path: root/json/json.bnf
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'json/json.bnf')
1 files changed, 145 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/json/json.bnf b/json/json.bnf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8036cf33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/json/json.bnf
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+ parserClass = 'com.intellij.json.JsonParser'
+ parserUtilClass = "com.intellij.json.psi.JsonParserUtil"
+ psiPackage = 'com.intellij.json.psi'
+ psiImplPackage = 'com.intellij.json.psi.impl'
+ elementTypeHolderClass = 'com.intellij.json.JsonElementTypes'
+ elementTypeClass = 'com.intellij.json.JsonElementType'
+ psiClassPrefix = "Json"
+ psiVisitorName = "JsonElementVisitor"
+ psiImplUtilClass = 'com.intellij.json.psi.impl.JsonPsiImplUtils'
+ tokenTypeClass = 'com.intellij.json.JsonTokenType'
+ implements("value") = "com.intellij.json.psi.JsonElement"
+ extends("value") = "com.intellij.json.psi.impl.JsonElementImpl"
+ tokens = [
+ L_CURLY='{'
+ R_CURLY='}'
+ COMMA=','
+ COLON=':'
+ LINE_COMMENT='regexp://.*'
+ // "/*" ([^*]|\*+[^*/])* (\*+"/")?
+ BLOCK_COMMENT='regexp:/\*([^*]|\*+[^*/])*(\*+/)?'
+ // else /\*(?:[^*]|\*[^/])*\*+/
+ // unclosed string literal matches till the line's end
+ // any escape sequences included, illegal escapes are indicated by SyntaxHighlighter
+ // and JsonStringLiteralAnnotator
+ DOUBLE_QUOTED_STRING="regexp:\"([^\\\"\r\n]|\\[^\r\n])*\"?"
+ SINGLE_QUOTED_STRING="regexp:'([^\\\'\r\n]|\\[^\r\n])*'?"
+// STRING='regexp:"([^\\"\r\n]|\\([\\"/bfnrt]|u[a-fA-F0-9]{4}))*"?'
+ NUMBER='regexp:-?(0|[1-9]\d*)(\.\d+)?([eE][+-]?\d*)?'
+ TRUE='true'
+ FALSE='false'
+ NULL='null'
+ // Actually not defined in RFC 4627, but may be used for JSON5 and helps with
+ // auto completion of keywords. Semantically, it represents "bad word" type
+ // of tokens
+ // Could be as loose as [^\s\[\]{}:,\"\']+, but is slightly more restricted
+ // for the time being to match most forms of npm package names and semver versions
+ // in package.json.
+ // See
+ IDENTIFIER="regexp:[[:jletterdigit:]~!()*\-./@\^<>=]+"
+ ]
+ extends("container|literal|reference_expression")=value
+ extends("array|object")=container
+ extends("string_literal|number_literal|boolean_literal|null_literal")=literal
+ implements("property")=[
+ "com.intellij.json.psi.JsonElement"
+ "com.intellij.psi.PsiNamedElement"
+ ]
+// For compatibility we allow any value at root level (see JsonStandardComplianceAnnotator)
+json ::= value+
+object ::= '{' object_element* '}' {
+ pin=1
+ methods=[
+ findProperty
+ getPresentation
+ ]
+ mixin="com.intellij.json.psi.impl.JsonObjectMixin"
+// Hackity-hack to parse array elements and properties even if separating commas are missing,
+// TODO: Find out if there is any simpler way to do so in GrammarKit
+private object_element ::= property (','|&'}') {
+ recoverWhile = not_brace_or_next_value
+ pin = 1
+property ::= property_name (':' value) {
+ methods=[
+ getName
+ getNameElement
+ getValue
+ // suppress getValueList() accessor
+ value=""
+ getPresentation
+ ]
+ mixin="com.intellij.json.psi.impl.JsonPropertyMixin"
+ pin(".*")=1
+private property_name ::= literal | reference_expression
+array ::= '[' array_element* ']' {
+ methods=[
+ getPresentation
+ ]
+ pin=1
+private array_element ::= value (','|&']') {
+ recoverWhile = not_bracket_or_next_value
+ pin=1
+ methods=[
+ getTextFragments
+ getValue
+ isPropertyName
+ ]
+ mixin="com.intellij.json.psi.impl.JsonStringLiteralMixin"
+number_literal ::= NUMBER {
+ methods=[
+ getValue
+ ]
+boolean_literal ::= TRUE | FALSE {
+ methods=[
+ getValue
+ ]
+null_literal ::= NULL
+literal ::= string_literal | number_literal | boolean_literal | null_literal {
+ methods=[
+ isQuotedString
+ ]
+ mixin="com.intellij.json.psi.impl.JsonLiteralMixin"
+fake container ::=
+reference_expression ::= IDENTIFIER
+value ::= object | array | literal | reference_expression
+// Recoveries
+private not_bracket_or_next_value ::= !(']'|value)
+private not_brace_or_next_value ::= !('}'|value) \ No newline at end of file