path: root/compose/config
diff options
authorFelipe Sateler <>2017-11-19 18:27:48 -0300
committerFelipe Sateler <>2017-11-19 18:27:48 -0300
commita997ae5b1840f2878b16443bd8e3c784d23ba9ac (patch)
tree35a232d0ad24ed27ccc2ad4dfa45f7c7496f55b3 /compose/config
Import docker-compose_1.17.1.orig.tar.gz
[dgit import orig docker-compose_1.17.1.orig.tar.gz]
Diffstat (limited to 'compose/config')
20 files changed, 7458 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compose/config/ b/compose/config/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b629edf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compose/config/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# flake8: noqa
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from . import environment
+from .config import ConfigurationError
+from .config import DOCKER_CONFIG_KEYS
+from .config import find
+from .config import load
+from .config import merge_environment
+from .config import parse_environment
+from .config import resolve_build_args
diff --git a/compose/config/ b/compose/config/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d5aaf953
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compose/config/
@@ -0,0 +1,1306 @@
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import functools
+import logging
+import os
+import string
+import sys
+from collections import namedtuple
+import six
+import yaml
+from cached_property import cached_property
+from . import types
+from .. import const
+from ..const import COMPOSEFILE_V1 as V1
+from ..const import COMPOSEFILE_V2_1 as V2_1
+from ..const import COMPOSEFILE_V3_0 as V3_0
+from ..const import COMPOSEFILE_V3_4 as V3_4
+from ..utils import build_string_dict
+from ..utils import parse_bytes
+from ..utils import parse_nanoseconds_int
+from ..utils import splitdrive
+from ..version import ComposeVersion
+from .environment import env_vars_from_file
+from .environment import Environment
+from .environment import split_env
+from .errors import CircularReference
+from .errors import ComposeFileNotFound
+from .errors import ConfigurationError
+from .errors import DuplicateOverrideFileFound
+from .errors import VERSION_EXPLANATION
+from .interpolation import interpolate_environment_variables
+from .sort_services import get_container_name_from_network_mode
+from .sort_services import get_service_name_from_network_mode
+from .sort_services import sort_service_dicts
+from .types import parse_extra_hosts
+from .types import parse_restart_spec
+from .types import ServiceLink
+from .types import ServicePort
+from .types import VolumeFromSpec
+from .types import VolumeSpec
+from .validation import match_named_volumes
+from .validation import validate_against_config_schema
+from .validation import validate_config_section
+from .validation import validate_cpu
+from .validation import validate_depends_on
+from .validation import validate_extends_file_path
+from .validation import validate_links
+from .validation import validate_network_mode
+from .validation import validate_pid_mode
+from .validation import validate_service_constraints
+from .validation import validate_top_level_object
+from .validation import validate_ulimits
+ 'cap_add',
+ 'cap_drop',
+ 'cgroup_parent',
+ 'command',
+ 'cpu_count',
+ 'cpu_percent',
+ 'cpu_quota',
+ 'cpu_shares',
+ 'cpus',
+ 'cpuset',
+ 'detach',
+ 'devices',
+ 'dns',
+ 'dns_search',
+ 'dns_opt',
+ 'domainname',
+ 'entrypoint',
+ 'env_file',
+ 'environment',
+ 'extra_hosts',
+ 'group_add',
+ 'hostname',
+ 'healthcheck',
+ 'image',
+ 'ipc',
+ 'labels',
+ 'links',
+ 'mac_address',
+ 'mem_limit',
+ 'mem_reservation',
+ 'memswap_limit',
+ 'mem_swappiness',
+ 'net',
+ 'oom_score_adj',
+ 'pid',
+ 'ports',
+ 'privileged',
+ 'read_only',
+ 'restart',
+ 'secrets',
+ 'security_opt',
+ 'shm_size',
+ 'pids_limit',
+ 'stdin_open',
+ 'stop_signal',
+ 'sysctls',
+ 'tty',
+ 'user',
+ 'userns_mode',
+ 'volume_driver',
+ 'volumes',
+ 'volumes_from',
+ 'working_dir',
+ 'blkio_config',
+ 'build',
+ 'container_name',
+ 'credential_spec',
+ 'dockerfile',
+ 'log_driver',
+ 'log_opt',
+ 'logging',
+ 'network_mode',
+ 'init',
+ 'scale',
+ 'http://',
+ 'https://',
+ 'git://',
+ '',
+ 'git@',
+ 'docker-compose.yml',
+ 'docker-compose.yaml',
+DEFAULT_OVERRIDE_FILENAMES = ('docker-compose.override.yml', 'docker-compose.override.yaml')
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class ConfigDetails(namedtuple('_ConfigDetails', 'working_dir config_files environment')):
+ """
+ :param working_dir: the directory to use for relative paths in the config
+ :type working_dir: string
+ :param config_files: list of configuration files to load
+ :type config_files: list of :class:`ConfigFile`
+ :param environment: computed environment values for this project
+ :type environment: :class:`environment.Environment`
+ """
+ def __new__(cls, working_dir, config_files, environment=None):
+ if environment is None:
+ environment = Environment.from_env_file(working_dir)
+ return super(ConfigDetails, cls).__new__(
+ cls, working_dir, config_files, environment
+ )
+class ConfigFile(namedtuple('_ConfigFile', 'filename config')):
+ """
+ :param filename: filename of the config file
+ :type filename: string
+ :param config: contents of the config file
+ :type config: :class:`dict`
+ """
+ @classmethod
+ def from_filename(cls, filename):
+ return cls(filename, load_yaml(filename))
+ @cached_property
+ def version(self):
+ if 'version' not in self.config:
+ return V1
+ version = self.config['version']
+ if isinstance(version, dict):
+ log.warn('Unexpected type for "version" key in "{}". Assuming '
+ '"version" is the name of a service, and defaulting to '
+ 'Compose file version 1.'.format(self.filename))
+ return V1
+ if not isinstance(version, six.string_types):
+ raise ConfigurationError(
+ 'Version in "{}" is invalid - it should be a string.'
+ .format(self.filename))
+ if version == '1':
+ raise ConfigurationError(
+ 'Version in "{}" is invalid. {}'
+ .format(self.filename, VERSION_EXPLANATION)
+ )
+ if version == '2':
+ return const.COMPOSEFILE_V2_0
+ if version == '3':
+ return const.COMPOSEFILE_V3_0
+ return ComposeVersion(version)
+ def get_service(self, name):
+ return self.get_service_dicts()[name]
+ def get_service_dicts(self):
+ return self.config if self.version == V1 else self.config.get('services', {})
+ def get_volumes(self):
+ return {} if self.version == V1 else self.config.get('volumes', {})
+ def get_networks(self):
+ return {} if self.version == V1 else self.config.get('networks', {})
+ def get_secrets(self):
+ return {} if self.version < const.COMPOSEFILE_V3_1 else self.config.get('secrets', {})
+ def get_configs(self):
+ return {} if self.version < const.COMPOSEFILE_V3_3 else self.config.get('configs', {})
+class Config(namedtuple('_Config', 'version services volumes networks secrets configs')):
+ """
+ :param version: configuration version
+ :type version: int
+ :param services: List of service description dictionaries
+ :type services: :class:`list`
+ :param volumes: Dictionary mapping volume names to description dictionaries
+ :type volumes: :class:`dict`
+ :param networks: Dictionary mapping network names to description dictionaries
+ :type networks: :class:`dict`
+ :param secrets: Dictionary mapping secret names to description dictionaries
+ :type secrets: :class:`dict`
+ :param configs: Dictionary mapping config names to description dictionaries
+ :type configs: :class:`dict`
+ """
+class ServiceConfig(namedtuple('_ServiceConfig', 'working_dir filename name config')):
+ @classmethod
+ def with_abs_paths(cls, working_dir, filename, name, config):
+ if not working_dir:
+ raise ValueError("No working_dir for ServiceConfig.")
+ return cls(
+ os.path.abspath(working_dir),
+ os.path.abspath(filename) if filename else filename,
+ name,
+ config)
+def find(base_dir, filenames, environment, override_dir=None):
+ if filenames == ['-']:
+ return ConfigDetails(
+ os.path.abspath(override_dir) if override_dir else os.getcwd(),
+ [ConfigFile(None, yaml.safe_load(sys.stdin))],
+ environment
+ )
+ if filenames:
+ filenames = [os.path.join(base_dir, f) for f in filenames]
+ else:
+ filenames = get_default_config_files(base_dir)
+ log.debug("Using configuration files: {}".format(",".join(filenames)))
+ return ConfigDetails(
+ override_dir if override_dir else os.path.dirname(filenames[0]),
+ [ConfigFile.from_filename(f) for f in filenames],
+ environment
+ )
+def validate_config_version(config_files):
+ main_file = config_files[0]
+ validate_top_level_object(main_file)
+ for next_file in config_files[1:]:
+ validate_top_level_object(next_file)
+ if main_file.version != next_file.version:
+ raise ConfigurationError(
+ "Version mismatch: file {0} specifies version {1} but "
+ "extension file {2} uses version {3}".format(
+ main_file.filename,
+ main_file.version,
+ next_file.filename,
+ next_file.version))
+def get_default_config_files(base_dir):
+ (candidates, path) = find_candidates_in_parent_dirs(SUPPORTED_FILENAMES, base_dir)
+ if not candidates:
+ raise ComposeFileNotFound(SUPPORTED_FILENAMES)
+ winner = candidates[0]
+ if len(candidates) > 1:
+ log.warn("Found multiple config files with supported names: %s", ", ".join(candidates))
+ log.warn("Using %s\n", winner)
+ return [os.path.join(path, winner)] + get_default_override_file(path)
+def get_default_override_file(path):
+ override_files_in_path = [os.path.join(path, override_filename) for override_filename
+ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, override_filename))]
+ if len(override_files_in_path) > 1:
+ raise DuplicateOverrideFileFound(override_files_in_path)
+ return override_files_in_path
+def find_candidates_in_parent_dirs(filenames, path):
+ """
+ Given a directory path to start, looks for filenames in the
+ directory, and then each parent directory successively,
+ until found.
+ Returns tuple (candidates, path).
+ """
+ candidates = [filename for filename in filenames
+ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, filename))]
+ if not candidates:
+ parent_dir = os.path.join(path, '..')
+ if os.path.abspath(parent_dir) != os.path.abspath(path):
+ return find_candidates_in_parent_dirs(filenames, parent_dir)
+ return (candidates, path)
+def check_swarm_only_config(service_dicts):
+ warning_template = (
+ "Some services ({services}) use the '{key}' key, which will be ignored. "
+ "Compose does not support '{key}' configuration - use "
+ "`docker stack deploy` to deploy to a swarm."
+ )
+ def check_swarm_only_key(service_dicts, key):
+ services = [s for s in service_dicts if s.get(key)]
+ if services:
+ log.warn(
+ warning_template.format(
+ services=", ".join(sorted(s['name'] for s in services)),
+ key=key
+ )
+ )
+ check_swarm_only_key(service_dicts, 'deploy')
+ check_swarm_only_key(service_dicts, 'credential_spec')
+ check_swarm_only_key(service_dicts, 'configs')
+def load(config_details):
+ """Load the configuration from a working directory and a list of
+ configuration files. Files are loaded in order, and merged on top
+ of each other to create the final configuration.
+ Return a fully interpolated, extended and validated configuration.
+ """
+ validate_config_version(config_details.config_files)
+ processed_files = [
+ process_config_file(config_file, config_details.environment)
+ for config_file in config_details.config_files
+ ]
+ config_details = config_details._replace(config_files=processed_files)
+ main_file = config_details.config_files[0]
+ volumes = load_mapping(
+ config_details.config_files, 'get_volumes', 'Volume'
+ )
+ networks = load_mapping(
+ config_details.config_files, 'get_networks', 'Network'
+ )
+ secrets = load_mapping(
+ config_details.config_files, 'get_secrets', 'Secret', config_details.working_dir
+ )
+ configs = load_mapping(
+ config_details.config_files, 'get_configs', 'Config', config_details.working_dir
+ )
+ service_dicts = load_services(config_details, main_file)
+ if main_file.version != V1:
+ for service_dict in service_dicts:
+ match_named_volumes(service_dict, volumes)
+ check_swarm_only_config(service_dicts)
+ return Config(main_file.version, service_dicts, volumes, networks, secrets, configs)
+def load_mapping(config_files, get_func, entity_type, working_dir=None):
+ mapping = {}
+ for config_file in config_files:
+ for name, config in getattr(config_file, get_func)().items():
+ mapping[name] = config or {}
+ if not config:
+ continue
+ external = config.get('external')
+ if external:
+ name_field = 'name' if entity_type == 'Volume' else 'external_name'
+ validate_external(entity_type, name, config, config_file.version)
+ if isinstance(external, dict):
+ config[name_field] = external.get('name')
+ elif not config.get('name'):
+ config[name_field] = name
+ if 'driver_opts' in config:
+ config['driver_opts'] = build_string_dict(
+ config['driver_opts']
+ )
+ if 'labels' in config:
+ config['labels'] = parse_labels(config['labels'])
+ if 'file' in config:
+ config['file'] = expand_path(working_dir, config['file'])
+ return mapping
+def validate_external(entity_type, name, config, version):
+ if (version < V2_1 or (version >= V3_0 and version < V3_4)) and len(config.keys()) > 1:
+ raise ConfigurationError(
+ "{} {} declared as external but specifies additional attributes "
+ "({}).".format(
+ entity_type, name, ', '.join(k for k in config if k != 'external')))
+def load_services(config_details, config_file):
+ def build_service(service_name, service_dict, service_names):
+ service_config = ServiceConfig.with_abs_paths(
+ config_details.working_dir,
+ config_file.filename,
+ service_name,
+ service_dict)
+ resolver = ServiceExtendsResolver(
+ service_config, config_file, environment=config_details.environment
+ )
+ service_dict = process_service(
+ service_config = service_config._replace(config=service_dict)
+ validate_service(service_config, service_names, config_file)
+ service_dict = finalize_service(
+ service_config,
+ service_names,
+ config_file.version,
+ config_details.environment)
+ return service_dict
+ def build_services(service_config):
+ service_names = service_config.keys()
+ return sort_service_dicts([
+ build_service(name, service_dict, service_names)
+ for name, service_dict in service_config.items()
+ ])
+ def merge_services(base, override):
+ all_service_names = set(base) | set(override)
+ return {
+ name: merge_service_dicts_from_files(
+ base.get(name, {}),
+ override.get(name, {}),
+ config_file.version)
+ for name in all_service_names
+ }
+ service_configs = [
+ file.get_service_dicts() for file in config_details.config_files
+ ]
+ service_config = service_configs[0]
+ for next_config in service_configs[1:]:
+ service_config = merge_services(service_config, next_config)
+ return build_services(service_config)
+def interpolate_config_section(config_file, config, section, environment):
+ validate_config_section(config_file.filename, config, section)
+ return interpolate_environment_variables(
+ config_file.version,
+ config,
+ section,
+ environment
+ )
+def process_config_file(config_file, environment, service_name=None):
+ services = interpolate_config_section(
+ config_file,
+ config_file.get_service_dicts(),
+ 'service',
+ environment)
+ if config_file.version > V1:
+ processed_config = dict(config_file.config)
+ processed_config['services'] = services
+ processed_config['volumes'] = interpolate_config_section(
+ config_file,
+ config_file.get_volumes(),
+ 'volume',
+ environment)
+ processed_config['networks'] = interpolate_config_section(
+ config_file,
+ config_file.get_networks(),
+ 'network',
+ environment)
+ if config_file.version >= const.COMPOSEFILE_V3_1:
+ processed_config['secrets'] = interpolate_config_section(
+ config_file,
+ config_file.get_secrets(),
+ 'secrets',
+ environment)
+ if config_file.version >= const.COMPOSEFILE_V3_3:
+ processed_config['configs'] = interpolate_config_section(
+ config_file,
+ config_file.get_configs(),
+ 'configs',
+ environment
+ )
+ else:
+ processed_config = services
+ config_file = config_file._replace(config=processed_config)
+ validate_against_config_schema(config_file)
+ if service_name and service_name not in services:
+ raise ConfigurationError(
+ "Cannot extend service '{}' in {}: Service not found".format(
+ service_name, config_file.filename))
+ return config_file
+class ServiceExtendsResolver(object):
+ def __init__(self, service_config, config_file, environment, already_seen=None):
+ self.service_config = service_config
+ self.working_dir = service_config.working_dir
+ self.already_seen = already_seen or []
+ self.config_file = config_file
+ self.environment = environment
+ @property
+ def signature(self):
+ return self.service_config.filename,
+ def detect_cycle(self):
+ if self.signature in self.already_seen:
+ raise CircularReference(self.already_seen + [self.signature])
+ def run(self):
+ self.detect_cycle()
+ if 'extends' in self.service_config.config:
+ service_dict = self.resolve_extends(*self.validate_and_construct_extends())
+ return self.service_config._replace(config=service_dict)
+ return self.service_config
+ def validate_and_construct_extends(self):
+ extends = self.service_config.config['extends']
+ if not isinstance(extends, dict):
+ extends = {'service': extends}
+ config_path = self.get_extended_config_path(extends)
+ service_name = extends['service']
+ if config_path == self.config_file.filename:
+ try:
+ service_config = self.config_file.get_service(service_name)
+ except KeyError:
+ raise ConfigurationError(
+ "Cannot extend service '{}' in {}: Service not found".format(
+ service_name, config_path)
+ )
+ else:
+ extends_file = ConfigFile.from_filename(config_path)
+ validate_config_version([self.config_file, extends_file])
+ extended_file = process_config_file(
+ extends_file, self.environment, service_name=service_name
+ )
+ service_config = extended_file.get_service(service_name)
+ return config_path, service_config, service_name
+ def resolve_extends(self, extended_config_path, service_dict, service_name):
+ resolver = ServiceExtendsResolver(
+ ServiceConfig.with_abs_paths(
+ os.path.dirname(extended_config_path),
+ extended_config_path,
+ service_name,
+ service_dict),
+ self.config_file,
+ already_seen=self.already_seen + [self.signature],
+ environment=self.environment
+ )
+ service_config =
+ other_service_dict = process_service(service_config)
+ validate_extended_service_dict(
+ other_service_dict,
+ extended_config_path,
+ service_name)
+ return merge_service_dicts(
+ other_service_dict,
+ self.service_config.config,
+ self.config_file.version)
+ def get_extended_config_path(self, extends_options):
+ """Service we are extending either has a value for 'file' set, which we
+ need to obtain a full path too or we are extending from a service
+ defined in our own file.
+ """
+ filename = self.service_config.filename
+ validate_extends_file_path(
+ extends_options,
+ filename)
+ if 'file' in extends_options:
+ return expand_path(self.working_dir, extends_options['file'])
+ return filename
+def resolve_environment(service_dict, environment=None):
+ """Unpack any environment variables from an env_file, if set.
+ Interpolate environment values if set.
+ """
+ env = {}
+ for env_file in service_dict.get('env_file', []):
+ env.update(env_vars_from_file(env_file))
+ env.update(parse_environment(service_dict.get('environment')))
+ return dict(resolve_env_var(k, v, environment) for k, v in six.iteritems(env))
+def resolve_build_args(buildargs, environment):
+ args = parse_build_arguments(buildargs)
+ return dict(resolve_env_var(k, v, environment) for k, v in six.iteritems(args))
+def validate_extended_service_dict(service_dict, filename, service):
+ error_prefix = "Cannot extend service '%s' in %s:" % (service, filename)
+ if 'links' in service_dict:
+ raise ConfigurationError(
+ "%s services with 'links' cannot be extended" % error_prefix)
+ if 'volumes_from' in service_dict:
+ raise ConfigurationError(
+ "%s services with 'volumes_from' cannot be extended" % error_prefix)
+ if 'net' in service_dict:
+ if get_container_name_from_network_mode(service_dict['net']):
+ raise ConfigurationError(
+ "%s services with 'net: container' cannot be extended" % error_prefix)
+ if 'network_mode' in service_dict:
+ if get_service_name_from_network_mode(service_dict['network_mode']):
+ raise ConfigurationError(
+ "%s services with 'network_mode: service' cannot be extended" % error_prefix)
+ if 'depends_on' in service_dict:
+ raise ConfigurationError(
+ "%s services with 'depends_on' cannot be extended" % error_prefix)
+def validate_service(service_config, service_names, config_file):
+ service_dict, service_name = service_config.config,
+ validate_service_constraints(service_dict, service_name, config_file)
+ validate_paths(service_dict)
+ validate_cpu(service_config)
+ validate_ulimits(service_config)
+ validate_network_mode(service_config, service_names)
+ validate_pid_mode(service_config, service_names)
+ validate_depends_on(service_config, service_names)
+ validate_links(service_config, service_names)
+ if not service_dict.get('image') and has_uppercase(service_name):
+ raise ConfigurationError(
+ "Service '{name}' contains uppercase characters which are not valid "
+ "as part of an image name. Either use a lowercase service name or "
+ "use the `image` field to set a custom name for the service image."
+ .format(name=service_name))
+def process_service(service_config):
+ working_dir = service_config.working_dir
+ service_dict = dict(service_config.config)
+ if 'env_file' in service_dict:
+ service_dict['env_file'] = [
+ expand_path(working_dir, path)
+ for path in to_list(service_dict['env_file'])
+ ]
+ if 'build' in service_dict:
+ process_build_section(service_dict, working_dir)
+ if 'volumes' in service_dict and service_dict.get('volume_driver') is None:
+ service_dict['volumes'] = resolve_volume_paths(working_dir, service_dict)
+ if 'sysctls' in service_dict:
+ service_dict['sysctls'] = build_string_dict(parse_sysctls(service_dict['sysctls']))
+ if 'labels' in service_dict:
+ service_dict['labels'] = parse_labels(service_dict['labels'])
+ service_dict = process_depends_on(service_dict)
+ for field in ['dns', 'dns_search', 'tmpfs']:
+ if field in service_dict:
+ service_dict[field] = to_list(service_dict[field])
+ service_dict = process_blkio_config(process_ports(
+ process_healthcheck(service_dict,
+ ))
+ return service_dict
+def process_build_section(service_dict, working_dir):
+ if isinstance(service_dict['build'], six.string_types):
+ service_dict['build'] = resolve_build_path(working_dir, service_dict['build'])
+ elif isinstance(service_dict['build'], dict):
+ if 'context' in service_dict['build']:
+ path = service_dict['build']['context']
+ service_dict['build']['context'] = resolve_build_path(working_dir, path)
+ if 'labels' in service_dict['build']:
+ service_dict['build']['labels'] = parse_labels(service_dict['build']['labels'])
+def process_ports(service_dict):
+ if 'ports' not in service_dict:
+ return service_dict
+ ports = []
+ for port_definition in service_dict['ports']:
+ if isinstance(port_definition, ServicePort):
+ ports.append(port_definition)
+ else:
+ ports.extend(ServicePort.parse(port_definition))
+ service_dict['ports'] = ports
+ return service_dict
+def process_depends_on(service_dict):
+ if 'depends_on' in service_dict and not isinstance(service_dict['depends_on'], dict):
+ service_dict['depends_on'] = dict([
+ (svc, {'condition': 'service_started'}) for svc in service_dict['depends_on']
+ ])
+ return service_dict
+def process_blkio_config(service_dict):
+ if not service_dict.get('blkio_config'):
+ return service_dict
+ for field in ['device_read_bps', 'device_write_bps']:
+ if field in service_dict['blkio_config']:
+ for v in service_dict['blkio_config'].get(field, []):
+ rate = v.get('rate', 0)
+ v['rate'] = parse_bytes(rate)
+ if v['rate'] is None:
+ raise ConfigurationError('Invalid format for bytes value: "{}"'.format(rate))
+ for field in ['device_read_iops', 'device_write_iops']:
+ if field in service_dict['blkio_config']:
+ for v in service_dict['blkio_config'].get(field, []):
+ try:
+ v['rate'] = int(v.get('rate', 0))
+ except ValueError:
+ raise ConfigurationError(
+ 'Invalid IOPS value: "{}". Must be a positive integer.'.format(v.get('rate'))
+ )
+ return service_dict
+def process_healthcheck(service_dict, service_name):
+ if 'healthcheck' not in service_dict:
+ return service_dict
+ hc = {}
+ raw = service_dict['healthcheck']
+ if raw.get('disable'):
+ if len(raw) > 1:
+ raise ConfigurationError(
+ 'Service "{}" defines an invalid healthcheck: '
+ '"disable: true" cannot be combined with other options'
+ .format(service_name))
+ hc['test'] = ['NONE']
+ elif 'test' in raw:
+ hc['test'] = raw['test']
+ for field in ['interval', 'timeout', 'start_period']:
+ if field in raw:
+ if not isinstance(raw[field], six.integer_types):
+ hc[field] = parse_nanoseconds_int(raw[field])
+ else: # Conversion has been done previously
+ hc[field] = raw[field]
+ if 'retries' in raw:
+ hc['retries'] = raw['retries']
+ service_dict['healthcheck'] = hc
+ return service_dict
+def finalize_service(service_config, service_names, version, environment):
+ service_dict = dict(service_config.config)
+ if 'environment' in service_dict or 'env_file' in service_dict:
+ service_dict['environment'] = resolve_environment(service_dict, environment)
+ service_dict.pop('env_file', None)
+ if 'volumes_from' in service_dict:
+ service_dict['volumes_from'] = [
+ VolumeFromSpec.parse(vf, service_names, version)
+ for vf in service_dict['volumes_from']
+ ]
+ if 'volumes' in service_dict:
+ service_dict['volumes'] = [
+ VolumeSpec.parse(
+ v, environment.get_boolean('COMPOSE_CONVERT_WINDOWS_PATHS')
+ ) for v in service_dict['volumes']
+ ]
+ if 'net' in service_dict:
+ network_mode = service_dict.pop('net')
+ container_name = get_container_name_from_network_mode(network_mode)
+ if container_name and container_name in service_names:
+ service_dict['network_mode'] = 'service:{}'.format(container_name)
+ else:
+ service_dict['network_mode'] = network_mode
+ if 'networks' in service_dict:
+ service_dict['networks'] = parse_networks(service_dict['networks'])
+ if 'restart' in service_dict:
+ service_dict['restart'] = parse_restart_spec(service_dict['restart'])
+ if 'secrets' in service_dict:
+ service_dict['secrets'] = [
+ types.ServiceSecret.parse(s) for s in service_dict['secrets']
+ ]
+ if 'configs' in service_dict:
+ service_dict['configs'] = [
+ types.ServiceConfig.parse(c) for c in service_dict['configs']
+ ]
+ normalize_build(service_dict, service_config.working_dir, environment)
+ service_dict['name'] =
+ return normalize_v1_service_format(service_dict)
+def normalize_v1_service_format(service_dict):
+ if 'log_driver' in service_dict or 'log_opt' in service_dict:
+ if 'logging' not in service_dict:
+ service_dict['logging'] = {}
+ if 'log_driver' in service_dict:
+ service_dict['logging']['driver'] = service_dict['log_driver']
+ del service_dict['log_driver']
+ if 'log_opt' in service_dict:
+ service_dict['logging']['options'] = service_dict['log_opt']
+ del service_dict['log_opt']
+ if 'dockerfile' in service_dict:
+ service_dict['build'] = service_dict.get('build', {})
+ service_dict['build'].update({
+ 'dockerfile': service_dict.pop('dockerfile')
+ })
+ return service_dict
+def merge_service_dicts_from_files(base, override, version):
+ """When merging services from multiple files we need to merge the `extends`
+ field. This is not handled by `merge_service_dicts()` which is used to
+ perform the `extends`.
+ """
+ new_service = merge_service_dicts(base, override, version)
+ if 'extends' in override:
+ new_service['extends'] = override['extends']
+ elif 'extends' in base:
+ new_service['extends'] = base['extends']
+ return new_service
+class MergeDict(dict):
+ """A dict-like object responsible for merging two dicts into one."""
+ def __init__(self, base, override):
+ self.base = base
+ self.override = override
+ def needs_merge(self, field):
+ return field in self.base or field in self.override
+ def merge_field(self, field, merge_func, default=None):
+ if not self.needs_merge(field):
+ return
+ self[field] = merge_func(
+ self.base.get(field, default),
+ self.override.get(field, default))
+ def merge_mapping(self, field, parse_func):
+ if not self.needs_merge(field):
+ return
+ self[field] = parse_func(self.base.get(field))
+ self[field].update(parse_func(self.override.get(field)))
+ def merge_sequence(self, field, parse_func):
+ def parse_sequence_func(seq):
+ return to_mapping((parse_func(item) for item in seq), 'merge_field')
+ if not self.needs_merge(field):
+ return
+ merged = parse_sequence_func(self.base.get(field, []))
+ merged.update(parse_sequence_func(self.override.get(field, [])))
+ self[field] = [item.repr() for item in sorted(merged.values())]
+ def merge_scalar(self, field):
+ if self.needs_merge(field):
+ self[field] = self.override.get(field, self.base.get(field))
+def merge_service_dicts(base, override, version):
+ md = MergeDict(base, override)
+ md.merge_mapping('environment', parse_environment)
+ md.merge_mapping('labels', parse_labels)
+ md.merge_mapping('ulimits', parse_flat_dict)
+ md.merge_mapping('networks', parse_networks)
+ md.merge_mapping('sysctls', parse_sysctls)
+ md.merge_mapping('depends_on', parse_depends_on)
+ md.merge_sequence('links', ServiceLink.parse)
+ md.merge_sequence('secrets', types.ServiceSecret.parse)
+ md.merge_sequence('configs', types.ServiceConfig.parse)
+ md.merge_mapping('deploy', parse_deploy)
+ md.merge_mapping('extra_hosts', parse_extra_hosts)
+ for field in ['volumes', 'devices']:
+ md.merge_field(field, merge_path_mappings)
+ for field in [
+ 'cap_add', 'cap_drop', 'expose', 'external_links',
+ 'security_opt', 'volumes_from',
+ ]:
+ md.merge_field(field, merge_unique_items_lists, default=[])
+ for field in ['dns', 'dns_search', 'env_file', 'tmpfs']:
+ md.merge_field(field, merge_list_or_string)
+ md.merge_field('logging', merge_logging, default={})
+ merge_ports(md, base, override)
+ md.merge_field('blkio_config', merge_blkio_config, default={})
+ md.merge_field('healthcheck', merge_healthchecks, default={})
+ for field in set(ALLOWED_KEYS) - set(md):
+ md.merge_scalar(field)
+ if version == V1:
+ legacy_v1_merge_image_or_build(md, base, override)
+ elif md.needs_merge('build'):
+ md['build'] = merge_build(md, base, override)
+ return dict(md)
+def merge_unique_items_lists(base, override):
+ override = [str(o) for o in override]
+ base = [str(b) for b in base]
+ return sorted(set().union(base, override))
+def merge_healthchecks(base, override):
+ if override.get('disabled') is True:
+ return override
+ result = base.copy()
+ result.update(override)
+ return result
+def merge_ports(md, base, override):
+ def parse_sequence_func(seq):
+ acc = []
+ for item in seq:
+ acc.extend(ServicePort.parse(item))
+ return to_mapping(acc, 'merge_field')
+ field = 'ports'
+ if not md.needs_merge(field):
+ return
+ merged = parse_sequence_func(md.base.get(field, []))
+ merged.update(parse_sequence_func(md.override.get(field, [])))
+ md[field] = [item for item in sorted(merged.values(), key=lambda x:]
+def merge_build(output, base, override):
+ def to_dict(service):
+ build_config = service.get('build', {})
+ if isinstance(build_config, six.string_types):
+ return {'context': build_config}
+ return build_config
+ md = MergeDict(to_dict(base), to_dict(override))
+ md.merge_scalar('context')
+ md.merge_scalar('dockerfile')
+ md.merge_scalar('network')
+ md.merge_scalar('target')
+ md.merge_scalar('shm_size')
+ md.merge_mapping('args', parse_build_arguments)
+ md.merge_field('cache_from', merge_unique_items_lists, default=[])
+ md.merge_mapping('labels', parse_labels)
+ return dict(md)
+def merge_blkio_config(base, override):
+ md = MergeDict(base, override)
+ md.merge_scalar('weight')
+ def merge_blkio_limits(base, override):
+ index = dict((b['path'], b) for b in base)
+ for o in override:
+ index[o['path']] = o
+ return sorted(list(index.values()), key=lambda x: x['path'])
+ for field in [
+ "device_read_bps", "device_read_iops", "device_write_bps",
+ "device_write_iops", "weight_device",
+ ]:
+ md.merge_field(field, merge_blkio_limits, default=[])
+ return dict(md)
+def merge_logging(base, override):
+ md = MergeDict(base, override)
+ md.merge_scalar('driver')
+ if md.get('driver') == base.get('driver') or base.get('driver') is None:
+ md.merge_mapping('options', lambda m: m or {})
+ elif override.get('options'):
+ md['options'] = override.get('options', {})
+ return dict(md)
+def legacy_v1_merge_image_or_build(output, base, override):
+ output.pop('image', None)
+ output.pop('build', None)
+ if 'image' in override:
+ output['image'] = override['image']
+ elif 'build' in override:
+ output['build'] = override['build']
+ elif 'image' in base:
+ output['image'] = base['image']
+ elif 'build' in base:
+ output['build'] = base['build']
+def merge_environment(base, override):
+ env = parse_environment(base)
+ env.update(parse_environment(override))
+ return env
+def split_kv(kvpair):
+ if '=' in kvpair:
+ return kvpair.split('=', 1)
+ else:
+ return kvpair, ''
+def parse_dict_or_list(split_func, type_name, arguments):
+ if not arguments:
+ return {}
+ if isinstance(arguments, list):
+ return dict(split_func(e) for e in arguments)
+ if isinstance(arguments, dict):
+ return dict(arguments)
+ raise ConfigurationError(
+ "%s \"%s\" must be a list or mapping," %
+ (type_name, arguments)
+ )
+parse_build_arguments = functools.partial(parse_dict_or_list, split_env, 'build arguments')
+parse_environment = functools.partial(parse_dict_or_list, split_env, 'environment')
+parse_labels = functools.partial(parse_dict_or_list, split_kv, 'labels')
+parse_networks = functools.partial(parse_dict_or_list, lambda k: (k, None), 'networks')
+parse_sysctls = functools.partial(parse_dict_or_list, split_kv, 'sysctls')
+parse_depends_on = functools.partial(
+ parse_dict_or_list, lambda k: (k, {'condition': 'service_started'}), 'depends_on'
+parse_deploy = functools.partial(parse_dict_or_list, split_kv, 'deploy')
+def parse_flat_dict(d):
+ if not d:
+ return {}
+ if isinstance(d, dict):
+ return dict(d)
+ raise ConfigurationError("Invalid type: expected mapping")
+def resolve_env_var(key, val, environment):
+ if val is not None:
+ return key, val
+ elif environment and key in environment:
+ return key, environment[key]
+ else:
+ return key, None
+def resolve_volume_paths(working_dir, service_dict):
+ return [
+ resolve_volume_path(working_dir, volume)
+ for volume in service_dict['volumes']
+ ]
+def resolve_volume_path(working_dir, volume):
+ mount_params = None
+ if isinstance(volume, dict):
+ container_path = volume.get('target')
+ host_path = volume.get('source')
+ mode = None
+ if host_path:
+ if volume.get('read_only'):
+ mode = 'ro'
+ if volume.get('volume', {}).get('nocopy'):
+ mode = 'nocopy'
+ mount_params = (host_path, mode)
+ else:
+ container_path, mount_params = split_path_mapping(volume)
+ if mount_params is not None:
+ host_path, mode = mount_params
+ if host_path is None:
+ return container_path
+ if host_path.startswith('.'):
+ host_path = expand_path(working_dir, host_path)
+ host_path = os.path.expanduser(host_path)
+ return u"{}:{}{}".format(host_path, container_path, (':' + mode if mode else ''))
+ return container_path
+def normalize_build(service_dict, working_dir, environment):
+ if 'build' in service_dict:
+ build = {}
+ # Shortcut where specifying a string is treated as the build context
+ if isinstance(service_dict['build'], six.string_types):
+ build['context'] = service_dict.pop('build')
+ else:
+ build.update(service_dict['build'])
+ if 'args' in build:
+ build['args'] = build_string_dict(
+ resolve_build_args(build.get('args'), environment)
+ )
+ service_dict['build'] = build
+def resolve_build_path(working_dir, build_path):
+ if is_url(build_path):
+ return build_path
+ return expand_path(working_dir, build_path)
+def is_url(build_path):
+ return build_path.startswith(DOCKER_VALID_URL_PREFIXES)
+def validate_paths(service_dict):
+ if 'build' in service_dict:
+ build = service_dict.get('build', {})
+ if isinstance(build, six.string_types):
+ build_path = build
+ elif isinstance(build, dict) and 'context' in build:
+ build_path = build['context']
+ else:
+ # We have a build section but no context, so nothing to validate
+ return
+ if (
+ not is_url(build_path) and
+ (not os.path.exists(build_path) or not os.access(build_path, os.R_OK))
+ ):
+ raise ConfigurationError(
+ "build path %s either does not exist, is not accessible, "
+ "or is not a valid URL." % build_path)
+def merge_path_mappings(base, override):
+ d = dict_from_path_mappings(base)
+ d.update(dict_from_path_mappings(override))
+ return path_mappings_from_dict(d)
+def dict_from_path_mappings(path_mappings):
+ if path_mappings:
+ return dict(split_path_mapping(v) for v in path_mappings)
+ else:
+ return {}
+def path_mappings_from_dict(d):
+ return [join_path_mapping(v) for v in sorted(d.items())]
+def split_path_mapping(volume_path):
+ """
+ Ascertain if the volume_path contains a host path as well as a container
+ path. Using splitdrive so windows absolute paths won't cause issues with
+ splitting on ':'.
+ """
+ if isinstance(volume_path, dict):
+ return (volume_path.get('target'), volume_path)
+ drive, volume_config = splitdrive(volume_path)
+ if ':' in volume_config:
+ (host, container) = volume_config.split(':', 1)
+ container_drive, container_path = splitdrive(container)
+ mode = None
+ if ':' in container_path:
+ container_path, mode = container_path.rsplit(':', 1)
+ return (container_drive + container_path, (drive + host, mode))
+ else:
+ return (volume_path, None)
+def join_path_mapping(pair):
+ (container, host) = pair
+ if isinstance(host, dict):
+ return host
+ elif host is None:
+ return container
+ else:
+ host, mode = host
+ result = ":".join((host, container))
+ if mode:
+ result += ":" + mode
+ return result
+def expand_path(working_dir, path):
+ return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(working_dir, os.path.expanduser(path)))
+def merge_list_or_string(base, override):
+ return to_list(base) + to_list(override)
+def to_list(value):
+ if value is None:
+ return []
+ elif isinstance(value, six.string_types):
+ return [value]
+ else:
+ return value
+def to_mapping(sequence, key_field):
+ return {getattr(item, key_field): item for item in sequence}
+def has_uppercase(name):
+ return any(char in string.ascii_uppercase for char in name)
+def load_yaml(filename):
+ try:
+ with open(filename, 'r') as fh:
+ return yaml.safe_load(fh)
+ except (IOError, yaml.YAMLError) as e:
+ error_name = getattr(e, '__module__', '') + '.' + e.__class__.__name__
+ raise ConfigurationError(u"{}: {}".format(error_name, e))
diff --git a/compose/config/config_schema_v1.json b/compose/config/config_schema_v1.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..94354cda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compose/config/config_schema_v1.json
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+ "$schema": "",
+ "id": "config_schema_v1.json",
+ "type": "object",
+ "patternProperties": {
+ "^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+$": {
+ "$ref": "#/definitions/service"
+ }
+ },
+ "additionalProperties": false,
+ "definitions": {
+ "service": {
+ "id": "#/definitions/service",
+ "type": "object",
+ "properties": {
+ "build": {"type": "string"},
+ "cap_add": {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}, "uniqueItems": true},
+ "cap_drop": {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}, "uniqueItems": true},
+ "cgroup_parent": {"type": "string"},
+ "command": {
+ "oneOf": [
+ {"type": "string"},
+ {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}}
+ ]
+ },
+ "container_name": {"type": "string"},
+ "cpu_shares": {"type": ["number", "string"]},
+ "cpu_quota": {"type": ["number", "string"]},
+ "cpuset": {"type": "string"},
+ "devices": {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}, "uniqueItems": true},
+ "dns": {"$ref": "#/definitions/string_or_list"},
+ "dns_search": {"$ref": "#/definitions/string_or_list"},
+ "dockerfile": {"type": "string"},
+ "domainname": {"type": "string"},
+ "entrypoint": {
+ "oneOf": [
+ {"type": "string"},
+ {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}}
+ ]
+ },
+ "env_file": {"$ref": "#/definitions/string_or_list"},
+ "environment": {"$ref": "#/definitions/list_or_dict"},
+ "expose": {
+ "type": "array",
+ "items": {
+ "type": ["string", "number"],
+ "format": "expose"
+ },
+ "uniqueItems": true
+ },
+ "extends": {
+ "oneOf": [
+ {
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "object",
+ "properties": {
+ "service": {"type": "string"},
+ "file": {"type": "string"}
+ },
+ "required": ["service"],
+ "additionalProperties": false
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "extra_hosts": {"$ref": "#/definitions/list_or_dict"},
+ "external_links": {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}, "uniqueItems": true},
+ "hostname": {"type": "string"},
+ "image": {"type": "string"},
+ "ipc": {"type": "string"},
+ "labels": {"$ref": "#/definitions/list_or_dict"},
+ "links": {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}, "uniqueItems": true},
+ "log_driver": {"type": "string"},
+ "log_opt": {"type": "object"},
+ "mac_address": {"type": "string"},
+ "mem_limit": {"type": ["number", "string"]},
+ "memswap_limit": {"type": ["number", "string"]},
+ "mem_swappiness": {"type": "integer"},
+ "net": {"type": "string"},
+ "pid": {"type": ["string", "null"]},
+ "ports": {
+ "type": "array",
+ "items": {
+ "type": ["string", "number"],
+ "format": "ports"
+ },
+ "uniqueItems": true
+ },
+ "privileged": {"type": "boolean"},
+ "read_only": {"type": "boolean"},
+ "restart": {"type": "string"},
+ "security_opt": {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}, "uniqueItems": true},
+ "shm_size": {"type": ["number", "string"]},
+ "stdin_open": {"type": "boolean"},
+ "stop_signal": {"type": "string"},
+ "tty": {"type": "boolean"},
+ "ulimits": {
+ "type": "object",
+ "patternProperties": {
+ "^[a-z]+$": {
+ "oneOf": [
+ {"type": "integer"},
+ {
+ "type":"object",
+ "properties": {
+ "hard": {"type": "integer"},
+ "soft": {"type": "integer"}
+ },
+ "required": ["soft", "hard"],
+ "additionalProperties": false
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "user": {"type": "string"},
+ "volumes": {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}, "uniqueItems": true},
+ "volume_driver": {"type": "string"},
+ "volumes_from": {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}, "uniqueItems": true},
+ "working_dir": {"type": "string"}
+ },
+ "dependencies": {
+ "memswap_limit": ["mem_limit"]
+ },
+ "additionalProperties": false
+ },
+ "string_or_list": {
+ "oneOf": [
+ {"type": "string"},
+ {"$ref": "#/definitions/list_of_strings"}
+ ]
+ },
+ "list_of_strings": {
+ "type": "array",
+ "items": {"type": "string"},
+ "uniqueItems": true
+ },
+ "list_or_dict": {
+ "oneOf": [
+ {
+ "type": "object",
+ "patternProperties": {
+ ".+": {
+ "type": ["string", "number", "null"]
+ }
+ },
+ "additionalProperties": false
+ },
+ {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}, "uniqueItems": true}
+ ]
+ },
+ "constraints": {
+ "service": {
+ "id": "#/definitions/constraints/service",
+ "anyOf": [
+ {
+ "required": ["build"],
+ "not": {"required": ["image"]}
+ },
+ {
+ "required": ["image"],
+ "not": {"anyOf": [
+ {"required": ["build"]},
+ {"required": ["dockerfile"]}
+ ]}
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/compose/config/config_schema_v2.0.json b/compose/config/config_schema_v2.0.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2ad62ac5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compose/config/config_schema_v2.0.json
@@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
+ "$schema": "",
+ "id": "config_schema_v2.0.json",
+ "type": "object",
+ "properties": {
+ "version": {
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "services": {
+ "id": "#/properties/services",
+ "type": "object",
+ "patternProperties": {
+ "^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+$": {
+ "$ref": "#/definitions/service"
+ }
+ },
+ "additionalProperties": false
+ },
+ "networks": {
+ "id": "#/properties/networks",
+ "type": "object",
+ "patternProperties": {
+ "^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+$": {
+ "$ref": "#/definitions/network"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "volumes": {
+ "id": "#/properties/volumes",
+ "type": "object",
+ "patternProperties": {
+ "^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+$": {
+ "$ref": "#/definitions/volume"
+ }
+ },
+ "additionalProperties": false
+ }
+ },
+ "patternProperties": {"^x-": {}},
+ "additionalProperties": false,
+ "definitions": {
+ "service": {
+ "id": "#/definitions/service",
+ "type": "object",
+ "properties": {
+ "blkio_config": {
+ "type": "object",
+ "properties": {
+ "device_read_bps": {
+ "type": "array",
+ "items": {"$ref": "#/definitions/blkio_limit"}
+ },
+ "device_read_iops": {
+ "type": "array",
+ "items": {"$ref": "#/definitions/blkio_limit"}
+ },
+ "device_write_bps": {
+ "type": "array",
+ "items": {"$ref": "#/definitions/blkio_limit"}
+ },
+ "device_write_iops": {
+ "type": "array",
+ "items": {"$ref": "#/definitions/blkio_limit"}
+ },
+ "weight": {"type": "integer"},
+ "weight_device": {
+ "type": "array",
+ "items": {"$ref": "#/definitions/blkio_weight"}
+ }
+ },
+ "additionalProperties": false
+ },
+ "build": {
+ "oneOf": [
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+ },
+ "external": {
+ "type": ["boolean", "object"],
+ "properties": {
+ "name": {"type": "string"}
+ },
+ "additionalProperties": false
+ },
+ "internal": {"type": "boolean"},
+ "attachable": {"type": "boolean"},
+ "labels": {"$ref": "#/definitions/list_or_dict"}
+ },
+ "additionalProperties": false
+ },
+ "volume": {
+ "id": "#/definitions/volume",
+ "type": ["object", "null"],
+ "properties": {
+ "name": {"type": "string"},
+ "driver": {"type": "string"},
+ "driver_opts": {
+ "type": "object",
+ "patternProperties": {
+ "^.+$": {"type": ["string", "number"]}
+ }
+ },
+ "external": {
+ "type": ["boolean", "object"],
+ "properties": {
+ "name": {"type": "string"}
+ },
+ "additionalProperties": false
+ },
+ "labels": {"$ref": "#/definitions/list_or_dict"}
+ },
+ "additionalProperties": false
+ },
+ "secret": {
+ "id": "#/definitions/secret",
+ "type": "object",
+ "properties": {
+ "file": {"type": "string"},
+ "external": {
+ "type": ["boolean", "object"],
+ "properties": {
+ "name": {"type": "string"}
+ }
+ },
+ "labels": {"$ref": "#/definitions/list_or_dict"}
+ },
+ "additionalProperties": false
+ },
+ "config": {
+ "id": "#/definitions/config",
+ "type": "object",
+ "properties": {
+ "file": {"type": "string"},
+ "external": {
+ "type": ["boolean", "object"],
+ "properties": {
+ "name": {"type": "string"}
+ }
+ },
+ "labels": {"$ref": "#/definitions/list_or_dict"}
+ },
+ "additionalProperties": false
+ },
+ "string_or_list": {
+ "oneOf": [
+ {"type": "string"},
+ {"$ref": "#/definitions/list_of_strings"}
+ ]
+ },
+ "list_of_strings": {
+ "type": "array",
+ "items": {"type": "string"},
+ "uniqueItems": true
+ },
+ "list_or_dict": {
+ "oneOf": [
+ {
+ "type": "object",
+ "patternProperties": {
+ ".+": {
+ "type": ["string", "number", "null"]
+ }
+ },
+ "additionalProperties": false
+ },
+ {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}, "uniqueItems": true}
+ ]
+ },
+ "constraints": {
+ "service": {
+ "id": "#/definitions/constraints/service",
+ "anyOf": [
+ {"required": ["build"]},
+ {"required": ["image"]}
+ ],
+ "properties": {
+ "build": {
+ "required": ["context"]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/compose/config/ b/compose/config/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4ba228c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compose/config/
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import codecs
+import contextlib
+import logging
+import os
+import six
+from ..const import IS_WINDOWS_PLATFORM
+from .errors import ConfigurationError
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def split_env(env):
+ if isinstance(env, six.binary_type):
+ env = env.decode('utf-8', 'replace')
+ if '=' in env:
+ return env.split('=', 1)
+ else:
+ return env, None
+def env_vars_from_file(filename):
+ """
+ Read in a line delimited file of environment variables.
+ """
+ if not os.path.exists(filename):
+ raise ConfigurationError("Couldn't find env file: %s" % filename)
+ elif not os.path.isfile(filename):
+ raise ConfigurationError("%s is not a file." % (filename))
+ env = {}
+ with contextlib.closing(, 'r', 'utf-8')) as fileobj:
+ for line in fileobj:
+ line = line.strip()
+ if line and not line.startswith('#'):
+ k, v = split_env(line)
+ env[k] = v
+ return env
+class Environment(dict):
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(Environment, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.missing_keys = []
+ @classmethod
+ def from_env_file(cls, base_dir):
+ def _initialize():
+ result = cls()
+ if base_dir is None:
+ return result
+ env_file_path = os.path.join(base_dir, '.env')
+ try:
+ return cls(env_vars_from_file(env_file_path))
+ except ConfigurationError:
+ pass
+ return result
+ instance = _initialize()
+ instance.update(os.environ)
+ return instance
+ @classmethod
+ def from_command_line(cls, parsed_env_opts):
+ result = cls()
+ for k, v in parsed_env_opts.items():
+ # Values from the command line take priority, unless they're unset
+ # in which case they take the value from the system's environment
+ if v is None and k in os.environ:
+ result[k] = os.environ[k]
+ else:
+ result[k] = v
+ return result
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ try:
+ return super(Environment, self).__getitem__(key)
+ except KeyError:
+ try:
+ return super(Environment, self).__getitem__(key.upper())
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ if key not in self.missing_keys:
+ log.warn(
+ "The {} variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string."
+ .format(key)
+ )
+ self.missing_keys.append(key)
+ return ""
+ def __contains__(self, key):
+ result = super(Environment, self).__contains__(key)
+ return (
+ result or super(Environment, self).__contains__(key.upper())
+ )
+ return result
+ def get(self, key, *args, **kwargs):
+ return super(Environment, self).get(
+ key,
+ super(Environment, self).get(key.upper(), *args, **kwargs)
+ )
+ return super(Environment, self).get(key, *args, **kwargs)
+ def get_boolean(self, key):
+ # Convert a value to a boolean using "common sense" rules.
+ # Unset, empty, "0" and "false" (i-case) yield False.
+ # All other values yield True.
+ value = self.get(key)
+ if not value:
+ return False
+ if value.lower() in ['0', 'false']:
+ return False
+ return True
diff --git a/compose/config/ b/compose/config/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f5c03808
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compose/config/
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+ 'You might be seeing this error because you\'re using the wrong Compose file version. '
+ 'Either specify a supported version (e.g "2.2" or "3.3") and place '
+ 'your service definitions under the `services` key, or omit the `version` key '
+ 'and place your service definitions at the root of the file to use '
+ 'version 1.\nFor more on the Compose file format versions, see '
+ '')
+class ConfigurationError(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, msg):
+ self.msg = msg
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.msg
+class DependencyError(ConfigurationError):
+ pass
+class CircularReference(ConfigurationError):
+ def __init__(self, trail):
+ self.trail = trail
+ @property
+ def msg(self):
+ lines = [
+ "{} in {}".format(service_name, filename)
+ for (filename, service_name) in self.trail
+ ]
+ return "Circular reference:\n {}".format("\n extends ".join(lines))
+class ComposeFileNotFound(ConfigurationError):
+ def __init__(self, supported_filenames):
+ super(ComposeFileNotFound, self).__init__("""
+ Can't find a suitable configuration file in this directory or any
+ parent. Are you in the right directory?
+ Supported filenames: %s
+ """ % ", ".join(supported_filenames))
+class DuplicateOverrideFileFound(ConfigurationError):
+ def __init__(self, override_filenames):
+ self.override_filenames = override_filenames
+ super(DuplicateOverrideFileFound, self).__init__(
+ "Multiple override files found: {}. You may only use a single "
+ "override file.".format(", ".join(override_filenames))
+ )
diff --git a/compose/config/ b/compose/config/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b13ac591
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compose/config/
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import logging
+from string import Template
+import six
+from .errors import ConfigurationError
+from compose.const import COMPOSEFILE_V2_0 as V2_0
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class Interpolator(object):
+ def __init__(self, templater, mapping):
+ self.templater = templater
+ self.mapping = mapping
+ def interpolate(self, string):
+ try:
+ return self.templater(string).substitute(self.mapping)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise InvalidInterpolation(string)
+def interpolate_environment_variables(version, config, section, environment):
+ if version <= V2_0:
+ interpolator = Interpolator(Template, environment)
+ else:
+ interpolator = Interpolator(TemplateWithDefaults, environment)
+ def process_item(name, config_dict):
+ return dict(
+ (key, interpolate_value(name, key, val, section, interpolator))
+ for key, val in (config_dict or {}).items()
+ )
+ return dict(
+ (name, process_item(name, config_dict or {}))
+ for name, config_dict in config.items()
+ )
+def interpolate_value(name, config_key, value, section, interpolator):
+ try:
+ return recursive_interpolate(value, interpolator)
+ except InvalidInterpolation as e:
+ raise ConfigurationError(
+ 'Invalid interpolation format for "{config_key}" option '
+ 'in {section} "{name}": "{string}"'.format(
+ config_key=config_key,
+ name=name,
+ section=section,
+ string=e.string))
+def recursive_interpolate(obj, interpolator):
+ if isinstance(obj, six.string_types):
+ return interpolator.interpolate(obj)
+ if isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return dict(
+ (key, recursive_interpolate(val, interpolator))
+ for (key, val) in obj.items()
+ )
+ if isinstance(obj, list):
+ return [recursive_interpolate(val, interpolator) for val in obj]
+ return obj
+class TemplateWithDefaults(Template):
+ idpattern = r'[_a-z][_a-z0-9]*(?::?-[^}]+)?'
+ # Modified from python2.7/
+ def substitute(self, mapping):
+ # Helper function for .sub()
+ def convert(mo):
+ # Check the most common path first.
+ named ='named') or'braced')
+ if named is not None:
+ if ':-' in named:
+ var, _, default = named.partition(':-')
+ return mapping.get(var) or default
+ if '-' in named:
+ var, _, default = named.partition('-')
+ return mapping.get(var, default)
+ val = mapping[named]
+ return '%s' % (val,)
+ if'escaped') is not None:
+ return self.delimiter
+ if'invalid') is not None:
+ self._invalid(mo)
+ raise ValueError('Unrecognized named group in pattern',
+ self.pattern)
+ return self.pattern.sub(convert, self.template)
+class InvalidInterpolation(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, string):
+ self.string = string
diff --git a/compose/config/ b/compose/config/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2b8c73f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compose/config/
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import six
+import yaml
+from compose.config import types
+from compose.const import COMPOSEFILE_V1 as V1
+from compose.const import COMPOSEFILE_V2_1 as V2_1
+from compose.const import COMPOSEFILE_V3_0 as V3_0
+from compose.const import COMPOSEFILE_V3_2 as V3_2
+from compose.const import COMPOSEFILE_V3_4 as V3_4
+def serialize_config_type(dumper, data):
+ representer = dumper.represent_str if six.PY3 else dumper.represent_unicode
+ return representer(data.repr())
+def serialize_dict_type(dumper, data):
+ return dumper.represent_dict(data.repr())
+def serialize_string(dumper, data):
+ """ Ensure boolean-like strings are quoted in the output and escape $ characters """
+ representer = dumper.represent_str if six.PY3 else dumper.represent_unicode
+ data = data.replace('$', '$$')
+ if data.lower() in ('y', 'n', 'yes', 'no', 'on', 'off', 'true', 'false'):
+ # Empirically only y/n appears to be an issue, but this might change
+ # depending on which PyYaml version is being used. Err on safe side.
+ return dumper.represent_scalar(',2002:str', data, style='"')
+ return representer(data)
+yaml.SafeDumper.add_representer(types.VolumeFromSpec, serialize_config_type)
+yaml.SafeDumper.add_representer(types.VolumeSpec, serialize_config_type)
+yaml.SafeDumper.add_representer(types.ServiceSecret, serialize_dict_type)
+yaml.SafeDumper.add_representer(types.ServiceConfig, serialize_dict_type)
+yaml.SafeDumper.add_representer(types.ServicePort, serialize_dict_type)
+yaml.SafeDumper.add_representer(str, serialize_string)
+yaml.SafeDumper.add_representer(six.text_type, serialize_string)
+def denormalize_config(config, image_digests=None):
+ result = {'version': str(V2_1) if config.version == V1 else str(config.version)}
+ denormalized_services = [
+ denormalize_service_dict(
+ service_dict,
+ config.version,
+ image_digests[service_dict['name']] if image_digests else None)
+ for service_dict in
+ ]
+ result['services'] = {
+ service_dict.pop('name'): service_dict
+ for service_dict in denormalized_services
+ }
+ for key in ('networks', 'volumes', 'secrets', 'configs'):
+ config_dict = getattr(config, key)
+ if not config_dict:
+ continue
+ result[key] = config_dict.copy()
+ for name, conf in result[key].items():
+ if 'external_name' in conf:
+ del conf['external_name']
+ if 'name' in conf:
+ if config.version < V2_1 or (config.version >= V3_0 and config.version < V3_4):
+ del conf['name']
+ elif 'external' in conf:
+ conf['external'] = True
+ return result
+def serialize_config(config, image_digests=None):
+ return yaml.safe_dump(
+ denormalize_config(config, image_digests),
+ default_flow_style=False,
+ indent=2,
+ width=80
+ )
+def serialize_ns_time_value(value):
+ result = (value, 'ns')
+ table = [
+ (1000., 'us'),
+ (1000., 'ms'),
+ (1000., 's'),
+ (60., 'm'),
+ (60., 'h')
+ ]
+ for stage in table:
+ tmp = value / stage[0]
+ if tmp == int(value / stage[0]):
+ value = tmp
+ result = (int(value), stage[1])
+ else:
+ break
+ return '{0}{1}'.format(*result)
+def denormalize_service_dict(service_dict, version, image_digest=None):
+ service_dict = service_dict.copy()
+ if image_digest:
+ service_dict['image'] = image_digest
+ if 'restart' in service_dict:
+ service_dict['restart'] = types.serialize_restart_spec(
+ service_dict['restart']
+ )
+ if version == V1 and 'network_mode' not in service_dict:
+ service_dict['network_mode'] = 'bridge'
+ if 'depends_on' in service_dict and (version < V2_1 or version >= V3_0):
+ service_dict['depends_on'] = sorted([
+ svc for svc in service_dict['depends_on'].keys()
+ ])
+ if 'healthcheck' in service_dict:
+ if 'interval' in service_dict['healthcheck']:
+ service_dict['healthcheck']['interval'] = serialize_ns_time_value(
+ service_dict['healthcheck']['interval']
+ )
+ if 'timeout' in service_dict['healthcheck']:
+ service_dict['healthcheck']['timeout'] = serialize_ns_time_value(
+ service_dict['healthcheck']['timeout']
+ )
+ if 'start_period' in service_dict['healthcheck']:
+ service_dict['healthcheck']['start_period'] = serialize_ns_time_value(
+ service_dict['healthcheck']['start_period']
+ )
+ if 'ports' in service_dict and version < V3_2:
+ service_dict['ports'] = [
+ p.legacy_repr() if isinstance(p, types.ServicePort) else p
+ for p in service_dict['ports']
+ ]
+ return service_dict
diff --git a/compose/config/ b/compose/config/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..42f548a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compose/config/
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from compose.config.errors import DependencyError
+def get_service_name_from_network_mode(network_mode):
+ return get_source_name_from_network_mode(network_mode, 'service')
+def get_container_name_from_network_mode(network_mode):
+ return get_source_name_from_network_mode(network_mode, 'container')
+def get_source_name_from_network_mode(network_mode, source_type):
+ if not network_mode:
+ return
+ if not network_mode.startswith(source_type+':'):
+ return
+ _, net_name = network_mode.split(':', 1)
+ return net_name
+def get_service_names(links):
+ return [link.split(':')[0] for link in links]
+def get_service_names_from_volumes_from(volumes_from):
+ return [volume_from.source for volume_from in volumes_from]
+def get_service_dependents(service_dict, services):
+ name = service_dict['name']
+ return [
+ service for service in services
+ if (name in get_service_names(service.get('links', [])) or
+ name in get_service_names_from_volumes_from(service.get('volumes_from', [])) or
+ name == get_service_name_from_network_mode(service.get('network_mode')) or
+ name == get_service_name_from_network_mode(service.get('pid')) or
+ name in service.get('depends_on', []))
+ ]
+def sort_service_dicts(services):
+ # Topological sort (Cormen/Tarjan algorithm).
+ unmarked = services[:]
+ temporary_marked = set()
+ sorted_services = []
+ def visit(n):
+ if n['name'] in temporary_marked:
+ if n['name'] in get_service_names(n.get('links', [])):
+ raise DependencyError('A service can not link to itself: %s' % n['name'])
+ if n['name'] in n.get('volumes_from', []):
+ raise DependencyError('A service can not mount itself as volume: %s' % n['name'])
+ if n['name'] in n.get('depends_on', []):
+ raise DependencyError('A service can not depend on itself: %s' % n['name'])
+ raise DependencyError('Circular dependency between %s' % ' and '.join(temporary_marked))
+ if n in unmarked:
+ temporary_marked.add(n['name'])
+ for m in get_service_dependents(n, services):
+ visit(m)
+ temporary_marked.remove(n['name'])
+ unmarked.remove(n)
+ sorted_services.insert(0, n)
+ while unmarked:
+ visit(unmarked[-1])
+ return sorted_services
diff --git a/compose/config/ b/compose/config/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c410343b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compose/config/
@@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
+Types for objects parsed from the configuration.
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import os
+import re
+from collections import namedtuple
+import six
+from docker.utils.ports import build_port_bindings
+from ..const import COMPOSEFILE_V1 as V1
+from .errors import ConfigurationError
+from compose.const import IS_WINDOWS_PLATFORM
+from compose.utils import splitdrive
+win32_root_path_pattern = re.compile(r'^[A-Za-z]\:\\.*')
+class VolumeFromSpec(namedtuple('_VolumeFromSpec', 'source mode type')):
+ # TODO: drop service_names arg when v1 is removed
+ @classmethod
+ def parse(cls, volume_from_config, service_names, version):
+ func = cls.parse_v1 if version == V1 else cls.parse_v2
+ return func(service_names, volume_from_config)
+ @classmethod
+ def parse_v1(cls, service_names, volume_from_config):
+ parts = volume_from_config.split(':')
+ if len(parts) > 2:
+ raise ConfigurationError(
+ "volume_from {} has incorrect format, should be "
+ "service[:mode]".format(volume_from_config))
+ if len(parts) == 1:
+ source = parts[0]
+ mode = 'rw'
+ else:
+ source, mode = parts
+ type = 'service' if source in service_names else 'container'
+ return cls(source, mode, type)
+ @classmethod
+ def parse_v2(cls, service_names, volume_from_config):
+ parts = volume_from_config.split(':')
+ if len(parts) > 3:
+ raise ConfigurationError(
+ "volume_from {} has incorrect format, should be one of "
+ "'<service name>[:<mode>]' or "
+ "'container:<container name>[:<mode>]'".format(volume_from_config))
+ if len(parts) == 1:
+ source = parts[0]
+ return cls(source, 'rw', 'service')
+ if len(parts) == 2:
+ if parts[0] == 'container':
+ type, source = parts
+ return cls(source, 'rw', type)
+ source, mode = parts
+ return cls(source, mode, 'service')
+ if len(parts) == 3:
+ type, source, mode = parts
+ if type not in ('service', 'container'):
+ raise ConfigurationError(
+ "Unknown volumes_from type '{}' in '{}'".format(
+ type,
+ volume_from_config))
+ return cls(source, mode, type)
+ def repr(self):
+ return '{v.type}:{v.source}:{v.mode}'.format(v=self)
+def parse_restart_spec(restart_config):
+ if not restart_config:
+ return None
+ parts = restart_config.split(':')
+ if len(parts) > 2:
+ raise ConfigurationError(
+ "Restart %s has incorrect format, should be "
+ "mode[:max_retry]" % restart_config)
+ if len(parts) == 2:
+ name, max_retry_count = parts
+ else:
+ name, = parts
+ max_retry_count = 0
+ return {'Name': name, 'MaximumRetryCount': int(max_retry_count)}
+def serialize_restart_spec(restart_spec):
+ if not restart_spec:
+ return ''
+ parts = [restart_spec['Name']]
+ if restart_spec['MaximumRetryCount']:
+ parts.append(six.text_type(restart_spec['MaximumRetryCount']))
+ return ':'.join(parts)
+def parse_extra_hosts(extra_hosts_config):
+ if not extra_hosts_config:
+ return {}
+ if isinstance(extra_hosts_config, dict):
+ return dict(extra_hosts_config)
+ if isinstance(extra_hosts_config, list):
+ extra_hosts_dict = {}
+ for extra_hosts_line in extra_hosts_config:
+ # TODO: validate string contains ':' ?
+ host, ip = extra_hosts_line.split(':', 1)
+ extra_hosts_dict[host.strip()] = ip.strip()
+ return extra_hosts_dict
+def normalize_path_for_engine(path):
+ """Windows paths, c:\my\path\shiny, need to be changed to be compatible with
+ the Engine. Volume paths are expected to be linux style /c/my/path/shiny/
+ """
+ drive, tail = splitdrive(path)
+ if drive:
+ path = '/' + drive.lower().rstrip(':') + tail
+ return path.replace('\\', '/')
+class VolumeSpec(namedtuple('_VolumeSpec', 'external internal mode')):
+ @classmethod
+ def _parse_unix(cls, volume_config):
+ parts = volume_config.split(':')
+ if len(parts) > 3:
+ raise ConfigurationError(
+ "Volume %s has incorrect format, should be "
+ "external:internal[:mode]" % volume_config)
+ if len(parts) == 1:
+ external = None
+ internal = os.path.normpath(parts[0])
+ else:
+ external = os.path.normpath(parts[0])
+ internal = os.path.normpath(parts[1])
+ mode = 'rw'
+ if len(parts) == 3:
+ mode = parts[2]
+ return cls(external, internal, mode)
+ @classmethod
+ def _parse_win32(cls, volume_config, normalize):
+ # relative paths in windows expand to include the drive, eg C:\
+ # so we join the first 2 parts back together to count as one
+ mode = 'rw'
+ def separate_next_section(volume_config):
+ drive, tail = splitdrive(volume_config)
+ parts = tail.split(':', 1)
+ if drive:
+ parts[0] = drive + parts[0]
+ return parts
+ parts = separate_next_section(volume_config)
+ if len(parts) == 1:
+ internal = parts[0]
+ external = None
+ else:
+ external = parts[0]
+ parts = separate_next_section(parts[1])
+ external = os.path.normpath(external)
+ internal = parts[0]
+ if len(parts) > 1:
+ if ':' in parts[1]:
+ raise ConfigurationError(
+ "Volume %s has incorrect format, should be "
+ "external:internal[:mode]" % volume_config
+ )
+ mode = parts[1]
+ if normalize:
+ external = normalize_path_for_engine(external) if external else None
+ return cls(external, internal, mode)
+ @classmethod
+ def parse(cls, volume_config, normalize=False):
+ """Parse a volume_config path and split it into external:internal[:mode]
+ parts to be returned as a valid VolumeSpec.
+ """
+ return cls._parse_win32(volume_config, normalize)
+ else:
+ return cls._parse_unix(volume_config)
+ def repr(self):
+ external = self.external + ':' if self.external else ''
+ mode = ':' + self.mode if self.external else ''
+ return '{ext}{v.internal}{mode}'.format(mode=mode, ext=external, v=self)
+ @property
+ def is_named_volume(self):
+ res = self.external and not self.external.startswith(('.', '/', '~'))
+ return res
+ return (
+ res and not self.external.startswith('\\') and
+ not win32_root_path_pattern.match(self.external)
+ )
+class ServiceLink(namedtuple('_ServiceLink', 'target alias')):
+ @classmethod
+ def parse(cls, link_spec):
+ target, _, alias = link_spec.partition(':')
+ if not alias:
+ alias = target
+ return cls(target, alias)
+ def repr(self):
+ if == self.alias:
+ return
+ return '{}:{s.alias}'.format(s=self)
+ @property
+ def merge_field(self):
+ return self.alias
+class ServiceConfigBase(namedtuple('_ServiceConfigBase', 'source target uid gid mode')):
+ @classmethod
+ def parse(cls, spec):
+ if isinstance(spec, six.string_types):
+ return cls(spec, None, None, None, None)
+ return cls(
+ spec.get('source'),
+ spec.get('target'),
+ spec.get('uid'),
+ spec.get('gid'),
+ spec.get('mode'),
+ )
+ @property
+ def merge_field(self):
+ return self.source
+ def repr(self):
+ return dict(
+ [(k, v) for k, v in zip(self._fields, self) if v is not None]
+ )
+class ServiceSecret(ServiceConfigBase):
+ pass
+class ServiceConfig(ServiceConfigBase):
+ pass
+class ServicePort(namedtuple('_ServicePort', 'target published protocol mode external_ip')):
+ def __new__(cls, target, published, *args, **kwargs):
+ try:
+ if target:
+ target = int(target)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise ConfigurationError('Invalid target port: {}'.format(target))
+ try:
+ if published:
+ published = int(published)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise ConfigurationError('Invalid published port: {}'.format(published))
+ return super(ServicePort, cls).__new__(
+ cls, target, published, *args, **kwargs
+ )
+ @classmethod
+ def parse(cls, spec):
+ if isinstance(spec, cls):
+ # When extending a service with ports, the port definitions have already been parsed
+ return [spec]
+ if not isinstance(spec, dict):
+ result = []
+ try:
+ for k, v in build_port_bindings([spec]).items():
+ if '/' in k:
+ target, proto = k.split('/', 1)
+ else:
+ target, proto = (k, None)
+ for pub in v:
+ if pub is None:
+ result.append(
+ cls(target, None, proto, None, None)
+ )
+ elif isinstance(pub, tuple):
+ result.append(
+ cls(target, pub[1], proto, None, pub[0])
+ )
+ else:
+ result.append(
+ cls(target, pub, proto, None, None)
+ )
+ except ValueError as e:
+ raise ConfigurationError(str(e))
+ return result
+ return [cls(
+ spec.get('target'),
+ spec.get('published'),
+ spec.get('protocol'),
+ spec.get('mode'),
+ None
+ )]
+ @property
+ def merge_field(self):
+ return (, self.published, self.external_ip, self.protocol)
+ def repr(self):
+ return dict(
+ [(k, v) for k, v in zip(self._fields, self) if v is not None]
+ )
+ def legacy_repr(self):
+ return normalize_port_dict(self.repr())
+def normalize_port_dict(port):
+ return '{external_ip}{has_ext_ip}{published}{is_pub}{target}/{protocol}'.format(
+ published=port.get('published', ''),
+ is_pub=(':' if port.get('published') is not None or port.get('external_ip') else ''),
+ target=port.get('target'),
+ protocol=port.get('protocol', 'tcp'),
+ external_ip=port.get('external_ip', ''),
+ has_ext_ip=(':' if port.get('external_ip') else ''),
+ )
diff --git a/compose/config/ b/compose/config/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..940775a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compose/config/
@@ -0,0 +1,467 @@
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import json
+import logging
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+import six
+from docker.utils.ports import split_port
+from jsonschema import Draft4Validator
+from jsonschema import FormatChecker
+from jsonschema import RefResolver
+from jsonschema import ValidationError
+from ..const import COMPOSEFILE_V1 as V1
+from ..const import NANOCPUS_SCALE
+from .errors import ConfigurationError
+from .errors import VERSION_EXPLANATION
+from .sort_services import get_service_name_from_network_mode
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ 'cpu_share': 'cpu_shares',
+ 'add_host': 'extra_hosts',
+ 'hosts': 'extra_hosts',
+ 'extra_host': 'extra_hosts',
+ 'device': 'devices',
+ 'link': 'links',
+ 'memory_swap': 'memswap_limit',
+ 'port': 'ports',
+ 'privilege': 'privileged',
+ 'priviliged': 'privileged',
+ 'privilige': 'privileged',
+ 'volume': 'volumes',
+ 'workdir': 'working_dir',
+VALID_NAME_CHARS = '[a-zA-Z0-9\._\-]'
+VALID_EXPOSE_FORMAT = r'^\d+(\-\d+)?(\/[a-zA-Z]+)?$'
+@FormatChecker.cls_checks(format="ports", raises=ValidationError)
+def format_ports(instance):
+ try:
+ split_port(instance)
+ except ValueError as e:
+ raise ValidationError(six.text_type(e))
+ return True
+@FormatChecker.cls_checks(format="expose", raises=ValidationError)
+def format_expose(instance):
+ if isinstance(instance, six.string_types):
+ if not re.match(VALID_EXPOSE_FORMAT, instance):
+ raise ValidationError(
+ "should be of the format 'PORT[/PROTOCOL]'")
+ return True
+def match_named_volumes(service_dict, project_volumes):
+ service_volumes = service_dict.get('volumes', [])
+ for volume_spec in service_volumes:
+ if volume_spec.is_named_volume and volume_spec.external not in project_volumes:
+ raise ConfigurationError(
+ 'Named volume "{0}" is used in service "{1}" but no'
+ ' declaration was found in the volumes section.'.format(
+ volume_spec.repr(), service_dict.get('name')
+ )
+ )
+def python_type_to_yaml_type(type_):
+ type_name = type(type_).__name__
+ return {
+ 'dict': 'mapping',
+ 'list': 'array',
+ 'int': 'number',
+ 'float': 'number',
+ 'bool': 'boolean',
+ 'unicode': 'string',
+ 'str': 'string',
+ 'bytes': 'string',
+ }.get(type_name, type_name)
+def validate_config_section(filename, config, section):
+ """Validate the structure of a configuration section. This must be done
+ before interpolation so it's separate from schema validation.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(config, dict):
+ raise ConfigurationError(
+ "In file '{filename}', {section} must be a mapping, not "
+ "{type}.".format(
+ filename=filename,
+ section=section,
+ type=anglicize_json_type(python_type_to_yaml_type(config))))
+ for key, value in config.items():
+ if not isinstance(key, six.string_types):
+ raise ConfigurationError(
+ "In file '{filename}', the {section} name {name} must be a "
+ "quoted string, i.e. '{name}'.".format(
+ filename=filename,
+ section=section,
+ name=key))
+ if not isinstance(value, (dict, type(None))):
+ raise ConfigurationError(
+ "In file '{filename}', {section} '{name}' must be a mapping not "
+ "{type}.".format(
+ filename=filename,
+ section=section,
+ name=key,
+ type=anglicize_json_type(python_type_to_yaml_type(value))))
+def validate_top_level_object(config_file):
+ if not isinstance(config_file.config, dict):
+ raise ConfigurationError(
+ "Top level object in '{}' needs to be an object not '{}'.".format(
+ config_file.filename,
+ type(config_file.config)))
+def validate_ulimits(service_config):
+ ulimit_config = service_config.config.get('ulimits', {})
+ for limit_name, soft_hard_values in six.iteritems(ulimit_config):
+ if isinstance(soft_hard_values, dict):
+ if not soft_hard_values['soft'] <= soft_hard_values['hard']:
+ raise ConfigurationError(
+ "Service '{}' has invalid ulimit '{ulimit}'. "
+ "'soft' value can not be greater than 'hard' value ".format(
+ s=service_config,
+ ulimit=ulimit_config))
+def validate_extends_file_path(service_name, extends_options, filename):
+ """
+ The service to be extended must either be defined in the config key 'file',
+ or within 'filename'.
+ """
+ error_prefix = "Invalid 'extends' configuration for %s:" % service_name
+ if 'file' not in extends_options and filename is None:
+ raise ConfigurationError(
+ "%s you need to specify a 'file', e.g. 'file: something.yml'" % error_prefix
+ )
+def validate_network_mode(service_config, service_names):
+ network_mode = service_config.config.get('network_mode')
+ if not network_mode:
+ return
+ if 'networks' in service_config.config:
+ raise ConfigurationError("'network_mode' and 'networks' cannot be combined")
+ dependency = get_service_name_from_network_mode(network_mode)
+ if not dependency:
+ return
+ if dependency not in service_names:
+ raise ConfigurationError(
+ "Service '{}' uses the network stack of service '{dep}' which "
+ "is undefined.".format(s=service_config, dep=dependency))
+def validate_pid_mode(service_config, service_names):
+ pid_mode = service_config.config.get('pid')
+ if not pid_mode:
+ return
+ dependency = get_service_name_from_network_mode(pid_mode)
+ if not dependency:
+ return
+ if dependency not in service_names:
+ raise ConfigurationError(
+ "Service '{}' uses the PID namespace of service '{dep}' which "
+ "is undefined.".format(s=service_config, dep=dependency)
+ )
+def validate_links(service_config, service_names):
+ for link in service_config.config.get('links', []):
+ if link.split(':')[0] not in service_names:
+ raise ConfigurationError(
+ "Service '{}' has a link to service '{link}' which is "
+ "undefined.".format(s=service_config, link=link))
+def validate_depends_on(service_config, service_names):
+ deps = service_config.config.get('depends_on', {})
+ for dependency in deps.keys():
+ if dependency not in service_names:
+ raise ConfigurationError(
+ "Service '{}' depends on service '{dep}' which is "
+ "undefined.".format(s=service_config, dep=dependency)
+ )
+def get_unsupported_config_msg(path, error_key):
+ msg = "Unsupported config option for {}: '{}'".format(path_string(path), error_key)
+ if error_key in DOCKER_CONFIG_HINTS:
+ msg += " (did you mean '{}'?)".format(DOCKER_CONFIG_HINTS[error_key])
+ return msg
+def anglicize_json_type(json_type):
+ if json_type.startswith(('a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u')):
+ return 'an ' + json_type
+ return 'a ' + json_type
+def is_service_dict_schema(schema_id):
+ return schema_id in ('config_schema_v1.json', '#/properties/services')
+def handle_error_for_schema_with_id(error, path):
+ schema_id = error.schema['id']
+ if is_service_dict_schema(schema_id) and error.validator == 'additionalProperties':
+ return "Invalid service name '{}' - only {} characters are allowed".format(
+ # The service_name is one of the keys in the json object
+ [i for i in list(error.instance) if not i or any(filter(
+ lambda c: not re.match(VALID_NAME_CHARS, c), i
+ ))][0],
+ )
+ if error.validator == 'additionalProperties':
+ if schema_id == '#/definitions/service':
+ invalid_config_key = parse_key_from_error_msg(error)
+ return get_unsupported_config_msg(path, invalid_config_key)
+ if schema_id.startswith('config_schema_v'):
+ invalid_config_key = parse_key_from_error_msg(error)
+ return ('Invalid top-level property "{key}". Valid top-level '
+ 'sections for this Compose file are: {properties}, and '
+ 'extensions starting with "x-".\n\n{explanation}').format(
+ key=invalid_config_key,
+ properties=', '.join(error.schema['properties'].keys()),
+ )
+ if not error.path:
+ return '{}\n\n{}'.format(error.message, VERSION_EXPLANATION)
+def handle_generic_error(error, path):
+ msg_format = None
+ error_msg = error.message
+ if error.validator == 'oneOf':
+ msg_format = "{path} {msg}"
+ config_key, error_msg = _parse_oneof_validator(error)
+ if config_key:
+ path.append(config_key)
+ elif error.validator == 'type':
+ msg_format = "{path} contains an invalid type, it should be {msg}"
+ error_msg = _parse_valid_types_from_validator(error.validator_value)
+ elif error.validator == 'required':
+ error_msg = ", ".join(error.validator_value)
+ msg_format = "{path} is invalid, {msg} is required."
+ elif error.validator == 'dependencies':
+ config_key = list(error.validator_value.keys())[0]
+ required_keys = ",".join(error.validator_value[config_key])
+ msg_format = "{path} is invalid: {msg}"
+ path.append(config_key)
+ error_msg = "when defining '{}' you must set '{}' as well".format(
+ config_key,
+ required_keys)
+ elif error.cause:
+ error_msg = six.text_type(error.cause)
+ msg_format = "{path} is invalid: {msg}"
+ elif error.path:
+ msg_format = "{path} value {msg}"
+ if msg_format:
+ return msg_format.format(path=path_string(path), msg=error_msg)
+ return error.message
+def parse_key_from_error_msg(error):
+ return error.message.split("'")[1]
+def path_string(path):
+ return ".".join(c for c in path if isinstance(c, six.string_types))
+def _parse_valid_types_from_validator(validator):
+ """A validator value can be either an array of valid types or a string of
+ a valid type. Parse the valid types and prefix with the correct article.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(validator, list):
+ return anglicize_json_type(validator)
+ if len(validator) == 1:
+ return anglicize_json_type(validator[0])
+ return "{}, or {}".format(
+ ", ".join([anglicize_json_type(validator[0])] + validator[1:-1]),
+ anglicize_json_type(validator[-1]))
+def _parse_oneof_validator(error):
+ """oneOf has multiple schemas, so we need to reason about which schema, sub
+ schema or constraint the validation is failing on.
+ Inspecting the context value of a ValidationError gives us information about
+ which sub schema failed and which kind of error it is.
+ """
+ types = []
+ for context in error.context:
+ if context.validator == 'oneOf':
+ _, error_msg = _parse_oneof_validator(context)
+ return path_string(context.path), error_msg
+ if context.validator == 'required':
+ return (None, context.message)
+ if context.validator == 'additionalProperties':
+ invalid_config_key = parse_key_from_error_msg(context)
+ return (None, "contains unsupported option: '{}'".format(invalid_config_key))
+ if context.validator == 'uniqueItems':
+ return (
+ path_string(context.path) if context.path else None,
+ "contains non-unique items, please remove duplicates from {}".format(
+ context.instance),
+ )
+ if context.path:
+ return (
+ path_string(context.path),
+ "contains {}, which is an invalid type, it should be {}".format(
+ json.dumps(context.instance),
+ _parse_valid_types_from_validator(context.validator_value)),
+ )
+ if context.validator == 'type':
+ types.append(context.validator_value)
+ valid_types = _parse_valid_types_from_validator(types)
+ return (None, "contains an invalid type, it should be {}".format(valid_types))
+def process_service_constraint_errors(error, service_name, version):
+ if version == V1:
+ if 'image' in error.instance and 'build' in error.instance:
+ return (
+ "Service {} has both an image and build path specified. "
+ "A service can either be built to image or use an existing "
+ "image, not both.".format(service_name))
+ if 'image' in error.instance and 'dockerfile' in error.instance:
+ return (
+ "Service {} has both an image and alternate Dockerfile. "
+ "A service can either be built to image or use an existing "
+ "image, not both.".format(service_name))
+ if 'image' not in error.instance and 'build' not in error.instance:
+ return (
+ "Service {} has neither an image nor a build context specified. "
+ "At least one must be provided.".format(service_name))
+def process_config_schema_errors(error):
+ path = list(error.path)
+ if 'id' in error.schema:
+ error_msg = handle_error_for_schema_with_id(error, path)
+ if error_msg:
+ return error_msg
+ return handle_generic_error(error, path)
+def validate_against_config_schema(config_file):
+ schema = load_jsonschema(config_file)
+ format_checker = FormatChecker(["ports", "expose"])
+ validator = Draft4Validator(
+ schema,
+ resolver=RefResolver(get_resolver_path(), schema),
+ format_checker=format_checker)
+ handle_errors(
+ validator.iter_errors(config_file.config),
+ process_config_schema_errors,
+ config_file.filename)
+def validate_service_constraints(config, service_name, config_file):
+ def handler(errors):
+ return process_service_constraint_errors(
+ errors, service_name, config_file.version)
+ schema = load_jsonschema(config_file)
+ validator = Draft4Validator(schema['definitions']['constraints']['service'])
+ handle_errors(validator.iter_errors(config), handler, None)
+def validate_cpu(service_config):
+ cpus = service_config.config.get('cpus')
+ if not cpus:
+ return
+ nano_cpus = cpus * NANOCPUS_SCALE
+ if isinstance(nano_cpus, float) and not nano_cpus.is_integer():
+ raise ConfigurationError(
+ "cpus must have nine or less digits after decimal point")
+def get_schema_path():
+ return os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
+def load_jsonschema(config_file):
+ filename = os.path.join(
+ get_schema_path(),
+ "config_schema_v{0}.json".format(config_file.version))
+ if not os.path.exists(filename):
+ raise ConfigurationError(
+ 'Version in "{}" is unsupported. {}'
+ .format(config_file.filename, VERSION_EXPLANATION))
+ with open(filename, "r") as fh:
+ return json.load(fh)
+def get_resolver_path():
+ schema_path = get_schema_path()
+ if sys.platform == "win32":
+ scheme = "///"
+ # TODO: why is this necessary?
+ schema_path = schema_path.replace('\\', '/')
+ else:
+ scheme = "//"
+ return "file:{}{}/".format(scheme, schema_path)
+def handle_errors(errors, format_error_func, filename):
+ """jsonschema returns an error tree full of information to explain what has
+ gone wrong. Process each error and pull out relevant information and re-write
+ helpful error messages that are relevant.
+ """
+ errors = list(sorted(errors, key=str))
+ if not errors:
+ return
+ error_msg = '\n'.join(format_error_func(error) for error in errors)
+ raise ConfigurationError(
+ "The Compose file{file_msg} is invalid because:\n{error_msg}".format(
+ file_msg=" '{}'".format(filename) if filename else "",
+ error_msg=error_msg))