path: root/src/player/DivNode.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/player/DivNode.cpp')
1 files changed, 392 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/player/DivNode.cpp b/src/player/DivNode.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7397c10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/player/DivNode.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
+// libavg - Media Playback Engine.
+// Copyright (C) 2003-2014 Ulrich von Zadow
+// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// Lesser General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+// Current versions can be found at
+#include "DivNode.h"
+#include "Player.h"
+#include "TypeDefinition.h"
+#include "Canvas.h"
+#include "../base/Exception.h"
+#include "../base/Logger.h"
+#include "../base/StringHelper.h"
+#include "../base/FileHelper.h"
+#include "../base/MathHelper.h"
+#include "../base/ObjectCounter.h"
+#include <iostream>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <limits>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace boost;
+namespace avg {
+void DivNode::registerType()
+ string sChildArray[] = {"image", "div", "canvas", "words", "video", "camera",
+ "panoimage", "sound", "line", "rect", "curve", "polyline", "polygon",
+ "circle", "mesh"};
+ vector<string> sChildren = vectorFromCArray(
+ sizeof(sChildArray) / sizeof(*sChildArray), sChildArray);
+ TypeDefinition def = TypeDefinition("div", "areanode",
+ ExportedObject::buildObject<DivNode>)
+ .addChildren(sChildren)
+ .addArg(Arg<bool>("crop", false, false, offsetof(DivNode, m_bCrop)))
+ .addArg(Arg<UTF8String>("mediadir", "", false, offsetof(DivNode, m_sMediaDir)));
+ TypeRegistry::get()->registerType(def);
+DivNode::DivNode(const ArgList& args)
+ args.setMembers(this);
+ ObjectCounter::get()->incRef(&typeid(*this));
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < getNumChildren(); ++i) {
+ getChild(i)->removeParent();
+ }
+ ObjectCounter::get()->decRef(&typeid(*this));
+void DivNode::connectDisplay()
+ AreaNode::connectDisplay();
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < getNumChildren(); ++i) {
+ getChild(i)->connectDisplay();
+ }
+void DivNode::connect(CanvasPtr pCanvas)
+ AreaNode::connect(pCanvas);
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < getNumChildren(); ++i) {
+ getChild(i)->connect(pCanvas);
+ }
+void DivNode::disconnect(bool bKill)
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < getNumChildren(); ++i) {
+ getChild(i)->disconnect(bKill);
+ }
+ AreaNode::disconnect(bKill);
+glm::vec2 DivNode::getPivot() const
+ glm::vec2 pivot = AreaNode::getPivot();
+ return pivot;
+unsigned DivNode::getNumChildren()
+ return m_Children.size();
+const NodePtr& DivNode::getChild(unsigned i)
+ if (i >= m_Children.size()) {
+ stringstream s;
+ s << "Index " << i << " is out of range in Node::getChild()";
+ throw(Exception(AVG_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE, s.str()));
+ }
+ return m_Children[i];
+void DivNode::appendChild(NodePtr pNewNode)
+ insertChild(pNewNode, unsigned(m_Children.size()));
+void DivNode::insertChildBefore(NodePtr pNewNode, NodePtr pOldChild)
+ if (!pOldChild) {
+ throw Exception(AVG_ERR_NO_NODE,
+ getID()+"::insertChildBefore called without a node.");
+ }
+ unsigned i = indexOf(pOldChild);
+ insertChild(pNewNode, i);
+void DivNode::insertChildAfter(NodePtr pNewNode, NodePtr pOldChild)
+ if (!pOldChild) {
+ throw Exception(AVG_ERR_NO_NODE,
+ getID()+"::insertChildBefore called without a node.");
+ }
+ unsigned i = indexOf(pOldChild);
+ insertChild(pNewNode, i+1);
+void DivNode::insertChild(NodePtr pChild, unsigned i)
+ if (!pChild) {
+ throw Exception(AVG_ERR_NO_NODE,
+ getID()+"::insertChild called without a node.");
+ }
+ if (pChild->getState() == NS_CONNECTED || pChild->getState() == NS_CANRENDER) {
+ "Can't connect node with id "+pChild->getID()+
+ ": already connected."));
+ }
+ if (getState() == NS_CONNECTED || getState() == NS_CANRENDER) {
+ getCanvas()->registerNode(pChild);
+ }
+ pChild->checkSetParentError(this);
+ if (!isChildTypeAllowed(pChild->getTypeStr())) {
+ "Can't insert a node of type "+pChild->getTypeStr()+
+ " into a node of type "+getTypeStr()+"."));
+ }
+ if (i > m_Children.size()) {
+ throw(Exception(AVG_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE,
+ pChild->getID()+"::insertChild: index out of bounds."));
+ }
+ std::vector<NodePtr>::iterator pos = m_Children.begin()+i;
+ m_Children.insert(pos, pChild);
+ try {
+ pChild->setParent(this, getState(), getCanvas());
+ } catch (Exception&) {
+ m_Children.erase(m_Children.begin()+i);
+ throw;
+ }
+ if (getState() == NS_CANRENDER) {
+ pChild->connectDisplay();
+ }
+void DivNode::reorderChild(NodePtr pChild, unsigned j)
+ if (j > m_Children.size()-1) {
+ throw(Exception(AVG_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE,
+ getID()+"::reorderChild: index "+toString(j)+" out of bounds."));
+ }
+ int i = indexOf(pChild);
+ m_Children.erase(m_Children.begin()+i);
+ std::vector<NodePtr>::iterator pos = m_Children.begin()+j;
+ m_Children.insert(pos, pChild);
+void DivNode::reorderChild(unsigned i, unsigned j)
+ if (i > m_Children.size()-1 || j > m_Children.size()-1) {
+ throw(Exception(AVG_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE,
+ getID()+"::reorderChild: index out of bounds."));
+ }
+ NodePtr pChild = getChild(i);
+ m_Children.erase(m_Children.begin()+i);
+ std::vector<NodePtr>::iterator pos = m_Children.begin()+j;
+ m_Children.insert(pos, pChild);
+unsigned DivNode::indexOf(NodePtr pChild)
+ if (!pChild) {
+ throw Exception(AVG_ERR_NO_NODE,
+ getID()+"::indexOf called without a node.");
+ }
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_Children.size(); ++i) {
+ if (m_Children[i] == pChild) {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ throw(Exception(AVG_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE,
+ "indexOf: node '"+pChild->getID()+"' is not a child of node '"
+ +getID()+"'"));
+void DivNode::removeChild(NodePtr pChild)
+ removeChild(pChild, false);
+void DivNode::removeChild(unsigned i)
+ removeChild(i, false);
+void DivNode::removeChild(NodePtr pChild, bool bKill)
+ pChild->removeParent();
+ if (pChild->getState() != NS_UNCONNECTED) {
+ pChild->disconnect(bKill);
+ }
+ unsigned i = indexOf(pChild);
+ if (i > m_Children.size()-1) {
+ throw(Exception(AVG_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE,
+ getID()+"::removeChild: index "+toString(i)+" out of bounds."));
+ }
+ m_Children.erase(m_Children.begin()+i);
+void DivNode::removeChild(unsigned i, bool bKill)
+ NodePtr pChild = getChild(i);
+ removeChild(pChild, bKill);
+bool DivNode::getCrop() const
+ return m_bCrop;
+void DivNode::setCrop(bool bCrop)
+ m_bCrop = bCrop;
+const UTF8String& DivNode::getMediaDir() const
+ return m_sMediaDir;
+void DivNode::setMediaDir(const UTF8String& sMediaDir)
+// avgDeprecationWarning("1.7", "DivNode.mediadir", "");
+ m_sMediaDir = sMediaDir;
+ checkReload();
+void DivNode::getElementsByPos(const glm::vec2& pos, vector<NodePtr>& pElements)
+ if (reactsToMouseEvents() &&
+ ((getSize() == glm::vec2(0,0) ||
+ (pos.x >= 0 && pos.y >= 0 && pos.x < getSize().x && pos.y < getSize().y))))
+ {
+ for (int i = getNumChildren()-1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ NodePtr pCurChild = getChild(i);
+ glm::vec2 relPos = pCurChild->toLocal(pos);
+ pCurChild->getElementsByPos(relPos, pElements);
+ if (!pElements.empty()) {
+ pElements.push_back(getSharedThis());
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // pos isn't in any of the children.
+ if (getSize() != glm::vec2(0,0)) {
+ // Explicit width/height given for div - div reacts on its own.
+ pElements.push_back(getSharedThis());
+ }
+ }
+void DivNode::preRender(const VertexArrayPtr& pVA, bool bIsParentActive,
+ float parentEffectiveOpacity)
+ Node::preRender(pVA, bIsParentActive, parentEffectiveOpacity);
+ if (getCrop() && getSize() != glm::vec2(0,0)) {
+ pVA->startSubVA(m_ClipVA);
+ glm::vec2 viewport = getSize();
+ m_ClipVA.appendPos(glm::vec2(0,0), glm::vec2(0,0), Pixel32(0,0,0,0));
+ m_ClipVA.appendPos(glm::vec2(0,viewport.y), glm::vec2(0,0), Pixel32(0,0,0,0));
+ m_ClipVA.appendPos(glm::vec2(viewport.x,0), glm::vec2(0,0), Pixel32(0,0,0,0));
+ m_ClipVA.appendPos(viewport, glm::vec2(0,0), Pixel32(0,0,0,0));
+ m_ClipVA.appendQuadIndexes(0, 1, 2, 3);
+ }
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < getNumChildren(); i++) {
+ getChild(i)->preRender(pVA, bIsParentActive, getEffectiveOpacity());
+ }
+void DivNode::render()
+ const glm::mat4& transform = getTransform();
+ if (getCrop() && getSize() != glm::vec2(0,0)) {
+ getCanvas()->pushClipRect(transform, m_ClipVA);
+ }
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < getNumChildren(); i++) {
+ getChild(i)->maybeRender(transform);
+ }
+ if (getCrop() && getSize() != glm::vec2(0,0)) {
+ getCanvas()->popClipRect(transform, m_ClipVA);
+ }
+void DivNode::renderOutlines(const VertexArrayPtr& pVA, Pixel32 parentColor)
+ Pixel32 effColor = getEffectiveOutlineColor(parentColor);
+ if (effColor != Pixel32(0,0,0,0)) {
+ glm::vec2 size = getSize();
+ if (size == glm::vec2(0,0)) {
+ glm::vec2 p0 = getAbsPos(glm::vec2(-4, 0.5));
+ glm::vec2 p1 = getAbsPos(glm::vec2(5, 0.5));
+ glm::vec2 p2 = getAbsPos(glm::vec2(0.5, -4));
+ glm::vec2 p3 = getAbsPos(glm::vec2(0.5, 5));
+ pVA->addLineData(effColor, p0, p1, 1);
+ pVA->addLineData(effColor, p2, p3, 1);
+ } else {
+ AreaNode::renderOutlines(pVA, parentColor);
+ }
+ }
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < getNumChildren(); i++) {
+ getChild(i)->renderOutlines(pVA, effColor);
+ }
+string DivNode::getEffectiveMediaDir()
+ // TODO: There is no test for this function.
+ string sMediaDir = m_sMediaDir;
+ if (!isAbsPath(sMediaDir)) {
+ if (getParent()) {
+ sMediaDir = getParent()->getEffectiveMediaDir()+m_sMediaDir;
+ } else {
+ sMediaDir = Player::get()->getRootMediaDir()+m_sMediaDir;
+ }
+ }
+ if (sMediaDir[sMediaDir.length()-1] != '/') {
+ sMediaDir += '/';
+ }
+ return sMediaDir;
+void DivNode::checkReload()
+ for(unsigned i = 0; i < getNumChildren(); ++i) {
+ getChild(i)->checkReload();
+ }
+string DivNode::dump(int indent)
+ string dumpStr = AreaNode::dump () + "\n";
+ vector<NodePtr>::iterator it;
+ for(unsigned i = 0; i < getNumChildren(); ++i) {
+ getChild(i)->dump(indent+2)+"\n";
+ }
+ return dumpStr;
+IntPoint DivNode::getMediaSize()
+ return IntPoint(0, 0);
+bool DivNode::isChildTypeAllowed(const string& sType)
+ return getDefinition()->isChildAllowed(sType);