path: root/
diff options
authorMartin Michlmayr <>2006-02-05 20:24:07 +0100
committerMartin Michlmayr <>2006-02-05 20:24:07 +0100
commit97d87e1fa0808cf747bf0a4fe3b39d1cbdb5efc8 (patch)
treec817c2371ea765b6fd6f9e47f4985209dd1937dd /
Import jack_3.1.1+cvs20050801.orig.tar.gz
[dgit import orig jack_3.1.1+cvs20050801.orig.tar.gz]
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 205 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..79f3f00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+### jack_checkopts: check the options for consistency, a module for
+### jack - extract audio from a CD and encode it using 3rd party software
+### Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Arne Zellentin <>
+### This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+### it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+### the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+### (at your option) any later version.
+### This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+### but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+### GNU General Public License for more details.
+### You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+### along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+### Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+import signal
+import types
+import sys
+import os
+import jack_utils
+import jack_version
+import jack_plugins
+import jack_functions
+from jack_globals import *
+import jack_freedb
+import jack_helpers
+# special option handling
+def checkopts(cf, cf2):
+ if cf2.has_key('image_file'):
+ cf.rupdate({'rip_from_device': {'val': 0}, 'read_ahead':{'val': 1}}, "check")
+ if cf2.has_key('image_toc_file'):
+ cf.rupdate({'rip_from_device': {'val': 0}, 'read_ahead':{'val': 1}}, "check")
+ if cf2.has_key('space_from_argv'):
+ cf.rupdate({'space_set_from_argv': {'val': 1}}, "check")
+ if cf2.has_key('only_dae') and cf2['only_dae']['val']:
+ cf.rupdate({'encoders': {'val': 0}}, "check")
+ if cf2.has_key('query_when_ready') and cf2['query_when_ready']['val']:
+ cf.rupdate({'read_freedb_file': {'val': 1}, 'set_id3tag':{'val': 1}}, "check")
+ if cf2.has_key('query_on_start') and cf2['query_on_start']['val']:
+ cf.rupdate({'set_id3tag': {'val': 1}}, "check")
+ if cf2.has_key('cont_failed_query') and cf2['cont_failed_query']['val']:
+ cf.rupdate({'query_on_start': {'val': 1}, 'set_id3tag':{'val': 1}}, "check")
+ if cf2.has_key('create_dirs') and cf2['create_dirs']['val']:
+ cf.rupdate({'rename_dir': {'val': 1}}, "check")
+ if cf2.has_key('freedb_rename') and cf2['freedb_rename']['val']:
+ cf.rupdate({'read_freedb_file': {'val': 1}, 'set_id3tag':{'val': 1}}, "check")
+ if cf2.has_key('id3_genre_txt'):
+ genre = jack_functions.check_genre_txt(cf2['id3_genre_txt']['val'])
+ if genre != cf['_id3_genre']:
+ cf.rupdate({'id3_genre': {'val': genre}}, "check")
+ del genre
+ for i in cf2.keys():
+ if not cf.has_key(i):
+ error("unknown config item `%s'" % i)
+def consistency_check(cf):
+ # set plugins path and import freedb_server plugin
+ sys.path.extend(map(expand, cf['_plugin_path']))
+ jack_plugins.import_freedb_servers()
+ # check freedb server
+ if cf.has_key('freedb_server'):
+ if not jack_freedb.freedb_servers.has_key(cf['freedb_server']['val']):
+ error("unknown server, choose one: " + `jack_freedb.freedb_servers.keys()`)
+ # check dir_template and scan_dirs
+ if len(cf['_dir_template'].split(os.path.sep)) > cf['_scan_dirs']:
+ cf.rupdate({'scan_dirs': {'val': len(cf['_dir_template'].split(os.path.sep))}}, "check")
+ warning("dir-template consists of more sub-paths (%i) than scan-dirs (%i). Jack may not find the workdir next time he is run. (Auto-raised)" % (len(cf['_dir_template'].split(os.path.sep)), cf['_scan_dirs']))
+ # check for unsername
+ if cf['username']['val'] == None:
+ if os.environ.has_key('USER') and os.environ['USER'] != "":
+ cf['username']['val'] = os.environ['USER']
+ elif os.environ.has_key('LOGNAME') and os.environ['LOGNAME'] != "":
+ cf['username']['val'] = os.environ['LOGNAME']
+ else:
+ error("can't determine your username, please set it manually.")
+ debug("username is " + cf['_username'])
+ # check for hostname
+ if cf['hostname']['val'] == None:
+ cf['hostname']['val'] = os.uname()[1]
+ debug("hostname is " + cf['_hostname'])
+ # check for e-mail address
+ if len(jack_freedb.freedb_servers[cf['_freedb_server']]['my_mail']) <= 3 or jack_freedb.freedb_servers[cf['freedb_server']['val']]['my_mail'] == "default":
+ tmp_mail = jack_freedb.freedb_servers[cf['freedb_server']['val']]['my_mail']
+ tmp_mail2 = cf['_my_mail']
+ if len(cf['_my_mail']) <= 3 or cf['_my_mail'] == "default" or cf['_my_mail'].find("@") < 1:
+ env = os.getenv("EMAIL")
+ if env:
+ jack_freedb.freedb_servers[cf['freedb_server']['val']]['my_mail'] = env
+ else:
+ jack_freedb.freedb_servers[cf['freedb_server']['val']]['my_mail'] = cf['username']['val'] + "@" + cf['hostname']['val']
+ if len(cf['my_mail']['history']) > 1:
+ warning("illegal mail address changed to " + jack_freedb.freedb_servers[cf['freedb_server']['val']]['my_mail'])
+ else:
+ jack_freedb.freedb_servers[cf['freedb_server']['val']]['my_mail'] = cf['_my_mail']
+ debug("mail is " + jack_freedb.freedb_servers[cf['freedb_server']['val']]['my_mail'] + ", was " + tmp_mail + " / " + tmp_mail2)
+ del tmp_mail, tmp_mail2
+ #if cf.has_key('charset'):
+ # if not cf['char_filter']['val']:
+ # warning("charset has no effect without a char_filter")
+ # this is not true, the ogg tag uses this.
+ if len(cf['replacement_chars']['val']) == 0:
+ cf.rupdate({'replacement_chars': {'val': ["",]}}, "check")
+ # stretch replacement_chars
+ if len(cf['_unusable_chars']) > len(cf['_replacement_chars']):
+ u, r = cf['_unusable_chars'], cf['_replacement_chars']
+ while len(u) > len(r):
+ if type(r) == types.ListType:
+ r.append(r[-1])
+ elif type(r) == types.StringType:
+ r = r + r[-1]
+ else:
+ error("unsupported type: " + `type(cf['replacement_chars']['val'][-1])`)
+ cf.rupdate({'replacement_chars': {'val': r}}, "check")
+ del u, r
+ if cf['silent_mode']['val']:
+ cf['terminal']['val'] = "dumb"
+ cf['xtermset_enable']['val'] = 0
+ out_f = open(cf['_out_file'], "a")
+ err_f = open(cf['_err_file'], "a")
+ os.dup2(out_f.fileno(), STDOUT_FILENO)
+ out_f.close()
+ os.dup2(err_f.fileno(), STDERR_FILENO)
+ err_f.close()
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGTTOU, signal.SIG_IGN)
+ # load plugins, compile stuff
+ jack_helpers.init()
+ if not jack_helpers.helpers.has_key(cf['_encoder']) or jack_helpers.helpers[cf['_encoder']]['type'] != "encoder":
+ dummy = []
+ for i in jack_helpers.helpers.keys():
+ if jack_helpers.helpers[i]['type'] == "encoder":
+ dummy.append(i)
+ error("Invalid encoder, choose one of " + `dummy`)
+ if not jack_helpers.helpers.has_key(cf['_ripper']) or jack_helpers.helpers[cf['_ripper']]['type'] != "ripper":
+ dummy = []
+ for i in jack_helpers.helpers.keys():
+ if jack_helpers.helpers[i]['type'] == "ripper":
+ dummy.append(i)
+ error("Invalid ripper, choose one of " + `dummy`)
+ if (cf['vbr_quality']['val'] > 10) or (cf['vbr_quality']['val'] < -1):
+ error("invalid vbr quality, must be between -1 and 10")
+ # check for option conflicts:
+ if cf['_otf'] and cf['_only_dae']:
+ warning("disabling on-the-fly operation because we're doing DAE only")
+ cf.rupdate({'otf': {'val': 0}}, "check")
+ if cf['_otf'] and cf['_keep_wavs']:
+ warning("disabling on-the-fly operation because we want to keep the wavs")
+ cf.rupdate({'otf': {'val': 0}}, "check")
+ if cf['_otf'] and cf['_image_file']:
+ warning("disabling on-the-fly operation as we're reading from image.")
+ cf.rupdate({'otf': {'val': 0}}, "check")
+ if cf['_otf']:
+ for i in (cf['_ripper'], cf['_encoder']):
+ if not jack_helpers.helpers[i].has_key(('vbr-' * cf['_vbr'] * (i == cf['_encoder'])) + 'otf-cmd'):
+ error("can't do on-the-fly because " + jack_helpers.helpers[i]['type'] + " " + i + " doesn't support it.")
+ if cf['_vbr'] and not jack_helpers.helpers[cf['_encoder']].has_key('vbr-cmd'):
+ warning("disabling VBR because " + cf['_encoder'] + " doesn't support it.")
+ cf.rupdate({'vbr': {'val': 0}}, "check")
+ if not cf['_vbr'] and not jack_helpers.helpers[cf['_encoder']].has_key('cmd'):
+ error("can't do CBR because " + cf['encoder']['val'] + " doesn't support it. Use -v")
+ if cf['_ripper'] == "cdparanoia" and cf['_sloppy']:
+ jack_helpers.helpers['cdparanoia']['cmd'] = replace(jack_helpers.helpers['cdparanoia']['cmd'], "--abort-on-skip", "")
+ jack_helpers.helpers['cdparanoia']['otf-cmd'] = replace(jack_helpers.helpers['cdparanoia']['otf-cmd'], "--abort-on-skip", "")
+ if cf['_query_on_start'] and cf['_query_when_ready']:
+ error("it doesn't make sense to query now _and_ when finished.")
+ if cf['_dont_work'] and cf['_query_when_ready']:
+ warning("you want to use --query-now / -Q instead of --query / -q")