path: root/docs/manual/smsd/config.rst
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+.. _gammu-smsdrc:
+SMSD Configuration File
+gammu-smsd reads configuration from a config file. It's location can be
+specified on command line, otherwise default path ``/etc/gammu-smsdrc``
+is used.
+This file use ini file syntax, with comment parts being marked with both ``;`` and
+``#``. Sections of config file are identified in square brackets line ``[this]``. All
+key values are case insensitive.
+Configuration file of gammu-smsd consists of at least two sections - :config:section:`[gammu]`
+and :config:section:`[smsd]`.
+.. config:section:: [gammu]
+ The :config:section:`[gammu]` section is configuration of a phone connection and is same as
+ described in gammurc(5) with the only exception that logfile is ignored and
+ common logging for gammu library and SMS daemon is used. However the logformat
+ directive still configures how much messages gammu emits.
+.. config:section:: [smsd]
+ The :config:section:`[smsd]` section configures SMS daemon itself, which are described in
+ following subsections. First general parameters of SMS daemon are listed and
+ then specific parameters for storage backends.
+.. config:section:: [include_numbers]
+ List of numbers from which accept messages, see :ref:`message_filtering`.
+.. config:section:: [exclude_numbers]
+ List of numbers from which reject messages, see :ref:`message_filtering`.
+.. config:section:: [include_smsc]
+ List of SMSC numbers from which accept messages, see :ref:`message_filtering`.
+.. config:section:: [exclude_smsc]
+ List of SMSC numbers from which reject messages, see :ref:`message_filtering`.
+General parameters of SMS daemon
+.. config:option:: Service
+ SMSD service to use, one of FILES, NULL, MYSQL, PGSQL, DBI (depends on compiled
+ in support for backends).
+ ``FILES``
+ stores messages in files, see :ref:`smsd_files` for details
+ ``NULL``
+ does not store messages at all, see gammu\-smsd\-null(7) for details
+ ``MYSQL``
+ stores messages in MySQL database, see gammu\-smsd\-mysql(7) for details
+ ``PGSQL``
+ stores messages in PostgreSQL database, see gammu\-smsd\-pgsql(7) for details
+ ``DBI``
+ stores messages in any database supported by libdbi, this includes
+ MSSQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL or SQLite databases, see gammu\-smsd\-dbi(7) for
+ details
+.. config:option:: PIN
+ PIN for SIM card. This is optional, but you should set it if your phone after
+ power on requires PIN.
+.. config:option:: NetworkCode
+ Network personalisation password. This is optional, but some phones require it
+ after power on.
+.. config:option:: PhoneCode
+ Phone lock password. This is optional, but some phones require it after power
+ on.
+.. config:option:: LogFile
+ File where SMSD actions are being logged. You can also use special value
+ ``syslog`` which will send all messages to syslog daemon. On Windows another
+ special value ``eventlog`` exists, which will send logs to Windows Event Log.
+ If you run SMSD as a system daemon (or service), it is recommended to use
+ absolute path to log file as startup directory might be different than you
+ expect.
+ Default is to provide no logging.
+.. config:option:: DebugLevel
+ Debug level for SMSD. The integer value should be sum of all flags you
+ want to enable.
+ 1
+ enables basic debugging information
+ 2
+ enables logging of SQL queries of service backends
+ 4
+ enables logging of gammu debug information
+ Generally to get as much debug information as possible, use 255.
+ Default is 0, what should mean no extra information.
+.. config:option:: CommTimeout
+ How many seconds should SMSD wait after there is no message in outbox.
+ Default is 30.
+.. config:option:: SendTimeout
+ Shows how many seconds SMSD should wait for network answer during sending
+ sms. If nothing happen during this time, sms will be resent.
+ Default is 30.
+.. config:option:: MaxRetries
+ How many times will SMSD try to resend message if sending fails.
+ Default is 1.
+.. config:option:: ReceiveFrequency
+ The number of seconds between testing for received SMSes, when the phone is
+ busy sending SMSes. Normally a test for received SMSes is done every
+ CommTimeout seconds and after each sent SMS.
+ Default is 0 (not used).
+.. config:option:: StatusFrequency
+ The number of seconds between refreshing phone status (battery, signal) stored
+ in shared memory and possibly in service backends. Use 0 to disable.
+ Default is 15.
+.. config:option:: LoopSleep
+ The number of seconds how long will SMSD sleep before checking for some
+ activity. Please note that setting this to higher value than 1 will have
+ effects to other time based configurations, because they will be effectively
+ rounded to multiply of this value.
+ Default is 1.
+.. config:option:: MultipartTimeout
+ The number of seconds how long will SMSD wait for all parts of multipart
+ message. If all parts won't arrive in time, parts will be processed as separate
+ messages.
+ Default is 600 (10 minutes).
+.. config:option:: CheckSecurity
+ Whether to check if phone wants to enter PIN.
+ Default is 1 (enabled).
+.. config:option:: CheckBattery
+ Whether to check phone battery state periodically.
+ Default is 1 (enabled).
+.. config:option:: CheckSignal
+ Whether to check signal level periodically.
+ Default is 1 (enabled).
+.. config:option:: ResetFrequency
+ The number of seconds between performing a preventive soft reset in order to
+ minimize the cases of hanging phones e.g. Nokia 5110 will sometimes freeze to
+ a state when only after unmounting the battery the phone will be functional
+ again.
+ Default is 0 (not used).
+.. config:option:: DeliveryReport
+ Whether delivery reports should be used, one of ``no``, ``log``, ``sms``.
+ ``log``
+ one line log entry,
+ ``sms``
+ store in inbox as a received SMS
+ ``no``
+ no delivery reports
+ Default is ``no``.
+.. config:option:: DeliveryReportDelay
+ Delay in seconds how long is still delivery report considered valid. This
+ depends on brokeness of your network (delivery report should have same
+ timestamp as sent message). Increase this if delivery reports are not paired
+ with sent messages.
+ Default is 600 (10 minutes).
+.. config:option:: PhoneID
+ String with info about phone used for sending/receiving. This can be useful if
+ you want to run several SMS daemons.
+ When you set PhoneID, all messages (including injected ones) will be marked by
+ this string and it allow more SMS daemons to share single database. This
+ option has actually no effect of FILES backend service.
+.. config:option:: RunOnReceive
+ Executes a program after receiving message.
+ This parameter is executed through shell, so you might need to escape some
+ special characters and you can include any number of parameters. Additionally
+ parameters with identifiers of received messages are appended to the command
+ line. The identifiers depend on used service backend, typically it is ID of
+ inserted row for database backends or file name for file based backends.
+ Gammu SMSD waits for the script to terminate. If you make some time consuming
+ there, it will make SMSD not receive new messages. However to limit breakage
+ from this situation, the waiting time is limited to two minutes. After this
+ time SMSD will continue in normal operation and might execute your script
+ again.
+ The process has available lot of information about received message in
+ environment, check :ref:`smsd_run` for more details.
+.. config:option:: IncludeNumbersFile
+ File with list of numbers which are accepted by SMSD. The file contains one
+ number per line, blank lines are ignored. The file is read at startup and is
+ reread only when configuration is being reread. See Message filtering for
+ details.
+.. config:option:: ExcludeNumbersFile
+ File with list of numbers which are not accepted by SMSD. The file contains
+ one number per line, blank lines are ignored. The file is read at startup and
+ is reread only when configuration is being reread. See Message filtering for
+ details.
+.. config:option:: IncludeSMSCFile
+ File with list of SMSC numbers which are accepted by SMSD. The file contains
+ one number per line, blank lines are ignored. The file is read at startup and
+ is reread only when configuration is being reread. See Message filtering for
+ details.
+.. config:option:: ExcludeSMSCFile
+ File with list of SMSC numbers which are not accepted by SMSD. The file
+ contains one number per line, blank lines are ignored. The file is read at
+ startup and is reread only when configuration is being reread. See Message
+ filtering for details.
+.. config:option:: BackendRetries
+ How many times will SMSD backend retry operation.
+ The implementation on different backends is different, for database backends
+ it generally means how many times it will try to reconnect to the server.
+ Default is 10.
+.. config:option:: Send
+ Whether to enable sending of messages.
+ Default is True.
+.. config:option:: Receive
+ Whether to enable receiving of messages.
+ Default is True.
+Database backends options
+All DBI, MYSQL and PGSQL backends (see gammu\-smsd\-mysql(7),
+gammu\-smsd\-pgsql(7), gammu\-smsd\-dbi(7)) for their documentation) supports
+same options for configuring connection to a database:
+.. config:option:: User
+ User name used for connection to a database.
+.. config:option:: Password
+ Password used for connection to a database.
+.. config:option:: PC
+ Database server address. It can also contain port or socket path after
+ semicolon, for example localhost:/path/to/socket.
+.. config:option:: Database
+ Name of database to use. Please note that you should create tables in this
+ database before using gammu\-smsd. SQL files for creating needed tables are
+ included in documentation.
+.. config:option:: SkipSMSCNumber
+ When you send sms from some SMS centere you can have delivery reports from
+ other SMSC number. You can set here number of this SMSC used by you and Gammu
+ will not check it's number during assigning reports to sent SMS.
+.. config:option:: Driver
+ DBI driver to use. Depends on what DBI drivers you have installed, DBI
+ supports: mysql, freetds (provides access to MS SQL Server and Sybase), pgsql,
+ sqlite, sqlite3, firebird and ingres, msql and oracle drivers are under
+ development.
+.. config:option:: DriversPath
+ Path, where DBI drivers are stored, this usually does not have to be set if
+ you have properly installed drivers.
+.. config:option:: DBDir
+ Database directory for some (currently only sqlite) DBI drivers. Set here path
+ where sqlite database files are stored.
+Files backend options
+The FILES backend accepts following configuration options. See
+gammu\-smsd\-files(7) for more detailed service backend description. Please note
+that all path should contain trailing path separator (/ on Unix systems):
+.. config:option:: InboxPath
+ Where the received SMSes are stored.
+ Default is current directory.
+.. config:option:: OutboxPath
+ Where SMSes to be sent should be placed.
+ Default is current directory.
+.. config:option:: SentSMSPath
+ Where the transmitted SMSes are placed, if same as OutBoxPath transmitted
+ messages are deleted.
+ Default is to delete transmitted messages.
+.. config:option:: ErrorSMSPath
+ Where SMSes with error in transmission is placed.
+ Default is same as SentSMSPath.
+.. config:option:: InboxFormat
+ The format in which the SMS will be stored: ``detail``, ``unicode``, ``standard``.
+ ``detail``
+ format used for message backup by gammu(1)
+ ``unicode``
+ message text stored in unicode (UTF-16)
+ ``standard``
+ message text stored in system charset
+ The ``standard`` and ``unicode`` settings do not apply for 8-bit messages, which
+ are always written raw as they are received with extension .bin.
+ Default is ``unicode``.
+.. config:option:: OutboxFormat
+ The format in which messages created by gammu-smsd-inject(1) will be stored,
+ it accepts same values as InboxFormat.
+ Default is ``detail`` if Gammu is compiled in with backup functions, ``unicode``
+ otherwise.
+.. config:option:: TransmitFormat
+ The format for transmitting the SMS: ``auto``, ``unicode``, ``7bit``.
+ Default is ``auto``.
+.. _message_filtering:
+Message filtering
+SMSD allows to process only limited subset of incoming messages. You can define
+filters for sender number in :config:section:`[include_numbers]` and
+:config:section:`[exclude_numbers]` sections or using
+:config:option:`IncludeNumbersFile` and :config:option:`ExcludeNumbersFile`
+If :config:section:`[include_numbers]` section exists, all values (keys are
+ignored) from it are used as allowed phone numbers and no other message is
+processed. On the other side, in :config:section:`[exclude_numbers]` you can
+specify numbers which you want to skip.
+Lists from both sources are merged together. If there is any number in include
+list, only include list is used and only messages in this list are being
+accepted. If include list is empty, exclude list can be used to ignore
+messages from some numbers. If both lists are empty, all messages are
+Similar filtering rules can be used for SMSC number filtering, they just use
+different set of configuration options - :config:section:`[include_smsc]` and
+:config:section:`[exclude_smsc]` sections or :config:option:`IncludeSMSCFile`
+and :config:option:`ExcludeSMSCFile` directives.
+There is more complete example available in Gammu documentation. Please note
+that for simplicity following examples do not include :config:section:`[gammu]`
+section, you can look into gammurc(5) for some examples how it can look like.
+SMSD configuration file for FILES backend could look like:
+.. code-block:: ini
+ [smsd]
+ Service = files
+ PIN = 1234
+ LogFile = syslog
+ InboxPath = /var/spool/sms/inbox/
+ OutboPpath = /var/spool/sms/outbox/
+ SentSMSPath = /var/spool/sms/sent/
+ ErrorSMSPath = /var/spool/sms/error/
+If you want to use MYSQL backend, you will need something like this:
+.. code-block:: ini
+ [smsd]
+ Service = mysql
+ PIN = 1234
+ LogFile = syslog
+ User = smsd
+ Password = smsd
+ PC = localhost
+ Database = smsd
+Process only messages from 123456 number:
+.. code-block:: ini
+ [include_numbers]
+ number1 = 123456
+Do not process messages from evil number 666:
+.. code-block:: ini
+ [exclude_numbers]
+ number1 = 666
+Enabling debugging:
+.. code-block:: ini
+ [smsd]
+ debuglevel = 255
+ logfile = smsd.log