path: root/jabber-activity.el
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Diffstat (limited to 'jabber-activity.el')
1 files changed, 439 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jabber-activity.el b/jabber-activity.el
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index 0000000..430283e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jabber-activity.el
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+;;; jabber-activity.el --- show jabber activity in the mode line
+;; Copyright (C) 2004 Carl Henrik Lunde - <>
+;; This file is a part of jabber.el
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
+;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Allows tracking messages from buddies using the global mode line
+;; See (info "(jabber)Tracking activity")
+;;; TODO:
+;; - Make it possible to enable this mode using M-x customize
+;; - When Emacs is on another desktop, (get-buffer-window buf 'visible)
+;; returns nil. We need to know when the user selects the frame again
+;; so we can remove the string from the mode line. (Or just run
+;; jabber-activity-clean often).
+;; - jabber-activity-switch-to needs a keybinding. In which map?
+;; - Is there any need for having defcustom jabber-activity-make-string?
+;; - When there's activity in a buffer it would be nice with a hook which
+;; does the opposite of bury-buffer, so switch-to-buffer will show that
+;; buffer first.
+;;; Code:
+(require 'jabber-core)
+(require 'jabber-alert)
+(require 'jabber-util)
+(require 'jabber-muc-nick-completion) ;we need jabber-muc-looks-like-personal-p
+(require 'cl)
+(defgroup jabber-activity nil
+ "activity tracking options"
+ :group 'jabber)
+;; All the (featurep 'jabber-activity) is so we don't call a function
+;; with an autoloaded cookie while the file is loading, since that
+;; would lead to endless load recursion.
+(defcustom jabber-activity-make-string 'jabber-activity-make-string-default
+ "Function to call, for making the string to put in the mode
+line. The default function returns the nick of the user."
+ :set #'(lambda (var val)
+ (custom-set-default var val)
+ (when (and (featurep 'jabber-activity)
+ (fboundp 'jabber-activity-make-name-alist))
+ (jabber-activity-make-name-alist)
+ (jabber-activity-mode-line-update)))
+ :type 'function
+ :group 'jabber-activity)
+(defcustom jabber-activity-shorten-minimum 1
+ "All strings returned by `jabber-activity-make-strings-shorten' will be
+at least this long, when possible."
+ :group 'jabber-activity
+ :type 'number)
+(defcustom jabber-activity-make-strings 'jabber-activity-make-strings-default
+ "Function which should return an alist of JID -> string when given a list of
+ :set #'(lambda (var val)
+ (custom-set-default var val)
+ (when (and (featurep 'jabber-activity)
+ (fboundp 'jabber-activity-make-name-alist))
+ (jabber-activity-make-name-alist)
+ (jabber-activity-mode-line-update)))
+ :type '(choice (function-item :tag "Keep strings"
+ :value jabber-activity-make-strings-default)
+ (function-item :tag "Shorten strings"
+ :value jabber-activity-make-strings-shorten)
+ (function :tag "Other function"))
+ :group 'jabber-activity)
+(defcustom jabber-activity-count-in-title nil
+ "If non-nil, display number of active JIDs in frame title."
+ :type 'boolean
+ :group 'jabber-activity
+ :set #'(lambda (var val)
+ (custom-set-default var val)
+ (when (and (featurep 'jabber-activity)
+ (bound-and-true-p jabber-activity-mode))
+ (jabber-activity-mode -1)
+ (jabber-activity-mode 1))))
+(defcustom jabber-activity-count-in-title-format
+ '(jabber-activity-jids ("[" jabber-activity-count-string "] "))
+ "Format string used for displaying activity in frame titles.
+Same syntax as `mode-line-format'."
+ :type 'sexp
+ :group 'jabber-activity
+ :set #'(lambda (var val)
+ (if (not (and (featurep 'jabber-activity) (bound-and-true-p jabber-activity-mode)))
+ (custom-set-default var val)
+ (jabber-activity-mode -1)
+ (custom-set-default var val)
+ (jabber-activity-mode 1))))
+(defcustom jabber-activity-show-p 'jabber-activity-show-p-default
+ "Predicate function to call to check if the given JID should be
+shown in the mode line or not."
+ :type 'function
+ :group 'jabber-activity)
+(defcustom jabber-activity-query-unread t
+ "Query the user as to whether killing Emacs should be cancelled when
+there are unread messages which otherwise would be lost."
+ :type 'boolean
+ :group 'jabber-activity)
+(defcustom jabber-activity-banned nil
+ "List of regexps of banned JID"
+ :type '(repeat string)
+ :group 'jabber-activity)
+(defface jabber-activity-face
+ '((t (:foreground "red" :weight bold)))
+ "The face for displaying jabber-activity-string in the mode line"
+ :group 'jabber-activity)
+(defface jabber-activity-personal-face
+ '((t (:foreground "blue" :weight bold)))
+ "The face for displaying personal jabber-activity-string in the mode line"
+ :group 'jabber-activity)
+(defvar jabber-activity-jids nil
+ "A list of JIDs which have caused activity")
+(defvar jabber-activity-personal-jids nil
+ "Subset of `jabber-activity-jids' for JIDs with \"personal\" activity.")
+(defvar jabber-activity-name-alist nil
+ "Alist of mode line names for bare JIDs")
+(defvar jabber-activity-mode-string ""
+ "The mode string for jabber activity")
+(defvar jabber-activity-count-string "0"
+ "Number of active JIDs as a string.")
+(defvar jabber-activity-update-hook nil
+ "Hook called when `jabber-activity-jids' changes.
+It is called after `jabber-activity-mode-string' and
+`jabber-activity-count-string' are updated.")
+;; Protect this variable from being set in Local variables etc.
+(put 'jabber-activity-mode-string 'risky-local-variable t)
+(put 'jabber-activity-count-string 'risky-local-variable t)
+(defun jabber-activity-make-string-default (jid)
+ "Return the nick of the JID. If no nick is available, return
+the user name part of the JID. In private MUC conversations,
+return the user's nickname."
+ (if (jabber-muc-sender-p jid)
+ (jabber-jid-resource jid)
+ (let ((nick (jabber-jid-displayname jid))
+ (user (jabber-jid-user jid))
+ (username (jabber-jid-username jid)))
+ (if (and username (string= nick user))
+ username
+ nick))))
+(defun jabber-activity-make-strings-default (jids)
+ "Apply `jabber-activity-make-string' on JIDS"
+ (mapcar #'(lambda (jid) (cons jid (funcall jabber-activity-make-string jid)))
+ jids))
+(defun jabber-activity-common-prefix (s1 s2)
+ "Return length of common prefix string shared by S1 and S2"
+ (let ((len (min (length s1) (length s2))))
+ (or (dotimes (i len)
+ (when (not (eq (aref s1 i) (aref s2 i)))
+ (return i)))
+ ;; Substrings, equal, nil, or empty ("")
+ len)))
+(defun jabber-activity-make-strings-shorten (jids)
+ "Return an alist of JID -> names acquired by running
+`jabber-activity-make-string' on JIDS, and then shortening the names
+as much as possible such that all strings still are unique and at
+least `jabber-activity-shorten-minimum' long."
+ (let ((alist
+ (sort (mapcar
+ #'(lambda (x) (cons x (funcall jabber-activity-make-string x)))
+ jids)
+ #'(lambda (x y) (string-lessp (cdr x) (cdr y))))))
+ (loop for ((prev-jid . prev) (cur-jid . cur) (next-jid . next))
+ on (cons nil alist)
+ until (null cur)
+ collect
+ (cons
+ cur-jid
+ (substring
+ cur
+ 0 (min (length cur)
+ (max jabber-activity-shorten-minimum
+ (1+ (jabber-activity-common-prefix cur prev))
+ (1+ (jabber-activity-common-prefix cur next)))))))))
+(defun jabber-activity-find-buffer-name (jid)
+ "Find the name of the buffer that messages from JID would use."
+ (or (and (jabber-jid-resource jid)
+ (get-buffer (jabber-muc-private-get-buffer
+ (jabber-jid-user jid)
+ (jabber-jid-resource jid))))
+ (get-buffer (jabber-chat-get-buffer jid))
+ (get-buffer (jabber-muc-get-buffer jid))))
+(defun jabber-activity-show-p-default (jid)
+ "Returns t only if there is an invisible buffer for JID
+and JID not in jabber-activity-banned"
+ (let ((buffer (jabber-activity-find-buffer-name jid)))
+ (and (buffer-live-p buffer)
+ (not (get-buffer-window buffer 'visible))
+ (not (dolist (entry jabber-activity-banned)
+ (when (string-match entry jid)
+ (return t)))))))
+(defun jabber-activity-make-name-alist ()
+ "Rebuild `jabber-activity-name-alist' based on currently known JIDs"
+ (let ((jids (or (mapcar #'car jabber-activity-name-alist)
+ (mapcar #'symbol-name *jabber-roster*))))
+ (setq jabber-activity-name-alist
+ (funcall jabber-activity-make-strings jids))))
+(defun jabber-activity-lookup-name (jid)
+ "Lookup name in `jabber-activity-name-alist', creates an entry
+if needed, and returns a (jid . string) pair suitable for the mode line"
+ (let ((elm (assoc jid jabber-activity-name-alist)))
+ (if elm
+ elm
+ (progn
+ ;; Remake alist with the new JID
+ (setq jabber-activity-name-alist
+ (funcall jabber-activity-make-strings
+ (cons jid (mapcar #'car jabber-activity-name-alist))))
+ (jabber-activity-lookup-name jid)))))
+(defun jabber-activity-mode-line-update ()
+ "Update the string shown in the mode line using `jabber-activity-make-string'
+on JIDs where `jabber-activity-show-p'. Optional not-nil GROUP mean that message come from MUC.
+Optional TEXT used with one-to-one or MUC chats and may be used to identify personal MUC message.
+Optional PRESENCE mean personal presence request or alert."
+ (setq jabber-activity-mode-string
+ (if jabber-activity-jids
+ (mapconcat
+ (lambda (x)
+ (let ((jump-to-jid (car x)))
+ (jabber-propertize
+ (cdr x)
+ 'face (if (member jump-to-jid jabber-activity-personal-jids)
+ 'jabber-activity-personal-face
+ 'jabber-activity-face)
+ ;; XXX: XEmacs doesn't have make-mode-line-mouse-map.
+ ;; Is there another way to make this work?
+ 'local-map (when (fboundp 'make-mode-line-mouse-map)
+ (make-mode-line-mouse-map
+ 'mouse-1 `(lambda ()
+ (interactive "@")
+ (jabber-activity-switch-to
+ ,(car x)))))
+ 'help-echo (concat "Jump to "
+ (jabber-jid-displayname (car x))
+ "'s buffer"))))
+ (mapcar #'jabber-activity-lookup-name
+ jabber-activity-jids)
+ ",")
+ ""))
+ (setq jabber-activity-count-string
+ (number-to-string (length jabber-activity-jids)))
+ (force-mode-line-update 'all)
+ (run-hooks 'jabber-activity-update-hook))
+;;; Hooks
+(defun jabber-activity-clean ()
+ "Remove JIDs where `jabber-activity-show-p' no longer is true"
+ (setq jabber-activity-jids (delete-if-not jabber-activity-show-p
+ jabber-activity-jids))
+ (setq jabber-activity-personal-jids
+ (delete-if-not jabber-activity-show-p
+ jabber-activity-personal-jids))
+ (jabber-activity-mode-line-update))
+(defun jabber-activity-add (from buffer text proposed-alert)
+ "Add a JID to mode line when `jabber-activity-show-p'"
+ (when (funcall jabber-activity-show-p from)
+ (add-to-list 'jabber-activity-jids from)
+ (add-to-list 'jabber-activity-personal-jids from)
+ (jabber-activity-mode-line-update)))
+(defun jabber-activity-add-muc (nick group buffer text proposed-alert)
+ "Add a JID to mode line when `jabber-activity-show-p'"
+ (when (funcall jabber-activity-show-p group)
+ (add-to-list 'jabber-activity-jids group)
+ (when (jabber-muc-looks-like-personal-p text group)
+ (add-to-list 'jabber-activity-personal-jids group))
+ (jabber-activity-mode-line-update)))
+(defun jabber-activity-presence (who oldstatus newstatus statustext proposed-alert)
+ "Add a JID to mode line on subscription requests."
+ (when (string= newstatus "subscribe")
+ (add-to-list 'jabber-activity-jids (symbol-name who))
+ (add-to-list 'jabber-activity-personal-jids (symbol-name who))
+ (jabber-activity-mode-line-update)))
+(defun jabber-activity-kill-hook ()
+ "Query the user as to whether killing Emacs should be cancelled
+when there are unread messages which otherwise would be lost, if
+`jabber-activity-query-unread' is t"
+ (if (and jabber-activity-jids
+ jabber-activity-query-unread)
+ (or jabber-silent-mode (yes-or-no-p
+ "You have unread Jabber messages, are you sure you want to quit?"))
+ t))
+;;; Interactive functions
+(defvar jabber-activity-last-buffer nil
+ "Last non-Jabber buffer used.")
+(defun jabber-activity-switch-to (&optional jid-param)
+ "If JID-PARAM is provided, switch to that buffer. If JID-PARAM is nil and
+there has been activity in another buffer, switch to that buffer. If no such
+buffer exists, switch back to the last non Jabber chat buffer used."
+ (interactive)
+ (if (or jid-param jabber-activity-jids)
+ (let ((jid (or jid-param (car jabber-activity-jids))))
+ (unless (eq major-mode 'jabber-chat-mode)
+ (setq jabber-activity-last-buffer (current-buffer)))
+ (switch-to-buffer (jabber-activity-find-buffer-name jid))
+ (jabber-activity-clean))
+ (if (eq major-mode 'jabber-chat-mode)
+ ;; Switch back to the buffer used last
+ (when (buffer-live-p jabber-activity-last-buffer)
+ (switch-to-buffer jabber-activity-last-buffer))
+ (message "No new activity"))))
+(defvar jabber-activity-idle-timer nil "Idle timer used for activity cleaning")
+(define-minor-mode jabber-activity-mode
+ "Toggle display of activity in hidden jabber buffers in the mode line.
+With a numeric arg, enable this display if arg is positive."
+ :global t
+ :group 'jabber-activity
+ :init-value t
+ (if jabber-activity-mode
+ (progn
+ ;; XEmacs compatibilty hack from erc-track
+ (if (featurep 'xemacs)
+ (defadvice switch-to-buffer (after jabber-activity-update (&rest args) activate)
+ (jabber-activity-clean))
+ (add-hook 'window-configuration-change-hook
+ 'jabber-activity-clean))
+ (add-hook 'jabber-message-hooks
+ 'jabber-activity-add)
+ (add-hook 'jabber-muc-hooks
+ 'jabber-activity-add-muc)
+ (add-hook 'jabber-presence-hooks
+ 'jabber-activity-presence)
+ (setq jabber-activity-idle-timer (run-with-idle-timer 2 t 'jabber-activity-clean))
+ ;; XXX: reactivate
+ ;; (add-hook 'jabber-post-connect-hooks
+;; 'jabber-activity-make-name-alist)
+ (add-to-list 'kill-emacs-query-functions
+ 'jabber-activity-kill-hook)
+ (add-to-list 'global-mode-string
+ '(t jabber-activity-mode-string))
+ (when jabber-activity-count-in-title
+ ;; Be careful not to override specific meanings of the
+ ;; existing title format. In particular, if the car is
+ ;; a symbol, we can't just add our stuff at the beginning.
+ ;; If the car is "", we should be safe.
+ ;;
+ ;; In my experience, sometimes the activity count gets
+ ;; included twice in the title. I'm not sure exactly why,
+ ;; but it would be nice to replace the code below with
+ ;; something cleaner.
+ (if (equal (car-safe frame-title-format) "")
+ (add-to-list 'frame-title-format
+ jabber-activity-count-in-title-format)
+ (setq frame-title-format (list ""
+ jabber-activity-count-in-title-format
+ frame-title-format)))
+ (if (equal (car-safe icon-title-format) "")
+ (add-to-list 'icon-title-format
+ jabber-activity-count-in-title-format)
+ (setq icon-title-format (list ""
+ jabber-activity-count-in-title-format
+ icon-title-format)))))
+ (progn
+ (if (featurep 'xemacs)
+ (ad-disable-advice 'switch-to-buffer 'after 'jabber-activity-update)
+ (remove-hook 'window-configuration-change-hook
+ 'jabber-activity-remove-visible))
+ (remove-hook 'jabber-message-hooks
+ 'jabber-activity-add)
+ (remove-hook 'jabber-muc-hooks
+ 'jabber-activity-add-muc)
+ (remove-hook 'jabber-presence-hooks
+ 'jabber-activity-presence)
+ (ignore-errors (cancel-timer jabber-activity-idle-timer))
+ ;; XXX: reactivate
+;; (remove-hook 'jabber-post-connect-hooks
+;; 'jabber-activity-make-name-alist)
+ (setq global-mode-string (delete '(t jabber-activity-mode-string)
+ global-mode-string))
+ (when (listp frame-title-format)
+ (setq frame-title-format
+ (delete jabber-activity-count-in-title-format
+ frame-title-format)))
+ (when (listp icon-title-format)
+ (setq icon-title-format
+ (delete jabber-activity-count-in-title-format
+ icon-title-format))))))
+;; XXX: define-minor-mode should probably do this for us, but it doesn't.
+(if jabber-activity-mode (jabber-activity-mode 1))
+(provide 'jabber-activity)
+;; arch-tag: 127D7E42-356B-11D9-BE1E-000A95C2FCD0