path: root/src/utils/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/utils/')
1 files changed, 189 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/utils/ b/src/utils/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f572488
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/utils/
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# libavg - Media Playback Engine.
+# Copyright (C) 2003-2014 Ulrich von Zadow
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# Current versions can be found at
+from libavg import avg, app, widget
+from libavg import parsecamargs
+GUI_SIZE=(300, 526)
+class FXSlider(avg.DivNode):
+ def __init__(self, row, min, max, fxNode, fxAttrName, caption, isInt, parent=None,
+ **kwargs):
+ super(FXSlider, self).__init__(**kwargs)
+ if parent:
+ parent.appendChild(self)
+ avg.RectNode(pos=(0,8), size=(280,38), color="808080", strokewidth=2, parent=self)
+ textBgRect = avg.RectNode(pos=(8,2), fillcolor="000000", fillopacity=1,
+ strokewidth=0, parent=self)
+ caption = avg.WordsNode(pos=(10,0), text=caption, parent=self)
+ textBgRect.size = caption.getMediaSize() + (4,2)
+ self.__words = avg.WordsNode(pos=(240,23), parent=self)
+ self.__slider = widget.Slider(width=220, range=(min,max), pos=(15,20), parent=self)
+ self.__slider.subscribe(self.__slider.THUMB_POS_CHANGED, self.__onSliderMove)
+ self.pos = (0, row*46)
+ self.__fxNode = fxNode
+ self.__fxAttrName = fxAttrName
+ self.__caption = caption
+ self.__isInt = isInt
+ self.__slider.thumbPos = getattr(self.__fxNode, fxAttrName)
+ self.__onSliderMove(self.__slider.thumbPos)
+ def __onSliderMove(self, thumbPos):
+ if self.__isInt:
+ setattr(self.__fxNode, self.__fxAttrName, int(thumbPos))
+ self.__words.text = "%i"%thumbPos
+ else:
+ setattr(self.__fxNode, self.__fxAttrName, thumbPos)
+ self.__words.text = "%.2f"%thumbPos
+def colorToString(colorTuple):
+ s = "%02X%02X%02X"%colorTuple[:-1]
+ return s
+class Chromakey(app.MainDiv):
+ def onArgvParserCreated(self, parser):
+ parser.set_usage(usage)
+ parsecamargs.addOptions(parser)
+ def onArgvParsed(self, options, args, parser):
+ if options.driver is None:
+ parser.print_help()
+ print
+ print "ERROR: at least '--driver' must be specified"
+ exit(1)
+ self.__optWidth = options.width
+ self.__optHeight = options.height
+ self.__optsCam = {
+ "driver": options.driver,
+ "device": options.device,
+ "unit": options.unit,
+ "fw800": options.fw800,
+ "pixelformat": options.pixelFormat,
+ "framerate": options.framerate}
+ self.settings.set("app_resolution", "%dx%d"
+ %(GUI_SIZE[0]+options.width, max(GUI_SIZE[1], options.height)))
+ def onInit(self):
+ avg.RectNode(size=(self.__optWidth,self.__optHeight), fillcolor="FF0000",
+ fillopacity=1, strokewidth=0, parent=self)
+ self.__camNode = avg.CameraNode(
+ capturewidth=self.__optWidth, captureheight=self.__optHeight,
+ width=self.__optWidth, height=self.__optHeight, parent=self,
+ **self.__optsCam)
+ self.__filter = avg.ChromaKeyFXNode()
+ self.__camNode.setEffect(self.__filter)
+ self.__filter.color = "0000FF"
+ self.__filter.htolerance = 0.05
+ self.__filter.stolerance = 1.0
+ self.__filter.ltolerance = 1.0
+ self.__filter.softness = 0.0
+ self.__createGUI()
+ def __createGUI(self):
+ self.__guiDiv = avg.DivNode(pos=(self.__optWidth+10,10), parent=self)
+ self.__colorWords = avg.WordsNode(pos=(0,14), parent=self.__guiDiv)
+ self.__colorWords.text = "Key Color: "+self.__filter.color
+ self.__colorRect = avg.RectNode(pos=(200,12), size=(20, 20),
+ fillcolor=self.__filter.color, fillopacity=1,
+ color="FFFFFF", parent=self.__guiDiv)
+ self.__camNode.subscribe(avg.Node.CURSOR_DOWN, self.__onColorDown)
+ FXSlider(1, 0.0, 1.0, self.__filter, "htolerance", "Hue Tolerance",
+ False, parent=self.__guiDiv)
+ FXSlider(2, 0.0, 1.0, self.__filter, "stolerance", "Saturation Tolerance",
+ False, parent=self.__guiDiv)
+ FXSlider(3, 0.0, 1.0, self.__filter, "ltolerance", "Lightness Tolerance",
+ False, parent=self.__guiDiv)
+ FXSlider(4, 0.0, 1.0, self.__filter, "softness", "Softness",
+ False, parent=self.__guiDiv)
+ FXSlider(5, 0, 8, self.__filter, "erosion", "Erosion",
+ True, parent=self.__guiDiv)
+ FXSlider(6, 0.0, 1.0, self.__filter, "spillthreshold", "Spill Suppression",
+ False, parent=self.__guiDiv)
+ button = widget.TextButton(pos=(0,332), text="Whitebalance", size=(100,22),
+ parent=self.__guiDiv)
+ button.subscribe(button.CLICKED, self.__onWhitebalance)
+ button = widget.TextButton(pos=(110,332), text="Dump Config", size=(100,22),
+ parent=self.__guiDiv)
+ button.subscribe(button.CLICKED, self.__dumpConfig)
+ FXSlider(9, 0, 500, self.__camNode, "shutter", "Shutter",
+ True, parent=self.__guiDiv)
+ FXSlider(10, 128, 1023, self.__camNode, "gain", "Gain",
+ True, parent=self.__guiDiv)
+ def __onColorDown(self, event):
+ pos = self.__camNode.getRelPos(event.pos)
+ bmp = self.__camNode.getBitmap()
+ color = bmp.getPixel(pos)
+ colorString = colorToString(color)
+ self.__filter.color = colorString
+ self.__colorWords.text = "Key Color: "+colorString
+ self.__colorRect.fillcolor = colorString
+ def __onWhitebalance(self):
+ self.__camNode.setWhitebalance(
+ self.__camNode.getWhitebalanceU(), self.__camNode.getWhitebalanceV())
+ self.__camNode.doOneShotWhitebalance()
+ def __dumpConfig(self):
+ print "Camera:"
+ print " device=", self.__camNode.device
+ print " shutter=", self.__camNode.shutter
+ print " gain=", self.__camNode.gain
+ print " White Balance: (u=", self.__camNode.getWhitebalanceU(), ", v=", \
+ self.__camNode.getWhitebalanceV()
+ print "Chromakey:"
+ print " color=", self.__filter.color
+ print " htolerance=", self.__filter.htolerance
+ print " stolerance=", self.__filter.stolerance
+ print " ltolerance=", self.__filter.ltolerance
+ print " softness=", self.__filter.softness
+ print " erosion=", self.__filter.erosion
+ print " spillthreshold=", self.__filter.spillthreshold
+usage = """%prog [options]
+ is a configuration utility for the libavg chromakey filter.
+The chromakey filter allows implementation of green- or bluescreens with
+This utility shows a camera image with chromakey applied to it and allows the
+user to adjust the camera and filter parameters. The parameters can be dumped
+to the console for easy inclusion in libavg scripts.
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ app.App().run(Chromakey())