path: root/util/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'util/')
1 files changed, 344 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/util/ b/util/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..758a1c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+ speedtest
+ ---------
+ Copyright: Juha Nieminen, Joel Yliluoma
+ This program (speedtest) is distributed under the terms of
+ the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 3.
+ See gpl.txt for the license text.
+static const char* const kVersionNumber = "";
+//#define TEST_JIT
+#include "fparser.hh"
+#include <ctime>
+#include <string>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+//#define FUNC0 x+y+(sin(x)*cos(x)*log(x)*(-x-y+log(y)-sin(x)))
+//#define FUNC0 pow(x,14)+pow(y,8)+pow(x,2)+2*x*y+pow(y,2)
+#define FUNC0 pow(x,14) + pow(y,8)
+#define FUNC0P x^14 + y^8
+#define FUNC1 ((3*pow(x,4)-7*pow(x,3)+2*x*x-4*x+10) - (4*pow(y,3)+2*y*y-10*y+2))*10
+#define FUNC1P ((3*x^4-7*x^3+2*x^2-4*x+10) - (4*y^3+2*y^2-10*y+2))*10
+#define FUNC2 ((3*(x+(5*(y+2)-7*x)*3-y)+4*5+3)-7+(8*x+5*y+(7-x))*4)-10*3+4
+#define FUNC2P FUNC2
+#define FUNC3 pow((tan(x)*cos(x)), 2) - 1.2*log(atan2(sqrt((-pow(y,2))+1), y) * pow(4.91, y)) + pow(cos(-x), 2)
+#define FUNC3P (tan(x)*cos(x))^2 - 1.2*log(atan2(sqrt((-y^2)+1), y) * 4.91^y) + cos(-x)^2
+#define FUNC4 exp((-x*x-y*y)/100)*sin(sqrt(x*x+y*y))/(10*2) + sin(pow(x,4)-4*pow(x,3)+3*x*x-2*x+2*5-3) - cos(-2*pow(y,4)+5*pow(y,3)-14*x*x+8*x-120/2+4)
+#define FUNC4P FUNC4
+#define StringifyHlp(x) #x
+#define Stringify(x) StringifyHlp(x)
+#define CreateFunction(funcName, Value_t, funcBody) \
+Value_t funcName(const Value_t* vars) \
+{ \
+ const Value_t x = vars[0], y = vars[1]; \
+ return funcBody; \
+ bool gPrintHTML = false;
+ struct FuncData
+ {
+ const char* const funcStr;
+ const std::string paramStr;
+ double (*const function_d)(const double*);
+ float (*const function_f)(const float*);
+ long double (*const function_ld)(const long double*);
+ };
+ CreateFunction(func0_d, double, FUNC0)
+ CreateFunction(func1_d, double, FUNC1)
+ CreateFunction(func2_d, double, FUNC2)
+ CreateFunction(func3_d, double, FUNC3)
+ CreateFunction(func4_d, double, FUNC4)
+#define exp expf
+#define pow powf
+#define sin sinf
+#define cos cosf
+#define sqrt sqrtf
+ CreateFunction(func0_f, float, FUNC0)
+ CreateFunction(func1_f, float, FUNC1)
+ CreateFunction(func2_f, float, FUNC2)
+ CreateFunction(func3_f, float, FUNC3)
+ CreateFunction(func4_f, float, FUNC4)
+#undef exp
+#undef pow
+#undef sin
+#undef cos
+#undef sqrt
+#define exp expl
+#define pow powl
+#define sin sinl
+#define cos cosl
+#define sqrt sqrtl
+ CreateFunction(func0_ld, long double, FUNC0)
+ CreateFunction(func1_ld, long double, FUNC1)
+ CreateFunction(func2_ld, long double, FUNC2)
+ CreateFunction(func3_ld, long double, FUNC3)
+ CreateFunction(func4_ld, long double, FUNC4)
+#undef exp
+#undef pow
+#undef sin
+#undef cos
+#undef sqrt
+ const FuncData funcData[] =
+ {
+ { Stringify(FUNC0P), "x,y", func0_d, func0_f, func0_ld },
+ { Stringify(FUNC1P), "x,y", func1_d, func1_f, func1_ld },
+ { Stringify(FUNC2P), "x,y", func2_d, func2_f, func2_ld },
+ { Stringify(FUNC3P), "x,y", func3_d, func3_f, func3_ld },
+ { Stringify(FUNC4P), "x,y", func4_d, func4_f, func4_ld }
+ };
+ const unsigned FunctionsAmount = sizeof(funcData)/sizeof(funcData[0]);
+ inline double callFunc(const FuncData& data, const double* values)
+ {
+ return data.function_d(values);
+ }
+ inline float callFunc(const FuncData& data, const float* values)
+ {
+ return data.function_f(values);
+ }
+ inline long double callFunc(const FuncData& data, const long double* values)
+ {
+ return data.function_ld(values);
+ }
+ std::string beautify(int value)
+ {
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ os << value;
+ std::string result = os.str();
+ for(std::size_t i = result.size(); i > 3;)
+ result.insert(i -= 3, gPrintHTML ? "&nbsp;" : " ");
+ return result;
+ }
+class Test
+ void Start(unsigned nloops)
+ {
+ this->nloops = nloops;
+ this->iter = 0;
+ this->result = 0;
+ this->reset_threshold = nloops / 10;
+ this->nloops = this->reset_threshold * 10;
+ gettimeofday(&this->begin, 0);
+ }
+ bool Loop()
+ {
+ if(this->iter >= this->nloops) return false;
+ this->iter += 1;
+ if(!(this->iter % this->reset_threshold))
+ {
+ TakeResult();
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ void Report(const char* title, const char* unit,
+ bool printTimeAsInt = false)
+ {
+ if(gPrintHTML)
+ {
+ std::cout.precision(2);
+ std::cout << " <li>" << std::fixed;
+ }
+ std::cout << title << ": ";
+ if(printTimeAsInt) std::cout << int(result);
+ else std::cout << result;
+ std::cout << (gPrintHTML ? " &micro;s. (" : " us. (")
+ << beautify(int(1e6/result)) << " " << unit << "/s)\n";
+ }
+ void TakeResult()
+ {
+ struct timeval end;
+ gettimeofday(&end, 0);
+ double begin_d = begin.tv_sec * 1e6 + begin.tv_usec;
+ double end_d = end.tv_sec * 1e6 + end.tv_usec;
+ double diff_d = (end_d - begin_d) / this->reset_threshold;
+ if(iter == this->reset_threshold
+ || diff_d < result)
+ {
+ result = diff_d;
+ }
+ begin = end;
+ }
+ unsigned nloops;
+ unsigned iter;
+ unsigned reset_threshold;
+ struct timeval begin;
+ double result;
+template<typename Parser_t>
+int run()
+ Parser_t fp, fp2;
+ typename Parser_t::value_type values[3] = { .25, .5, .75 };
+ for(unsigned i = 0; i < FunctionsAmount; ++i)
+ {
+ // Parse function
+ // --------------
+ if(gPrintHTML)
+ std::cout << "\n<hr>\n<p>Function:\n<code>\""
+ << funcData[i].funcStr << "\"</code>" << std::endl;
+ else
+ std::cout << "\n--- Function:\n\"" << funcData[i].funcStr
+ << "\"" << std::endl;
+ int res = fp.Parse(funcData[i].funcStr, funcData[i].paramStr);
+ if(res >= 0)
+ {
+ std::cout << "Col " << res << ": " << fp.ErrorMsg() << std::endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ const unsigned ParseLoops = 2000000;
+ const unsigned EvalLoops = 20000000;
+ const unsigned OptimizationLoops = 20000;
+ const unsigned FuncLoops = 50000000;
+ Test tester;
+ if(gPrintHTML) std::cout << "<ul>\n";
+ // Measure parsing speed
+ // ---------------------
+ tester.Start(ParseLoops);
+ while(tester.Loop())
+ fp.Parse(funcData[i].funcStr, funcData[i].paramStr);
+ tester.Report("Parse time", "parses");
+// fp.PrintByteCode(std::cout);
+ // Measure evaluation speed
+ // ------------------------
+ tester.Start(EvalLoops);
+ while(tester.Loop())
+ fp.Eval(values);
+ tester.Report("Eval time", "evals");
+ // Measure evaluation speed, optimized
+ // -----------------------------------
+ fp2 = fp;
+ fp2.Optimize();
+// fp2.PrintByteCode(std::cout);
+ tester.Start(EvalLoops);
+ while(tester.Loop())
+ fp2.Eval(values);
+ tester.Report("Optimized", "evals");
+#ifdef TEST_JIT
+ // Measure evaluation speed, jit-compiled
+ // --------------------------------------
+ const unsigned JitLoops = 50000000;
+ fp2.CreateJIT();
+ tester.Start(JitLoops);
+ while(tester.Loop())
+ fp2.Eval(values);
+ tester.Report("JIT-compiled", "evals");
+ // Measure optimization speed
+ // --------------------------
+ tester.Start(OptimizationLoops);
+ while(tester.Loop())
+ {
+ fp2 = fp;
+ fp2.Optimize();
+ }
+ tester.Report("Optimization time", "optimizes", gPrintHTML);
+ // Measure C++ function speed
+ // --------------------------
+ if(!gPrintHTML)
+ {
+ tester.Start(FuncLoops);
+ while(tester.Loop())
+ callFunc(funcData[i], values);
+ tester.Report("C++ function time", "evals");
+ }
+ if(gPrintHTML) std::cout << "</ul>\n";
+ }
+ return 0;
+int main(int argc, char* argv[])
+ enum ParserType { FP_D, FP_F, FP_LD };
+ ParserType parserType = FP_D;
+ for(int i = 1; i < argc; ++i)
+ {
+ if(std::strcmp(argv[1], "-html") == 0) gPrintHTML = true;
+ else if(std::strcmp(argv[1], "-f") == 0) parserType = FP_F;
+ else if(std::strcmp(argv[1], "-ld") == 0) parserType = FP_LD;
+ else if(std::strcmp(argv[i], "--help") == 0
+ || std::strcmp(argv[i], "-help") == 0
+ || std::strcmp(argv[i], "-h") == 0
+ || std::strcmp(argv[i], "/?") == 0)
+ {
+ std::cout <<
+ "FunctionParser speedtest " << kVersionNumber <<
+ "\n\nUsage: " << argv[0] << " [<option> ...]\n"
+ "\n"
+ " -f Test float datatype\n"
+ " -ld Test long double datatype\n"
+ " -html Print output in html format\n"
+ " -h, --help This help\n"
+ "\n";
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ switch(parserType)
+ {
+ case FP_D: return run<FunctionParser>();
+ case FP_F: return run<FunctionParser_f>();
+ case FP_LD: return run<FunctionParser_ld>();
+ }
+ return 0;