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1 files changed, 752 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ert-expectations.el b/ert-expectations.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3208ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ert-expectations.el
@@ -0,0 +1,752 @@
+;;; ert-expectations.el --- The simplest unit test framework in the world
+;; Filename: ert-expectations.el
+;; Description: The simplest unit test framework in the world
+;; Author: rubikitch <>
+;; Maintainer: rubikitch <>
+;; Copyright (C) 2012, rubikitch, all rights reserved.
+;; Time-stamp: <2012-10-09 16:34:22 rubikitch>
+;; Created: 2012-09-24 16:20:43
+;; Version: 0.2
+;; URL:
+;; Keywords: test unittest ert expectations
+;; Compatibility: GNU Emacs 24.2.2
+;; Features that might be required by this library:
+;; `el-mock', `ert'
+;;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs
+;;; License
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth
+;; Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; `expectations', the simplest unit test framework using `ert'.
+;; No test names! No extra typing!
+;; This is aimed for a successor of el-expectations.
+;; If you use el-expectations, you can simply replace.
+;; I love Jay Fields' expectations unit testing framework in Ruby. It
+;; provides one syntax and can define various assertions. So I created
+;; Emacs Lisp Expectations modeled after expectations in Ruby.
+;; Testing policy is same as the original expectations in Ruby. Visit
+;; expectations site in rubyforge.
+;; With Emacs Lisp Mock (el-mock.el), Emacs Lisp Expectations supports
+;; mock and stub, ie. behavior based testing.
+;; You can get it from EmacsWiki
+;; The biggest advantage is this uses `ert' feature to display test result.
+;; You can easily understand why a test failed.
+;; `expectations' vs `ert'
+;; (expect 10 (ert-deftest erte-test-00001 ()
+;; (+ 4 6)) (should (equal 10
+;; (+ 4 6))))
+;; Example:
+;; (expectations
+;; (desc "success")
+;; (expect 10
+;; (+ 4 6))
+;; (expect 5
+;; (length "abcde"))
+;; (desc "fail")
+;; (expect 11
+;; (+ 4 6))
+;; (expect 6
+;; (length "abcde")))
+;; Press C-M-x sexp then get the result in *ert*:
+;; Selector: t
+;; Passed: 2
+;; Failed: 2 (2 unexpected)
+;; Total: 4/4
+;; Started at: 2012-10-09 15:37:17+0900
+;; Finished.
+;; Finished at: 2012-10-09 15:37:17+0900
+;; ..FF
+;; F erte-test-00003
+;; (ert-test-failed
+;; ((should
+;; (equal 11
+;; (mock-protect
+;; (lambda nil
+;; (+ 4 6)))))
+;; :form
+;; (equal 11 10)
+;; :value nil :explanation
+;; (different-atoms
+;; (11 "#xb" "?^K")
+;; (10 "#xa" "?\n"))))
+;; F erte-test-00004
+;; (ert-test-failed
+;; ((should
+;; (equal 6
+;; (mock-protect
+;; (lambda nil
+;; (length "abcde")))))
+;; :form
+;; (equal 6 5)
+;; :value nil :explanation
+;; (different-atoms
+;; (6 "#x6" "?^F")
+;; (5 "#x5" "?^E"))))
+;; If you want more complex example, see (describe-function 'expectations)
+;;; Installation:
+;; Put ert-expectations.el to your load-path.
+;; The load-path is usually ~/elisp/.
+;; It's set in your ~/.emacs like this:
+;; (add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "~/elisp"))
+;; And the following to your ~/.emacs startup file.
+;; (require 'ert-expectations)
+;; No need more.
+;;; Usage:
+;; 1. Evaluate an expectations sexp.
+;; 2. `M-x expectations-execute' or `M-x ert RET RET' to execute a test.
+;; 3. If there are any errors, follow link to test names in *ert*
+;; to go to expect sexp in error.
+;; If you evaluated expectations by C-M-x, it is automatically executed.
+;; If you type C-u C-M-x, execute expectations with batch-mode.
+;; For further information: see docstring of `expectations'.
+;; [EVAL IT] (describe-function 'expectations)
+;;; Batch Mode:
+;; You can execute tests in batch mode using `ert-run-tests-batch-and-exit'.
+;; Example:
+;; $ emacs -Q -batch -L . -l ert-expectations -l el-expectations-success-sample.el -f ert-run-tests-batch-and-exit
+;;; Examples:
+;; Example code is in the EmacsWiki.
+;; Success example
+;; Failure example
+;;; Self test:
+;; M-x erte-test-command: Execute successful and failed tests.
+;; M-x erte-test--success: Execute successful tests.
+;; M-x erte-test--fail: Execute failed tests.
+;; [EVAL IT] (shell-command "emacs -Q -batch -L . -l ert-expectations -l el-expectations-success-sample.el -f ert-run-tests-batch-and-exit &")
+;; [EVAL IT] (shell-command "emacs -Q -batch -L . -l ert-expectations -l el-expectations-success-sample.el -l el-expectations-failure-sample.el -f ert-run-tests-batch-and-exit &")
+;;; Embedded test:
+;; You can embed test using `fboundp' and `dont-compile'. dont-compile
+;; is needed to prevent unit tests from being byte-compiled.
+;; (dont-compile
+;; (when (fboundp 'expectations)
+;; (expectations
+;; (expect ...)
+;; ...
+;; )))
+;;; Customize:
+;; Below are customizable option list:
+;; `expectations-execute-at-once'
+;; If non-nil, execute selected expectation when pressing C-M-x.
+;; default = (quote all)
+;;; Limitation:
+;; * `expectations-execute' can execute one test (sexp).
+;;; Bug Report:
+;; If you have problem, send a bug report via M-x erte-send-bug-report.
+;; The step is:
+;; 0) Setup mail in Emacs, the easiest way is:
+;; (setq user-mail-address "your@mail.address")
+;; (setq user-full-name "Your Full Name")
+;; (setq smtpmail-smtp-server "")
+;; (setq mail-user-agent 'message-user-agent)
+;; (setq message-send-mail-function 'message-smtpmail-send-it)
+;; 1) Be sure to use the LATEST version of ert-expectations.el.
+;; 2) Enable debugger. M-x toggle-debug-on-error or (setq debug-on-error t)
+;; 3) Use Lisp version instead of compiled one: (load "ert-expectations.el")
+;; 4) Do it!
+;; 5) If you got an error, please do not close *Backtrace* buffer.
+;; 6) M-x erte-send-bug-report and M-x insert-buffer *Backtrace*
+;; 7) Describe the bug using a precise recipe.
+;; 8) Type C-c C-c to send.
+;; # If you are a Japanese, please write in Japanese:-)
+;;; Change log:
+;; 2012/10/09
+;; * First release.
+;; 2012/09/24
+;; * Created.
+;;; Require
+(require 'cl)
+(require 'el-mock nil t)
+(require 'ert)
+;;; Code:
+;;;; Macros
+(defmacro erte-aif (test-form then-form &rest else-forms)
+ "Like `if' but set the result of TEST-FORM in a temprary variable called `it'.
+THEN-FORM and ELSE-FORMS are then excuted just like in `if'."
+ (declare (indent 2) (debug t))
+ `(let ((it ,test-form))
+ (if it ,then-form ,@else-forms)))
+;;;; The `expectations' macro
+(defvar erte-test-count 0)
+(defvar erte-last-filename nil)
+(defvar erte-not-delete-flag nil)
+(defmacro expectations (&rest body)
+ "Define a expectations test case.
+Use `expect' and `desc' to verify the code.
+`exps-tmpbuf' creates temporary buffers and they are killed
+after execute expectations.
+* (expect EXPECTED-VALUE BODY ...)
+ Assert that the evaluation result of BODY is `equal' to EXPECTED-VALUE.
+ Description of a test. It is treated only as a delimiter comment.
+Synopsis of EXPECTED-VALUE:
+* (non-nil)
+* (true)
+ Any non-nil value, eg. t, 1, '(1).
+* (buffer BUFFER-NAME)
+ Body should eq buffer object of BUFFER-NAME.
+ Example:
+ (expect (buffer \"*scratch*\")
+ (with-current-buffer \"*scratch*\"
+ (current-buffer)))
+* (regexp REGEXP)
+ Body should match REGEXP.
+ Example:
+ (expect (regexp \"o\")
+ \"hoge\")
+* (type TYPE-SYMBOL)
+ Body should be a TYPE-SYMBOL.
+ TYPE-SYMBOL may be one of symbols returned by `type-of' function.
+ `symbol', `integer', `float', `string', `cons', `vector',
+ `char-table', `bool-vector', `subr', `compiled-function',
+ `marker', `overlay', `window', `buffer', `frame', `process',
+ `window-configuration'
+ Otherwise using predicate naming TYPE-SYMBOL and \"p\".
+ For example, `(type sequence)' uses `sequencep' predicate.
+ `(type char-or-string)' uses `char-or-string-p' predicate.
+ Example:
+ (expect (type buffer)
+ (current-buffer))
+ (expect (type sequence)
+ nil)
+ (expect (type char-or-string)
+ \"a\")
+* (error)
+ Body should raise any error.
+ Example:
+ (expect (error)
+ (/ 1 0))
+* (error ERROR-SYMBOL)
+ Body should raise ERROR-SYMBOL error.
+ Example:
+ (expect (error arith-error)
+ (/ 1 0))
+ Body should raise ERROR-SYMBOL error with ERROR-DATA.
+ ERROR-DATA is 2nd argument of `signal' function. If ERROR-DATA
+ is the special symbol `*', then it will match any error data.
+ Example:
+ (expect (error wrong-number-of-arguments '(= 3))
+ (= 1 2 3 ))
+ (expect (error error *)
+ (error \"message\"))
+* (error-message ERROR-MESSAGE)
+ Body should raise any error with ERROR-MESSAGE.
+ Example:
+ (expect (error-message \"ERROR!!\")
+ (error \"ERROR!!\"))
+* (no-error)
+ Body should not raise any error.
+ Example:
+ (expect (no-error)
+ 1)
+ Body should call MOCK-FUNCTION-SPEC and returns MOCK-RETURN-VALUE.
+ Mock assertion depends on `el-mock' library.
+ If available, you do not have to require it: ert-expectations detects it.
+ MOCK-FUNCTION-SPEC is almost same as normal function call.
+ If you should specify `*' as ARGUMENT, any value is accepted.
+ Otherwise, body should call FUNCTION with specified ARGUMENTs.
+ Example:
+ (expect (mock (foo * 3) => nil)
+ (foo 9 3))
+* (not-called FUNCTION)
+ Body should not call FUNCTION.
+ Not-called assertion depends on `el-mock' library.
+ If available, you do not have to require it: ert-expectations detects it.
+ Example:
+ (expect (not-called hoge)
+ 1)
+* any other SEXP
+ Body should equal (eval SEXP).
+ Example:
+ (expect '(1 2)
+ (list 1 2))
+Extending EXPECTED-VALUE is easy. See ert-expectations.el source code.
+ (expectations
+ (desc \"simple expectation\")
+ (expect 3
+ (+ 1 2))
+ (expect \"hoge\"
+ (concat \"ho\" \"ge\"))
+ (expect \"fuga\"
+ (set-buffer (get-buffer-create \"tmp\"))
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (insert \"fuga\")
+ (buffer-string))
+ (desc \"extended expectation\")
+ (expect (buffer \"*scratch*\")
+ (with-current-buffer \"*scratch*\"
+ (current-buffer)))
+ (expect (regexp \"o\")
+ \"hoge\")
+ (expect (type integer)
+ 3)
+ (desc \"error expectation\")
+ (expect (error arith-error)
+ (/ 1 0))
+ (expect (error)
+ (/ 1 0))
+ (desc \"mock with stub\")
+ (expect (mock (foo 5 * 7) => nil)
+ ;; Stub function `hoge', which accepts any arguments and returns 3.
+ (stub hoge => 3)
+ (foo (+ 2 (hoge 10)) 6 7))
+ (desc \"tmpbuf\")
+ (expect \"foo\"
+ (with-current-buffer (exps-tmpbuf)
+ (insert \"foo\")
+ (buffer-string)))
+ )"
+ `(progn (setq erte-last-filename (or load-file-name buffer-file-name))
+ (unless (or noninteractive erte-not-delete-flag) (ert-delete-all-tests))
+ ,@body))
+(put 'expectations 'lisp-indent-function 0)
+;;;; The `expect' macro, expectations -> ert translator
+(defmacro expect (expected &rest actual)
+ "Assertion in `expectations'. See `expectations' docstring."
+ (funcall (case (car-safe expected)
+ (error 'erte-expect-error-sexp)
+ (error-message 'erte-expect-error-message-sexp)
+ (not-called 'erte-expect-not-called-sexp)
+ (mock 'erte-expect-mock-sexp)
+ (t 'erte-expect-normal-sexp))
+ (intern (format "erte-test-%05d" (incf erte-test-count)))
+ expected actual))
+(put 'expect 'lisp-indent-function 1)
+(defmacro erte-test (&rest body)
+ `(progn
+ (expectations ,@body)
+ (expectations-execute)))
+(put 'erte-test 'lisp-indent-function 0)
+(defun erte-progn-sexp (actual)
+ (if (fboundp 'mock-protect)
+ `(mock-protect (lambda () ,@actual))
+ `(progn ,@actual)))
+(defun erte-expect-error-sexp (funcsym expected actual)
+ (destructuring-bind (error &optional errsym data) expected
+ (funcall (cond ((or (null errsym) (eq data '*))
+ 'erte-expect-error-sexp--any)
+ (data 'erte-expect-error-sexp--data)
+ (t 'erte-expect-error-sexp--symbol))
+ funcsym expected actual)))
+(defun erte-expect-error-sexp--any (funcsym expected actual)
+ `(ert-deftest ,funcsym ()
+ (should-error ,(erte-progn-sexp actual))))
+(defun erte-expect-error-sexp--data (funcsym expected actual)
+ (declare (special errsym data))
+ `(ert-deftest ,funcsym ()
+ (should (equal '(,errsym ,@(eval data))
+ (should-error ,(erte-progn-sexp actual))))))
+(defun erte-expect-error-sexp--symbol (funcsym expected actual)
+ `(ert-deftest ,funcsym ()
+ (should-error ,(erte-progn-sexp actual) :type ',(cadr expected))))
+(defun erte-expect-error-message-sexp (funcsym expected actual)
+ `(ert-deftest ,funcsym ()
+ (should (equal ,(cadr expected)
+ (error-message-string (should-error ,(erte-progn-sexp actual)))))))
+(defun erte-execute-with-mock-sexp (expected actual)
+ `(condition-case me
+ (progn
+ (mock-protect
+ (lambda ()
+ ,expected
+ ,@actual))
+ nil)
+ (mock-error me)))
+(defun erte-expect-mock-sexp (funcsym expected actual)
+ `(ert-deftest ,funcsym ()
+ (let ((err ,(erte-execute-with-mock-sexp expected actual)))
+ (cond ((and err (eq 'not-called (cadr err)))
+ (should (equal ',expected 'not-called)))
+ (err
+ (destructuring-bind (_ e-args a-args) err
+ (should (equal ',expected (list 'mock a-args)))))
+ (t
+ (should t))))))
+(defun erte-expect-not-called-sexp (funcsym expected actual)
+ `(ert-deftest ,funcsym ()
+ (let ((err ,(erte-execute-with-mock-sexp expected actual)))
+ (cond ((eq 'called (cadr err))
+ (should (equal ',expected 'called)))
+ (t
+ (should t))))))
+(defun erte-expect-normal-sexp (funcsym expected actual)
+ `(ert-deftest ,funcsym ()
+ (should ,(erte-should-arg expected actual))))
+(defvar erte-should-arg-alist
+ '((buffer . `(equal ,expected-cadr (buffer-name ,actual-sexp)))
+ (regexp . `(string-match ,expected-cadr ,actual-sexp))
+ (type . `(erte-match-type-p ',expected-cadr ,actual-sexp))
+ (no-error . `(or ,actual-sexp t))
+ (true . actual-sexp)
+ (non-nil . actual-sexp)))
+(defun erte-should-arg (expected actual)
+ (let* ((actual-sexp (erte-progn-sexp actual))
+ (default `(equal ,expected ,actual-sexp)))
+ (if (listp expected)
+ (let ((expected-cadr (cadr expected)))
+ (erte-aif (assoc-default (car expected) erte-should-arg-alist)
+ (eval it)
+ default))
+ default)))
+(defun erte-match-type-p (type obj)
+ (or (eq (type-of obj) type)
+ (let* ((name (symbol-name type))
+ (pred (intern (concat name (if (string-match "-" name) "-p" "p")))))
+ (when (fboundp pred)
+ (funcall pred obj)))))
+;;;; The `desc' function, label and pointer.
+(defvar erte-desc-filename-alist nil)
+(defun desc (description &rest ignore)
+ "Put a label in `expectations'."
+ (push (list erte-test-count
+ (or load-file-name buffer-file-name)
+ description)
+ erte-desc-filename-alist)
+ nil)
+;;;; Jump to appropriate `expect' statement from *ert*
+(defadvice ert-find-test-other-window (around ert-expectations (test-name) activate)
+ "Call `erte-find-test-other-window' for erte-test-*."
+ (if (string-match "^erte-test-\\([0-9]+\\)$" (symbol-name test-name))
+ (erte-find-test-other-window
+ (string-to-number (match-string 1 (symbol-name test-name))))
+ ad-do-it))
+(defun erte-assoc-default-cell (key alist &optional test default)
+ "Like `assoc-default' but returns the cons cell found."
+ (let (found (tail alist) value)
+ (while (and tail (not found))
+ (let ((elt (car tail)))
+ (when (funcall (or test 'equal) (if (consp elt) (car elt) elt) key)
+ (setq found t value (if (consp elt) elt default))))
+ (setq tail (cdr tail)))
+ value))
+(defun erte-find-test-other-window (n)
+ (condition-case e
+ (destructuring-bind (descno filename desc)
+ (erte-assoc-default-cell n erte-desc-filename-alist '<)
+ (find-file-other-window filename)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (search-forward (format "(desc \"%s\")" desc) nil t)
+ (re-search-forward "(expect\\b" nil t (- n descno)))
+ (error (error "Don't know where `erte-test-%05d' is defined" n))))
+(defadvice ert--pp-with-indentation-and-newline (around print-level activate)
+ "Display full sexp in *ert* buffer."
+ (let ((print-level nil)) ad-do-it))
+;;;; el-expectations compatibility
+(defcustom expectations-execute-at-once 'all
+ "If non-nil, execute selected expectation when pressing C-M-x.
+If 'all, execute all expectations blocks in current file.
+If other non-nil value, execute current expectations block."
+ :group 'ert-expectations)
+(defun expectations-eval-defun (arg)
+ "Do `eval-defun'.
+If `expectations-execute-at-once' is non-nil, execute expectations if it is an expectations form."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (cond ((and (exps-current-form-is-expectations) (eq expectations-execute-at-once 'all))
+ (ert-delete-all-tests)
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (let ((erte-not-delete-flag t))
+ (while (re-search-forward "^\\s-*(expectations\n" nil t)
+ (eval-defun arg))))
+ (expectations-execute))
+ ((exps-current-form-is-expectations)
+ (eval-defun arg)
+ (expectations-execute))
+ (t
+ (eval-defun arg))))
+(defun exps-current-form-is-expectations ()
+ (save-excursion
+ (beginning-of-defun)
+ (looking-at "(expectations\\|(.+(fboundp 'expectations)\\|(dont-compile\n.*expectations")))
+(defun expectations-execute (&optional arg)
+ "Execute last-defined `expectations' test.
+With prefix argument, do `batch-expectations-in-emacs'."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (if arg
+ (batch-expectations-in-emacs)
+ (save-selected-window
+ (ert t)
+ (exps-cleanup))))
+(defalias 'batch-expectations 'ert-run-tests-batch-and-exit)
+(defvar expectations-result-buffer "*expectations result*")
+(defun batch-expectations-in-emacs ()
+ "Execute expectations in current file with batch mode."
+ (interactive)
+ (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create expectations-result-buffer)
+ (buffer-disable-undo)
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (call-process (car command-line-args) nil expectations-result-buffer t
+ "-Q" "-batch" "--eval"
+ (format "(setq load-path (cons \".\" '%S))" load-path)
+ "-l" "ert-expectations" "-l" erte-last-filename
+ "-f" "ert-run-tests-batch-and-exit")
+ (display-buffer expectations-result-buffer)))
+;; (shell-command "emacs -Q -batch -L . -l ert-expectations -l el-expectations-success-sample.el -f ert-run-tests-batch-and-exit &")
+;; (shell-command "emacs -Q -batch -L . -l ert-expectations -l el-expectations-success-sample.el -l el-expectations-failure-sample.el -f ert-run-tests-batch-and-exit &")
+(substitute-key-definition 'eval-defun 'expectations-eval-defun emacs-lisp-mode-map)
+(substitute-key-definition 'eval-defun 'expectations-eval-defun lisp-interaction-mode-map)
+;;;; temporary buffer
+(declare-function exps-tmpbuf "ert-expectations.el")
+(declare-function exps-cleanup-tmpbuf "ert-expectations.el")
+(lexical-let ((count 1))
+ (defun exps-tmpbuf ()
+ (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create (format " *ert-expectations tmp:%d" count))
+ (prog1 (current-buffer)
+ (incf count)
+ (erase-buffer))))
+ (defun exps-cleanup-tmpbuf ()
+ (setq count 1)
+ (loop for buf in (buffer-list)
+ for bname = (buffer-name buf)
+ when (string-match " \\*ert-expectations tmp:" bname)
+ do (kill-buffer buf))))
+(defun exps-cleanup ()
+ (exps-cleanup-tmpbuf))
+;;;; edit support
+(dolist (mode '(emacs-lisp-mode lisp-interaction-mode))
+ (font-lock-add-keywords
+ mode
+ '(("\\<\\(expectations\\|expect\\)\\>" 0 font-lock-keyword-face)
+ (exps-font-lock-desc 0 font-lock-warning-face prepend)
+ (exps-font-lock-expected-value 0 font-lock-function-name-face prepend))))
+(defun exps-font-lock-desc (limit)
+ (when (re-search-forward "(desc\\s " limit t)
+ (backward-up-list 1)
+ (set-match-data (list (point) (progn (forward-sexp 1) (point))))
+ t))
+;; I think expected value is so-called function name of `expect'.
+(defun exps-font-lock-expected-value (limit)
+ (when (re-search-forward "(expect\\s " limit t)
+ (forward-sexp 1)
+ (let ((e (point)))
+ (forward-sexp -1)
+ (set-match-data (list (point) e))
+ t)))
+;;;; test code
+ (unless (fboundp 'evenp)
+ (defun evenp (x) (zerop (% x 2)))
+ (defun oddp (x) (= 1 (% x 2))))
+ (put 'hoge-error 'error-conditions '(hoge-error error))
+ (setq erte-test--success
+ '((expect (+ 3) "a" (+ 1 2))
+ (expect (type char-or-string) "a")
+ (expect (buffer "*scratch*") (with-current-buffer "*scratch*" (current-buffer)))
+ (expect "abce" "abce")
+ (expect '(1 2) (list 1 2))
+ (expect (error arith-error) (/ 1 0))
+ (expect (error) (/ 1 0))
+ (expect (error wrong-number-of-arguments '(= 3)) (= 1 2 3 ))
+ (expect (error hoge-error '("hoge")) (signal 'hoge-error '("hoge")))
+ (expect (error hoge-error `(1 (,(1+ 1) 3))) (signal 'hoge-error '(1 (2 3))))
+ (expect (error error *) (error "message"))
+ (expect (error-message "ERROR!!") (error "ERROR!!"))
+ (expect (no-error) 1)
+ (expect (no-error) nil)
+ (expect 5 (stub wawa => 5) (wawa 9999))
+ (expect (mock (foo 1 2)) (foo 1 2))
+ (expect (mock (foo 1 2)) (foo 1 2))
+ (expect (not-called hoge) 1)
+ (expect (true) t)
+ (expect (non-nil) 1)))
+ (setq erte-test--fail
+ '((expect (+ 3) "a" (+ 1 4))
+ (expect (type char-or-string) 'a)
+ (expect (buffer "*scrtch*") (with-current-buffer "*scratch*" (current-buffer)))
+ (expect "abce" "abde")
+ (expect (1 2) (list 1 2))
+ (expect (error end-of-file) (/ 1 0))
+ (expect (error) (/ 1 1))
+ (expect (error wrong-number-of-arguments '(= 4)) (= 1 2 3 ))
+ (expect (error hoge-error '("hage")) (signal 'hoge-error '("hoge")))
+ (expect (error hoge-error `(1 (,(1+ 2) 3))) (signal 'hoge-error '(1 (2 3))))
+ (expect (error error *) (/ 1 1))
+ (expect (error-message "ERROR!!") (error "!!!"))
+ (expect (no-error) (error "error!"))
+ (expect (no-error) (error "error!"))
+ (expect 6 (stub wawa => 5) (wawa 9999))
+ (expect (mock (foo 1 4)) (foo 1 2))
+ (expect (mock (foo 1 4)) 1)
+ (expect (not-called hoge) (hoge))
+ (expect (true) nil)
+ (expect (non-nil) nil)))
+ (defun erte-test-command ()
+ "Self test of ert-expectations.
+The right result is .F.F.F.F ..."
+ (interactive)
+ (eval `(erte-test
+ (desc "erte-test-command")
+ ,@(loop for success in erte-test--success
+ for fail in erte-test--fail
+ append (list success fail)))))
+ (defun erte-test--fail ()
+ "Self test of ert-expectations. Only failed tests."
+ (interactive)
+ (eval `(erte-test
+ ,@erte-test--fail)))
+ (defun erte-test--success ()
+ "Self test of ert-expectations. Only successful tests."
+ (interactive)
+ (eval `(erte-test
+ ,@erte-test--success))))
+;;;; Bug report
+(defvar erte-maintainer-mail-address
+ (concat "rubiki" "tch@ru" ""))
+(defvar erte-bug-report-salutation
+ "Describe bug below, using a precise recipe.
+When I executed M-x ...
+How to send a bug report:
+ 1) Be sure to use the LATEST version of ert-expectations.el.
+ 2) Enable debugger. M-x toggle-debug-on-error or (setq debug-on-error t)
+ 3) Use Lisp version instead of compiled one: (load \"ert-expectations.el\")
+ 4) If you got an error, please paste *Backtrace* buffer.
+ 5) Print the result of M-x erte-test-command.
+ 5) Type C-c C-c to send.
+# If you are a Japanese, please write in Japanese:-)")
+(defun erte-send-bug-report ()
+ (interactive)
+ (reporter-submit-bug-report
+ erte-maintainer-mail-address
+ "ert-expectations.el"
+ (apropos-internal "^erte-" 'boundp)
+ nil nil
+ erte-bug-report-salutation))
+(provide 'ert-expectations)
+;; How to save (DO NOT REMOVE!!)
+;; (emacswiki-post "ert-expectations.el")
+;;; ert-expectations.el ends here