path: root/fuzzylite/test/norm
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diff --git a/fuzzylite/test/norm/NormFunctionTest.cpp b/fuzzylite/test/norm/NormFunctionTest.cpp
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index 0000000..afce4c8
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+++ b/fuzzylite/test/norm/NormFunctionTest.cpp
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+ fuzzylite (R), a fuzzy logic control library in C++.
+ Copyright (C) 2010-2017 FuzzyLite Limited. All rights reserved.
+ Author: Juan Rada-Vilela, Ph.D. <>
+ This file is part of fuzzylite.
+ fuzzylite is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ the terms of the FuzzyLite License included with the software.
+ You should have received a copy of the FuzzyLite License along with
+ fuzzylite. If not, see <>.
+ fuzzylite is a registered trademark of FuzzyLite Limited.
+ */
+#include "test/catch.hpp"
+#include "fl/Headers.h"
+namespace fl {
+ /**
+ * Tests: norm/NormFunctions
+ *
+ * @author Juan Rada-Vilela, Ph.D.
+ *
+ */
+ static std::string snormEngine() {
+#ifdef FL_CPP98
+ return "";
+ return R""(
+Engine: tipper
+InputVariable: service
+ enabled: true
+ range: 0.000 10.000
+ lock-range: false
+ term: poor Gaussian 0.000 1.500
+ term: good Gaussian 5.000 1.500
+ term: excellent Gaussian 10.000 1.500
+InputVariable: food
+ enabled: true
+ range: 0.000 10.000
+ lock-range: false
+ term: rancid Trapezoid 0.000 0.000 1.000 3.000
+ term: delicious Trapezoid 7.000 9.000 10.000 10.000
+OutputVariable: tip
+ enabled: true
+ range: 0.000 30.000
+ lock-range: false
+ aggregation: Maximum
+ defuzzifier: Centroid 200
+ default: nan
+ lock-previous: false
+ term: cheap Triangle 0.000 5.000 10.000
+ term: average Triangle 10.000 15.000 20.000
+ term: generous Triangle 20.000 25.000 30.000
+ enabled: true
+ conjunction: Minimum
+ disjunction: Maximum
+ implication: Minimum
+ activation: General
+ rule: if service is poor or food is rancid then tip is cheap
+ rule: if service is good then tip is average
+ rule: if service is excellent or food is delicious then tip is generous
+ }
+ static SNorm* myMaximumNorm() {
+ return new SNormFunction("max(a,b)");
+ }
+ static SNorm* myNotSoMaximumNorm() {
+ return new SNormFunction("max(a,b) * 0.5");
+ }
+ TEST_CASE("SNormFunction (max(a,b)) is equivalent to Maximum", "[snorm][maximum]") {
+#ifdef FL_CPP98
+ FL_IUNUSED(&(myMaximumNorm));
+ FL_IUNUSED(&(myNotSoMaximumNorm));
+ FL_IUNUSED(&(snormEngine));
+ WARN("Test only runs with -DFL_CPP98=OFF");
+ return;
+ std::string fllEngine = snormEngine();
+ FL_unique_ptr<Engine> engine(FllImporter().fromString(fllEngine));
+ std::string fld = FldExporter().toString(engine.get(), 1024);
+ SNormFactory* factory = FactoryManager::instance()->snorm();
+ factory->registerConstructor("Maximum", &(myMaximumNorm));
+ //Check our custom SNorm is registered
+ FL_unique_ptr<SNorm> x(factory->constructObject("Maximum"));
+ CHECK(Op::isEq(x->compute(0, 0.5), 0.5));
+ //Test creating an engine with the new SNorm
+ engine.reset(FllImporter().fromString(fllEngine));
+ std::string anotherFld = FldExporter().toString(engine.get(), 1024);
+ CHECK(fld == anotherFld);
+ //Make sure a different SNorm fails in results
+ factory->registerConstructor("Maximum", &(myNotSoMaximumNorm));
+ engine.reset(FllImporter().fromString(fllEngine));
+ anotherFld = FldExporter().toString(engine.get(), 1024);
+ CHECK(fld != anotherFld);
+ }
+ static std::string tnormEngine() {
+#ifdef FL_CPP98
+ return "";
+ return R""(
+Engine: mam21
+InputVariable: angle
+ enabled: true
+ range: -5.000 5.000
+ lock-range: false
+ term: small Bell -5.000 5.000 8.000
+ term: big Bell 5.000 5.000 8.000
+InputVariable: velocity
+ enabled: true
+ range: -5.000 5.000
+ lock-range: false
+ term: small Bell -5.000 5.000 2.000
+ term: big Bell 5.000 5.000 2.000
+OutputVariable: force
+ enabled: true
+ range: -5.000 5.000
+ lock-range: false
+ aggregation: Maximum
+ defuzzifier: Centroid 200
+ default: nan
+ lock-previous: false
+ term: negBig Bell -5.000 1.670 8.000
+ term: negSmall Bell -1.670 1.670 8.000
+ term: posSmall Bell 1.670 1.670 8.000
+ term: posBig Bell 5.000 1.670 8.000
+ enabled: true
+ conjunction: Minimum
+ disjunction: Maximum
+ implication: Minimum
+ activation: General
+ rule: if angle is small and velocity is small then force is negBig
+ rule: if angle is small and velocity is big then force is negSmall
+ rule: if angle is big and velocity is small then force is posSmall
+ rule: if angle is big and velocity is big then force is posBig
+ }
+ static TNorm* myMinimumNorm() {
+ return new TNormFunction("min(a,b)");
+ }
+ static TNorm* myNotSoMinimumNorm() {
+ return new TNormFunction("min(a,b) * 0.5");
+ }
+ TEST_CASE("TNormFunction (min(a,b)) is equivalent to Minimum", "[tnorm][minimum]") {
+#ifdef FL_CPP98
+ FL_IUNUSED(&(myMinimumNorm));
+ FL_IUNUSED(&(myNotSoMinimumNorm));
+ FL_IUNUSED(&(tnormEngine));
+ WARN("Test only runs with -DFL_CPP98=OFF");
+ return;
+ std::string fllEngine = tnormEngine();
+ FL_unique_ptr<Engine> engine(FllImporter().fromString(fllEngine));
+ std::string fld = FldExporter().toString(engine.get(), 1024);
+ TNormFactory* factory = FactoryManager::instance()->tnorm();
+ factory->registerConstructor("Minimum", &(myMinimumNorm));
+ //Check our custom SNorm is registered
+ FL_unique_ptr<TNorm> x(factory->constructObject("Minimum"));
+ CHECK(Op::isEq(x->compute(0.5, 1), 0.5));
+ //Test creating an engine with the new SNorm
+ engine.reset(FllImporter().fromString(fllEngine));
+ std::string anotherFld = FldExporter().toString(engine.get(), 1024);
+ CHECK(fld == anotherFld);
+ //Make sure a different SNorm fails in results
+ factory->registerConstructor("Minimum", &(myNotSoMinimumNorm));
+ engine.reset(FllImporter().fromString(fllEngine));
+ anotherFld = FldExporter().toString(engine.get(), 1024);
+ CHECK(fld != anotherFld);
+ }