path: root/sphinxdoc/areanodes.rst
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1 files changed, 831 insertions, 0 deletions
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+Area Nodes
+.. automodule:: libavg.avg
+ :no-members:
+ .. inheritance-diagram:: AVGNode AreaNode CameraNode CanvasNode DivNode ImageNode Node RasterNode SoundNode VideoNode WordsNode
+ :parts: 1
+ .. autoclass:: AreaNode([x, y, pos, width, height, size, angle, pivot])
+ Base class for elements in the avg tree that define an area on the screen.
+ Responsible for coordinate transformations and event handling. See
+ for an explanation of coordinate systems and reference points.
+ .. py:method:: getMediaSize() -> avg.Point2D
+ Returns the size in pixels of the media in the node. Image nodes
+ return the bitmap size, Camera nodes
+ the size of a camera frame and Words nodes the amount of space
+ the text takes. Video nodes return the video size if decoding has
+ started or (0,0) if not. Decoding starts after :py:func:`play` or
+ :py:func:`pause`
+ is called and the node can be rendered.
+ .. py:attribute:: x
+ This is the horizontal position of the node's reference point
+ relative to its parent node.
+ .. py:attribute:: y
+ This is the vertical position of the node's reference point
+ relative to its parent node.
+ .. py:attribute:: pos
+ This is the position of the node's reference point
+ relative to its parent node.
+ .. py:attribute:: width
+ .. py:attribute:: height
+ .. py:attribute:: angle
+ The angle that the node is rotated to in radians. 0 is
+ unchanged, 3.14 is upside-down.
+ .. py:attribute:: size
+ The size that the node takes on the canvas. Node types usually have sensible
+ defaults for the size. For media nodes, this is generally the size of the
+ media (so :samp:`size == getMediaSize()`). For DivNodes, the default size is
+ infinite.
+ .. py:attribute:: pivot
+ The position of the point that the node is rotated around.
+ Default is the center of the node.
+ .. autoclass:: AVGNode()
+ Root node of an onscreen avg tree. Defines the properties of the display
+ and handles key press events. The AVGNode's width and height define the
+ coordinate system for the display and are the default for the window
+ size used (i.e. by default, the coordinate system is pixel-based).
+ .. autoclass:: CameraControl
+ Camera controls are camera configuration parameters like brightness and white
+ balance. A CameraControl object contains information about the supported maximum
+ and minimum values as well as defaults for a specific control.
+ .. py:attribute:: controlName
+ String which tells which control is meant. Read-only.
+ .. py:attribute:: default
+ .. py:attribute:: max
+ .. py:attribute:: min
+ .. autoclass:: CameraImageFormat
+ CameraImageFormat objects contain information about a supported
+ image format of a camera.
+ .. py:attribute:: framerates
+ List of supported frame rates in images per second for that image format as
+ floats. Read-only.
+ .. py:attribute:: pixelFormat
+ String which tells about the pixel format (see :py:class:`Bitmap`). Read-only.
+ .. py:attribute:: size
+ A point which represents the resolution in width and height. Read-only.
+ .. autoclass:: CameraInfo
+ CameraInfo objects contain data about camera capabilities. The data can be used
+ to create create objects of class :py:class:`CameraNode`. The unique value to
+ identify the camera is stored in :py:attr:`device`, whereas :py:attr:`driver`
+ tells which driver is used to call the camera itself. Information about supported
+ camera :py:attr:`controls` or :py:attr:`imageFormats` are stored
+ in two separate lists.
+ .. py:attribute:: controls
+ List of :py:class:`CameraControl` objects with all possible controls for
+ that camera. Read-only.
+ .. py:attribute:: device
+ String which contains the unique id of the camera. Read-only.
+ .. py:attribute:: driver
+ String which contains the name of the driver. Read-only.
+ .. py:attribute:: imageFormats
+ List of :py:class:`CameraImageFormat` objects with all possible image
+ formats for that camera. Read-only.
+ .. autoclass:: CameraNode([driver='firewire', device="", unit=-1, fw800=False, framerate=15, capturewidth=640, captureheight=480, pixelformat="RGB", brightness, exposure, sharpness, saturation, camgamma, shutter, gain, strobeduration])
+ A node that displays the image of a camera. The attributes correspond to the
+ camera properties in .avgtrackerrc and are explained under
+ An easy way to find the
+ appropriate parameters for your camera is to use :command:``.
+ CameraNodes open the camera device on construction and set the chosen camera
+ parameters immediately.
+ .. py:attribute:: brightness
+ .. py:attribute:: camgamma
+ .. py:attribute:: device
+ Read-only.
+ .. py:attribute:: driver
+ Read-only.
+ .. py:attribute:: framenum
+ The number of frames the camera has read since playback started. Read-only.
+ .. py:attribute:: framerate
+ Read-only.
+ .. py:attribute:: gain
+ .. py:attribute:: saturation
+ .. py:attribute:: sharpness
+ .. py:attribute:: shutter
+ .. py:attribute:: strobeduration
+ .. py:method:: doOneShotWhitebalance()
+ .. py:method:: getBitmap() -> Bitmap
+ Returns a copy of the last camera frame.
+ .. py:method:: getWhitebalanceU() -> int
+ .. py:method:: getWhitebalanceV() -> int
+ .. py:method:: isAvailable() -> bool
+ Returns :py:const:`True` if there is a working device that can deliver images
+ attached to the CameraNode.
+ .. py:method:: play()
+ Starts reading images from the camera device and displays them. Note that the
+ camera device is opened on construction of the CameraNode.
+ .. py:method:: setWhitebalance(u, v)
+ .. py:method:: stop()
+ Stops camera playback.
+ .. py:classmethod:: getCamerasInfos()
+ Returns a list of :py:class:`CameraInfo` objects, one for for each connected
+ camera.
+ .. py:classmethod:: resetFirewireBus()
+ Frees all allocated bandwidth and devices on the firewire bus. Helpful
+ if a program using a firewire device has crashed leaving resources
+ allocated. Note that all firewire devices (including for instance
+ external hard drives) are affected.
+ .. autoclass:: CanvasNode
+ Root node of a scene graph.
+ .. autoclass:: DivNode([crop=False, elementoutlinecolor, mediadir])
+ A div node is a node that groups other nodes logically and visually.
+ Its position is used as point of origin for the coordinates
+ of its child nodes. Its extents can be used to clip the children if crop is set
+ to :py:const:`True`. Its opacity is used as base opacity for the child nodes'
+ opacities. The children of a div node are drawn in the order they are found
+ in the avg file, so the first one is below all others in z-order.
+ .. py:attribute:: crop
+ Boolean that turns clipping on or off.
+ .. py:attribute:: elementoutlinecolor
+ Allows debugging of div node nesting by rendering the outlines of
+ this div and all its div children in the specified color (given in html hex
+ format). Turn off by setting the color to the empty string.
+ .. py:attribute:: mediadir
+ .. deprecated:: 1.7
+ Seldom used, error-prone and slow.
+ The directory that the media files for the children of this node are
+ in. Relative mediadirs are taken to mean subdirectories of the parent node's
+ mediadir.
+ .. py:method:: getNumChildren() -> int
+ Returns the number of immediate children that this div contains.
+ .. py:method:: getChild(i) -> Node
+ Returns the child at index :py:attr:`i`.
+ .. py:method:: appendChild(node)
+ Adds a new child to the container behind the last existing child.
+ .. py:method:: insertChildBefore(newNode, oldChild)
+ Adds a new child to the container before the existing node
+ :py:attr:`oldChild`. In z-order, the new child ist behind the old one.
+ .. py:method:: insertChildAfter(newNode, oldChild)
+ Adds a new child to the container after the existing node
+ :py:attr:`oldChild`. In z-order, the new child ist in front of the old one.
+ .. py:method:: insertChild(node, i)
+ Adds a new child to the container at index :py:attr:`i`.
+ .. py:method:: removeChild(node)
+ Removes the child given by :py:attr:`node` from the div. Note that as long as
+ other references to the node exist, the node is not deleted.
+ .. py:method:: removeChild(i)
+ Removes the child at index :py:attr:`i` from the div. Note that as long a`
+ other references to the node exist, the node is not deleted.
+ .. py:method:: reorderChild(oldIndex, newIndex)
+ Moves the child at :py:attr:`oldIndex` so it is at :py:attr:`newIndex`. This
+ function can be used to change the order in which the children are drawn.
+ .. py:method:: reorderChild(node, newPos)
+ Moves the child :py:attr:`node` so it is at index :py:attr:`newPos`. This
+ function can be used to change the order in which the children are drawn.
+ .. py:method:: indexOf(node)
+ Returns the index of the node given. Throws an exception if :py:attr:`node`
+ isn't a child of the :py:class:`DivNode`.
+ .. py:method:: getEffectiveMediaDir() -> string
+ Returns the node's effective mediadir by traversing the node
+ hierarchy up to the root node.
+ .. autoclass:: ImageNode([href, compression])
+ A static raster image on the screen. The content of an ImageNode can be loaded
+ from a file. It can also come from a :py:class:`Bitmap` object or from an
+ :py:class:`OffscreenCanvas`. Alpha channels of the image files are used as
+ transparency information.
+ .. py:attribute:: compression
+ The texture compression used for this image. Currently, :py:const:`none`
+ and :py:const:`B5G6R5` are supported. :py:const:`B5G6R5` causes the bitmap
+ to be compressed to 16 bit per pixel on load and is only valid if the source
+ is a filename. Read-only.
+ .. py:attribute:: href
+ In the standard case, this is the source filename of the image. To use a
+ bitmap as source, call setBitmap(). To use an offscreen canvas as source,
+ use the :samp:`canvas:` protocol: :samp:`href="canvas:{id}"`.
+ .. py:method:: getBitmap() -> Bitmap
+ Returns a copy of the bitmap that the node contains.
+ .. py:method:: setBitmap(bitmap)
+ Sets a bitmap to use as content for the ImageNode. Sets href to an empty
+ string.
+ .. autoclass:: RasterNode([maxtilewidth, maxtileheight, blendmode, mipmap, maskhref, maskpos, masksize, gamma, contrast, intensity])
+ Base class for all nodes that have a direct 2D raster representation.
+ This includes Image, Word, Camera, and Video nodes. The base class implements
+ color controls (:py:attr:`contrast`, :py:attr:`intensity`, :py:attr:`gamma`),
+ alpha masks (:py:attr:`maskhref`, :py:attr:`maskpos`, :py:attr:`masksize`),
+ several blend modes that define how compositing is done and mipmapping support.
+ Any Raster Node can have a GPU-based effect added to it by using
+ :py:meth:`setEffect`.
+ In addition, RasterNodes can be warped. By default, a RasterNode is rectangular.
+ However, it can be subdivided into a grid of reference points using
+ :py:attr:`maxtilewidth` and :py:attr:`maxtileheight`. The position of each of
+ these points can be changed with :py:meth:`getOrigVertexCoords`,
+ :py:meth:`getWarpedVertexCoords` and :py:meth:`setWarpedVertexCoords`,
+ yielding arbitrary shapes.
+ .. py:attribute:: blendmode
+ .. deprecated:: 1.7
+ The min and max blend modes will be removed.
+ The method of compositing the node with the nodes under
+ it. Valid values are :py:const:`blend`, :py:const:`add`, :py:const:`min`
+ and :py:const:`max`. For :py:const:`min` and :py:const:`max`
+ blend modes, opacity is ignored.
+ .. py:attribute:: contrast
+ A control for the color contrast of the node. contrast is a triple
+ that contains separate float values for red, green, and blue. A contrast
+ value of 1.0 in all channels leaves the image unchanged.
+ .. py:attribute:: gamma
+ Allows node-specific gamma correction. gamma is a triple that
+ contains separate float values for red, green, and blue. A gamma value of
+ 1.0 in all channels leaves the image unchanged. Higher gamma values
+ increase, lower values decrease the brightness. In all cases, black and
+ white pixels are not affected by gamma. See also
+ .. py:attribute:: intensity
+ A control for the brightness of the node. intensity is a triple
+ that contains separate float values for red, green, and blue. An intensity
+ value of 1.0 in all channels leaves the image unchanged. This value
+ corresponds to the photoshop brightness value.
+ .. py:attribute:: maskhref
+ The source filename for a mask image to be used as alpha channel.
+ Where this file is white, the node is shown. Where it is black, the
+ node is transparent. If the node is an image with an alpha channel,
+ the alpha channel is replaced by the mask.
+ .. py:attribute:: maskpos
+ An offset for the mask image. For images and videos, the offset is
+ given in image or video pixels, respectively. For words nodes, the
+ offset is given in screen pixels. If portions of the node extend
+ outside the mask, the border pixels of the mask are taken. Note that the
+ maskpos is an offset from the top left of the node, even for
+ :py:class:`WordsNode` objects that have :py:attr:`alignment`
+ :py:const:`Center` or :py:const:`Right`.
+ .. py:attribute:: masksize
+ The size of the mask image. For images and videos, the size is
+ given in image or video pixels, respectively. For words nodes, the
+ size is given in screen pixels. If portions of the node extend
+ outside the mask, the border pixels of the mask are taken.
+ .. py:attribute:: maxtileheight
+ The maximum height of the tiles used for warping. The effective tile size is
+ also dependent on hardware and driver limits. Read-only.
+ .. py:attribute:: maxtilewidth
+ The maximum width of the tiles used for warping. The effective tile size is
+ also dependent on hardware and driver limits. Read-only.
+ .. py:attribute:: mipmap
+ Determines whether mipmaps ( are
+ generated for this node. Setting this to :py:const:`True` improves the quality
+ of minified nodes. Depending on the graphics card in use, turning on mipmaps
+ may cause an extreme performance hit for every image change or have no
+ performance cost at all. Read-only.
+ .. py:method:: getOrigVertexCoords() -> list
+ Returns the unwarped coordinate of all vertices as a list of lists.
+ .. py:method:: getWarpedVertexCoords() -> list
+ Returnes the current coordinate of all vertices as a list of lists.
+ .. py:method:: setEffect(FXNode)
+ Attaches an :py:class:`FXNode` to the node that modifies how it looks.
+ .. py:method:: setWarpedVertexCoords(grid)
+ Changes the current coordinates of all vertices. :py:attr:`grid` is a list of
+ lists of coordinate tuples. :py:meth:`setWarpedVertexCoords` can only be called if
+ the node is in a renderable state. This means that :py:meth:`` must have
+ been called and the node must be inserted in a Canvas. There must also be something to
+ render (for instance, :py:meth:`play()` must be called before
+ :py:meth:`setWarpedVertexCoords` in the case of a :py:class:`CameraNode`). The grid
+ submitted is lost if the node loses renderable status.
+ .. autoclass:: SoundNode([href, loop=False, volume=1.0])
+ A sound played from a file.
+ **Messages:**
+ To get this message, call :py:meth:`Publisher.subscribe`.
+ .. py:method:: Node.END_OF_FILE()
+ Emitted when the end of the audio stream has been reached.
+ .. py:attribute:: duration
+ The duration of the sound file in milliseconds. Some file formats don't store
+ valid durations; in this case, 0 is returned. Read-only.
+ .. py:attribute:: href
+ The source filename of the sound.
+ .. py:attribute:: loop
+ Whether to start the sound again when it has ended. Read-only.
+ .. py:attribute:: volume
+ Audio playback volume for this sound. 0 is silence, 1 passes media
+ file volume through unchanged. Values higher than 1 can be used to
+ amplify sound if the sound file doesn't use the complete dynamic
+ range.
+ .. py:method:: getAudioCodec() -> string
+ Returns the codec used as a string such as :samp:`"mp2"`.
+ .. py:method:: getAudioSampleRate() -> int
+ Returns the sample rate in samples per second (for example, 44100).
+ .. py:method:: getCurTime() -> time
+ Returns milliseconds of playback time since audio start.
+ .. py:method:: getNumAudioChannels() -> int
+ Returns the number of channels. 2 for stereo, etc.
+ .. py:method:: pause()
+ Stops audio playback but doesn't close the object. The playback
+ cursor stays at the same position.
+ .. py:method:: play()
+ Starts audio playback.
+ .. py:method:: seekToTime(time)
+ Moves the playback cursor to the time given in milliseconds.
+ .. py:method:: setEOFCallback(pyfunc)
+ .. deprecated:: 1.8
+ Use the message interface instead.
+ Sets a python callable to be invoked when the audio reaches end of file.
+ .. py:method:: stop()
+ Stops audio playback. Closes the object and 'rewinds' the playback cursor.
+ .. autoclass:: VideoNode([href, loop=False, threaded=True, fps, queuelength=8, volume=1.0, accelerated=True, enablesound=True])
+ Video nodes display a video file. Video formats and codecs supported
+ are all formats that ffmpeg/libavcodec supports. Usage is described thoroughly
+ in the libavg wiki:
+ **Messages:**
+ To get this message, call :py:meth:`Publisher.subscribe`.
+ .. py:method:: Node.END_OF_FILE()
+ Emitted when the end of the video stream has been reached.
+ .. py:attribute:: accelerated
+ On construction, set to :py:const:`True` if hardware acceleration should be
+ used to decode this video. Later queries of the attribute return
+ :py:const:`True` if acceleration is actually being used. Read-only.
+ .. py:attribute:: enablesound
+ On construction, set to :py:const:`True` if any audio present in the video
+ file should be played back as well. A value of :py:const:`False` ignores
+ audio and just plays a silent video.
+ .. py:attribute:: fps
+ The nominal frames per second the object should display at. Read-only.
+ .. py:attribute:: href
+ The source filename of the video.
+ .. py:attribute:: loop
+ Whether to start the video again when it has ended. Read-only.
+ .. py:attribute:: queuelength
+ The length of the decoder queue in video frames. This is the number of
+ frames that can be decoded before the first one is displayed. A higher
+ number increases memory consumption but also resilience against
+ data source latency (i.e. hiccups during disk reads). Can only be set at node
+ construction. Can't be set if :samp:`threaded=False`, since there is no queue
+ in that case.
+ .. py:attribute:: threaded
+ Whether to use separate threads to decode the video. The default is
+ :py:const:`True`. Setting this attribute to :py:const:`False` makes seeking
+ much quicker. On the other hand, it also disables audio and prevents libavg
+ from distributing the CPU load over several cores of a multi-core computer.
+ .. py:attribute:: volume
+ Audio playback volume for this video. 0 is silence, 1 passes media
+ file volume through unchanged. Values higher than 1 can be used to
+ amplify sound if the sound file doesn't use the complete dynamic
+ range. If there is no audio track, volume is ignored.
+ .. py:method:: getAudioCodec() -> string
+ Returns the audio codec used as a string such as :samp:`mp2`.
+ .. py:method:: getAudioSampleRate() -> int
+ Returns the sample rate in samples per second (for example, 44100).
+ .. py:method:: getBitrate() -> int
+ Returns the number of bits in the file per second.
+ .. py:method:: getContainerFormat() -> string
+ Returns the video file format. This is a string such as :samp:`avi` or
+ :samp:`mpeg`.
+ .. py:method:: getCurFrame() -> int
+ Returns the index of the video frame currently playing.
+ .. py:method:: getCurTime()
+ Returns milliseconds of playback time since video start.
+ .. py:method:: getDuration() -> int
+ Returns the duration of the video in milliseconds. Some file formats don't
+ store valid durations; in this case, 0 is returned. Read-only.
+ .. py:method:: getNumFrames() -> int
+ Returns the number of frames in the video.
+ .. py:method:: getNumAudioChannels() -> int
+ Returns the number of audio channels. 2 for stereo, etc.
+ .. py:method:: getNumFramesQueued() -> int
+ Returns the number of frames already decoded and waiting for playback.
+ .. py:method:: getStreamPixelFormat() -> string
+ Returns the pixel format of the video file as a string. Possible
+ pixel formats are described in
+ .. py:method:: getVideoCodec() -> string
+ Returns the video codec used as a string such as :samp:`mpeg4`.
+ .. py:method:: hasAlpha() -> bool
+ Returns :py:const:`True` if the video contains an alpha (transparency)
+ channel. Throws an exception if the video has not been opened yet.
+ .. py:method:: hasAudio() -> bool
+ Returns :py:const:`True` if the video contains an audio stream. Throws an
+ exception if the video has not been opened yet.
+ .. py:method:: pause()
+ Stops video playback but doesn't close the object. The playback
+ cursor stays at the same position and the decoder queues remain full.
+ .. py:method:: play()
+ Starts video playback.
+ .. py:method:: seekToFrame(num)
+ Moves the playback cursor to the frame given.
+ .. py:method:: seekToTime(millisecs)
+ Moves the playback cursor to the time given.
+ .. py:method:: setEOFCallback(pyfunc)
+ .. deprecated:: 1.8
+ Use the message interface instead.
+ Sets a python callable to be invoked when the video reaches end of file.
+ .. py:method:: stop()
+ Stops video playback. Closes the file, 'rewinds' the playback
+ cursor and clears the decoder queues.
+ .. py:classmethod:: getVideoAccelConfig() -> enum
+ Returns either :py:const:`NO_ACCELERATION` if the current configuration does
+ not support hardware-accelerated video decoding or :py:const:`VDPAU` if VDPAU
+ can be used to decode videos.
+ .. autoclass:: WordsNode([fontstyle=None, font="sans", variant="", text="", color="FFFFFF", fontsize=15, indent=0, linespacing=-1, alignment="left", wrapmode="word", justify=False, rawtextmode=False, letterspacing=0, aagamma=1, hint=True])
+ A words node displays formatted text. All
+ properties are set in pixels. International and multi-byte character
+ sets are fully supported. Words nodes use UTF-8 to encode international
+ characters (use python unicode strings for this).
+ The pos attribute of a words node is the
+ logical top left of the first character for left-aligned text. For
+ centered and right-aligned text, it is the top center and right of the
+ first line, respectively. For latin text, the logical top usually
+ corresponds to the height of the ascender. There may be cases where
+ portions of the text are rendered to the left of or above the logical position,
+ for instance when italics are used.
+ Words nodes are rendered using pango internally.
+ .. py:attribute:: alignment
+ The paragraph alignment. Possible values are :py:const:`left`,
+ :py:const:`center` and :py:const:`right`.
+ .. py:attribute:: aagamma
+ Defines a gamma-correction value for the alpha (transparency) of the text
+ rendered. Using this attibute, it is possible to fine-tune the text
+ antialiasing and make sure rendering is smooth.
+ .. py:attribute:: color
+ The color of the text in standard html color notation: FF0000 is red,
+ 00FF00 green, etc.
+ .. py:attribute:: font
+ The family name of the truetype font to use. Font files can either be
+ installed in the system, be in a :file:`fonts/` subdirectory of the current
+ directory, or be in a directory specified using :py:meth:`addFontDir`. To
+ figure out which fonts and variants are available, use the
+ :command:`` utility.
+ .. py:attribute:: fontsize
+ The font size in pixels. Fractional sizes are supported.
+ .. py:attribute:: fontstyle
+ A :py:class:`FontStyle` object that encapsulates all font attributes of the node. As a
+ constructor parameter, this attribute sets the default attributes and other
+ constructor arguments can override these. If set during :py:class:`WordsNode` use,
+ all relevant attributes are set to the new values.
+ .. py:attribute:: hint
+ Whether or not hinting (
+ should be used when rendering the text. Unfortunately, this setting
+ does not override the fontconfig settings in
+ :file:`/etc/fonts/conf.d/*-hinting.conf` or other fontconfig configuration
+ files.
+ .. py:attribute:: indent
+ The indentation of the first line of the text.
+ .. py:attribute:: justify
+ Whether each complete line should be stretched to fill
+ the entire width of the layout. Default is false.
+ .. py:attribute:: letterspacing
+ The amount of space between the idividual glyphs of the text in
+ pixels, with 0 being standard spacing and negative values indicating
+ packed text (less letter spacing than normal). Only active when text
+ attribute markup is not being used.
+ .. py:attribute:: linespacing
+ The number of pixels between different lines of a paragraph. Setting this to
+ :samp:`-1` results in default line spacing.
+ .. py:attribute:: rawtextmode
+ Sets whether the text should be parsed to apply markup (:py:const:`False`,
+ default) or interpreted as raw string (:py:const:`True`).
+ .. py:attribute:: text
+ The string to display. If the node is created using xml, this is either the
+ text attribute of the words node or the content of the words
+ node itself. In the second case, the string can be formatted
+ using the pango text attribute markup language described at
+ Markup can also be used if the text is set using the python attribute.
+ Markup parsing can be turned on or off with :py:attr:`rawtextmode` attribute.
+ .. py:attribute:: variant
+ The variant (:samp:`bold`, :samp:`italic`, etc.) of the font to use.
+ .. py:attribute:: wrapmode
+ Controls at which points text can wrap to the next line. Possible values are
+ :py:const:`word` (split lines at the nearest whitespace, default),
+ :py:const:`char` (split at any position, ignoring word breaks) and
+ :py:const:`wordchar` (split at word boundaries but fall back
+ to char mode if there is no free space for a full word).
+ .. py:method:: getCharIndexFromPos(pos) -> int
+ Returns the index of the character at the coordinates :py:attr:`pos`, or
+ :py:const:`None` if there is no character at that position. :py:attr:`pos`
+ is relative to the node position.
+ Formatting markup such as <b> or <i> is treated as zero chars,
+ <br/> is treated as one char. To get the text matched to this
+ use :py:meth:`getTextAsDisplayed`.
+ .. py:method:: getGlyphPos(i) -> Point2D
+ Returns the position of the glyph at character index :py:attr:`i` in the
+ layout. The position is in pixels relative to the words
+ node. Formatting markup such as <b> or <i> is treated as zero chars,
+ <br/> is treated as one char.
+ .. py:method:: getGlyphSize(i) -> Point2D
+ Returns the size in pixels of the glyph at character index :py:attr:`i` in
+ the layout. Formatting markup such
+ as <b> or <i> is treated as zero chars, <br/> is treated as one char.
+ .. py:method:: getLineExtents(line) -> Point2D
+ Returns the width and height of the specified line in pixels.
+ .. py:method:: getNumLines() -> int
+ Returns the number of lines in the layout.
+ .. py:method:: getTextAsDisplayed
+ Returns the text without text attribute markup language. <br/>
+ is replaced by \\n.
+ .. py:classmethod:: addFontDir
+ Adds a directory to be searched for fonts.
+ May only be called before :py:meth:``.
+ .. py:classmethod:: getFontFamilies() -> list
+ Returns a list of strings containing all font names available.
+ .. py:classmethod:: getFontVariants(fontname) -> list
+ Returns a list of available variants (:samp:`Regular`, :samp:`Bold`, etc.)
+ of a font.