path: root/lib/MCE/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/MCE/')
1 files changed, 658 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/MCE/ b/lib/MCE/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa90d81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/MCE/
@@ -0,0 +1,658 @@
+## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+## Queue-like and two-way communication capability.
+package MCE::Channel;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+no warnings qw( uninitialized once );
+our $VERSION = '1.843';
+## no critic (BuiltinFunctions::ProhibitStringyEval)
+## no critic (TestingAndDebugging::ProhibitNoStrict)
+use if $^O eq 'MSWin32', 'threads';
+use if $^O eq 'MSWin32', 'threads::shared';
+use Carp ();
+$Carp::Internal{ (__PACKAGE__) }++;
+my ( $freeze, $thaw );
+ if ( ! defined $INC{''} ) {
+ local $@; eval '
+ use Sereal::Encoder 3.015 qw( encode_sereal );
+ use Sereal::Decoder 3.015 qw( decode_sereal );
+ ';
+ if ( ! $@ ) {
+ my $encoder_ver = int( Sereal::Encoder->VERSION() );
+ my $decoder_ver = int( Sereal::Decoder->VERSION() );
+ if ( $encoder_ver - $decoder_ver == 0 ) {
+ $freeze = \&encode_sereal;
+ $thaw = \&decode_sereal;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( ! defined $freeze ) {
+ require Storable;
+ $freeze = \&Storable::freeze;
+ $thaw = \&Storable::thaw;
+ }
+use MCE::Util ();
+use bytes;
+my $is_MSWin32 = ( $^O eq 'MSWin32' ) ? 1 : 0;
+my $has_threads = $INC{''} ? 1 : 0;
+my $tid = $has_threads ? threads->tid() : 0;
+sub new {
+ my ( $class, %argv ) = @_;
+ my $impl = defined( $argv{impl} ) ? ucfirst( lc $argv{impl} ) : 'Mutex';
+ $impl = 'Threads' if ( $^O eq 'MSWin32' && $impl eq 'Mutex' );
+ eval "require MCE::Channel::$impl; 1" ||
+ Carp::croak("Could not load Channel implementation '$impl': $@");
+ my $pkg = 'MCE::Channel::'.$impl;
+ no strict 'refs';
+ $pkg->new(%argv);
+sub CLONE {
+ $tid = threads->tid if $has_threads;
+sub DESTROY {
+ my ( $pid, $self ) = ( $has_threads ? $$ .'.'. $tid : $$, @_ );
+ if ( $self->{'init_pid'} && $self->{'init_pid'} eq $pid ) {
+ MCE::Util::_destroy_socks( $self, qw(c_sock p_sock) );
+ delete $self->{c_mutex};
+ delete $self->{p_mutex};
+ }
+ return;
+sub impl {
+ $_[0]->{'impl'} || 'Not defined';
+sub _get_freeze { $freeze; }
+sub _get_thaw { $thaw; }
+sub _ended {
+ warn "WARNING: ($_[0]) called on a channel that has been 'end'ed\n";
+ return;
+sub _read {
+ my $bytes = MCE::Util::_sysread( $_[0], $_[1], my $len = $_[2] );
+ my $read = $bytes;
+ while ( $bytes && $read != $len ) {
+ $bytes = MCE::Util::_sysread( $_[0], $_[1], $len - $read, length($_[1]) );
+ $read += $bytes if $bytes;
+ }
+ return;
+sub _pid {
+ $has_threads ? $$ .'.'. $tid : $$;
+## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+## Module usage.
+=head1 NAME
+MCE::Channel - Queue-like and two-way communication capability
+=head1 VERSION
+This document describes MCE::Channel version 1.843
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use MCE::Channel;
+ ########################
+ # Construction
+ ########################
+ # A single producer and many consumers supporting processes and threads
+ my $c1 = MCE::Channel->new( impl => 'Mutex' ); # default implementation
+ my $c2 = MCE::Channel->new( impl => 'Threads' ); # threads::shared locking
+ # Set the mp flag if two or more workers (many producers) will be calling
+ # enqueue/send or recv2/recv2_nb on the left end of the channel
+ my $c3 = MCE::Channel->new( impl => 'Mutex', mp => 1 );
+ my $c4 = MCE::Channel->new( impl => 'Threads', mp => 1 );
+ # Tuned for one producer and one consumer, no locking
+ my $c5 = MCE::Channel->new( impl => 'Simple' );
+ ########################
+ # Queue-like behavior
+ ########################
+ # Send data to consumers
+ $c1->enqueue('item');
+ $c1->enqueue(qw/item1 item2 item3 itemN/);
+ # Receive data
+ my $item = $c1->dequeue(); # item
+ my @items = $c1->dequeue(2); # (item1, item2)
+ # Receive, non-blocking
+ my $item = $c1->dequeue_nb(); # item
+ my @items = $c1->dequeue_nb(2); # (item1, item2)
+ # Signal that there is no more work to be sent
+ $c1->end();
+ ########################
+ # Two-way communication
+ ########################
+ # Producer(s) sending data
+ $c3->send('message');
+ $c3->send(qw/arg1 arg2 arg3/);
+ # Consumer(s) receiving data
+ my $mesg = $c3->recv(); # message
+ my @args = $c3->recv(); # (arg1, arg2, arg3)
+ # Alternatively, non-blocking
+ my $mesg = $c3->recv_nb(); # message
+ my @args = $c3->recv_nb(); # (arg1, arg2, arg3)
+ # A producer signaling no more work to be sent
+ $c3->end();
+ # Consumers(s) sending data
+ $c3->send2('message');
+ $c3->send2(qw/arg1 arg2 arg3/);
+ # Producer(s) receiving data
+ my $mesg = $c3->recv2(); # message
+ my @args = $c3->recv2(); # (arg1, arg2, arg3)
+ # Alternatively, non-blocking
+ my $mesg = $c3->recv2_nb(); # message
+ my @args = $c3->recv2_nb(); # (arg1, arg2, arg3)
+A MCE::Channel object is a container for sending and receiving data using
+socketpair handles. Serialization is provided by L<Sereal> if available.
+Defaults to L<Storable> otherwise. Excluding the C<Simple> implementation,
+both ends of the C<channel> support many workers concurrently (with mp => 1).
+=head2 new ( impl => STRING, mp => BOOLEAN )
+This creates a new channel. Three implementations are provided C<Mutex> (default),
+C<Threads>, and C<Simple> indicating the locking mechanism to use C<MCE::Mutex>,
+C<threads::shared>, and no locking respectively.
+ $chnl = MCE::Channel->new(); # default: impl => 'Mutex', mp => 0
+The C<Mutex> channel implementation supports processes and threads whereas the
+C<Threads> channel implementation is suited for threads only.
+ $chnl = MCE::Channel->new( impl => 'Mutex' ); # MCE::Mutex locking
+ $chnl = MCE::Channel->new( impl => 'Threads' ); # threads::shared locking
+Set the C<mp> (m)any (p)roducers option to a true value if there will be two
+or more workers calling C<enqueue>, <send>, C<recv2>, or C<recv2_nb> on the
+left end of the channel. This is important to not incur a race condition.
+ $chnl = MCE::Channel->new( impl => 'Mutex', mp => 1 );
+ $chnl = MCE::Channel->new( impl => 'Threads', mp => 1 );
+The C<Simple> implementation is optimized for one producer and one consumer max.
+It omits locking for maximum performance. This implementation is preferred for
+parent to child communication not shared by another worker.
+ $chnl = MCE::Channel->new( impl => 'Simple' );
+=head2 enqueue ( ITEM1 [, ITEM2, ... ] )
+Appends a list of items onto the left end of the channel. This will block once
+the internal socket buffer becomes full (i.e. awaiting workers to dequeue on the
+other end). This prevents producer(s) from running faster than consumer(s).
+Object (de)serialization is handled automatically using L<Sereal> if available
+or defaults to L<Storable> otherwise.
+ $chnl->enqueue('item1');
+ $chnl->enqueue(qw/item2 item3 .../);
+ $chnl->enqueue([ array_ref1 ]);
+ $chnl->enqueue([ array_ref2 ], [ array_ref3 ], ...);
+ $chnl->enqueue({ hash_ref1 });
+ $chnl->enqueue({ hash_ref2 }, { hash_ref3 }, ...);
+=head2 dequeue
+=head2 dequeue ( COUNT )
+Removes the requested number of items (default 1) from the right end of the
+channel. If the channel contains fewer than the requested number of items,
+the method will block (i.e. until other producer(s) enqueue more items).
+ $item = $chnl->dequeue(); # item1
+ @items = $chnl->dequeue(2); # ( item2, item3 )
+=head2 dequeue_nb
+=head2 dequeue_nb ( COUNT )
+Removes the requested number of items (default 1) from the right end of the
+channel. If the channel contains fewer than the requested number of items,
+the method will return what it was able to retrieve and return immediately.
+If the channel is empty, then returns C<an empty list> in list context or
+C<undef> in scalar context.
+ $item = $chnl->dequeue_nb(); # array_ref1
+ @items = $chnl->dequeue_nb(2); # ( array_ref2, array_ref3 )
+=head2 end
+This is called by a producer to signal that there is no more work to be sent.
+Once ended, no more items may be sent by the producer. Calling C<end> by
+multiple producers is not supported.
+ $chnl->end;
+=head2 send ( ARG1 [, ARG2, ... ] )
+Append data onto the left end of the channel. Unlike C<enqueue>, the values
+are kept together for the receiving consumer, similarly to calling a method.
+Object (de)serialization is handled automatically.
+ $chnl->send('item');
+ $chnl->send([ list_ref ]);
+ $chnl->send([ hash_ref ]);
+ $chnl->send(qw/item1 item2 .../);
+ $chnl->send($id, [ list_ref ]);
+ $chnl->send($id, { hash_ref });
+=head2 recv
+=head2 recv_nb
+Blocking and non-blocking fetch methods from the right end of the channel.
+For the latter and when the channel is empty, returns C<an empty list> in
+list context or C<undef> in scalar context.
+ $item = $chnl->recv();
+ $array_ref = $chnl->recv();
+ $hash_ref = $chnl->recv();
+ ($item1, $item2) = $chnl->recv_nb();
+ ($id, $array_ref) = $chnl->recv_nb();
+ ($id, $hash_ref) = $chnl->recv_nb();
+=head2 send2 ( ARG1 [, ARG2, ... ] )
+Append data onto the right end of the channel. Unlike C<enqueue>, the values
+are kept together for the receiving producer, similarly to calling a method.
+Object (de)serialization is handled automatically.
+ $chnl->send2('item');
+ $chnl->send2([ list_ref ]);
+ $chnl->send2([ hash_ref ]);
+ $chnl->send2(qw/item1 item2 .../);
+ $chnl->send2($id, [ list_ref ]);
+ $chnl->send2($id, { hash_ref });
+=head2 recv2
+=head2 recv2_nb
+Blocking and non-blocking fetch methods from the left end of the channel.
+For the latter and when the channel is empty, returns C<an empty list> in
+list context or C<undef> in scalar context.
+ $item = $chnl->recv2();
+ $array_ref = $chnl->recv2();
+ $hash_ref = $chnl->recv2();
+ ($item1, $item2) = $chnl->recv2_nb();
+ ($id, $array_ref) = $chnl->recv2_nb();
+ ($id, $hash_ref) = $chnl->recv2_nb();
+=head2 Example 1 - threads
+C<MCE::Channel> was made to work efficiently with L<threads>. The reason is from
+using L<threads::shared> for locking versus L<MCE::Mutex>.
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use threads;
+ use MCE::Channel;
+ my $queue = MCE::Channel->new( impl => 'Threads' );
+ my $num_consumers = 10;
+ sub consumer {
+ # receive items
+ my $count = 0;
+ while ( my ($item1, $item2) = $queue->dequeue(2) ) {
+ $count += 2;
+ }
+ # send result
+ $queue->send2( threads->tid => $count );
+ }
+ threads->create('consumer') for 1 .. $num_consumers;
+ ## producer
+ $queue->enqueue($_, $_ * 2) for 1 .. 40000;
+ $queue->end;
+ my %results;
+ my $total = 0;
+ for ( 1 .. $num_consumers ) {
+ my ($id, $count) = $queue->recv2;
+ $results{$id} = $count;
+ $total += $count;
+ }
+ $_->join for threads->list;
+ print $results{$_}, "\n" for keys %results;
+ print "$total total\n\n";
+ __END__
+ # output
+ 8034
+ 8008
+ 8036
+ 8058
+ 7990
+ 7948
+ 8068
+ 7966
+ 7960
+ 7932
+ 80000 total
+=head2 Example 2 - MCE::Child
+The following is similarly threads-like for Perl lacking threads support.
+It spawns processes instead, thus requires the C<Mutex> channel implementation
+which is the default if omitted.
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use MCE::Child;
+ use MCE::Channel;
+ my $queue = MCE::Channel->new( impl => 'Mutex' );
+ my $num_consumers = 10;
+ sub consumer {
+ # receive items
+ my $count = 0;
+ while ( my ($item1, $item2) = $queue->dequeue(2) ) {
+ $count += 2;
+ }
+ # send result
+ $queue->send2( MCE::Child->pid => $count );
+ }
+ MCE::Child->create('consumer') for 1 .. $num_consumers;
+ ## producer
+ $queue->enqueue($_, $_ * 2) for 1 .. 40000;
+ $queue->end;
+ my %results;
+ my $total = 0;
+ for ( 1 .. $num_consumers ) {
+ my ($id, $count) = $queue->recv2;
+ $results{$id} = $count;
+ $total += $count;
+ }
+ $_->join for MCE::Child->list;
+ print $results{$_}, "\n" for keys %results;
+ print "$total total\n\n";
+=head2 Example 3 - Many producers
+Running with 2 or more producers requires setting the C<mp> option. Internally,
+this enables locking support for the left end of the channel. The C<mp> option
+applies to C<Mutex> and C<Threads> channel implementations only.
+Here, using the MCE facility for gathering the final count.
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use MCE::Flow;
+ use MCE::Channel;
+ my $queue = MCE::Channel->new( impl => 'Mutex', mp => 1 );
+ my $num_consumers = 10;
+ sub consumer {
+ # receive items
+ my $count = 0;
+ while ( my ( $item1, $item2 ) = $queue->dequeue(2) ) {
+ $count += 2;
+ }
+ # send result
+ MCE->gather( MCE->wid => $count );
+ }
+ sub producer {
+ $queue->enqueue($_, $_ * 2) for 1 .. 20000;
+ }
+ ## run 2 producers and many consumers
+ MCE::Flow::init(
+ max_workers => [ 2, $num_consumers ],
+ task_name => [ 'producer', 'consumer' ],
+ task_end => sub {
+ my ($mce, $task_id, $task_name) = @_;
+ if ( $task_name eq 'producer' ) {
+ $queue->end;
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ # consumers call gather above (i.e. send a key-value pair),
+ # have MCE append to a hash
+ my %results = mce_flow \&producer, \&consumer;
+ MCE::Flow::finish;
+ my $total = 0;
+ for ( keys %results ) {
+ $total += $results{$_};
+ print $results{$_}, "\n";
+ }
+ print "$total total\n\n";
+=head2 Example 4 - Request input
+This demonstration configures a channel per consumer. Plus, a common channel
+for consumers to request the next input item. The C<Simple> implementation is
+specified for the individual channels whereas locking may be necessary for the
+C<$ready> channel. However, consumers do not incur reading and what is written
+is very small (i.e. atomic write is guaranteed by the OS). Thus, am safely
+choosing the C<Simple> implementation versus C<Mutex>.
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use MCE::Flow;
+ use MCE::Channel;
+ my $prog_name = $0; $prog_name =~ s{^.*[\\/]}{}g;
+ my $input_size = shift || 3000;
+ unless ($input_size =~ /\A\d+\z/) {
+ print {*STDERR} "usage: $prog_name [ size ]\n";
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ my $consumers = 4;
+ my @chnls = map { MCE::Channel->new( impl => 'Simple' ) } 1 .. $consumers;
+ my $ready = MCE::Channel->new( impl => 'Simple' );
+ sub producer {
+ my $id = 0;
+ # send the next input item upon request
+ for ( 0 .. $input_size - 1 ) {
+ my $chnl_num = $ready->recv2;
+ $chnls[ $chnl_num ]->send( ++$id, $_ );
+ }
+ # signal no more work
+ $_->send( 0, undef ) for @chnls;
+ }
+ sub consumer {
+ my $chnl_num = MCE->task_wid - 1;
+ while () {
+ # notify the producer ready for input
+ $ready->send2( $chnl_num );
+ # retrieve input data
+ my ( $id, $item ) = $chnls[ $chnl_num ]->recv;
+ # leave loop if no more work
+ last unless $id;
+ # compute and send the result to the manager process
+ # ordered output requires an id (must be 1st argument)
+ MCE->gather( $id, [ $item, sqrt($item) ] );
+ }
+ }
+ # A custom 'ordered' output iterator for MCE's gather facility.
+ # It returns a closure block, expecting an ID for 1st argument.
+ sub output_iterator {
+ my %tmp; my $order_id = 1;
+ return sub {
+ my ( $id, $result ) = @_;
+ $tmp{ $id } = $result;
+ while () {
+ last unless exists $tmp{ $order_id };
+ $result = delete $tmp{ $order_id };
+ printf "n: %d sqrt(n): %f\n", $result->[0], $result->[1];
+ $order_id++;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ # Run one producer and many consumers.
+ # Output to be sent orderly to STDOUT.
+ MCE::Flow->init(
+ gather => output_iterator(),
+ max_workers => [ 1, $consumers ],
+ );
+ MCE::Flow->run( \&producer, \&consumer );
+ MCE::Flow->finish;
+ __END__
+ # Output
+ n: 0 sqrt(n): 0.000000
+ n: 1 sqrt(n): 1.000000
+ n: 2 sqrt(n): 1.414214
+ n: 3 sqrt(n): 1.732051
+ n: 4 sqrt(n): 2.000000
+ n: 5 sqrt(n): 2.236068
+ n: 6 sqrt(n): 2.449490
+ n: 7 sqrt(n): 2.645751
+ n: 8 sqrt(n): 2.828427
+ n: 9 sqrt(n): 3.000000
+ ...
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=over 3
+=item * L<>
+=item * L<threads::lite>
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Mario E. Roy, S<E<lt>marioeroy AT gmail DOT comE<gt>>
+Copyright (C) 2019 by Mario E. Roy
+MCE::Shared is released under the same license as Perl.
+See L<> for more information.