path: root/third_party/spiro/curves/
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authorRoozbeh Pournader <>2014-07-26 11:20:29 -0700
committerRoozbeh Pournader <>2014-07-26 11:20:29 -0700
commit0f1bd27678fb542f8601bbaf493baa1c22732fe2 (patch)
tree78ecb8f8082fb1b3ae24720549578b9272f36f0c /third_party/spiro/curves/
parent5a480b939b43dec473550292501a88518fe1208c (diff)
Add Spiro version 0.01.
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/spiro/curves/')
1 files changed, 160 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/spiro/curves/ b/third_party/spiro/curves/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..723a82f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/spiro/curves/
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+# Utilities for piecewise cornu representation of curves
+from math import *
+import clothoid
+import cornu
+class Segment:
+ def __init__(self, z0, z1, th0, th1):
+ self.z0 = z0
+ self.z1 = z1
+ self.th0 = th0
+ self.th1 = th1
+ self.compute()
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return '[' + `self.z0` + `self.z1` + ' ' + `self.th0` + ' ' + `self.th1` + ']'
+ def compute(self):
+ dx = self.z1[0] - self.z0[0]
+ dy = self.z1[1] - self.z0[1]
+ chord = hypot(dy, dx)
+ chth = atan2(dy, dx)
+ k0, k1 = clothoid.solve_clothoid(self.th0, self.th1)
+ charc = clothoid.compute_chord(k0, k1)
+ self.chord = chord
+ self.chth = chth
+ self.k0, self.k1 = k0, k1
+ self.charc = charc
+ self.arclen = chord / charc
+ self.thmid = self.chth - self.th0 + 0.5 * self.k0 - 0.125 * self.k1
+ self.setup_xy_fresnel()
+ def setup_xy_fresnel(self):
+ k0, k1 = self.k0, self.k1
+ if k1 == 0: k1 = 1e-6 # hack
+ if k1 != 0:
+ sqrk1 = sqrt(2 * abs(k1))
+ t0 = (k0 - .5 * k1) / sqrk1
+ t1 = (k0 + .5 * k1) / sqrk1
+ (y0, x0) = cornu.eval_cornu(t0)
+ (y1, x1) = cornu.eval_cornu(t1)
+ chord_th = atan2(y1 - y0, x1 - x0)
+ chord = hypot(y1 - y0, x1 - x0)
+ scale = self.chord / chord
+ if k1 >= 0:
+ th = self.chth - chord_th
+ self.mxx = scale * cos(th)
+ self.myx = scale * sin(th)
+ self.mxy = -self.myx
+ self.myy = self.mxx
+ else:
+ th = self.chth + chord_th
+ self.mxx = scale * cos(th)
+ self.myx = scale * sin(th)
+ self.mxy = self.myx
+ self.myy = -self.mxx
+ # rotate -chord_th, flip top/bottom, rotate self.chth
+ self.x0 = self.z0[0] - (self.mxx * x0 + self.mxy * y0)
+ self.y0 = self.z0[1] - (self.myx * x0 + self.myy * y0)
+ def th(self, s):
+ u = s / self.arclen - 0.5
+ return self.thmid + (0.5 * self.k1 * u + self.k0) * u
+ def xy(self, s):
+ # using fresnel integrals; polynomial approx might be better
+ u = s / self.arclen - 0.5
+ k0, k1 = self.k0, self.k1
+ if k1 == 0: k1 = 1e-6 # hack
+ if k1 != 0:
+ sqrk1 = sqrt(2 * abs(k1))
+ t = (k0 + u * k1) / sqrk1
+ (y, x) = cornu.eval_cornu(t)
+ return [self.x0 + self.mxx * x + self.mxy * y,
+ self.y0 + self.myx * x + self.myy * y]
+ def find_extrema(self):
+ # find solutions of th(s) = 0 mod pi/2
+ # todo: find extra solutions when there's an inflection
+ th0 = self.thmid + 0.125 * self.k1 - 0.5 * self.k0
+ th1 = self.thmid + 0.125 * self.k1 + 0.5 * self.k0
+ twooverpi = 2 / pi
+ n0 = int(floor(th0 * twooverpi))
+ n1 = int(floor(th1 * twooverpi))
+ if th1 > th0: signum = 1
+ else: signum = -1
+ result = []
+ for i in range(n0, n1, signum):
+ th = pi/2 * (i + 0.5 * (signum + 1))
+ a = .5 * self.k1
+ b = self.k0
+ c = self.thmid - th
+ if a == 0:
+ u1 = -c/b
+ u2 = 1000
+ else:
+ sqrtdiscrim = sqrt(b * b - 4 * a * c)
+ u1 = (-b - sqrtdiscrim) / (2 * a)
+ u2 = (-b + sqrtdiscrim) / (2 * a)
+ if u1 >= -0.5 and u1 < 0.5:
+ result.append(self.arclen * (u1 + 0.5))
+ if u2 >= -0.5 and u2 < 0.5:
+ result.append(self.arclen * (u2 + 0.5))
+ return result
+class Curve:
+ def __init__(self, segs):
+ self.segs = segs
+ self.compute()
+ def compute(self):
+ arclen = 0
+ sstarts = []
+ for seg in self.segs:
+ sstarts.append(arclen)
+ arclen += seg.arclen
+ self.arclen = arclen
+ self.sstarts = sstarts
+ def th(self, s, deltas = False):
+ u = s / self.arclen
+ s = self.arclen * (u - floor(u))
+ if s == 0 and not deltas: s = self.arclen
+ i = 0
+ while i < len(self.segs) - 1:
+ # binary search would make a lot of sense here
+ snext = self.sstarts[i + 1]
+ if s < snext or (not deltas and s == snext):
+ break
+ i += 1
+ return self.segs[i].th(s - self.sstarts[i])
+ def xy(self, s):
+ u = s / self.arclen
+ s = self.arclen * (u - floor(u))
+ i = 0
+ while i < len(self.segs) - 1:
+ # binary search would make a lot of sense here
+ if s <= self.sstarts[i + 1]:
+ break
+ i += 1
+ return self.segs[i].xy(s - self.sstarts[i])
+ def find_extrema(self):
+ result = []
+ for i in range(len(self.segs)):
+ seg = self.segs[i]
+ for s in seg.find_extrema():
+ result.append(s + self.sstarts[i])
+ return result
+ def find_breaks(self):
+ result = []
+ for i in range(len(self.segs)):
+ pseg = self.segs[(i + len(self.segs) - 1) % len(self.segs)]
+ seg = self.segs[i]
+ th = clothoid.mod_2pi(pseg.chth + pseg.th1 - (seg.chth - seg.th0))
+ print '% pseg', pseg.chth + pseg.th1, 'seg', seg.chth - seg.th0
+ pisline = pseg.k0 == 0 and pseg.k1 == 0
+ sisline = seg.k0 == 0 and seg.k1 == 0
+ if fabs(th) > 1e-3 or (pisline and not sisline) or (sisline and not pisline):
+ result.append(self.sstarts[i])
+ return result