path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 485 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9118b44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,485 @@
+# This script was generated using Makeself 2.1.5
+label="Smart Install Disable Utility Self Extracting Archive"
+if type printf > /dev/null; then
+ print_cmd="printf"
+elif test -x /usr/ucb/echo; then
+ print_cmd="/usr/ucb/echo"
+ print_cmd="echo"
+unset CDPATH
+ $print_cmd $print_cmd_arg "$1"
+ while read a; do
+ MS_Printf .
+ done
+ (
+ if test -d /usr/xpg4/bin; then
+ PATH=/usr/xpg4/bin:$PATH
+ fi
+ df -kP "$1" | tail -1 | awk '{print $4}'
+ )
+ blocks=`expr $3 / 1024`
+ bytes=`expr $3 % 1024`
+ dd if="$1" ibs=$2 skip=1 obs=1024 conv=sync 2> /dev/null | \
+ { test $blocks -gt 0 && dd ibs=1024 obs=1024 count=$blocks ; \
+ test $bytes -gt 0 && dd ibs=1 obs=1024 count=$bytes ; } 2> /dev/null
+ cat << EOH >&2
+Makeself version 2.1.5
+ 1) Getting help or info about $0 :
+ $0 --help Print this message
+ $0 --info Print embedded info : title, default target directory, embedded script ...
+ $0 --lsm Print embedded lsm entry (or no LSM)
+ $0 --list Print the list of files in the archive
+ $0 --check Checks integrity of the archive
+ 2) Running $0 :
+ $0 [options] [--] [additional arguments to embedded script]
+ with following options (in that order)
+ --confirm Ask before running embedded script
+ --noexec Do not run embedded script
+ --keep Do not erase target directory after running
+ the embedded script
+ --nox11 Do not spawn an xterm
+ --nochown Do not give the extracted files to the current user
+ --target NewDirectory Extract in NewDirectory
+ --tar arg1 [arg2 ...] Access the contents of the archive through the tar command
+ -- Following arguments will be passed to the embedded script
+ PATH=${GUESS_MD5_PATH:-"$OLD_PATH:/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/local/ssl/bin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/openssl/bin"}
+ MD5_ARG=""
+ MD5_PATH=`exec <&- 2>&-; which md5sum || type md5sum`
+ test -x "$MD5_PATH" || MD5_PATH=`exec <&- 2>&-; which md5 || type md5`
+ test -x "$MD5_PATH" || MD5_PATH=`exec <&- 2>&-; which digest || type digest`
+ MS_Printf "Verifying archive integrity..."
+ offset=`head -n 402 "$1" | wc -c | tr -d " "`
+ verb=$2
+ i=1
+ for s in $filesizes
+ do
+ crc=`echo $CRCsum | cut -d" " -f$i`
+ if test -x "$MD5_PATH"; then
+ if test `basename $MD5_PATH` = digest; then
+ MD5_ARG="-a md5"
+ fi
+ md5=`echo $MD5 | cut -d" " -f$i`
+ if test $md5 = "00000000000000000000000000000000"; then
+ test x$verb = xy && echo " $1 does not contain an embedded MD5 checksum." >&2
+ else
+ md5sum=`MS_dd "$1" $offset $s | eval "$MD5_PATH $MD5_ARG" | cut -b-32`;
+ if test "$md5sum" != "$md5"; then
+ echo "Error in MD5 checksums: $md5sum is different from $md5" >&2
+ exit 2
+ else
+ test x$verb = xy && MS_Printf " MD5 checksums are OK." >&2
+ fi
+ crc="0000000000"; verb=n
+ fi
+ fi
+ if test $crc = "0000000000"; then
+ test x$verb = xy && echo " $1 does not contain a CRC checksum." >&2
+ else
+ sum1=`MS_dd "$1" $offset $s | CMD_ENV=xpg4 cksum | awk '{print $1}'`
+ if test "$sum1" = "$crc"; then
+ test x$verb = xy && MS_Printf " CRC checksums are OK." >&2
+ else
+ echo "Error in checksums: $sum1 is different from $crc"
+ exit 2;
+ fi
+ fi
+ i=`expr $i + 1`
+ offset=`expr $offset + $s`
+ done
+ echo " All good."
+ tar $1vf - 2>&1 || { echo Extraction failed. > /dev/tty; kill -15 $$; }
+while true
+ case "$1" in
+ -h | --help)
+ MS_Help
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ --info)
+ echo Identification: "$label"
+ echo Target directory: "$targetdir"
+ echo Uncompressed size: 88 KB
+ echo Compression: gzip
+ echo Date of packaging: Fri Feb 15 11:06:16 IST 2013
+ echo Built with Makeself version 2.1.5 on
+ echo Build command was: "/usr/bin/makeself \\
+ \"--notemp\" \\
+ \"SmartInstallDisable-Tool\" \\
+ \"\" \\
+ \"Smart Install Disable Utility Self Extracting Archive\" \\
+ \"./\""
+ if test x$script != x; then
+ echo Script run after extraction:
+ echo " " $script $scriptargs
+ fi
+ if test x"" = xcopy; then
+ echo "Archive will copy itself to a temporary location"
+ fi
+ if test x"y" = xy; then
+ echo "directory $targetdir is permanent"
+ else
+ echo "$targetdir will be removed after extraction"
+ fi
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ --dumpconf)
+ echo LABEL=\"$label\"
+ echo SCRIPT=\"$script\"
+ echo SCRIPTARGS=\"$scriptargs\"
+ echo archdirname=\"SmartInstallDisable-Tool\"
+ echo KEEP=y
+ echo COMPRESS=gzip
+ echo filesizes=\"$filesizes\"
+ echo CRCsum=\"$CRCsum\"
+ echo MD5sum=\"$MD5\"
+ echo OLDUSIZE=88
+ echo OLDSKIP=403
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ --lsm)
+cat << EOLSM
+No LSM.
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ --list)
+ echo Target directory: $targetdir
+ offset=`head -n 402 "$0" | wc -c | tr -d " "`
+ for s in $filesizes
+ do
+ MS_dd "$0" $offset $s | eval "gzip -cd" | UnTAR t
+ offset=`expr $offset + $s`
+ done
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ --tar)
+ offset=`head -n 402 "$0" | wc -c | tr -d " "`
+ arg1="$2"
+ shift 2
+ for s in $filesizes
+ do
+ MS_dd "$0" $offset $s | eval "gzip -cd" | tar "$arg1" - $*
+ offset=`expr $offset + $s`
+ done
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ --check)
+ MS_Check "$0" y
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ --confirm)
+ verbose=y
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --noexec)
+ script=""
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --keep)
+ keep=y
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --target)
+ keep=y
+ targetdir=${2:-.}
+ shift 2
+ ;;
+ --nox11)
+ nox11=y
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --nochown)
+ ownership=n
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --xwin)
+ finish="echo Press Return to close this window...; read junk"
+ xterm_loop=1
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --phase2)
+ copy=phase2
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --)
+ shift
+ break ;;
+ -*)
+ echo Unrecognized flag : "$1" >&2
+ MS_Help
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ *)
+ break ;;
+ esac
+case "$copy" in
+ tmpdir=$TMPROOT/makeself.$RANDOM.`date +"%y%m%d%H%M%S"`.$$
+ mkdir "$tmpdir" || {
+ echo "Could not create temporary directory $tmpdir" >&2
+ exit 1
+ }
+ SCRIPT_COPY="$tmpdir/makeself"
+ echo "Copying to a temporary location..." >&2
+ cp "$0" "$SCRIPT_COPY"
+ chmod +x "$SCRIPT_COPY"
+ cd "$TMPROOT"
+ exec "$SCRIPT_COPY" --phase2 -- $initargs
+ ;;
+ finish="$finish ; rm -rf `dirname $0`"
+ ;;
+if test "$nox11" = "n"; then
+ if tty -s; then # Do we have a terminal?
+ :
+ else
+ if test x"$DISPLAY" != x -a x"$xterm_loop" = x; then # No, but do we have X?
+ if xset q > /dev/null 2>&1; then # Check for valid DISPLAY variable
+ GUESS_XTERMS="xterm rxvt dtterm eterm Eterm kvt konsole aterm"
+ for a in $GUESS_XTERMS; do
+ if type $a >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ XTERM=$a
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ chmod a+x $0 || echo Please add execution rights on $0
+ if test `echo "$0" | cut -c1` = "/"; then # Spawn a terminal!
+ exec $XTERM -title "$label" -e "$0" --xwin "$initargs"
+ else
+ exec $XTERM -title "$label" -e "./$0" --xwin "$initargs"
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+if test "$targetdir" = "."; then
+ tmpdir="."
+ if test "$keep" = y; then
+ echo "Creating directory $targetdir" >&2
+ tmpdir="$targetdir"
+ dashp="-p"
+ else
+ tmpdir="$TMPROOT/selfgz$$$RANDOM"
+ dashp=""
+ fi
+ mkdir $dashp $tmpdir || {
+ echo 'Cannot create target directory' $tmpdir >&2
+ echo 'You should try option --target OtherDirectory' >&2
+ eval $finish
+ exit 1
+ }
+if test x$SETUP_NOCHECK != x1; then
+ MS_Check "$0"
+offset=`head -n 402 "$0" | wc -c | tr -d " "`
+if test x"$verbose" = xy; then
+ MS_Printf "About to extract 88 KB in $tmpdir ... Proceed ? [Y/n] "
+ read yn
+ if test x"$yn" = xn; then
+ eval $finish; exit 1
+ fi
+MS_Printf "Uncompressing $label"
+if test "$keep" = n; then
+ trap 'echo Signal caught, cleaning up >&2; cd $TMPROOT; /bin/rm -rf $tmpdir; eval $finish; exit 15' 1 2 3 15
+leftspace=`MS_diskspace $tmpdir`
+if test $leftspace -lt 88; then
+ echo
+ echo "Not enough space left in "`dirname $tmpdir`" ($leftspace KB) to decompress $0 (88 KB)" >&2
+ if test "$keep" = n; then
+ echo "Consider setting TMPDIR to a directory with more free space."
+ fi
+ eval $finish; exit 1
+for s in $filesizes
+ if MS_dd "$0" $offset $s | eval "gzip -cd" | ( cd "$tmpdir"; UnTAR x ) | MS_Progress; then
+ if test x"$ownership" = xy; then
+ (PATH=/usr/xpg4/bin:$PATH; cd "$tmpdir"; chown -R `id -u` .; chgrp -R `id -g` .)
+ fi
+ else
+ echo
+ echo "Unable to decompress $0" >&2
+ eval $finish; exit 1
+ fi
+ offset=`expr $offset + $s`
+cd "$tmpdir"
+if test x"$script" != x; then
+ if test x"$verbose" = xy; then
+ MS_Printf "OK to execute: $script $scriptargs $* ? [Y/n] "
+ read yn
+ if test x"$yn" = x -o x"$yn" = xy -o x"$yn" = xY; then
+ eval $script $scriptargs $*; res=$?;
+ fi
+ else
+ eval $script $scriptargs $*; res=$?
+ fi
+ if test $res -ne 0; then
+ test x"$verbose" = xy && echo "The program '$script' returned an error code ($res)" >&2
+ fi
+if test "$keep" = n; then
+ /bin/rm -rf $tmpdir
+eval $finish; exit $res
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