path: root/jabber-xml.el
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Diffstat (limited to 'jabber-xml.el')
1 files changed, 289 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jabber-xml.el b/jabber-xml.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..520f033
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jabber-xml.el
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+;; jabber-xml.el - XML functions
+;; Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2007, 2008 - Magnus Henoch -
+;; Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004 - tom berger -
+;; This file is a part of jabber.el.
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+(require 'xml)
+(require 'jabber-util)
+ (require 'cl))
+(defun jabber-escape-xml (str)
+ "escape strings for xml"
+ (if (stringp str)
+ (let ((newstr (concat str)))
+ ;; Form feeds might appear in code you copy, etc. Nevertheless,
+ ;; it's invalid XML.
+ (setq newstr (jabber-replace-in-string newstr "\f" "\n"))
+ ;; Other control characters are also illegal, except for
+ ;; tab, CR, and LF.
+ (setq newstr (jabber-replace-in-string newstr "[\000-\010\013\014\016-\037]" " "))
+ (setq newstr (jabber-replace-in-string newstr "&" "&"))
+ (setq newstr (jabber-replace-in-string newstr "<" "&lt;"))
+ (setq newstr (jabber-replace-in-string newstr ">" "&gt;"))
+ (setq newstr (jabber-replace-in-string newstr "'" "&apos;"))
+ (setq newstr (jabber-replace-in-string newstr "\"" "&quot;"))
+ newstr)
+ str))
+(defun jabber-unescape-xml (str)
+ "unescape xml strings"
+ ;; Eventually this can be done with `xml-substitute-special', but the
+ ;; version in xml.el of GNU Emacs 21.3 is buggy.
+ (if (stringp str)
+ (let ((newstr str))
+ (setq newstr (jabber-replace-in-string newstr "&quot;" "\""))
+ (setq newstr (jabber-replace-in-string newstr "&apos;" "'"))
+ (setq newstr (jabber-replace-in-string newstr "&gt;" ">"))
+ (setq newstr (jabber-replace-in-string newstr "&lt;" "<"))
+ (setq newstr (jabber-replace-in-string newstr "&amp;" "&"))
+ newstr)
+ str))
+(defun jabber-sexp2xml (sexp)
+ "converts an SEXP in the format (tagname ((attribute-name . attribute-value)...) children...) and converts it to well-formatted xml."
+ (cond
+ ((stringp sexp)
+ (jabber-escape-xml sexp))
+ ((listp (car sexp))
+ (let ((xml ""))
+ (dolist (tag sexp)
+ (setq xml (concat xml (jabber-sexp2xml tag))))
+ xml))
+ ;; work around bug in old versions of xml.el, where ("") can appear
+ ;; as children of a node
+ ((and (consp sexp)
+ (stringp (car sexp))
+ (zerop (length (car sexp))))
+ "")
+ (t
+ (let ((xml ""))
+ (setq xml (concat "<"
+ (symbol-name (car sexp))))
+ (dolist (attr (cadr sexp))
+ (if (consp attr)
+ (setq xml (concat xml
+ (format " %s='%s'"
+ (symbol-name (car attr))
+ (jabber-escape-xml (cdr attr)))))))
+ (if (cddr sexp)
+ (progn
+ (setq xml (concat xml ">"))
+ (dolist (child (cddr sexp))
+ (setq xml (concat xml
+ (jabber-sexp2xml child))))
+ (setq xml (concat xml
+ "</"
+ (symbol-name (car sexp))
+ ">")))
+ (setq xml (concat xml
+ "/>")))
+ xml))))
+(defun jabber-xml-skip-tag-forward (&optional dont-recurse-into-stream)
+ "Skip to end of tag or matching closing tag if present.
+Return t iff after a closing tag, otherwise throws an 'unfinished
+tag with value nil.
+If DONT-RECURSE-INTO-STREAM is true, stop after an opening
+<stream:stream> tag.
+The version of `sgml-skip-tag-forward' in Emacs 21 isn't good
+enough for us."
+ (skip-chars-forward "^<")
+ (cond
+ ((looking-at "<!\\[CDATA\\[")
+ (if (search-forward "]]>" nil t)
+ (goto-char (match-end 0))
+ (throw 'unfinished nil)))
+ ((looking-at "<\\([^[:space:]/>]+\\)\\([[:space:]]+[^=>]+=[[:space:]]*'[^']*'\\|[[:space:]]+[^=>]+=[[:space:]]*\"[^\"]*\"\\)*")
+ (let ((node-name (match-string 1)))
+ (goto-char (match-end 0))
+ (skip-syntax-forward "\s-") ; Skip over trailing white space.
+ (cond
+ ((looking-at "/>")
+ (goto-char (match-end 0))
+ t)
+ ((looking-at ">")
+ (goto-char (match-end 0))
+ (unless (and dont-recurse-into-stream (equal node-name "stream:stream"))
+ (loop
+ do (skip-chars-forward "^<")
+ until (looking-at (regexp-quote (concat "</" node-name ">")))
+ do (jabber-xml-skip-tag-forward))
+ (goto-char (match-end 0)))
+ t)
+ (t
+ (throw 'unfinished nil)))))
+ (t
+ (throw 'unfinished nil))))
+(defun jabber-xml-parse-next-stanza ()
+ "Parse the first XML stanza in the current buffer.
+Parse and return the first complete XML element in the buffer,
+leaving point at the end of it. If there is no complete XML
+element, return `nil'."
+ (and (catch 'unfinished
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (jabber-xml-skip-tag-forward)
+ (> (point) (point-min)))
+ (xml-parse-region (point-min) (point))))
+(defsubst jabber-xml-node-name (node)
+ "Return the tag associated with NODE.
+The tag is a lower-case symbol."
+ (if (listp node) (car node)))
+(defsubst jabber-xml-node-attributes (node)
+ "Return the list of attributes of NODE.
+The list can be nil."
+ (if (listp node) (nth 1 node)))
+(defsubst jabber-xml-node-children (node)
+ "Return the list of children of NODE.
+This is a list of nodes, and it can be nil."
+ (let ((children (cddr node)))
+ ;; Work around a bug in early versions of xml.el
+ (if (equal children '(("")))
+ nil
+ children)))
+(defun jabber-xml-get-children (node child-name)
+ "Return the children of NODE whose tag is CHILD-NAME.
+CHILD-NAME should be a lower case symbol."
+ (let ((match ()))
+ (dolist (child (jabber-xml-node-children node))
+ (if child
+ (if (equal (jabber-xml-node-name child) child-name)
+ (push child match))))
+ (nreverse match)))
+;; `xml-get-attribute' returns "" if the attribute is not found, which
+;; is not very useful. Therefore, we use `xml-get-attribute-or-nil'
+;; if present, or emulate its behavior.
+ (if (fboundp 'xml-get-attribute-or-nil)
+ (defsubst jabber-xml-get-attribute (node attribute)
+ "Get from NODE the value of ATTRIBUTE.
+Return nil if the attribute was not found."
+ (when (consp node)
+ (xml-get-attribute-or-nil node attribute)))
+ (defsubst jabber-xml-get-attribute (node attribute)
+ "Get from NODE the value of ATTRIBUTE.
+Return nil if the attribute was not found."
+ (when (consp node)
+ (let ((result (xml-get-attribute node attribute)))
+ (and (> (length result) 0) result))))))
+(defsubst jabber-xml-get-xmlns (node)
+ "Get \"xmlns\" attribute of NODE, or nil if not present."
+ (jabber-xml-get-attribute node 'xmlns))
+(defun jabber-xml-path (xml-data path)
+ "Find sub-node of XML-DATA according to PATH.
+PATH is a vaguely XPath-inspired list. Each element can be:
+a symbol go to first child node with this node name
+cons cell car is string containing namespace URI,
+ cdr is string containing node name. Find
+ first matching child node.
+any string character data of this node"
+ (let ((node xml-data))
+ (while (and path node)
+ (let ((step (car path)))
+ (cond
+ ((symbolp step)
+ (setq node (car (jabber-xml-get-children node step))))
+ ((consp step)
+ ;; This will be easier with namespace-aware use
+ ;; of xml.el. It will also be more correct.
+ ;; Now, it only matches explicit namespace declarations.
+ (setq node
+ (dolist (x (jabber-xml-get-children node (intern (cdr step))))
+ (when (string= (jabber-xml-get-attribute x 'xmlns)
+ (car step))
+ (return x)))))
+ ((stringp step)
+ (setq node (car (jabber-xml-node-children node)))
+ (unless (stringp node)
+ (setq node nil)))
+ (t
+ (error "Unknown path step: %s" step))))
+ (setq path (cdr path)))
+ node))
+(defmacro jabber-xml-let-attributes (attributes xml-data &rest body)
+ "Bind variables to the same-name attribute values in XML-DATA."
+ `(let ,(mapcar #'(lambda (attr)
+ (list attr `(jabber-xml-get-attribute ,xml-data ',attr)))
+ attributes)
+ ,@body))
+(put 'jabber-xml-let-attributes 'lisp-indent-function 2)
+(defun jabber-xml-resolve-namespace-prefixes (xml-data &optional default-ns prefixes)
+ (let ((node-name (jabber-xml-node-name xml-data))
+ (attrs (jabber-xml-node-attributes xml-data)))
+ (setq prefixes (jabber-xml-merge-namespace-declarations attrs prefixes))
+ ;; If there is an xmlns attribute, it is the new default
+ ;; namespace.
+ (let ((xmlns (jabber-xml-get-xmlns xml-data)))
+ (when xmlns
+ (setq default-ns xmlns)))
+ ;; Now, if the node name has a prefix, replace it and add an
+ ;; "xmlns" attribute. Slightly ugly, but avoids the need to
+ ;; change all the rest of jabber.el at once.
+ (let ((node-name-string (symbol-name node-name)))
+ (when (string-match "\\(.*\\):\\(.*\\)" node-name-string)
+ (let* ((prefix (match-string 1 node-name-string))
+ (unprefixed (match-string 2 node-name-string))
+ (ns (assoc prefix prefixes)))
+ (if (null ns)
+ ;; This is not supposed to happen...
+ (message "jabber-xml-resolve-namespace-prefixes: Unknown prefix in %s" node-name-string)
+ (setf (car xml-data) (intern unprefixed))
+ (setf (cadr xml-data) (cons (cons 'xmlns (cdr ns)) (delq 'xmlns attrs)))))))
+ ;; And iterate through all child elements.
+ (mapc (lambda (x)
+ (when (listp x)
+ (jabber-xml-resolve-namespace-prefixes x default-ns prefixes)))
+ (jabber-xml-node-children xml-data))
+ xml-data))
+(defun jabber-xml-merge-namespace-declarations (attrs prefixes)
+ ;; First find any xmlns:foo attributes..
+ (dolist (attr attrs)
+ (let ((attr-name (symbol-name (car attr))))
+ (when (string-match "xmlns:" attr-name)
+ (let ((prefix (substring attr-name (match-end 0)))
+ (ns-uri (cdr attr)))
+ ;; A slightly complicated dance to never change the
+ ;; original value of prefixes (since the caller depends on
+ ;; it), but also to avoid excessive copying (which remove
+ ;; always does). Might need to profile and tweak this for
+ ;; performance.
+ (setq prefixes
+ (cons (cons prefix ns-uri)
+ (if (assoc prefix prefixes)
+ (remove (assoc prefix prefixes) prefixes)
+ prefixes)))))))
+ prefixes)
+(provide 'jabber-xml)
+;;; arch-tag: ca206e65-7026-4ee8-9af2-ff6a9c5af98a