diff options
108 files changed, 135 insertions, 135 deletions
diff --git a/Annex.hs b/Annex.hs
index 482c8455d4..5a9eac3c32 100644
--- a/Annex.hs
+++ b/Annex.hs
@@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ addGitConfigOverride v = do
r { Git.gitGlobalOpts = go (Git.gitGlobalOpts r) }
changeState $ \st -> st { gitconfigoverride = v : gitconfigoverride st }
- -- Remove any prior occurrance of the setting to avoid
+ -- Remove any prior occurrence of the setting to avoid
-- building up many of them when the adjustment is run repeatedly,
-- and add the setting to the end.
go [] = [Param "-c", Param v]
diff --git a/Annex/AdjustedBranch.hs b/Annex/AdjustedBranch.hs
index 9b35b8f71b..1907157e72 100644
--- a/Annex/AdjustedBranch.hs
+++ b/Annex/AdjustedBranch.hs
@@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ findAdjustingCommit (AdjBranch b) = go =<< catCommit b
_ -> return Nothing
{- Check for any commits present on the adjusted branch that have not yet
- - been propigated to the basis branch, and propigate them to the basis
+ - been propigated to the basis branch, and propagate them to the basis
- branch and from there on to the orig branch.
- After propigating the commits back to the basis branch,
@@ -536,7 +536,7 @@ rebaseOnTopMsg = "rebasing adjusted branch on top of updated original branch"
reverseAdjustedCommit :: Sha -> Adjustment -> (Sha, Commit) -> OrigBranch -> Annex (Either String Sha)
reverseAdjustedCommit commitparent adj (csha, basiscommit) origbranch
| length (commitParent basiscommit) > 1 = return $
- Left $ "unable to propigate merge commit " ++ show csha ++ " back to " ++ show origbranch
+ Left $ "unable to propagate merge commit " ++ show csha ++ " back to " ++ show origbranch
| otherwise = do
cmode <- annexCommitMode <$> Annex.getGitConfig
treesha <- reverseAdjustedTree commitparent adj csha
diff --git a/Annex/Branch.hs b/Annex/Branch.hs
index 7f03f6bece..37bf6e3a6b 100644
--- a/Annex/Branch.hs
+++ b/Annex/Branch.hs
@@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ getRef ref file = withIndex $ catFile ref file
{- Applies a function to modify the content of a file.
- Note that this does not cause the branch to be merged, it only
- - modifes the current content of the file on the branch.
+ - modifies the current content of the file on the branch.
change :: Journalable content => RegardingUUID -> RawFilePath -> (L.ByteString -> content) -> Annex ()
change ru file f = lockJournal $ \jl -> f <$> getToChange ru file >>= set jl ru file
@@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ data ChangeOrAppend t = Change t | Append t
- value it provides is always appended to the journal file. That avoids
- reading the journal file, and so can be faster when many lines are being
- written to it. The information that is recorded will be effectively the
- - same, only obsolate log lines will not get compacted.
+ - same, only obsolete log lines will not get compacted.
- Currently, only appends when annex.alwayscompact=false. That is to
- avoid appending when an older version of git-annex is also in use in the
@@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ append jl f appendable toappend = do
{- Commit message used when making a commit of whatever data has changed
- - to the git-annex brach. -}
+ - to the git-annex branch. -}
commitMessage :: Annex String
commitMessage = fromMaybe "update" . annexCommitMessage <$> Annex.getGitConfig
@@ -624,7 +624,7 @@ branchFiles' = Git.Command.pipeNullSplit' $
{- Populates the branch's index file with the current branch contents.
- This is only done when the index doesn't yet exist, and the index
- - is used to build up changes to be commited to the branch, and merge
+ - is used to build up changes to be committed to the branch, and merge
- in changes from other branches.
genIndex :: Git.Repo -> IO ()
diff --git a/Annex/ChangedRefs.hs b/Annex/ChangedRefs.hs
index 83aa5561a7..7a9ce8a34f 100644
--- a/Annex/ChangedRefs.hs
+++ b/Annex/ChangedRefs.hs
@@ -106,6 +106,6 @@ notifyHook chan reffile _
sha <- catchDefaultIO Nothing $
extractSha <$> S.readFile reffile
-- When the channel is full, there is probably no reader
- -- running, or ref changes have been occuring very fast,
+ -- running, or ref changes have been occurring very fast,
-- so it's ok to not write the change to it.
maybe noop (void . atomically . tryWriteTBMChan chan) sha
diff --git a/Annex/Content.hs b/Annex/Content.hs
index 0090703047..568077cabc 100644
--- a/Annex/Content.hs
+++ b/Annex/Content.hs
@@ -392,9 +392,9 @@ withTmp key action = do
- with colliding files it's their own fault and B) adding such a check
- would not catch all cases of colliding keys. For example, perhaps
- a remote has a key; if it's then added again with different content then
- - the overall system now has two different peices of content for that
+ - the overall system now has two different pieces of content for that
- key, and one of them will probably get deleted later. So, adding the
- - check here would only raise expectations that git-annex cannot truely
+ - check here would only raise expectations that git-annex cannot truly
- meet.
- May return false, when a particular variety of key is not being
@@ -555,7 +555,7 @@ sendAnnex key rollback sendobject = go =<< prepSendAnnex' key
{- Returns a file that contains an object's content,
- and a check to run after the transfer is complete.
- - When a file is unlocked, it's possble for its content to
+ - When a file is unlocked, it's possible for its content to
- change as it's being sent. The check detects this case
- and returns False.
diff --git a/Annex/Content/Presence.hs b/Annex/Content/Presence.hs
index 52020a9902..d3aea87151 100644
--- a/Annex/Content/Presence.hs
+++ b/Annex/Content/Presence.hs
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ contentLockFile :: Key -> Maybe RepoVersion -> Annex (Maybe RawFilePath)
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
{- Older versions of git-annex locked content files themselves, but newer
- versions use a separate lock file, to better support repos shared
- - amoung users in eg a group. -}
+ - among users in eg a group. -}
contentLockFile key v
| versionNeedsWritableContentFiles v = pure Nothing
| otherwise = Just <$> calcRepo (gitAnnexContentLock key)
diff --git a/Annex/CopyFile.hs b/Annex/CopyFile.hs
index 8fa84bddcb..9fc8eafc53 100644
--- a/Annex/CopyFile.hs
+++ b/Annex/CopyFile.hs
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ data CopyMethod = CopiedCoW | Copied
{- Copies from src to dest, updating a meter. Preserves mode and mtime.
- Uses copy-on-write if it is supported. If the the destination already
- - exists, an interruped copy will resume where it left off.
+ - exists, an interrupted copy will resume where it left off.
- The IncrementalVerifier is updated with the content of the file as it's
- being copied. But it is not finalized at the end.
diff --git a/Annex/Import.hs b/Annex/Import.hs
index c16eb18213..6f398564c2 100644
--- a/Annex/Import.hs
+++ b/Annex/Import.hs
@@ -492,7 +492,7 @@ importKeys remote importtreeconfig importcontent thirdpartypopulated importablec
startimport cidmap importing db i@(loc, (cid, _sz)) oldversion largematcher = getcidkey cidmap db cid >>= \case
(k:ks) ->
-- If the same content was imported before
- -- yeilding multiple different keys, it's not clear
+ -- yielding multiple different keys, it's not clear
-- which is best to use this time, so pick the
-- first in the list. But, if any of them is a
-- git sha, use it, because the content must
diff --git a/Annex/Init.hs b/Annex/Init.hs
index b152f46aa5..1220c2e58e 100644
--- a/Annex/Init.hs
+++ b/Annex/Init.hs
@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ initSharedClone True = do
trustSet u UnTrusted
setConfig (annexConfig "hardlink") (Git.Config.boolConfig True)
-{- Propigate annex.securehashesonly from then global config to local
+{- Propagate annex.securehashesonly from then global config to local
- config. This makes a clone inherit a parent's setting, but once
- a repository has a local setting, changes to the global config won't
- affect it. -}
diff --git a/Annex/Journal.hs b/Annex/Journal.hs
index f2d3738f73..ce0f26e63e 100644
--- a/Annex/Journal.hs
+++ b/Annex/Journal.hs
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ privateUUIDsKnown' = not . S.null . annexPrivateRepos . Annex.gitconfig
{- Records content for a file in the branch to the journal.
- - Using the journal, rather than immediatly staging content to the index
+ - Using the journal, rather than immediately staging content to the index
- avoids git needing to rewrite the index after every change.
- The file in the journal is updated atomically. This avoids an
diff --git a/Annex/Locations.hs b/Annex/Locations.hs
index e8361b377e..c8ddc5cc96 100644
--- a/Annex/Locations.hs
+++ b/Annex/Locations.hs
@@ -580,7 +580,7 @@ gitAnnexAssistantDefaultDir = "annex"
- dealing with characters that cause problems.
- This is used when a new Key is initially being generated, eg by genKey.
- - Unlike keyFile and fileKey, it does not need to be a reversable
+ - Unlike keyFile and fileKey, it does not need to be a reversible
- escaping. Also, it's ok to change this to add more problematic
- characters later. Unlike changing keyFile, which could result in the
- filenames used for existing keys changing and contents getting lost.
@@ -666,7 +666,7 @@ keyPath key hasher = hasher key P.</> f P.</> f
f = keyFile key
-{- All possibile locations to store a key in a special remote
+{- All possible locations to store a key in a special remote
- using different directory hashes.
- This is compatible with the annexLocationsNonBare and annexLocationsBare,
diff --git a/Annex/NumCopies.hs b/Annex/NumCopies.hs
index 9988b2052f..bcab47d1b6 100644
--- a/Annex/NumCopies.hs
+++ b/Annex/NumCopies.hs
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ numCopiesCheck' file vs have = do
data UnVerifiedCopy = UnVerifiedRemote Remote | UnVerifiedHere
deriving (Ord, Eq)
-{- Verifies that enough copies of a key exist amoung the listed remotes,
+{- Verifies that enough copies of a key exist among the listed remotes,
- to safely drop it, running an action with a proof if so, and
- printing an informative message if not.
diff --git a/Annex/Path.hs b/Annex/Path.hs
index e058db32a8..aa51da1b58 100644
--- a/Annex/Path.hs
+++ b/Annex/Path.hs
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ gitAnnexGitConfigOverrides = concatMap (\c -> [Param "-c", Param c])
- to daemonize it. Used with Utility.Daemon.daemonize. -}
gitAnnexDaemonizeParams :: Annex [CommandParam]
gitAnnexDaemonizeParams = do
- -- This inclues -c parameters passed to git, as well as ones
+ -- This includes -c parameters passed to git, as well as ones
-- passed to git-annex.
cps <- gitAnnexGitConfigOverrides
-- Get every parameter git-annex was run with.
diff --git a/Annex/View/ViewedFile.hs b/Annex/View/ViewedFile.hs
index e211c621ed..c804a50c0b 100644
--- a/Annex/View/ViewedFile.hs
+++ b/Annex/View/ViewedFile.hs
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ type MkViewedFile = FilePath -> ViewedFile
{- Converts a filepath used in a reference branch to the
- filename that will be used in the view.
- - No two filepaths from the same branch should yeild the same result,
+ - No two filepaths from the same branch should yield the same result,
- so all directory structure needs to be included in the output filename
- in some way.
diff --git a/Annex/YoutubeDl.hs b/Annex/YoutubeDl.hs
index 854acb9dad..1dd0d56ec8 100644
--- a/Annex/YoutubeDl.hs
+++ b/Annex/YoutubeDl.hs
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ youtubeDlNotAllowedMessage = unwords
-- and youtube-dl needs to finish up with only one file in the directory
-- so we know which one it downloaded.
--- (Note that we can't use --output to specifiy the file to download to,
+-- (Note that we can't use --output to specify the file to download to,
-- due to <>)
youtubeDl :: URLString -> FilePath -> MeterUpdate -> Annex (Either String (Maybe FilePath))
youtubeDl url workdir p = ifM ipAddressesUnlimited
diff --git a/Assistant/Alert/Utility.hs b/Assistant/Alert/Utility.hs
index a864edb0f8..8016d620a4 100644
--- a/Assistant/Alert/Utility.hs
+++ b/Assistant/Alert/Utility.hs
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ type AlertPair = (AlertId, Alert)
- - High priority alerts, newest first
- - Medium priority Activity, newest first (mostly used for Activity)
- - Low priority alerts, newest first
- - - Filler priorty alerts, newest first
+ - - Filler priority alerts, newest first
- - Ties are broken by the AlertClass, with Errors etc coming first.
compareAlertPairs :: AlertPair -> AlertPair -> Ordering
diff --git a/Assistant/MakeRepo.hs b/Assistant/MakeRepo.hs
index 06a0a659d0..e87701f32b 100644
--- a/Assistant/MakeRepo.hs
+++ b/Assistant/MakeRepo.hs
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ initRepo True primary_assistant_repo dir desc mgroup = inDir dir $ do
{- Repositories directly managed by the assistant use
- an adjusted unlocked branch with annex.thin set.
- - Automatic gc is disabled, as it can be slow. Insted, gc is done
+ - Automatic gc is disabled, as it can be slow. Instead, gc is done
- once a day.
when primary_assistant_repo $ do
diff --git a/Assistant/Pairing/Network.hs b/Assistant/Pairing/Network.hs
index 944007f015..62a4ea02e8 100644
--- a/Assistant/Pairing/Network.hs
+++ b/Assistant/Pairing/Network.hs
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import Control.Concurrent
{- This is an arbitrary port in the dynamic port range, that could
- conceivably be used for some other broadcast messages.
- - If so, hope they ignore the garbage from us; we'll certianly
+ - If so, hope they ignore the garbage from us; we'll certainly
- ignore garbage from them. Wild wild west. -}
pairingPort :: PortNumber
pairingPort = 55556
diff --git a/Assistant/Ssh.hs b/Assistant/Ssh.hs
index 3826f5e70e..c392d54eb8 100644
--- a/Assistant/Ssh.hs
+++ b/Assistant/Ssh.hs
@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ setSshConfig sshdata config = do
- non-alphanumerics, other than "_"
- The real hostname is not normally encoded at all. This is done for
- - backwards compatability and to avoid unnecessary ugliness in the
+ - backwards compatibility and to avoid unnecessary ugliness in the
- filename. However, when it contains special characters
- (notably ":" which cannot be used on some filesystems), it is url
- encoded. To indicate it was encoded, the mangled hostname
diff --git a/Assistant/Sync.hs b/Assistant/Sync.hs
index 4bd3f8d7ff..c7907d777c 100644
--- a/Assistant/Sync.hs
+++ b/Assistant/Sync.hs
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ reconnectRemotes rs = void $ do
- When there's a lot of activity, we may fail more than once.
- On the other hand, we may fail because the remote is not available.
- Rather than retrying indefinitely, after the first retry we enter a
- - fallback mode, where our push is guarenteed to succeed if the remote is
+ - fallback mode, where our push is guaranteed to succeed if the remote is
- reachable. If the fallback fails, the push is queued to be retried
- later.
diff --git a/Assistant/Threads/Committer.hs b/Assistant/Threads/Committer.hs
index 2e9a25c111..b75111a382 100644
--- a/Assistant/Threads/Committer.hs
+++ b/Assistant/Threads/Committer.hs
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ refill cs = do
- runs an action to commit them. If more changes arrive while this is
- going on, they're handled intelligently, batching up changes into
- large commits where possible, doing rename detection, and
- - commiting immediately otherwise. -}
+ - committing immediately otherwise. -}
waitChangeTime :: (([Change], UTCTime) -> Assistant Int) -> Assistant ()
waitChangeTime a = waitchanges 0
diff --git a/Assistant/Threads/MountWatcher.hs b/Assistant/Threads/MountWatcher.hs
index 566e9db78d..7a59018bcb 100644
--- a/Assistant/Threads/MountWatcher.hs
+++ b/Assistant/Threads/MountWatcher.hs
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ startOneService client (x:xs) = do
, startOneService client xs
-{- Filter matching events recieved when drives are mounted and unmounted. -}
+{- Filter matching events received when drives are mounted and unmounted. -}
mountChanged :: [MatchRule]
mountChanged = [udisks2mount, udisks2umount]
diff --git a/Assistant/Threads/NetWatcher.hs b/Assistant/Threads/NetWatcher.hs
index 59b1da5f37..7d4b6cc138 100644
--- a/Assistant/Threads/NetWatcher.hs
+++ b/Assistant/Threads/NetWatcher.hs
@@ -163,9 +163,9 @@ listenNMConnections client setconnected =
- ConnectResultsSent:
- Variant "success"
- - Diconnection example:
+ - Disconnection example:
- StatusChanged
- - [Variant 0, Variant [Varient ""]]
+ - [Variant 0, Variant [Variant ""]]
listenWicdConnections :: Client -> (Bool -> IO ()) -> IO ()
listenWicdConnections client setconnected = do
diff --git a/Assistant/Threads/TransferWatcher.hs b/Assistant/Threads/TransferWatcher.hs
index c4d743ea2b..43f892e38e 100644
--- a/Assistant/Threads/TransferWatcher.hs
+++ b/Assistant/Threads/TransferWatcher.hs
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ onModify file = case parseTransferFile file of
\i -> i { bytesComplete = bytesComplete newinfo }
{- This thread can only watch transfer sizes when the DirWatcher supports
- - tracking modificatons to files. -}
+ - tracking modifications to files. -}
watchesTransferSize :: Bool
watchesTransferSize = modifyTracked
diff --git a/Assistant/Types/RepoProblem.hs b/Assistant/Types/RepoProblem.hs
index 16128d0d81..afc7e4b2f3 100644
--- a/Assistant/Types/RepoProblem.hs
+++ b/Assistant/Types/RepoProblem.hs
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ data RepoProblem = RepoProblem
, afterFix :: IO ()
-{- The afterFix actions are assumed to all be equivilant. -}
+{- The afterFix actions are assumed to all be equivalent. -}
sameRepoProblem :: RepoProblem -> RepoProblem -> Bool
sameRepoProblem = (==) `on` problemUUID
diff --git a/Assistant/Unused.hs b/Assistant/Unused.hs
index d91299e2e5..8af61527d2 100644
--- a/Assistant/Unused.hs
+++ b/Assistant/Unused.hs
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ expireUnused duration = do
lockContentForRemoval k noop removeAnnex
logStatus k InfoMissing
- boundry = durationToPOSIXTime <$> duration
- tooold now (_, mt) = case boundry of
+ boundary = durationToPOSIXTime <$> duration
+ tooold now (_, mt) = case boundary of
Nothing -> True
Just b -> maybe False (\t -> now - t >= b) mt
diff --git a/Assistant/WebApp/Configurators/Ssh.hs b/Assistant/WebApp/Configurators/Ssh.hs
index 661ab95d1d..86065b8fc4 100644
--- a/Assistant/WebApp/Configurators/Ssh.hs
+++ b/Assistant/WebApp/Configurators/Ssh.hs
@@ -642,7 +642,7 @@ enableRsyncNetGCrypt sshinput reponame =
- used on If successful, runs an action with its SshData.
- To append the ssh key to's authorized_keys, their
- - documentation recommends a dd methodd, where the line is fed
+ - documentation recommends a dd method, where the line is fed
- in to ssh over stdin.
prepRsyncNet :: SshInput -> String -> (SshData -> Handler Html) -> Handler Html
diff --git a/Assistant/WebApp/Control.hs b/Assistant/WebApp/Control.hs
index af248a9046..5d60731bfe 100644
--- a/Assistant/WebApp/Control.hs
+++ b/Assistant/WebApp/Control.hs
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ getShutdownConfirmedR = do
{- Use a custom page to avoid putting long polling elements on it that will
- fail and cause thet web browser to show an error once the webapp is
- - truely stopped. -}
+ - truly stopped. -}
getNotRunningR :: Handler Html
getNotRunningR = customPage' False Nothing $
$(widgetFile "control/notrunning")
diff --git a/Assistant/WebApp/DashBoard.hs b/Assistant/WebApp/DashBoard.hs
index 1bc7c316df..5bbcee3c92 100644
--- a/Assistant/WebApp/DashBoard.hs
+++ b/Assistant/WebApp/DashBoard.hs
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ transfersDisplay = do
AssociatedFile (Just af) -> fromRawFilePath af
{- Simplifies a list of transfers, avoiding display of redundant
- - equivilant transfers. -}
+ - equivalent transfers. -}
simplifyTransfers :: [(Transfer, TransferInfo)] -> [(Transfer, TransferInfo)]
simplifyTransfers [] = []
simplifyTransfers (x:[]) = [x]
diff --git a/Assistant/WebApp/SideBar.hs b/Assistant/WebApp/SideBar.hs
index 51279f24a2..aae063d7c4 100644
--- a/Assistant/WebApp/SideBar.hs
+++ b/Assistant/WebApp/SideBar.hs
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ getSideBarR nid = do
waitNotifier getAlertBroadcaster nid
{- This 0.1 second delay avoids very transient notifications from
- - being displayed and churning the sidebar unnecesarily.
+ - being displayed and churning the sidebar unnecessarily.
- This needs to be below the level perceptable by the user,
- to avoid slowing down user actions like closing alerts. -}
diff --git a/Backend.hs b/Backend.hs
index 8e49bfce41..d3eb9414dd 100644
--- a/Backend.hs
+++ b/Backend.hs
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ import qualified Backend.External
import qualified Data.Map as M
-{- Build-in backends. Does not include externals. -}
+{- Built-in backends. Does not include externals. -}
builtinList :: [Backend]
builtinList = Backend.Hash.backends ++ Backend.WORM.backends ++ Backend.URL.backends
diff --git a/Backend/External.hs b/Backend/External.hs
index fe7449f1f9..5ee7150c72 100644
--- a/Backend/External.hs
+++ b/Backend/External.hs
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ sendMessage p m = liftIO $ do
line = unwords $ Proto.formatMessage m
-{- A response handler can yeild a result, or it can request that another
+{- A response handler can yield a result, or it can request that another
- message be consumed from the external. -}
data ResponseHandlerResult a
= Result a
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ result :: a -> Maybe (Annex (ResponseHandlerResult a))
result = Just . return . Result
{- Waits for a message from the external backend, and passes it to the
- - apppropriate handler.
+ - appropriate handler.
- If the handler returns Nothing, this is a protocol error.
diff --git a/Backend/Hash.hs b/Backend/Hash.hs
index 550d8fc6c0..314b2676e2 100644
--- a/Backend/Hash.hs
+++ b/Backend/Hash.hs
@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ md5Hasher = mkHasher md5 md5_context
descChecksum :: String
descChecksum = "checksum"
-{- A varient of the SHA256E backend, for testing that needs special keys
+{- A variant of the SHA256E backend, for testing that needs special keys
- that cannot collide with legitimate keys in the repository.
- This is accomplished by appending a special extension to the key,
diff --git a/Build/LinuxMkLibs.hs b/Build/LinuxMkLibs.hs
index 33357909e6..44cc32cb30 100644
--- a/Build/LinuxMkLibs.hs
+++ b/Build/LinuxMkLibs.hs
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ mklibs top _installedbins = do
-- hwcap lib dirs are things like foo/tls and foo/x86.
-- Hard to know if a directory is, so this is a heuristic
- -- looking for things that are certianly not. If this heuristic
+ -- looking for things that are certainly not. If this heuristic
-- fails, a minor optimisation will not happen, but there will be
-- no bad results.
hwcaplibdir d = not $ or
diff --git a/Build/OSXMkLibs.hs b/Build/OSXMkLibs.hs
index aadd9519ed..f0e8a91d9d 100644
--- a/Build/OSXMkLibs.hs
+++ b/Build/OSXMkLibs.hs
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ otool appbase installedbins replacement_libs libmap = do
-- ImageIO.framework uses libPng which is built against a
-- specific version of libz; other versions lack the
-- _inflateValidate symbol. So, avoid bundling libz unless
- -- this incompatability is resolved.
+ -- this incompatibility is resolved.
&& not ("libz." `isInfixOf` s)
lib_present s
| "@rpath" `isInfixOf` s = return True
diff --git a/CmdLine/GitAnnexShell.hs b/CmdLine/GitAnnexShell.hs
index b3dd4e6774..f7e65374b8 100644
--- a/CmdLine/GitAnnexShell.hs
+++ b/CmdLine/GitAnnexShell.hs
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ cmdsMap = M.fromList $ map mk
readonlycmds = map addAnnexOptions
[ Command.ConfigList.cmd
, gitAnnexShellCheck Command.NotifyChanges.cmd
- -- p2pstdio checks the enviroment variables to
+ -- p2pstdio checks the environment variables to
-- determine the security policy to use
, gitAnnexShellCheck Command.P2PStdIO.cmd
, gitAnnexShellCheck Command.InAnnex.cmd
diff --git a/Command/Assistant.hs b/Command/Assistant.hs
index 2a9bfc9887..b999e5b271 100644
--- a/Command/Assistant.hs
+++ b/Command/Assistant.hs
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ autoStart o = do
, putStrLn "failed"
return Nothing
- -- Wait for any foreground jobs to finish and propigate exit status.
+ -- Wait for any foreground jobs to finish and propagate exit status.
ifM (all (== True) <$> mapConcurrently checkSuccessProcess (catMaybes pids))
( exitSuccess
, exitFailure
diff --git a/Command/CalcKey.hs b/Command/CalcKey.hs
index 82d3c4c618..b44a2df0cf 100644
--- a/Command/CalcKey.hs
+++ b/Command/CalcKey.hs
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ cmd :: Command
cmd = noCommit $ noMessages $ dontCheck repoExists $
withAnnexOptions [backendOption] $
command "calckey" SectionPlumbing
- "calulate key for a file"
+ "calculate key for a file"
(paramRepeating paramFile)
(batchable run (pure ()))
diff --git a/Command/Fsck.hs b/Command/Fsck.hs
index e0b357fcbc..dd48c98680 100644
--- a/Command/Fsck.hs
+++ b/Command/Fsck.hs
@@ -667,7 +667,7 @@ recordFsckTime inc key = withFsckDb inc $ \h -> liftIO $ FsckDb.addDb h key
{- Records the start time of an incremental fsck.
- - To guard against time stamp damange (for example, if an annex directory
+ - To guard against time stamp damage (for example, if an annex directory
- is copied without -a), the fsckstate file contains a time that should
- be identical to its modification time.
- (This is not possible to do on Windows, and so the timestamp in
diff --git a/Command/ImportFeed.hs b/Command/ImportFeed.hs
index 1a874408a7..2146dadc5f 100644
--- a/Command/ImportFeed.hs
+++ b/Command/ImportFeed.hs
@@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ feedState url = fromRepo $ gitAnnexFeedState $ fromUrl url Nothing
- So, it's not safe to use T.unpack to convert that to a String,
- because later use of that String by eg encodeBS will crash
- - with an encoding error. Use this instad.
+ - with an encoding error. Use this instead.
- This should not be used on a Text that is read using the
- filesystem encoding because it does not reverse that encoding.
diff --git a/Command/Move.hs b/Command/Move.hs
index 925b4e45d9..96f1b5c6a7 100644
--- a/Command/Move.hs
+++ b/Command/Move.hs
@@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ fromToStart removewhen afile key ai si src dest = do
- drop the local copy, and finally drop from the src.
- Using a regular download of the local copy, rather than download to
- - some other file makes resuming an interruped download work as usual,
+ - some other file makes resuming an interrupted download work as usual,
- and simplifies implementation. It does mean that, if `git-annex get` of
- the same content is being run at the same time as this move, the content
- may end up locally present, or not. This is similar to the behavior
diff --git a/Command/P2P.hs b/Command/P2P.hs
index ded64e0ab9..a702648d3e 100644
--- a/Command/P2P.hs
+++ b/Command/P2P.hs
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ unusedPeerRemoteName = go (1 :: Integer) =<< usednames
-- Only addresses are output to stdout, to allow scripting.
genAddresses :: [P2PAddress] -> Annex ()
-genAddresses [] = giveup "No P2P networks are currrently available."
+genAddresses [] = giveup "No P2P networks are currently available."
genAddresses addrs = do
authtoken <- liftIO $ genAuthToken 128
storeP2PAuthToken authtoken
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ linkRemote remotename = starting "p2p link" ai si $
AuthenticationError e -> giveup e
startPairing :: RemoteName -> [P2PAddress] -> CommandStart
-startPairing _ [] = giveup "No P2P networks are currrently available."
+startPairing _ [] = giveup "No P2P networks are currently available."
startPairing remotename addrs = ifM (liftIO Wormhole.isInstalled)
( starting "p2p pair" ai si $
performPairing remotename addrs
diff --git a/Command/Sync.hs b/Command/Sync.hs
index 595d8f12b9..21f0df45ba 100644
--- a/Command/Sync.hs
+++ b/Command/Sync.hs
@@ -454,7 +454,7 @@ updateBranches (Just branch, madj) = do
case madj' of
Nothing -> noop
Just adj -> updateadjustedbranch adj
- -- When in an adjusted branch, propigate any changes
+ -- When in an adjusted branch, propagate any changes
-- made to it back to the original branch.
Nothing -> case madj of
Just adj -> do
@@ -739,7 +739,7 @@ newer remote b = do
{- Without --all, only looks at files in the work tree.
- - (Or, when in an ajusted branch where some files are hidden, at files in
+ - (Or, when in an adjusted branch where some files are hidden, at files in
- the original branch.)
- With --all, when preferred content expressions look at filenames,
diff --git a/Command/View.hs b/Command/View.hs
index 4a00d20fe0..60ec890537 100644
--- a/Command/View.hs
+++ b/Command/View.hs
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ checkoutViewBranch view madj mkbranch = do
setView view
{- A git repo can easily have empty directories in it,
- and this pollutes the view, so remove them.
- - (However, emptry directories used by submodules are not
+ - (However, empty directories used by submodules are not
- removed.) -}
top <- liftIO . absPath =<< fromRepo Git.repoPath
(l, cleanup) <- inRepo $
diff --git a/Command/WebApp.hs b/Command/WebApp.hs
index 1e01e1a97f..ac0f9d3419 100644
--- a/Command/WebApp.hs
+++ b/Command/WebApp.hs
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ start' allowauto o = do
liftIO $ firstRun o
{- If HOME is a git repo, even if it's initialized for git-annex,
- - the user almost certianly does not want to run the assistant there. -}
+ - the user almost certainly does not want to run the assistant there. -}
notHome :: Annex Bool
notHome = do
g <- Annex.gitRepo
diff --git a/Crypto.hs b/Crypto.hs
index 6750284ee1..41d4789d7f 100644
--- a/Crypto.hs
+++ b/Crypto.hs
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{- git-annex crypto
- Currently using gpg; could later be modified to support different
- - crypto backends if neccessary.
+ - crypto backends if necessary.
- Copyright 2011-2022 Joey Hess <>
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString.Short as S (toShort)
- (ideally) 64 and 128 bytes of entropy.
- The remaining characters (320 bytes of entropy) is enough for GnuPG's
- - symetric cipher; unlike weaker public key crypto, the key does not
+ - symmetric cipher; unlike weaker public key crypto, the key does not
- need to be too large.
cipherBeginning :: Int
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ decryptCipher' cmd environ c (EncryptedCipher t variant _) =
type EncKey = Key -> Key
{- Generates an encrypted form of a Key. The encryption does not need to be
- - reversable, nor does it need to be the same type of encryption used
+ - reversible, nor does it need to be the same type of encryption used
- on content. It does need to be repeatable. -}
encryptKey :: Mac -> Cipher -> EncKey
encryptKey mac c k = mkKey $ \d -> d
diff --git a/Database/Keys/SQL.hs b/Database/Keys/SQL.hs
index 0ebeaf7f4f..c97a4280b9 100644
--- a/Database/Keys/SQL.hs
+++ b/Database/Keys/SQL.hs
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ import Data.Maybe
-- Note on indexes: KeyFileIndex etc are really uniqueness constraints,
-- which cause sqlite to automatically add indexes. So when adding indexes,
-- have to take care to only add ones that work as uniqueness constraints.
--- (Unfortunatly persistent does not support indexes that are not
+-- (Unfortunately persistent does not support indexes that are not
-- uniqueness constraints;
-- To speed up queries for a key, there's KeyFileIndex,
diff --git a/Git.hs b/Git.hs
index 37b2f4420e..5e0b6980b2 100644
--- a/Git.hs
+++ b/Git.hs
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{- git repository handling
- - This is written to be completely independant of git-annex and should be
+ - This is written to be completely independent of git-annex and should be
- suitable for other uses.
- Copyright 2010-2021 Joey Hess <>
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ repoPath Repo { location = Local { worktree = Just d } } = d
repoPath Repo { location = Local { gitdir = d } } = d
repoPath Repo { location = LocalUnknown dir } = dir
repoPath Repo { location = Unknown } = error "unknown repoPath"
-repoPath Repo { location = UnparseableUrl _u } = error "unknwon repoPath"
+repoPath Repo { location = UnparseableUrl _u } = error "unknown repoPath"
repoWorkTree :: Repo -> Maybe RawFilePath
repoWorkTree Repo { location = Local { worktree = Just d } } = Just d
diff --git a/Git/GCrypt.hs b/Git/GCrypt.hs
index c7e5df47f0..072598b755 100644
--- a/Git/GCrypt.hs
+++ b/Git/GCrypt.hs
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ probeRepo loc baserepo = do
type GCryptId = String
-{- gcrypt gives each encrypted repository a uique gcrypt-id,
+{- gcrypt gives each encrypted repository a unique gcrypt-id,
- which is stored in the repository (in encrypted form)
- and cached in a per-remote gcrypt-id configuration setting. -}
remoteRepoId :: Repo -> Maybe RemoteName -> Maybe GCryptId
diff --git a/Git/LsFiles.hs b/Git/LsFiles.hs
index cc824f2641..4eea39541a 100644
--- a/Git/LsFiles.hs
+++ b/Git/LsFiles.hs
@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ reduceUnmerged c (i:is) = reduceUnmerged (new:c) rest
&& isus x || isus y
&& not (isus x && isus y)
-{- Gets the InodeCache equivilant information stored in the git index.
+{- Gets the InodeCache equivalent information stored in the git index.
- Note that this uses a --debug option whose output could change at some
- point in the future. If the output is not as expected, will use Nothing.
diff --git a/Git/PktLine.hs b/Git/PktLine.hs
index 32509bd9a8..a49cfc2b63 100644
--- a/Git/PktLine.hs
+++ b/Git/PktLine.hs
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ import Utility.PartialPrelude
import Utility.FileSystemEncoding
{- This is a variable length binary string, but its size is limited to
- - maxPktLineLength. Its serialization includes a 4 byte hexidecimal
+ - maxPktLineLength. Its serialization includes a 4 byte hexadecimal
- prefix giving its total length, including that prefix. -}
newtype PktLine = PktLine B.ByteString
deriving (Show)
diff --git a/Git/Queue.hs b/Git/Queue.hs
index dd77b35bf0..156ed8c95a 100644
--- a/Git/Queue.hs
+++ b/Git/Queue.hs
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ new lim tlim = do
{- Adds an git command to the queue.
- Git commands with the same subcommand but different parameters are
- - assumed to be equivilant enough to perform in any order with the same
+ - assumed to be equivalent enough to perform in any order with the same
- end result.
addCommand :: MonadIO m => [CommandParam] -> String -> [CommandParam] -> [FilePath] -> Queue m -> Repo -> m (Queue m)
diff --git a/Git/Remote.hs b/Git/Remote.hs
index 80acccaf4c..e6036a7b2c 100644
--- a/Git/Remote.hs
+++ b/Git/Remote.hs
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ remoteKeyToRemoteName (ConfigKey k)
{- Construct a legal git remote name out of an arbitrary input string.
- There seems to be no formal definition of this in the git source,
- - just some ad-hoc checks, and some other things that fail with certian
+ - just some ad-hoc checks, and some other things that fail with certain
- types of names (like ones starting with '-').
makeLegalName :: String -> RemoteName
diff --git a/Git/Repair.hs b/Git/Repair.hs
index 601b32291a..9638187a76 100644
--- a/Git/Repair.hs
+++ b/Git/Repair.hs
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ explodePacks r = go =<< listPackFiles r
return True
{- Try to retrieve a set of missing objects, from the remotes of a
- - repository. Returns any that could not be retreived.
+ - repository. Returns any that could not be retrieved.
- If another clone of the repository exists locally, which might not be a
- remote of the repo being repaired, its path can be passed as a reference
diff --git a/Limit.hs b/Limit.hs
index 9cb9ac2feb..19a71185e3 100644
--- a/Limit.hs
+++ b/Limit.hs
@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ matchLockStatus wantlocked (MatchingInfo p) =
matchLockStatus _ (MatchingUserInfo _) = pure False
{- Adds a limit to skip files not believed to be present
- - in a specfied repository. Optionally on a prior date. -}
+ - in a specified repository. Optionally on a prior date. -}
addIn :: String -> Annex ()
addIn s = do
u <- Remote.nameToUUID name
diff --git a/Logs/Chunk.hs b/Logs/Chunk.hs
index f565032860..c7981445df 100644
--- a/Logs/Chunk.hs
+++ b/Logs/Chunk.hs
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
- It's possible for a single object to be stored multiple times on the
- same remote using different chunk sizes. So, while this is a MapLog, it
- - is not a normal UUIDBased log. Intead, it's a map from UUID and chunk
+ - is not a normal UUIDBased log. Instead, it's a map from UUID and chunk
- size to number of chunks.
- Format: "timestamp uuid:chunksize chunkcount"
diff --git a/Logs/Export.hs b/Logs/Export.hs
index ced6341a0a..839bd1b0c0 100644
--- a/Logs/Export.hs
+++ b/Logs/Export.hs
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ recordExportUnderway remoteuuid ec = do
-- Record information about the export to the git-annex branch.
--- This is equivilant to recordExportBeginning followed by
+-- This is equivalent to recordExportBeginning followed by
-- recordExportUnderway, but without the ability to clean up from
-- interrupted exports.
recordExport :: UUID -> Git.Ref -> ExportChange -> Annex ()
diff --git a/Logs/Export/Pure.hs b/Logs/Export/Pure.hs
index ea023528fb..f5c5be755f 100644
--- a/Logs/Export/Pure.hs
+++ b/Logs/Export/Pure.hs
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Lazy as A
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 as A8
import Data.ByteString.Builder
--- This constuctor is not itself exported to other modules, to enforce
+-- This constructor is not itself exported to other modules, to enforce
-- consistent use of exportedTreeishes.
data Exported = Exported
{ exportedTreeish :: Git.Ref
diff --git a/Logs/UUIDBased.hs b/Logs/UUIDBased.hs
index 278430a0b9..d7d7c26da8 100644
--- a/Logs/UUIDBased.hs
+++ b/Logs/UUIDBased.hs
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
- be union merged.
- The old format looks like: "UUID[ INFO[ timestamp=foo]]"
- - The timestamp is last for backwards compatability reasons,
+ - The timestamp is last for backwards compatibility reasons,
- and may not be present on very old log lines.
- New uuid based logs instead use the form: "timestamp UUID INFO"
diff --git a/Logs/Unused.hs b/Logs/Unused.hs
index 0fdec4c0d4..6bb1011e84 100644
--- a/Logs/Unused.hs
+++ b/Logs/Unused.hs
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
- The format: "int key timestamp"
- The int is a short, stable identifier that the user can use to
- - refer to this key. (Equivilant to a filename.)
+ - refer to this key. (Equivalent to a filename.)
- The timestamp indicates when the key was first determined to be unused.
- Older versions of the log omit the timestamp.
diff --git a/Messages.hs b/Messages.hs
index f261862ace..f19f0973f5 100644
--- a/Messages.hs
+++ b/Messages.hs
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ showSideAction m = Annex.getState Annex.output >>= go
showStoringStateAction :: Annex ()
showStoringStateAction = showSideAction "recording state in git"
-{- Performs an action, supressing showSideAction messages. -}
+{- Performs an action, suppressing showSideAction messages. -}
doQuietSideAction :: Annex a -> Annex a
doQuietSideAction = doSideAction' InBlock
diff --git a/P2P/Protocol.hs b/P2P/Protocol.hs
index a75a6e6b1a..5804bab086 100644
--- a/P2P/Protocol.hs
+++ b/P2P/Protocol.hs
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ data LocalF c
-- so, terminate the protocol connection.
-- If the validity check is provided and fails, the content was
- -- changed while it was being sent, so verificiation of the
+ -- changed while it was being sent, so verification of the
-- received content should be forced.
-- Note: The ByteString may not contain the entire remaining content
@@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ serverLoop a = do
-- gives up, since it's not clear what state the client
-- is in, and so not possible to recover.
Just (ERROR _) -> return Nothing
- -- When the client sends an unparseable message, the server
+ -- When the client sends an unparsable message, the server
-- responds with an error message, and loops. This allows
-- expanding the protocol with new messages.
Nothing -> do
diff --git a/Remote.hs b/Remote.hs
index f6cdbcf697..ac7e4b4712 100644
--- a/Remote.hs
+++ b/Remote.hs
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ remoteMap' mkv mkk = M.fromList . catMaybes <$> (mapM mk =<< remoteList)
Just k -> Just (k, mkv r)
{- Map of UUIDs of repositories and their descriptions.
- - The names of Remotes are added to suppliment any description that has
+ - The names of Remotes are added to supplement any description that has
- been set for a repository. -}
uuidDescriptions :: Annex UUIDDescMap
uuidDescriptions = M.unionWith addName
diff --git a/Remote/Borg.hs b/Remote/Borg.hs
index 30414db79e..d3b152c802 100644
--- a/Remote/Borg.hs
+++ b/Remote/Borg.hs
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ borgSetup _ mu _ c _gc = do
M.lookup borgrepoField c
-- The borgrepo is stored in git config, as well as this repo's
- -- persistant state, so it can vary between hosts.
+ -- persistent state, so it can vary between hosts.
gitConfigSpecialRemote u c [("borgrepo", borgrepo)]
return (c, u)
diff --git a/Remote/Bup.hs b/Remote/Bup.hs
index b2c11dece4..8bcacf9b94 100644
--- a/Remote/Bup.hs
+++ b/Remote/Bup.hs
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ bupSetup _ mu _ c gc = do
storeBupUUID u buprepo
-- The buprepo is stored in git config, as well as this repo's
- -- persistant state, so it can vary between hosts.
+ -- persistent state, so it can vary between hosts.
gitConfigSpecialRemote u c' [("buprepo", buprepo)]
return (c', u)
diff --git a/Remote/Ddar.hs b/Remote/Ddar.hs
index 37b6d03c1f..75d93e6a18 100644
--- a/Remote/Ddar.hs
+++ b/Remote/Ddar.hs
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ ddarSetup _ mu _ c gc = do
(c', _encsetup) <- encryptionSetup c gc
-- The ddarrepo is stored in git config, as well as this repo's
- -- persistant state, so it can vary between hosts.
+ -- persistent state, so it can vary between hosts.
gitConfigSpecialRemote u c' [("ddarrepo", ddarrepo)]
return (c', u)
diff --git a/Remote/Directory.hs b/Remote/Directory.hs
index d495d42fdd..5721bd20fa 100644
--- a/Remote/Directory.hs
+++ b/Remote/Directory.hs
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ directorySetup _ mu _ c gc = do
(c', _encsetup) <- encryptionSetup c gc
-- The directory is stored in git config, not in this remote's
- -- persistant state, so it can vary between hosts.
+ -- persistent state, so it can vary between hosts.
gitConfigSpecialRemote u c' [("directory", absdir)]
return (M.delete directoryField c', u)
diff --git a/Remote/External.hs b/Remote/External.hs
index 83f1b0410b..4077030fa3 100644
--- a/Remote/External.hs
+++ b/Remote/External.hs
@@ -536,7 +536,7 @@ receiveMessageAddonProcess p = do
shutdownAddonProcess :: AddonProcess.ExternalAddonProcess -> Bool -> IO ()
shutdownAddonProcess = AddonProcess.externalShutdown
-{- A response handler can yeild a result, or it can request that another
+{- A response handler can yield a result, or it can request that another
- message be consumed from the external. -}
data ResponseHandlerResult a
= Result a
@@ -548,7 +548,7 @@ result :: a -> Maybe (Annex (ResponseHandlerResult a))
result = Just . return . Result
{- Waits for a message from the external remote, and passes it to the
- - apppropriate handler.
+ - appropriate handler.
- If the handler returns Nothing, this is a protocol error.-}
diff --git a/Remote/External/AsyncExtension.hs b/Remote/External/AsyncExtension.hs
index fd88349a45..177249c1cb 100644
--- a/Remote/External/AsyncExtension.hs
+++ b/Remote/External/AsyncExtension.hs
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ runRelayToExternalAsync external st annexrunner = do
, externalReceive = atomically (readTBMChan receiveq)
-- This shuts down the whole relay.
, externalShutdown = shutdown external st sendq sender receiver
- -- These three TMVars are shared amoung all
+ -- These three TMVars are shared among all
-- ExternalStates that use this relay; they're
-- common state about the external process.
, externalPrepared = externalPrepared st
diff --git a/Remote/GitLFS.hs b/Remote/GitLFS.hs
index 0ad4a63f7d..621089f203 100644
--- a/Remote/GitLFS.hs
+++ b/Remote/GitLFS.hs
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ urlField = Accepted "url"
gen :: Git.Repo -> UUID -> RemoteConfig -> RemoteGitConfig -> RemoteStateHandle -> Annex (Maybe Remote)
gen r u rc gc rs = do
c <- parsedRemoteConfig remote rc
- -- If the repo uses gcrypt, get the underlaying repo without the
+ -- If the repo uses gcrypt, get the underlying repo without the
-- gcrypt url, to do LFS endpoint discovery on.
r' <- if Git.GCrypt.isEncrypted r
then do
diff --git a/Remote/Helper/ExportImport.hs b/Remote/Helper/ExportImport.hs
index 1d71ae70d1..987256eb9a 100644
--- a/Remote/Helper/ExportImport.hs
+++ b/Remote/Helper/ExportImport.hs
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ adjustExportImport' isexport isimport r rs = do
-- ones though, since they still allow accessing by Key.
-- And for thirdPartyPopulated, it depends on how the
-- content gets actually stored in the remote, so
- -- is not overriddden here.
+ -- is not overridden here.
, untrustworthy =
if versioned || thirdPartyPopulated (remotetype r)
then untrustworthy r
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ adjustExportImport' isexport isimport r rs = do
thirdpartypopulated = thirdPartyPopulated (remotetype r)
- -- exportActions adjusted to use the equivilant import actions,
+ -- exportActions adjusted to use the equivalent import actions,
-- which take ContentIdentifiers into account.
exportActionsForImport dbv ciddbv ea = ea
{ storeExport = \f k loc p -> do
diff --git a/Remote/Helper/Ssh.hs b/Remote/Helper/Ssh.hs
index 32287b7c14..c71a67ac64 100644
--- a/Remote/Helper/Ssh.hs
+++ b/Remote/Helper/Ssh.hs
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ rsyncParamsRemote r direction key file = do
{- The rsync shell parameter controls where rsync
- goes, so the source/dest parameter can be a dummy value,
- that just enables remote rsync mode.
- - For maximum compatability with some patched rsyncs,
+ - For maximum compatibility with some patched rsyncs,
- the dummy value needs to still contain a hostname,
- even though this hostname will never be used. -}
dummy = Param "dummy:"
diff --git a/Remote/Rsync.hs b/Remote/Rsync.hs
index 99b774221d..2fcb965a29 100644
--- a/Remote/Rsync.hs
+++ b/Remote/Rsync.hs
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ rsyncSetup _ mu _ c gc = do
(c', _encsetup) <- encryptionSetup c gc
-- The rsyncurl is stored in git config, not only in this remote's
- -- persistant state, so it can vary between hosts.
+ -- persistent state, so it can vary between hosts.
gitConfigSpecialRemote u c' [("rsyncurl", url)]
return (c', u)
@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ removeGeneric o includes = do
ps <- sendParams
opts <- rsyncOptions o
ok <- withRsyncScratchDir $ \tmp -> liftIO $ do
- {- Send an empty directory to rysnc to make it delete. -}
+ {- Send an empty directory to rsync to make it delete. -}
rsync $ opts ++ ps ++
map (\s -> Param $ "--include=" ++ s) includes ++
[ Param "--exclude=*" -- exclude everything else
diff --git a/Remote/S3.hs b/Remote/S3.hs
index 97219dd509..861b5d20d3 100644
--- a/Remote/S3.hs
+++ b/Remote/S3.hs
@@ -868,7 +868,7 @@ giveupS3HandleProblem S3HandleNeedCreds u = do
warning $ needS3Creds u
giveup "No S3 credentials configured"
giveupS3HandleProblem S3HandleAnonymousOldAws _ =
- giveup "This S3 special remote is configured with signature=anonymous, but git-annex is buit with too old a version of the aws library to support that."
+ giveup "This S3 special remote is configured with signature=anonymous, but git-annex is built with too old a version of the aws library to support that."
{- Prepares a S3Handle for later use. Does not connect to S3 or do anything
- else expensive. -}
diff --git a/Remote/WebDAV.hs b/Remote/WebDAV.hs
index d48c2353d6..518e14bfd1 100644
--- a/Remote/WebDAV.hs
+++ b/Remote/WebDAV.hs
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ removeExportDav hdl _k loc = case exportLocation loc of
Right p -> withDavHandle hdl $ \h -> runExport h $ \_dav ->
removeHelper p
-- When the exportLocation is not legal for webdav,
- -- the content is certianly not stored there, so it's ok for
+ -- the content is certainly not stored there, so it's ok for
-- removal to succeed. This allows recovery after failure to store
-- content there, as the user can rename the problem file and
-- this will be called to make sure it's gone.
diff --git a/Remote/WebDAV/DavLocation.hs b/Remote/WebDAV/DavLocation.hs
index c8b8435589..e836acd8a9 100644
--- a/Remote/WebDAV/DavLocation.hs
+++ b/Remote/WebDAV/DavLocation.hs
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ keyTmpLocation = tmpLocation . fromRawFilePath . keyFile
- This could be just the keyTmpLocation, but when the file is in a
- subdirectory, the temp file is put in there. Partly this is to keep
- - it close to the final destination; also certian webdav servers
+ - it close to the final destination; also certain webdav servers
- seem to be buggy when renaming files from the root into a subdir,
- and so writing to the subdir avoids such problems.
diff --git a/RemoteDaemon/Common.hs b/RemoteDaemon/Common.hs
index e7d83f8b03..d366c08e7e 100644
--- a/RemoteDaemon/Common.hs
+++ b/RemoteDaemon/Common.hs
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ checkShouldFetch gc transporthandle shas
| remoteAnnexPull gc = checkNewShas transporthandle shas
| otherwise = return False
--- Check if any of the shas are actally new in the local git repo,
+-- Check if any of the shas are actually new in the local git repo,
-- to avoid unnecessary fetching.
checkNewShas :: TransportHandle -> [Git.Sha] -> IO Bool
checkNewShas transporthandle = check
diff --git a/RemoteDaemon/Types.hs b/RemoteDaemon/Types.hs
index 8b31ca16e9..1b5f8e0a8b 100644
--- a/RemoteDaemon/Types.hs
+++ b/RemoteDaemon/Types.hs
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ data Emitted
| WARNING RemoteURI String
deriving (Show)
--- Messages that the deamon consumes.
+-- Messages that the daemon consumes.
data Consumed
diff --git a/Test.hs b/Test.hs
index 8f85c0bac2..1a2a0d219f 100644
--- a/Test.hs
+++ b/Test.hs
@@ -1164,7 +1164,7 @@ test_info = intmpclonerepo $ do
readonly_query isjson
-- When presented with an input that it does not support,
- -- info does not stop but processess subsequent inputs too.
+ -- info does not stop but processes subsequent inputs too.
git_annex'' (const True)
(sha1annexedfile `isInfixOf`)
@@ -1837,7 +1837,7 @@ test_crypto = do
testscheme scheme = Utility.Tmp.Dir.withTmpDir "gpgtmp" $ \gpgtmp -> do
-- Use the system temp directory as gpg temp directory because
-- it needs to be able to store the agent socket there,
- -- which can be problimatic when testing some filesystems.
+ -- which can be problematic when testing some filesystems.
absgpgtmp <- fromRawFilePath <$> absPath (toRawFilePath gpgtmp)
res <- testscheme' scheme absgpgtmp
-- gpg may still be running and would prevent
diff --git a/Test/Framework.hs b/Test/Framework.hs
index 8653dca1be..7c2316c238 100644
--- a/Test/Framework.hs
+++ b/Test/Framework.hs
@@ -724,7 +724,7 @@ runFakeSsh (_host:cmd:[]) =
\_ _ _ pid -> exitWith =<< waitForProcess pid
runFakeSsh ps = error $ "fake ssh option parse error: " ++ show ps
-{- Tests each TestTree in parallel, and exits with succcess/failure.
+{- Tests each TestTree in parallel, and exits with success/failure.
- Tasty supports parallel tests, but this does not use it, because
- many tests need to be run in test repos, and chdir would not be
diff --git a/Types/Backend.hs b/Types/Backend.hs
index ae45f3a744..46fbea912a 100644
--- a/Types/Backend.hs
+++ b/Types/Backend.hs
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ data BackendA a = Backend
, verifyKeyContent :: Maybe (Key -> RawFilePath -> a Bool)
-- Incrementally verifies the content of a key, using the same
-- hash as verifyKeyContent, but with the content provided
- -- incrementally a peice at a time, until finalized.
+ -- incrementally a piece at a time, until finalized.
, verifyKeyContentIncrementally :: Maybe (Key -> a IncrementalVerifier)
-- Checks if a key can be upgraded to a better form.
, canUpgradeKey :: Maybe (Key -> Bool)
diff --git a/Types/Difference.hs b/Types/Difference.hs
index 754fb71a7d..0617dc22a1 100644
--- a/Types/Difference.hs
+++ b/Types/Difference.hs
@@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ import Prelude
-- Describes differences from the v5 repository format.
-- The serialization is stored in difference.log, so avoid changes that
--- would break compatability.
+-- would break compatibility.
--- Not breaking compatability is why a list of Differences is used, rather
+-- Not breaking compatibility is why a list of Differences is used, rather
-- than a record type. With a record type, adding a new field for some future
-- difference would serialize to a value that an older version could not
-- parse, even if that new field was not used. With the Differences list,
diff --git a/Types/FileMatcher.hs b/Types/FileMatcher.hs
index 005934b9ee..bc94b16845 100644
--- a/Types/FileMatcher.hs
+++ b/Types/FileMatcher.hs
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ data MatchFiles a = MatchFiles
type FileMatcher a = Matcher (MatchFiles a)
-- This is a matcher that can have tokens added to it while it's being
--- built, and once complete is compiled to an unchangable matcher.
+-- built, and once complete is compiled to an unchangeable matcher.
data ExpandableMatcher a
= BuildingMatcher [Token (MatchFiles a)]
| CompleteMatcher (Matcher (MatchFiles a))
diff --git a/Types/Import.hs b/Types/Import.hs
index c7add2610c..db5b25d39f 100644
--- a/Types/Import.hs
+++ b/Types/Import.hs
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ data ImportableContents info = ImportableContents
{ importableContents :: [(ImportLocation, info)]
, importableHistory :: [ImportableContents info]
-- ^ Used by remotes that support importing historical versions of
- -- files that are stored in them. This is equivilant to a git
+ -- files that are stored in them. This is equivalent to a git
-- commit history.
-- When retrieving a historical version of a file,
diff --git a/Types/Remote.hs b/Types/Remote.hs
index 121d4fd5cd..52b5adab6b 100644
--- a/Types/Remote.hs
+++ b/Types/Remote.hs
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ data RemoteA a = Remote
, getRepo :: a Git.Repo
-- a Remote's configuration from git
, gitconfig :: RemoteGitConfig
- -- a Remote can be assocated with a specific local filesystem path
+ -- a Remote can be associated with a specific local filesystem path
, localpath :: Maybe FilePath
-- a Remote can be known to be readonly
, readonly :: Bool
diff --git a/Upgrade/V5/Direct.hs b/Upgrade/V5/Direct.hs
index 49665e8773..c807b29d9e 100644
--- a/Upgrade/V5/Direct.hs
+++ b/Upgrade/V5/Direct.hs
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ setIndirect = do
coreworktree = ConfigKey "core.worktree"
indirectworktree = ConfigKey "core.indirect-worktree"
setbare = do
- -- core.worktree is not compatable with
+ -- core.worktree is not compatible with
-- core.bare; git does not allow both to be set, so
-- unset it when enabling direct mode, caching in
-- core.indirect-worktree
diff --git a/Utility/Base64.hs b/Utility/Base64.hs
index 1a09cb310b..fec056e3bc 100644
--- a/Utility/Base64.hs
+++ b/Utility/Base64.hs
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import Data.ByteString.UTF8 (fromString, toString)
import Data.Char
-- | This uses the FileSystemEncoding, so it can be used on Strings
--- that repesent filepaths containing arbitrarily encoded characters.
+-- that represent filepaths containing arbitrarily encoded characters.
toB64 :: String -> String
toB64 = toString . B64.encode . encodeBS
diff --git a/Utility/Bloom.hs b/Utility/Bloom.hs
index 45937e32d6..e8afb2c1bd 100644
--- a/Utility/Bloom.hs
+++ b/Utility/Bloom.hs
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-{- bloomfilter compatability wrapper
+{- bloomfilter compatibility wrapper
- Copyright 2014 Joey Hess <>
diff --git a/Utility/Daemon.hs b/Utility/Daemon.hs
index 3a0cc5baeb..6676ed4e3d 100644
--- a/Utility/Daemon.hs
+++ b/Utility/Daemon.hs
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ daemonize cmd params openlogfd pidfile changedirectory a = do
envvar = "DAEMONIZED"
-{- To run an action that is normally daemonized in the forground. -}
+{- To run an action that is normally daemonized in the foreground. -}
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
foreground :: IO Fd -> Maybe FilePath -> IO () -> IO ()
foreground openlogfd pidfile a = do
diff --git a/Utility/DataUnits.hs b/Utility/DataUnits.hs
index 64c01d9570..8d910c6189 100644
--- a/Utility/DataUnits.hs
+++ b/Utility/DataUnits.hs
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
- error. This was bad.
- So, a committee was formed. And it arrived at a committee-like decision,
- - which satisfied noone, confused everyone, and made the world an uglier
+ - which satisfied no one, confused everyone, and made the world an uglier
- place. As with all committees, this was meh. Or in this case, "mib".
- And the drive manufacturers happily continued selling drives that are
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ storageUnits =
, Unit (p 4) "TB" "terabyte"
, Unit (p 3) "GB" "gigabyte"
, Unit (p 2) "MB" "megabyte"
- , Unit (p 1) "kB" "kilobyte" -- weird capitalization thanks to committe
+ , Unit (p 1) "kB" "kilobyte" -- weird capitalization thanks to committee
, Unit 1 "B" "byte"
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ bandwidthUnits =
, Unit (p 4) "Tbit" "terabit"
, Unit (p 3) "Gbit" "gigabit"
, Unit (p 2) "Mbit" "megabit"
- , Unit (p 1) "kbit" "kilobit" -- weird capitalization thanks to committe
+ , Unit (p 1) "kbit" "kilobit" -- weird capitalization thanks to committee
p :: Integer -> Integer
diff --git a/Utility/DirWatcher/FSEvents.hs b/Utility/DirWatcher/FSEvents.hs
index 107b73e8fb..fdb3b712cc 100644
--- a/Utility/DirWatcher/FSEvents.hs
+++ b/Utility/DirWatcher/FSEvents.hs
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ watchDir dir ignored scanevents hooks = do
else maybe (runhook delHook Nothing) handleadd
=<< getstatus (eventPath evt)
{- Add hooks are run when a file is modified for
- - compatability with INotify, which calls the add
+ - compatibility with INotify, which calls the add
- hook when a file is closed, and so tends to call
- both add and modify for file modifications. -}
when (hasflag eventFlagItemModified && not (hasflag eventFlagItemIsDir)) $ do
diff --git a/Utility/DirWatcher/Win32Notify.hs b/Utility/DirWatcher/Win32Notify.hs
index 0b02053c9a..eaff7f95ff 100644
--- a/Utility/DirWatcher/Win32Notify.hs
+++ b/Utility/DirWatcher/Win32Notify.hs
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ watchDir dir ignored scanevents hooks = do
(Modified _ _)
| isDirectory evt -> noop
{- Add hooks are run when a file is modified for
- - compatability with INotify, which calls the add
+ - compatibility with INotify, which calls the add
- hook when a file is closed, and so tends to call
- both add and modify for file modifications. -}
| otherwise -> do
diff --git a/Utility/Hash.hs b/Utility/Hash.hs
index ccbf23be08..835409f482 100644
--- a/Utility/Hash.hs
+++ b/Utility/Hash.hs
@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ props_macs_stable = map (\(desc, mac, result) -> (desc ++ " stable", calcMac mac
data IncrementalHasher = IncrementalHasher
{ updateIncrementalHasher :: S.ByteString -> IO ()
- -- ^ Called repeatedly on each peice of the content.
+ -- ^ Called repeatedly on each piece of the content.
, finalizeIncrementalHasher :: IO (Maybe String)
-- ^ Called once the full content has been sent, returns
-- the hash. (Nothing if unableIncremental was called.)
diff --git a/Utility/HtmlDetect.hs b/Utility/HtmlDetect.hs
index 2e3c525815..e050ff7dd3 100644
--- a/Utility/HtmlDetect.hs
+++ b/Utility/HtmlDetect.hs
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ isHtmlBs = isHtml . B8.unpack
-- | Check if the file is html.
--- It would be equivilant to use isHtml <$> readFile file,
+-- It would be equivalent to use isHtml <$> readFile file,
-- but since that would not read all of the file, the handle
-- would remain open until it got garbage collected sometime later.
isHtmlFile :: FilePath -> IO Bool
diff --git a/Utility/IPAddress.hs b/Utility/IPAddress.hs
index 9c683181bf..66e00a47be 100644
--- a/Utility/IPAddress.hs
+++ b/Utility/IPAddress.hs
@@ -53,13 +53,13 @@ isLoopbackAddress :: SockAddr -> Bool
isLoopbackAddress (SockAddrInet _ ipv4) = case hostAddressToTuple ipv4 of
-- localhost
(127,_,_,_) -> True
- -- current network; functions equivilant to loopback
+ -- current network; functions equivalent to loopback
(0,_,_, _) -> True
_ -> False
isLoopbackAddress (SockAddrInet6 _ _ ipv6 _) = case hostAddress6ToTuple ipv6 of
-- localhost
(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1) -> True
- -- unspecified address; functions equivilant to loopback
+ -- unspecified address; functions equivalent to loopback
(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0) -> True
v -> maybe False
(isLoopbackAddress . SockAddrInet 0)
diff --git a/Utility/InodeCache.hs b/Utility/InodeCache.hs
index a9a6bb1906..6f07059f53 100644
--- a/Utility/InodeCache.hs
+++ b/Utility/InodeCache.hs
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ replaceInode :: FileID -> InodeCache -> InodeCache
replaceInode inode (InodeCache (InodeCachePrim _ sz mtime)) =
InodeCache (InodeCachePrim inode sz mtime)
-{- For backwards compatability, support low-res mtime with no
+{- For backwards compatibility, support low-res mtime with no
- fractional seconds. -}
data MTime = MTimeLowRes EpochTime | MTimeHighRes POSIXTime
deriving (Show, Ord)
@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ data SentinalStatus = SentinalStatus
- On Windows, time stamp differences are ignored, since they change
- with the timezone.
- - When the sential file does not exist, InodeCaches canot reliably be
+ - When the sential file does not exist, InodeCaches cannot reliably be
- compared, so the assumption is that there is has been a change.
checkSentinalFile :: SentinalFile -> IO SentinalStatus
diff --git a/Utility/LockFile/Windows.hs b/Utility/LockFile/Windows.hs
index 68d1ded506..3b8e0dc02e 100644
--- a/Utility/LockFile/Windows.hs
+++ b/Utility/LockFile/Windows.hs
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ dropLock :: LockHandle -> IO ()
dropLock = closeHandle
{- If the initial lock fails, this is a BUSY wait, and does not
- - guarentee FIFO order of waiters. In other news, Windows is a POS. -}
+ - guarantee FIFO order of waiters. In other news, Windows is a POS. -}
waitToLock :: IO (Maybe lockhandle) -> IO lockhandle
waitToLock locker = takelock
diff --git a/Utility/LockPool/PidLock.hs b/Utility/LockPool/PidLock.hs
index ddb0b92291..87f1f1a214 100644
--- a/Utility/LockPool/PidLock.hs
+++ b/Utility/LockPool/PidLock.hs
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ import Prelude
-- or the Seconds timeout if the pid lock is held by another process.
-- There are two levels of locks. A STM lock is used to handle
--- fine-grained locking amoung threads, locking a specific lockfile,
+-- fine-grained locking among threads, locking a specific lockfile,
-- but only in memory. The pid lock handles locking between processes.
-- The pid lock is only taken once, and LockShared is used for it,
diff --git a/Utility/LockPool/Windows.hs b/Utility/LockPool/Windows.hs
index b81fbdf074..3ea3da8367 100644
--- a/Utility/LockPool/Windows.hs
+++ b/Utility/LockPool/Windows.hs
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ lockExclusive file = fmap fst <$> tryMakeLockHandle P.lockPool file
(\f _ -> fmap mk <$> F.lockExclusive f)
{- If the initial lock fails, this is a BUSY wait, and does not
- - guarentee FIFO order of waiters. In other news, Windows is a POS. -}
+ - guarantee FIFO order of waiters. In other news, Windows is a POS. -}
waitToLock :: IO (Maybe lockhandle) -> IO lockhandle
waitToLock = F.waitToLock
diff --git a/Utility/Matcher.hs b/Utility/Matcher.hs
index 567522b59e..0fbcd01041 100644
--- a/Utility/Matcher.hs
+++ b/Utility/Matcher.hs
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ import Common
import Data.Kind
{- A Token can be an Operation of an arbitrary type, or one of a few
- - predefined peices of syntax. -}
+ - predefined pieces of syntax. -}
data Token op = Operation op | And | Or | Not | Open | Close
deriving (Show, Eq)
diff --git a/Utility/Misc.hs b/Utility/Misc.hs
index 121c06e7cd..3cf527547b 100644
--- a/Utility/Misc.hs
+++ b/Utility/Misc.hs
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ prop_segment_regressionTest :: Bool
prop_segment_regressionTest = all id
-- Even an empty list is a segment.
[ segment (== "--") [] == [[]]
- -- There are two segements in this list, even though the first is empty.
+ -- There are two segments in this list, even though the first is empty.
, segment (== "--") ["--", "foo", "bar"] == [[],["foo","bar"]]
diff --git a/Utility/Path.hs b/Utility/Path.hs
index b5aeb16fd0..dcb21400ea 100644
--- a/Utility/Path.hs
+++ b/Utility/Path.hs
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ import Utility.FileSystemEncoding
- This does not guarantee that two paths that refer to the same location,
- and are both relative to the same location (or both absolute) will
- - yeild the same result. Run both through normalise from System.RawFilePath
+ - yield the same result. Run both through normalise from System.RawFilePath
- to ensure that.
simplifyPath :: RawFilePath -> RawFilePath
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ upFrom dir
{- Checks if the first RawFilePath is, or could be said to contain the second.
- For example, "foo/" contains "foo/bar". Also, "foo", "./foo", "foo/" etc
- - are all equivilant.
+ - are all equivalent.
dirContains :: RawFilePath -> RawFilePath -> Bool
dirContains a b = a == b
diff --git a/Utility/Path/AbsRel.hs b/Utility/Path/AbsRel.hs
index 857dd5e320..4007fbbb0f 100644
--- a/Utility/Path/AbsRel.hs
+++ b/Utility/Path/AbsRel.hs
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ import Utility.FileSystemEncoding
- Also simplifies it using simplifyPath.
- The first parameter is a base directory (ie, the cwd) to use if the path
- - is not already absolute, and should itsef be absolute.
+ - is not already absolute, and should itself be absolute.
- Does not attempt to deal with edge cases or ensure security with
- untrusted inputs.
diff --git a/Utility/Url.hs b/Utility/Url.hs
index d55c447b69..b7ec0f1d3c 100644
--- a/Utility/Url.hs
+++ b/Utility/Url.hs
@@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ contentDispositionFilename s
headRequest :: Request -> Request
headRequest r = r
{ method = methodHead
- -- remove defaut Accept-Encoding header, to get actual,
+ -- remove default Accept-Encoding header, to get actual,
-- not gzip compressed size.
, requestHeaders = (hAcceptEncoding, B.empty) :
filter (\(h, _) -> h /= hAcceptEncoding)
diff --git a/Utility/Yesod.hs b/Utility/Yesod.hs
index d35391252d..5acbdee99c 100644
--- a/Utility/Yesod.hs
+++ b/Utility/Yesod.hs
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{- Yesod stuff, that's typically found in the scaffolded site.
- - Also a bit of a compatability layer for older versions of yesod.
+ - Also a bit of a compatibility layer for older versions of yesod.
- Copyright 2012-2014 Joey Hess <>
diff --git a/doc/install/Android/git-annex-install b/doc/install/Android/git-annex-install
index a8390321ef..12fdcbd27c 100755
--- a/doc/install/Android/git-annex-install
+++ b/doc/install/Android/git-annex-install
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
# This is only a convenience script to avoid the user needing to type much
# in termux. The standalone tarball automatically adapts itself to the termux
-# environment, so this script should stay as mininal as possible.
+# environment, so this script should stay as minimal as possible.
# This script needs to be sourced into the current termux shell, rather
# than run with a new shell, so it can set the PATH to include git-annex.
diff --git a/git-annex.cabal b/git-annex.cabal
index 87f78f7189..5ebc664c81 100644
--- a/git-annex.cabal
+++ b/git-annex.cabal
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Description:
to git and transferring them to other computers. The git-annex webapp
makes it easy to set up and use git-annex this way.
-- The tarball uploaded to hackage does not include every non-haskell
--- file in the git repo. The website is left out, so is build machinary for
+-- file in the git repo. The website is left out, so is build machinery for
-- standalone apps, and packages. Include only files that are needed
-- make cabal install git-annex work.
@@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ Executable git-annex
GHC-Options: -O0
- -- Avoid linking with unused dynamic libaries.
+ -- Avoid linking with unused dynamic libraries.
if os(linux) || os(freebsd)
GHC-Options: -optl-Wl,--as-needed
diff --git a/templates/configurators/addia.hamlet b/templates/configurators/addia.hamlet
index e17cb4580c..ec4087453a 100644
--- a/templates/configurators/addia.hamlet
+++ b/templates/configurators/addia.hamlet
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
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