path: root/debian-el-loaddefs.el
diff options
authorpsg <>2003-10-31 03:41:56 +0000
committerpsg <>2003-10-31 03:41:56 +0000
commit258af85a396dc0ebbd50eb83fa0096264c00b773 (patch)
treeddf8ba17c5ea7bdfd2f066c26df8aaa6d807c696 /debian-el-loaddefs.el
parent3e567c74cec2c0a4331aa0100db8204e9ca98f2e (diff)
deb-view.el: I'm now maintaining this file. New version supports customization.
Diffstat (limited to 'debian-el-loaddefs.el')
1 files changed, 43 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/debian-el-loaddefs.el b/debian-el-loaddefs.el
index 57740cd..aa45651 100644
--- a/debian-el-loaddefs.el
+++ b/debian-el-loaddefs.el
@@ -4,6 +4,18 @@
(provide 'debian-el-loaddefs)
+;;;### (autoloads (apt-sources-mode) "apt-sources" "apt-sources.el"
+;;;;;; (16284 30712))
+;;; Generated autoloads from apt-sources.el
+(autoload (quote apt-sources-mode) "apt-sources" "\
+Major mode for editing apt's sources.list file.
+Sets up command `font-lock-mode'.
+\\{apt-sources-mode-map}" t nil)
;;;### (autoloads (apt-utils-search apt-utils-show-package) "apt-utils"
;;;;;; "apt-utils.el" (16120 61272))
;;; Generated autoloads from apt-utils.el
@@ -18,11 +30,41 @@ To search for multiple patterns use a string like \"foo&&bar\"." t nil)
+;;;### (autoloads (deb-find deb-view-mode deb-view deb-view-dired-view)
+;;;;;; "deb-view" "deb-view.el" (16289 55313))
+;;; Generated autoloads from deb-view.el
+(autoload (quote deb-view-dired-view) "deb-view" "\
+View Debian package control and data files.
+Press \"q\" in either window to kill both buffers
+and return to the dired buffer. See deb-view." t nil)
+(autoload (quote deb-view) "deb-view" "\
+View Debian package DEBFILE's control and data files.
+Press \"q\" in either window to kill both buffers.
+In dired, press ^d on the dired line of the .deb file to view.
+Or, execute: ESCAPE x deb-view RETURN, and enter the .deb file name
+at the prompt." t nil)
+(autoload (quote deb-view-mode) "deb-view" "\
+View mode for Debian Archive Files." t nil)
+(autoload (quote deb-find) "deb-view" "\
+Search for deb files.
+Use the method specified by the variable deb-find-method, and collect
+output in a buffer. See also the variable deb-find-directory.
+This command uses a special history list, so you can
+easily repeat a `deb-find' command." t nil)
;;;### (autoloads (debian-bug debian-bug-get-bug-as-email debian-bug-get-bug-as-file
;;;;;; debian-bug-web-package debian-bug-web-packages debian-bug-web-this-bug-under-mouse
;;;;;; debian-bug-web-this-bug debian-bug-web-bug debian-bug-web-bugs
;;;;;; debian-bug-intent-to-package debian-bug-request-for-package
-;;;;;; debian-bug-wnpp) "debian-bug" "debian-bug.el" (16248 63225))
+;;;;;; debian-bug-wnpp) "debian-bug" "debian-bug.el" (16262 3361))
;;; Generated autoloads from debian-bug.el
(autoload (quote debian-bug-wnpp) "debian-bug" "\