path: root/docs/manual/smsd/tables.rst
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+.. _smsd_tables:
+SMSD Database Structure
+The backends themselves are described in their sections, this document
+describes general database structure and required tables.
+More SMS daemons can share single database. If you do not specify PhoneID in
+their configuration, all are treated equally and you have no guarantee which
+one sends outgoing message. If you configure PhoneID and use it when inserting
+message to the ``outbox`` table (:ref:`gammu-smsd-inject` does this), each SMS
+daemon will have separate outbox queue.
+Receiving of messages
+Received messages are stored in ``inbox`` table.
+Transmitting of messages
+Transmitted messages are read from table ``outbox`` and possible subsequent parts
+of the same message from ``outbox_multipart``.
+Description of tables
+Information about running daemons.
+Table holding single value - version of a database schema. See HISTORY for
+details what has changed.
+Table where received messages will be stored.
+Fields description:
+``UpdatedInDB`` (timestamp)
+ when somebody (daemon, user, etc.) updated it
+``ReceivingDateTime`` (timestamp)
+ when SMS was received
+``Text`` (text)
+ encoded SMS text (for all SMS)
+``SenderNumber`` (varchar(20))
+ decoded SMS sender number
+``Coding`` (enum('Default_No_Compression', 'Unicode_No_Compression', '8bit', 'Default_Compression', 'Unicode_Compression'))
+ SMS text coding
+``UDH`` (text)
+ encoded User Data Header text
+``SMSCNumber`` (varchar(20))
+ decoded SMSC number
+``Class`` (integer)
+ SMS class or \-1 (0 is flash SMS, 1 is normal one)
+``TextDecoded`` (varchar(160))
+ decoded SMS text (for Default Alphabet/Unicode SMS)
+``ID`` (integer unsigned)
+ SMS identificator (for using with external applications)
+``RecipientID`` (text)
+ which Gammu daemon has added it
+``Processed`` (enum('false', 'true'))
+ you can use for marking, whether SMS was processed or not
+Messages enqueued for sending should be placed in this table. If message
+is multipart, subsequent parts are stored in table outbox_multipart.
+Fields description:
+``UpdatedInDB`` (timestamp)
+ when somebody (daemon, user, etc.) updated it
+``InsertIntoDB`` (timestamp)
+ when message was inserted into database
+``SendingDateTime`` (timestamp)
+ set it to some value, when want to force sending after some planned time
+``Text`` (text)
+ SMS text encoded using hex values in proper coding. If you want to use
+ TextDecoded field, keep this NULL (or empty).
+``DestinationNumber`` (varchar(20))
+ recipient number
+``Coding`` (enum('Default_No_Compression', 'Unicode_No_Compression', '8bit', 'Default_Compression', 'Unicode_Compression'))
+ SMS text coding
+``UDH`` (text)
+ User Data Header encoded using hex values which will be used for constructing
+ the message. Without this, message will be sent as plain text.
+``Class`` (integer)
+ SMS class or \-1 (0 is normal SMS, 1 is flash one)
+``TextDecoded`` (varchar(160))
+ SMS text in "human readable" form
+``ID`` (integer unsigned)
+ SMS/SMS sequence ID
+ Please note that this number has to be unique also for sentitems table, so
+ reusing message IDs might not be a good idea.
+``MultiPart`` (enum('false','true'))
+ info, whether there are more SMS from this sequence in outbox_multipart
+``RelativeValidity`` (integer)
+ SMS relative validity like encoded using GSM specs
+``SenderID`` (text)
+ which SMSD instance should send this one sequence
+``SendingTimeOut`` (timestamp)
+ used by SMSD instance for own targets
+``DeliveryReport`` (enum('default','yes','no'))
+ when default is used, Delivery Report is used or not according to SMSD instance settings; yes forces Delivery Report.
+``CreatorID`` (text)
+ sender identification, it has to match PhoneID in SMSD configuration to make
+ SMSD process this message
+Data for outgoing multipart messages.
+Fields description:
+``ID`` (integer unsigned)
+ the same meaning as values in outbox table
+``Text`` (text)
+ the same meaning as values in outbox table
+``Coding`` (enum('Default_No_Compression', 'Unicode_No_Compression', '8bit', 'Default_Compression', 'Unicode_Compression'))
+ the same meaning as values in outbox table
+``UDH`` (text)
+ the same meaning as values in outbox table
+``Class`` (integer)
+ the same meaning as values in outbox table
+``TextDecoded`` (varchar(160))
+ the same meaning as values in outbox table
+``ID`` (integer unsigned)
+ the same meaning as values in outbox table
+``SequencePosition`` (integer)
+ info, what is SMS number in SMS sequence (start at 2, first part is in outbox
+ table).
+Information about connected phones. This table is periodically refreshed and
+you can get information such as battery or signal level from here.
+Fields description:
+``ID`` (text)
+ PhoneID value
+``UpdatedInDB`` (timestamp)
+ when this record has been updated
+``InsertIntoDB`` (timestamp)
+ when this record has been created (when phone has been connected)
+``TimeOut`` (timestamp)
+ when this record expires
+``Send`` (boolean)
+ currently always true
+``Receive`` (boolean)
+ currently always true
+``IMEI`` (text)
+ IMEI of phone
+``Client`` (text)
+ client name, usually string Gammu with version
+``Battery`` (integer)
+ battery level in percent (or \-1 if unknown)
+``Signal`` (integer)
+ signal level in percent (or \-1 if unknown)
+``Sent`` (integer)
+ Number of sent SMS messages (SMSD does not reset this counter, so it might
+ overflow).
+``Received`` (integer)
+ Number of received SMS messages (SMSD does not reset this counter, so it might
+ overflow).
+Log of sent messages (and unsent ones with error code). Also if delivery
+reports are enabled, message state is updated after receiving delivery report.
+Fields description:
+``UpdatedInDB`` (timestamp)
+ when somebody (daemon, user, etc.) updated it
+``InsertIntoDB`` (timestamp)
+ when message was inserted into database
+``SendingDateTime`` (timestamp)
+ when message has been sent
+``DeliveryDateTime`` (timestamp)
+ Time of receiving delivery report (if it has been enabled).
+``Status`` (enum('SendingOK', 'SendingOKNoReport', 'SendingError', 'DeliveryOK', 'DeliveryFailed', 'DeliveryPending', 'DeliveryUnknown', 'Error'))
+ Status of message sending. SendingError mens that phone failed to send the
+ message, Error indicates some other error while processing message.
+ ``SendingOK``
+ Message has been sent, waiting for delivery report.
+ ``SendingOKNoReport``
+ Message has been sent without asking for delivery report.
+ ``SendingError``
+ Sending has failed.
+ ``DeliveryOK``
+ Delivery report arrived and reported success.
+ ``DeliveryFailed``
+ Delivery report arrived and reports failure.
+ ``DeliveryPending``
+ Delivery report announced pending deliver.
+ ``DeliveryUnknown``
+ Delivery report reported unknown status.
+ ``Error``
+ Some other error happened during sending (usually bug in SMSD).
+``StatusError`` (integer)
+ Status of delivery from delivery report message, codes are defined in GSM
+ specification 03.40 section (TP-Status).
+``Text`` (text)
+ SMS text encoded using hex values
+``DestinationNumber`` (varchar(20))
+ decoded destination number for SMS
+``Coding`` (enum('Default_No_Compression', 'Unicode_No_Compression', '8bit', 'Default_Compression', 'Unicode_Compression'))
+ SMS text coding
+``UDH`` (text)
+ User Data Header encoded using hex values
+``SMSCNumber`` (varchar(20))
+ decoded number of SMSC, which sent SMS
+``Class`` (integer)
+ SMS class or \-1 (0 is normal SMS, 1 is flash one)
+``TextDecoded`` (varchar(160))
+ SMS text in "human readable" form
+``ID`` (integer unsigned)
+``SenderID`` (text)
+ which SMSD instance sent this one sequence
+``SequencePosition`` (integer)
+ SMS number in SMS sequence
+``TPMR`` (integer)
+ Message Reference like in GSM specs
+``RelativeValidity`` (integer)
+ SMS relative validity like encoded using GSM specs
+``CreatorID`` (text)
+ copied from CreatorID from outbox table, matches PhoneID
+Not used by SMSD currently, included only for application usage.
+Not used by SMSD currently, included only for application usage.
+History of schema versions:
+ all fields for storing message text are no longer limited to 160 chars,
+ but are arbitrary length text fields (1.25.92)
+ ``DeliveryDateTime`` is now NULL when message is not delivered, added several
+ indexes
+ added sent/received counters to phones table
+ introduced phones table
+ added CreatorID to tables (it holds PhoneID if set)
+Creating tables
+SQL scripts to create all needed tables for most databases are included in
+Gammu documentation (docs/sql). As well as some PHP scripts interacting with
+the database.
+For example to create SQLite tables, issue following command:
+.. code-block:: sh
+ sqlite3 smsd.db < docs/sql/sqlite.sql
+Injecting a message using SQL
+To send a message, you can either use :ref:`gammu-smsd-inject`, which does all the
+magic for you, or you can insert the message manually. The simplest example is
+short text message:
+.. code-block:: sql
+ INSERT INTO outbox (
+ DestinationNumber,
+ TextDecoded,
+ CreatorID,
+ Coding
+ ) VALUES (
+ '800123465',
+ 'This is a SQL test message',
+ 'Program',
+ 'Default_No_Compression'
+ );
+Injecting long message using SQL
+Inserting multipart messages is a bit more tricky, you need to construct also
+UDH header and store it hexadecimally written into UDH field.
+For long text message, the UDH starts with 050003 followed by byte as a message
+reference (you can put anything there, but it should be different for each
+message, D3 in following example), byte for number of messages (02 in example,
+it should be unique for each message you send to same phone number) and byte
+for number of current message (01 for first message, 02 for second, etc.).
+For example long text message of two parts could look like following:
+.. code-block:: sql
+ INSERT INTO outbox (
+ CreatorID,
+ MultiPart,
+ DestinationNumber,
+ UDH,
+ TextDecoded,
+ Coding
+ ) VALUES (
+ 'Gammu 1.23.91',
+ 'true',
+ '123465',
+ '050003D30201',
+ 'Mqukqirip ya konej eqniu rejropocejor hugiygydewl tfej nrupxujob xuemymiyliralj. Te tvyjuh qaxumur ibewfoiws zuucoz tdygu gelum L ejqigqesykl kya jdytbez',
+ 'Default_No_Compression'
+ )
+ INSERT INTO outbox_multipart (
+ SequencePosition,
+ UDH,
+ Class,
+ TextDecoded,
+ ID,
+ Coding
+ ) VALUES (
+ 2,
+ '050003D30202',
+ 'u xewz qisubevumxyzk ufuylehyzc. Nse xobq dfolizygqysj t bvowsyhyhyemim ovutpapeaempye giuuwbib.',
+ 'Default_No_Compression'
+ )