path: root/jabber-bookmarks.el
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Diffstat (limited to 'jabber-bookmarks.el')
1 files changed, 248 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jabber-bookmarks.el b/jabber-bookmarks.el
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index 0000000..5a9f39f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jabber-bookmarks.el
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+;; jabber-bookmarks.el - bookmarks according to XEP-0048
+;; Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 - Magnus Henoch -
+;; This file is a part of jabber.el.
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+(require 'jabber-private)
+(require 'jabber-widget)
+(require 'cl)
+(defvar jabber-bookmarks (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
+ "Mapping from full JIDs to bookmarks.
+Bookmarks are what has been retrieved from the server, as list of
+XML elements. This is nil if bookmarks have not been retrieved,
+and t if no bookmarks where found.")
+(defun jabber-get-conference-data (jc conference-jid cont &optional key)
+ "Get bookmark data for CONFERENCE-JID.
+KEY may be nil or one of :name, :autojoin, :nick and :password.
+If KEY is nil, a plist containing the above keys is returned.
+CONT is called when the result is available, with JC and the
+result as arguments. If CONT is nil, return the requested data
+immediately, and return nil if it is not in the cache."
+ (if (null cont)
+ (let ((cache (jabber-get-bookmarks-from-cache jc)))
+ (if (and cache (listp cache))
+ (jabber-get-conference-data-internal
+ cache conference-jid key)))
+ (jabber-get-bookmarks
+ jc
+ (lexical-let ((conference-jid conference-jid)
+ (key key)
+ (cont cont))
+ (lambda (jc result)
+ (let ((entry (jabber-get-conference-data-internal result conference-jid key)))
+ (funcall cont jc entry)))))))
+(defun jabber-get-conference-data-internal (result conference-jid key)
+ (let ((entry (dolist (node result)
+ (when (and (eq (jabber-xml-node-name node) 'conference)
+ (string= (jabber-xml-get-attribute node 'jid) conference-jid))
+ (return (jabber-parse-conference-bookmark node))))))
+ (if key
+ (plist-get entry key)
+ entry)))
+(defun jabber-parse-conference-bookmark (node)
+ "Convert a <conference/> tag into a plist.
+The plist may contain the keys :jid, :name, :autojoin,
+:nick and :password."
+ (when (eq (jabber-xml-node-name node) 'conference)
+ (list :jid (jabber-xml-get-attribute node 'jid)
+ :name (jabber-xml-get-attribute node 'name)
+ :autojoin (member (jabber-xml-get-attribute node 'autojoin)
+ '("true" "1"))
+ :nick (car (jabber-xml-node-children
+ (car (jabber-xml-get-children node 'nick))))
+ :password (car (jabber-xml-node-children
+ (car (jabber-xml-get-children node 'password)))))))
+(defun jabber-get-bookmarks (jc cont &optional refresh)
+ "Retrieve bookmarks (if needed) and call CONT.
+Arguments to CONT are JC and the bookmark list. CONT will be
+called as the result of a filter function or a timer.
+If REFRESH is non-nil, always fetch bookmarks."
+ (let ((bookmarks (gethash (jabber-connection-bare-jid jc) jabber-bookmarks)))
+ (if (and (not refresh) bookmarks)
+ (run-with-timer 0 nil cont jc (when (listp bookmarks) bookmarks))
+ (lexical-let* ((cont cont)
+ (callback (lambda (jc result) (jabber-get-bookmarks-1 jc result cont))))
+ (jabber-private-get jc 'storage "storage:bookmarks"
+ callback callback)))))
+(defun jabber-get-bookmarks-1 (jc result cont)
+ (let ((my-jid (jabber-connection-bare-jid jc))
+ (value
+ (if (eq (jabber-xml-node-name result) 'storage)
+ (or (jabber-xml-node-children result) t)
+ t)))
+ (puthash my-jid value jabber-bookmarks)
+ (funcall cont jc (when (listp value) value))))
+(defun jabber-get-bookmarks-from-cache (jc)
+ "Return cached bookmarks for JC.
+If bookmarks have not yet been fetched by `jabber-get-bookmarks',
+return nil."
+ (gethash (jabber-connection-bare-jid jc) jabber-bookmarks))
+(defun jabber-set-bookmarks (jc bookmarks &optional callback)
+ "Set bookmarks to BOOKMARKS, which is a list of XML elements.
+If CALLBACK is non-nil, call it with JC and t or nil as arguments
+on success or failure, respectively."
+ (unless callback
+ (setq callback #'ignore))
+ (jabber-private-set
+ jc
+ `(storage ((xmlns . "storage:bookmarks"))
+ ,@bookmarks)
+ callback t
+ callback nil))
+(defun jabber-edit-bookmarks (jc)
+ "Create a buffer for editing bookmarks interactively."
+ (interactive (list (jabber-read-account)))
+ (jabber-get-bookmarks jc 'jabber-edit-bookmarks-1 t))
+(defun jabber-edit-bookmarks-1 (jc bookmarks)
+ (setq bookmarks
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (e)
+ (case (jabber-xml-node-name e)
+ (url
+ (list 'url (or (jabber-xml-get-attribute e 'url) "")
+ (or (jabber-xml-get-attribute e 'name) "")))
+ (conference
+ (list 'conference
+ (or (jabber-xml-get-attribute e 'jid) "")
+ (or (jabber-xml-get-attribute e 'name) "")
+ (not (not (member (jabber-xml-get-attribute e 'autojoin)
+ '("true" "1"))))
+ (or (jabber-xml-path e '(nick "")) "")
+ (or (jabber-xml-path e '(password "")) "")))))
+ bookmarks))
+ (setq bookmarks (delq nil bookmarks))
+ (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "Edit bookmarks")
+ (jabber-init-widget-buffer nil)
+ (setq jabber-buffer-connection jc)
+ (widget-insert (jabber-propertize (concat "Edit bookmarks for "
+ (jabber-connection-bare-jid jc))
+ 'face 'jabber-title-large)
+ "\n\n")
+ (when (or (bound-and-true-p jabber-muc-autojoin)
+ (bound-and-true-p jabber-muc-default-nicknames))
+ (widget-insert "The variables `jabber-muc-autojoin' and/or `jabber-muc-default-nicknames'\n"
+ "contain values. They are only available to jabber.el on this machine.\n"
+ "You may want to import them into your bookmarks, to make them available\n"
+ "to any client on any machine.\n")
+ (widget-create 'push-button :notify 'jabber-bookmarks-import "Import values from variables")
+ (widget-insert "\n\n"))
+ (push (cons 'bookmarks
+ (widget-create
+ '(repeat
+ :tag "Bookmarks"
+ (choice
+ (list :tag "Conference"
+ (const :format "" conference)
+ (string :tag "JID") ;XXX: jid widget type?
+ (string :tag "Name")
+ (checkbox :tag "Autojoin" :format "%[%v%] Autojoin?\n")
+ (string :tag "Nick") ;or nil?
+ (string :tag "Password") ;or nil?
+ )
+ (list :tag "URL"
+ (const :format "" url)
+ (string :tag "URL")
+ (string :tag "Name"))))
+ :value bookmarks))
+ jabber-widget-alist)
+ (widget-insert "\n")
+ (widget-create 'push-button :notify 'jabber-bookmarks-submit "Submit")
+ (widget-setup)
+ (widget-minor-mode 1)
+ (switch-to-buffer (current-buffer))
+ (goto-char (point-min))))
+(defun jabber-bookmarks-submit (&rest ignore)
+ (let ((bookmarks (widget-value (cdr (assq 'bookmarks jabber-widget-alist)))))
+ (setq bookmarks
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (entry)
+ (case (car entry)
+ (url
+ (destructuring-bind (symbol url name) entry
+ `(url ((url . ,url)
+ (name . ,name)))))
+ (conference
+ (destructuring-bind (symbol jid name autojoin nick password)
+ entry
+ `(conference ((jid . ,jid)
+ (name . ,name)
+ (autojoin . ,(if autojoin
+ "1"
+ "0")))
+ ,@(unless (zerop (length nick))
+ `((nick () ,nick)))
+ ,@(unless (zerop (length password))
+ `((password () ,password))))))))
+ bookmarks))
+ (remhash (jabber-connection-bare-jid jabber-buffer-connection) jabber-bookmarks)
+ (jabber-private-set
+ jabber-buffer-connection
+ `(storage ((xmlns . "storage:bookmarks"))
+ ,@bookmarks)
+ 'jabber-report-success "Storing bookmarks"
+ 'jabber-report-success "Storing bookmarks")))
+(defun jabber-bookmarks-import (&rest ignore)
+ (let* ((value (widget-value (cdr (assq 'bookmarks jabber-widget-alist))))
+ (conferences (mapcar
+ 'cdr
+ (remove-if-not
+ (lambda (entry)
+ (eq (car entry) 'conference))
+ value))))
+ (dolist (default-nickname jabber-muc-default-nicknames)
+ (destructuring-bind (muc-jid . nick) default-nickname
+ (let ((entry (assoc muc-jid conferences)))
+ (if entry
+ (setf (fourth entry) nick)
+ (setq entry (list muc-jid "" nil nick ""))
+ (push entry conferences)
+ (push (cons 'conference entry) value)))))
+ (dolist (autojoin jabber-muc-autojoin)
+ (let ((entry (assoc autojoin conferences)))
+ (if entry
+ (setf (third entry) t)
+ (setq entry (list autojoin "" t "" ""))
+ (push (cons 'conference entry) value))))
+ (widget-value-set (cdr (assq 'bookmarks jabber-widget-alist)) value)
+ (widget-setup)))
+(provide 'jabber-bookmarks)
+;; arch-tag: a7d6f862-bac0-11db-831f-000a95c2fcd0