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authorElms <>2018-06-19 15:59:55 -0700
committerElms <>2018-06-20 07:30:59 -0700
commit2c8539a90da325ca045ef92bbb24b54f9a1a0809 (patch)
parentf0299751529d72b1ed1504439b55502f9630f100 (diff)
icebox_hlc2asc: Adding more descriptive errors messages
1 files changed, 27 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/icebox/ b/icebox/
index 58164d5..a3e3b37 100755
--- a/icebox/
+++ b/icebox/
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ def revert_to_fabout(x, y, net):
for i, xy in enumerate(GLB_NETWK_INTERNAL_TILES):
if net == 'glb_netwk_%d' % i and (x, y) == xy:
return 'fabout'
- raise ParseError
+ raise ParseError("{} is a global netowrk, but not at an expectd location {} {}".format(net, x, y))
return net
@@ -517,7 +517,7 @@ def parse_bool(s):
return True
if s == 'off':
return False
- raise ParseError
+ raise ParseError("Unable to parse '{}' as boolean".format(s))
class Main:
def __init__(self):
@@ -545,7 +545,8 @@ class Main:
self.ic = icebox.iceconfig()
- raise ParseError
+ raise ParseError("Unknown device {}".format(self.device))
#elif fields[0] == 'coldboot' and fields[1] == '=' \
# and self.coldboot is None:
# # parsed but ignored (can't be represented in IceStorm .asc format)
@@ -555,39 +556,39 @@ class Main:
# parsed but ignored (can't be represented in IceStorm .asc format)
self.warmboot = parse_bool(fields[2])
- raise ParseError
+ raise ParseError("Unknown preamble directive {}".format(fields[0]))
def new_block(self, fields):
if len(fields) != 3:
- raise ParseError
+ raise ParseError("Expect 3 fields for top block. Received: {}".format(fields))
x = int(fields[1])
y = int(fields[2])
if (x, y) in self.tiles:
return self.tiles[x, y]
if fields[0] == 'logic_tile':
if (x, y) not in self.ic.logic_tiles:
- raise ParseError
+ raise ParseError("{} position({},{}) not in defined list for device".format(fields[0], x, y))
tile = LogicTile(self.ic, x, y)
elif fields[0] == 'ramb_tile':
if (x, y) not in self.ic.ramb_tiles:
- raise ParseError
+ raise ParseError("{} position({},{}) not in defined list for device".format(fields[0], x, y))
tile = RAMBTile(self.ic, x, y)
elif fields[0] == 'ramt_tile':
if (x, y) not in self.ic.ramt_tiles:
- raise ParseError
+ raise ParseError("{} position({},{}) not in defined list for device".format(fields[0], x, y))
tile = RAMTTile(self.ic, x, y)
elif fields[0] == 'io_tile':
if (x, y) not in self.ic.io_tiles:
- raise ParseError
+ raise ParseError("{} position({},{}) not in defined list for device".format(fields[0], x, y))
tile = IOTile(self.ic, x, y)
- raise ParseError
+ raise ParseError("Unknown tile type {}".format(fields[0]))
self.tiles[x, y] = tile
return tile
def writeout(self):
if self.ic is None:
- raise ParseError
+ raise ParseError("iceconfig not set")
# fix up IE/REN bits
unused_ieren = set()
@@ -792,10 +793,10 @@ clearing:{:<30} - current set :{}""".format([:3])[2:])
- raise ParseError
+ raise ParseError("Unknown Tile specification format")
def new_block(self, fields):
- raise ParseError
+ raise ParseError("Unepxected new block in {}".format(type(self).__name__))
class LogicTile(Tile):
def __init__(self, ic, x, y):
@@ -819,7 +820,7 @@ class LogicTile(Tile):
if fields == ['lutff_%d' % i] and self.cells[i] is None:
self.cells[i] = LogicCell(self, i)
return self.cells[i]
- raise ParseError
+ raise ParseError("Unepxected new block in {}".format(type(self).__name__))
class LogicCell:
def __init__(self, tile, index):
@@ -836,7 +837,8 @@ class LogicCell:
if m:
lut_bits =
if len(lut_bits) != int(
- raise ParseError
+ raise ParseError("Number of bits({}) given don't match expected ({})"
+ .format(len(lut_bits), int(
m = len(lut_bits)
if m < 16:
lut_bits = (16-m) * "0" + lut_bits
@@ -894,7 +896,7 @@ class LogicCell:[self.index * 2 + 1][46:]
def new_block(self, fields):
- raise ParseError
+ raise ParseError("Unepxected new block in {}".format(type(self).__name__))
class RAMData:
def __init__(self, data):
@@ -904,10 +906,10 @@ class RAMData:
if len(fields) == 1:[0])
- raise ParseError
+ raise ParseError("Unepxected format in {}".format(type(self).__name__))
def new_block(self, fields):
- raise ParseError
+ raise ParseError("Unepxected new block in {}".format(type(self).__name__))
class RAMBTile(Tile):
def __init__(self, ic, x, y):
@@ -924,7 +926,7 @@ class RAMBTile(Tile):
if fields == ['data'] and (self.x, self.y) not in self.ic.ram_data:
self.ic.ram_data[self.x, self.y] = data = []
return RAMData(data)
- raise ParseError
+ raise ParseError("Unepxected new block in {}".format(type(self).__name__))
class RAMTTile(Tile):
def __init__(self, ic, x, y):
@@ -954,7 +956,7 @@ class IOTile(Tile):
if fields == ['io_1'] and self.blocks[1] is None:
self.blocks[1] = IOBlock(self, 1)
return self.blocks[1]
- raise ParseError
+ raise ParseError("Unepxected new block in {}".format(type(self).__name__))
class IOBlock:
def __init__(self, tile, index):
@@ -1008,7 +1010,7 @@ class IOBlock:
and fields[2].startswith('glb_netwk_'):
if GLB_NETWK_EXTERNAL_BLOCKS[int(fields[2][10:])] \
!= (self.tile.x, self.tile.y, self.index):
- raise ParseError
+ raise ParseError("GLOBAL_BUFFER_OUTPUT not valid")
bit = [bit for bit in self.tile.ic.extra_bits_db()
if self.tile.ic.extra_bits_db()[bit]
== ("padin_glb_netwk", fields[2][10:])]
@@ -1039,10 +1041,11 @@ class IOBlock:
- raise ParseError
+ raise ParseError("Unknown IOBlock specification format: {}".format(fields))
def new_block(self, fields):
- raise ParseError
+ raise ParseError("Unepxected new block in {}".format(type(self).__name__))
def main1(path):
f = open(path, 'r')
@@ -1055,7 +1058,7 @@ def main1(path):
elif fields == ['}']:
if not stack:
- raise ParseError
+ raise ParseError("Parsing stack empty before expected")
elif fields[-1] == '{':