path: root/xpi/locale/pt-BR/options.dtd
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'xpi/locale/pt-BR/options.dtd')
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/xpi/locale/pt-BR/options.dtd b/xpi/locale/pt-BR/options.dtd
index 45125ea..b5569cb 100644
--- a/xpi/locale/pt-BR/options.dtd
+++ b/xpi/locale/pt-BR/options.dtd
@@ -165,6 +165,7 @@
<!ENTITY Ctr_search_ui "Search">
<!ENTITY Ctr_ctroldsearch "Old search">
<!ENTITY Ctr_ctroldsearchc "Clear searchbox after search">
+<!ENTITY Ctr_ctroldsearchr "Revert to default search engine after search">
<!ENTITY Ctr_search_oit "Open search in new tab (about:config preference)">
<!ENTITY Ctr_osearch_meoit "Middle-clicks: search in new 'foreground tab'">
<!ENTITY Ctr_osearch_iwidth "Automatically adjust popup width">
@@ -304,6 +305,7 @@
<!ENTITY Ctr_menubarnofog "Remover a Cor/Névoa do Fundo (Windows AeroGlass/Win8)">
<!ENTITY Ctr_aerocolors "Cores Azul Aero para Barras de Ferramentas Principais e Abas">
+<!ENTITY Ctr_aerocolorsg "Grey-blue Aero colors">
<!ENTITY Ctr_transpttbw10 "Title/menu/tabs toolbar: remove background color">
<!ENTITY Ctr_transpttbew10 "Additional tweaks for some OS themes">
<!ENTITY Ctr_transptcw10 "Hide default OS min/max/close buttons">