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authorMiguel Landaeta <>2010-11-04 18:59:19 -0430
committerMiguel Landaeta <>2010-11-04 18:59:19 -0430
commit8a041a02e9fff5da7e92c8d650dc06a5a3ac4b70 (patch)
parenteb3c9919933ba475d1f2bb1874665cd576bf5a39 (diff)
expand copyright clarification
1 files changed, 76 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/debian/copyright b/debian/copyright
index bc09483..4dce5b5 100644
--- a/debian/copyright
+++ b/debian/copyright
@@ -36,8 +36,82 @@ Comment: Those files are very simple modifications of code included in
libjcip-annotations-java package. Even though the source code indicates
is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution License 2.5 (non-free
software), this source code was relicensed by its author Brian Goetz in 2008
- under Creative Commons 3.0 license. For more information, please visit:
+ under Creative Commons 3.0 license. For more information, please visit
+ or review the emails exchanged between Brian Goetz and Torsten Werner
+ what are shown below:
+ Torsten Werner <> has got the following emails from
+Brian Goetz about the license change to CC 3.0:
+ From: Brian Goetz <>
+ To:
+ Subject: Re: license for jcip-annotations-src.jar
+ Date: Sat, 16 Aug 2008 17:57:32 -0400
+ I don't have any problem with the Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license.
+ I do have to say, though, that collectively, I find the open-source
+ community to be quite difficult in the near-religious degree over which
+ licenses are "good" enough. Over the past twenty years, I've been
+ involved in dozens of open-source projects, some of my own creation,
+ some as minor contributors. And in nearly every one, *someone* has
+ written and asked (or worse, demanded) to change the license because it
+ is a "bad" license choice in some way. Everyone has their own reasons
+ and priorities, but the whole thing tends to leave me with that "no good
+ deed goes unpunished" feeling -- that I've tried to give something to
+ the world for free, but it somehow isn't enough.
+ I offer these thoughts not as a personal criticism, as I know you are
+ contributing your effort for the good of the world as well and simply
+ trying to follow the policies of your community, but in the hopes that
+ you will consider the ways in which the obsession over which licenses
+ are "pure" enough hurts the entire OSS community, and maybe pass these
+ concerns on to those who are making this particular bit of trouble.
+ (The OSS community reminds me of the bit in Monty Python's "Life of
+ Brian", where the various revolutionary groups are so focused on
+ undermining each other, that they forget that their common enemy is the
+ Romans.)
+ Regards,
+ -Brian Goetz
+ Torsten Werner wrote:
+ > Dear Mr. Goetz,
+ >
+ > I am a Debian developer and I am packaging jgroups for Debian. This
+ > package contains two files from
+ > which is licensed under
+ > the under the Creative Commons Attribution License version 2.5. This
+ > license is not considered a free software license by the Debian
+ > community because it has some issues. Would it be possible to
+ > relicense the Code under a free software license? Some examples are
+ > the Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 license or the LGPL.
+ >
+ > Best regards,
+ > Torsten Werner
+ >
+ ----------
+ From: Brian Goetz <>
+ To:
+ Subject: Re: license for jcip-annotations-src.jar
+ Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2008 21:50:44 -0400
+ I hereby grant license to the "JCiP Annotations" code contained in
+ jcip-annotations-src.jar under the Creative Commons Attribution License.
+ Torsten Werner wrote:
+ > On Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 4:20 AM, Brian Goetz <> wrote:
+ >> I'll go with Attribution. What do you need from me?
+ >
+ > Erm, just send me a statement that you license
+ > jcip-annotations-src.jar under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0.
+ >
+ > Thank you very much!
+ > Torsten
Files: debian/*
Copyright: © 2010 Miguel Landaeta <>