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+Widget Classes
+The libavg.widget module contains high-level user interface elements such as buttons and
+list boxes. Widgets are fully skinnable (using the :py:class:`Skin` class and an xml
+configuration file) and multitouch-enabled. Sample code for all widgets can be found in the
+:samp:`` sample.
+.. note::
+ The widget module is experimental. Functionality and interface are still in flux and
+ subject to change.
+.. automodule:: libavg.widget
+ :no-members:
+ .. inheritance-diagram:: SwitchNode Button TextButton BmpButton ToggleButton CheckBox BmpToggleButton Keyboard Slider ScrollBar ProgressBar ScrollArea ScrollPane TimeSlider MediaControl
+ :parts: 1
+ .. inheritance-diagram:: HStretchNode VStretchNode HVStretchNode Skin
+ :parts: 1
+ .. autoclass:: BmpButton(upSrc, downSrc, [disabledSrc=None])
+ A :py:class:`Button` that is created from image files. Internally, it creates two or
+ three :py:class:`ImageNode` s and uses them as constructor parameters for
+ :py:class:`Button`.
+ .. autoclass:: BmpToggleButton(uncheckedUpSrc, uncheckedDownSrc, checkedUpSrc, checkedDownSrc, [uncheckedDisabledSrc=None, checkedDisabledSrc=None])
+ A :py:class:`ToggleButton` that is created from image files. Internally, it creates
+ image nodes for the src parameters and uses them as constructor parameters for
+ :py:class:`ToggleButton`.
+ .. autoclass:: Button(upNode, downNode, [disabledNode=None, activeAreaNode=None, fatFingerEnlarge=False, enabled=True])
+ A button that shows different user-supplied nodes depending on its
+ state. Possible button states are up, down and disabled. The nodes are attached
+ as children to the Button on construction. For a simple button, image nodes can
+ be passed. Uses the :py:class:`TapRecognizer` to detect clicks.
+ .. image:: ButtonStates.png
+ :param avg.Node upNode: The node displayed when the button is not pressed.
+ :param avg.Node downNode: The node displayed when the button is pressed.
+ :param avg.Node disabledNode: The node displayed when the button is disabled.
+ :param avg.Node activeAreaNode:
+ A node that is used only to determine if a click is over the button. Usually,
+ this node is invisible. :py:attr:`activeAreaNode` is useful for small touch
+ buttons, where the active area should be larger than the visible button to
+ account for touch inaccuracies.
+ :param bool fatFingerEnlarge:
+ If this parameter is set to :py:const:`True`, the button generates its own
+ internal :py:attr:`activeAreaNode` that is at least 20x20mm large.
+ :py:attr:`fatFingerEnlarge` is incompatible with a custom
+ :py:attr:`activeAreaNode`.
+ **Messages:**
+ To get these messages, call :py:meth:`Publisher.subscribe`.
+ .. py:method:: Button.PRESSED()
+ Called when a tap on the button is initiated.
+ .. py:method:: Button.RELEASED()
+ Called when a tap on the button ends. Emitted for both successful and
+ aborted taps.
+ .. py:method:: Button.CLICKED()
+ Called when the button is clicked.
+ .. py:attribute:: enabled
+ :py:const:`True` if the button accepts input. If the button is disabled,
+ it shows the :py:attr:`disabledNode`.
+ .. autoclass:: CheckBox([text="", skinObj=skin.Skin.default])
+ This is a classic checkbox with text to the right.
+ .. autoclass:: HStretchNode(endsExtent, [src=None, minExtent=-1])
+ A node that stretches its graphics to fill the size given horizontally. It is used
+ as base component for scrollbars and buttons. The base
+ bitmap is split into three parts: left, center and right. The left and right parts
+ are :py:attr:`endsExtent` wide and generated from the corresponding parts of the
+ source bitmap. The center part is generated from a one pixel wide slice of the
+ source bitmap and stretched to fill the space left between the left and right
+ parts.
+ :param int endsExtent:
+ Width of the left and right bitmaps in pixels.
+ :param src:
+ Either the name of a bitmap file or a :py:class:`Bitmap` object. Used to
+ generate the graphics used.
+ :param int minExtent:
+ Minimum horizontal size. The default of -1 uses :py:const:`2*endsExtent+1` as
+ minimum.
+ .. autoclass:: HVStretchNode(endsExtent, [src=None, minExtent=-(1,-1)])
+ A node that stretches its graphics to fill the size given horizontally and
+ vertically. It is used as base component for scrollareas. Similar to
+ :py:class:`HStretchNode`, the base bitmap is split and partial bitmaps are
+ extracted. Four corner bitmaps of size :py:attr:`endsExtent` stay the same size,
+ four one-pixel-slice bitmaps fill the sides, and a single one-pixel bitmap is used
+ to fill the center area.
+ :param IntPoint endsExtent:
+ Size of the corner bitmaps in pixels.
+ :param src:
+ Either the name of a bitmap file or a :py:class:`Bitmap` object. Used to
+ generate the graphics used.
+ :param IntPoint minExtent:
+ Minimum size. The default of :py:const:`(-1,-1]` uses :py:const:`2*endsExtent+1` as
+ minimum.
+ .. autoclass:: Keyboard(bgSrc, downSrc, keyDefs, shiftKeyCode, [altGrKeyCode=None, stickyShift=False, feedbackSrc=None])
+ Implements an onscreen keyboard that turns mouse clicks or touches into key
+ presses. The keyboard is completely configurable. Keyboard graphics are determined
+ by the two image files in :py:attr:`bgSrc` and :py:attr:`downSrc`. Keys can be
+ defined as rectangles anywhere on these images. Works for both single-touch and
+ multitouch devices. Generates events when keys are pressed or released.
+ An additional enlarged image of the key being pressed can be rendered above a
+ pending touch as well by using :py:attr:`feedbackSrc`.
+ Needs offscreen rendering support on the machine to generate individual key images
+ from the image files supplied.
+ :param string bgSrc:
+ Filename of an image that contains the keyboard with unpressed keys.
+ :param string downSrc:
+ Filename of an image that contains the keyboard with pressed keys.
+ :param list keyDefs:
+ List of key definitions. Keys can be either character keys:
+ [(<keycode>, <shift keycode>, <altgr keycode>), <feedback>, <repeat>,
+ <pos>, <size>]
+ or command keys:
+ [<keycode>, <feedback>, <repeat>, <pos>, <size>]
+ For character keys, the shift and altgr keycodes are optional. To define
+ entire rows of evenly-spaced keys, use :py:meth:`makeRowKeyDefs`.
+ :param shiftKeyCode:
+ One of the command keycodes. When a key with this code is pressed,
+ pressing other keys causes them to return the shifted keycode.
+ :param altGrKeyCode:
+ One of the command keycodes. When a key with this code is pressed,
+ pressing other keys causes them to return the altgr keycode.
+ :param bool stickyShift:
+ For single-touch devices, the shift key must stay in the pressed state
+ until the next normal key is pressed to have any effect. This is the
+ behaviour if :py:attr:`stickyShift` is :py:const:`True`. If it is
+ :py:const:`False` (the default), a
+ multitouch device is assumed and shift works like on a physical keyboard.
+ :param string feedbackSrc:
+ Filename of an image that contains an enlarged version of bgSrc for use as
+ feedback during key pressed. If this parameter not set the feedback funktion
+ is turned off.
+ **Messages:**
+ :py:class:`Keyboard` emits messages on every key press and release:
+ To get these messages, call :py:meth:`Publisher.subscribe`.
+ .. py:method:: DOWN(keycode)
+ Emitted whenever a key (command or char) is pressed.
+ .. py:method:: UP(keycode)
+ Emitted whenever a key (command or char) is released.
+ .. py:method:: CHAR(char)
+ Emitted whenever a character is generated. This is generally when a char key
+ is released and takes into account shift/altgr status.
+ .. py:method:: reset()
+ Resets any sticky keys (shift, altgr) to their default state.
+ .. py:classmethod:: makeRowKeyDefs(startPos, keySize, spacing, feedbackStr, keyStr, shiftKeyStr, [altGrKeyStr])
+ Creates key definitions for a row of uniform keys. Useful for creating the
+ keyDefs parameter of the Keyboard constructor. All the keys get no repeat
+ functionality.
+ :param avg.Point2D startPos: Top left position of the row.
+ :param avg.Point2D keySize: Size of each key.
+ :param int spacing: Number of empty pixels between two keys.
+ :param string keyStr:
+ Unicode string containing the unshifted keycodes (i.e.
+ :samp:`u"qwertzuiopżś"`)
+ :param string shiftKeyStr:
+ Unicode string containing the shifted keycodes
+ (i.e. :samp:`u"QWERTZUIOPńć"`)
+ :param string altGrKeyStr:
+ Unicode string containing the keycodes when altgr is pressed.
+ .. autoclass:: MediaControl([duration=1000, time=0, skinObj=skin.Skin.default])
+ A composite control that incorporates a :py:class:`Slider`, a play/pause
+ button and text widgets that display the time. By itself, the
+ :py:class:`MediaControl` is independent of a media node. The controlling
+ application is responsible for keeping track of media node and
+ :py:class:`MediaControl` state and syncing the two.
+ **Messages:**
+ .. py:method:: PLAY_CLICKED()
+ Emitted when the play/pause toggle is switched to play.
+ .. py:method:: PAUSE_CLICKED()
+ Emitted when the play/pause toggle is switched to pause.
+ .. py:method:: SEEK_PRESSED()
+ Emitted when the user starts dragging the seek thumb.
+ .. py:method:: SEEK_MOTION(curTime)
+ Emitted when the user moves the seek thumb.
+ .. py:method:: SEEK_RELEASED()
+ Emitted when the user releases the seek thumb.
+ .. py:attribute:: duration
+ Duration of the medium in milliseconds.
+ .. py:attribute:: time
+ Current media time in milliseconds.
+ .. py:method:: play()
+ Switches to play mode by toggling the button.
+ .. py:method:: pause()
+ Switches to pause mode by toggling the button.
+ .. autoclass:: Orientation()
+ .. py:data:: HORIZONTAL
+ .. py:data:: VERTICAL
+ .. autoclass:: ProgressBar(orientation, [skinObj=skin.Skin.default, height=0, width=0, range=(0.,1.), value=0.0])
+ A horizontal bar-shaped UI element that indicates the progression of an operation.
+ .. py:attribute:: range
+ Tuple giving minimum and maximum value.
+ .. py:attribute:: value
+ Current progression. The application is responsible for updating the value. In
+ general, :py:attr:`value` will start at :py:attr:`range[0]` and end with
+ :py:attr:`range[1]`.
+ .. autoclass:: ScrollArea(contentNode, size[, skinObj=skin.Skin.default, enabled=True, scrollBars=(Orientation.HORIZONTAL, Orientation.VERTICAL)])
+ A rectangular area that allows a user to choose a view into arbitrary content. The
+ content can be larger than the :py:class:`ScrollArea`, in which case scroll bars can
+ be used to allow the user to choose which part to view. Dragging the content to
+ determine the viewport is also supported. A :py:class:`ScrollArea` uses
+ :py:class:`ScrollPane` and :py:class:`ScrollBar` objects internally.
+ **Messages:**
+ To get these messages, call :py:meth:`Publisher.subscribe`.
+ .. py:method:: PRESSED()
+ Emitted when a content drag is initiated.
+ .. py:method:: RELEASED()
+ Emitted when a content drag is finished.
+ .. py:method:: CONTENT_POS_CHANGED(pos)
+ Emitted when the viewport changes for any reason.
+ .. py:attribute:: contentsize
+ The size of the :py:attr:`contentNode`.
+ .. py:attribute:: contentpos
+ The position of the content within the area.
+ .. autoclass:: ScrollBar([orientation=Orientation.HORIZONTAL, skinObj=skin.Skin.default, enabled=True, height=0, width=0, range=(0.,1.), thumbPos=0.0, thumbExtent=0.1])
+ A vertical or horizontal scroll bar.
+ **Messages:**
+ To get these messages, call :py:meth:`Publisher.subscribe`.
+ .. py:method:: PRESSED()
+ Emitted when a drag is initiated.
+ .. py:method:: RELEASED()
+ Emitted when a drag is finished.
+ .. py:method:: THUMB_POS_CHANGED(pos)
+ Emitted when the thumb is dragged.
+ .. py:attribute:: range
+ Minimum and maximum values for the thumb.
+ .. py:attribute:: thumbPos
+ .. py:attribute:: thumbExtent
+ .. autoclass:: ScrollPane(contentNode)
+ A rectangular view into arbitrary content. No user interaction is implemented.
+ .. py:attribute:: contentpos
+ .. py:attribute:: contentsize
+ .. autoclass:: Skin(skinXmlFName[, mediaDir=""])
+ A :py:class:`Skin` determines the appearance of any user interface elements that
+ use it. Skin configuration is determined by an xml file. This xml file determines
+ the bitmaps to use and the sizes of various components. It also determines the
+ fonts used by the elements. Skinnable user interface elements include
+ :py:class:`TextButton`, :py:class:`Slider`, :py:class:`ScrollBar`,
+ :py:class:`ProgressBar`, :py:class:`ScrollArea`, :py:class:`CheckBox` and
+ :py:class:`MediaControl`. In addition, the fonts defined can be accessed by the
+ application.
+ The default skin xml file is located at :samp:`src/python/data/SimpleSkin.xml`. It
+ provides a good basis from which to create your own skin.
+ :param string skinXmlFName:
+ The name of the xml configuration file.
+ :param string mediaDir:
+ The location of the image files to use.
+ .. py:attribute:: fonts:
+ A dictionary of :py:class:`FontStyle` objects created from the xml
+ configuration file.
+ .. autoclass:: Slider([orientation=Orientation.HORIZONTAL, skinObj=skin.Skin.default])
+ Sliders are horizontal or vertical bar with a draggable thumb that can be used
+ to set a value. In contrast to a scroll bar, the slider's thumb has no range.
+ **Messages:**
+ To get these messages, call :py:meth:`Publisher.subscribe`.
+ .. py:method:: PRESSED()
+ Emitted when a drag is initiated.
+ .. py:method:: RELEASED()
+ Emitted when a drag is finished.
+ .. py:method:: THUMB_POS_CHANGED(pos)
+ Emitted when the thumb is dragged.
+ .. py:attribute:: range
+ Minimum and maximum values for the thumb.
+ .. py:attribute:: thumbPos
+ .. autoclass:: SwitchNode([nodeMap=None, visibleid=None])
+ A :py:class:`DivNode` that keeps a map of child nodes and shows only one of
+ the map members at any time.
+ :param map nodeMap:
+ A map :py:const:`id->node` that contains the nodes to switch between.
+ .. py:method:: setNodeMap(nodeMap)
+ Can be used to set the :py:attr:`nodeMap` after construction if no node map
+ was set before.
+ .. py:attribute:: visibleid
+ The id of the visible child node.
+ .. autoclass:: TextButton(text, [skinObj=skin.Skin.default])
+ A :py:class:`Button` that is created using the given :py:class:`Skin` and a text.
+ .. py:attribute:: text
+ The string displayed on the button.
+ .. autoclass:: TimeSlider()
+ Works like a :py:class:`ProgressBar` with an additional slider thumb.
+ .. autoclass:: ToggleButton(uncheckedUpNode, uncheckedDownNode, checkedUpNode, checkedDownNode, [uncheckedDisabledNode=None, checkedDisabledNode=None, activeAreaNode=None, fatFingerEnlarge=False, enabled=True, checked=False])
+ A button that can be used to toggle between checked and unchecked states.
+ Classical GUI checkboxes are an example of this kind of button.
+ A :py:class:`ToggleButton` has a total of six visual states. In addition to the
+ distinction between checked and unchecked, a button can be enabled or disabled.
+ Buttons also change their appearance as soon as they are touched, leading to two
+ further states. For each visual state, a node is passed as constructor parameter.
+ The constructor attaches the nodes to the :py:class:`ToggleButton`.
+ Uses the :py:class:`TapRecognizer` to detect clicks.
+ .. image:: ToggleButtonStates.png
+ :param avg.Node uncheckedUpNode:
+ The node displayed when the button is unchecked and not touched.
+ :param avg.Node uncheckedDownNode:
+ The node displayed when the button is unchecked and touched.
+ :param avg.Node checkedUpNode:
+ The node displayed when the button is checked and not touched.
+ :param avg.Node checkedDownNode:
+ The node displayed when the button is checked and not touched.
+ :param avg.Node uncheckedDisabledNode:
+ The node displayed when the button is unchecked and disabled.
+ :param avg.Node checkedDisabledNode:
+ The node displayed when the button is checked and disabled.
+ :param avg.Node activeAreaNode:
+ A node that is used only to determine if a click is over the button. Usually,
+ this node is invisible. :py:attr:`activeAreaNode` is useful for small touch
+ buttons, where the active area should be larger than the visible button to
+ account for touch inaccuracies.
+ :param bool fatFingerEnlarge:
+ If this parameter is set to :py:const:`True`, the button generates its own
+ internal :py:attr:`activeAreaNode` that is at least 20x20mm large.
+ :py:attr:`fatFingerEnlarge` is incompatible with a custom
+ :py:attr:`activeAreaNode`.
+ :param bool checked:
+ If this parameter is set to :py:const:`True`, the button starts in the checked
+ state.
+ :param bool enabled:
+ If this parameter is set to :py:const:`True`, the button starts in the
+ disabled state.
+ **Messages:**
+ To get these messages, call :py:meth:`Publisher.subscribe`.
+ .. py:method:: Button.PRESSED()
+ Called when a tap on the button is initiated.
+ .. py:method:: Button.RELEASED()
+ Called when a tap on the button ends. Emitted for both successful and
+ aborted taps.
+ .. py:method:: Button.TOGGLED()
+ Called when the button changes from unchecked to checked or vice-versa.
+ .. py:attribute:: checked
+ The state of the toggle.
+ .. py:attribute:: enabled
+ Determines whether the button accepts input.
+ .. autoclass:: VStretchNode(endsExtent, [src=None, minExtent=-1])
+ A node that stretches its graphics to fill the size given vertically. It is used
+ as base component for scrollbars. The base
+ bitmap is split into three parts: top, center and bottom. The top and bottom parts
+ are :py:attr:`endsExtent` wide and generated from the corresponding parts of the
+ source bitmap. The center part is generated from a one pixel high slice of the
+ source bitmap and stretched to fill the space left between the top and bottom
+ parts.
+ :param int endsExtent:
+ Width of the top and bottom bitmaps in pixels.
+ :param src:
+ Either the name of a bitmap file or a :py:class:`Bitmap` object. Used to
+ generate the graphics used.
+ :param int minExtent:
+ Minimum vertical size. The default of :py:const:`-1` uses
+ :py:const:`2*endsExtent+1` as minimum.