path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 463 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..21fe24c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,463 @@
+# -*- coding: iso-8859-15 -*-
+### jack_functions: functions for
+### jack - extract audio from a CD and encode it using 3rd party software
+### Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Arne Zellentin <>
+### This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+### it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+### the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+### (at your option) any later version.
+### This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+### but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+### GNU General Public License for more details.
+### You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+### along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+### Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+import codecs
+import traceback
+import sndhdr
+import types
+import string
+import sys
+import os
+import jack_TOCentry
+import jack_CDTime
+import jack_utils
+import jack_TOC
+import jack_mp3
+import jack_helpers
+from jack_globals import *
+progress_changed = None
+def df(fs = ".", blocksize = 1024):
+ "returns free space on a filesystem (in bytes)"
+ try:
+ from os import statvfs
+ statvfs_found = 1
+ except:
+ statvfs_found = 0
+ if statvfs_found:
+ (f_bsize, f_frsize, f_blocks, f_bfree, f_bavail, f_files, f_ffree, f_favail, f_flag, f_namemax) = statvfs(fs)
+ return long(f_bavail) * long(f_bsize)
+ else:
+ # Not very portable
+ p = os.popen("df " + fs)
+ s = string.split(string.rstrip(p.readline()))
+ for i in range(len(s)):
+ if s[i] == "Available":
+ p.close()
+ s = string.split(string.rstrip(p.readline()))
+ return int(s[i]) * long(blocksize) - long(keep_free)
+def get_sysload_linux_proc():
+ "extract sysload from /proc/loadavg, linux only (?)"
+ f = open("/proc/loadavg", "r")
+ loadavg = float(string.split(f.readline())[0])
+ return loadavg
+def pprint_i(num, fmt = "%i%s", scale = 2.0**10, max = 4):
+ "return a string describing an int in a more human-readable way"
+ c = ""
+ change = 0
+ for i in ("K", "M", "G", "T"):
+ if abs(num) >= scale:
+ c = i
+ num = num / scale
+ change = 1
+ if change:
+ #num = num + 0.5
+ if num > 999:
+ return fmt % (num, c)
+ elif num >= 100:
+ return string.replace(fmt, "%i", "%s") % (`num`[:3], c)
+ else:
+ return string.replace(fmt, "%i", "%s") % (`num`[:4], c)
+ else:
+ return fmt % (num, c)
+def pprint_speed(s, len=4):
+ if len >= 4:
+ if s < 10:
+ return "%4.2f" % s
+ if s < 100:
+ return "%4.1f" % s
+ if s < 1000:
+ return "%4.0f" % s
+ if s < 10000:
+ return "%4d" % (s + 0.5)
+ else:
+ return "9999"
+ elif len == 3:
+ if s < 10:
+ return "%3.1f" % s
+ if s < 100:
+ return "%3.0f" % s
+ if s < 1000:
+ return "%3d" % s + 0.5
+ else:
+ return "999"
+ else:
+ return "X" * len
+def gettoc(toc_prog):
+ "Returns track list"
+ if jack_helpers.helpers[toc_prog].has_key('toc_cmd'):
+ cmd = string.replace(jack_helpers.helpers[toc_prog]['toc_cmd'], "%d", cf['_cd_device'])
+ if cf['_gen_device']:
+ cmd = string.replace(cmd, "%D", cf['_gen_device'])
+ p = os.popen(cmd)
+ start = 0
+ erg = []
+ l = p.readline()
+ exec(jack_helpers.helpers[toc_prog]['toc_fkt'])
+ if p.close():
+ if cf['_cd_device']:
+ try:
+ f = open(cf['_cd_device'], "r")
+ except IOError:
+ info("could not open " + cf['_cd_device'] + ". Check permissions and that a disc is inserted.")
+ else:
+ info("maybe " + toc_prog + " is not installed?")
+ else:
+ info("try setting cf['_cd_device'] to your CD device, e.g. /dev/cdrom")
+ error("could not read CD's TOC.")
+ else:
+ return erg
+ else:
+ erg = []
+ try:
+ exec(jack_helpers.helpers[toc_prog]['toc_fkt'])
+ except SystemExit:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ except:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ error("""%s could not read the disk's TOC. If you already ripped the
+ CD, you'll have to cd into the directory which is either named
+ after the CD's title or still called jack-xxxxxxxx (xxxxxxxx is a
+ hex number).""" % toc_prog)
+ return erg
+def guesstoc(names):
+ "Return track list based on guessed lengths"
+ num = 1
+ start = 0
+ erg = []
+ progr = []
+ for i in names:
+ i_name = os.path.basename(i)[:-4]
+ i_ext = string.upper(os.path.basename(i)[-4:])
+ if i_ext == ".MP3":
+ x = jack_mp3.mp3format(i)
+ if not x:
+ error("could not get MP3 info for file \"%x\"" % i)
+ blocks = int(x['length'] * CDDA_BLOCKS_PER_SECOND + 0.5)
+ # NAME
+ erg.append([num, blocks, start, 0, 0, 2, 1, x['bitrate'],
+ i_name])
+ progr.append([num, "dae", " * [ simulated ]"])
+ progr.append([num, "enc", `x['bitrate']`, "[ s i m u l a t e d %3ikbit]" % (x['bitrate'] + 0.5)])
+ if cf['_name'] % num != i_name:
+ progr.append([num, "ren", cf['_name'] % num + "-->" + i_name])
+ elif i_ext == ".WAV":
+ x = sndhdr.whathdr(i)
+ if not x:
+ error("this is not WAV-format: " + i)
+ if x != ('wav', 44100, 2, -1, 16):
+ error("unsupportet format " + `x` + " in " + i)
+ blocks = jack_utils.filesize(i)
+ blocks = blocks - 44 # substract WAV header
+ extra_bytes = blocks % CDDA_BLOCKSIZE
+ if not extra_bytes == 0:
+ warning("this is not CDDA block-aligned: " + `i`)
+ yes = raw_input("May I strip %d bytes (= %.4fseconds) off the end? " % (extra_bytes, extra_bytes / 2352.0 / 75.0))
+ if not string.upper((yes + "x")[0]) == "Y":
+ print "Sorry, I can't process non-aligned files (yet). Bye!"
+ sys.exit()
+ f = open(i, "r+")
+, 2)
+ f.truncate()
+ f.close()
+ blocks = blocks - extra_bytes
+ blocks = blocks / CDDA_BLOCKSIZE
+ erg.append([num, blocks, start, 0, 0, 2, 1, cf['_bitrate'], i_name])
+ progr.append([num, "dae", " =p [ s i m u l a t e d ]"])
+ if cf['_name'] % num != i_name:
+ progr.append([num, "ren", cf['_name'] % num + "-->" + i_name])
+ elif i_ext == ".OGG":
+ error("you still have to wait for ogg support for this operation, sorry.")
+ elif i_ext == ".FLAC":
+ error("you still have to wait for FLAC support for this ooperation, sorry.")
+ else:
+ error("this is neither .mp3 nor .ogg nor .wav nor .flac: %s" % i)
+ num = num + 1
+ start = start + blocks
+ for i in progr: # this is deferred so that it is only written if no
+ # files fail
+ progress(i)
+ return erg
+#XXX will be moved to jack_convert
+def timestrtoblocks(str):
+ "convert mm:ss:ff to blocks"
+ str = string.split(str, ":")
+ blocks = int(str[2])
+ blocks = blocks + int(str[1]) * CDDA_BLOCKS_PER_SECOND
+ blocks = blocks + int(str[0]) * 60 * CDDA_BLOCKS_PER_SECOND
+ return blocks
+B_MM, B_SS, B_FF = 0, 1, 2
+def blockstomsf(blocks):
+ from jack_globals import CDDA_BLOCKS_PER_SECOND
+ "convert blocks to mm, ss, ff"
+ mm = blocks / 60 / CDDA_BLOCKS_PER_SECOND
+ blocks = blocks - mm * 60 * CDDA_BLOCKS_PER_SECOND
+ ss = blocks / CDDA_BLOCKS_PER_SECOND
+ ff = blocks % CDDA_BLOCKS_PER_SECOND
+ return mm, ss, ff, blocks
+def starts_with(str, with):
+ "checks whether str starts with with"
+ return str[0:len(with)] == with
+## #XXX the following will be used if all references to it have been updated.
+## meanwhile the wrapper below is used.
+def real_cdrdao_gettoc(tocfile): # get toc from cdrdao-style toc-file
+ "returns TOC object, needs name of toc-file to read"
+ toc = jack_TOC.TOC()
+ f = open(tocfile, "r")
+ tocpath, tocfiledummy = os.path.split(tocfile)
+# a virtual track 0 is introduced which gets all of track 1s pregap.
+# it is removed later if it is too small to contain anything interesting.
+ actual_track = jack_TOCentry.TOCentry()
+ actual_track.number = 0
+ actual_track.type = "audio"
+ actual_track.channels = 2
+ = "image"
+ actual_track.start = 0
+ actual_track.length = 0
+ = 1
+ actual_track.bitrate = cf['_bitrate']
+ actual_track.image_name = ""
+ actual_track.rip_name = cf['_name'] % 0
+## tocfile data is read in line by line.
+ num = 0
+ while 1:
+ line = f.readline()
+ if not line:
+ if actual_track.channels not in [1,2,4]:
+ debug("track %02d: unknown number of channels, assuming 2" % num)
+ actual_track.channels = 2
+ toc.append(actual_track)
+ break
+ line = string.strip(line)
+## everytime we encounter "TRACK" we increment num and append the actual
+## track to the toc.
+ if starts_with(line, "TRACK "):
+ num = num + 1
+ new_track = jack_TOCentry.TOCentry()
+ new_track.number = num
+ if actual_track:
+ if actual_track.channels not in [1,2,4]:
+ debug("track %02d: unknown number of channels, assuming 2" % num)
+ actual_track.channels = 2
+ toc.append(actual_track)
+ actual_track = new_track
+ = 1
+ actual_track.bitrate = cf['_bitrate']
+ actual_track.start = toc.end_pos
+ if line == "TRACK AUDIO":
+ actual_track.type = "audio"
+ else:
+ actual_track.type = "other" # we don't care
+ actual_track.channels = 0
+ = 0
+ actual_track.bitrate = 0
+## check the various track flags.
+## FOUR_CHANNEL_AUDIO is not supported.
+## we have to check for this before ripping. later. much later.
+ elif line == "NO COPY":
+ actual_track.copy = 0
+ elif line == "COPY":
+ actual_track.copy = 1
+ elif line == "NO PRE_EMPHASIS":
+ actual_track.preemphasis = 0
+ elif line == "PRE_EMPHASIS":
+ actual_track.preemphasis = 1
+ elif line == "TWO_CHANNEL_AUDIO":
+ actual_track.channels = 2
+ elif line == "FOUR_CHANNEL_AUDIO":
+ actual_track.channels = 4
+## example: FILE "data.wav" 08:54:22 04:45:53
+ elif starts_with(line, "FILE "):
+ filename = line[string.find(line, "\"") + 1:string.rfind(line, "\"")]
+ offsets = string.strip(line[string.rfind(line, "\"") + 1:])
+ start, length = string.split(offsets)[:2]
+## convert time string to blocks(int), update info.
+ actual_track.length = jack_CDTime.CDTime(length).blocks
+ actual_track.image_name = os.path.join(tocpath, filename)
+ actual_track.rip_name = cf['_name'] % num
+## example: START 00:01:53. This means the actual track starts 1:53s _after_
+## the start given by the FILE statement. This so-called pregap needs to be
+## added to the length of the previous track, added to the start of the
+## actual track and subtracted from its length. This is done automagically
+## by setting the pregap attribute.
+ elif starts_with(line, "START "):
+ actual_track.pregap = jack_CDTime.CDTime(string.split(line)[1]).blocks
+ f.close()
+ return toc
+def cdrdao_gettoc(tocfile): # get toc from cdrdao-style toc-file
+ "just a wrapper for real_cdrdao_gettoc."
+ toc = real_cdrdao_gettoc(tocfile)
+ tracks = toc.export()
+ track1_pregap = tracks[0][1]
+ use_filename = toc.image_file
+ # note: toc.image_file is None if different files are specified
+ return tracks[1:], use_filename, track1_pregap
+##XXX this will be moved to jack_convert
+def msftostr(msf):
+ "convert msf format to readable string"
+ return "%02i" % msf[B_MM]+":"+"%02i" % msf[B_SS]+":"+"%02i" % msf[B_FF]
+def cdrdao_puttoc(tocfile, tracks, cd_id): # put toc to cdrdao toc-file
+ "writes toc-file from tracks"
+ f = open(tocfile, "w")
+ f.write("CD_DA\n\n")
+ f.write("// DB-ID=" + cd_id + "\n\n")
+ for i in tracks:
+ f.write("// Track " + `i[NUM]` + "\n") # comments are cool
+ if i[CH] in (2, 4):
+ f.write("TRACK AUDIO\n")
+ if i[CH] == 0:
+ f.write("TRACK MODE1\n")
+ if i[COPY]:
+ f.write("COPY\n")
+ else:
+ f.write("NO COPY\n")
+ if i[PRE]:
+ f.write("PRE_EMPHASIS\n")
+ else:
+ f.write("NO PRE_EMPHASIS\n")
+ if i[CH] == 2:
+ f.write("TWO_CHANNEL_AUDIO\n")
+ elif i[CH] == 4:
+ f.write("FOUR_CHANNEL_AUDIO\n")
+ elif i[CH] == 0:
+ f.write("// not supported by jack!\n")
+ else:
+ error("illegal TOC: channels=%i, aborting." % i[CH])
+ f.write('FILE "' + i[NAME] + '.wav" 0 ')
+ x = i[LEN]
+ if i[NUM] == 1: # add pregap to track, virtually
+ x = x + i[START]
+ x = blockstomsf(x)
+ f.write("%02i" % x[B_MM] + ":" + "%02i" % x[B_SS] + ":" + "%02i" % x[B_FF] + "\n")
+ if i[NUM]==1 and i[START] != 0:
+ f.write("START "+msftostr(blockstomsf(i[START]))+"\n")
+ f.write("\n")
+def tracksize(list, dont_dae = [], blocksize = 1024):
+ "Calculates all kind of sizes for a track or a list of tracks."
+ if list and type(list[0]) == types.IntType:
+ list = ((list, ))
+ peak, at, blocks = 0, 0, 0
+ encoded_size = wavsize = cdrsize = 0
+ for track in list:
+ blocks = blocks + track[LEN]
+ encoded_size = encoded_size + track[LEN] / CDDA_BLOCKS_PER_SECOND * track[RATE] * 1000 / 8
+ # files can be a bit shorter, if someone knows a better way of guessing
+ # filesizes, please let me know.
+ count_thiswav = 1
+ for i in dont_dae:
+ if i[NUM] == track[NUM]:
+ count_thiwav = 0
+ thiscdrsize = track[LEN] * CDDA_BLOCKSIZE * count_thiswav
+ wavsize = wavsize + thiscdrsize + 44
+ cdrsize = cdrsize + thiscdrsize
+ now = encoded_size + thiscdrsize + 44
+ if now>peak:
+ at = track[NUM]
+ peak = now
+ return encoded_size, wavsize, encoded_size + wavsize, peak, at, cdrsize, blocks
+def progress(track, what="error", data="error", data2 = None):
+ "append a line to the progress file"
+ global progress_changed
+ if type(track) in (types.TupleType, types.ListType):
+ if len(track) == 3:
+ track, what, data = track
+ elif len(track) == 4:
+ track, what, data, data2 = track
+ else:
+ error("illegal progress entry:" + `track` + " (" + `type(track)` + ")")
+ if type(track) == types.IntType:
+ first = "%02i" % track
+ elif type(track) == types.StringType:
+ first = track
+ else:
+ error("illegal progress entry:" + `track` + " (" + `type(track)` + ")")
+ progress_changed = 1
+ f = (cf['_progress_file'], "a", "utf-8")
+ f.write(first + cf['_progr_sep'] + what + cf['_progr_sep'] + data)
+ if data2:
+ f.write(cf['_progr_sep'] + data2)
+ f.write("\n")
+ f.close()
+def check_genre_txt(genre):
+ if isinstance(genre, int):
+ if genre in range(0,256):
+ return genre
+ else:
+ return None
+ elif isinstance(genre, str):
+ if string.upper(genre) == "HELP":
+ info("available genres: " + string.join([x for x in eyeD3.genres if x != 'Unknown'], ", "))
+ sys.exit(0)
+ elif string.upper(genre) == "NONE":
+ return 255 # set genre to [unknown]
+ else:
+ try:
+ genre = int(genre)
+ genre = check_genre_txt(genre)
+ if isinstance(genre, int):
+ return genre
+ except:
+ for i in range(len(id3genres)):
+ if genre.upper() == id3genres[i].upper():
+ return i
+ import jack_version
+ error("illegal genre. Try '" + jack_version.prog_name + " --id3-genre help' for a list.")