path: root/jabber-alert.el
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Diffstat (limited to 'jabber-alert.el')
1 files changed, 514 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jabber-alert.el b/jabber-alert.el
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index 0000000..105c5f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jabber-alert.el
@@ -0,0 +1,514 @@
+;; jabber-alert.el - alert hooks
+;; Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008 - Magnus Henoch -
+;; Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004 - tom berger -
+;; This file is a part of jabber.el.
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+(require 'jabber-util)
+(require 'cl)
+(defgroup jabber-alerts nil "auditory and visual alerts for jabber events"
+ :group 'jabber)
+(defcustom jabber-alert-message-hooks '(jabber-message-echo
+ jabber-message-scroll)
+ "Hooks run when a new message arrives.
+Arguments are FROM, BUFFER, TEXT and TITLE. FROM is the JID of
+the sender, BUFFER is the the buffer where the message can be
+read, and TEXT is the text of the message. TITLE is the string
+returned by `jabber-alert-message-function' for these arguments,
+so that hooks do not have to call it themselves.
+This hook is meant for user customization of message alerts. For
+other uses, see `jabber-message-hooks'."
+ :type 'hook
+ :options '(jabber-message-beep
+ jabber-message-wave
+ jabber-message-echo
+ jabber-message-switch
+ jabber-message-display
+ jabber-message-scroll)
+ :group 'jabber-alerts)
+(defvar jabber-message-hooks nil
+ "Internal hooks run when a new message arrives.
+This hook works just like `jabber-alert-message-hooks', except that
+it's not meant to be customized by the user.")
+(defcustom jabber-alert-message-function
+ 'jabber-message-default-message
+ "Function for constructing short message alert messages.
+Arguments are FROM, BUFFER, and TEXT. This function should return a
+string containing an appropriate text message, or nil if no message
+should be displayed.
+The provided hooks displaying a text message get it from this function,
+and show no message if it returns nil. Other hooks do what they do
+every time."
+ :type 'function
+ :group 'jabber-alerts)
+(defcustom jabber-alert-muc-hooks '(jabber-muc-echo jabber-muc-scroll)
+ "Hooks run when a new MUC message arrives.
+Arguments are NICK, GROUP, BUFFER, TEXT and TITLE. NICK is the
+nickname of the sender. GROUP is the JID of the group. BUFFER
+is the the buffer where the message can be read, and TEXT is the
+text of the message. TITLE is the string returned by
+`jabber-alert-muc-function' for these arguments, so that hooks do
+not have to call it themselves."
+ :type 'hook
+ :options '(jabber-muc-beep
+ jabber-muc-wave
+ jabber-muc-echo
+ jabber-muc-switch
+ jabber-muc-display
+ jabber-muc-scroll)
+ :group 'jabber-alerts)
+(defvar jabber-muc-hooks '()
+ "Internal hooks run when a new MUC message arrives.
+This hook works just like `jabber-alert-muc-hooks', except that
+it's not meant to be customized by the user.")
+(defcustom jabber-alert-muc-function
+ 'jabber-muc-default-message
+ "Function for constructing short message alert messages.
+Arguments are NICK, GROUP, BUFFER, and TEXT. This function
+should return a string containing an appropriate text message, or
+nil if no message should be displayed.
+The provided hooks displaying a text message get it from this function,
+and show no message if it returns nil. Other hooks do what they do
+every time."
+ :type 'function
+ :group 'jabber-alerts)
+(defcustom jabber-alert-presence-hooks
+ '(jabber-presence-echo)
+ "Hooks run when a user's presence changes.
+PROPOSED-ALERT. WHO is a symbol whose text is the JID of the contact,
+and which has various interesting properties. OLDSTATUS is the old
+presence or nil if disconnected. NEWSTATUS is the new presence, or
+one of \"subscribe\", \"unsubscribe\", \"subscribed\" and
+\"unsubscribed\". TITLE is the string returned by
+`jabber-alert-presence-message-function' for these arguments."
+ :type 'hook
+ :options '(jabber-presence-beep
+ jabber-presence-wave
+ jabber-presence-switch
+ jabber-presence-display
+ jabber-presence-echo)
+ :group 'jabber-alerts)
+(defvar jabber-presence-hooks '(jabber-presence-watch)
+ "Internal hooks run when a user's presence changes.
+This hook works just like `jabber-alert-presence-hooks', except that
+it's not meant to be customized by the user.")
+(defcustom jabber-alert-presence-message-function
+ 'jabber-presence-default-message
+ "Function for constructing title of presence alert messages.
+`jabber-alert-presence-hooks' for documentation. This function
+should return a string containing an appropriate text message, or nil
+if no message should be displayed.
+The provided hooks displaying a text message get it from this function.
+All hooks refrain from action if this function returns nil."
+ :type 'function
+ :group 'jabber-alerts)
+(defcustom jabber-alert-info-message-hooks '(jabber-info-display jabber-info-echo)
+ "Hooks run when an info request is completed.
+First argument is WHAT, a symbol telling the kind of info request completed.
+That might be 'roster, for requested roster updates, and 'browse, for
+browse requests. Second argument in BUFFER, a buffer containing the result.
+Third argument is PROPOSED-ALERT, containing the string returned by
+`jabber-alert-info-message-function' for these arguments."
+ :type 'hook
+ :options '(jabber-info-beep
+ jabber-info-wave
+ jabber-info-echo
+ jabber-info-switch
+ jabber-info-display)
+ :group 'jabber-alerts)
+(defvar jabber-info-message-hooks '()
+ "Internal hooks run when an info request is completed.
+This hook works just like `jabber-alert-info-message-hooks',
+except that it's not meant to be customized by the user.")
+(defcustom jabber-alert-info-message-function
+ 'jabber-info-default-message
+ "Function for constructing info alert messages.
+Arguments are WHAT, a symbol telling the kind of info request completed,
+and BUFFER, a buffer containing the result."
+ :type 'function
+ :group 'jabber-alerts)
+(defcustom jabber-info-message-alist
+ '((roster . "Roster display updated")
+ (browse . "Browse request completed"))
+ "Alist for info alert messages, used by `jabber-info-default-message'."
+ :type '(alist :key-type symbol :value-type string
+ :options (roster browse))
+ :group 'jabber-alerts)
+(defcustom jabber-alert-message-wave ""
+ "A sound file to play when a message arrived.
+See `jabber-alert-message-wave-alist' if you want other sounds
+for specific contacts."
+ :type 'file
+ :group 'jabber-alerts)
+(defcustom jabber-alert-message-wave-alist nil
+ "Specific sound files for messages from specific contacts.
+The keys are regexps matching the JID, and the values are sound
+ :type '(alist :key-type regexp :value-type file)
+ :group 'jabber-alerts)
+(defcustom jabber-alert-muc-wave ""
+ "a sound file to play when a MUC message arrived"
+ :type 'file
+ :group 'jabber-alerts)
+(defcustom jabber-alert-presence-wave ""
+ "a sound file to play when a presence arrived"
+ :type 'file
+ :group 'jabber-alerts)
+(defcustom jabber-alert-presence-wave-alist nil
+ "Specific sound files for presence from specific contacts.
+The keys are regexps matching the JID, and the values are sound
+ :type '(alist :key-type regexp :value-type file)
+ :group 'jabber-alerts)
+(defcustom jabber-alert-info-wave ""
+ "a sound file to play when an info query result arrived"
+ :type 'file
+ :group 'jabber-alerts)
+(defcustom jabber-play-sound-file 'play-sound-file
+ "a function to call to play alert sound files"
+ :type 'function
+ :group 'jabber-alerts)
+(defmacro define-jabber-alert (name docstring function)
+ "Define a new family of external alert hooks.
+Use this macro when your hooks do nothing except displaying a string
+in some new innovative way. You write a string display function, and
+this macro does all the boring and repetitive work.
+NAME is the name of the alert family. The resulting hooks will be
+called jabber-{message,muc,presence,info}-NAME.
+DOCSTRING is the docstring to use for those hooks.
+FUNCTION is a function that takes one argument, a string,
+and displays it in some meaningful way. It can be either a
+lambda form or a quoted function name.
+The created functions are inserted as options in Customize.
+\(define-jabber-alert foo \"Send foo alert\" 'foo-message)
+\(define-jabber-alert bar \"Send bar alert\"
+ (lambda (msg) (bar msg 42)))"
+ (let ((sn (symbol-name name)))
+ (let ((msg (intern (format "jabber-message-%s" sn)))
+ (muc (intern (format "jabber-muc-%s" sn)))
+ (pres (intern (format "jabber-presence-%s" sn)))
+ (info (intern (format "jabber-info-%s" sn))))
+ `(progn
+ (defun ,msg (from buffer text title)
+ ,docstring
+ (when title
+ (funcall ,function text title)))
+ (pushnew (quote ,msg) (get 'jabber-alert-message-hooks 'custom-options))
+ (defun ,muc (nick group buffer text title)
+ ,docstring
+ (when title
+ (funcall ,function text title)))
+ (pushnew (quote ,muc) (get 'jabber-alert-muc-hooks 'custom-options))
+ (defun ,pres (who oldstatus newstatus statustext title)
+ ,docstring
+ (when title
+ (funcall ,function statustext title)))
+ (pushnew (quote ,pres) (get 'jabber-alert-presence-hooks 'custom-options))
+ (defun ,info (infotype buffer text)
+ ,docstring
+ (when text
+ (funcall ,function text)))
+ (pushnew (quote ,info) (get 'jabber-alert-info-message-hooks 'custom-options))))))
+;; Alert hooks
+(define-jabber-alert echo "Show a message in the echo area"
+ (lambda (text &optional title) (message "%s" (or title text))))
+(define-jabber-alert beep "Beep on event"
+ (lambda (&rest ignore) (beep)))
+;; Message alert hooks
+(defun jabber-message-default-message (from buffer text)
+ (when (or jabber-message-alert-same-buffer
+ (not (memq (selected-window) (get-buffer-window-list buffer))))
+ (if (jabber-muc-sender-p from)
+ (format "Private message from %s in %s"
+ (jabber-jid-resource from)
+ (jabber-jid-displayname (jabber-jid-user from)))
+ (format "Message from %s" (jabber-jid-displayname from)))))
+(defcustom jabber-message-alert-same-buffer t
+ "If nil, don't display message alerts for the current buffer."
+ :type 'boolean
+ :group 'jabber-alerts)
+(defcustom jabber-muc-alert-self nil
+ "If nil, don't display MUC alerts for your own messages."
+ :type 'boolean
+ :group 'jabber-alerts)
+(defun jabber-message-wave (from buffer text title)
+ "Play the wave file specified in `jabber-alert-message-wave'"
+ (when title
+ (let* ((case-fold-search t)
+ (bare-jid (jabber-jid-user from))
+ (sound-file (or (dolist (entry jabber-alert-message-wave-alist)
+ (when (string-match (car entry) bare-jid)
+ (return (cdr entry))))
+ jabber-alert-message-wave)))
+ (unless (equal sound-file "")
+ (funcall jabber-play-sound-file sound-file)))))
+(defun jabber-message-display (from buffer text title)
+ "Display the buffer where a new message has arrived."
+ (when title
+ (display-buffer buffer)))
+(defun jabber-message-switch (from buffer text title)
+ "Switch to the buffer where a new message has arrived."
+ (when title
+ (switch-to-buffer buffer)))
+(defun jabber-message-scroll (from buffer text title)
+ "Scroll all nonselected windows where the chat buffer is displayed."
+ ;; jabber-chat-buffer-display will DTRT with point in the buffer.
+ ;; But this change will not take effect in nonselected windows.
+ ;; Therefore we do that manually here.
+ ;;
+ ;; There are three cases:
+ ;; 1. The user started typing a message in this window. Point is
+ ;; greater than jabber-point-insert. In that case, we don't
+ ;; want to move point.
+ ;; 2. Point was at the end of the buffer, but no message was being
+ ;; typed. After displaying the message, point is now close to
+ ;; the end of the buffer. We advance it to the end.
+ ;; 3. The user was perusing history in this window. There is no
+ ;; simple way to distinguish this from 2, so the user loses.
+ (let ((windows (get-buffer-window-list buffer nil t))
+ (new-point-max (with-current-buffer buffer (point-max))))
+ (dolist (w windows)
+ (unless (eq w (selected-window))
+ (set-window-point w new-point-max)))))
+;; MUC alert hooks
+(defun jabber-muc-default-message (nick group buffer text)
+ (when (or jabber-message-alert-same-buffer
+ (not (memq (selected-window) (get-buffer-window-list buffer))))
+ (if nick
+ (when (or jabber-muc-alert-self
+ (not (string= nick (cdr (assoc group *jabber-active-groupchats*)))))
+ (format "Message from %s in %s" nick (jabber-jid-displayname
+ group)))
+ (format "Message in %s" (jabber-jid-displayname group)))))
+(defun jabber-muc-wave (nick group buffer text title)
+ "Play the wave file specified in `jabber-alert-muc-wave'"
+ (when title
+ (funcall jabber-play-sound-file jabber-alert-muc-wave)))
+(defun jabber-muc-display (nick group buffer text title)
+ "Display the buffer where a new message has arrived."
+ (when title
+ (display-buffer buffer)))
+(defun jabber-muc-switch (nick group buffer text title)
+ "Switch to the buffer where a new message has arrived."
+ (when title
+ (switch-to-buffer buffer)))
+(defun jabber-muc-scroll (nick group buffer text title)
+ "Scroll buffer even if it is in an unselected window."
+ (jabber-message-scroll nil buffer nil nil))
+;; Presence alert hooks
+(defun jabber-presence-default-message (who oldstatus newstatus statustext)
+ "This function returns nil if OLDSTATUS and NEWSTATUS are equal, and in other
+cases a string of the form \"'name' (jid) is now NEWSTATUS (STATUSTEXT)\".
+This function is not called directly, but is the default for
+ (cond
+ ((equal oldstatus newstatus)
+ nil)
+ (t
+ (let ((formattedname
+ (if (> (length (get who 'name)) 0)
+ (get who 'name)
+ (symbol-name who)))
+ (formattedstatus
+ (or
+ (cdr (assoc newstatus
+ '(("subscribe" . " requests subscription to your presence")
+ ("subscribed" . " has granted presence subscription to you")
+ ("unsubscribe" . " no longer subscribes to your presence")
+ ("unsubscribed" . " cancels your presence subscription"))))
+ (concat " is now "
+ (or
+ (cdr (assoc newstatus jabber-presence-strings))
+ newstatus)))))
+ (concat formattedname formattedstatus)))))
+(defun jabber-presence-only-chat-open-message (who oldstatus newstatus statustext)
+ "This function returns the same as `jabber-presence-default-message' but only
+if there is a chat buffer open for WHO, keeping the amount of presence messages
+at a more manageable level when there are lots of users.
+This function is not called directly, but can be used as the value for
+ (when (get-buffer (jabber-chat-get-buffer (jabber-xml-get-attribute xml-data 'from)))
+ (jabber-presence-default-message who oldstatus newstatus statustext)))
+(defun jabber-presence-wave (who oldstatus newstatus statustext proposed-alert)
+ "Play the wave file specified in `jabber-alert-presence-wave'"
+ (when proposed-alert
+ (let* ((case-fold-search t)
+ (bare-jid (symbol-name who))
+ (sound-file (or (dolist (entry jabber-alert-presence-wave-alist)
+ (when (string-match (car entry) bare-jid)
+ (return (cdr entry))))
+ jabber-alert-presence-wave)))
+ (unless (equal sound-file "")
+ (funcall jabber-play-sound-file sound-file)))))
+;; This is now defined in jabber-roster.el.
+;; (defun jabber-presence-update-roster (who oldstatus newstatus statustext proposed-alert)
+;; "Update the roster display by calling `jabber-display-roster'"
+;; (jabber-display-roster))
+(defun jabber-presence-display (who oldstatus newstatus statustext proposed-alert)
+ "Display the roster buffer"
+ (when proposed-alert
+ (display-buffer jabber-roster-buffer)))
+(defun jabber-presence-switch (who oldstatus newstatus statustext proposed-alert)
+ "Switch to the roster buffer"
+ (when proposed-alert
+ (switch-to-buffer jabber-roster-buffer)))
+;;; Info alert hooks
+(defun jabber-info-default-message (infotype buffer)
+ "Function for constructing info alert messages.
+The argument is INFOTYPE, a symbol telling the kind of info request completed.
+This function uses `jabber-info-message-alist' to find a message."
+ (concat (cdr (assq infotype jabber-info-message-alist))
+ " (buffer "(buffer-name buffer) ")"))
+(defun jabber-info-wave (infotype buffer proposed-alert)
+ "Play the wave file specified in `jabber-alert-info-wave'"
+ (if proposed-alert
+ (funcall jabber-play-sound-file jabber-alert-info-wave)))
+(defun jabber-info-display (infotype buffer proposed-alert)
+ "Display buffer of completed request"
+ (when proposed-alert
+ (display-buffer buffer)))
+(defun jabber-info-switch (infotype buffer proposed-alert)
+ "Switch to buffer of completed request"
+ (when proposed-alert
+ (switch-to-buffer buffer)))
+;;; Personal alert hooks
+(defmacro define-personal-jabber-alert (name)
+ "From ALERT function, make ALERT-personal function. Makes sence only for MUC."
+ (let ((sn (symbol-name name)))
+ (let ((func (intern (format "%s-personal" sn))))
+ `(progn
+ (defun ,func (nick group buffer text title)
+ (if (jabber-muc-looks-like-personal-p text group)
+ (,name nick group buffer text title)))
+ (pushnew (quote ,func) (get 'jabber-alert-muc-hooks 'custom-options)))))
+ )
+(define-personal-jabber-alert jabber-muc-beep)
+(define-personal-jabber-alert jabber-muc-wave)
+(define-personal-jabber-alert jabber-muc-echo)
+(define-personal-jabber-alert jabber-muc-switch)
+(define-personal-jabber-alert jabber-muc-display)
+(defcustom jabber-autoanswer-alist nil
+ "Specific phrases to autoanswer on specific message.
+The keys are regexps matching the incoming message text, and the values are
+autoanswer phrase."
+ :type '(alist :key-type regexp :value-type string)
+ :group 'jabber-alerts)
+(defun jabber-autoanswer-answer (from buffer text proposed-alert)
+ "Answer automaticaly when incoming text matches first element
+of `jabber-autoanswer-alist'"
+ (when (and from buffer text proposed-alert jabber-autoanswer-alist)
+ (let ((message
+ (dolist (entry jabber-autoanswer-alist)
+ (when (string-match (car entry) text)
+ (return (cdr entry))))))
+ (if message
+ (jabber-chat-send jabber-buffer-connection message)))
+ ))
+(pushnew 'jabber-autoanswer-answer (get 'jabber-alert-message-hooks 'custom-options))
+(defun jabber-autoanswer-answer-muc (nick group buffer text proposed-alert)
+ "Answer automaticaly when incoming text matches first element
+of `jabber-autoanswer-alist'"
+ (when (and nick group buffer text proposed-alert jabber-autoanswer-alist)
+ (let ((message
+ (dolist (entry jabber-autoanswer-alist)
+ (when (string-match (car entry) text)
+ (return (cdr entry))))))
+ (if message
+ (jabber-chat-send jabber-buffer-connection message)))
+ ))
+(pushnew 'jabber-autoanswer-answer-muc (get 'jabber-alert-muc-hooks 'custom-options))
+(provide 'jabber-alert)
+;;; arch-tag: 725bd73e-c613-4fdc-a11d-3392a7598d4f