "Remove 'Search with...' and 'Visit' items (if present)">
-<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_hl "Marking of hits: Bold and Underlined">
+<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_hl "Highlighting of text hits">
<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_sep "Show separator between results">
<!ENTITY Ctr_urlbar_uc "Disable 'unified autocomplete' feature">
<!ENTITY Ctr_lbsugresi "Disable height limit">
diff --git a/xpi/locale/es/options.dtd b/xpi/locale/es/options.dtd
index 3a40b58..930d4f9 100644
--- a/xpi/locale/es/options.dtd
+++ b/xpi/locale/es/options.dtd
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@
<!ENTITY Ctr_puibut_l_sep "Izquierda">
<!ENTITY Ctr_puibut_r_sep "Derecha">
<!ENTITY Ctr_html5warning "Advertencia de pantalla completa de contenidos HTML5">
-<!ENTITY Ctr_oldtoplevimg "Apariencia clásica de imagen sobre fondo blanco">
+<!ENTITY Ctr_oldtoplevimg "Vista de imagen: Apariencia clásica sobre fondo blanco">
<!ENTITY Ctr_altalertbox "'Recuadro de alerta': Apariencia alternativa">
<!ENTITY Ctr_emptygfavico "Reemplazar favicon genérico">
<!ENTITY Ctr_mstatusbar "Mostrar panel móvil de contenedor de la antigua barra de estado">
@@ -232,6 +232,7 @@
<!ENTITY Ctr_ntabhov "Nueva pestaña señalada">
<!ENTITY Ctr_bold "Negrita">
<!ENTITY Ctr_italic "Cursiva">
+<!ENTITY Ctr_underlined "Subrayadas">
<!ENTITY Ctr_notabhov "Las configuraciones habilitadas se imponen a las de pestaña 'señalada'">
<!ENTITY Ctr_tabc_act_tb "Color de fondo en barras de herramientas">
@@ -269,8 +270,8 @@
<!ENTITY Ctr_urlbar_uc "Deshabilitar 'Autocompletado unificado'">
<!ENTITY Ctr_altautocompl "Apariencia alternativa">
<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_it "Eliminar los elementos 'Buscar con...' y 'Visitar' (si están presentes)">
-<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_hl "Marcado de coincidencias: En negrita y subrayadas">
-<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_sep "Show separator between results">
+<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_hl "Marcado de coincidencias">
+<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_sep "Mostrar separador entre resultados">
<!ENTITY Ctr_lbsugresi "Deshabilitar límite de altura">
<!ENTITY Ctr_lbsugres "Número de resultados">
<!ENTITY Ctr_lbsbradius "Borde de radio personalizado para barra de direcciones y barra de búsqueda">
diff --git a/xpi/locale/et/options.dtd b/xpi/locale/et/options.dtd
index ea95eae..8445d73 100644
--- a/xpi/locale/et/options.dtd
+++ b/xpi/locale/et/options.dtd
@@ -232,6 +232,7 @@
<!ENTITY Ctr_ntabhov "Uus kaart, millele on hiirekursoriga osutatud">
<!ENTITY Ctr_bold "Paks">
<!ENTITY Ctr_italic "Kaldkiri">
+<!ENTITY Ctr_underlined "Allajoonitud">
<!ENTITY Ctr_notabhov "Valitud sätted tühistavad 'osutatud' sätted">
<!ENTITY Ctr_tabc_act_tb "Tööriistaribade taustavärv">
@@ -268,7 +269,7 @@
<!ENTITY Ctr_autocomplete "Automaatlõpetamise hüpik">
<!ENTITY Ctr_altautocompl "Alternatiivne välimus">
<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_it "Eemalda kirjed 'Otsi otsingumootoriga...' ja 'Külasta' (kui on)">
-<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_hl "Tabamuste märgistamine: paks ja allajoonitud tekst">
+<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_hl "Tabamuste märgistamine">
<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_sep "Näita tulemuste vahel eraldusjooni">
<!ENTITY Ctr_urlbar_uc "Keela ühtse automaatlõpetamise funktsioon 'unified autocomplete'">
<!ENTITY Ctr_lbsugresi "Keela kõrguse piirang">
diff --git a/xpi/locale/fr/options.dtd b/xpi/locale/fr/options.dtd
index 4519cd3..aab974d 100644
--- a/xpi/locale/fr/options.dtd
+++ b/xpi/locale/fr/options.dtd
@@ -232,6 +232,7 @@
<!ENTITY Ctr_ntabhov "Nouvel onglet survolé">
<!ENTITY Ctr_bold "Gras">
<!ENTITY Ctr_italic "Italique">
+<!ENTITY Ctr_underlined "Underlined">
<!ENTITY Ctr_notabhov "Les paramètres activés supplantent les paramètres « Survolé »">
<!ENTITY Ctr_tabc_act_tb "Couleur d'arrière-plan pour les barres d'outils">
@@ -269,7 +270,7 @@
<!ENTITY Ctr_autocomplete "Fenêtre surgissante d'autocomplétion">
<!ENTITY Ctr_altautocompl "Apparence alternative">
<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_it "Remove 'Search with...' and 'Visit' items (if present)">
-<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_hl "Marking of hits: Bold and Underlined">
+<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_hl "Highlighting of text hits">
<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_sep "Show separator between results">
<!ENTITY Ctr_lbsugresi "Désactiver la limite de hauteur">
<!ENTITY Ctr_lbsugres "Nombre de résultats :">
diff --git a/xpi/locale/hsb/options.dtd b/xpi/locale/hsb/options.dtd
index 8022345..e1df7c3 100644
--- a/xpi/locale/hsb/options.dtd
+++ b/xpi/locale/hsb/options.dtd
@@ -232,6 +232,7 @@
<!ENTITY Ctr_ntabhov "Nowy rajtark (hover)">
<!ENTITY Ctr_bold "Tučny">
<!ENTITY Ctr_italic "Kursiwny">
+<!ENTITY Ctr_underlined "Underlined">
<!ENTITY Ctr_notabhov "Zmóžnjene nastajenja přepisuja 'hover-nastajenja'">
<!ENTITY Ctr_tabc_act_tb "Pozadkowa barba na symbolowych lajstach">
@@ -268,7 +269,7 @@
<!ENTITY Ctr_autocomplete "Wuskakowace wokno awtowudospołnjenja">
<!ENTITY Ctr_altautocompl "Alternatiwny napohlad">
<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_it "Remove 'Search with...' and 'Visit' items (if present)">
-<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_hl "Marking of hits: Bold and Underlined">
+<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_hl "Highlighting of text hits">
<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_sep "Show separator between results">
<!ENTITY Ctr_urlbar_uc "Funkciju 'Zjednoćene awtowudospołnjenje' znjemóžnić">
<!ENTITY Ctr_lbsugresi "Limit wysokosće znjemóžnić">
diff --git a/xpi/locale/it/options.dtd b/xpi/locale/it/options.dtd
index 06f1a8f..68dc296 100644
--- a/xpi/locale/it/options.dtd
+++ b/xpi/locale/it/options.dtd
@@ -232,6 +232,7 @@
<!ENTITY Ctr_ntabhov "Nuova scheda al passaggio del mouse">
<!ENTITY Ctr_bold "Grassetto">
<!ENTITY Ctr_italic "Corsivo">
+<!ENTITY Ctr_underlined "Underlined">
<!ENTITY Ctr_notabhov "Le impostazioni attivate prevalgono su quelle del passaggio del mouse">
<!ENTITY Ctr_tabc_act_tb "Colore di sfondo delle barre degli strumenti">
@@ -268,7 +269,7 @@
<!ENTITY Ctr_autocomplete "Completamento automatico">
<!ENTITY Ctr_altautocompl "Aspetto alternativo">
<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_it "Remove 'Search with...' and 'Visit' items (if present)">
-<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_hl "Marking of hits: Bold and Underlined">
+<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_hl "Highlighting of text hits">
<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_sep "Show separator between results">
<!ENTITY Ctr_urlbar_uc "Disattiva il completamento automatico">
<!ENTITY Ctr_lbsugresi "Disattiva il limite di altezza">
diff --git a/xpi/locale/ja/options.dtd b/xpi/locale/ja/options.dtd
index 3a9fcf5..66db461 100644
--- a/xpi/locale/ja/options.dtd
+++ b/xpi/locale/ja/options.dtd
@@ -232,6 +232,7 @@
<!ENTITY Ctr_ntabhov "新しいタブ (hover)">
<!ENTITY Ctr_bold "太字">
<!ENTITY Ctr_italic "斜体">
+<!ENTITY Ctr_underlined "Underlined">
<!ENTITY Ctr_notabhov "hover の設定を上書きする">
<!ENTITY Ctr_tabc_act_tb "ツールバーに背景色をつける">
@@ -268,8 +269,8 @@
<!ENTITY Ctr_autocomplete "自動補完リスト">
<!ENTITY Ctr_altautocompl "替わりの補完候補機能で置き換える">
<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_it "「…で検索」と「…を開く」を表示しない (可能ならば)">
-<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_hl "一致部分を太字と下線で表示する">
-<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_sep "Show separator between results">
+<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_hl "Highlighting of text hits">
+<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_sep "結果を境界線で区切る">
<!ENTITY Ctr_urlbar_uc "検索候補機能を統合しない">
<!ENTITY Ctr_lbsugresi "候補数を制限しない">
<!ENTITY Ctr_lbsugres "候補の表示数">
diff --git a/xpi/locale/pl/options.dtd b/xpi/locale/pl/options.dtd
index 9819c69..8a33ae1 100644
--- a/xpi/locale/pl/options.dtd
+++ b/xpi/locale/pl/options.dtd
@@ -232,6 +232,7 @@
<!ENTITY Ctr_ntabhov "Nowa karta najechana">
<!ENTITY Ctr_bold "Pogrubiona">
<!ENTITY Ctr_italic "Kursywa">
+<!ENTITY Ctr_underlined "Podkreślone">
<!ENTITY Ctr_notabhov "Włączone ustawienia nie uwzględniają ustawień 'najechania'">
<!ENTITY Ctr_tabc_act_tb "Kolor tła na paskach narzędzi">
@@ -268,8 +269,8 @@
<!ENTITY Ctr_autocomplete "Menu podręczne autouzupełniania">
<!ENTITY Ctr_altautocompl "Alternatywny wygląd">
<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_it "Usuń elementy 'szukaj w...' oraz 'otwórz stronę' (jeżeli obecne)">
-<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_hl "Znakowanie wystąpień: pogrubione i podkreślone">
-<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_sep "Show separator between results">
+<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_hl "Znakowanie wystąpień">
+<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_sep "Pokaż separator pomiędzy wynikami">
<!ENTITY Ctr_urlbar_uc "Wyłącz funkcję 'ujednolicone autouzupełnianie'">
<!ENTITY Ctr_lbsugresi "Wyłącz ograniczenie wysokości">
<!ENTITY Ctr_lbsugres "Liczba wyników">
diff --git a/xpi/locale/pt-BR/options.dtd b/xpi/locale/pt-BR/options.dtd
index ef7714c..30d79a6 100644
--- a/xpi/locale/pt-BR/options.dtd
+++ b/xpi/locale/pt-BR/options.dtd
@@ -232,6 +232,7 @@
<!ENTITY Ctr_ntabhov "Nova Aba (Flutuante)">
<!ENTITY Ctr_bold "Negrito">
<!ENTITY Ctr_italic "Itálico">
+<!ENTITY Ctr_underlined "Underlined">
<!ENTITY Ctr_notabhov "As Configurações Habilitadas Substituirão as Configurações 'Flutuantes'">
<!ENTITY Ctr_tabc_act_tb "Cor de Fundo nas Barras de Ferramentas">
@@ -268,7 +269,7 @@
<!ENTITY Ctr_autocomplete "Autocomplete popup">
<!ENTITY Ctr_altautocompl "Alternative appearance">
<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_it "Remove 'Search with...' and 'Visit' items (if present)">
-<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_hl "Marking of hits: Bold and Underlined">
+<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_hl "Highlighting of text hits">
<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_sep "Show separator between results">
<!ENTITY Ctr_urlbar_uc "Disable 'unified autocomplete' feature">
<!ENTITY Ctr_lbsugresi "Disable height limit">
diff --git a/xpi/locale/ru/options.dtd b/xpi/locale/ru/options.dtd
index 2feeaf1..d2a0a04 100644
--- a/xpi/locale/ru/options.dtd
+++ b/xpi/locale/ru/options.dtd
@@ -232,6 +232,7 @@
<!ENTITY Ctr_ntabhov "Ожидающая новая вкладка">
<!ENTITY Ctr_bold "Полужирный">
<!ENTITY Ctr_italic "Курсив">
+<!ENTITY Ctr_underlined "Underlined">
<!ENTITY Ctr_notabhov "Включение настройки не учитывает параметры «в ожидании»">
<!ENTITY Ctr_tabc_act_tb "Цвет фона панели инструментов">
@@ -268,7 +269,7 @@
<!ENTITY Ctr_autocomplete "Автозаполнение">
<!ENTITY Ctr_altautocompl "Альтернативный внешний вид">
<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_it "Удалить пункты «Искать в...» и «Посетить» (при наличии)">
-<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_hl "Marking of hits: Bold and Underlined">
+<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_hl "Highlighting of text hits">
<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_sep "Show separator between results">
<!ENTITY Ctr_urlbar_uc "Отключить функцию «автозаполнение»">
<!ENTITY Ctr_lbsugresi "Отключить ограничение по высоте">
diff --git a/xpi/locale/sl/options.dtd b/xpi/locale/sl/options.dtd
index fdc2e5d..da69ed7 100644
--- a/xpi/locale/sl/options.dtd
+++ b/xpi/locale/sl/options.dtd
@@ -232,6 +232,7 @@
<!ENTITY Ctr_ntabhov "Nov zavihek ob prehodu z miško">
<!ENTITY Ctr_bold "Krepko">
<!ENTITY Ctr_italic "Ležeče">
+<!ENTITY Ctr_underlined "Podčrtano">
<!ENTITY Ctr_notabhov "Omogočene nastavitve preglasijo nastavitve 'ob prehodu z miško'">
<!ENTITY Ctr_tabc_act_tb "Barva ozadja na orodnih vrsticah">
@@ -268,7 +269,7 @@
<!ENTITY Ctr_autocomplete "Pojavno okno samodokončevanja">
<!ENTITY Ctr_altautocompl "Nadomestni videz">
<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_it "Odstrani predmeta 'Išči s/z …' in 'Obišči' (če sta prisotna)">
-<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_hl "Označevanje zadetkov: krepko in podčrtano">
+<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_hl "Označevanje zadetkov">
<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_sep "Prikaži ločilo med rezultati">
<!ENTITY Ctr_urlbar_uc "Onemogoči značilnost 'poenotenega samodokončevanja'">
<!ENTITY Ctr_lbsugresi "Onemogoči omejitev višine">
diff --git a/xpi/locale/tr/options.dtd b/xpi/locale/tr/options.dtd
index 11a7284..628742a 100644
--- a/xpi/locale/tr/options.dtd
+++ b/xpi/locale/tr/options.dtd
@@ -232,6 +232,7 @@
<!ENTITY Ctr_ntabhov "Yeni sekme (duraksamış)">
<!ENTITY Ctr_bold "Kalın">
<!ENTITY Ctr_italic "İtalik">
+<!ENTITY Ctr_underlined "Underlined">
<!ENTITY Ctr_notabhov "Enabled settings override 'hovered' settings">
<!ENTITY Ctr_tabc_act_tb "Araç çubukları üzerinde arka plan rengi">
@@ -268,7 +269,7 @@
<!ENTITY Ctr_autocomplete "Autocomplete popup">
<!ENTITY Ctr_altautocompl "Alternative appearance">
<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_it "Remove 'Search with...' and 'Visit' items (if present)">
-<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_hl "Marking of hits: Bold and Underlined">
+<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_hl "Highlighting of text hits">
<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_sep "Show separator between results">
<!ENTITY Ctr_urlbar_uc "Disable 'unified autocomplete' feature">
<!ENTITY Ctr_lbsugresi "Disable height limit">
diff --git a/xpi/locale/uk/options.dtd b/xpi/locale/uk/options.dtd
index d98d5dd..664a3ea 100644
--- a/xpi/locale/uk/options.dtd
+++ b/xpi/locale/uk/options.dtd
@@ -232,6 +232,7 @@
<!ENTITY Ctr_ntabhov "Нова вкладка (в очікуванні)">
<!ENTITY Ctr_bold "Жирний">
<!ENTITY Ctr_italic "Курсив">
+<!ENTITY Ctr_underlined "Underlined">
<!ENTITY Ctr_notabhov "Увімкнені налаштування скасовують налаштування «в очікуванні»">
<!ENTITY Ctr_tabc_act_tb "Колір тла на панелях">
@@ -268,7 +269,7 @@
<!ENTITY Ctr_autocomplete "Спливаюче вікно автозаповнення">
<!ENTITY Ctr_altautocompl "Альтернативний вигляд">
<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_it "Remove 'Search with...' and 'Visit' items (if present)">
-<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_hl "Marking of hits: Bold and Underlined">
+<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_hl "Highlighting of text hits">
<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_sep "Show separator between results">
<!ENTITY Ctr_urlbar_uc "Вимкнути функцію «автозаповнення»">
<!ENTITY Ctr_lbsugresi "Вимкнути обмеження висоти">
diff --git a/xpi/locale/zh-CN/options.dtd b/xpi/locale/zh-CN/options.dtd
index 07f20b4..236ca97 100644
--- a/xpi/locale/zh-CN/options.dtd
+++ b/xpi/locale/zh-CN/options.dtd
@@ -232,6 +232,7 @@
<!ENTITY Ctr_ntabhov "悬停新标签页">
<!ENTITY Ctr_bold "加粗">
<!ENTITY Ctr_italic "斜体">
+<!ENTITY Ctr_underlined "Underlined">
<!ENTITY Ctr_notabhov "启用设置覆盖“悬停”设置">
<!ENTITY Ctr_tabc_act_tb "工具栏使用背景色">
@@ -268,7 +269,7 @@
<!ENTITY Ctr_autocomplete "自动完成弹出框">
<!ENTITY Ctr_altautocompl "备选的外观">
<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_it "移除 “使用...搜索” 和 “访问” 项目 (如果存在的话)">
-<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_hl "Marking of hits: Bold and Underlined">
+<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_hl "Highlighting of text hits">
<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_sep "Show separator between results">
<!ENTITY Ctr_urlbar_uc "禁用 “统一自动完成” 功能">
<!ENTITY Ctr_lbsugresi "禁用高度限制">
diff --git a/xpi/locale/zh-TW/options.dtd b/xpi/locale/zh-TW/options.dtd
index 2bc4b8b..33b0a34 100644
--- a/xpi/locale/zh-TW/options.dtd
+++ b/xpi/locale/zh-TW/options.dtd
@@ -232,6 +232,7 @@
<!ENTITY Ctr_ntabhov "新分頁 (懸停)">
<!ENTITY Ctr_bold "粗體">
<!ENTITY Ctr_italic "斜體">
+<!ENTITY Ctr_underlined "Underlined">
<!ENTITY Ctr_notabhov "優先權高於「分頁(懸停)」的設定">
<!ENTITY Ctr_tabc_act_tb "將目前分頁的背景顏色套用到工具列上">
@@ -268,7 +269,7 @@
<!ENTITY Ctr_autocomplete "Autocomplete popup">
<!ENTITY Ctr_altautocompl "Alternative appearance">
<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_it "Remove 'Search with...' and 'Visit' items (if present)">
-<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_hl "Marking of hits: Bold and Underlined">
+<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_hl "Highlighting of text hits">
<!ENTITY Ctr_autocompl_sep "Show separator between results">
<!ENTITY Ctr_urlbar_uc "Disable 'unified autocomplete' feature">
<!ENTITY Ctr_lbsugresi "Disable height limit">