path: root/src/iwindow.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/iwindow.cpp')
1 files changed, 674 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/iwindow.cpp b/src/iwindow.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..848204d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/iwindow.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,674 @@
+ ibtk (Insomnia's Basic ToolKit)
+ By Insomnia (Steaphan Greene)
+ (
+ Copyright (C) 1999 Steaphan Greene
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA.
+#include "iwindow.h"
+#define DEFAULT_NAME "IBTK v0.0"
+#include <X11/X.h>
+#include <X11/Xutil.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+static int Blue, Red, Green;
+#define W 255<<8
+#define B 0<<8
+#define Gr 192<<8
+#define GrL 228<<8
+#define GrD 93<<8
+#define EVENT_MASK (PointerMotionMask|ButtonPressMask|ButtonReleaseMask \
+ |ExposureMask|KeyPressMask|KeyReleaseMask|StructureNotifyMask \
+ |VisibilityChangeMask)
+IWindow::~IWindow() {
+ XDestroyWindow(Disp, Win);
+ XFreeGC(Disp, gc);
+ XFreeGC(Disp, cgc);
+ XCloseDisplay(Disp);
+ }
+IWindow::IWindow(char *name, int xs, int ys, int xpos, int ypos, char *bg) {
+ Init(name, xs, ys, xpos, ypos, bg, NULL, 0, 0);
+ }
+IWindow::IWindow(char *bg) {
+ Init(DEFAULT_NAME, 0, 0, -1, -1, bg, NULL, 0, 0);
+ }
+IWindow::IWindow(int xs, int ys, char *bg) {
+ Init(DEFAULT_NAME, xs, ys, -1, -1, bg, NULL, 0, 0);
+ }
+IWindow::IWindow(int xs, int ys, int xpos, int ypos, char *bg) {
+ Init(DEFAULT_NAME, xs, ys, xpos, ypos, bg, NULL, 0, 0);
+ }
+IWindow::IWindow(char *name, char *bg, Window* iwin, int xsi, int ysi) {
+ Init(name, 0, 0, -1, -1, bg, iwin, xsi, ysi);
+ }
+IWindow::IWindow(char *name, int xs, int ys, char *bg) {
+ Init(name, xs, ys, -1, -1, bg, NULL, 0, 0);
+ }
+void IWindow::Init(char *name, int xs, int ys, int xp, int yp, char *bg,
+ Window* iwin, int xsi, int ysi) {
+ LoadConfig();
+ XWMHints wmhints;
+ useicon=0;
+ WinBuf=0; bufxs=0; bufys=0;
+ xsize = xs; ysize = ys; xpos = xp; ypos = yp; mapped = 0;
+ xsizei = xsi; ysizei = ysi; xposi = 0; yposi = 0;
+ Disp = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
+ if(Disp==NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "IBTK: Unable to open DISPLAY!\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ DispFD = ConnectionNumber(Disp);
+ depth = DefaultDepth(Disp, 0);
+ XColor g, t;
+ if(bg != NULL) {
+ XAllocNamedColor(Disp, DefaultColormap(Disp, 0), bg, &g, &t);
+ wbgcol = g.pixel;
+ }
+ g.flags = DoRed|DoBlue|DoGreen;
+ = 0; = 0; = Blue;
+ XAllocColor(Disp, DefaultColormap(Disp, 0), &g);
+ scol = g.pixel;
+ = W; = W; = W;
+ XAllocColor(Disp, DefaultColormap(Disp, 0), &g);
+ pcol = g.pixel;
+ = B; = B; = B;
+ XAllocColor(Disp, DefaultColormap(Disp, 0), &g);
+ fgcol = g.pixel;
+ = Gr; = Gr; = Gr;
+ XAllocColor(Disp, DefaultColormap(Disp, 0), &g);
+ bgcol = g.pixel;
+ = GrL; = GrL; = GrL;
+ XAllocColor(Disp, DefaultColormap(Disp, 0), &g);
+ lbgcol = g.pixel;
+ = GrD; = GrD; = GrD;
+ XAllocColor(Disp, DefaultColormap(Disp, 0), &g);
+ dbgcol = g.pixel;
+ = 0; = W; = 0;
+ XAllocColor(Disp, DefaultColormap(Disp, 0), &g);
+ greencol = g.pixel;
+ = W; = 0; = 0;
+ XAllocColor(Disp, DefaultColormap(Disp, 0), &g);
+ redcol = g.pixel;
+ = W; = W; = 0;
+ XAllocColor(Disp, DefaultColormap(Disp, 0), &g);
+ yellowcol = g.pixel;
+ if(bg == NULL) {
+ wbgcol = bgcol;
+ }
+ Root = DefaultRootWindow(Disp);
+ if(xsize) {
+ bufxs=xsize; bufys=ysize;
+ Win = XCreateSimpleWindow(Disp, Root, xpos, ypos, xsize, ysize,
+ 0, bgcol, wbgcol);
+ gc = XCreateGC(Disp, Win, None, None);
+ XSetForeground(Disp, gc, wbgcol);
+ WinBuf = XCreatePixmap(Disp, Win, bufxs, bufys, DefaultDepth(Disp, 0));
+ XFillRectangle(Disp, WinBuf, gc, 0, 0, bufxs, bufys);
+ }
+ else {
+ Win = XCreateSimpleWindow(Disp, Root, xpos, ypos, 320, 240,
+ 0, bgcol, wbgcol);
+ gc = XCreateGC(Disp, Win, None, None);
+ }
+ if (iwin) {
+ Icon = XCreateSimpleWindow(Disp, Root, 0, 0, xsizei, ysizei,
+ 0, bgcol, wbgcol);
+ *iwin = Icon;
+ XSelectInput(Disp, Icon, StructureNotifyMask|VisibilityChangeMask);
+ wmhints.flags = IconWindowHint;
+ wmhints.icon_window = Icon;
+ XSetWMHints(Disp,Win,&wmhints);
+ useicon=1;
+ }
+ else Icon = 0;
+ cgc = XCreateGC(Disp, Win, None, None);
+ XSelectInput(Disp, Win, EVENT_MASK);
+ if(xsize) XMapRaised(Disp, Win);
+ closeatom = XInternAtom(Disp, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", 1);
+ if(closeatom) XSetWMProtocols(Disp, Win, (Atom *)&closeatom, 1);
+ DispatchHook = NULL;
+ DispatchTime = NULL;
+ unhandledcallback = NULL;
+ clickcallback = NULL;
+ dblclickcallback = NULL;
+ dragcallback = NULL;
+ activitycallback = NULL;
+ exposecallback = NULL;
+ resizecallback = NULL;
+ repositioncallback = NULL;
+ keymappingcallback = NULL;
+ parent = NULL;
+ claim = NULL;
+ pdd = NULL;
+ fdd = NULL;
+ clicktime = 0;
+// int t;
+// char **fns = XListFonts(Disp, "*", -1, &t);
+// int ctr;
+// for(ctr=0; ctr<t; ctr++) printf("Font(%d): %s\n", ctr+1, fns[ctr]);
+ fs = XLoadQueryFont(Disp, "fixed");
+ if(fs == NULL) fs = XLoadQueryFont(Disp, "times-roman");
+ if(fs == NULL) fs = XLoadQueryFont(Disp, "*times-medium-r*");
+ XSetFont(Disp, gc, fs->fid);
+// XGCValues gv;
+// printf("Step 1\n");
+// XGetGCValues(Disp, gc, GCFont, &gv);
+// printf("Step 2, gv.font=%d \n", gv.font);
+// fs = XQueryFont(Disp, gv.font);
+// printf("Step 3, fs=%p\n", fs);
+ SetTitle(name);
+ quit=0;
+ }
+void IWindow::AddClaim(IDoDad *it, int xp, int yp, int xs, int ys) {
+ PositionClaim *cl = claim;
+ for(;cl != NULL && cl->dodad != it; cl = cl->next);
+ if(cl == NULL) {
+// printf("Adding new claim, Type %d\n", it->Type());
+ PositionClaim *tmpd = claim;
+ claim = new PositionClaim;
+ claim->next = tmpd;
+ claim->dodad = it;
+ cl = claim;
+ }
+// else printf("Changing Old claim, Type %d\n", it->Type());
+ cl->xp = xp;
+ cl->yp = yp;
+ cl->xs = xs;
+ cl->ys = ys;
+// printf("Added Type %d at (%d,%d), %dx%d.\n", cl->dodad->Type(), xp, yp, xs, ys);
+ }
+void IWindow::RemoveClaim(IDoDad *it) {
+ if(claim == NULL) return;
+// printf("Removing %d.\n", it->Type());
+ if(claim->dodad == it) {
+ PositionClaim *tmpd = claim;
+ claim = claim->next;
+ delete tmpd;
+ return;
+ }
+ if(pdd == it) pdd = NULL;
+ if(fdd == it) fdd = NULL;
+ PositionClaim *tmpd = claim;
+ while(tmpd->next != NULL && tmpd->next->dodad != it) tmpd = tmpd->next;
+ if(tmpd->next == NULL) return;
+ PositionClaim *tmprem = tmpd->next;
+ tmpd->next = tmpd->next->next;
+ delete tmprem;
+ }
+void IWindow::DispatchCurrentEvents() {
+ XEvent ev;
+ quit=0;
+ XFlush(Disp);
+ while((!quit)&&(XCheckMaskEvent(Disp, EVENT_MASK|StructureNotifyMask, &ev))) {
+// printf("Got Type = %d\n", ev.type);
+ Dispatch(ev);
+ if(parent != NULL) parent->DispatchAutomaticEvents();
+ }
+ }
+void IWindow::DispatchAutomaticEvents() {
+ XEvent ev;
+ quit=0;
+ XFlush(Disp);
+ while((!quit)&&(XCheckMaskEvent(Disp, EVENT_MASK|StructureNotifyMask, &ev))) {
+// printf("Got Type = %d\n", ev.type);
+ if(ev.type == Expose) Dispatch(ev);
+ if(parent != NULL) parent->DispatchAutomaticEvents();
+ }
+ }
+void IWindow::RegisterHook(void (*hookfn)(), struct timeval *waittime) {
+ DispatchHook=hookfn;
+ DispatchTime=waittime;
+ }
+void IWindow::DispatchEvents() {
+ XEvent ev;
+ struct timeval timeout,*timeptr;
+ fd_set readfds;
+ quit=0;
+ XFlush(Disp);
+ while(!quit) {
+ if (DispatchTime==NULL) timeptr=NULL;
+ else {
+ timeout=*DispatchTime;
+ timeptr=&timeout;
+ }
+ FD_ZERO(&readfds);
+ FD_SET(DispFD, &readfds);
+ if((select(DispFD+1,&readfds,NULL,NULL,timeptr)>0)||(XQLength(Disp)>0)) {
+ do {
+ XNextEvent(Disp, &ev);
+// if(Win != ev.xany.window) printf("Got Win = %d/%d\n", ev.xany.window, Win);
+ Dispatch(ev);
+ if(parent != NULL) parent->DispatchAutomaticEvents();
+ } while(XQLength(Disp)>0);
+ XFlush(Disp);
+ }
+ if(DispatchHook!=NULL) DispatchHook();
+ }
+ }
+void IWindow::Close() {
+ XEvent ev;
+ ev.type = ClientMessage;
+ ev.xclient.format = 32;
+[0] = closeatom;
+ ev.xany.display = Disp;
+ ev.xany.window = Win;
+ XSendEvent(Disp, Win, False, NoEventMask, &ev);
+ }
+void IWindow::Dispatch(XEvent ev) {
+ Time oclicktime = clicktime;
+ if((!useicon) && (ev.xany.window==Icon)) return;
+ int sendevent = (mapped) ? (ev.xany.window!=Icon) : (ev.xany.window==Icon);
+ if(ev.type == ClientMessage && (Atom)([0]) == closeatom)
+ quit = 1;
+ else if(ev.type == ButtonPress) {
+ clicktime = ev.xbutton.time;
+ if(pdd != NULL) pdd->Release(0, -1, -1);
+ pdd = GetClaim(ev.xbutton.x, ev.xbutton.y);
+ if(pdd != NULL) pdd->Press(ev.xbutton.button,
+ ev.xbutton.x-lclaim->xp, ev.xbutton.y-lclaim->yp);
+ else {
+ TakeFocus(NULL);
+ if((clicktime - oclicktime) <= doubleclicktime) {
+ if(dblclickcallback != NULL)
+ (*dblclickcallback)(this, ev.xbutton.button,
+ ev.xbutton.x, ev.xbutton.y);
+ }
+ else {
+ if(clickcallback != NULL)
+ (*clickcallback)(this, ev.xbutton.button,
+ ev.xbutton.x, ev.xbutton.y);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if(ev.type == ButtonRelease) {
+ IDoDad *tmpd = GetClaim(ev.xbutton.x, ev.xbutton.y);
+ if(tmpd != NULL && tmpd == pdd) pdd->Release(ev.xbutton.button,
+ ev.xbutton.x-lclaim->xp, ev.xbutton.y-lclaim->yp);
+ else if(pdd != NULL) pdd->Release(0, -1, -1);
+ else if(releasecallback != NULL)
+ (*releasecallback)(this, ev.xbutton.button,
+ ev.xbutton.x, ev.xbutton.y);
+ pdd = NULL;
+ if(activitycallback != NULL) {
+ (*activitycallback)(this);
+ }
+ }
+ else if(ev.type == MotionNotify) {
+ while(XCheckMaskEvent(Disp, PointerMotionMask, &ev));
+ if(pdd != NULL) pdd->Drag(
+ ev.xmotion.x-lclaim->xp, ev.xmotion.y-lclaim->yp);
+ if(ev.xmotion.state != 0 && dragcallback != NULL) {
+ (*dragcallback)(this, ev.xbutton.state, ev.xbutton.x, ev.xbutton.y);
+ }
+ if(activitycallback != NULL) {
+ (*activitycallback)(this);
+ }
+ }
+ else if(ev.type == Expose) {
+ if(claim != NULL) RevRedraw(claim);
+ if(exposecallback != NULL)
+ (*exposecallback)(this);
+ }
+ else if(ev.type == ConfigureNotify) {
+ int xp, yp; Window child; int *xptr, *yptr;
+ XTranslateCoordinates(Disp,ev.xany.window,Root,0,0,&xp,&yp,&child);
+ int x = ev.xconfigure.width, y = ev.xconfigure.height;
+ xptr = (ev.xany.window==Icon) ? &xsizei : &xsize;
+ yptr = (ev.xany.window==Icon) ? &ysizei : &ysize;
+ if(x != *yptr || y != *yptr) {
+ *xptr = x; *yptr = y;
+ if(sendevent && resizecallback != NULL)
+ (*resizecallback)(this, x, y);
+ if(ev.xany.window!=Icon && claim != NULL) RevRedraw(claim);
+ }
+ xptr = (ev.xany.window==Icon) ? &xposi : &xpos;
+ yptr = (ev.xany.window==Icon) ? &yposi : &ypos;
+ if(xp != *yptr || yp != *yptr) {
+ *xptr = xp; *yptr = yp;
+ if(sendevent && repositioncallback != NULL)
+ (*repositioncallback)(this, xp, yp);
+ if(ev.xany.window!=Icon && claim != NULL) RevRedraw(claim);
+ }
+ }
+ else if(ev.type == KeyPress) {
+ if(fdd == NULL || !fdd->KeyDown(ev.xkey)) {
+ if(unhandledcallback != NULL) {
+ (*unhandledcallback)(this, &ev);
+ }
+ }
+ if(activitycallback != NULL) {
+ (*activitycallback)(this);
+ }
+ }
+ else if(ev.type == MapNotify || ev.type == UnmapNotify) {
+ if(ev.xany.window!=Icon) {
+ mapped = (ev.type==MapNotify);
+ }
+ sendevent = (mapped) ? (ev.xany.window!=Icon) : (ev.xany.window==Icon) ;
+ if(!useicon) sendevent=1;
+ if(sendevent && unhandledcallback != NULL) {
+ (*unhandledcallback)(this, &ev);
+ }
+ if(activitycallback != NULL) {
+ (*activitycallback)(this);
+ }
+ }
+ else if(ev.type == MappingNotify) {
+ if(keymappingcallback != NULL)
+ (*keymappingcallback)(this, &ev);
+ }
+ else if(sendevent && unhandledcallback != NULL) {
+ (*unhandledcallback)(this, &ev);
+ }
+ }
+IDoDad *IWindow::GetClaim(int x, int y) {
+ if(claim == NULL) return NULL;
+ if(claim->xp <= x && claim->yp <= y
+ && (claim->xp+claim->xs) > x
+ && (claim->yp+claim->ys) > y
+ && (!claim->dodad->Hidden())) {
+ lclaim = claim;
+ return claim->dodad;
+ }
+ PositionClaim *tmpd = claim;
+ while(tmpd->next != NULL && !(tmpd->next->xp <= x && tmpd->next->yp <= y
+ && (tmpd->next->xp+tmpd->next->xs) > x
+ && (tmpd->next->yp+tmpd->next->ys) > y
+ && (!tmpd->next->dodad->Hidden()))) tmpd = tmpd->next;
+ if(tmpd->next == NULL) return NULL;
+ lclaim = tmpd->next;
+ return tmpd->next->dodad;
+ }
+void IWindow::RevRedraw(PositionClaim *it) {
+ RevRedraw(it, -1, -1, -1, -1);
+ }
+void IWindow::RevRedraw(PositionClaim *it, int x, int y, int xs, int ys) {
+ if(it==NULL) return;
+ if(it->next != NULL) RevRedraw(it->next, x, y, xs, ys);
+ if(!it->dodad->Hidden()) {
+ if(xs<0) it->dodad->Redraw();
+ else if(it->xp < (x+xs) && it->yp < (y+ys)
+ && x < (it->xp+it->xs) && y < (it->yp+it->ys)) {
+ it->dodad->Redraw();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void IWindow::TakeFocus(IDoDad *it) {
+ IDoDad *ofdd = fdd;
+ fdd = it;
+ if(ofdd != NULL) ofdd->LostFocus();
+ if(fdd != NULL) fdd->GotFocus();
+ }
+void IWindow::SetTitle(char *tit) {
+ XTextProperty tp;
+ tp.value = (unsigned char *)tit;
+ tp.encoding = XA_WM_NAME;
+ tp.format = 8;
+ tp.nitems = strlen(tit);
+ XSetWMName(Disp, Win, &tp);
+ XStoreName(Disp, Win, tit);
+ XSetIconName(Disp, Win, tit);
+ XSetWMIconName(Disp, Win, &tp);
+ }
+unsigned int IWindow::GetRGBColor(int r, int g, int b) {
+ r<<=8; g<<=8; b<<=8;
+ XColor C;
+ C.flags = DoRed|DoBlue|DoGreen;
+ = r; = g; = b;
+ XAllocColor(Disp, DefaultColormap(Disp, 0), &C);
+ return(C.pixel);
+ }
+void IWindow::SetActivityCallback(void (*cb)(IWindow *)) {
+ activitycallback = cb;
+ if(activitycallback != NULL)
+ (*activitycallback)(this);
+ }
+void IWindow::SetExposeCallback(void (*cb)(IWindow *)) {
+ exposecallback = cb;
+ if(exposecallback != NULL)
+ (*exposecallback)(this);
+ }
+void IWindow::SetResizeCallback(void (*cb)(IWindow *, int, int)) {
+ resizecallback = cb;
+ if(resizecallback != NULL)
+ (*resizecallback)(this, xsize, ysize);
+ }
+void IWindow::SetRepositionCallback(void (*cb)(IWindow *, int, int)) {
+ repositioncallback = cb;
+ if(repositioncallback != NULL)
+ (*repositioncallback)(this, xsize, ysize);
+ }
+void IWindow::SetUnhandledCallback(void (*cb)(IWindow *, XEvent *)) {
+ unhandledcallback = cb;
+ }
+void IWindow::SetClickCallback(void (*cb)(IWindow *, int, int, int)) {
+ clickcallback = cb;
+ }
+void IWindow::SetDblClickCallback(void (*cb)(IWindow *, int, int, int)) {
+ dblclickcallback = cb;
+ }
+void IWindow::SetReleaseCallback(void (*cb)(IWindow *, int, int, int)) {
+ releasecallback = cb;
+ }
+void IWindow::SetDragCallback(void (*cb)(IWindow *, int, int, int)) {
+ dragcallback = cb;
+ }
+void IWindow::SetKeyMappingCallback(void (*cb)(IWindow *, XEvent *)) {
+ keymappingcallback = cb;
+ }
+void IWindow::Resize(int x, int y) {
+ XResizeWindow(Disp, Win, x, y);
+ }
+void IWindow::Map(int x, int y) {
+ Resize(x, y);
+ if(bufxs<=0) bufxs=x;
+ if(bufys<=0) bufys=y;
+ if(WinBuf==0) {
+ XSetForeground(Disp, gc, wbgcol);
+ WinBuf = XCreatePixmap(Disp, Win, bufxs, bufys, DefaultDepth(Disp, 0));
+ XFillRectangle(Disp, WinBuf, gc, 0, 0, bufxs, bufys);
+ }
+ Map();
+ }
+void IWindow::SetBufSize(int x, int y) {
+ bufxs=x; bufys=y;
+ }
+void IWindow::Map() {
+ XMapRaised(Disp, Win);
+ }
+void IWindow::Redraw(int x, int y, int xs, int ys) {
+// XClearArea(Disp, Win, x, y, xs<?(bufxs-x), ys<?(bufys-y), False);
+ XCopyArea(Disp, WinBuf, Win, gc, x, y, xs<?(bufxs-x), ys<?(bufys-y), x, y);
+ }
+void IWindow::Redraw() {
+ XClearWindow(Disp, Win);
+ XCopyArea(Disp, WinBuf, Win, gc, 0, 0, xsize<?bufxs, ysize<?bufys, 0, 0);
+ }
+void IWindow::Rebuild(int x, int y, int xs, int ys) {
+// XClearWindow(Disp, Win);
+ XSetForeground(Disp, gc, wbgcol);
+ XFillRectangle(Disp, WinBuf, gc, x, y, xs, ys);
+ RevRedraw(claim, x, y, xs, ys);
+ XCopyArea(Disp, WinBuf, Win, gc, x, y, xs, ys, x, y);
+ }
+void IWindow::Rebuild() {
+// XClearWindow(Disp, Win);
+ XSetForeground(Disp, gc, wbgcol);
+ XFillRectangle(Disp, WinBuf, gc, 0, 0, xsize, ysize);
+ RevRedraw(claim);
+ XCopyArea(Disp, WinBuf, Win, gc, 0, 0, xsize, ysize, 0, 0);
+ }
+int IWindow::XDeskSize() {
+ XWindowAttributes wa;
+ XGetWindowAttributes(Disp, Root, &wa);
+ return wa.width;
+ }
+int IWindow::YDeskSize() {
+ XWindowAttributes wa;
+ XGetWindowAttributes(Disp, Root, &wa);
+ return wa.height;
+ }
+void IWindow::LoadConfig() {
+ appearance = IBTK_DEFAULT;
+ doubleclicktime = 200;
+ FILE *cfg = fopen(CONFIGFILE, "r");
+ if(cfg!=NULL) {
+ char buf[256], *ln;
+ ln = fgets(buf, 256, cfg);
+ while(ln != NULL) {
+ if(!strncasecmp(ln, "appearance", 10)) {
+ while(*ln != '=' && *ln != '\n' && *ln != 0) ++ln;
+ if(*ln != '\n' && *ln != 0) ++ln;
+ while(*ln == ' ' || *ln == '\t') ++ln;
+ if(*ln != '\n' && *ln != 0) {
+ if(!strncasecmp(ln, "default", 7))
+ appearance=IBTK_DEFAULT;
+ else if(!strncasecmp(ln, "step", 4))
+ appearance=IBTK_STEP;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(!strncasecmp(ln, "doubleclicktime", 10)) {
+ while(*ln != '=' && *ln != '\n' && *ln != 0) ++ln;
+ if(*ln != '\n' && *ln != 0) ++ln;
+ while(*ln == ' ' || *ln == '\t') ++ln;
+ if(*ln != '\n' && *ln != 0) {
+ doubleclicktime = strtol(ln, NULL, 10);
+ }
+ }
+ ln = fgets(buf, 256, cfg);
+ }
+ fclose(cfg);
+ }
+ switch(appearance) {
+ case(IBTK_DEFAULT): {
+ Blue = 255<<8;
+ Red = 255<<8;
+ Green = 255<<8;
+ }break;
+ case(IBTK_STEP): {
+ Blue = 128<<8;
+ Red = 128<<8;
+ Green = 128<<8;
+ }break;
+ }
+ }
+void IWindow::RebuildClip() {
+ int ctrx, ctry, n=0, ctr=0, m=0;
+ XRectangle *rec;
+ for(ctry=5; ctry<ysize; ctry+=10) {
+ for(ctrx=5; ctrx<xsize; ctrx+=10) {
+ if(GetClaim(ctrx, ctry)==NULL) {
+ ++m;
+ }
+ else if(m>0) { ++n; m=0; }
+ }
+ if(m>0) { ++n; m=0; }
+ }
+ rec = new XRectangle[n]; m=0;
+ for(ctry=5; ctry<ysize; ctry+=10) {
+ for(ctrx=5; ctrx<xsize; ctrx+=10) {
+ if(GetClaim(ctrx, ctry)==NULL) {
+ ++m;
+ }
+ else if(m>0) {
+ rec[ctr].x = ctrx-(5+(10*m));
+ rec[ctr].y = ctry-5;
+ rec[ctr].width = 10*m;
+ rec[ctr].height = 10;
+ ++ctr; m=0;
+ }
+ }
+ if(m>0) {
+ rec[ctr].x = ctrx-(5+(10*m));
+ rec[ctr].y = ctry-5;
+ rec[ctr].width = 10*m;
+ rec[ctr].height = 10;
+ ++ctr; m=0;
+ }
+ }
+ XSetClipRectangles(Disp, cgc, 0, 0, rec, n, YXBanded);
+ }