path: root/fuzzylite/fl/Benchmark.h
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1 files changed, 400 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fuzzylite/fl/Benchmark.h b/fuzzylite/fl/Benchmark.h
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index 0000000..9a212db
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+++ b/fuzzylite/fl/Benchmark.h
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+ fuzzylite (R), a fuzzy logic control library in C++.
+ Copyright (C) 2010-2017 FuzzyLite Limited. All rights reserved.
+ Author: Juan Rada-Vilela, Ph.D. <>
+ This file is part of fuzzylite.
+ fuzzylite is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ the terms of the FuzzyLite License included with the software.
+ You should have received a copy of the FuzzyLite License along with
+ fuzzylite. If not, see <>.
+ fuzzylite is a registered trademark of FuzzyLite Limited.
+ */
+#include "fl/fuzzylite.h"
+#include "fl/Complexity.h"
+#include "fl/imex/FldExporter.h"
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+namespace fl {
+ class Engine;
+ /**
+ The Benchmark class is designed to evaluate the performance of an Engine.
+ @author Juan Rada-Vilela, Ph.D.
+ @see Engine
+ @since 6.0
+ */
+ class FL_API Benchmark {
+ private:
+ std::string _name;
+ Engine* _engine;
+ std::vector<std::vector<scalar> > _expected;
+ std::vector<std::vector<scalar> > _obtained;
+ std::vector<scalar> _times;
+ scalar _tolerance;
+ public:
+ /**
+ Unit of time to utilize in the results
+ */
+ enum TimeUnit {
+ NanoSeconds, MicroSeconds, MilliSeconds, Seconds, Minutes, Hours
+ };
+ /**
+ Shape of the table of results
+ */
+ enum TableShape {
+ Horizontal, Vertical
+ };
+ /**
+ Contents of the table of results
+ */
+ enum TableContents {
+ Header = 1, Body = 2, HeaderAndBody = (Header | Body)
+ };
+ /**
+ Type of error between expected and obtained values
+ */
+ enum ErrorType {
+ NonFinite, Accuracy, All
+ };
+ explicit Benchmark(const std::string& name = "", Engine* engine = fl::null,
+ scalar tolerance = fuzzylite::macheps());
+ virtual ~Benchmark();
+ /**
+ Sets the name of the benchmark
+ @param name is the name of the benchmark
+ */
+ void setName(const std::string& name);
+ /**
+ Gets the name of the benchmark
+ @return name is the name of the benchmark
+ */
+ std::string getName() const;
+ /**
+ Sets the engine to benchmark
+ @param engine is the engine to benchmark
+ */
+ void setEngine(Engine* engine);
+ /**
+ Gets the engine to benchmark
+ @return the engine to benchmark
+ */
+ Engine* getEngine() const;
+ /**
+ Sets the set of expected values from the engine, where the inner vector
+ contains the input values and output values
+ @param expected is the set of expected values from the engine
+ */
+ void setExpected(const std::vector<std::vector<scalar> >& expected);
+ /**
+ Gets the set of expected values from the engine, where the inner vector
+ contains the input values and output values
+ @return the set of expected values from the engine
+ */
+ const std::vector<std::vector<scalar> >& getExpected() const;
+ /**
+ Sets the set of obtained values from the engine, where the inner vector
+ contains the input values and output values
+ @param obtained is the set of obtained values from the engine
+ */
+ void setObtained(const std::vector<std::vector<scalar> >& obtained);
+ /**
+ Gets the set of obtained values from the engine, where the inner vector
+ contains the input values and output values
+ @return the set of obtained values from the engine
+ */
+ const std::vector<std::vector<scalar> >& getObtained() const;
+ /**
+ Sets the vector of nanoseconds taken to produce the set of obtained values
+ from the set of expected input values
+ @param times is the vector of nanoseconds taken to produce the set of obtained values
+ from the set of expected input values
+ */
+ void setTimes(const std::vector<scalar> times);
+ /**
+ Gets the vector of nanoseconds taken to produce the set of obtained values
+ from the set of expected input values
+ @return the vector of nanoseconds taken to produce the set of obtained values
+ from the set of expected input values
+ */
+ const std::vector<scalar>& getTimes() const;
+ /**
+ Sets the tolerance above which the difference between an expected and
+ obtained value from the engine is considered an error
+ @param tolerance is the tolerance above which the difference between
+ an expected and obtained value from the engine is considered an error
+ */
+ void setTolerance(scalar tolerance);
+ /**
+ Gets the tolerance above which the difference between an expected and
+ obtained value from the engine is considered an error
+ @return the tolerance above which the difference between an expected
+ and obtained value from the engine is considered an error
+ */
+ scalar getTolerance() const;
+ /**
+ Produces and loads into memory the set of expected values from the
+ engine
+ @param values is the number of values to evaluate the engine upon
+ @param scope is the scope of the values to generate
+ @throws Exception if the engine is not set
+ */
+ virtual void prepare(int values, FldExporter::ScopeOfValues scope);
+ /**
+ Reads and loads into memory the set of expected values from the
+ engine
+ @param reader is the reader of a set of lines containing
+ space-separated values
+ @param numberOfLines is the maximum number of lines to read from the
+ reader, and a value $f@n=(\infty, -1]$f@ reads the entire file.
+ */
+ virtual void prepare(std::istream& reader, long numberOfLines = -1);
+ /**
+ Runs the benchmark on the engine only once
+ @return the time in nanoseconds required by the run, which is
+ also appended to the times stored in Benchmark::getTimes()
+ */
+ virtual scalar runOnce();
+ /**
+ Runs the benchmark on the engine multiple times
+ @param times is the number of times to run the benchmark on the engine
+ @return vector of the time in nanoseconds required by each run, which is
+ also appended to the times stored in Benchmark::getTimes()
+ */
+ virtual std::vector<scalar> run(int times);
+ /**
+ Resets the benchmark to be ready to run again
+ */
+ virtual void reset();
+ /**
+ Indicates whether errors can be computed based on the expected and
+ obtained values from the benchmark. If the benchmark was prepared from
+ a file reader and the file included columns of expected output values
+ and the benchmark has been run at least once, then the benchmark can
+ automatically compute the errors and will automatically include them in
+ the results.
+ @return whether errors can be computed based on the expected and
+ obtained values from the benchmark
+ */
+ virtual bool canComputeErrors() const;
+ /**
+ Computes the mean squared error over all output variables considering
+ only those cases where there is an accuracy error as defined in
+ Benchmark::accuracyErrors().
+ @return the mean squared error over all the output variables.
+ */
+ virtual scalar meanSquaredError() const;
+ /**
+ Computes the mean squared error of the given output variable
+ considering only those cases where there is an accuracy error
+ as defined in Benchmark::accuracyErrors().
+ @param outputVariable is the output variable to compute the errors for
+ @return the mean squared error over the given output variable.
+ */
+ virtual scalar meanSquaredError(const OutputVariable* outputVariable) const;
+ /**
+ Computes the number of errors over all the output variables caused by
+ non-finite differences or accuracy differences. An error is counted when
+ the difference between the expected and obtained values is not finite,
+ or the absolute difference between the expected and obtained values
+ is not smaller than the tolerance.
+ @return the number of errors over all the output variables caused by
+ non-finite differences or accuracy differences
+ */
+ virtual int allErrors() const;
+ /**
+ Computes the number of errors of the given output variable caused by
+ non-finite differences or accuracy differences. An error is counted when
+ the difference between the expected and obtained values is not finite,
+ or the absolute difference between the expected and obtained values
+ is not smaller than the tolerance.
+ @param outputVariable is the output variable to account the errors for
+ @return the number of errors of the given output variable caused by
+ non-finite differences or accuracy differences
+ */
+ virtual int allErrors(const OutputVariable* outputVariable) const;
+ /**
+ Computes the number of errors over all the output variables caused by
+ non-finite differences (ie, infinity and NaN). An error is counted when
+ the difference between the expected and obtained values is not finite.
+ @return the number of errors over all the output variables caused by
+ non-finite differences
+ */
+ virtual int nonFiniteErrors() const;
+ /**
+ Computes the number of errors of the given output variable caused by
+ non-finite differences (ie, infinity and NaN). An error is counted when
+ the difference between the expected and obtained values is not finite.
+ @param outputVariable is the output variable to account the errors for
+ @return the number of errors of the given output variable caused by
+ non-finite differences
+ */
+ virtual int nonFiniteErrors(const OutputVariable* outputVariable) const;
+ /**
+ Computes the number of errors over all the output variables caused by
+ a significant difference in accuracy. An error is counted when the
+ absolute difference between the expected and obtained values
+ is not smaller than the tolerance.
+ @f$\text{E} = \sum_y \sum_i \epsilon_i^y, \text{where } \epsilon_i^y =
+ \begin{cases}
+ 0 & \text{if} |e_i^y - o^y_i| < \theta\\
+ 1 & \text{otherwise}
+ \end{cases}
+ @f$,
+ @f$y@f$ is the set of output variables, @f$e@f$ is the set of
+ expected output values, @f$o@f$ is the set of obtained output values,
+ and @f$\theta@f$ is the tolerance
+ @return the number of errors over all the output variables caused by
+ a significant difference in accuracy
+ */
+ virtual int accuracyErrors() const;
+ /**
+ Computes the number of errors over the given output variable caused by
+ a significant difference in accuracy. An error is counted when the
+ absolute difference between the expected and obtained values
+ is not smaller than the tolerance.
+ @f$\text{E} = \sum_i \epsilon_i, \text{where } \epsilon_i =
+ \begin{cases}
+ 0 & \text{if} |e_i - o_i| < \theta\\
+ 1 & \text{otherwise}
+ \end{cases}
+ @f$,
+ @f$e@f$ is the set of expected output values,
+ @f$o@f$ is the set of obtained output values,
+ and @f$\theta@f$ is the tolerance
+ @param outputVariable is the output variable to account the errors for
+ @return the number of errors of the given output variable caused by
+ a significant difference in accuracy
+ */
+ virtual int accuracyErrors(const OutputVariable* outputVariable) const;
+ /**
+ Computes the number of errors of the given type over all the output
+ variables.
+ @param errorType is the type of error to account for
+ @return the number of errors over all the output variables
+ */
+ virtual int numberOfErrors(ErrorType errorType) const;
+ /**
+ Computes the number of errors of the given type over the given output
+ variable.
+ @param errorType is the type of error to account for
+ @param outputVariable is the output variable to account the errors for
+ @return the number of errors over the given output variable
+ */
+ virtual int numberOfErrors(ErrorType errorType,
+ const OutputVariable* outputVariable) const;
+ /**
+ Returns the name of the time unit
+ @param unit is the time unit
+ @return the name of the time unit
+ */
+ static std::string stringOf(TimeUnit unit);
+ /**
+ Returns the factor of the given unit from NanoSeconds
+ @param unit is the time unit
+ @return the factor of the given unit from NanoSeconds
+ */
+ static scalar factorOf(TimeUnit unit);
+ /**
+ Converts the time to different scales
+ @param time is the time to convert
+ @param from is the units of the time to convert from
+ @param to is the units of the time to convert to
+ @return the time in the units specified
+ */
+ static scalar convert(scalar time, TimeUnit from, TimeUnit to);
+ /**
+ Returns the header of a horizontal table of results
+ @param runs is the number of times the benchmark will be run, hence
+ producing the relevant number of columns for each run
+ @param includeErrors indicates whether to include columns for computing
+ the errors
+ @return the header of a horizontal table of results
+ */
+ virtual std::vector<std::string> header(int runs, bool includeErrors = true);
+ /**Result is a type definition for a pair of strings*/
+ typedef std::pair<std::string, std::string> Result;
+ /**
+ Computes and returns the results from the benchmark aggregating the
+ statistics of all the output variables
+ @param timeUnit is the unit of time of the results
+ @param includeTimes indicates whether to include the times of each run
+ @return the results from the benchmark
+ */
+ virtual std::vector<Result> results(TimeUnit timeUnit = NanoSeconds, bool includeTimes = true) const;
+ /**
+ Computes and returns the results from the benchmark for the given output
+ variable
+ @param outputVariable is the output variable to compute the statistics for
+ @param timeUnit is the unit of time of the results
+ @param includeTimes indicates whether to include the times of each run
+ @return the results from the benchmark
+ */
+ virtual std::vector<Result> results(const OutputVariable* outputVariable,
+ TimeUnit timeUnit = NanoSeconds, bool includeTimes = true) const;
+ /**
+ Formats the results
+ @param results is the vector of results
+ @param shape is the shape to present the table of results
+ @param contents indicates the information to include in the table of results
+ @param delimiter is the delimiter of the table of results
+ @return the formatted results from the benchmark
+ */
+ virtual std::string format(std::vector<Result> results, TableShape shape,
+ TableContents contents, const std::string& delimiter = "\t") const;
+ };
+#endif /* FL_BENCHMARK_H */