path: root/src/glm/core/type_mat4x3.hpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/glm/core/type_mat4x3.hpp')
1 files changed, 240 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/glm/core/type_mat4x3.hpp b/src/glm/core/type_mat4x3.hpp
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+// OpenGL Mathematics Copyright (c) 2005 - 2011 G-Truc Creation (
+// Created : 2006-08-04
+// Updated : 2010-02-11
+// Licence : This source is under MIT License
+// File : glm/core/type_mat4x3.hpp
+#ifndef glm_core_type_mat4x3
+#define glm_core_type_mat4x3
+#include "type_mat.hpp"
+namespace glm{
+namespace detail
+ template <typename T> struct tvec1;
+ template <typename T> struct tvec2;
+ template <typename T> struct tvec3;
+ template <typename T> struct tvec4;
+ template <typename T> struct tmat2x2;
+ template <typename T> struct tmat2x3;
+ template <typename T> struct tmat2x4;
+ template <typename T> struct tmat3x2;
+ template <typename T> struct tmat3x3;
+ template <typename T> struct tmat3x4;
+ template <typename T> struct tmat4x2;
+ template <typename T> struct tmat4x3;
+ template <typename T> struct tmat4x4;
+ //! \brief Template for 4 columns and 3 rows matrix of floating-point numbers.
+ //! \ingroup core_template
+ template <typename T>
+ struct tmat4x3
+ {
+ enum ctor{null};
+ typedef T value_type;
+ typedef std::size_t size_type;
+ typedef tvec3<T> col_type;
+ typedef tvec4<T> row_type;
+ static GLM_FUNC_DECL size_type col_size();
+ static GLM_FUNC_DECL size_type row_size();
+ typedef tmat4x3<T> type;
+ typedef tmat3x4<T> transpose_type;
+ private:
+ // Data
+ col_type value[4];
+ public:
+ // Constructors
+ GLM_FUNC_DECL tmat4x3();
+ GLM_FUNC_DECL tmat4x3(tmat4x3 const & m);
+ GLM_FUNC_DECL explicit tmat4x3(
+ ctor Null);
+ GLM_FUNC_DECL explicit tmat4x3(
+ value_type const & x);
+ GLM_FUNC_DECL explicit tmat4x3(
+ value_type const & x0, value_type const & y0, value_type const & z0,
+ value_type const & x1, value_type const & y1, value_type const & z1,
+ value_type const & x2, value_type const & y2, value_type const & z2,
+ value_type const & x3, value_type const & y3, value_type const & z3);
+ GLM_FUNC_DECL explicit tmat4x3(
+ col_type const & v0,
+ col_type const & v1,
+ col_type const & v2,
+ col_type const & v3);
+ //////////////////////////////////////
+ // Conversions
+ template <typename U>
+ GLM_FUNC_DECL explicit tmat4x3(
+ U const & x);
+ template <
+ typename X1, typename Y1, typename Z1,
+ typename X2, typename Y2, typename Z2,
+ typename X3, typename Y3, typename Z3,
+ typename X4, typename Y4, typename Z4>
+ GLM_FUNC_DECL explicit tmat4x3(
+ X1 const & x1, Y1 const & y1, Z1 const & z1,
+ X2 const & x2, Y2 const & y2, Z2 const & z2,
+ X3 const & x3, Y3 const & y3, Z3 const & z3,
+ X4 const & x4, Y4 const & y4, Z4 const & z4);
+ template <typename V1, typename V2, typename V3, typename V4>
+ GLM_FUNC_DECL explicit tmat4x3(
+ tvec3<V1> const & v1,
+ tvec3<V2> const & v2,
+ tvec3<V3> const & v3,
+ tvec3<V4> const & v4);
+ // Matrix conversions
+ template <typename U>
+ GLM_FUNC_DECL explicit tmat4x3(tmat4x3<U> const & m);
+ GLM_FUNC_DECL explicit tmat4x3(tmat2x2<T> const & x);
+ GLM_FUNC_DECL explicit tmat4x3(tmat3x3<T> const & x);
+ GLM_FUNC_DECL explicit tmat4x3(tmat4x4<T> const & x);
+ GLM_FUNC_DECL explicit tmat4x3(tmat2x3<T> const & x);
+ GLM_FUNC_DECL explicit tmat4x3(tmat3x2<T> const & x);
+ GLM_FUNC_DECL explicit tmat4x3(tmat2x4<T> const & x);
+ GLM_FUNC_DECL explicit tmat4x3(tmat4x2<T> const & x);
+ GLM_FUNC_DECL explicit tmat4x3(tmat3x4<T> const & x);
+ // Accesses
+ col_type & operator[](size_type i);
+ col_type const & operator[](size_type i) const;
+ // Unary updatable operators
+ GLM_FUNC_DECL tmat4x3<T> & operator= (tmat4x3<T> const & m);
+ template <typename U>
+ GLM_FUNC_DECL tmat4x3<T> & operator= (tmat4x3<U> const & m);
+ template <typename U>
+ GLM_FUNC_DECL tmat4x3<T> & operator+= (U const & s);
+ template <typename U>
+ GLM_FUNC_DECL tmat4x3<T> & operator+= (tmat4x3<U> const & m);
+ template <typename U>
+ GLM_FUNC_DECL tmat4x3<T> & operator-= (U const & s);
+ template <typename U>
+ GLM_FUNC_DECL tmat4x3<T> & operator-= (tmat4x3<U> const & m);
+ template <typename U>
+ GLM_FUNC_DECL tmat4x3<T> & operator*= (U const & s);
+ template <typename U>
+ GLM_FUNC_DECL tmat4x3<T> & operator*= (tmat4x3<U> const & m);
+ template <typename U>
+ GLM_FUNC_DECL tmat4x3<T> & operator/= (U const & s);
+ GLM_FUNC_DECL tmat4x3<T> & operator++ ();
+ GLM_FUNC_DECL tmat4x3<T> & operator-- ();
+ };
+ // Binary operators
+ template <typename T>
+ tmat4x3<T> operator+ (
+ tmat4x3<T> const & m,
+ typename tmat4x3<T>::value_type const & s);
+ template <typename T>
+ tmat4x3<T> operator+ (
+ tmat4x3<T> const & m1,
+ tmat4x3<T> const & m2);
+ template <typename T>
+ tmat4x3<T> operator- (
+ tmat4x3<T> const & m,
+ typename tmat4x3<T>::value_type const & s);
+ template <typename T>
+ tmat4x3<T> operator- (
+ tmat4x3<T> const & m1,
+ tmat4x3<T> const & m2);
+ template <typename T>
+ tmat4x3<T> operator* (
+ tmat4x3<T> const & m,
+ typename tmat4x3<T>::value_type const & s);
+ template <typename T>
+ tmat4x3<T> operator* (
+ typename tmat4x3<T>::value_type const & s,
+ tmat4x3<T> const & m);
+ template <typename T>
+ typename tmat4x3<T>::col_type operator* (
+ tmat4x3<T> const & m,
+ typename tmat4x3<T>::row_type const & v);
+ template <typename T>
+ typename tmat4x3<T>::row_type operator* (
+ typename tmat4x3<T>::col_type const & v,
+ tmat4x3<T> const & m);
+ template <typename T>
+ tmat3x3<T> operator* (
+ tmat4x3<T> const & m1,
+ tmat3x4<T> const & m2);
+ template <typename T>
+ tmat4x3<T> operator/ (
+ tmat4x3<T> const & m,
+ typename tmat4x3<T>::value_type const & s);
+ template <typename T>
+ tmat4x3<T> operator/ (
+ typename tmat4x3<T>::value_type const & s,
+ tmat4x3<T> const & m);
+ // Unary constant operators
+ template <typename T>
+ tmat4x3<T> const operator- (
+ tmat4x3<T> const & m);
+ template <typename T>
+ tmat4x3<T> const operator-- (
+ tmat4x3<T> const & m,
+ int);
+ template <typename T>
+ tmat4x3<T> const operator++ (
+ tmat4x3<T> const & m,
+ int);
+}//namespace detail
+namespace core{
+namespace type{
+namespace precision
+ //! 4 columns of 3 components matrix of low precision floating-point numbers.
+ //! There is no guarantee on the actual precision.
+ //! (From GLSL 1.30.8 specification, section 4.1.6 Matrices and section 4.5 Precision and Precision Qualifiers)
+ //! \ingroup core_precision
+ typedef detail::tmat4x3<lowp_float> lowp_mat4x3;
+ //! 4 columns of 3 components matrix of medium precision floating-point numbers.
+ //! There is no guarantee on the actual precision.
+ //! (From GLSL 1.30.8 specification, section 4.1.6 Matrices and section 4.5 Precision and Precision Qualifiers)
+ //! \ingroup core_precision
+ typedef detail::tmat4x3<mediump_float> mediump_mat4x3;
+ //! 4 columns of 3 components matrix of high precision floating-point numbers.
+ //! There is no guarantee on the actual precision.
+ //! (From GLSL 1.30.8 specification, section 4.1.6 Matrices and section 4.5 Precision and Precision Qualifiers)
+ //! \ingroup core_precision
+ typedef detail::tmat4x3<highp_float> highp_mat4x3;
+}//namespace precision
+}//namespace type
+}//namespace core
+}//namespace glm
+#include "type_mat4x3.inl"