path: root/jack
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'jack')
1 files changed, 291 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jack b/jack
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d59c949
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jack
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+### jack - extract audio from a CD and encode it using 3rd party software
+### Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Arne Zellentin <>
+### This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+### it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+### the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+### (at your option) any later version.
+### This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+### but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+### GNU General Public License for more details.
+### You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+### along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+### Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+### If you want to comment on this program, contact me: ###
+### Visit the homepage:
+### see CHANGELOG for recent changes in this program
+### see TODO if you want to see what needs to be implemented
+import os
+import sys
+import time
+import wave
+import types
+import posix
+import string
+import select
+import signal
+import pprint
+import traceback
+from jack_globals import *
+import jack_version
+import jack_misc
+import jack_mp3
+import jack_argv
+import jack_rc
+import jack_helpers
+import jack_targets
+import jack_freedb
+import jack_display
+import jack_term
+import jack_children
+import jack_tag
+import jack_workers
+import jack_utils
+import jack_ripstuff
+import jack_encstuff
+import jack_checkopts
+import jack_status
+import jack_functions
+import jack_main_loop
+import jack_progress
+import jack_prepare
+###################### M A I N ###############################################
+# say hello...
+print "This is", jack_version.prog_name, jack_version.prog_version, jack_version.prog_copyright, jack_version.prog_devemail
+### interpret options
+global_cf = jack_rc.load(cf, cf['global_rc']['val'])
+jack_checkopts.checkopts(cf, global_cf)
+cf.rupdate(global_cf, "global_rc")
+user_cf = jack_rc.load(cf, cf['user_rc']['val'])
+jack_checkopts.checkopts(cf, user_cf)
+cf.rupdate(user_cf, "user_rc")
+help, argv_cf = jack_argv.parse_argv(cf, sys.argv)
+jack_checkopts.checkopts(cf, argv_cf)
+cf.rupdate(argv_cf, "argv")
+if help:
+ jack_argv.show_usage(cf, long=help-1)
+ sys.exit(0)
+debug("global_cf: " + `global_cf`)
+debug("user_cf: " + `user_cf`)
+debug("argv_cf: " + `argv_cf`)
+if cf['save_args']['val'] == 1:
+ count =['user_rc']['val'], cf)
+ info("%d options saved in %s" % (count, cf['user_rc']['val']))
+ sys.exit()
+ext = jack_targets.targets[jack_helpers.helpers[cf['_encoder']]['target']]['file_extension']
+### (1) search for a dir containing a toc-file or do the multi-mode
+toc_just_read = jack_prepare.find_workdir()
+os.environ["JACK_CUR_DIR"] = os.getcwd()
+os.environ["JACK_BASE_DIR"] = cf['_base_dir']
+# now we are set to go as we know we are in the right dir
+### (2) check toc (operation mode)
+if cf['_check_toc']:
+ jack_prepare.check_toc()
+ sys.exit(0)
+### (3a) read and interpret toc_file
+is_submittable, track1_offset = jack_prepare.read_toc_file()
+### (3b) make sure we have a freedb file
+if not os.path.exists(cf['_freedb_form_file']):
+ jack_freedb.freedb_template(jack_ripstuff.all_tracks)
+### (4a) filter out data tracks
+### (4b) Parse tracks from argv, generate todo
+todo = jack_prepare.gen_todo()
+if len(todo) == 0:
+ error("nothing to do. bye.")
+### init status
+#XXX## (5) read progress info into status
+jack_ripstuff.all_tracks_orig = []
+for i in jack_ripstuff.all_tracks:
+ jack_ripstuff.all_tracks_orig.append(i[:])
+status = jack_prepare.init_status()
+### (6) update progress file at user's request (operation mode)
+if cf['_upd_progress']:
+ jack_prepare.update_progress(todo)
+ sys.exit(0)
+### (7) now read in the progress file
+status = jack_prepare.read_progress(status, todo)
+### (8) submit freedb data on user's request
+if cf['_freedb_submit'] or cf['_freedb_mailsubmit']:
+ jack_prepare.freedb_submit()
+ sys.exit(0)
+### (9) do query on start
+freedb_rename = 0
+if cf['_query_if_needed']:
+ if not os.path.exists(cf['_freedb_form_file'] + ".bak"):
+ cf['_query_on_start'] = 1
+if cf['_query_on_start']:
+ freedb_rename = jack_prepare.query_on_start()
+### (10) update freedb dbfile
+if cf['_update_freedb']:
+ if not jack_tag.track_names:
+ err, jack_tag.track_names, jack_tag.locale_names, freedb_rename, revision = jack_freedb.interpret_db_file(jack_ripstuff.all_tracks, cf['_freedb_form_file'], verb = 1, dirs = 0)
+ jack_freedb.freedb_template(jack_ripstuff.all_tracks, jack_tag.track_names, revision + 1)
+ jack_utils.ex_edit(cf['_freedb_form_file'])
+ info("now submit your changes if you like, using the option --submit (via http POST). Don't forget to activate your changes locally with -R")
+ sys.exit(0)
+### (11) undo renaming (operation mode)
+if cf['_undo_rename']:
+ jack_prepare.undo_rename(status, todo)
+ sys.exit(0)
+#### Reorder if told so
+if cf['_reorder']:
+ todo.sort(jack_utils.cmp_toc)
+ todo.reverse()
+#### check how much bytes we can burn
+if cf['space_from_argv']['history'][-1][0] == "argv":
+ space = jack_ripstuff.raw_space = cf['_space_from_argv']
+ space = jack_ripstuff.raw_space = jack_functions.df()
+#### check what is already there
+space, remove_q, wavs_todo, mp3s_todo, dae_queue, enc_queue = jack_prepare.what_todo(space, todo)
+if cf['_todo_exit']: # print what needs to be done, then exit
+ jack_prepare.print_todo(todo, wavs_todo, mp3s_todo)
+ sys.exit(0)
+# now mp3s_todo contains the tracks where the wavs only need to be coded and
+# wavs_todo lists those tracks which need to be dae'd end enc'd. The dae_queue
+# has been filled from wavs_todo (todo is superflous now). The main_loop
+# will handle the tracks in mp3s_todo.
+### make sure we have enough space to rip the whole thing
+jack_prepare.check_space(space, wavs_todo, mp3s_todo)
+cf['_max_load'] = cf['_max_load'] + cf['_encoders'] #XXX
+if not cf['_dont_work'] and dae_queue: # check if inserted cd matches toc.
+ jack_prepare.check_cd() # why? paranoia or needed? XXX
+ if cf['_rip_from_device']:
+ all_tracks_on_cd = jack_functions.gettoc(cf['_toc_prog'])
+ if not cf['_force'] and not jack_utils.cmp_toc_cd(jack_ripstuff.all_tracks_orig, all_tracks_on_cd, what=(NUM, LEN)):
+ error("you did not insert the right cd")
+### if we have work to do, we may have to remove some files first
+if remove_q:
+ jack_prepare.remove_files(remove_q)
+### bail out now if told so
+if cf['_dont_work']:
+ info("quitting now as requested.")
+ sys.exit(0)
+### install signal handlers
+signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, jack_display.sig_handler)
+signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, jack_display.sig_handler)
+signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, jack_display.sig_handler)
+signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, jack_display.sig_handler)
+ #\ /#
+#########> real work starts here <#############################################
+ #/ \#
+global_error = None
+if (wavs_todo or mp3s_todo):
+ jack_ripstuff.gen_printable_names(jack_tag.track_names, todo)
+ jack_term.init(cf['_terminal'], cf['_xtermset_enable'])
+ jack_display.init()
+ try:
+ jack_term.enable()
+ global_error = jack_main_loop.main_loop(mp3s_todo, wavs_todo, space, dae_queue, enc_queue, track1_offset)
+ except SystemExit:
+ jack_term.disable()
+ print jack_display.options_string
+ print "--- Last status: ---------------------------------------------------------------"
+ jack_status.print_status(form = 'short')
+ sys.exit(0)
+ except:
+ jack_term.disable()
+ warning("abnormal exit")
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ sys.exit(1)
+# Set the files we have processed but this may still be overwritten by
+# jack_tag.tag() called below.
+os.environ["JACK_JUST_ENCODED"] = "\n".join([x[NAME] + ext for x in mp3s_todo])
+os.environ["JACK_JUST_RIPPED"] = "\n".join([x[NAME] + ".wav" for x in wavs_todo])
+if cf['_query_when_ready']:
+ info("querying...")
+ if jack_freedb.freedb_query(jack_freedb.freedb_id(jack_ripstuff.all_tracks), jack_ripstuff.all_tracks, cf['_freedb_form_file']):
+ jack_display.exit()
+if cf['_query_when_ready'] or cf['_read_freedb_file'] or cf['_query_on_start']:
+ err, jack_tag.track_names, jack_tag.locale_names, freedb_rename, revision = jack_freedb.interpret_db_file(jack_ripstuff.all_tracks, cf['_freedb_form_file'], verb = 1, dirs = 1)
+ if err:
+ error("could not read freedb file")
+if jack_term.term_type == "curses":
+ if jack_display.options_string:
+ print jack_display.options_string
+ print "The final status was:"
+ jack_status.print_status(form = 'short')
+if global_error:
+ if cf['_exec_when_done']:
+ os.system(cf['_exec_err'])
+ error("aborting because of previous error(s) [%i]." % global_error)
+if jack_functions.progress_changed:
+ jack_functions.progress("all", "done", time.strftime("%b %2d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(time.time())))
+if cf['_remove_files']:
+ print "cleaning up in", os.getcwd()
+ for i in [cf['_progress_file'], cf['_toc_file'], cf['_def_toc'], cf['_freedb_form_file'], cf['_freedb_form_file'] + ".bak"]:
+ if os.path.exists(i):
+ os.remove(i)
+if cf['_exec_when_done']:
+ os.system(cf['_exec_no_err'])
+jack_display.exit() # call the cleanup function & exit
+################################## ####################################
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