path: root/jabber-iq.el
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Diffstat (limited to 'jabber-iq.el')
1 files changed, 213 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jabber-iq.el b/jabber-iq.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4a4121
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jabber-iq.el
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+;; jabber-iq.el - infoquery functions
+;; Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2007, 2008 - Magnus Henoch -
+;; Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004 - tom berger -
+;; This file is a part of jabber.el.
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+(require 'jabber-core)
+(require 'jabber-util)
+(require 'jabber-keymap)
+(defvar *jabber-open-info-queries* nil
+ "an alist of open query id and their callback functions")
+(defvar jabber-iq-get-xmlns-alist nil
+ "Mapping from XML namespace to handler for IQ GET requests.")
+(defvar jabber-iq-set-xmlns-alist nil
+ "Mapping from XML namespace to handler for IQ SET requests.")
+(defvar jabber-browse-mode-map
+ (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+ (set-keymap-parent map jabber-common-keymap)
+ (define-key map [mouse-2] 'jabber-popup-combined-menu)
+ map))
+(defcustom jabber-browse-mode-hook nil
+ "Hook run when entering Browse mode."
+ :group 'jabber
+ :type 'hook)
+(defgroup jabber-browse nil "browse display options"
+ :group 'jabber)
+(defcustom jabber-browse-buffer-format "*-jabber-browse:-%n-*"
+ "The format specification for the name of browse buffers.
+These fields are available at this moment:
+%n JID to browse"
+ :type 'string
+ :group 'jabber-browse)
+(defun jabber-browse-mode ()
+ (kill-all-local-variables)
+ (setq major-mode 'jabber-browse-mode
+ mode-name "jabber-browse")
+ (use-local-map jabber-browse-mode-map)
+ (setq buffer-read-only t)
+ (if (fboundp 'run-mode-hooks)
+ (run-mode-hooks 'jabber-browse-mode-hook)
+ (run-hooks 'jabber-browse-mode-hook)))
+(put 'jabber-browse-mode 'mode-class 'special)
+(add-to-list 'jabber-iq-chain 'jabber-process-iq)
+(defun jabber-process-iq (jc xml-data)
+ "process an incoming iq stanza"
+ (let* ((id (jabber-xml-get-attribute xml-data 'id))
+ (type (jabber-xml-get-attribute xml-data 'type))
+ (from (jabber-xml-get-attribute xml-data 'from))
+ (query (jabber-iq-query xml-data))
+ (callback (assoc id *jabber-open-info-queries*)))
+ (cond
+ ;; if type is "result" or "error", this is a response to a query we sent.
+ ((or (string= type "result")
+ (string= type "error"))
+ (let ((callback-cons (nth (cdr (assoc type '(("result" . 0)
+ ("error" . 1)))) (cdr callback))))
+ (if (consp callback-cons)
+ (funcall (car callback-cons) jc xml-data (cdr callback-cons))))
+ (setq *jabber-open-info-queries* (delq callback *jabber-open-info-queries*)))
+ ;; if type is "get" or "set", correct action depends on namespace of request.
+ ((and (listp query)
+ (or (string= type "get")
+ (string= type "set")))
+ (let* ((which-alist (eval (cdr (assoc type
+ (list
+ (cons "get" 'jabber-iq-get-xmlns-alist)
+ (cons "set" 'jabber-iq-set-xmlns-alist))))))
+ (handler (cdr (assoc (jabber-xml-get-attribute query 'xmlns) which-alist))))
+ (if handler
+ (condition-case error-var
+ (funcall handler jc xml-data)
+ (jabber-error
+ (apply 'jabber-send-iq-error jc from id query (cdr error-var)))
+ (error (jabber-send-iq-error jc from id query "wait" 'internal-server-error (error-message-string error-var))))
+ (jabber-send-iq-error jc from id query "cancel" 'feature-not-implemented)))))))
+(defun jabber-send-iq (jc to type query success-callback success-closure-data
+ error-callback error-closure-data &optional result-id)
+ "Send an iq stanza to the specified entity, and optionally set up a callback.
+JC is the Jabber connection.
+TO is the addressee.
+TYPE is one of \"get\", \"set\", \"result\" or \"error\".
+QUERY is a list containing the child of the iq node in the format `jabber-sexp2xml'
+SUCCESS-CALLBACK is the function to be called when a successful result arrives.
+ERROR-CALLBACK is the function to be called when an error arrives.
+ERROR-CLOSURE-DATA is an extra argument to ERROR-CALLBACK.
+RESULT-ID is the id to be used for a response to a received iq message.
+`jabber-report-success' and `jabber-process-data' are common callbacks.
+The callback functions are called like this:
+with XML-DATA being the IQ stanza received in response. "
+ (let ((id (or result-id (apply 'format "emacs-iq-%d.%d.%d" (current-time)))))
+ (if (or success-callback error-callback)
+ (setq *jabber-open-info-queries* (cons (list id
+ (cons success-callback success-closure-data)
+ (cons error-callback error-closure-data))
+ *jabber-open-info-queries*)))
+ (jabber-send-sexp jc
+ (list 'iq (append
+ (if to (list (cons 'to to)))
+ (list (cons 'type type))
+ (list (cons 'id id)))
+ query))))
+(defun jabber-send-iq-error (jc to id original-query error-type condition
+ &optional text app-specific)
+ "Send an error iq stanza to the specified entity in response to a
+previously sent iq stanza.
+TO is the addressee.
+ID is the id of the iq stanza that caused the error.
+ORIGINAL-QUERY is the original query, which should be included in the
+error, or nil.
+ERROR-TYPE is one of \"cancel\", \"continue\", \"modify\", \"auth\"
+and \"wait\".
+CONDITION is a symbol denoting a defined XMPP condition.
+TEXT is a string to be sent in the error message, or nil for no text.
+APP-SPECIFIC is a list of extra XML tags.
+See section 9.3 of XMPP Core."
+ (jabber-send-sexp
+ jc
+ `(iq (,@(when to `((to . ,to)))
+ (type . "error")
+ (id . ,(or id "")))
+ ,original-query
+ (error ((type . ,error-type))
+ (,condition ((xmlns . "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas")))
+ ,(if text
+ `(text ((xmlns . "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas"))
+ ,text))
+ ,@app-specific))))
+(defun jabber-process-data (jc xml-data closure-data)
+ "Process random results from various requests."
+ (let ((from (or (jabber-xml-get-attribute xml-data 'from) (plist-get (fsm-get-state-data jc) :server)))
+ (xmlns (jabber-iq-xmlns xml-data))
+ (type (jabber-xml-get-attribute xml-data 'type)))
+ (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create (format-spec jabber-browse-buffer-format
+ (list (cons ?n from))))
+ (if (not (eq major-mode 'jabber-browse-mode))
+ (jabber-browse-mode))
+ (setq buffer-read-only nil)
+ (goto-char (point-max))
+ (insert (jabber-propertize from
+ 'face 'jabber-title-large) "\n\n")
+ ;; Put point at beginning of data
+ (save-excursion
+ ;; If closure-data is a function, call it. If it is a string,
+ ;; output it along with a description of the error. For other
+ ;; values (e.g. nil), just dump the XML.
+ (cond
+ ((functionp closure-data)
+ (funcall closure-data jc xml-data))
+ ((stringp closure-data)
+ (insert closure-data ": " (jabber-parse-error (jabber-iq-error xml-data)) "\n\n"))
+ (t
+ (insert (format "%S\n\n" xml-data))))
+ (dolist (hook '(jabber-info-message-hooks jabber-alert-info-message-hooks))
+ (run-hook-with-args hook 'browse (current-buffer) (funcall jabber-alert-info-message-function 'browse (current-buffer))))))))
+(defun jabber-silent-process-data (jc xml-data closure-data)
+ "Process random results from various requests to only alert hooks."
+ (let ((text (cond
+ ((functionp closure-data)
+ (funcall closure-data jc xml-data))
+ ((stringp closure-data)
+ (concat closure-data ": " (jabber-parse-error (jabber-iq-error xml-data))))
+ (t
+ (format "%S" xml-data)))))
+ (dolist (hook '(jabber-info-message-hooks jabber-alert-info-message-hooks))
+ (run-hook-with-args hook 'browse (current-buffer)
+ text))))
+(provide 'jabber-iq)
+;;; arch-tag: 5585dfa3-b59a-42ee-9292-803652c85e26