path: root/doc/API.xml
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+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!DOCTYPE rfc SYSTEM "rfc2629.dtd">
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+<?rfc private="LibDNS API" ?>
+<rfc ipr="none" category="info" docName="libdns-api-00.txt">
+<title>LibDNS API</title>
+ <author initials="R." surname="Gieben" fullname="Miek Gieben">
+ <organization>NLnet Labs</organization>
+ <address>
+ <postal>
+ <street>Kruislaan 419</street>
+ <city>Amsterdam</city>
+ <code>1098 VA</code>
+ <country>The Netherlands</country>
+ </postal>
+ <email></email>
+ <uri></uri>
+ </address>
+ </author>
+ <author initials="J." surname="Jansen" fullname="Jelte Jansen">
+ <organization>NLnet Labs</organization>
+ <address>
+ <postal>
+ <street>Kruislaan 419</street>
+ <city>Amsterdam</city>
+ <code>1098 VA</code>
+ <country>The Netherlands</country>
+ </postal>
+ <email></email>
+ <uri></uri>
+ </address>
+ </author>
+ <author initials="E." surname="Rozendaal" fullname="Erik Rozendaal">
+ <organization>NLnet Labs</organization>
+ <address>
+ <postal>
+ <street>Kruislaan 419</street>
+ <city>Amsterdam</city>
+ <code>1098 VA</code>
+ <country>The Netherlands</country>
+ </postal>
+ <email></email>
+ <uri></uri>
+ </address>
+ </author>
+<date month="January" year="2005" />
+A small abstract will come here, TBD.
+<section title="Introduction">
+LibDNS (or lDNS) is modelled after the Net::DNS perl library. It has
+been shown that Net::DNS can be used vefficiently for
+programming DNS aware applications. We want to bring the same
+level of efficiency to C programmers.
+The lDNS API consist of two layers. The top-layer, this is
+what is actually exported to the application via the library. And the
+bottom-layer, this is what lDNS needs to compile and function.
+</section> <!-- "Introduction" -->
+<section title="Differences With Other Libraries">
+Short intermezzo detailing differences with other libraries. Most important
+ones are the libc resolver interface (from BIND8) and the lwres_ interface
+from BIND9.
+</section> <!-- "Differences with other libraries" -->
+<section title="Interfaces">
+At its lowest level lDNS is only dependent on libc. It uses a
+few networking systems calls; socket, bind, send/recv and friends.
+Further more it is to be expected that lDNS will depend on OpenSSL for
+its cryptography.
+As said, lDNS is modelled after Net::DNS, therefor its application API
+looks very much like the one used for Net::DNS. Some modification are made
+ofcourse, because not all functionality of Perl can be caught in C.
+This API document was written by carefully looking at the documentation
+contained in the Net::DNS Perl module.
+</section> <!-- "Interfaces" -->
+<section title="RDF Structure">
+The rdf structure, the RData Field, is a type that contains the different
+types in the rdata of an RR. Consider the following example:
+<artwork> IN MX 10
+The "10" is the rdata in this case. It consists of two
+fields, "10" and "". These have the types (in this case)
+The following functions operate on this structure.
+<list style="hanging">
+<t hangText="dns_rdf *ldns_rdf_new(uint16_t s, ldns_rdf_type t, uint8_t *d):">
+Create a new rdf structure. Return a pointer to it.
+<t hangText="uint16_t ldns_rdf_size(ldns_rdf *r):">
+Get the size of a rdf structure.
+<t hangText="void ldns_rdf_set_size(ldns_rdf *r, uint16_t):">
+Set the size of a rdf structure.
+<t hangText="void ldns_rdf_set_type(ldns_rdf *r, ldns_rdf_type t):">
+Set the type of a rdf structure.
+<t hangText="ldns_rdf_type ldns_rdf_get_type(ldns_rdf *r):">
+Get the type of a rdf structure.
+<t hangText="void ldns_rdf_set_data(ldns_rdf *r, uint8_t *n):">
+Set the (binary/network order) data of a rdf structure.
+<t hangText="uint8_t *ldns_rdf_data(ldns_rdf *r):">
+Get a pointer to the data in a rdf structure.
+<t hangText="void ldns_rdf_free(ldns_rdf *r):">
+Free a rdf structure.
+<t hangText="ldns_rdf_new_frm_str(uint8_t *s, ldns_rdf_type t):">
+Create a new rdf structure from a string and a specific rdf_type.
+The type is needed to perform the correct conversion.
+</section> <!-- "RDF Structure" -->
+<section title="RR Structure">
+These functions operate on ldns_rr structures.
+<list style="hanging">
+<t hangText="ldns_rr *ldns_rr_new(void):">
+Returns a pointer to the newly created ldns_rr structure.
+<t hangText="void ldns_rr_print(FILE *s, ldns_rr *r):">
+Prints the record to the stream s.
+<t hangText="ldns_buffer ldns_rr_rdatastr(ldns_rr *r):">
+Returns a pointer to a ldns_buffer containing with string containing
+RR-specific data.
+<t hangText="ldns_rdf *ldns_rr_name(ldns_rr *r):">
+Returns the record's owner name as a ldns_rdf type.
+<t hangText="ldns_rdf_rr_type ldns_rr_get_type(ldns_rr *r):">
+Returns the record's type.
+<t hangText="ldns_rr_class ldns_rr_get_class(ldns_rr *r):">
+Returns the record's class.
+<t hangText="uint32_t ldns_rr_get_ttl(ldns_rr *r):">
+Returns the record's time-to-live (TTL).
+TODO the 'set' functions of the 'get'
+</section> <!-- "RR Structure" -->
+<section title="RR list Structure">
+In the DNS the atomic data type is an RRset. This is a list
+of RRs with the same ownername, type and class. Net::DNS doesn't
+have rrsets as a separate object.
+In lDNS we have the ldns_rr_list, which just holds a bunch of RR's.
+No specific check are made on the RRs that can be put in such a list.
+Special wrapper functions exist which allow the usage of ldns_rr_list
+of real (RFC compliant) RR sets.
+TODO: See rr.c
+</section> <!-- "RR list Structure" -->
+<section title="Resolver Structure">
+<list style="hanging">
+<t hangText="ldns_resolver* ldns_resolver_new(void):">
+Create a new resolver structure and return the pointer to that.
+<t hangText="uint8_t ldns_version(resolver *res):">
+Returns the version of lDNS.
+<t hangText="ldns_pkt *ldns_mx(ldns_resolver *res, ldns_rdf_type *dname):">
+Returns a ldns_pkt representing the MX records
+for the specified dname. Function is documented differently in Net::DNS.
+Do we need stuff like this?? XXX
+<t hangText="ldns_status ldns_resolver_domain(resolver *res, ldns_rdf
+ Set the default domain for this resolver. This domain is added
+ when a query is made with a name without a trailing dot.
+<t hangText="ldns_status ldns_resolver_nameserver_push(resolver *res,
+ldns_rdf *ip):">
+Add a new nameserver to the resolver. These nameservers are queried
+ when a search() or query() is done.
+<t hangText="ldns_status ldns_resolver_searchlist_push(resolver *res,
+ldns_rdf *domain):">
+ Add a domain to the searchlist of a resolver.
+<t hangText=" ldns_pkt * ldns_resolver_search(ldns_resolver *res,
+ ldns_rdf *domain,
+ ldns_rr_type *type,
+ ldns_class *class):">
+ Perform a query. Try all the nameservers in the *res structure. Apply
+ the search list. And default domain.
+If type is NULL it defaults to 'A',
+If class is NULL it default to 'IN'.
+<t hangText="ldns_pkt * ldns_resolver_query(ldns_resolver *res,
+ ldns_rdf *dom,
+ ldns_type *t,
+ ldns_class *cl):">
+Perform a query. Only the default domain is added.
+If type is NULL it defaults to 'A',
+If class is NULL it default to 'IN'.
+<t hangText=" ldns_pkt * ldns_resolver_send(ldns_resolver *res,
+ ldns_rdf *domain,
+ ldns_type *type,
+ ldns_class *class):">
+No search list nor default domain is applied. Return a pointer to a ldns_pkt
+structure with the information from the nameserver.
+If type is NULL it defaults to 'A',
+If class is NULL it default to 'IN'.
+TODO XX Gazillion helper functions to set port, src-port, etc. etc.
+</section> <!-- "Resolver Structure" -->
+<section title="Packet Structure">
+A packet structure (ldns_pkt) has five sections:
+<list style="numbers">
+<t>The header section, a ldns_hdr structure.</t>
+<t>The question section, a ldns_rr_list structure.</t>
+<t>The answer section, a ldns_rr_list structure.</t>
+<t>The authority section, a ldns_rr_list structure.</t>
+<t>The additional section, a ldns_rr_list structure.</t>
+<list style="hanging">
+<t hangText="Header Structure (ldns_hdr):">
+ldns_hdr represents the header section of a DNS packet.
+<t hangText="Question Section (ldns_rr_list):">
+A list of RRs in the Question section of a DNS packet.
+<t hangText="Answer Section (ldns_rr_list):">
+A list of RRs in the Question section of a DNS packet.
+<t hangText="Authority Section (ldns_rr_list):">
+A list of RRs in the Question section of a DNS packet.
+<t hangText="Additional Section (ldns_rr_list):">
+A list of RRs in the Question section of a DNS packet.
+<list style="hanging">
+<t hangText="ldns_pkt * ldns_pkt_new(void):">
+Creates a new empty packet.
+<t hangText="ldns_buffer* ldns_pkt_data(ldns_pkt *pkt):">
+Returns the packet data in binary format, suitable for sending to a
+nameserver. [XXX, suitable for sending to a NS?]
+<t hangText="ldns_hdr *ldns_header(ldn_pkt *pkt):">
+Returns a ldns_hdr structure representing the header section of
+the packet.
+<t hangText="ldns_rr_list *ldns_question(ldns_pkt *pkt):">
+ Returns a pointer to a ldns_rr_list representing the question section
+of the packet.
+<t hangText="ldns_rr_list *ldns_answer(ldns_pkt *pkt):">
+ Returns a pointer to a ldns_rr_list representing the answer section of
+the packet.
+<t hangText=" ldns_rr_list *ldns_authority(ldns_pkt *pkt):">
+Returns a pointer to a ldns_rr_list representing the authority section
+of the packet.
+<t hangText=" ldns_rr_list *ldns_additional(ldns_pkt *pkt):">
+Returns a pointer to a ldns_rr_list of representing the additional
+section of the packet.
+<t hangText=" void ldsn_pkt_print(ldns_pkt *pkt):">
+Prints the packet data on the standard output in an ASCII format similar
+to that used in DNS zone files. See RFC1035.
+<t hangText="ldns_buffer *ldns_pkt_string(ldns_pkt *pkt):">
+Returns a ldns_buffer containing the string representation of the packet.
+<t hangText="ldns_rdf* ldns_pkt_answerfrom(ldns_pkt *pkt):">
+Returns the IP address from which we received this packet. User-created
+packets will return NULL.
+<t hangText="uint16_t ldns_pkt_answersize(ldns_pkt *pkt):">
+Returns the size of the packet in bytes as it was received from a
+nameserver. User-created packets will return 0. [XXX
+<t hangText="ldns_status ldns_push(ldns_pkt *pkt, ldns_pkt_section section,
+ldns_rr *rr):">
+Adds *rr to the specified section of the packet. Return LDNS_STATUS_OK
+on success, LDNS_STATUS_ERR otherwise.
+<t hangText="ldns_status ldns_unique_push(ldns_pkt *pkt, ldns_pkt_section
+section, ldns_rr *rr):">
+Adds *rr to the specified section of the packet provided that the RR
+does not already exist in the packet. Return LDNS_STATUS_OK
+on success, LDNS_STATUS_ERR otherwise.
+<t hangText="ldns_rr *ldns_pop(ldns_pkt, ldns_pkt_section):">
+Removes a RR from the specified section of the packet. Returns NULL if
+no RR's could be popped.
+<t hangText="ldns_rr_list *ldns_pkt_rrset(ldns_pkt *pkt,...):">
+Retrieve all RRs in a packet matching certain criteria. XXX function needs
+to be specified better.
+<t hangText="void *ldns_pkt_print(FILE *s, ldns_pkt *p):">
+Print packet p to stream s.
+</section> <!-- "Packet Structure" -->
+<section title="Specific RR Structures">
+Some resource records can have special access function no other RR has.
+Those are detailed here. XXX TODO don't exist (yet?).
+</section> <!-- "Specific RR Structures" -->
+<section title="Exported Defines and Macros">
+insert your long list here.
+</section> <!-- "Exported defines and macros" -->
+<section title="Examples">
+A small example, which queries a nameserver on localhost
+to diplay the MX records for
+ * An example ldns program
+ * In semi-C code
+ *
+ * Setup a resolver
+ * Query a nameserver
+ * Print the result
+ */
+#include &lt;ldns.h&gt;
+ ldns_resolver *res;
+ ldns_rdf *default_dom;
+ ldns_rdf *nameserver;
+ ldns_rdf *qname;
+ ldns_pkt *pkt;
+ /* init */
+ res = ldns_resolver_new();
+ if (!res)
+ return 1;
+ /* create a default domain and add it */
+ default_dom = ldns_rdf_new_frm_str("", LDNS_RDF_TYPE_DNAME);
+ nameserver = ldns_rdf_new_frm_str("", LDNS_RDF_TYPE_A);
+ if (ldns_resolver_domain(res, default_dom) != LDNS_STATUS_OK)
+ return 1;
+ if (ldns_resolver_nameserver_push(res, nameserver) != LDNS_STATUS_OK)
+ return 1;
+ /* setup the question */
+ qname = ldns_rdf_new_frm_str("www", LDNS_RDF_TYPE_DNAME);
+ /* fire it off. "" will be added */
+ pkt = ldns_resolver_query(res, qname, LDNS_RR_TYPE_MX, NULL);
+ /* print the resulting pkt to stdout */
+ ldns_pkt_print(stdout, pkt);
+ return 0;
+</section> <!-- title="Short Example" -->