path: root/Debian/Debhelper/
diff options
authorAurelien Jarno <>2023-08-14 21:07:54 +0200
committerAurelien Jarno <>2023-08-14 21:07:54 +0200
commit259ab8a0d17d9846ae80a157b6636e9d22be131a (patch)
tree8ee3751f62004a10458ece2ef29566b356bcaeac /Debian/Debhelper/
parent76669f0e65fa2b7bf70d2a1293be591c38d0caba (diff)
parent2998eb8dfc6d0e62ad0269ff9184d2ef1c334196 (diff)
Record debhelper (13.11.5) in archive suite sid
Diffstat (limited to 'Debian/Debhelper/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1018 deletions
diff --git a/Debian/Debhelper/ b/Debian/Debhelper/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0519d20a..00000000
--- a/Debian/Debhelper/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1018 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# Library functions for debhelper programs, perl version.
-# Joey Hess, GPL copyright 1997-2008.
-package Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
-use strict;
-use Exporter;
-use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT %dh);
-@EXPORT=qw(&init &doit &doit_noerror &complex_doit &verbose_print &error
- &warning &tmpdir &pkgfile &pkgext &pkgfilename &isnative
- &autoscript &filearray &filedoublearray
- &getpackages &basename &dirname &xargs %dh
- &compat &addsubstvar &delsubstvar &excludefile &package_arch
- &is_udeb &udeb_filename &debhelper_script_subst &escape_shell
- &inhibit_log &load_log &write_log &commit_override_log
- &dpkg_architecture_value &sourcepackage
- &is_make_jobserver_unavailable &clean_jobserver_makeflags
- &cross_command &set_buildflags &get_buildoption);
-my $max_compat=10;
-# The Makefile changes this if debhelper is installed in a PREFIX.
-my $prefix="/usr";
-sub init {
- my %params=@_;
- # Check to see if an option line starts with a dash,
- # or DH_OPTIONS is set.
- # If so, we need to pass this off to the resource intensive
- # Getopt::Long, which I'd prefer to avoid loading at all if possible.
- if ((defined $ENV{DH_OPTIONS} && length $ENV{DH_OPTIONS}) ||
- grep /^-/, @ARGV) {
- eval "use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Getopt";
- error($@) if $@;
- Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Getopt::parseopts(%params);
- }
- # Another way to set excludes.
- if (exists $ENV{DH_ALWAYS_EXCLUDE} && length $ENV{DH_ALWAYS_EXCLUDE}) {
- push @{$dh{EXCLUDE}}, split(":", $ENV{DH_ALWAYS_EXCLUDE});
- }
- # Generate EXCLUDE_FIND.
- if ($dh{EXCLUDE}) {
- $dh{EXCLUDE_FIND}='';
- foreach (@{$dh{EXCLUDE}}) {
- my $x=$_;
- $x=escape_shell($x);
- $x=~s/\./\\\\./g;
- $dh{EXCLUDE_FIND}.="-regex .\\*$x.\\* -or ";
- }
- $dh{EXCLUDE_FIND}=~s/ -or $//;
- }
- # Check to see if DH_VERBOSE environment variable was set, if so,
- # make sure verbose is on.
- if (defined $ENV{DH_VERBOSE} && $ENV{DH_VERBOSE} ne "") {
- $dh{VERBOSE}=1;
- }
- # Check to see if DH_NO_ACT environment variable was set, if so,
- # make sure no act mode is on.
- if (defined $ENV{DH_NO_ACT} && $ENV{DH_NO_ACT} ne "") {
- $dh{NO_ACT}=1;
- }
- # Get the name of the main binary package (first one listed in
- # debian/control). Only if the main package was not set on the
- # command line.
- if (! exists $dh{MAINPACKAGE} || ! defined $dh{MAINPACKAGE}) {
- my @allpackages=getpackages();
- $dh{MAINPACKAGE}=$allpackages[0];
- }
- # Check if packages to build have been specified, if not, fall back to
- # the default, building all relevant packages.
- if (! defined $dh{DOPACKAGES} || ! @{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
- push @{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}, getpackages('both');
- }
- # Check to see if -P was specified. If so, we can only act on a single
- # package.
- if ($dh{TMPDIR} && $#{$dh{DOPACKAGES}} > 0) {
- error("-P was specified, but multiple packages would be acted on (".join(",",@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}).").");
- }
- # Figure out which package is the first one we were instructed to build.
- # This package gets special treatement: files and directories specified on
- # the command line may affect it.
- # If no error handling function was specified, just propagate
- # errors out.
- if (! exists $dh{ERROR_HANDLER} || ! defined $dh{ERROR_HANDLER}) {
- $dh{ERROR_HANDLER}='exit \$?';
- }
-# Run at exit. Add the command to the log files for the packages it acted
-# on, if it's exiting successfully.
-my $write_log=1;
-sub END {
- if ($? == 0 && $write_log) {
- write_log(basename($0), @{$dh{DOPACKAGES}});
- }
-sub logfile {
- my $package=shift;
- my $ext=pkgext($package);
- return "debian/${ext}debhelper.log"
-sub add_override {
- my $line=shift;
- $line="override_$ENV{DH_INTERNAL_OVERRIDE} $line"
- return $line;
-sub remove_override {
- my $line=shift;
- $line=~s/^\Qoverride_$ENV{DH_INTERNAL_OVERRIDE}\E\s+//
- return $line;
-sub load_log {
- my ($package, $db)=@_;
- my @log;
- open(LOG, "<", logfile($package)) || return;
- while (<LOG>) {
- chomp;
- my $command=remove_override($_);
- push @log, $command;
- $db->{$package}{$command}=1 if defined $db;
- }
- close LOG;
- return @log;
-sub write_log {
- my $cmd=shift;
- my @packages=@_;
- return if $dh{NO_ACT};
- foreach my $package (@packages) {
- my $log=logfile($package);
- open(LOG, ">>", $log) || error("failed to write to ${log}: $!");
- print LOG add_override($cmd)."\n";
- close LOG;
- }
-sub commit_override_log {
- my @packages=@_;
- return if $dh{NO_ACT};
- foreach my $package (@packages) {
- my @log=map { remove_override($_) } load_log($package);
- my $log=logfile($package);
- open(LOG, ">", $log) || error("failed to write to ${log}: $!");
- print LOG $_."\n" foreach @log;
- close LOG;
- }
-sub inhibit_log {
- $write_log=0;
-# Pass it an array containing the arguments of a shell command like would
-# be run by exec(). It turns that into a line like you might enter at the
-# shell, escaping metacharacters and quoting arguments that contain spaces.
-sub escape_shell {
- my @args=@_;
- my $line="";
- my @ret;
- foreach my $word (@args) {
- if ($word=~/\s/) {
- # Escape only a few things since it will be quoted.
- # Note we use double quotes because you cannot
- # escape ' in single quotes, while " can be escaped
- # in double.
- # This does make -V"foo bar" turn into "-Vfoo bar",
- # but that will be parsed identically by the shell
- # anyway..
- $word=~s/([\n`\$"\\])/\\$1/g;
- push @ret, "\"$word\"";
- }
- else {
- # This list is from _Unix in a Nutshell_. (except '#')
- $word=~s/([\s!"\$()*+#;<>?@\[\]\\`|~])/\\$1/g;
- push @ret,$word;
- }
- }
- return join(' ', @ret);
-# Run a command, and display the command to stdout if verbose mode is on.
-# Throws error if command exits nonzero.
-# All commands that modifiy files in $TMP should be ran via this
-# function.
-# Note that this cannot handle complex commands, especially anything
-# involving redirection. Use complex_doit instead.
-sub doit {
- doit_noerror(@_) || _error_exitcode(join(" ", @_));
-sub doit_noerror {
- verbose_print(escape_shell(@_));
- if (! $dh{NO_ACT}) {
- return (system(@_) == 0)
- }
- else {
- return 1;
- }
-# Run a command and display the command to stdout if verbose mode is on.
-# Use doit() if you can, instead of this function, because this function
-# forks a shell. However, this function can handle more complicated stuff
-# like redirection.
-sub complex_doit {
- verbose_print(join(" ",@_));
- if (! $dh{NO_ACT}) {
- # The join makes system get a scalar so it forks off a shell.
- system(join(" ", @_)) == 0 || _error_exitcode(join(" ", @_))
- }
-sub _error_exitcode {
- my $command=shift;
- if ($? == -1) {
- error("$command failed to to execute: $!");
- }
- elsif ($? & 127) {
- error("$command died with signal ".($? & 127));
- }
- else {
- error("$command returned exit code ".($? >> 8));
- }
-# Run a command that may have a huge number of arguments, like xargs does.
-# Pass in a reference to an array containing the arguments, and then other
-# parameters that are the command and any parameters that should be passed to
-# it each time.
-sub xargs {
- my $args=shift;
- # The kernel can accept command lines up to 20k worth of characters.
- my $command_max=20000; # LINUX SPECIFIC!!
- # (And obsolete; it's bigger now.)
- # I could use POSIX::ARG_MAX, but that would be slow.
- # Figure out length of static portion of command.
- my $static_length=0;
- foreach (@_) {
- $static_length+=length($_)+1;
- }
- my @collect=();
- my $length=$static_length;
- foreach (@$args) {
- if (length($_) + 1 + $static_length > $command_max) {
- error("This command is greater than the maximum command size allowed by the kernel, and cannot be split up further. What on earth are you doing? \"@_ $_\"");
- }
- $length+=length($_) + 1;
- if ($length < $command_max) {
- push @collect, $_;
- }
- else {
- doit(@_,@collect) if $#collect > -1;
- @collect=($_);
- $length=$static_length + length($_) + 1;
- }
- }
- doit(@_,@collect) if $#collect > -1;
-# Print something if the verbose flag is on.
-sub verbose_print {
- my $message=shift;
- if ($dh{VERBOSE}) {
- print "\t$message\n";
- }
-# Output an error message and die (can be caught).
-sub error {
- my $message=shift;
- die basename($0).": $message\n";
-# Output a warning.
-sub warning {
- my $message=shift;
- print STDERR basename($0).": $message\n";
-# Returns the basename of the argument passed to it.
-sub basename {
- my $fn=shift;
- $fn=~s/\/$//g; # ignore trailing slashes
- $fn=~s:^.*/(.*?)$:$1:;
- return $fn;
-# Returns the directory name of the argument passed to it.
-sub dirname {
- my $fn=shift;
- $fn=~s/\/$//g; # ignore trailing slashes
- $fn=~s:^(.*)/.*?$:$1:;
- return $fn;
-# Pass in a number, will return true iff the current compatibility level
-# is less than or equal to that number.
- my $warned_compat=0;
- my $c;
- sub compat {
- my $num=shift;
- my $nowarn=shift;
- if (! defined $c) {
- $c=1;
- if (-e 'debian/compat') {
- open (COMPAT_IN, "debian/compat") || error "debian/compat: $!";
- my $l=<COMPAT_IN>;
- close COMPAT_IN;
- if (! defined $l || ! length $l) {
- warning("debian/compat is empty, assuming level $c")
- unless defined $ENV{DH_COMPAT};
- }
- else {
- chomp $l;
- $c=$l;
- }
- }
- else {
- warning("No compatibility level specified in debian/compat");
- warning("This package will soon FTBFS; time to fix it!");
- }
- if (defined $ENV{DH_COMPAT}) {
- }
- }
- if ($c <= 4 && ! $warned_compat && ! $nowarn) {
- warning("Compatibility levels before 5 are deprecated (level $c in use)");
- $warned_compat=1;
- }
- if ($c > $max_compat) {
- error("Sorry, but $max_compat is the highest compatibility level supported by this debhelper.");
- }
- return ($c <= $num);
- }
-# Pass it a name of a binary package, it returns the name of the tmp dir to
-# use, for that package.
-sub tmpdir {
- my $package=shift;
- if ($dh{TMPDIR}) {
- return $dh{TMPDIR};
- }
- elsif (compat(1) && $package eq $dh{MAINPACKAGE}) {
- # This is for back-compatibility with the debian/tmp tradition.
- return "debian/tmp";
- }
- else {
- return "debian/$package";
- }
-# Pass this the name of a binary package, and the name of the file wanted
-# for the package, and it will return the actual existing filename to use.
-# It tries several filenames:
-# * debian/package.filename.buildarch
-# * debian/package.filename.buildos
-# * debian/package.filename
-# * debian/filename (if the package is the main package)
-# If --name was specified then the files
-# must have the name after the package name:
-# * debian/
-# * debian/
-# * debian/
-# * debian/name.filename (if the package is the main package)
-sub pkgfile {
- my $package=shift;
- my $filename=shift;
- if (defined $dh{NAME}) {
- $filename="$dh{NAME}.$filename";
- }
- # First, check for files ending in buildarch and buildos.
- my $match;
- foreach my $file (glob("debian/$package.$filename.*")) {
- next if ! -f $file;
- next if $dh{IGNORE} && exists $dh{IGNORE}->{$file};
- if ($file eq "debian/$package.$filename.".buildarch()) {
- $match=$file;
- # buildarch files are used in preference to buildos files.
- last;
- }
- elsif ($file eq "debian/$package.$filename.".buildos()) {
- $match=$file;
- }
- }
- return $match if defined $match;
- my @try=("debian/$package.$filename");
- if ($package eq $dh{MAINPACKAGE}) {
- push @try, "debian/$filename";
- }
- foreach my $file (@try) {
- if (-f $file &&
- (! $dh{IGNORE} || ! exists $dh{IGNORE}->{$file})) {
- return $file;
- }
- }
- return "";
-# Pass it a name of a binary package, it returns the name to prefix to files
-# in debian/ for this package.
-sub pkgext {
- my $package=shift;
- if (compat(1) and $package eq $dh{MAINPACKAGE}) {
- return "";
- }
- return "$package.";
-# Pass it the name of a binary package, it returns the name to install
-# files by in eg, etc. Normally this is the same, but --name can override
-# it.
-sub pkgfilename {
- my $package=shift;
- if (defined $dh{NAME}) {
- return $dh{NAME};
- }
- return $package;
-# Returns 1 if the package is a native debian package, null otherwise.
-# As a side effect, sets $dh{VERSION} to the version of this package.
- # Caches return code so it only needs to run dpkg-parsechangelog once.
- my %isnative_cache;
- sub isnative {
- my $package=shift;
- return $isnative_cache{$package} if defined $isnative_cache{$package};
- # Make sure we look at the correct changelog.
- my $isnative_changelog=pkgfile($package,"changelog");
- if (! $isnative_changelog) {
- $isnative_changelog="debian/changelog";
- }
- # Get the package version.
- my $version=`dpkg-parsechangelog -l$isnative_changelog`;
- ($dh{VERSION})=$version=~m/Version:\s*(.*)/m;
- # Did the changelog parse fail?
- if (! defined $dh{VERSION}) {
- error("changelog parse failure");
- }
- # Is this a native Debian package?
- if ($dh{VERSION}=~m/.*-/) {
- return $isnative_cache{$package}=0;
- }
- else {
- return $isnative_cache{$package}=1;
- }
- }
-# Automatically add a shell script snippet to a debian script.
-# Only works if the script has #DEBHELPER# in it.
-# Parameters:
-# 1: package
-# 2: script to add to
-# 3: filename of snippet
-# 4: either text: shell-quoted sed to run on the snippet. Ie, 's/#PACKAGE#/$PACKAGE/'
-# or a sub to run on each line of the snippet. Ie sub { s/#PACKAGE#/$PACKAGE/ }
-sub autoscript {
- my $package=shift;
- my $script=shift;
- my $filename=shift;
- my $sed=shift || "";
- # This is the file we will modify.
- my $outfile="debian/".pkgext($package)."$script.debhelper";
- # Figure out what shell script snippet to use.
- my $infile;
- if (defined($ENV{DH_AUTOSCRIPTDIR}) &&
- -e "$ENV{DH_AUTOSCRIPTDIR}/$filename") {
- $infile="$ENV{DH_AUTOSCRIPTDIR}/$filename";
- }
- else {
- if (-e "$prefix/share/debhelper/autoscripts/$filename") {
- $infile="$prefix/share/debhelper/autoscripts/$filename";
- }
- else {
- error("$prefix/share/debhelper/autoscripts/$filename does not exist");
- }
- }
- if (-e $outfile && ($script eq 'postrm' || $script eq 'prerm')
- && !compat(5)) {
- # Add fragments to top so they run in reverse order when removing.
- complex_doit("echo \"# Automatically added by ".basename($0)."\"> $");
- autoscript_sed($sed, $infile, "$");
- complex_doit("echo '# End automatically added section' >> $");
- complex_doit("cat $outfile >> $");
- complex_doit("mv $ $outfile");
- }
- else {
- complex_doit("echo \"# Automatically added by ".basename($0)."\">> $outfile");
- autoscript_sed($sed, $infile, $outfile);
- complex_doit("echo '# End automatically added section' >> $outfile");
- }
-sub autoscript_sed {
- my $sed = shift;
- my $infile = shift;
- my $outfile = shift;
- if (ref($sed) eq 'CODE') {
- open(IN, $infile) or die "$infile: $!";
- open(OUT, ">>$outfile") or die "$outfile: $!";
- while (<IN>) { $sed->(); print OUT }
- close(OUT) or die "$outfile: $!";
- close(IN) or die "$infile: $!";
- }
- else {
- complex_doit("sed \"$sed\" $infile >> $outfile");
- }
-# Removes a whole substvar line.
-sub delsubstvar {
- my $package=shift;
- my $substvar=shift;
- my $ext=pkgext($package);
- my $substvarfile="debian/${ext}substvars";
- if (-e $substvarfile) {
- complex_doit("grep -s -v '^${substvar}=' $substvarfile > $ || true");
- doit("mv", "$","$substvarfile");
- }
-# Adds a dependency on some package to the specified
-# substvar in a package's substvar's file.
-sub addsubstvar {
- my $package=shift;
- my $substvar=shift;
- my $deppackage=shift;
- my $verinfo=shift;
- my $remove=shift;
- my $ext=pkgext($package);
- my $substvarfile="debian/${ext}substvars";
- my $str=$deppackage;
- $str.=" ($verinfo)" if defined $verinfo && length $verinfo;
- # Figure out what the line will look like, based on what's there
- # now, and what we're to add or remove.
- my $line="";
- if (-e $substvarfile) {
- my %items;
- open(SUBSTVARS_IN, "$substvarfile") || error "read $substvarfile: $!";
- while (<SUBSTVARS_IN>) {
- chomp;
- if (/^\Q$substvar\E=(.*)/) {
- %items = map { $_ => 1} split(", ", $1);
- last;
- }
- }
- if (! $remove) {
- $items{$str}=1;
- }
- else {
- delete $items{$str};
- }
- $line=join(", ", sort keys %items);
- }
- elsif (! $remove) {
- $line=$str;
- }
- if (length $line) {
- complex_doit("(grep -s -v ${substvar} $substvarfile; echo ".escape_shell("${substvar}=$line").") > $");
- doit("mv", "$", $substvarfile);
- }
- else {
- delsubstvar($package,$substvar);
- }
-# Reads in the specified file, one line at a time. splits on words,
-# and returns an array of arrays of the contents.
-# If a value is passed in as the second parameter, then glob
-# expansion is done in the directory specified by the parameter ("." is
-# frequently a good choice).
-sub filedoublearray {
- my $file=shift;
- my $globdir=shift;
- # executable config files are a v9 thing.
- my $x=! compat(8) && -x $file;
- if ($x) {
- require Cwd;
- my $cmd=Cwd::abs_path($file);
- open (DH_FARRAY_IN, "$cmd |") || error("cannot run $file: $!");
- }
- else {
- open (DH_FARRAY_IN, $file) || error("cannot read $file: $!");
- }
- my @ret;
- while (<DH_FARRAY_IN>) {
- chomp;
- # Only ignore comments and empty lines in v5 mode.
- if (! compat(4) && ! $x) {
- next if /^#/ || /^$/;
- }
- my @line;
- # Only do glob expansion in v3 mode.
- #
- # The tricky bit is that the glob expansion is done
- # as if we were in the specified directory, so the
- # filenames that come out are relative to it.
- if (defined $globdir && ! compat(2) && ! $x) {
- foreach (map { glob "$globdir/$_" } split) {
- s#^$globdir/##;
- push @line, $_;
- }
- }
- else {
- @line = split;
- }
- push @ret, [@line];
- }
- close DH_FARRAY_IN || error("problem reading $file: $!");
- return @ret;
-# Reads in the specified file, one word at a time, and returns an array of
-# the result. Can do globbing as does filedoublearray.
-sub filearray {
- return map { @$_ } filedoublearray(@_);
-# Passed a filename, returns true if -X says that file should be excluded.
-sub excludefile {
- my $filename = shift;
- foreach my $f (@{$dh{EXCLUDE}}) {
- return 1 if $filename =~ /\Q$f\E/;
- }
- return 0;
- my %dpkg_arch_output;
- sub dpkg_architecture_value {
- my $var = shift;
- if (! exists($dpkg_arch_output{$var})) {
- local $_;
- open(PIPE, '-|', 'dpkg-architecture')
- or error("dpkg-architecture failed");
- while (<PIPE>) {
- chomp;
- my ($k, $v) = split(/=/, $_, 2);
- $dpkg_arch_output{$k} = $v;
- }
- close(PIPE);
- }
- return $dpkg_arch_output{$var};
- }
-# Returns the build architecture.
-sub buildarch {
- dpkg_architecture_value('DEB_HOST_ARCH');
-# Returns the build OS.
-sub buildos {
- dpkg_architecture_value("DEB_HOST_ARCH_OS");
-# Passed an arch and a list of arches to match against, returns true if matched
- my %knownsame;
- sub samearch {
- my $arch=shift;
- my @archlist=split(/\s+/,shift);
- foreach my $a (@archlist) {
- # Avoid expensive dpkg-architecture call to compare
- # with a simple architecture name. "linux-any" and
- # other architecture wildcards are (currently)
- # always hypenated.
- if ($a !~ /-/) {
- return 1 if $arch eq $a;
- }
- elsif (exists $knownsame{$arch}{$a}) {
- return 1 if $knownsame{$arch}{$a};
- }
- elsif (system("dpkg-architecture", "-a$arch", "-i$a") == 0) {
- return $knownsame{$arch}{$a}=1;
- }
- else {
- $knownsame{$arch}{$a}=0;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
-# Returns source package name
-sub sourcepackage {
- open (CONTROL, 'debian/control') ||
- error("cannot read debian/control: $!\n");
- while (<CONTROL>) {
- chomp;
- s/\s+$//;
- if (/^Source:\s*(.*)/) {
- close CONTROL;
- return $1;
- }
- }
- close CONTROL;
- error("could not find Source: line in control file.");
-# Returns a list of packages in the control file.
-# Pass "arch" or "indep" to specify arch-dependant (that will be built
-# for the system's arch) or independant. If nothing is specified,
-# returns all packages. Also, "both" returns the union of "arch" and "indep"
-# packages.
-# As a side effect, populates %package_arches and %package_types
-# with the types of all packages (not only those returned).
-my (%package_types, %package_arches);
-sub getpackages {
- my $type=shift;
- %package_types=();
- %package_arches=();
- $type="" if ! defined $type;
- my $package="";
- my $arch="";
- my $package_type;
- my @list=();
- my %seen;
- my @profiles=();
- my $included_in_build_profile;
- if (exists $ENV{'DEB_BUILD_PROFILES'}) {
- @profiles=split /\s+/, $ENV{'DEB_BUILD_PROFILES'};
- }
- open (CONTROL, 'debian/control') ||
- error("cannot read debian/control: $!\n");
- while (<CONTROL>) {
- chomp;
- s/\s+$//;
- if (/^Package:\s*(.*)/) {
- $package=$1;
- # Detect duplicate package names in the same control file.
- if (! $seen{$package}) {
- $seen{$package}=1;
- }
- else {
- error("debian/control has a duplicate entry for $package");
- }
- $package_type="deb";
- $included_in_build_profile=1;
- }
- if (/^Architecture:\s*(.*)/) {
- $arch=$1;
- }
- if (/^(?:X[BC]*-)?Package-Type:\s*(.*)/) {
- $package_type=$1;
- }
- # rely on libdpkg-perl providing the parsing functions because
- # if we work on a package with a Build-Profiles field, then a
- # high enough version of dpkg-dev is needed anyways
- if (/^Build-Profiles:\s*(.*)/) {
- my $build_profiles=$1;
- eval {
- require Dpkg::BuildProfiles;
- my @restrictions=Dpkg::BuildProfiles::parse_build_profiles($build_profiles);
- if (@restrictions) {
- $included_in_build_profile=Dpkg::BuildProfiles::evaluate_restriction_formula(\@restrictions, \@profiles);
- }
- };
- if ($@) {
- error("The control file has a Build-Profiles field. Requires libdpkg-perl >= 1.17.14");
- }
- }
- if (!$_ or eof) { # end of stanza.
- if ($package) {
- $package_types{$package}=$package_type;
- $package_arches{$package}=$arch;
- }
- if ($package && $included_in_build_profile &&
- ((($type eq 'indep' || $type eq 'both') && $arch eq 'all') ||
- (($type eq 'arch' || $type eq 'both') &&
- ($arch eq 'any' ||
- ($arch ne 'all' && samearch(buildarch(), $arch))
- )
- ) || ! $type)
- ) {
- push @list, $package;
- $package="";
- $arch="";
- }
- }
- }
- close CONTROL;
- return @list;
-# Returns the arch a package will build for.
-sub package_arch {
- my $package=shift;
- if (! exists $package_arches{$package}) {
- warning "package $package is not in control info";
- return buildarch();
- }
- return $package_arches{$package} eq 'all' ? "all" : buildarch();
-# Return true if a given package is really a udeb.
-sub is_udeb {
- my $package=shift;
- if (! exists $package_types{$package}) {
- warning "package $package is not in control info";
- return 0;
- }
- return $package_types{$package} eq 'udeb';
-# Generates the filename that is used for a udeb package.
-sub udeb_filename {
- my $package=shift;
- my $filearch=package_arch($package);
- isnative($package); # side effect
- my $version=$dh{VERSION};
- $version=~s/^[0-9]+://; # strip any epoch
- return "${package}_${version}_$filearch.udeb";
-# Handles #DEBHELPER# substitution in a script; also can generate a new
-# script from scratch if none exists but there is a .debhelper file for it.
-sub debhelper_script_subst {
- my $package=shift;
- my $script=shift;
- my $tmp=tmpdir($package);
- my $ext=pkgext($package);
- my $file=pkgfile($package,$script);
- if ($file ne '') {
- if (-f "debian/$ext$script.debhelper") {
- # Add this into the script, where it has #DEBHELPER#
- complex_doit("perl -pe 's~#DEBHELPER#~qx{cat debian/$ext$script.debhelper}~eg' < $file > $tmp/DEBIAN/$script");
- }
- else {
- # Just get rid of any #DEBHELPER# in the script.
- complex_doit("sed s/#DEBHELPER#// < $file > $tmp/DEBIAN/$script");
- }
- doit("chown","0:0","$tmp/DEBIAN/$script");
- doit("chmod",755,"$tmp/DEBIAN/$script");
- }
- elsif ( -f "debian/$ext$script.debhelper" ) {
- complex_doit("printf '#!/bin/sh\nset -e\n' > $tmp/DEBIAN/$script");
- complex_doit("cat debian/$ext$script.debhelper >> $tmp/DEBIAN/$script");
- doit("chown","0:0","$tmp/DEBIAN/$script");
- doit("chmod",755,"$tmp/DEBIAN/$script");
- }
-# Checks if make's jobserver is enabled via MAKEFLAGS, but
-# the FD used to communicate with it is actually not available.
-sub is_make_jobserver_unavailable {
- if (exists $ENV{MAKEFLAGS} &&
- $ENV{MAKEFLAGS} =~ /(?:^|\s)--jobserver-fds=(\d+)/) {
- if (!open(my $in, "<&$1")) {
- return 1; # unavailable
- }
- else {
- close $in;
- return 0; # available
- }
- }
- return; # no jobserver specified
-# Cleans out jobserver options from MAKEFLAGS.
-sub clean_jobserver_makeflags {
- if (exists $ENV{MAKEFLAGS}) {
- if ($ENV{MAKEFLAGS} =~ /(?:^|\s)--jobserver-fds=(\d+)/) {
- $ENV{MAKEFLAGS} =~ s/(?:^|\s)--jobserver-fds=\S+//g;
- $ENV{MAKEFLAGS} =~ s/(?:^|\s)-j\b//g;
- }
- delete $ENV{MAKEFLAGS} if $ENV{MAKEFLAGS} =~ /^\s*$/;
- }
-# If cross-compiling, returns appropriate cross version of command.
-sub cross_command {
- my $command=shift;
- if (dpkg_architecture_value("DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE")
- ne dpkg_architecture_value("DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE")) {
- return dpkg_architecture_value("DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE")."-$command";
- }
- else {
- return $command;
- }
-# Sets environment variables from dpkg-buildflags. Avoids changing
-# any existing environment variables.
-sub set_buildflags {
- return if $ENV{DH_INTERNAL_BUILDFLAGS} || compat(8);
- eval "use Dpkg::BuildFlags";
- if ($@) {
- warning "unable to load build flags: $@";
- return;
- }
- my $buildflags = Dpkg::BuildFlags->new();
- $buildflags->load_config();
- foreach my $flag ($buildflags->list()) {
- next unless $flag =~ /^[A-Z]/; # Skip flags starting with lowercase
- if (! exists $ENV{$flag}) {
- $ENV{$flag} = $buildflags->get($flag);
- }
- }
-# Gets a DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS option, if set.
-sub get_buildoption {
- my $wanted=shift;
- return undef unless exists $ENV{DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS};
- foreach my $opt (split(/\s+/, $ENV{DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS})) {
- # currently parallel= is the only one with a parameter
- if ($opt =~ /^parallel=(-?\d+)$/ && $wanted eq 'parallel') {
- return $1;
- }
- elsif ($opt eq $wanted) {
- return 1;
- }
- }