path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 760 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c6bdc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,760 @@
+### jack_prepare: prepare everything for the main_loop; a module for
+### jack - extract audio from a CD and encode it using 3rd party software
+### Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Arne Zellentin <>
+### This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+### it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+### the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+### (at your option) any later version.
+### This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+### but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+### GNU General Public License for more details.
+### You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+### along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+### Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+import string
+import types
+import pprint
+import os, sys
+import difflib, shutil
+import jack_playorder
+import jack_functions
+import jack_progress
+import jack_version
+import jack_utils
+import jack_ripstuff
+import jack_targets
+import jack_helpers
+import jack_freedb
+import jack_status
+import jack_encstuff
+import jack_misc
+import jack_tag
+from jack_globals import *
+tracknum = None
+datatracks = []
+def find_workdir():
+ "search for a dir containing a toc-file or do the multi-mode"
+ tries = 0
+ toc_just_read = 0
+ debug("multi_mode:" + `cf['_multi_mode']`)
+ while (not os.path.exists(cf['_toc_file'])) or cf['_multi_mode']:
+ tries = tries + 1
+ if tries > 2:
+ break
+ if cf['_guess_mp3s']:
+ jack_ripstuff.all_tracks = jack_functions.guesstoc(cf['_guess_mp3s'])
+ else:
+ if cf['_multi_mode']:
+ debug("multimode all_tracks reset")
+ jack_ripstuff.all_tracks = []
+ else:
+ if cf['_image_toc_file']:
+ jack_ripstuff.all_tracks, dummy, dummy = jack_functions.cdrdao_gettoc(cf['_image_toc_file'])
+ else:
+ jack_ripstuff.all_tracks = jack_functions.gettoc(cf['_toc_prog'])
+ toc_just_read = 1
+ # check that the generic device is usable, too
+ if cf['_gen_device'] and not os.access(cf['_gen_device'], os.R_OK | os.W_OK):
+ warning(r"""could not open generic device %s for reading and writing.""" % cf['_gen_device'])
+ if cf['_scan_dirs']:
+ dirs = [os.getcwd()]
+ else:
+ dirs = cf['_searchdirs']
+ while cf['_scan_dirs'] > 0:
+ cf['_scan_dirs'] = cf['_scan_dirs'] - 1
+ new_dirs = []
+ for i in dirs:
+ if not i in new_dirs:
+ new_dirs.append(i)
+ try:
+ subdir = os.listdir(i)
+ except OSError, msg:
+ print "skipped %s, %s" % (i, msg)
+ continue
+ for j in subdir:
+ dir = os.path.join(i,j)
+ if os.path.isdir(dir) and not dir in new_dirs:
+ new_dirs.append(dir)
+ dirs = new_dirs
+ possible_dirs = [] # dirs matching inserted CD
+ jack_dirs = [] # dirs containing toc_file
+ for i in dirs:
+ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(i, cf['_toc_file'])):
+ jack_dirs.append(i)
+ file_toc, dummy, dummy = jack_functions.cdrdao_gettoc(os.path.join(i, cf['_toc_file']))
+ if jack_freedb.freedb_id(jack_ripstuff.all_tracks) == jack_freedb.freedb_id(file_toc):
+ possible_dirs.append(i)
+ if cf['_multi_mode']:
+ unique_dirs = []
+ for i in range(len(jack_dirs)):
+ found = 0
+ for j in range(i + 1,len(jack_dirs)):
+ if os.path.samefile(jack_dirs[i], jack_dirs[j]):
+ found = 1
+ if not found:
+ unique_dirs.append(jack_dirs[i])
+ for i in unique_dirs:
+ jack_ripstuff.all_tracks, dummy, track1_offset = jack_functions.cdrdao_gettoc(os.path.join(i, cf['_toc_file']))
+ err, jack_tag.track_names, jack_tag.locale_names, cd_id, revision = freedb_names(jack_freedb.freedb_id(jack_ripstuff.all_tracks), jack_ripstuff.all_tracks, os.path.join(i, cf['_freedb_form_file']), verb = 0, warn = 0)
+ if err or cf['_force']:# this means freedb data is not there yet
+ info("matching dir found: %d" % i)
+ pid = os.fork()
+ if pid == CHILD:
+ os.chdir(i)
+ ch_args = sys.argv
+ for killarg in ('--force', '--multi-mode'):
+ if killarg in ch_args:
+ ch_args.remove(killarg)
+ info("running" + `ch_args`)
+ os.execvp(ch_args[0], ch_args)
+ else:
+ respid, res = os.waitpid(pid, 0)
+ sys.exit()
+ unique_dirs = []
+ for i in range(len(possible_dirs)):
+ found = 0
+ for j in range(i + 1,len(possible_dirs)):
+ if os.path.samefile(possible_dirs[i], possible_dirs[j]):
+ found = 1
+ if not found:
+ unique_dirs.append(possible_dirs[i])
+ info("matching dir found: " + possible_dirs[i])
+ if len(unique_dirs) > 1:
+ error("found more than one workdir, change to the correct one.")
+ elif len(unique_dirs) == 1:
+ os.chdir(unique_dirs[0])
+ else:
+ if cf['_create_dirs']:
+ cf['_base_dir'] = expand(cf['_base_dir'])
+ if not os.path.exists(cf['_base_dir']):
+ os.makedirs(cf['_base_dir'])
+ os.chdir(cf['_base_dir'])
+ dir_name = jack_version.prog_name + "-" + jack_freedb.freedb_id(jack_ripstuff.all_tracks, warn=0)
+ if not os.path.exists(dir_name) and not os.path.isdir(dir_name):
+ os.mkdir(dir_name)
+ os.chdir(dir_name)
+ jack_freedb.dir_created = dir_name
+ jack_functions.progress("all", "mkdir", jack_freedb.dir_created)
+ if not cf['_multi_mode']:
+ if not os.path.exists(cf['_toc_file']):
+ jack_functions.cdrdao_puttoc(cf['_toc_file'], jack_ripstuff.all_tracks, jack_freedb.freedb_id(jack_ripstuff.all_tracks))
+ jack_freedb.freedb_template(jack_ripstuff.all_tracks) # generate freedb form if tocfile is created
+ if not os.path.exists(cf['_freedb_form_file']):
+ jack_freedb.freedb_template(jack_ripstuff.all_tracks)
+ else:
+ break
+ return toc_just_read
+def check_toc():
+ "compare CD toc to tocfile"
+ if cf['_check_toc']:
+ cd_toc = jack_functions.gettoc(cf['_toc_prog'])
+ if os.path.exists(cf['_toc_file']):
+ file_toc, dummy, dummy = jack_functions.cdrdao_gettoc(cf['_toc_file'])
+ else:
+ print "no toc-file named " + cf['_toc_file'] + " found, exiting."
+ jack_display.exit()
+ print "This is the inserted CD:"
+ pprint.pprint(cd_toc)
+ print
+ print "And This is what we expect:"
+ pprint.pprint(file_toc)
+ print
+ if cmp(cd_toc, file_toc) == 0:
+ print 'Yes, toc-file ("' + cf['_toc_file'] + '") matches inserted CD.'
+ else:
+ print 'No, toc-file ("' + cf['_toc_file'] + '") *DOES NOT* match inserted CD.'
+def read_toc_file():
+ "read and interpret toc_file"
+ global is_submittable
+ is_submittable = 0
+ if os.path.exists(cf['_toc_file']):
+ if cf['_image_toc_file']:
+ cf['_toc_file'] = cf['_image_toc_file']
+ jack_ripstuff.all_tracks, new_image_file, track1_offset = jack_functions.cdrdao_gettoc(cf['_toc_file'])
+ if not os.path.exists(cf['_def_toc']):
+ jack_functions.cdrdao_puttoc(cf['_def_toc'], jack_ripstuff.all_tracks, jack_freedb.freedb_id(jack_ripstuff.all_tracks))
+ # if image_file is not set (-F), we can guess it from image_toc_file
+ if not cf['_image_file'] and not cf['_rip_from_device']:
+ cf['_image_file'] = new_image_file
+ if cf['_rip_from_device']:
+ cf['_image_file'] = ""
+ is_submittable = 1
+ return is_submittable, track1_offset
+def filter_tracks(toc_just_read):
+ "filter out data tracks"
+ if toc_just_read and jack_helpers.helpers[cf['_ripper']].has_key("toc_cmd") and cf['_ripper'] != cf['_toc_prog']:
+ ripper_tracks = jack_functions.gettoc(cf['_ripper'])
+ if ripper_tracks != jack_ripstuff.all_tracks:
+ for i in range(len(jack_ripstuff.all_tracks)):
+ rtn = jack_utils.has_track(ripper_tracks, jack_ripstuff.all_tracks[i][NUM])
+ if rtn >= 0:
+ for j in range(6):
+ if ripper_tracks[rtn][j] != jack_ripstuff.all_tracks[i][j]:
+ jack_functions.progress(i + 1, "patch", "%s %d -> %d" % (fields[j], jack_ripstuff.all_tracks[i][j], ripper_tracks[rtn][j]))
+ debug("Track %02d %s" % (i + 1, fields[j]) + `jack_ripstuff.all_tracks[i][j]` + " != " + `ripper_tracks[rtn][j]` + " (trusting %s; to the right)" % cf['_ripper'])
+ else:
+ jack_functions.progress(i + 1, "off", "non-audio")
+ datatracks.append(i + 1)
+ info("Track %02d not found by %s. Treated as non-audio." % (i + 1, cf['_ripper']))
+def gen_todo():
+ "parse tracks from argv, generate todo"
+ global tracknum
+ tracknum = {}
+ for i in jack_ripstuff.all_tracks:
+ tracknum[i[NUM]] = i
+ if not cf['_tracks'] and not jack_playorder.order:
+ todo = []
+ for i in jack_ripstuff.all_tracks:
+ if i[CH] == 2:
+ todo.append(i)
+ else:
+ info("can't handle non audio track %i" % i[NUM])
+ else:
+ # example: "1,2,4-8,12-" -> [ 1,2,4,5,6,7,8,12,13,...,n ]
+ tlist = []
+ if cf['_tracks']:
+ tracks = string.split(cf['_tracks'], ",")
+ else:
+ tracks = string.split(jack_playorder.order, ",")
+ for k in tracks:
+ if string.find(k, '-') >= 0:
+ k = string.split(k, '-')
+ lower_limit = jack_misc.safe_int(k[0], "Track '%s' is not a number." % k[0])
+ if k[1]:
+ upper_limit = jack_misc.safe_int(k[1], "Track '%s' is not a number." % k[1])
+ else:
+ upper_limit = len(jack_ripstuff.all_tracks)
+ for j in range(lower_limit, upper_limit + 1):
+ tlist.append(j)
+ else:
+ track = jack_misc.safe_int(k, "Track '%s' is not a number." % k)
+ tlist.append(track)
+ # uniq the track list
+ tlist.sort()
+ k = 0
+ while k < len(tlist) - 1:
+ if tlist[k] == tlist[k+1]:
+ del tlist[k]
+ else:
+ k = k + 1
+ # generate todo
+ todo = []
+ audiotracks = []
+ for i in jack_ripstuff.all_tracks:
+ if i[NUM] in datatracks:
+ continue
+ audiotracks.append(i[NUM])
+ if audiotracks != range(1, audiotracks[-1] + 1):
+ info("strange audio track layout " + `audiotracks`)
+ continuous = 0
+ else:
+ continuous = 1
+ for k in tlist:
+ if continuous:
+ if k < 1 or k > len(audiotracks):
+ warning('This CD has audio tracks 1-%d. Ignoring request for track %d.' % (len(audiotracks), k))
+ continue
+ else:
+ if k < 1 or k > len(jack_ripstuff.all_tracks):
+ warning('This CD has tracks 1-%d. Ignoring request for track %d.' % (len(jack_ripstuff.all_tracks), k))
+ continue
+ if jack_ripstuff.all_tracks[k-1][CH] == 2:
+ todo.append(jack_ripstuff.all_tracks[k-1])
+ else:
+ warning("can't handle non audio track %i" % k[NUM])
+ for i in todo:
+ jack_ripstuff.all_tracks_todo_sorted.append(i)
+ return todo
+def init_status():
+ status = {}
+ for i in jack_ripstuff.all_tracks:
+ num = i[NUM]
+ status[num] = {}
+ status[num]['dae'] = []
+ status[num]['enc'] = []
+ status[num]['ren'] = []
+ status[num]['names'] = [i[NAME],]
+ status[num]['patch'] = []
+ status[num]['off'] = []
+ status['all'] = {}
+ status['all']['mkdir'] = status['all']['names'] = [[],]
+ status['all']['dae'] = []
+ status['all']['enc'] = []
+ status['all']['ren'] = []
+ status['all']['patch'] = []
+ status['all']['off'] = []
+ status['all']['id3_genre'] = ["-1",]
+ status['all']['id3_year'] = ["-1",]
+ return status
+def update_progress(todo):
+ ext = jack_targets.targets[jack_helpers.helpers[cf['_encoder']]['target']]['file_extension']
+ "update progress file at user's request (operation mode)"
+ if cf['_upd_progress']:
+ for i in todo:
+ num = i[NUM]
+ if not status[num]['dae']:
+ if os.path.exists(i[NAME] + ".wav"):
+ status[num]['dae'] = " * [ simulated ]"
+ jack_functions.progress(num, "dae", status[num]['dae'])
+ if not status[num]['enc']:
+ if os.path.exists(i[NAME] + ext):
+ if ext == ".mp3":
+ x = jack_mp3.mp3format(i[NAME] + ext)
+ temp_rate = x['bitrate']
+ elif ext == ".ogg":
+ x = ogg.vorbis.VorbisFile(i[NAME] + ext)
+ temp_rate = int(x.raw_total(0) * 8 / x.time_total(0) / 1000 + 0.5)
+ else:
+ error("don't know how to handle %s files." % ext)
+ status[num]['enc'] = `temp_rate` + cf['_progr_sep'] + "[simulated]"
+ jack_functions.progress(num, "enc", status[num]['enc'])
+def read_progress(status, todo):
+ "now read in the progress file"
+ if os.path.exists(cf['_progress_file']):
+ f = open(cf['_progress_file'], "r")
+ while 1:
+ buf = f.readline()
+ if not buf:
+ break
+ # strip doesn't work here as we may have trailing spaces
+ buf = string.replace(buf, "\n", "")
+ # ignore empty lines
+ if not buf:
+ continue
+ buf = string.split(buf, cf['_progr_sep'], 3)
+ try:
+ num = int(buf[0])
+ except ValueError:
+ num = buf[0]
+ if buf[1] == 'undo': # this needs special treatment as
+ # the correct sequence is important
+ status[num]['ren'].append(('Undo',))
+ elif buf[1] == 'ren':
+ status[num][buf[1]].append(buf[2:])
+ else:
+ status[num][buf[1]] = buf[2:]
+ f.close()
+ # names for 'all' can't be initialized earlier...
+ status['all']['names'] = [status['all']['mkdir'][-1],]
+ # extract names from renaming
+ for i in status.keys():
+ for j in status[i]['ren']:
+ if j == ('Undo',):
+ if len(status[i]['names']) > 1:
+ del status[i]['names'][-1]
+ else:
+ error("more undos than renames, exit.")
+ else:
+ names = string.split(j[0], '-->', 1)
+ if status[i]['names'][-1] == names[0]:
+ status[i]['names'].append(names[1])
+ if type(i) == types.IntType:
+ tracknum[i][NAME] = status[i]['names'][-1]
+ del status[i]['ren']
+ # status info for the whole CD is treated separately
+ jack_progress.status_all = status['all']
+ del status['all']
+ # now clean up a little
+ for i in status.keys():
+ if len(status[i]['dae']) > 1 or len(status[i]['enc']) > 2:
+ error("malformed progress file")
+ sys.exit()
+ if len(status[i]['enc']) == 2:
+ tracknum[i][RATE] = int(float(status[i]['enc'][0]) + 0.5)
+ status[i]['enc'] = status[i]['enc'][1]
+ elif status[i]['enc'] and len(status[i]['enc']) == 1:
+ tracknum[i][RATE] = cf['_bitrate']
+ if status[i]['dae'] and len(status[i]['dae']) == 1:
+ status[i]['dae'] = status[i]['dae'][0]
+ if status[i]['patch']:
+ for j in status[i]['patch']:
+ p_what, p_from, dummy, p_to = string.split(j)
+ p_from = int(p_from)
+ p_to = int(p_to)
+ if tracknum[i][fields.index(p_what)] == p_from:
+ tracknum[i][fields.index(p_what)] = p_to
+ else:
+ error("illegal patch %s. " % j, + "Track %02d: %s is %d" % (i, p_what, todo[jack_utils.has_track(todo, i)][fields.index(p_what)]))
+ if status[i]['off']:
+ if jack_utils.has_track(todo, i) >= 0:
+ del todo[jack_utils.has_track(todo, i)]
+ if jack_utils.has_track(jack_ripstuff.all_tracks_todo_sorted, i) >= 0:
+ del jack_ripstuff.all_tracks_todo_sorted[jack_utils.has_track(jack_ripstuff.all_tracks_todo_sorted, i)]
+ # extract status from read progress data
+ jack_status.extract(status)
+ jack_freedb.dir_created = jack_progress.status_all['names'][-1]
+ jack_progress.status_all['id3_genre'] = int(jack_progress.status_all['id3_genre'][-1])
+ jack_progress.status_all['id3_year'] = int(jack_progress.status_all['id3_year'][-1])
+ if cf['_id3_genre'] == -1:
+ cf['_id3_genre'] = jack_progress.status_all['id3_genre']
+ else:
+ if cf['_id3_genre'] != jack_progress.status_all['id3_genre']:
+ jack_functions.progress("all", "id3_genre", `cf['_id3_genre']`)
+ jack_tag.genretxt = ""
+ if cf['_id3_genre'] >= 0 and cf['_id3_genre'] < len(id3genres):
+ jack_tag.genretxt = id3genres[cf['_id3_genre']]
+ if cf['_id3_year'] == -1:
+ cf['_id3_year'] = jack_progress.status_all['id3_year']
+ else:
+ if cf['_id3_year'] != jack_progress.status_all['id3_year']:
+ jack_functions.progress("all", "id3_year", `cf['_id3_year']`)
+ return status
+def freedb_submit():
+ "submit freedb data on user's request"
+ if not is_submittable:
+ error("can't submit in current state, please fix jack.freedb")
+ err, jack_tag.track_names, jack_tag.locale_names, cd_id, revision = jack_freedb.freedb_names(jack_freedb.freedb_id(jack_ripstuff.all_tracks), jack_ripstuff.all_tracks, cf['_freedb_form_file'], verb = 1)
+ if err:
+ error("invalid freedb file")
+ else:
+ if cf['_freedb_mailsubmit']:
+ jack_freedb.do_freedb_mailsubmit(cf['_freedb_form_file'], cd_id)
+ else:
+ jack_freedb.do_freedb_submit(cf['_freedb_form_file'], cd_id)
+ ### (9) do query on start
+def query_on_start():
+ info("querying...")
+ if jack_freedb.freedb_query(jack_freedb.freedb_id(jack_ripstuff.all_tracks), jack_ripstuff.all_tracks, cf['_freedb_form_file']):
+ if cf['_cont_failed_query']:
+ x = raw_input("\nfreedb search failed, continue? ") + "x"
+ if string.upper(x[0]) != "Y":
+ sys.exit(0)
+ cf['_query_on_start'] = 0
+ else:
+ jack_display.exit()
+ if cf['_edit_freedb']:
+ file = cf['_freedb_form_file']
+ bakfile = file + ".bak"
+ if os.path.exists(file):
+ try:
+ shutil.copyfile(file, bakfile)
+ except IOError:
+ pass
+ jack_utils.ex_edit(cf['_freedb_form_file'])
+ if os.path.exists(bakfile):
+ try:
+ f = open(file, "r")
+ b = open(bakfile, "r")
+ except IOError:
+ print "Could not open jack.freedb or jack.freedb.bak for comparison"
+ else:
+ pdiff = "".join(difflib.unified_diff(b.readlines(), f.readlines(), bakfile, file))
+ f.close()
+ b.close()
+ if pdiff:
+ print
+ print "You made the following changes to the FreeDB file:"
+ print
+ print pdiff
+ x = raw_input("Would you like to submit these changes to the FreeDB server? (y/N) ")
+ if string.upper(x[0]) == "Y":
+ jack_freedb.update_revision(file)
+ freedb_submit()
+ if cf['_query_on_start']:
+ err, jack_tag.track_names, jack_tag.locale_names, freedb_rename, revision = jack_freedb.interpret_db_file(jack_ripstuff.all_tracks, cf['_freedb_form_file'], verb = cf['_query_on_start'], dirs = 1)
+ if err:
+ error("query on start failed to give a good freedb file, aborting.")
+ else:
+ err, jack_tag.track_names, jack_tag.locale_names, freedb_rename, revision = jack_freedb.interpret_db_file(jack_ripstuff.all_tracks, cf['_freedb_form_file'], verb = cf['_query_on_start'], warn = cf['_query_on_start'])
+ return freedb_rename
+def undo_rename(status, todo):
+ ext = jack_targets.targets[jack_helpers.helpers[cf['_encoder']]['target']]['file_extension']
+ "undo renaming (operation mode)"
+ maxnames = max(map(lambda x: len(x['names']), status.values()))
+ if len(jack_progress.status_all['names']) >= maxnames:
+ dir_too = 1
+ else:
+ dir_too = 0
+ maxnames = max(maxnames, len(jack_progress.status_all['names']))
+ if maxnames > 1:
+ # undo dir renaming
+ cwd = os.getcwd()
+ if jack_freedb.dir_created and jack_utils.check_path(jack_freedb.dir_created, cwd) and dir_too:
+ new_name, old_name = jack_progress.status_all['names'][-2:]
+ jack_utils.rename_path(old_name, new_name) # this changes cwd!
+ info("cwd now " + os.getcwd())
+ jack_functions.progress("all", "undo", "dir")
+ else:
+ maxnames = max(map(lambda x: len(x['names']), status.values()))
+ # undo file renaming
+ for i in todo:
+ if maxnames < 2:
+ break
+ act_names = status[i[NUM]]['names']
+ if len(act_names) == maxnames:
+ for j in (ext, '.wav'):
+ new_name, old_name = act_names[-2:]
+ new_name, old_name = new_name + j, old_name + j
+ if not os.path.exists(old_name):
+ if j == ext:
+ print 'NOT renaming "' + old_name + '": it doesn\'t exist.'
+ else:
+ if os.path.exists(new_name):
+ print 'NOT renaming "' + old_name + '" to "' + new_name + '" because dest. exists.'
+ else:
+ jack_functions.progress(i[NUM], "undo", "-")
+ os.rename(old_name, new_name)
+ else:
+ info("nothing to do.")
+def what_todo(space, todo):
+ #### check what is already there
+ wavs_todo = []
+ mp3s_todo = []
+ remove_q = []
+ ext = jack_targets.targets[jack_helpers.helpers[cf['_encoder']]['target']]['file_extension']
+ for track in todo:
+ wavs_todo.append(track)
+ mp3s_todo.append(track)
+ jack_encstuff.mp3s_ready = []
+ for track in todo:
+ mp3 = track[NAME] + ext
+ if os.path.exists(mp3):
+ if cf['_overwrite']:
+ space = space + jack_utils.filesize(mp3)
+ remove_q.append(mp3)
+ jack_status.enc_status[track[NUM]] = "will o/w file."
+ elif not cf['_force'] and not jack_status.enc_status[track[NUM]]:
+ space = space + jack_utils.filesize(mp3)
+ remove_q.append(mp3)
+ jack_status.enc_status[track[NUM]] = "no encoder run."
+ # with vbr encoded files can't legally be too small
+ # but to reduce confusion, the check is then removed:
+ elif not cf['_vbr'] and jack_utils.filesize(mp3) <= jack_functions.tracksize(track)[ENC] * 0.99: # found by trial'n'err
+ space = space + jack_utils.filesize(mp3)
+ remove_q.append(mp3)
+ jack_status.enc_status[track[NUM]] = "encoded file too small by " + jack_functions.pprint_i(jack_functions.tracksize(track)[ENC] - jack_utils.filesize(mp3)) + "."
+ elif not cf['_vbr'] and jack_utils.filesize(mp3) >= jack_functions.tracksize(track)[ENC] * 1.05: # found by trial'n'err
+ space = space + jack_utils.filesize(mp3)
+ remove_q.append(mp3)
+ jack_status.enc_status[track[NUM]] = "enc. file too large by " + jack_functions.pprint_i(jack_utils.filesize(mp3) - jack_functions.tracksize(track)[ENC]) + "."
+ else:
+ mp3s_todo.remove(track)
+ jack_encstuff.mp3s_ready.append(track)
+ else:
+ if jack_status.enc_status[track[NUM]]:
+ jack_status.enc_status[track[NUM]] = "[file lost-doing again]"
+ jack_ripstuff.wavs_ready = []
+ for track in todo:
+ wav = track[NAME] + ".wav"
+ if os.path.exists(wav):
+ if cf['_overwrite']:
+ space = space + jack_utils.filesize(wav)
+ remove_q.append(wav)
+ jack_status.dae_status[track[NUM]] = "Existing WAV will be overwritten."
+ elif jack_utils.filesize(wav) == jack_functions.tracksize(track)[WAV] and jack_status.dae_status[track[NUM]]:
+ wavs_todo.remove(track)
+ jack_ripstuff.wavs_ready.append(track)
+ elif jack_utils.filesize(wav) == jack_functions.tracksize(track)[WAV]:
+ space = space + jack_utils.filesize(wav)
+ remove_q.append(wav)
+ jack_status.dae_status[track[NUM]] = " ---- [Existing WAV not done by jack.]"
+ if jack_status.enc_status[track[NUM]] == "[file lost-doing again]":
+ jack_status.enc_status[track[NUM]] = ""
+ else:
+ space = space + jack_utils.filesize(wav)
+ remove_q.append(wav)
+ jack_status.dae_status[track[NUM]] = " ---- [Existing WAV was not complete.]"
+ if jack_status.enc_status[track[NUM]] == "[file lost-doing again]":
+ jack_status.enc_status[track[NUM]] = ""
+ else:
+ if jack_status.dae_status[track[NUM]]:
+ if jack_status.enc_status[track[NUM]] == "[file lost-doing again]":
+ jack_status.dae_status[track[NUM]] = " ---- [ both lost, doing again ]"
+ jack_status.enc_status[track[NUM]] = ""
+ elif cf['_keep_wavs'] or track not in jack_encstuff.mp3s_ready:
+ jack_status.dae_status[track[NUM]] = " ---- [ WAV lost, doing again ]"
+ if cf['_only_dae']:
+ cf['_keep_wavs'] = 1
+ if not cf['_keep_wavs']:
+ for track in todo:
+ if track in jack_encstuff.mp3s_ready and track in wavs_todo:
+ wavs_todo.remove(track)
+ if cf['_reorder']:
+ mp3s_todo.sort(jack_utils.cmp_toc)
+ dae_queue = [] # This stores the tracks to rip
+ enc_queue = [] # WAVs go here to get some codin'
+ for track in wavs_todo:
+ dae_queue.append(track) # copy track to dae + code in queue
+ if track in mp3s_todo:
+ mp3s_todo.remove(track) # remove mp3s which are not there yet
+ if cf['_only_dae']: # if only_dae nothing is encoded _at_all_.
+ mp3s_todo = []
+ # overwrite cached bitrates with those from argv
+ if cf['bitrate']['history'][-1][0] == "argv":
+ for i in wavs_todo:
+ i[RATE] = cf['_bitrate']
+ for i in mp3s_todo:
+ i[RATE] = cf['_bitrate']
+ return space, remove_q, wavs_todo, mp3s_todo, dae_queue, enc_queue
+def print_todo(todo, wavs_todo, mp3s_todo):
+ "print what needs to be done"
+ for i in jack_ripstuff.all_tracks:
+ print "%02i" % i[NUM],
+ if jack_utils.has_track(todo, i[NUM]) >= 0:
+ print "*",
+ else:
+ print "-",
+ if i in wavs_todo:
+ print ":DAE:",
+ # FIXME!
+ if jack_status.dae_status[i[NUM]] != "[simulated]": print jack_status.dae_status[i[NUM]],
+ if not cf['_only_dae']:
+ print ":ENC:",
+ if jack_status.enc_status[i[NUM]] != "[simulated]": print jack_status.enc_status[i[NUM]],
+ if i in mp3s_todo:
+ print ":ENC:",
+ if jack_status.enc_status[i[NUM]] != "[simulated]": print jack_status.enc_status[i[NUM]],
+ print
+# overwrite cached bitrates from argv
+if cf['bitrate']['history'][-1][0] == "argv":
+ for i in wavs_todo:
+ i[RATE] = cf['_bitrate']
+ for i in mp3s_todo:
+ i[RATE] = cf['_bitrate']
+def check_space(space, wavs_todo, mp3s_todo):
+ # check free space
+ will_work = 1
+ freeable_space = 0
+ if cf['_keep_wavs']:
+ space_needed = jack_functions.tracksize(wavs_todo)[BOTH]
+ elif cf['_otf']:
+ space_needed = jack_functions.tracksize(wavs_todo)[ENC]
+ else:
+ space_needed = jack_functions.tracksize(wavs_todo)[PEAK]
+ if cf['_only_dae']:
+ space_needed = jack_functions.tracksize(wavs_todo)[WAV]
+ else:
+ for i in mp3s_todo:
+ if space + freeable_space>jack_functions.tracksize(i)[ENC]:
+ if not cf['_keep_wavs']:
+ freeable_space = freeable_space + jack_functions.tracksize(i)[WAV] - jack_functions.tracksize(i)[ENC]
+ else:
+ will_work = 0
+ # this is quite dirty
+ space_needed = jack_functions.tracksize(i)[ENC] - space + freeable_space
+ break
+ if (space + freeable_space < space_needed or not will_work) and not cf['_dont_work']:
+ error(("insufficient disk space (%sBytes needed), " + "try reorder or " * (not cf['_reorder']) + "free %sBytes.") % (jack_functions.pprint_i(space_needed - freeable_space, "%i %s"), jack_functions.pprint_i(space_needed - freeable_space - jack_ripstuff.raw_space, "%i %s")))
+def check_cd():
+ if cf['_rip_from_device']:
+ all_tracks_on_cd = jack_functions.gettoc(cf['_toc_prog'])
+ if not cf['_force'] and not jack_utils.cmp_toc_cd(jack_ripstuff.all_tracks_orig, all_tracks_on_cd, what=(NUM, LEN)):
+ error("you did not insert the right cd")
+def remove_files(remove_q):
+ if cf['_silent_mode'] or cf['_dont_work']:
+ print "remove these files before going on:"
+ for i in remove_q:
+ print i
+ print "### . ###"
+ if cf['_silent_mode']:
+ sys.exit(3)
+ else:
+ print "/\\" * 40
+ for i in remove_q:
+ print i
+ x = raw_input("These files will be deleted, continue? ") + "x"
+ if cf['_force']:
+ info("(forced)")
+ else:
+ if string.upper(x[0]) != "Y":
+ sys.exit(0)
+ for i in remove_q:
+ os.remove(i)