diff options
authorAndrej Shadura <>2019-06-23 13:50:05 -0500
committerAndrej Shadura <>2019-06-23 13:50:05 -0500
commit48397e80cac42333dbcb124313ba9205531e2ace (patch)
Import original source of Net-Async-HTTP 0.44
55 files changed, 8811 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Build.PL b/Build.PL
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..782e3f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build.PL
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Module::Build;
+my $build = Module::Build->new(
+ module_name => 'Net::Async::HTTP',
+ requires => {
+ 'Future' => '0.28', # ->set_label
+ 'Future::Utils' => '0.16',
+ 'HTTP::Request' => 0,
+ 'HTTP::Request::Common' => 0,
+ 'HTTP::Response' => 0,
+ 'IO::Async::Loop' => '0.59',
+ 'IO::Async::Stream' => '0.59',
+ 'IO::Async::Timer::Countdown' => 0,
+ 'List::Util' => "1.29", # pairs()
+ 'Socket' => '2.010',
+ 'Struct::Dumb' => '0.07',
+ 'URI' => 0,
+ 'perl' => '5.010', # //
+ },
+ recommends => {
+ 'Compress::Raw::Zlib' => '2.057', # Fails with Compress::Raw::Zlib 2.056 or before
+ },
+ build_requires => {
+ 'HTTP::Cookies' => 0,
+ 'IO::Async::Test' => 0,
+ 'Test::Identity' => 0,
+ 'Test::More' => '0.88', # done_testing
+ 'Test::Refcount' => 0,
+ },
+ configure_requires => {
+ 'Module::Build' => '0.4004', # test_requires
+ },
+ license => 'perl',
+ create_license => 1,
+ create_readme => 1,
+ meta_merge => {
+ resources => {
+ x_IRC => "irc://",
+ },
+ },
diff --git a/Changes b/Changes
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e30b64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Changes
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+Revision history for Net-Async-HTTP
+0.44 2019-02-17 14:11:57
+ * Regnerate embedded SSL testing certs
+ * No actual code changes
+0.43 2018-11-14 22:05:27
+ * Use IPTOS_* constants directly from Socket 2.010
+ * Pass SNI hostname when making SSL connections (RT94605)
+ * Proxy connections require full authority string (RT119961)
+0.42 2018-04-03 15:37:17
+ * Optionally support SOCKS5 proxies, using Net::Async::SOCKS
+ (RT124729)
+ * Minor docs improvements
+ * Ensure that on_header is still invoked for a final redirect that
+ isn't followed (RT124920)
+ * Better detection of $Socket::VERSION (RT122527)
+0.41 2016/06/03 19:00:47
+ * Ensure all kept-alive connections are properly closed when removing
+ an instance from its containing IO::Async::Loop
+0.40 2015/07/27 19:53:19
+ * Added 'on_ready' parameter to ->request method, for interacting
+ with the socket directly
+ * Allow optional restriction of connect family
+0.39 2015/07/13 15:34:29
+ * Allow additional HTTP request headers to be supplied when in URI
+ mode
+ * Add require_SSL parameter that forbids plaintext requests
+ (RT101498)
+ * Announce that a future version may set a default value for
+ max_connections_per_host higher than 1
+ * Ensure that fail_on_error also applies to legacy-style
+ on_response+on_error continuations (RT102022)
+ * Avoid use of undef in an error message printing a warning
+ (RT101459)
+0.38 2015/06/01 15:32:57
+ * More debug_printf() calls for better logging of connection-related
+ activity
+ * Ensure that failed connections are removed from the parent notifier
+ (RT102547)
+ * Make sure not to call length() on undefined values (RT102023)
+ * Ensure that the first request after connecting is only written
+ after the connection has been configured and has a notifier name
+0.37 2014/12/13 15:06:06
+ * Major refactoring of Net::Async::HTTP::Connection internal closure-
+ generation logic
+ * Cancel pending connect Futures if pipelining means an existing
+ connection can be reused; handles failures better (RT99142)
+ * Attempt to handle the case where $f->done itself throws an
+ exception by at least maintaining internal state (RT100066)
+0.36 2014/10/14 12:03:07
+ * Set the content of generated requests if a 'content' param is given
+ (RT97654)
+ * Store object-wide SSL params for convenience (RT98514)
+ * Clarify the final return value of the on_body_chunk handler
+ (RT98278)
+ * Nicer error message when a non-HTTP response header is received
+ (RT93231)
+ * 3xx responses without a Location header, and non-(GET|HEAD)
+ requests should not be redirected (RT98093)
+0.35 2014/03/30 20:58:34
+ * Reparse URI scheme after redirect, so host/port/SSLness are reset
+ correctly (RT94303)
+ * Requeue the next pending request after an HTTP/1.0-style EOF
+ (RT94304)
+ * Require at least Compress::Bzip2 2.10 to do bzip2 decompression
+ Bugfixes sponsored by Cisco (
+0.34 2014/03/27 18:26:43
+ * Don't attempt to reconnect ready queue items that already have a
+ pending connection attempt (RT92904)
+ * Don't close over $responder, thus avoiding a reference cycle leak
+ (RT93232 / RT92728)
+ * Avoid relying on strong forward references in Future, by creating
+ intentional cycles on pending Futures. Workaround for bugfix in
+ upcoming Future release.
+ Bugfixes sponsored by NET-A-PORTER (
+0.33 2014/01/22 23:48:40
+ * Include connection flieno in notifier_name in case of multiple
+ connections to a given host+port
+ * Use different Future failure operation names for timeout and
+ stall_timeout
+ * Zlib compression needs Compress::Raw::Zlib 2.057 or newer
+ * Ensure that unpipelined requests can be cancelled
+ * Ensure that other pending requests on a connection are also
+ errored out when connection receives EOF
+0.32 2013/11/19 14:09:18
+ * Optionally decode encoded content and set the Accept-Encoding
+ header of outbound requests. Currently defaults off, but may become
+ true in a later version.
+ * Handle resolve/connect errors and pipeline queue flushing after
+ cancellation correctly
+0.31 2013/11/04 18:04:30
+ * Allow a plain string URI, upgrading it to a URI object (RT89269)
+ * Added ->POST shortcut method, similar to ->GET and ->HEAD
+ * Extract HTTP basic auth. information from the URL in an
+ HTTP::Request (RT89775)
+ * Remember to keep resetting the stall timer when receiving body
+ content
+ * Fix awkward race between stall_timer and ->cancel
+ * Note dependency on Test::Refcount
+0.30 2013/10/20 02:08:01
+ * Use Future->new->fail to return failing immediate Futures
+ * Ensure Future failures all use standard IO::Async style of
+ ($message, NAME, ...)
+ * Ensure that fail_on_error doesn't cause non-error responses to fail
+ (RT88996)
+0.29 2013/09/22 02:50:39
+ * Added 'on_body_write' callback
+ * Reordering of documentation to emphasise futures first
+ * Fix handling of chunk header when split across reads
+0.28 2013/09/13 20:40:14
+ * Rewrite back into being a subclass of IO::Async::Stream instead of
+ using IO::Async::Protocol::Stream
+ * IO::Async::Stream 0.59 allows stall timeout detection during writes
+ now as well
+ * Closed connections should drop the ready queue, so they don't
+ accidentally try to process a second request
+ * Failure handling of corrupted chunk headers during chunked transfer
+ encoding
+ * Ensure that $f->cancel on a request Future actually works properly
+0.26 CHANGES:
+ * Added 'stall_timeout', at least for read operations
+ * Fix NaHTTP+NaHTTP::Server unit tests for minimum version
+ requirements
+ * Defend against ->setsockopt detecting SvPOK() of string values
+ * Test for both "Connection closed" and "Connection closed while
+ awaiting header" as OSes differ in behaviour
+0.24 CHANGES:
+ * Optionally set IP_TOS field in sockets
+ * Remember to pass 'SSL' parameter around for requests on 'https'
+ scheme
+ * Fix t/14conn-max.t failures - disable pipelining, wait for correct
+ peersock connection to become ready (it may not be [0])
+0.22 CHANGES:
+ * Allow more control over per-host concurrency; either a pool with a
+ limit, or boundless growth of concurrency
+0.21 CHANGES:
+ * Optional mode in which 4xx and 5xx HTTP errors are turned into
+ callback errors or Future failures
+ * Handle incoming 1xx informational responses
+ * Optionally set 'Expect' header for 100 Continue response
+0.20 CHANGES:
+ * Improvements to timeout and cancellation handling
+ * Updated for Future 0.12; pass 'return' argument to
+ Future::Utils::repeat
+ * Use newer IO::Async::OS->socketpair in unit tests
+0.19 CHANGES:
+ * Allow $http->do_request to return a Future object yielding the
+ eventual response
+ * Added convenient $http->GET and ->HEAD methods
+ * Many internal neatenings and rewrites to better support Futures
+0.18 CHANGES:
+ * Default host/port/SSLness from URL in HTTP::Request if given
+ * Set Connection: keep-alive by default
+ * Presume that HTTP/1.1 connections can keep-alive by default
+ * Attempt to limit the number of outstanding requests in flight per
+ connection; keep others in a queue
+ * Pass the same timer object down redirects so the same overall
+ timeout is reused
+ * Fix memory leak by remembering to remove closed NaHTTP::Protocol
+ children from containing NaHTTP
+ * Correctly terminate requests to connections closed during write
+ * Handle trailing whitespace after Chunked encoding chunk size
+ (thanks David Leadbeater)
+0.17 CHANGES:
+ * Support optionally setting local host/port/addr (RT75431)
+ * Don't pipeline requests until the server is known to be at least
+ HTTP/1.1
+ * Default request protocol to HTTP/1.1 so caller doesn't have to
+ (RT75830)
+ * http(s) port logic on numbers rather than protocol names (RT75615)
+ * Use more weaseling in timeout handlers to avoid cyclic reference
+ memory leak
+ * Work around HTTP::Message's non-trimming of linear whitespace
+ (RT72843)
+ * Better HTTP handling of "Connection: close" connections; close the
+ socket at the end of the response body or HEAD header.
+0.14 CHANGES:
+ * Per-request timeouts
+ * Default port to http/https if not supplied explicitly
+ * Fill in Response ->previous on redirects - RT72791
+ * Improvements to unit tests
+ * Handle redirect to https:// as well as http:// (RT71526)
+ * Fix use of conditional variable declaration that breaks on
+ Perl 5.14 (RT71545)
+ * Clean up connection cache after resolve, connect or SSL failures
+ (RT71530)
+ * Wait for connect to complete when pipelining multiple requests down
+ the same connection initially (RT66189)
+ * When serialising a request, handle a full protocol://authority URI
+ by splitting protocol/authority parts out of it
+ * Fix stalling t/12request-streaming.t test script that causes lots
+ of FAILs at test time
+0.10 CHANGES:
+ * Support streaming of request body content
+ * Support HTTP::Cookies object as a cookie jar
+ * Allow proxy_host and proxy_port as ->configure parameters, to set
+ defaults for requests
+0.09 CHANGES:
+ * Use IO::Async::Protocol->connect from 0.34
+0.08 CHANGES:
+ * Support streaming of response body content
+ * Support SSL if IO::Async::SSL is installed
+0.07 CHANGES:
+ * base on IO::Async::Protocol::Stream
+0.06 CHANGES:
+ * When POSTing content that isn't form data, expect to be given its
+ content type
+0.05 CHANGES:
+ * Added Test::Pod testing
+ * Created example wget-style script
+ * Documentation neatening
+ * More accurate 'requires' in Build.PL; hopefully to keep CPANTS
+ happy
+0.04 CHANGES:
+ * Added 'use warnings'
+ * Updated to IO::Async 0.21 style
+ * Various small documentation and test script updates
+0.03 CHANGES:
+ * Support server-local HTTP redirects
+0.02 CHANGES:
+ * Support HTTP redirects
+ * Declare dependency on HTTP::Request and HTTP::Response
+0.01 First version, released on an unsuspecting world.
diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ccd0c9c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
+This software is copyright (c) 2019 by Paul Evans <>.
+This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
+Terms of the Perl programming language system itself
+a) the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+ Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any
+ later version, or
+b) the "Artistic License"
+--- The GNU General Public License, Version 1, February 1989 ---
+This software is Copyright (c) 2019 by Paul Evans <>.
+This is free software, licensed under:
+ The GNU General Public License, Version 1, February 1989
+ Version 1, February 1989
+ Copyright (C) 1989 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ Preamble
+ The license agreements of most software companies try to keep users
+at the mercy of those companies. By contrast, our General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. The
+General Public License applies to the Free Software Foundation's
+software and to any other program whose authors commit to using it.
+You can use it for your programs, too.
+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price. Specifically, the General Public License is designed to make
+sure that you have the freedom to give away or sell copies of free
+software, that you receive source code or can get it if you want it,
+that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new free
+programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+ To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+ For example, if you distribute copies of a such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code. And you must tell them their rights.
+ We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+ Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+ 0. This License Agreement applies to any program or other work which
+contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be
+distributed under the terms of this General Public License. The
+"Program", below, refers to any such program or work, and a "work based
+on the Program" means either the Program or any work containing the
+Program or a portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications. Each
+licensee is addressed as "you".
+ 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's source
+code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and
+appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice and
+disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the notices that refer to this
+General Public License and to the absence of any warranty; and give any
+other recipients of the Program a copy of this General Public License
+along with the Program. You may charge a fee for the physical act of
+transferring a copy.
+ 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion of
+it, and copy and distribute such modifications under the terms of Paragraph
+1 above, provided that you also do the following:
+ a) cause the modified files to carry prominent notices stating that
+ you changed the files and the date of any change; and
+ b) cause the whole of any work that you distribute or publish, that
+ in whole or in part contains the Program or any part thereof, either
+ with or without modifications, to be licensed at no charge to all
+ third parties under the terms of this General Public License (except
+ that you may choose to grant warranty protection to some or all
+ third parties, at your option).
+ c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively when
+ run, you must cause it, when started running for such interactive use
+ in the simplest and most usual way, to print or display an
+ announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a notice
+ that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide a
+ warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under these
+ conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this General
+ Public License.
+ d) You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a
+ copy, and you may at your option offer warranty protection in
+ exchange for a fee.
+Mere aggregation of another independent work with the Program (or its
+derivative) on a volume of a storage or distribution medium does not bring
+the other work under the scope of these terms.
+ 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a portion or derivative of
+it, under Paragraph 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Paragraphs 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+ a) accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+ source code, which must be distributed under the terms of
+ Paragraphs 1 and 2 above; or,
+ b) accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+ years, to give any third party free (except for a nominal charge
+ for the cost of distribution) a complete machine-readable copy of the
+ corresponding source code, to be distributed under the terms of
+ Paragraphs 1 and 2 above; or,
+ c) accompany it with the information you received as to where the
+ corresponding source code may be obtained. (This alternative is
+ allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+ received the program in object code or executable form alone.)
+Source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for making
+modifications to it. For an executable file, complete source code means
+all the source code for all modules it contains; but, as a special
+exception, it need not include source code for modules which are standard
+libraries that accompany the operating system on which the executable
+file runs, or for standard header files or definitions files that
+accompany that operating system.
+ 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, distribute or transfer the
+Program except as expressly provided under this General Public License.
+Any attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, distribute or transfer
+the Program is void, and will automatically terminate your rights to use
+the Program under this License. However, parties who have received
+copies, or rights to use copies, from you under this General Public
+License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such parties
+remain in full compliance.
+ 5. By copying, distributing or modifying the Program (or any work based
+on the Program) you indicate your acceptance of this license to do so,
+and all its terms and conditions.
+ 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the original
+licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to these
+terms and conditions. You may not impose any further restrictions on the
+recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+ 7. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
+specifies a version number of the license which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
+the license, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+ 8. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+ Appendix: How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+ If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to humanity, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these
+ To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest to
+attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively convey
+the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the
+"copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+ <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+ Copyright (C) 19yy <name of author>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301 USA
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+ Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19xx name of author
+ Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+ This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+ under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the
+appropriate parts of the General Public License. Of course, the
+commands you use may be called something other than `show w' and `show
+c'; they could even be mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary. Here a sample; alter the names:
+ Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the
+ program `Gnomovision' (a program to direct compilers to make passes
+ at assemblers) written by James Hacker.
+ <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+ Ty Coon, President of Vice
+That's all there is to it!
+--- The Artistic License 1.0 ---
+This software is Copyright (c) 2019 by Paul Evans <>.
+This is free software, licensed under:
+ The Artistic License 1.0
+The Artistic License
+The intent of this document is to state the conditions under which a Package
+may be copied, such that the Copyright Holder maintains some semblance of
+artistic control over the development of the package, while giving the users of
+the package the right to use and distribute the Package in a more-or-less
+customary fashion, plus the right to make reasonable modifications.
+ - "Package" refers to the collection of files distributed by the Copyright
+ Holder, and derivatives of that collection of files created through
+ textual modification.
+ - "Standard Version" refers to such a Package if it has not been modified,
+ or has been modified in accordance with the wishes of the Copyright
+ Holder.
+ - "Copyright Holder" is whoever is named in the copyright or copyrights for
+ the package.
+ - "You" is you, if you're thinking about copying or distributing this Package.
+ - "Reasonable copying fee" is whatever you can justify on the basis of media
+ cost, duplication charges, time of people involved, and so on. (You will
+ not be required to justify it to the Copyright Holder, but only to the
+ computing community at large as a market that must bear the fee.)
+ - "Freely Available" means that no fee is charged for the item itself, though
+ there may be fees involved in handling the item. It also means that
+ recipients of the item may redistribute it under the same conditions they
+ received it.
+1. You may make and give away verbatim copies of the source form of the
+Standard Version of this Package without restriction, provided that you
+duplicate all of the original copyright notices and associated disclaimers.
+2. You may apply bug fixes, portability fixes and other modifications derived
+from the Public Domain or from the Copyright Holder. A Package modified in such
+a way shall still be considered the Standard Version.
+3. You may otherwise modify your copy of this Package in any way, provided that
+you insert a prominent notice in each changed file stating how and when you
+changed that file, and provided that you do at least ONE of the following:
+ a) place your modifications in the Public Domain or otherwise make them
+ Freely Available, such as by posting said modifications to Usenet or an
+ equivalent medium, or placing the modifications on a major archive site
+ such as, or by allowing the Copyright Holder to include your
+ modifications in the Standard Version of the Package.
+ b) use the modified Package only within your corporation or organization.
+ c) rename any non-standard executables so the names do not conflict with
+ standard executables, which must also be provided, and provide a separate
+ manual page for each non-standard executable that clearly documents how it
+ differs from the Standard Version.
+ d) make other distribution arrangements with the Copyright Holder.
+4. You may distribute the programs of this Package in object code or executable
+form, provided that you do at least ONE of the following:
+ a) distribute a Standard Version of the executables and library files,
+ together with instructions (in the manual page or equivalent) on where to
+ get the Standard Version.
+ b) accompany the distribution with the machine-readable source of the Package
+ with your modifications.
+ c) accompany any non-standard executables with their corresponding Standard
+ Version executables, giving the non-standard executables non-standard
+ names, and clearly documenting the differences in manual pages (or
+ equivalent), together with instructions on where to get the Standard
+ Version.
+ d) make other distribution arrangements with the Copyright Holder.
+5. You may charge a reasonable copying fee for any distribution of this
+Package. You may charge any fee you choose for support of this Package. You
+may not charge a fee for this Package itself. However, you may distribute this
+Package in aggregate with other (possibly commercial) programs as part of a
+larger (possibly commercial) software distribution provided that you do not
+advertise this Package as a product of your own.
+6. The scripts and library files supplied as input to or produced as output
+from the programs of this Package do not automatically fall under the copyright
+of this Package, but belong to whomever generated them, and may be sold
+commercially, and may be aggregated with this Package.
+7. C or perl subroutines supplied by you and linked into this Package shall not
+be considered part of this Package.
+8. The name of the Copyright Holder may not be used to endorse or promote
+products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+The End
diff --git a/MANIFEST b/MANIFEST
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bba5101
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+MANIFEST This list of files
diff --git a/META.json b/META.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..534a5ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/META.json
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+ "abstract" : "use HTTP with C<IO::Async>",
+ "author" : [
+ "Paul Evans <>"
+ ],
+ "dynamic_config" : 1,
+ "generated_by" : "Module::Build version 0.4224",
+ "license" : [
+ "perl_5"
+ ],
+ "meta-spec" : {
+ "url" : "",
+ "version" : 2
+ },
+ "name" : "Net-Async-HTTP",
+ "prereqs" : {
+ "build" : {
+ "requires" : {
+ "HTTP::Cookies" : "0",
+ "IO::Async::Test" : "0",
+ "Test::Identity" : "0",
+ "Test::More" : "0.88",
+ "Test::Refcount" : "0"
+ }
+ },
+ "configure" : {
+ "requires" : {
+ "Module::Build" : "0.4004"
+ }
+ },
+ "runtime" : {
+ "recommends" : {
+ "Compress::Raw::Zlib" : "2.057"
+ },
+ "requires" : {
+ "Future" : "0.28",
+ "Future::Utils" : "0.16",
+ "HTTP::Request" : "0",
+ "HTTP::Request::Common" : "0",
+ "HTTP::Response" : "0",
+ "IO::Async::Loop" : "0.59",
+ "IO::Async::Stream" : "0.59",
+ "IO::Async::Timer::Countdown" : "0",
+ "List::Util" : "1.29",
+ "Socket" : "2.010",
+ "Struct::Dumb" : "0.07",
+ "URI" : "0",
+ "perl" : "5.010"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "provides" : {
+ "Net::Async::HTTP" : {
+ "file" : "lib/Net/Async/",
+ "version" : "0.44"
+ },
+ "Net::Async::HTTP::Connection" : {
+ "file" : "lib/Net/Async/HTTP/",
+ "version" : "0.44"
+ },
+ "Net::Async::HTTP::StallTimer" : {
+ "file" : "lib/Net/Async/HTTP/",
+ "version" : "0.44"
+ }
+ },
+ "release_status" : "stable",
+ "resources" : {
+ "license" : [
+ ""
+ ],
+ "x_IRC" : "irc://"
+ },
+ "version" : "0.44",
+ "x_serialization_backend" : "JSON::PP version 4.00"
diff --git a/META.yml b/META.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..505c5ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/META.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+abstract: 'use HTTP with C<IO::Async>'
+ - 'Paul Evans <>'
+ HTTP::Cookies: '0'
+ IO::Async::Test: '0'
+ Test::Identity: '0'
+ Test::More: '0.88'
+ Test::Refcount: '0'
+ Module::Build: '0.4004'
+dynamic_config: 1
+generated_by: 'Module::Build version 0.4224, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.150010'
+license: perl
+ url:
+ version: '1.4'
+name: Net-Async-HTTP
+ Net::Async::HTTP:
+ file: lib/Net/Async/
+ version: '0.44'
+ Net::Async::HTTP::Connection:
+ file: lib/Net/Async/HTTP/
+ version: '0.44'
+ Net::Async::HTTP::StallTimer:
+ file: lib/Net/Async/HTTP/
+ version: '0.44'
+ Compress::Raw::Zlib: '2.057'
+ Future: '0.28'
+ Future::Utils: '0.16'
+ HTTP::Request: '0'
+ HTTP::Request::Common: '0'
+ HTTP::Response: '0'
+ IO::Async::Loop: '0.59'
+ IO::Async::Stream: '0.59'
+ IO::Async::Timer::Countdown: '0'
+ List::Util: '1.29'
+ Socket: '2.010'
+ Struct::Dumb: '0.07'
+ URI: '0'
+ perl: '5.010'
+ IRC: irc://
+ license:
+version: '0.44'
+x_serialization_backend: 'CPAN::Meta::YAML version 0.018'
diff --git a/README b/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8719717
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README
@@ -0,0 +1,549 @@
+ Net::Async::HTTP - use HTTP with IO::Async
+ use IO::Async::Loop;
+ use Net::Async::HTTP;
+ use URI;
+ my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new();
+ my $http = Net::Async::HTTP->new();
+ $loop->add( $http );
+ my ( $response ) = $http->do_request(
+ uri => URI->new( "" ),
+ )->get;
+ print "Front page of is:\n";
+ print $response->as_string;
+ This object class implements an asynchronous HTTP user agent. It sends
+ requests to servers, returning Future instances to yield responses when
+ they are received. The object supports multiple concurrent connections
+ to servers, and allows multiple requests in the pipeline to any one
+ connection. Normally, only one such object will be needed per program
+ to support any number of requests.
+ As well as using futures the module also supports a callback-based
+ interface.
+ This module optionally supports SSL connections, if IO::Async::SSL is
+ installed. If so, SSL can be requested either by passing a URI with the
+ https scheme, or by passing a true value as the SSL parameter.
+ Connection Pooling
+ There are three ways in which connections to HTTP server hosts are
+ managed by this object, controlled by the value of
+ max_connections_per_host. This controls when new connections are
+ established to servers, as compared to waiting for existing connections
+ to be free, as new requests are made to them.
+ They are:
+ max_connections_per_host = 1
+ This is the default setting. In this mode, there will be one
+ connection per host on which there are active or pending requests. If
+ new requests are made while an existing one is outstanding, they will
+ be queued to wait for it.
+ If pipelining is active on the connection (because both the pipeline
+ option is true and the connection is known to be an HTTP/1.1 server),
+ then requests will be pipelined into the connection awaiting their
+ response. If not, they will be queued awaiting a response to the
+ previous before sending the next.
+ max_connections_per_host > 1
+ In this mode, there can be more than one connection per host. If a
+ new request is made, it will try to re-use idle connections if there
+ are any, or if they are all busy it will create a new connection to
+ the host, up to the configured limit.
+ max_connections_per_host = 0
+ In this mode, there is no upper limit to the number of connections
+ per host. Every new request will try to reuse an idle connection, or
+ else create a new one if all the existing ones are busy.
+ These modes all apply per hostname / server port pair; they do not
+ affect the behaviour of connections made to differing hostnames, or
+ differing ports on the same hostname.
+ The following named parameters may be passed to new or configure:
+ user_agent => STRING
+ A string to set in the User-Agent HTTP header. If not supplied, one
+ will be constructed that declares Net::Async::HTTP and the version
+ number.
+ max_redirects => INT
+ Optional. How many levels of redirection to follow. If not supplied,
+ will default to 3. Give 0 to disable redirection entirely.
+ max_in_flight => INT
+ Optional. The maximum number of in-flight requests to allow per host
+ when pipelining is enabled and supported on that host. If more requests
+ are made over this limit they will be queued internally by the object
+ and not sent to the server until responses are received. If not
+ supplied, will default to 4. Give 0 to disable the limit entirely.
+ max_connections_per_host => INT
+ Optional. Controls the maximum number of connections per
+ hostname/server port pair, before requests will be queued awaiting one
+ to be free. Give 0 to disable the limit entirely. See also the
+ "Connection Pooling" section documented above.
+ Currently, if not supplied it will default to 1. However, it has been
+ found in practice that most programs will raise this limit to something
+ higher, perhaps 3 or 4. Therefore, a future version of this module may
+ set a higher value.
+ To test if your application will handle this correctly, you can set a
+ different default by setting an environment variable:
+ timeout => NUM
+ Optional. How long in seconds to wait before giving up on a request. If
+ not supplied then no default will be applied, and no timeout will take
+ place.
+ stall_timeout => NUM
+ Optional. How long in seconds to wait after each write or read of data
+ on a socket, before giving up on a request. This may be more useful
+ than timeout on large-file operations, as it will not time out provided
+ that regular progress is still being made.
+ proxy_host => STRING
+ proxy_port => INT
+ Optional. Default values to apply to each request method.
+ cookie_jar => HTTP::Cookies
+ Optional. A reference to a HTTP::Cookies object. Will be used to set
+ cookies in requests and store them from responses.
+ pipeline => BOOL
+ Optional. If false, disables HTTP/1.1-style request pipelining.
+ family => INT
+ local_host => STRING
+ local_port => INT
+ local_addrs => ARRAY
+ local_addr => HASH or ARRAY
+ Optional. Parameters to pass on to the connect method used to connect
+ sockets to HTTP servers. Sets the socket family and local socket
+ address to bind() to. For more detail, see the documentation in
+ IO::Async::Connector.
+ fail_on_error => BOOL
+ Optional. Affects the behaviour of response handling when a 4xx or 5xx
+ response code is received. When false, these responses will be
+ processed as other responses and yielded as the result of the future,
+ or passed to the on_response callback. When true, such an error
+ response causes the future to fail, or the on_error callback to be
+ invoked.
+ The HTTP response and request objects will be passed as well as the
+ code and message, and the failure name will be http.
+ ( $code_message, "http", $response, $request ) = $f->failure
+ $on_error->( "$code $message", $response, $request )
+ read_len => INT
+ write_len => INT
+ Optional. Used to set the reading and writing buffer lengths on the
+ underlying IO::Async::Stream objects that represent connections to the
+ server. If not define, a default of 64 KiB will be used.
+ ip_tos => INT or STRING
+ Optional. Used to set the IP_TOS socket option on client sockets. If
+ given, should either be a IPTOS_* constant, or one of the string names
+ lowdelay, throughput, reliability or mincost. If undefined or left
+ absent, no option will be set.
+ decode_content => BOOL
+ Optional. If true, incoming responses that have a recognised
+ Content-Encoding are handled by the module, and decompressed content is
+ passed to the body handling callback or returned in the HTTP::Response.
+ See "CONTENT DECODING" below for details of which encoding types are
+ recognised. When this option is enabled, outgoing requests also have
+ the Accept-Encoding header added to them if it does not already exist.
+ Currently the default is false, because this behaviour is new, but it
+ may default to true in a later version. Applications which care which
+ behaviour applies should set this to a defined value to ensure it
+ doesn't change.
+ SSL_*
+ Additionally, any parameters whose names start with SSL_ will be stored
+ and passed on requests to perform SSL requests. This simplifies
+ configuration of common SSL parameters.
+ require_SSL => BOOL
+ Optional. If true, then any attempt to make a request that does not use
+ SSL (either by calling request, or as a result of a redirection) will
+ immediately fail.
+ Since version 0.42.
+ Additionally, any parameters whose names start with SOCKS_ will be
+ stored and used by Net::Async::SOCKS to establish connections via a
+ configured proxy.
+ The following methods documented with a trailing call to ->get return
+ Future instances.
+ When returning a Future, the following methods all indicate HTTP-level
+ errors using the Future failure name of http. If the error relates to a
+ specific response it will be included. The original request is also
+ included.
+ $f->fail( $message, "http", $response, $request )
+ $response = $http->do_request( %args )->get
+ Send an HTTP request to a server, returning a Future that will yield
+ the response. The request may be represented by an HTTP::Request
+ object, or a URI object, depending on the arguments passed.
+ The following named arguments are used for HTTP::Requests:
+ request => HTTP::Request
+ A reference to an HTTP::Request object
+ host => STRING
+ Hostname of the server to connect to
+ port => INT or STRING
+ Optional. Port number or service of the server to connect to. If not
+ defined, will default to http or https depending on whether SSL is
+ being used.
+ family => INT
+ Optional. Restricts the socket family for connecting. If not defined,
+ will default to the globally-configured value in the object.
+ Optional. If true, an SSL connection will be used.
+ The following named arguments are used for URI requests:
+ uri => URI or STRING
+ A reference to a URI object, or a plain string giving the request
+ URI. If the scheme is https then an SSL connection will be used.
+ method => STRING
+ Optional. The HTTP method name. If missing, GET is used.
+ content => STRING or ARRAY ref
+ Optional. The body content to use for PUT or POST requests.
+ If this is a plain scalar it will be used directly, and a
+ content_type field must also be supplied to describe it.
+ If this is an ARRAY ref and the request method is POST, it will be
+ form encoded. It should contain an even-sized list of field names and
+ values. For more detail see "POST" in HTTP::Request::Common.
+ content_type => STRING
+ The type of non-form data content.
+ user => STRING
+ pass => STRING
+ Optional. If both are given, the HTTP Basic Authorization header will
+ be sent with these details.
+ headers => ARRAY|HASH
+ Optional. If provided, contains additional HTTP headers to set on the
+ constructed request object. If provided as an ARRAY reference, it
+ should contain an even-sized list of name/value pairs.
+ proxy_host => STRING
+ proxy_port => INT
+ Optional. Override the hostname or port number implied by the URI.
+ For either request type, it takes the following arguments:
+ request_body => STRING | CODE | Future
+ Optional. Allows request body content to be generated by a future or
+ callback, rather than being provided as part of the request object.
+ This can either be a plain string, a CODE reference to a generator
+ function, or a future.
+ As this is passed to the underlying IO::Async::Stream write method,
+ the usual semantics apply here. If passed a CODE reference, it will
+ be called repeatedly whenever it's safe to write. The code should
+ should return undef to indicate completion. If passed a Future it is
+ expected to eventually yield the body value.
+ As with the content parameter, the content_type field should be
+ specified explicitly in the request header, as should the content
+ length (typically via the HTTP::Request content_length method). See
+ also examples/
+ expect_continue => BOOL
+ Optional. If true, sets the Expect request header to the value
+ 100-continue and does not send the request_body parameter until a 100
+ Continue response is received from the server. If an error response
+ is received then the request_body code, if present, will not be
+ invoked.
+ on_ready => CODE
+ Optional. A callback that is invoked once a socket connection is
+ established with the HTTP server, but before the request is actually
+ sent over it. This may be used by the client code to inspect the
+ socket, or perform any other operations on it. This code is expected
+ to return a Future; only once that has completed will the request
+ cycle continue. If it fails, that failure is propagated to the
+ caller.
+ $f = $on_ready->( $connection )
+ on_redirect => CODE
+ Optional. A callback that is invoked if a redirect response is
+ received, before the new location is fetched. It will be passed the
+ response and the new URL.
+ $on_redirect->( $response, $location )
+ on_body_write => CODE
+ Optional. A callback that is invoked after each successful syswrite
+ of the body content. This may be used to implement an upload progress
+ indicator or similar. It will be passed the total number of bytes of
+ body content written so far (i.e. excluding bytes consumed in the
+ header).
+ $on_body_write->( $written )
+ max_redirects => INT
+ Optional. How many levels of redirection to follow. If not supplied,
+ will default to the value given in the constructor.
+ timeout => NUM
+ stall_timeout => NUM
+ Optional. Overrides the object's configured timeout values for this
+ one request. If not specified, will use the configured defaults.
+ On a timeout, the returned future will fail with either timeout or
+ stall_timeout as the operation name.
+ ( $message, "timeout" ) = $f->failure
+ $http->do_request( %args )
+ When not returning a future, the following extra arguments are used as
+ callbacks instead:
+ on_response => CODE
+ A callback that is invoked when a response to this request has been
+ received. It will be passed an HTTP::Response object containing the
+ response the server sent.
+ $on_response->( $response )
+ on_header => CODE
+ Alternative to on_response. A callback that is invoked when the
+ header of a response has been received. It is expected to return a
+ CODE reference for handling chunks of body content. This CODE
+ reference will be invoked with no arguments once the end of the
+ request has been reached, and whatever it returns will be used as the
+ result of the returned Future, if there is one.
+ $on_body_chunk = $on_header->( $header )
+ $on_body_chunk->( $data )
+ $response = $on_body_chunk->()
+ on_error => CODE
+ A callback that is invoked if an error occurs while trying to send
+ the request or obtain the response. It will be passed an error
+ message.
+ $on_error->( $message )
+ If this is invoked because of a received 4xx or 5xx error code in an
+ HTTP response, it will be invoked with the response and request
+ objects as well.
+ $on_error->( $message, $response, $request )
+ $response = $http->GET( $uri, %args )->get
+ $response = $http->HEAD( $uri, %args )->get
+ $response = $http->PUT( $uri, $content, %args )->get
+ $response = $http->POST( $uri, $content, %args )->get
+ Convenient wrappers for performing GET, HEAD, PUT or POST requests with
+ a URI object and few if any other arguments, returning a Future.
+ Remember that POST with non-form data (as indicated by a plain scalar
+ instead of an ARRAY reference of form data name/value pairs) needs a
+ content_type key in %args.
+ The following methods are intended as points for subclasses to
+ override, to add extra functionallity.
+ $http->prepare_request( $request )
+ Called just before the HTTP::Request object is sent to the server.
+ $http->process_response( $response )
+ Called after a non-redirect HTTP::Response has been received from a
+ server. The originating request will be set in the object.
+ If the required decompression modules are installed and available,
+ compressed content can be decoded. If the received Content-Encoding is
+ recognised and the required module is available, the content is
+ transparently decoded and the decoded content is returned in the
+ resulting response object, or passed to the data chunk handler. In this
+ case, the original Content-Encoding header will be deleted from the
+ response, and its value will be available instead as
+ X-Original-Content-Encoding.
+ The following content encoding types are recognised by these modules:
+ * gzip (q=0.7) and deflate (q=0.5)
+ Recognised if Compress::Raw::Zlib version 2.057 or newer is
+ installed.
+ * bzip2 (q=0.8)
+ Recognised if Compress::Bzip2 version 2.10 or newer is installed.
+ Other content encoding types can be registered by calling the following
+ method
+ Net::Async::HTTP->register_decoder( $name, $q, $make_decoder )
+ Registers an encoding type called $name, at the quality value $q. In
+ order to decode this encoding type, $make_decoder will be invoked with
+ no paramters, and expected to return a CODE reference to perform one
+ instance of decoding.
+ $decoder = $make_decoder->()
+ This decoder will be invoked on string buffers to decode them until the
+ end of stream is reached, when it will be invoked with no arguments.
+ $content = $decoder->( $encoded_content )
+ $content = $decoder->() # EOS
+ Concurrent GET
+ The Future-returning GET method makes it easy to await multiple URLs at
+ once, by using the Future::Utils fmap_void utility
+ my @URLs = ( ... );
+ my $http = Net::Async::HTTP->new( ... );
+ $loop->add( $http );
+ my $future = fmap_void {
+ my ( $url ) = @_;
+ $http->GET( $url )
+ ->on_done( sub {
+ my $response = shift;
+ say "$url succeeded: ", $response->code;
+ say " Content-Type":", $response->content_type;
+ } )
+ ->on_fail( sub {
+ my $failure = shift;
+ say "$url failed: $failure";
+ } );
+ } foreach => \@URLs;
+ $loop->await( $future );
+ * - Hypertext Transfer Protocol --
+ HTTP/1.1
+ Parts of this code, or bugfixes to it were paid for by
+ * SocialFlow
+ * Shadowcat Systems
+ * Cisco
+ Paul Evans <>
diff --git a/examples/ b/examples/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8013522
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use URI;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use Net::Async::HTTP;
+my $FAMILY;
+ 'local-host=s' => \my $LOCAL_HOST,
+ 'local-port=i' => \my $LOCAL_PORT,
+ 'timeout=f' => \my $TIMEOUT,
+ 'ipv4|4' => sub { $FAMILY = "inet" },
+ 'ipv6|6' => sub { $FAMILY = "inet6" },
+) or exit 1;
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new;
+my $ua = Net::Async::HTTP->new(
+ local_host => $LOCAL_HOST,
+ local_port => $LOCAL_PORT,
+ family => $FAMILY,
+ decode_content => 1,
+$loop->add( $ua );
+$ua->configure( timeout => $TIMEOUT ) if defined $TIMEOUT;
+$ua->GET( $ARGV[0] )
+ ->on_done( sub {
+ my ( $response ) = @_;
+ print $response->as_string;
+ } )
+ ->on_fail( sub {
+ my ( $message ) = @_;
+ print STDERR "Failed - $message\n";
+ } )->get;
diff --git a/examples/ b/examples/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a90740b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use URI;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use Net::Async::HTTP;
+use POSIX qw( floor );
+use Time::HiRes qw( time );
+use Getopt::Long;
+sub usage
+ my ( $exitcode ) = @_;
+ print STDERR <<"EOF";
+Net::Async::HTTP PUT client example.
+ $0 [-u user:pass] /tmp/file-to-read.bin
+If -u options are given, these will be sent as Basic auth credentials.
+Different ports can be specified in the URL, e.g.
+# Basic commandline parameter support - -u user:password
+my $userpass;
+my $url;
+my $src;
+my $contenttype = "application/octet-stream";
+ 'userpass|u=s' => \$userpass,
+ 'src=s' => \$src,
+ 'type|t=s' => \$contenttype,
+ 'help|h' => sub { usage(0) },
+) or usage(1);
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new;
+$url = shift @ARGV or usage(1);
+$src = shift @ARGV or usage(1) if !defined $src;
+my $ua = Net::Async::HTTP->new;
+$loop->add( $ua );
+# We'll send the size as the Content-Length, and get the filehandle ready for reading
+my $size = (stat $src)[7];
+open my $fh, '<', $src or die "Failed to open source file $src - $!\n";
+binmode $fh;
+# Prepare our request object
+my $uri = URI->new($url) or die "Invalid URL?\n";
+my $req = HTTP::Request->new(
+ PUT => $uri->path, [
+ 'Host' => $uri->host,
+ 'Content-Type' => $contenttype,
+ ]
+# Default is no protocol, we insist on HTTP/1.1 here, PUT probably requires that as a minimum anyway
+$req->protocol( 'HTTP/1.1' );
+$req->authorization_basic( split m/:/, $userpass, 2 ) if defined $userpass;
+$req->content_length( $size );
+# For stats
+my $total = 0;
+my $last = -1;
+my $start;
+ request => $req,
+ host => $uri->host,
+ port => $uri->port,
+ SSL => $uri->scheme eq 'https' ? 1 : 0,
+ # We override the default behaviour (pulling content from HTTP::Request) by passing a callback explicitly
+ # Originall had "content_callback", not really sure what the best thing to call this would be though.
+ request_body => sub {
+ my ($stream) = @_;
+ unless (defined $start) {
+ $start = time;
+ $| = 1;
+ }
+ # This part is the important one - read some data, and eventually return it
+ my $read = sysread $fh, my $buffer, 1048576;
+ # Just for stats display, update every mbyte
+ $total += $read;
+ my $step = floor($total / 1048576);
+ if($step > $last) {
+ $last = $step;
+ my $elapsed = (time - $start) || 1;
+ printf("Total: %14d of %14d bytes, %5.2f%% complete, %9.3fkbyte/s \r", $total, $size, (100 * $total) / $size, ($total) / ($elapsed * 1024));
+ }
+ return $buffer if $read;
+ # Return undef when we're done
+ print "\n\nComplete.\n";
+ return;
+ },
+ on_response => sub {
+ my ( $response ) = @_;
+ close $fh or die $!;
+ print $response->as_string;
+ },
+ on_error => sub {
+ my ( $message ) = @_;
+ print STDERR "Failed - $message\n";
+ }
diff --git a/examples/ b/examples/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fbebaaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+A slightly longer example demonstrating multiple L<Net::Async::HTTP> clients running in parallel. Given a base URL,
+this will recursively (breadth-first) scan any paths given on the command line and PUT whatever files are found.
+The resulting file structure will be flattened, there's no attempt to MKCOL the equivalent path structure on the
+target server.
+use URI;
+use Async::MergePoint;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use IO::Async::Timer::Periodic;
+use Net::Async::HTTP;
+use POSIX qw(floor);
+use Time::HiRes qw(time);
+use Scalar::Util qw(weaken);
+use File::Basename qw(basename);
+use Format::Human::Bytes;
+use Getopt::Std;
+# Basic commandline parameter support:
+# * -u user:password
+# * -n number of workers to start
+getopt('u:n:', \my %opts);
+@ARGV || die <<"USAGE";
+Net::Async::HTTP PUT client example.
+ $0 [-u user:pass] -n 8 file*.txt directory1 directory2
+If -u options are given, these will be sent as Basic auth credentials. Different ports can be specified in the URL,
+The -n option specifies how many parallel connections to open (default is a single connection only).
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new;
+# Bytes transferred so far
+my $total = 0;
+# Define some workers
+$opts{n} ||= 1;
+my @ua = map { Net::Async::HTTP->new } 1..$opts{n};
+$loop->add( $_ ) for @ua;
+my $start = time;
+# Used for pretty-printing, not essential if you don't have it installed
+my $fhb = Format::Human::Bytes->new;
+# The clients are added to this, and marked as done by the workers once the current file has finished and there is nothing
+# else left in the queue. Bit of a hack to pass the raw Net::Async:HTTP objects but since they each stringify to a different
+# value it does the job for now, should perhaps pass an ID or something instead.
+my $mp = Async::MergePoint->new(
+ needs => \@ua,
+ on_finished => sub {
+ my $elapsed = time - $start;
+ print "All done - " . $fhb->base2($total) . " in $elapsed seconds, " . $fhb->base2($total / $elapsed) . "/sec\n";
+ $loop->loop_stop;
+ }
+# Expect a URL and a list of files as parameters
+my ($base_url, @todo) = @ARGV;
+# Start each worker off
+queue_next_item($_) for @ua;
+# Give a rough idea of progress
+my $timer = IO::Async::Timer::Periodic->new(
+ interval => 10,
+ on_tick => sub {
+ my $elapsed = time - $start;
+ print ">> Transferred " . $fhb->base2($total) . " bytes in $elapsed seconds, " . $fhb->base2($total / $elapsed, 2) . "/sec\n";
+ },
+# And begin looping
+# Get next item from the queue and make the request
+sub queue_next_item {
+ my $ua = shift;
+ while(@todo) {
+ my $path = shift(@todo);
+ return send_file($ua, $path) if -f $path;
+ push @todo, glob "$path/*";
+ print "Add directory $path, queue now " . @todo . "\n";
+ }
+ $mp->done($ua);
+# Generate the request for the given UA and send it
+sub send_file {
+ my $ua = shift;
+ my $path = shift;
+ # We'll send the size as the Content-Length, and get the filehandle ready for reading
+ my $size = (stat $path)[7];
+ open my $fh, '<', $path or die "failed to open source file $path: $!";
+ binmode $fh;
+ # Prepare our request object
+ my $uri = URI->new($base_url . '/' . basename($path)) or die "Invalid URL?";
+ my $req = HTTP::Request->new(
+ PUT => $uri->path, [
+ 'Host' => $uri->host,
+ # Send as binary to avoid any text-mangling process, should be overrideable from the commandline though
+ 'Content-Type' => 'application/octetstream'
+ ]
+ );
+ # Default is no protocol, we insist on HTTP/1.1 here, PUT probably requires that as a minimum anyway
+ $req->protocol('HTTP/1.1');
+ $req->authorization_basic(split /:/, $opts{u}, 2) if defined $opts{u};
+ $req->content_length($size);
+ weaken $ua;
+ $ua->do_request(
+ request => $req,
+ # Probably duplicating a load of logic here :(
+ host => $uri->host,
+ port => $uri->port || $uri->scheme || 80,
+ SSL => $uri->scheme eq 'https' ? 1 : 0,
+ # We override the default behaviour (pulling content from HTTP::Request) by passing a callback explicitly
+ request_body => sub {
+ my ($stream) = @_;
+ # This part is the important one - read some data, and eventually return it
+ my $read = sysread $fh, my $buffer, 32768;
+ $total += $read // 0;
+ return $buffer if $read;
+ # Don't really need to close here, but might as well clean up as soon as we're ready
+ close $fh or warn $!;
+ undef $fh;
+ return;
+ },
+ on_response => sub {
+ my ($response) = @_;
+ if($fh) {
+ close $fh or die $!;
+ }
+ my $msg = $response->message;
+ $msg =~ s/\s+/ /ig;
+ $msg =~ s/(?:^\s+)|(?:\s+$)//g; # trim
+ print $response->code . " for $path ($size bytes) - $msg\n";
+ # haxx: if we get a server error, just repeat.
+ push @todo, $path if $response->code == 500;
+ queue_next_item($ua);
+ },
+ on_error => sub {
+ my ( $message ) = @_;
+ if($fh) {
+ close $fh or die $!;
+ }
+ print STDERR "Failed - $message\n";
+ # Could do a $loop->loop_stop here - some failures should be fatal!
+ queue_next_item($ua);
+ }
+ );
diff --git a/lib/Net/Async/ b/lib/Net/Async/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab4b585
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Net/Async/
@@ -0,0 +1,1265 @@
+# You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public License
+# or the Artistic License (the same terms as Perl itself)
+# (C) Paul Evans, 2008-2018 --
+package Net::Async::HTTP;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use 5.010; # //
+use base qw( IO::Async::Notifier );
+our $VERSION = '0.44';
+our $DEFAULT_UA = "Perl + " . __PACKAGE__ . "/$VERSION";
+use Carp;
+use Net::Async::HTTP::Connection;
+use HTTP::Request;
+use HTTP::Request::Common qw();
+use URI;
+use IO::Async::Stream 0.59;
+use IO::Async::Loop 0.59; # ->connect( handle ) ==> $stream
+use Future 0.28; # ->set_label
+use Future::Utils 0.16 qw( repeat );
+use Scalar::Util qw( blessed reftype );
+use List::Util 1.29 qw( first pairs );
+use Socket 2.010 qw(
+use constant HTTP_PORT => 80;
+use constant HTTPS_PORT => 443;
+use constant READ_LEN => 64*1024; # 64 KiB
+use constant WRITE_LEN => 64*1024; # 64 KiB
+use Struct::Dumb 0.07; # equallity operator overloading
+struct Ready => [qw( future connecting )];
+=head1 NAME
+C<Net::Async::HTTP> - use HTTP with C<IO::Async>
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use IO::Async::Loop;
+ use Net::Async::HTTP;
+ use URI;
+ my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new();
+ my $http = Net::Async::HTTP->new();
+ $loop->add( $http );
+ my ( $response ) = $http->do_request(
+ uri => URI->new( "" ),
+ )->get;
+ print "Front page of is:\n";
+ print $response->as_string;
+This object class implements an asynchronous HTTP user agent. It sends
+requests to servers, returning L<Future> instances to yield responses when
+they are received. The object supports multiple concurrent connections to
+servers, and allows multiple requests in the pipeline to any one connection.
+Normally, only one such object will be needed per program to support any
+number of requests.
+As well as using futures the module also supports a callback-based interface.
+This module optionally supports SSL connections, if L<IO::Async::SSL> is
+installed. If so, SSL can be requested either by passing a URI with the
+C<https> scheme, or by passing a true value as the C<SSL> parameter.
+=head2 Connection Pooling
+There are three ways in which connections to HTTP server hosts are managed by
+this object, controlled by the value of C<max_connections_per_host>. This
+controls when new connections are established to servers, as compared to
+waiting for existing connections to be free, as new requests are made to them.
+They are:
+=over 2
+=item max_connections_per_host = 1
+This is the default setting. In this mode, there will be one connection per
+host on which there are active or pending requests. If new requests are made
+while an existing one is outstanding, they will be queued to wait for it.
+If pipelining is active on the connection (because both the C<pipeline> option
+is true and the connection is known to be an HTTP/1.1 server), then requests
+will be pipelined into the connection awaiting their response. If not, they
+will be queued awaiting a response to the previous before sending the next.
+=item max_connections_per_host > 1
+In this mode, there can be more than one connection per host. If a new request
+is made, it will try to re-use idle connections if there are any, or if they
+are all busy it will create a new connection to the host, up to the configured
+=item max_connections_per_host = 0
+In this mode, there is no upper limit to the number of connections per host.
+Every new request will try to reuse an idle connection, or else create a new
+one if all the existing ones are busy.
+These modes all apply per hostname / server port pair; they do not affect the
+behaviour of connections made to differing hostnames, or differing ports on
+the same hostname.
+sub _init
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{connections} = {}; # { "$host:$port" } -> [ @connections ]
+ $self->{read_len} = READ_LEN;
+ $self->{write_len} = WRITE_LEN;
+ $self->{max_connections_per_host} = $DEFAULT_MAX_CONNS_PER_HOST;
+ $self->{ssl_params} = {};
+sub _remove_from_loop
+ my $self = shift;
+ foreach my $conn ( map { @$_ } values %{ $self->{connections} } ) {
+ $conn->close;
+ }
+ $self->SUPER::_remove_from_loop( @_ );
+The following named parameters may be passed to C<new> or C<configure>:
+=head2 user_agent => STRING
+A string to set in the C<User-Agent> HTTP header. If not supplied, one will
+be constructed that declares C<Net::Async::HTTP> and the version number.
+=head2 max_redirects => INT
+Optional. How many levels of redirection to follow. If not supplied, will
+default to 3. Give 0 to disable redirection entirely.
+=head2 max_in_flight => INT
+Optional. The maximum number of in-flight requests to allow per host when
+pipelining is enabled and supported on that host. If more requests are made
+over this limit they will be queued internally by the object and not sent to
+the server until responses are received. If not supplied, will default to 4.
+Give 0 to disable the limit entirely.
+=head2 max_connections_per_host => INT
+Optional. Controls the maximum number of connections per hostname/server port
+pair, before requests will be queued awaiting one to be free. Give 0 to
+disable the limit entirely. See also the L</Connection Pooling> section
+documented above.
+Currently, if not supplied it will default to 1. However, it has been found in
+practice that most programs will raise this limit to something higher, perhaps
+3 or 4. Therefore, a future version of this module may set a higher value.
+To test if your application will handle this correctly, you can set a
+different default by setting an environment variable:
+=head2 timeout => NUM
+Optional. How long in seconds to wait before giving up on a request. If not
+supplied then no default will be applied, and no timeout will take place.
+=head2 stall_timeout => NUM
+Optional. How long in seconds to wait after each write or read of data on a
+socket, before giving up on a request. This may be more useful than
+C<timeout> on large-file operations, as it will not time out provided that
+regular progress is still being made.
+=head2 proxy_host => STRING
+=head2 proxy_port => INT
+Optional. Default values to apply to each C<request> method.
+=head2 cookie_jar => HTTP::Cookies
+Optional. A reference to a L<HTTP::Cookies> object. Will be used to set
+cookies in requests and store them from responses.
+=head2 pipeline => BOOL
+Optional. If false, disables HTTP/1.1-style request pipelining.
+=head2 family => INT
+=head2 local_host => STRING
+=head2 local_port => INT
+=head2 local_addrs => ARRAY
+=head2 local_addr => HASH or ARRAY
+Optional. Parameters to pass on to the C<connect> method used to connect
+sockets to HTTP servers. Sets the socket family and local socket address to
+C<bind()> to. For more detail, see the documentation in
+=head2 fail_on_error => BOOL
+Optional. Affects the behaviour of response handling when a C<4xx> or C<5xx>
+response code is received. When false, these responses will be processed as
+other responses and yielded as the result of the future, or passed to the
+C<on_response> callback. When true, such an error response causes the future
+to fail, or the C<on_error> callback to be invoked.
+The HTTP response and request objects will be passed as well as the code and
+message, and the failure name will be C<http>.
+ ( $code_message, "http", $response, $request ) = $f->failure
+ $on_error->( "$code $message", $response, $request )
+=head2 read_len => INT
+=head2 write_len => INT
+Optional. Used to set the reading and writing buffer lengths on the underlying
+C<IO::Async::Stream> objects that represent connections to the server. If not
+define, a default of 64 KiB will be used.
+=head2 ip_tos => INT or STRING
+Optional. Used to set the C<IP_TOS> socket option on client sockets. If given,
+should either be a C<IPTOS_*> constant, or one of the string names
+C<lowdelay>, C<throughput>, C<reliability> or C<mincost>. If undefined or left
+absent, no option will be set.
+=head2 decode_content => BOOL
+Optional. If true, incoming responses that have a recognised
+C<Content-Encoding> are handled by the module, and decompressed content is
+passed to the body handling callback or returned in the C<HTTP::Response>. See
+L</CONTENT DECODING> below for details of which encoding types are recognised.
+When this option is enabled, outgoing requests also have the
+C<Accept-Encoding> header added to them if it does not already exist.
+Currently the default is false, because this behaviour is new, but it may
+default to true in a later version. Applications which care which behaviour
+applies should set this to a defined value to ensure it doesn't change.
+=head2 SSL_*
+Additionally, any parameters whose names start with C<SSL_> will be stored and
+passed on requests to perform SSL requests. This simplifies configuration of
+common SSL parameters.
+=head2 require_SSL => BOOL
+Optional. If true, then any attempt to make a request that does not use SSL
+(either by calling C<request>, or as a result of a redirection) will
+immediately fail.
+=head2 SOCKS_*
+I<Since version 0.42.>
+Additionally, any parameters whose names start with C<SOCKS_> will be stored
+and used by L<Net::Async::SOCKS> to establish connections via a configured
+sub configure
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %params = @_;
+ foreach (qw( user_agent max_redirects max_in_flight max_connections_per_host
+ timeout stall_timeout proxy_host proxy_port cookie_jar pipeline
+ family local_host local_port local_addrs local_addr fail_on_error
+ read_len write_len decode_content require_SSL ))
+ {
+ $self->{$_} = delete $params{$_} if exists $params{$_};
+ }
+ foreach ( grep { m/^SSL_/ } keys %params ) {
+ $self->{ssl_params}{$_} = delete $params{$_};
+ }
+ foreach ( grep { m/^SOCKS_/ } keys %params ) {
+ $self->{socks_params}{$_} = delete $params{$_};
+ }
+ if( exists $params{ip_tos} ) {
+ # TODO: This conversion should live in IO::Async somewhere
+ my $ip_tos = delete $params{ip_tos};
+ $ip_tos = IPTOS_LOWDELAY if defined $ip_tos and $ip_tos eq "lowdelay";
+ $ip_tos = IPTOS_THROUGHPUT if defined $ip_tos and $ip_tos eq "throughput";
+ $ip_tos = IPTOS_RELIABILITY if defined $ip_tos and $ip_tos eq "reliability";
+ $ip_tos = IPTOS_MINCOST if defined $ip_tos and $ip_tos eq "mincost";
+ $self->{ip_tos} = $ip_tos;
+ }
+ $self->SUPER::configure( %params );
+ defined $self->{user_agent} or $self->{user_agent} = $DEFAULT_UA;
+ defined $self->{max_redirects} or $self->{max_redirects} = $DEFAULT_MAXREDIR;
+ defined $self->{max_in_flight} or $self->{max_in_flight} = $DEFAULT_MAX_IN_FLIGHT;
+ defined $self->{pipeline} or $self->{pipeline} = 1;
+=head1 METHODS
+The following methods documented with a trailing call to C<< ->get >> return
+L<Future> instances.
+When returning a Future, the following methods all indicate HTTP-level errors
+using the Future failure name of C<http>. If the error relates to a specific
+response it will be included. The original request is also included.
+ $f->fail( $message, "http", $response, $request )
+sub connect_connection
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ my $conn = delete $args{conn};
+ my $host = delete $args{host};
+ my $port = delete $args{port};
+ my $on_error = $args{on_error};
+ if( my $socks_params = $self->{socks_params} ) {
+ require Net::Async::SOCKS;
+ Net::Async::SOCKS->VERSION( '0.003' );
+ unshift @{ $args{extensions} }, "SOCKS";
+ $args{$_} = $socks_params->{$_} for keys %$socks_params;
+ }
+ if( $args{SSL} ) {
+ require IO::Async::SSL;
+ IO::Async::SSL->VERSION( '0.12' ); # 0.12 has ->connect(handle) bugfix
+ unshift @{ $args{extensions} }, "SSL";
+ }
+ my $f = $conn->connect(
+ host => $host,
+ service => $port,
+ family => ( $args{family} || $self->{family} || 0 ),
+ ( map { defined $self->{$_} ? ( $_ => $self->{$_} ) : () }
+ qw( local_host local_port local_addrs local_addr ) ),
+ %args,
+ )->on_done( sub {
+ my ( $stream ) = @_;
+ $stream->configure(
+ notifier_name => "$host:$port,fd=" . $stream->read_handle->fileno,
+ );
+ # Defend against ->setsockopt doing silly things like detecting SvPOK()
+ $stream->read_handle->setsockopt( IPPROTO_IP, IP_TOS, $self->{ip_tos}+0 ) if defined $self->{ip_tos};
+ $stream->ready;
+ })->on_fail( sub {
+ $on_error->( $conn, "$host:$port - $_[0] failed [$_[-1]]" );
+ });
+ $f->on_ready( sub { undef $f } ); # intentionally cycle
+sub get_connection
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ my $loop = $self->get_loop or croak "Cannot ->get_connection without a Loop";
+ my $host = $args{host};
+ my $port = $args{port};
+ my $key = "$host:$port";
+ my $conns = $self->{connections}{$key} ||= [];
+ my $ready_queue = $self->{ready_queue}{$key} ||= [];
+ # Have a look to see if there are any idle connected ones first
+ foreach my $conn ( @$conns ) {
+ $conn->is_idle and $conn->read_handle and return Future->done( $conn );
+ }
+ my $ready = $args{ready};
+ $ready or push @$ready_queue, $ready =
+ Ready( $self->loop->new_future->set_label( "[ready $host:$port]" ), 0 );
+ my $f = $ready->future;
+ my $max = $self->{max_connections_per_host};
+ if( $max and @$conns >= $max ) {
+ return $f;
+ }
+ my $conn = Net::Async::HTTP::Connection->new(
+ notifier_name => "$host:$port,connecting",
+ ready_queue => $ready_queue,
+ ( map { $_ => $self->{$_} }
+ qw( max_in_flight pipeline read_len write_len decode_content ) ),
+ is_proxy => $args{is_proxy},
+ on_closed => sub {
+ my $conn = shift;
+ my $http = $conn->parent;
+ $conn->remove_from_parent;
+ @$conns = grep { $_ != $conn } @$conns;
+ if( my $next = first { !$_->connecting } @$ready_queue ) {
+ # Requeue another connection attempt as there's still more to do
+ $http->get_connection( %args, ready => $next );
+ }
+ },
+ );
+ $self->add_child( $conn );
+ push @$conns, $conn;
+ $ready->connecting = $self->connect_connection( %args,
+ conn => $conn,
+ on_error => sub {
+ my $conn = shift;
+ $f->fail( @_ ) unless $f->is_cancelled;
+ $conn->remove_from_parent;
+ @$conns = grep { $_ != $conn } @$conns;
+ @$ready_queue = grep { $_ != $ready } @$ready_queue;
+ if( my $next = first { !$_->connecting } @$ready_queue ) {
+ # Requeue another connection attempt as there's still more to do
+ $self->get_connection( %args, ready => $next );
+ }
+ },
+ )->on_cancel( sub {
+ $conn->remove_from_parent;
+ @$conns = grep { $_ != $conn } @$conns;
+ });
+ return $f;
+=head2 $response = $http->do_request( %args )->get
+Send an HTTP request to a server, returning a L<Future> that will yield the
+response. The request may be represented by an L<HTTP::Request> object, or a
+L<URI> object, depending on the arguments passed.
+The following named arguments are used for C<HTTP::Request>s:
+=over 8
+=item request => HTTP::Request
+A reference to an C<HTTP::Request> object
+=item host => STRING
+Hostname of the server to connect to
+=item port => INT or STRING
+Optional. Port number or service of the server to connect to. If not defined,
+will default to C<http> or C<https> depending on whether SSL is being used.
+=item family => INT
+Optional. Restricts the socket family for connecting. If not defined, will
+default to the globally-configured value in the object.
+=item SSL => BOOL
+Optional. If true, an SSL connection will be used.
+The following named arguments are used for C<URI> requests:
+=over 8
+=item uri => URI or STRING
+A reference to a C<URI> object, or a plain string giving the request URI. If
+the scheme is C<https> then an SSL connection will be used.
+=item method => STRING
+Optional. The HTTP method name. If missing, C<GET> is used.
+=item content => STRING or ARRAY ref
+Optional. The body content to use for C<PUT> or C<POST> requests.
+If this is a plain scalar it will be used directly, and a C<content_type>
+field must also be supplied to describe it.
+If this is an ARRAY ref and the request method is C<POST>, it will be form
+encoded. It should contain an even-sized list of field names and values. For
+more detail see L<HTTP::Request::Common/POST>.
+=item content_type => STRING
+The type of non-form data C<content>.
+=item user => STRING
+=item pass => STRING
+Optional. If both are given, the HTTP Basic Authorization header will be sent
+with these details.
+=item headers => ARRAY|HASH
+Optional. If provided, contains additional HTTP headers to set on the
+constructed request object. If provided as an ARRAY reference, it should
+contain an even-sized list of name/value pairs.
+=item proxy_host => STRING
+=item proxy_port => INT
+Optional. Override the hostname or port number implied by the URI.
+For either request type, it takes the following arguments:
+=over 8
+=item request_body => STRING | CODE | Future
+Optional. Allows request body content to be generated by a future or
+callback, rather than being provided as part of the C<request> object. This
+can either be a plain string, a C<CODE> reference to a generator function, or
+a future.
+As this is passed to the underlying L<IO::Async::Stream> C<write> method, the
+usual semantics apply here. If passed a C<CODE> reference, it will be called
+repeatedly whenever it's safe to write. The code should should return C<undef>
+to indicate completion. If passed a C<Future> it is expected to eventually
+yield the body value.
+As with the C<content> parameter, the C<content_type> field should be
+specified explicitly in the request header, as should the content length
+(typically via the L<HTTP::Request> C<content_length> method). See also
+=item expect_continue => BOOL
+Optional. If true, sets the C<Expect> request header to the value
+C<100-continue> and does not send the C<request_body> parameter until a
+C<100 Continue> response is received from the server. If an error response is
+received then the C<request_body> code, if present, will not be invoked.
+=item on_ready => CODE
+Optional. A callback that is invoked once a socket connection is established
+with the HTTP server, but before the request is actually sent over it. This
+may be used by the client code to inspect the socket, or perform any other
+operations on it. This code is expected to return a C<Future>; only once that
+has completed will the request cycle continue. If it fails, that failure is
+propagated to the caller.
+ $f = $on_ready->( $connection )
+=item on_redirect => CODE
+Optional. A callback that is invoked if a redirect response is received,
+before the new location is fetched. It will be passed the response and the new
+ $on_redirect->( $response, $location )
+=item on_body_write => CODE
+Optional. A callback that is invoked after each successful C<syswrite> of the
+body content. This may be used to implement an upload progress indicator or
+similar. It will be passed the total number of bytes of body content written
+so far (i.e. excluding bytes consumed in the header).
+ $on_body_write->( $written )
+=item max_redirects => INT
+Optional. How many levels of redirection to follow. If not supplied, will
+default to the value given in the constructor.
+=item timeout => NUM
+=item stall_timeout => NUM
+Optional. Overrides the object's configured timeout values for this one
+request. If not specified, will use the configured defaults.
+On a timeout, the returned future will fail with either C<timeout> or
+C<stall_timeout> as the operation name.
+ ( $message, "timeout" ) = $f->failure
+=head2 $http->do_request( %args )
+When not returning a future, the following extra arguments are used as
+callbacks instead:
+=over 8
+=item on_response => CODE
+A callback that is invoked when a response to this request has been received.
+It will be passed an L<HTTP::Response> object containing the response the
+server sent.
+ $on_response->( $response )
+=item on_header => CODE
+Alternative to C<on_response>. A callback that is invoked when the header of a
+response has been received. It is expected to return a C<CODE> reference for
+handling chunks of body content. This C<CODE> reference will be invoked with
+no arguments once the end of the request has been reached, and whatever it
+returns will be used as the result of the returned C<Future>, if there is one.
+ $on_body_chunk = $on_header->( $header )
+ $on_body_chunk->( $data )
+ $response = $on_body_chunk->()
+=item on_error => CODE
+A callback that is invoked if an error occurs while trying to send the request
+or obtain the response. It will be passed an error message.
+ $on_error->( $message )
+If this is invoked because of a received C<4xx> or C<5xx> error code in an
+HTTP response, it will be invoked with the response and request objects as
+ $on_error->( $message, $response, $request )
+sub _do_one_request
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ my $host = delete $args{host};
+ my $port = delete $args{port};
+ my $request = delete $args{request};
+ my $SSL = delete $args{SSL};
+ my $stall_timeout = $args{stall_timeout} // $self->{stall_timeout};
+ $self->prepare_request( $request );
+ if( $self->{require_SSL} and not $SSL ) {
+ return Future->fail( "Non-SSL request is not allowed with 'require_SSL' set",
+ http => undef, $request );
+ }
+ return $self->get_connection(
+ host => $args{proxy_host} || $self->{proxy_host} || $host,
+ port => $args{proxy_port} || $self->{proxy_port} || $port,
+ is_proxy => !!( $args{proxy_host} || $self->{proxy_host} ),
+ ( defined $args{family} ? ( family => $args{family} ) : () ),
+ $SSL ? (
+ SSL => 1,
+ SSL_hostname => $host,
+ %{ $self->{ssl_params} },
+ ( map { m/^SSL_/ ? ( $_ => $args{$_} ) : () } keys %args ),
+ ) : (),
+ )->then( sub {
+ my ( $conn ) = @_;
+ $args{on_ready} ? $args{on_ready}->( $conn )->then_done( $conn )
+ : Future->done( $conn )
+ })->then( sub {
+ my ( $conn ) = @_;
+ return $conn->request(
+ request => $request,
+ stall_timeout => $stall_timeout,
+ %args,
+ $SSL ? ( SSL => 1 ) : (),
+ );
+ } );
+sub _should_redirect
+ my ( $response ) = @_;
+ # Should only redirect if we actually have a Location header
+ return 0 unless $response->is_redirect and defined $response->header( "Location" );
+ my $req_method = $response->request->method;
+ # Should only redirect GET or HEAD requests
+ return $req_method eq "GET" || $req_method eq "HEAD";
+sub _do_request
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ my $host = $args{host};
+ my $port = $args{port};
+ my $ssl = $args{SSL};
+ my $on_header = delete $args{on_header};
+ my $redirects = defined $args{max_redirects} ? $args{max_redirects} : $self->{max_redirects};
+ my $request = $args{request};
+ my $response;
+ my $reqf;
+ # Defeat prototype
+ my $future = &repeat( $self->_capture_weakself( sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $previous_f ) = @_;
+ if( $previous_f ) {
+ my $previous_response = $previous_f->get;
+ $args{previous_response} = $previous_response;
+ my $location = $previous_response->header( "Location" );
+ if( $location =~ m{^http(?:s?)://} ) {
+ # skip
+ }
+ elsif( $location =~ m{^/} ) {
+ my $hostport = ( $port != HTTP_PORT ) ? "$host:$port" : $host;
+ $location = "http://$hostport" . $location;
+ }
+ else {
+ return Future->fail( "Unrecognised Location: $location", http => $previous_response, $request );
+ }
+ my $loc_uri = URI->new( $location );
+ unless( $loc_uri ) {
+ return Future->fail( "Unable to parse '$location' as a URI", http => $previous_response, $request );
+ }
+ $self->debug_printf( "REDIRECT $loc_uri" );
+ $args{on_redirect}->( $previous_response, $location ) if $args{on_redirect};
+ %args = $self->_make_request_for_uri( $loc_uri, %args );
+ $request = $args{request};
+ undef $host; undef $port; undef $ssl;
+ }
+ my $uri = $request->uri;
+ if( defined $uri->scheme and $uri->scheme =~ m/^http(s?)$/ ) {
+ $host = $uri->host if !defined $host;
+ $port = $uri->port if !defined $port;
+ $ssl = ( $uri->scheme eq "https" );
+ }
+ defined $host or croak "Expected 'host'";
+ defined $port or $port = ( $ssl ? HTTPS_PORT : HTTP_PORT );
+ return $reqf = $self->_do_one_request(
+ host => $host,
+ port => $port,
+ SSL => $ssl,
+ %args,
+ on_header => $self->_capture_weakself( sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ ( $response ) = @_;
+ # Consume and discard the entire body of a redirect
+ return sub {
+ return if @_;
+ return $response;
+ } if $redirects and $response->is_redirect;
+ return $on_header->( $response );
+ } ),
+ );
+ } ),
+ while => sub {
+ my $f = shift;
+ return 0 if $f->failure or $f->is_cancelled;
+ return _should_redirect( $response ) && $redirects--;
+ } );
+ if( $self->{fail_on_error} ) {
+ $future = $future->then_with_f( sub {
+ my ( $f, $resp ) = @_;
+ my $code = $resp->code;
+ if( $code =~ m/^[45]/ ) {
+ my $message = $resp->message;
+ $message =~ s/\r$//; # HTTP::Message bug
+ return Future->fail( "$code $message", http => $resp, $request );
+ }
+ return $f;
+ });
+ }
+ return $future;
+sub do_request
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ if( my $uri = delete $args{uri} ) {
+ %args = $self->_make_request_for_uri( $uri, %args );
+ }
+ elsif( !defined $args{request} ) {
+ croak "Require either 'uri' or 'request' argument";
+ }
+ if( $args{on_header} ) {
+ # ok
+ }
+ elsif( $args{on_response} or defined wantarray ) {
+ $args{on_header} = sub {
+ my ( $response ) = @_;
+ return sub {
+ if( @_ ) {
+ $response->add_content( @_ );
+ }
+ else {
+ return $response;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ croak "Expected 'on_response' or 'on_header' as CODE ref or to return a Future";
+ }
+ my $on_error = delete $args{on_error};
+ my $timeout = defined $args{timeout} ? $args{timeout} : $self->{timeout};
+ my $future = $self->_do_request( %args );
+ if( defined $timeout ) {
+ $future = Future->wait_any(
+ $future,
+ $self->loop->timeout_future( after => $timeout )
+ ->transform( fail => sub { "Timed out", timeout => } ),
+ );
+ }
+ $future->on_done( $self->_capture_weakself( sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $response = shift;
+ $self->process_response( $response );
+ } ) );
+ $future->on_fail( sub {
+ my ( $message, $name, @rest ) = @_;
+ $on_error->( $message, @rest );
+ }) if $on_error;
+ if( my $on_response = delete $args{on_response} ) {
+ $future->on_done( sub {
+ my ( $response ) = @_;
+ $on_response->( $response );
+ });
+ }
+ # In void context we'll lose reference on the ->wait_any Future, so the
+ # timeout logic will never happen. So lets purposely create a cycle by
+ # capturing the $future in on_done/on_fail closures within itself. This
+ # conveniently clears them out to drop the ref when done.
+ return $future if defined wantarray;
+ $future->on_ready( sub { undef $future } );
+sub _make_request_for_uri
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $uri, %args ) = @_;
+ if( !ref $uri ) {
+ $uri = URI->new( $uri );
+ }
+ elsif( blessed $uri and !$uri->isa( "URI" ) ) {
+ croak "Expected 'uri' as a URI reference";
+ }
+ my $method = delete $args{method} || "GET";
+ $args{host} = $uri->host;
+ $args{port} = $uri->port;
+ my $request;
+ if( $method eq "POST" ) {
+ defined $args{content} or croak "Expected 'content' with POST method";
+ # Lack of content_type didn't used to be a failure condition:
+ ref $args{content} or defined $args{content_type} or
+ carp "No 'content_type' was given with 'content'";
+ # This will automatically encode a form for us
+ $request = HTTP::Request::Common::POST( $uri, Content => $args{content}, Content_Type => $args{content_type} );
+ }
+ else {
+ $request = HTTP::Request->new( $method, $uri );
+ if( defined $args{content} ) {
+ defined $args{content_type} or carp "No 'content_type' was given with 'content'";
+ $request->content( $args{content} );
+ $request->content_type( $args{content_type} // "" );
+ }
+ }
+ $request->protocol( "HTTP/1.1" );
+ $request->header( Host => $uri->host );
+ my $headers = $args{headers};
+ if( $headers and reftype $headers eq "ARRAY" ) {
+ $request->header( @$_ ) for pairs @$headers;
+ }
+ elsif( $headers and reftype $headers eq "HASH" ) {
+ $request->header( $_, $headers->{$_} ) for keys %$headers;
+ }
+ my ( $user, $pass );
+ if( defined $uri->userinfo ) {
+ ( $user, $pass ) = split( m/:/, $uri->userinfo, 2 );
+ }
+ elsif( defined $args{user} and defined $args{pass} ) {
+ $user = $args{user};
+ $pass = $args{pass};
+ }
+ if( defined $user and defined $pass ) {
+ $request->authorization_basic( $user, $pass );
+ }
+ $args{request} = $request;
+ return %args;
+=head2 $response = $http->GET( $uri, %args )->get
+=head2 $response = $http->HEAD( $uri, %args )->get
+=head2 $response = $http->PUT( $uri, $content, %args )->get
+=head2 $response = $http->POST( $uri, $content, %args )->get
+Convenient wrappers for performing C<GET>, C<HEAD>, C<PUT> or C<POST> requests
+with a C<URI> object and few if any other arguments, returning a C<Future>.
+Remember that C<POST> with non-form data (as indicated by a plain scalar
+instead of an C<ARRAY> reference of form data name/value pairs) needs a
+C<content_type> key in C<%args>.
+sub GET
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $uri, @args ) = @_;
+ return $self->do_request( method => "GET", uri => $uri, @args );
+sub HEAD
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $uri, @args ) = @_;
+ return $self->do_request( method => "HEAD", uri => $uri, @args );
+sub PUT
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $uri, $content, @args ) = @_;
+ return $self->do_request( method => "PUT", uri => $uri, content => $content, @args );
+sub POST
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $uri, $content, @args ) = @_;
+ return $self->do_request( method => "POST", uri => $uri, content => $content, @args );
+The following methods are intended as points for subclasses to override, to
+add extra functionallity.
+=head2 $http->prepare_request( $request )
+Called just before the C<HTTP::Request> object is sent to the server.
+sub prepare_request
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $request ) = @_;
+ $request->init_header( 'User-Agent' => $self->{user_agent} ) if length $self->{user_agent};
+ $request->init_header( "Connection" => "keep-alive" );
+ $self->{cookie_jar}->add_cookie_header( $request ) if $self->{cookie_jar};
+=head2 $http->process_response( $response )
+Called after a non-redirect C<HTTP::Response> has been received from a server.
+The originating request will be set in the object.
+sub process_response
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $response ) = @_;
+ $self->{cookie_jar}->extract_cookies( $response ) if $self->{cookie_jar};
+If the required decompression modules are installed and available, compressed
+content can be decoded. If the received C<Content-Encoding> is recognised and
+the required module is available, the content is transparently decoded and the
+decoded content is returned in the resulting response object, or passed to the
+data chunk handler. In this case, the original C<Content-Encoding> header will
+be deleted from the response, and its value will be available instead as
+The following content encoding types are recognised by these modules:
+=over 4
+=item * gzip (q=0.7) and deflate (q=0.5)
+Recognised if L<Compress::Raw::Zlib> version 2.057 or newer is installed.
+if( eval { require Compress::Raw::Zlib and $Compress::Raw::Zlib::VERSION >= 2.057 } ) {
+ my $make_zlib_decoder = sub {
+ my ( $bits ) = @_;
+ my $inflator = Compress::Raw::Zlib::Inflate->new(
+ -ConsumeInput => 0,
+ -WindowBits => $bits,
+ );
+ sub {
+ my $output;
+ my $status = @_ ? $inflator->inflate( $_[0], $output )
+ : $inflator->inflate( "", $output, 1 );
+ die "$status\n" if $status && $status != Compress::Raw::Zlib::Z_STREAM_END();
+ return $output;
+ };
+ };
+ # RFC1950
+ __PACKAGE__->register_decoder(
+ deflate => 0.5, sub { $make_zlib_decoder->( 15 ) },
+ );
+ # RFC1952
+ __PACKAGE__->register_decoder(
+ gzip => 0.7, sub { $make_zlib_decoder->( Compress::Raw::Zlib::WANT_GZIP() ) },
+ );
+=item * bzip2 (q=0.8)
+Recognised if L<Compress::Bzip2> version 2.10 or newer is installed.
+if( eval { require Compress::Bzip2 and $Compress::Bzip2::VERSION >= 2.10 } ) {
+ __PACKAGE__->register_decoder(
+ bzip2 => 0.8, sub {
+ my $inflator = Compress::Bzip2::inflateInit();
+ sub {
+ return unless my ( $in ) = @_;
+ my $out = $inflator->bzinflate( \$in );
+ die $inflator->bzerror."\n" if !defined $out;
+ return $out;
+ };
+ }
+ );
+Other content encoding types can be registered by calling the following method
+=head2 Net::Async::HTTP->register_decoder( $name, $q, $make_decoder )
+Registers an encoding type called C<$name>, at the quality value C<$q>. In
+order to decode this encoding type, C<$make_decoder> will be invoked with no
+paramters, and expected to return a CODE reference to perform one instance of
+ $decoder = $make_decoder->()
+This decoder will be invoked on string buffers to decode them until
+the end of stream is reached, when it will be invoked with no arguments.
+ $content = $decoder->( $encoded_content )
+ $content = $decoder->() # EOS
+ my %DECODERS; # {$name} = [$q, $make_decoder]
+ sub register_decoder
+ {
+ shift;
+ my ( $name, $q, $make_decoder ) = @_;
+ $DECODERS{$name} = [ $q, $make_decoder ];
+ }
+ sub can_decode
+ {
+ shift;
+ if( @_ ) {
+ my ( $name ) = @_;
+ return unless my $d = $DECODERS{$name};
+ return $d->[1]->();
+ }
+ else {
+ my @ds = sort { $DECODERS{$b}[0] <=> $DECODERS{$a}[0] } keys %DECODERS;
+ return join ", ", map { "$_;q=$DECODERS{$_}[0]" } @ds;
+ }
+ }
+=head1 EXAMPLES
+=head2 Concurrent GET
+The C<Future>-returning C<GET> method makes it easy to await multiple URLs at
+once, by using the L<Future::Utils> C<fmap_void> utility
+ my @URLs = ( ... );
+ my $http = Net::Async::HTTP->new( ... );
+ $loop->add( $http );
+ my $future = fmap_void {
+ my ( $url ) = @_;
+ $http->GET( $url )
+ ->on_done( sub {
+ my $response = shift;
+ say "$url succeeded: ", $response->code;
+ say " Content-Type":", $response->content_type;
+ } )
+ ->on_fail( sub {
+ my $failure = shift;
+ say "$url failed: $failure";
+ } );
+ } foreach => \@URLs;
+ $loop->await( $future );
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=over 4
+=item *
+L<> - Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1
+=head1 SPONSORS
+Parts of this code, or bugfixes to it were paid for by
+=over 2
+=item *
+SocialFlow L<>
+=item *
+Shadowcat Systems L<>
+=item *
+=item *
+Cisco L<>
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Paul Evans <>
diff --git a/lib/Net/Async/HTTP/ b/lib/Net/Async/HTTP/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0cfbd67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Net/Async/HTTP/
@@ -0,0 +1,639 @@
+# You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public License
+# or the Artistic License (the same terms as Perl itself)
+# (C) Paul Evans, 2008-2015 --
+package Net::Async::HTTP::Connection;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+our $VERSION = '0.44';
+use Carp;
+use base qw( IO::Async::Stream );
+IO::Async::Stream->VERSION( '0.59' ); # ->write( ..., on_write )
+use Net::Async::HTTP::StallTimer;
+use HTTP::Response;
+my $CRLF = "\x0d\x0a"; # More portable than \r\n
+use Struct::Dumb;
+struct Responder => [qw( on_read on_error stall_timer is_done )];
+# Detect whether HTTP::Message properly trims whitespace in header values. If
+# it doesn't, we have to deploy a workaround to fix them up.
+use constant HTTP_MESSAGE_TRIMS_LWS => HTTP::Message->parse( "Name: value " )->header("Name") eq "value";
+=head1 NAME
+C<Net::Async::HTTP::Connection> - HTTP client protocol handler
+This class provides a connection to a single HTTP server, and is used
+internally by L<Net::Async::HTTP>. It is not intended for general use.
+sub _init
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->SUPER::_init( @_ );
+ $self->{requests_in_flight} = 0;
+sub configure
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %params = @_;
+ foreach (qw( pipeline max_in_flight ready_queue decode_content is_proxy )) {
+ $self->{$_} = delete $params{$_} if exists $params{$_};
+ }
+ if( my $on_closed = $params{on_closed} ) {
+ $params{on_closed} = sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->debug_printf( "CLOSED in-flight=$self->{requests_in_flight}" );
+ $self->error_all( "Connection closed" );
+ undef $self->{ready_queue};
+ $on_closed->( $self );
+ };
+ }
+ croak "max_in_flight parameter required, may be zero" unless defined $self->{max_in_flight};
+ $self->SUPER::configure( %params );
+sub should_pipeline
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{pipeline} &&
+ $self->{can_pipeline} &&
+ ( !$self->{max_in_flight} || $self->{requests_in_flight} < $self->{max_in_flight} );
+sub connect
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ $self->debug_printf( "CONNECT $args{host}:$args{service}" );
+ defined wantarray or die "VOID ->connect";
+ $self->SUPER::connect(
+ socktype => "stream",
+ %args
+ )->on_done( sub {
+ $self->debug_printf( "CONNECTED" );
+ });
+sub ready
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $queue = $self->{ready_queue} or return;
+ if( $self->should_pipeline ) {
+ $self->debug_printf( "READY pipelined" );
+ while( @$queue && $self->should_pipeline ) {
+ my $ready = shift @$queue;
+ my $f = $ready->future;
+ next if $f->is_cancelled;
+ $ready->connecting and $ready->connecting->cancel;
+ $f->done( $self );
+ }
+ }
+ elsif( @$queue and $self->is_idle ) {
+ $self->debug_printf( "READY non-pipelined" );
+ while( @$queue ) {
+ my $ready = shift @$queue;
+ my $f = $ready->future;
+ next if $f->is_cancelled;
+ $ready->connecting and $ready->connecting->cancel;
+ $f->done( $self );
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->debug_printf( "READY cannot-run queue=%d idle=%s",
+ scalar @$queue, $self->is_idle ? "Y" : "N");
+ }
+sub is_idle
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{requests_in_flight} == 0;
+sub on_read
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $buffref, $closed ) = @_;
+ while( my $head = $self->{responder_queue}[0]) {
+ shift @{ $self->{responder_queue} } and next if $head->is_done;
+ $head->stall_timer->reset if $head->stall_timer;
+ my $ret = $head->on_read->( $self, $buffref, $closed, $head );
+ if( defined $ret ) {
+ return $ret if !ref $ret;
+ $head->on_read = $ret;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ $head->is_done or die "ARGH: undef return without being marked done";
+ shift @{ $self->{responder_queue} };
+ return 1 if !$closed and length $$buffref;
+ return;
+ }
+ # Reinvoked after switch back to baseline, but may be idle again
+ return if $closed or !length $$buffref;
+ $self->invoke_error( "Spurious on_read of connection while idle",
+ http_connection => read => $$buffref );
+ $$buffref = "";
+sub on_write_eof
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->error_all( "Connection closed", http => undef, undef );
+sub error_all
+ my $self = shift;
+ while( my $head = shift @{ $self->{responder_queue} } ) {
+ $head->on_error->( @_ ) unless $head->is_done;
+ }
+sub request
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ my $on_header = $args{on_header} or croak "Expected 'on_header' as a CODE ref";
+ my $req = $args{request};
+ ref $req and $req->isa( "HTTP::Request" ) or croak "Expected 'request' as a HTTP::Request reference";
+ $self->debug_printf( "REQUEST %s %s", $req->method, $req->uri );
+ my $request_body = $args{request_body};
+ my $expect_continue = !!$args{expect_continue};
+ my $method = $req->method;
+ if( $method eq "POST" or $method eq "PUT" or length $req->content ) {
+ $req->init_header( "Content-Length", length $req->content );
+ }
+ if( $expect_continue ) {
+ $req->init_header( "Expect", "100-continue" );
+ }
+ if( $self->{decode_content} ) {
+ #$req->init_header( "Accept-Encoding", Net::Async::HTTP->can_decode )
+ $req->init_header( "Accept-Encoding", "gzip" );
+ }
+ my $f = $self->loop->new_future
+ ->set_label( "$method " . $req->uri );
+ # TODO: Cancelling a request Future shouldn't necessarily close the socket
+ # if we haven't even started writing the request yet. But we can't know
+ # that currently.
+ $f->on_cancel( sub {
+ $self->debug_printf( "CLOSE on_cancel" );
+ $self->close_now;
+ });
+ my $stall_timer;
+ if( $args{stall_timeout} ) {
+ $stall_timer = Net::Async::HTTP::StallTimer->new(
+ delay => $args{stall_timeout},
+ future => $f,
+ );
+ $self->add_child( $stall_timer );
+ # Don't start it yet
+ my $remove_timer = sub {
+ $self->remove_child( $stall_timer ) if $stall_timer;
+ undef $stall_timer;
+ };
+ $f->on_ready( $remove_timer );
+ }
+ my $on_body_write;
+ if( $stall_timer or $args{on_body_write} ) {
+ my $inner_on_body_write = $args{on_body_write};
+ my $written = 0;
+ $on_body_write = sub {
+ $stall_timer->reset if $stall_timer;
+ $inner_on_body_write->( $written += $_[1] ) if $inner_on_body_write;
+ };
+ }
+ my $write_request_body = defined $request_body ? sub {
+ my ( $self ) = @_;
+ $self->write( $request_body,
+ on_write => $on_body_write
+ );
+ } : undef;
+ # Unless the request method is CONNECT, or we are connecting to a
+ # non-transparent proxy, the URL is not allowed to contain
+ # an authority; only path
+ # Take a copy of the headers since we'll be hacking them up
+ my $headers = $req->headers->clone;
+ my $path;
+ if( $method eq "CONNECT" ) {
+ $path = $req->uri->as_string;
+ }
+ else {
+ my $uri = $req->uri;
+ if ( $self->{is_proxy} ) {
+ $path = $uri->as_string;
+ }
+ else {
+ $path = $uri->path_query;
+ $path = "/$path" unless $path =~ m{^/};
+ }
+ my $authority = $uri->authority;
+ if( defined $authority and
+ my ( $user, $pass, $host ) = $authority =~ m/^(.*?):(.*)@(.*)$/ ) {
+ $headers->init_header( Host => $host );
+ $headers->authorization_basic( $user, $pass );
+ }
+ else {
+ $headers->init_header( Host => $authority );
+ }
+ }
+ my $protocol = $req->protocol || "HTTP/1.1";
+ my @headers = ( "$method $path $protocol" );
+ $headers->scan( sub { push @headers, "$_[0]: $_[1]" } );
+ $stall_timer->start if $stall_timer;
+ $stall_timer->reason = "writing request" if $stall_timer;
+ my $on_header_write = $stall_timer ? sub { $stall_timer->reset } : undef;
+ $self->write( join( $CRLF, @headers ) .
+ $CRLF . $CRLF,
+ on_write => $on_header_write );
+ $self->write( $req->content,
+ on_write => $on_body_write ) if length $req->content;
+ $write_request_body->( $self ) if $write_request_body and !$expect_continue;
+ $self->write( "", on_flush => sub {
+ return unless $stall_timer; # test again in case it was cancelled in the meantime
+ $stall_timer->reset;
+ $stall_timer->reason = "waiting for response";
+ }) if $stall_timer;
+ $self->{requests_in_flight}++;
+ push @{ $self->{responder_queue} }, Responder(
+ $self->_mk_on_read_header(
+ $req, $args{previous_response}, $expect_continue ? $write_request_body : undef, $on_header, $stall_timer, $f
+ ),
+ sub { $f->fail( @_ ) unless $f->is_ready; }, # on_error
+ $stall_timer,
+ 0, # is_done
+ );
+ return $f;
+sub _mk_on_read_header
+ shift; # $self
+ my ( $req, $previous_response, $write_request_body, $on_header, $stall_timer, $f ) = @_;
+ sub {
+ my ( $self, $buffref, $closed, $responder ) = @_;
+ if( $stall_timer ) {
+ $stall_timer->reason = "receiving response header";
+ $stall_timer->reset;
+ }
+ if( length $$buffref >= 4 and $$buffref !~ m/^HTTP/ ) {
+ $self->debug_printf( "ERROR fail" );
+ $f->fail( "Did not receive HTTP response from server", http => undef, $req ) unless $f->is_cancelled;
+ $self->close_now;
+ }
+ unless( $$buffref =~ s/^(.*?$CRLF$CRLF)//s ) {
+ if( $closed ) {
+ $self->debug_printf( "ERROR closed" );
+ $f->fail( "Connection closed while awaiting header", http => undef, $req ) unless $f->is_cancelled;
+ $self->close_now;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ my $header = HTTP::Response->parse( $1 );
+ # HTTP::Response doesn't strip the \rs from this
+ ( my $status_line = $header->status_line ) =~ s/\r$//;
+ my @headers;
+ $header->scan( sub {
+ my ( $name, $value ) = @_;
+ s/^\s+//, s/\s+$// for $value;
+ push @headers, $name => $value;
+ } );
+ $header->header( @headers ) if @headers;
+ }
+ my $protocol = $header->protocol;
+ if( $protocol =~ m{^HTTP/1\.(\d+)$} and $1 >= 1 ) {
+ $self->{can_pipeline} = 1;
+ }
+ if( $header->code =~ m/^1/ ) { # 1xx is not a final response
+ $self->debug_printf( "HEADER [provisional] %s", $status_line );
+ $write_request_body->( $self ) if $write_request_body;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ $header->request( $req );
+ $header->previous( $previous_response ) if $previous_response;
+ $self->debug_printf( "HEADER %s", $status_line );
+ my $on_body_chunk = $on_header->( $header );
+ my $code = $header->code;
+ my $content_encoding = $header->header( "Content-Encoding" );
+ my $decoder;
+ if( $content_encoding and
+ $decoder = Net::Async::HTTP->can_decode( $content_encoding ) ) {
+ $header->init_header( "X-Original-Content-Encoding" => $header->remove_header( "Content-Encoding" ) );
+ }
+ # can_pipeline is set for HTTP/1.1 or above; presume it can keep-alive if set
+ my $connection_close = lc( $header->header( "Connection" ) || ( $self->{can_pipeline} ? "keep-alive" : "close" ) )
+ eq "close";
+ if( $connection_close ) {
+ $self->{max_in_flight} = 1;
+ }
+ elsif( defined( my $keep_alive = lc( $header->header("Keep-Alive") || "" ) ) ) {
+ my ( $max ) = ( $keep_alive =~ m/max=(\d+)/ );
+ $self->{max_in_flight} = $max if $max && $max < $self->{max_in_flight};
+ }
+ my $on_more = sub {
+ my ( $chunk ) = @_;
+ if( $decoder and not eval { $chunk = $decoder->( $chunk ); 1 } ) {
+ $self->debug_printf( "ERROR decode failed" );
+ $f->fail( "Decode error $@", http => undef, $req );
+ $self->close;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ $on_body_chunk->( $chunk );
+ return 1;
+ };
+ my $on_done = sub {
+ # TODO: IO::Async probably ought to do this. We need to fire the
+ # on_closed event _before_ calling on_body_chunk, to clear the
+ # connection cache in case another request comes - e.g. HEAD->GET
+ $self->close if $connection_close;
+ my $final;
+ if( $decoder and not eval { $final = $decoder->(); 1 } ) {
+ $self->debug_printf( "ERROR decode failed" );
+ $f->fail( "Decode error $@", http => undef, $req );
+ $self->close;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ $on_body_chunk->( $final ) if defined $final and length $final;
+ my $response = $on_body_chunk->();
+ my $e = eval { $f->done( $response ) unless $f->is_cancelled; 1 } ? undef : $@;
+ $self->{requests_in_flight}--;
+ $self->debug_printf( "DONE remaining in-flight=$self->{requests_in_flight}" );
+ $self->ready;
+ if( defined $e ) {
+ chomp $e;
+ $self->invoke_error( $e, perl => );
+ # This might not return, if it top-level croaks
+ }
+ return undef; # Finished
+ };
+ # RFC 2616 says "HEAD" does not have a body, nor do any 1xx codes, nor
+ # 204 (No Content) nor 304 (Not Modified)
+ if( $req->method eq "HEAD" or $code =~ m/^1..$/ or $code eq "204" or $code eq "304" ) {
+ $self->debug_printf( "BODY done [none]" );
+ $responder->is_done++;
+ return $on_done->();
+ }
+ my $transfer_encoding = $header->header( "Transfer-Encoding" );
+ my $content_length = $header->content_length;
+ if( defined $transfer_encoding and $transfer_encoding eq "chunked" ) {
+ $self->debug_printf( "BODY chunks" );
+ $stall_timer->reason = "receiving body chunks" if $stall_timer;
+ return $self->_mk_on_read_chunked( $req, $on_more, $on_done, $f );
+ }
+ elsif( defined $content_length ) {
+ $self->debug_printf( "BODY length $content_length" );
+ if( $content_length == 0 ) {
+ $self->debug_printf( "BODY done [length=0]" );
+ $responder->is_done++;
+ return $on_done->();
+ }
+ $stall_timer->reason = "receiving body" if $stall_timer;
+ return $self->_mk_on_read_length( $content_length, $req, $on_more, $on_done, $f );
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->debug_printf( "BODY until EOF" );
+ $stall_timer->reason = "receiving body until EOF" if $stall_timer;
+ return $self->_mk_on_read_until_eof( $req, $on_more, $on_done, $f );
+ }
+ };
+sub _mk_on_read_chunked
+ shift; # $self
+ my ( $req, $on_more, $on_done, $f ) = @_;
+ my $chunk_length;
+ sub {
+ my ( $self, $buffref, $closed, $responder ) = @_;
+ if( !defined $chunk_length and $$buffref =~ s/^(.*?)$CRLF// ) {
+ my $header = $1;
+ # Chunk header
+ unless( $header =~ s/^([A-Fa-f0-9]+).*// ) {
+ $f->fail( "Corrupted chunk header", http => undef, $req ) unless $f->is_cancelled;
+ $self->close_now;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ $chunk_length = hex( $1 );
+ return 1 if $chunk_length;
+ return $self->_mk_on_read_chunk_trailer( $req, $on_more, $on_done, $f );
+ }
+ # Chunk is followed by a CRLF, which isn't counted in the length;
+ if( defined $chunk_length and length( $$buffref ) >= $chunk_length + 2 ) {
+ # Chunk body
+ my $chunk = substr( $$buffref, 0, $chunk_length, "" );
+ unless( $$buffref =~ s/^$CRLF// ) {
+ $self->debug_printf( "ERROR chunk without CRLF" );
+ $f->fail( "Chunk of size $chunk_length wasn't followed by CRLF", http => undef, $req ) unless $f->is_cancelled;
+ $self->close;
+ }
+ undef $chunk_length;
+ return $on_more->( $chunk );
+ }
+ if( $closed ) {
+ $self->debug_printf( "ERROR closed" );
+ $f->fail( "Connection closed while awaiting chunk", http => undef, $req ) unless $f->is_cancelled;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ };
+sub _mk_on_read_chunk_trailer
+ shift; # $self
+ my ( $req, $on_more, $on_done, $f ) = @_;
+ my $trailer = "";
+ sub {
+ my ( $self, $buffref, $closed, $responder ) = @_;
+ if( $closed ) {
+ $self->debug_printf( "ERROR closed" );
+ $f->fail( "Connection closed while awaiting chunk trailer", http => undef, $req ) unless $f->is_cancelled;
+ }
+ $$buffref =~ s/^(.*)$CRLF// or return 0;
+ $trailer .= $1;
+ return 1 if length $1;
+ # TODO: Actually use the trailer
+ $self->debug_printf( "BODY done [chunked]" );
+ $responder->is_done++;
+ return $on_done->();
+ };
+sub _mk_on_read_length
+ shift; # $self
+ my ( $content_length, $req, $on_more, $on_done, $f ) = @_;
+ sub {
+ my ( $self, $buffref, $closed, $responder ) = @_;
+ # This will truncate it if the server provided too much
+ my $content = substr( $$buffref, 0, $content_length, "" );
+ $content_length -= length $content;
+ return undef unless $on_more->( $content );
+ if( $content_length == 0 ) {
+ $self->debug_printf( "BODY done [length]" );
+ $responder->is_done++;
+ return $on_done->();
+ }
+ if( $closed ) {
+ $self->debug_printf( "ERROR closed" );
+ $f->fail( "Connection closed while awaiting body", http => undef, $req ) unless $f->is_cancelled;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ };
+sub _mk_on_read_until_eof
+ shift; # $self
+ my ( $req, $on_more, $on_done, $f ) = @_;
+ sub {
+ my ( $self, $buffref, $closed, $responder ) = @_;
+ my $content = $$buffref;
+ $$buffref = "";
+ return undef unless $on_more->( $content );
+ return 0 unless $closed;
+ $self->debug_printf( "BODY done [eof]" );
+ $responder->is_done++;
+ return $on_done->();
+ };
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Paul Evans <>
diff --git a/lib/Net/Async/HTTP/ b/lib/Net/Async/HTTP/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02fca86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Net/Async/HTTP/
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public License
+# or the Artistic License (the same terms as Perl itself)
+# (C) Paul Evans, 2014 --
+package Net::Async::HTTP::StallTimer;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use base qw( IO::Async::Timer::Countdown );
+our $VERSION = '0.44';
+sub _init
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $params ) = @_;
+ $self->SUPER::_init( $params );
+ $self->{future} = delete $params->{future};
+sub reason :lvalue { shift->{stall_reason} }
+sub on_expire
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $conn = $self->parent;
+ $self->{future}->fail( "Stalled while ${\$self->reason}", stall_timeout => );
+ $conn->close_now;
diff --git a/t/00use.t b/t/00use.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7e97d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/00use.t
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use_ok( "Net::Async::HTTP" );
diff --git a/t/01request.t b/t/01request.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce56199
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/01request.t
@@ -0,0 +1,571 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Identity;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use Net::Async::HTTP;
+my $CRLF = "\x0d\x0a"; # because \r\n isn't portable
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new();
+testing_loop( $loop );
+my $http = Net::Async::HTTP->new(
+ user_agent => "", # Don't put one in request headers
+ok( defined $http, 'defined $http' );
+isa_ok( $http, "Net::Async::HTTP", '$http isa Net::Async::HTTP' );
+$loop->add( $http );
+my $hostnum = 0;
+sub do_test_req
+ my $name = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ my $response;
+ my $error;
+ my $request = $args{req};
+ my $host = $args{no_host} ? $request->uri->host : $http->{proxy_host} || "host$hostnum"; $hostnum++;
+ my $service = $http->{proxy_port} || 80;
+ my $peersock;
+ no warnings 'redefine';
+ local *IO::Async::Handle::connect = sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ $args{host} eq $host or die "Expected $args{host} eq $host";
+ $args{service} eq $service or die "Expected $args{service} eq $service";
+ ( my $selfsock, $peersock ) = IO::Async::OS->socketpair() or die "Cannot create socket pair - $!";
+ $self->set_handle( $selfsock );
+ return Future->new->done( $self );
+ };
+ my $future = $http->do_request(
+ request => $request,
+ ( $args{no_host} ? () : ( host => $host ) ),
+ timeout => 10,
+ on_response => sub { $response = $_[0] },
+ on_error => sub { $error = $_[0] },
+ );
+ $future->on_fail( sub { $future->get } ) unless $args{expect_error};
+ ok( defined $future, "\$future defined for $name" );
+ wait_for { $peersock };
+ # Wait for the client to send its request
+ my $request_stream = "";
+ wait_for_stream { $request_stream =~ m/$CRLF$CRLF/ } $peersock => $request_stream;
+ $request_stream =~ s/^(.*)$CRLF//;
+ my $req_firstline = $1;
+ is( $req_firstline, $args{expect_req_firstline}, "First line for $name" );
+ $request_stream =~ s/^(.*)$CRLF$CRLF//s;
+ my %req_headers = map { m/^([^:]+):\s+(.*)$/g } split( m/$CRLF/, $1 );
+ my $req_content;
+ if( defined( my $len = $req_headers{'Content-Length'} ) ) {
+ wait_for { length( $request_stream ) >= $len };
+ $req_content = substr( $request_stream, 0, $len );
+ substr( $request_stream, 0, $len ) = "";
+ }
+ my $expect_req_headers = $args{expect_req_headers};
+ foreach my $header ( keys %$expect_req_headers ) {
+ is( $req_headers{$header}, $expect_req_headers->{$header}, "Expected value for $header" );
+ }
+ if( defined $args{expect_req_content} ) {
+ is( $req_content, $args{expect_req_content}, "Request content for $name" );
+ }
+ $peersock->syswrite( $args{response} );
+ $peersock->close if $args{close_after_response};
+ # Future shouldn't be ready yet
+ ok( !$future->is_ready, "\$future is not ready before response given for $name" );
+ # Wait for the server to finish its response
+ wait_for { defined $response or defined $error };
+ if( $args{expect_error} ) {
+ ok( defined $error, "Expected error for $name" );
+ return;
+ }
+ else {
+ ok( !defined $error, "Failed to error for $name" );
+ if( defined $error ) {
+ diag( "Got error $error" );
+ }
+ }
+ identical( $response->request, $request, "\$response->request is \$request for $name" );
+ ok( $future->is_ready, "\$future is now ready after response given for $name" );
+ identical( scalar $future->get, $response, "\$future->get yields \$response for $name" );
+ if( exists $args{expect_res_code} ) {
+ is( $response->code, $args{expect_res_code}, "Result code for $name" );
+ }
+ if( exists $args{expect_res_content} ) {
+ is( $response->content, $args{expect_res_content}, "Result content for $name" );
+ }
+ if( exists $args{expect_res_headers} ) {
+ my %h = map { $_ => $response->header( $_ ) } $response->header_field_names;
+ is_deeply( \%h, $args{expect_res_headers}, "Result headers for $name" );
+ }
+my $req;
+$req = HTTP::Request->new( HEAD => "/some/path", [ Host => "myhost" ] );
+do_test_req( "simple HEAD",
+ req => $req,
+ expect_req_firstline => "HEAD /some/path HTTP/1.1",
+ expect_req_headers => {
+ Host => "myhost",
+ },
+ response => "HTTP/1.1 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 13$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Type: text/plain$CRLF" .
+ "Connection: keep-alive$CRLF" .
+ $CRLF,
+ expect_res_code => 200,
+ expect_res_headers => {
+ 'Content-Length' => 13,
+ 'Content-Type' => "text/plain",
+ 'Connection' => "keep-alive",
+ },
+ expect_res_content => "",
+$req = HTTP::Request->new( GET => "/some/path", [ Host => "myhost" ] );
+do_test_req( "simple GET",
+ req => $req,
+ host => "myhost",
+ expect_req_firstline => "GET /some/path HTTP/1.1",
+ expect_req_headers => {
+ Host => "myhost",
+ },
+ response => "HTTP/1.1 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 13$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Type: text/plain$CRLF" .
+ "Connection: Keep-Alive$CRLF" .
+ $CRLF .
+ "Hello, world!",
+ expect_res_code => 200,
+ expect_res_headers => {
+ 'Content-Length' => 13,
+ 'Content-Type' => "text/plain",
+ 'Connection' => "Keep-Alive",
+ },
+ expect_res_content => "Hello, world!",
+$req = HTTP::Request->new( GET => "http://myhost/some/path" );
+do_test_req( "GET to full URL",
+ req => $req,
+ host => "myhost",
+ expect_req_firstline => "GET /some/path HTTP/1.1",
+ expect_req_headers => {
+ Host => "myhost",
+ },
+ response => "HTTP/1.1 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 13$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Type: text/plain$CRLF" .
+ "Connection: Keep-Alive$CRLF" .
+ $CRLF .
+ "Hello, world!",
+ expect_res_code => 200,
+ expect_res_headers => {
+ 'Content-Length' => 13,
+ 'Content-Type' => "text/plain",
+ 'Connection' => "Keep-Alive",
+ },
+ expect_res_content => "Hello, world!",
+ $http->configure( proxy_host => 'proxyhost', proxy_port => 3128 );
+ do_test_req( "GET over proxy",
+ req => $req,
+ host => "myhost",
+ expect_req_firstline => "GET http://myhost/some/path HTTP/1.1",
+ expect_req_headers => {
+ Host => "myhost",
+ },
+ response => "HTTP/1.1 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 13$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Type: text/plain$CRLF" .
+ "Connection: Keep-Alive$CRLF" .
+ $CRLF .
+ "Hello, world!",
+ expect_res_code => 200,
+ expect_res_headers => {
+ 'Content-Length' => 13,
+ 'Content-Type' => "text/plain",
+ 'Connection' => "Keep-Alive",
+ },
+ expect_res_content => "Hello, world!",
+ );
+ $http->configure( proxy_host => undef, proxy_port => undef );
+$req = HTTP::Request->new( GET => "/empty", [ Host => "myhost" ] );
+do_test_req( "GET with empty body",
+ req => $req,
+ host => "myhost",
+ expect_req_firstline => "GET /empty HTTP/1.1",
+ expect_req_headers => {
+ Host => "myhost",
+ },
+ response => "HTTP/1.1 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 0$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Type: text/plain$CRLF" .
+ "Connection: Keep-Alive$CRLF" .
+ $CRLF,
+ expect_res_code => 200,
+ expect_res_headers => {
+ 'Content-Length' => 0,
+ 'Content-Type' => "text/plain",
+ 'Connection' => "Keep-Alive",
+ },
+ expect_res_content => "",
+$req = HTTP::Request->new( GET => "/" );
+do_test_req( "GET with no response headers",
+ req => $req,
+ host => "myhost",
+ expect_req_firstline => "GET / HTTP/1.1",
+ expect_req_headers => {
+ Host => "myhost",
+ },
+ response => "HTTP/1.0 200 OK$CRLF".
+ $CRLF .
+ "Your data here",
+ close_after_response => 1,
+ expect_res_code => 200,
+ expect_req_headers => {},
+ expect_res_content => "Your data here",
+$req = HTTP::Request->new( GET => "/somethingmissing", [ Host => "somewhere" ] );
+do_test_req( "GET not found",
+ req => $req,
+ host => "somewhere",
+ expect_req_firstline => "GET /somethingmissing HTTP/1.1",
+ expect_req_headers => {
+ Host => "somewhere",
+ },
+ response => "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 0$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Type: text/plain$CRLF" .
+ "Connection: Keep-Alive$CRLF" .
+ $CRLF,
+ expect_res_code => 404,
+ expect_res_headers => {
+ 'Content-Length' => 0,
+ 'Content-Type' => "text/plain",
+ 'Connection' => "Keep-Alive",
+ },
+ expect_res_content => "",
+$req = HTTP::Request->new( GET => "/stream", [ Host => "somewhere" ] );
+do_test_req( "GET chunks",
+ req => $req,
+ host => "somewhere",
+ expect_req_firstline => "GET /stream HTTP/1.1",
+ expect_req_headers => {
+ Host => "somewhere",
+ },
+ response => "HTTP/1.1 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 13$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Type: text/plain$CRLF" .
+ "Connection: Keep-Alive$CRLF" .
+ "Transfer-Encoding: chunked$CRLF" .
+ $CRLF .
+ "7$CRLF" . "Hello, " . $CRLF .
+ # Handle trailing whitespace on chunk size
+ "6 $CRLF" . "world!" . $CRLF .
+ "0$CRLF" .
+ "$CRLF",
+ expect_res_code => 200,
+ expect_res_headers => {
+ 'Content-Length' => 13,
+ 'Content-Type' => "text/plain",
+ 'Connection' => "Keep-Alive",
+ 'Transfer-Encoding' => "chunked",
+ },
+ expect_res_content => "Hello, world!",
+do_test_req( "GET chunks LWS stripping",
+ req => $req,
+ host => "somewhere",
+ expect_req_firstline => "GET /stream HTTP/1.1",
+ expect_req_headers => {
+ Host => "somewhere",
+ },
+ response => "HTTP/1.1 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 13$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Type: text/plain$CRLF" .
+ "Connection: Keep-Alive$CRLF" .
+ "Transfer-Encoding: chunked $CRLF" .
+ $CRLF .
+ "7$CRLF" . "Hello, " . $CRLF .
+ "6$CRLF" . "world!" . $CRLF .
+ "0$CRLF" .
+ "$CRLF",
+ expect_res_code => 200,
+ expect_res_headers => {
+ 'Content-Length' => 13,
+ 'Content-Type' => "text/plain",
+ 'Connection' => "Keep-Alive",
+ 'Transfer-Encoding' => "chunked",
+ },
+ expect_res_content => "Hello, world!",
+do_test_req( "GET chunks corrupted",
+ req => $req,
+ host => "somewhere",
+ expect_req_firstline => "GET /stream HTTP/1.1",
+ expect_req_headers => {
+ Host => "somewhere",
+ },
+ response => "HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 21$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Type: text/plain$CRLF" .
+ "Connection: Keep-Alive$CRLF" .
+ "Transfer-Encoding: chunked$CRLF" .
+ $CRLF .
+ "Internal Server Error" . $CRLF, # no chunk header
+ close_after_response => 1,
+ expect_error => 1,
+$req = HTTP::Request->new( GET => "/untileof", [ Host => "somewhere" ] );
+do_test_req( "GET unspecified length",
+ req => $req,
+ host => "somewhere",
+ expect_req_firstline => "GET /untileof HTTP/1.1",
+ expect_req_headers => {
+ Host => "somewhere",
+ },
+ response => "HTTP/1.1 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Type: text/plain$CRLF" .
+ "Connection: close$CRLF" .
+ $CRLF .
+ "Some more content here",
+ close_after_response => 1,
+ expect_res_code => 200,
+ expect_res_headers => {
+ 'Content-Type' => "text/plain",
+ 'Connection' => "close",
+ },
+ expect_res_content => "Some more content here",
+do_test_req( "GET unspecified length LWS stripping",
+ req => $req,
+ host => "somewhere",
+ expect_req_firstline => "GET /untileof HTTP/1.1",
+ expect_req_headers => {
+ Host => "somewhere",
+ },
+ response => "HTTP/1.1 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Type: text/plain$CRLF" .
+ "Connection: close $CRLF" .
+ $CRLF .
+ "Some more content here",
+ close_after_response => 1,
+ expect_res_code => 200,
+ expect_res_headers => {
+ 'Content-Type' => "text/plain",
+ 'Connection' => "close",
+ },
+ expect_res_content => "Some more content here",
+$req = HTTP::Request->new( POST => "/handler", [ Host => "somewhere" ], "New content" );
+do_test_req( "simple POST",
+ req => $req,
+ host => "somewhere",
+ expect_req_firstline => "POST /handler HTTP/1.1",
+ expect_req_headers => {
+ Host => "somewhere",
+ 'Content-Length' => 11,
+ },
+ expect_req_content => "New content",
+ response => "HTTP/1.1 201 Created$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 11$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Type: text/plain$CRLF" .
+ "Connection: Keep-Alive$CRLF" .
+ $CRLF .
+ "New content",
+ expect_res_code => 201,
+ expect_res_headers => {
+ 'Content-Length' => 11,
+ 'Content-Type' => "text/plain",
+ 'Connection' => "Keep-Alive",
+ },
+ expect_res_content => "New content",
+$req = HTTP::Request->new( PUT => "/handler", [ Host => "somewhere" ], "New content" );
+do_test_req( "simple PUT",
+ req => $req,
+ host => "somewhere",
+ expect_req_firstline => "PUT /handler HTTP/1.1",
+ expect_req_headers => {
+ Host => "somewhere",
+ 'Content-Length' => 11,
+ },
+ expect_req_content => "New content",
+ response => "HTTP/1.1 201 Created$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 0$CRLF" .
+ "Connection: Keep-Alive$CRLF" .
+ $CRLF,
+ expect_res_code => 201,
+ expect_res_headers => {
+ 'Content-Length' => 0,
+ 'Connection' => "Keep-Alive",
+ },
+$req = HTTP::Request->new( GET => "http://somehost/with/path" );
+do_test_req( "request-implied host",
+ req => $req,
+ no_host => 1,
+ expect_req_firstline => "GET /with/path HTTP/1.1",
+ expect_req_headers => {
+ Host => "somehost",
+ },
+ response => "HTTP/1.1 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 2$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Type: text/plain$CRLF" .
+ $CRLF .
+ "OK",
+ expect_res_code => 200,
+$req = HTTP::Request->new( GET => "http://user:pass\@somehost2/with/secret" );
+do_test_req( "request-implied authentication",
+ req => $req,
+ no_host => 1,
+ expect_req_firstline => "GET /with/secret HTTP/1.1",
+ expect_req_headers => {
+ Host => "somehost2",
+ Authorization => "Basic dXNlcjpwYXNz", # determined using 'wget'
+ },
+ response => "HTTP/1.1 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 4$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Type: text/plain$CRLF" .
+ $CRLF .
+ "Booo",
+ expect_res_code => 200,
+$req = HTTP::Request->new( GET => "/", [ Host => "myhost" ] );
+do_test_req( "Non-HTTP response",
+ req => $req,
+ host => "myhost",
+ expect_req_firstline => "GET / HTTP/1.1",
+ expect_req_headers => {
+ Host => "myhost",
+ },
+ response => "Some other protocol, sorry\n",
+ expect_error => 1,
diff --git a/t/02uri.t b/t/02uri.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cff36dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/02uri.t
@@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use Net::Async::HTTP;
+my $CRLF = "\x0d\x0a"; # because \r\n isn't portable
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new();
+testing_loop( $loop );
+my $http = Net::Async::HTTP->new(
+ user_agent => "", # Don't put one in request headers
+$loop->add( $http );
+# Most of this function copypasted from t/01http-req.t
+sub do_test_uri
+ my $name = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ my $response;
+ my $error;
+ my $peersock;
+ no warnings 'redefine';
+ local *IO::Async::Handle::connect = sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ $args{service} eq "80" or die "Expected $args{service} eq 80";
+ ( my $selfsock, $peersock ) = IO::Async::OS->socketpair() or die "Cannot create socket pair - $!";
+ $self->set_handle( $selfsock );
+ return Future->new->done( $self );
+ };
+ $http->do_request(
+ uri => $args{uri},
+ method => $args{method},
+ user => $args{user},
+ pass => $args{pass},
+ headers => $args{headers},
+ content => $args{content},
+ content_type => $args{content_type},
+ on_response => sub { $response = $_[0] },
+ on_error => sub { $error = $_[0] },
+ );
+ wait_for { $peersock };
+ # Wait for the client to send its request
+ my $request_stream = "";
+ wait_for_stream { $request_stream =~ m/$CRLF$CRLF/ } $peersock => $request_stream;
+ $request_stream =~ s/^(.*)$CRLF//;
+ my $req_firstline = $1;
+ is( $req_firstline, $args{expect_req_firstline}, "First line for $name" );
+ $request_stream =~ s/^(.*)$CRLF$CRLF//s;
+ my %req_headers = map { m/^(.*?):\s+(.*)$/g } split( m/$CRLF/, $1 );
+ my $req_content;
+ if( defined( my $len = $req_headers{'Content-Length'} ) ) {
+ wait_for { length( $request_stream ) >= $len };
+ $req_content = substr( $request_stream, 0, $len );
+ substr( $request_stream, 0, $len ) = "";
+ }
+ my $expect_req_headers = $args{expect_req_headers};
+ foreach my $header ( keys %$expect_req_headers ) {
+ is( $req_headers{$header}, $expect_req_headers->{$header}, "Expected value for $header" );
+ }
+ if( defined $args{expect_req_content} ) {
+ is( $req_content, $args{expect_req_content}, "Request content for $name" );
+ }
+ $peersock->syswrite( $args{response} );
+ # Wait for the server to finish its response
+ wait_for { defined $response or defined $error };
+ if( $args{expect_error} ) {
+ ok( defined $error, "Expected error for $name" );
+ return;
+ }
+ else {
+ ok( !defined $error, "Failed to error for $name" );
+ if( defined $error ) {
+ diag( "Got error $error" );
+ }
+ }
+ if( exists $args{expect_res_code} ) {
+ is( $response->code, $args{expect_res_code}, "Result code for $name" );
+ }
+ if( exists $args{expect_res_content} ) {
+ is( $response->content, $args{expect_res_content}, "Result content for $name" );
+ }
+ if( exists $args{expect_res_headers} ) {
+ my %h = map { $_ => $response->header( $_ ) } $response->header_field_names;
+ is_deeply( \%h, $args{expect_res_headers}, "Result headers for $name" );
+ }
+do_test_uri( "simple HEAD",
+ method => "HEAD",
+ uri => URI->new( "http://host0/some/path" ),
+ expect_req_firstline => "HEAD /some/path HTTP/1.1",
+ expect_req_headers => {
+ Host => "host0",
+ },
+ response => "HTTP/1.1 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 13$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Type: text/plain$CRLF" .
+ "Connection: Keep-Alive$CRLF" .
+ $CRLF,
+ expect_res_code => 200,
+ expect_res_headers => {
+ 'Content-Length' => 13,
+ 'Content-Type' => "text/plain",
+ 'Connection' => "Keep-Alive",
+ },
+ expect_res_content => "",
+do_test_uri( "simple GET",
+ method => "GET",
+ uri => URI->new( "http://host1/some/path" ),
+ expect_req_firstline => "GET /some/path HTTP/1.1",
+ expect_req_headers => {
+ Host => "host1",
+ },
+ response => "HTTP/1.1 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 13$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Type: text/plain$CRLF" .
+ "Connection: Keep-Alive$CRLF" .
+ $CRLF .
+ "Hello, world!",
+ expect_res_code => 200,
+ expect_res_headers => {
+ 'Content-Length' => 13,
+ 'Content-Type' => "text/plain",
+ 'Connection' => "Keep-Alive",
+ },
+ expect_res_content => "Hello, world!",
+do_test_uri( "GET with params",
+ method => "GET",
+ uri => URI->new( "http://host2/cgi?param=value" ),
+ expect_req_firstline => "GET /cgi?param=value HTTP/1.1",
+ expect_req_headers => {
+ Host => "host2",
+ },
+ response => "HTTP/1.1 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 11$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Type: text/plain$CRLF" .
+ "Connection: Keep-Alive$CRLF" .
+ $CRLF .
+ "CGI content",
+ expect_res_code => 200,
+ expect_res_headers => {
+ 'Content-Length' => 11,
+ 'Content-Type' => "text/plain",
+ 'Connection' => "Keep-Alive",
+ },
+ expect_res_content => "CGI content",
+do_test_uri( "authenticated GET",
+ method => "GET",
+ uri => URI->new( "http://host3/secret" ),
+ user => "user",
+ pass => "pass",
+ expect_req_firstline => "GET /secret HTTP/1.1",
+ expect_req_headers => {
+ Host => "host3",
+ Authorization => "Basic dXNlcjpwYXNz", # determined using 'wget'
+ },
+ response => "HTTP/1.1 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 18$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Type: text/plain$CRLF" .
+ "Connection: Keep-Alive$CRLF" .
+ $CRLF .
+ "For your eyes only",
+ expect_res_code => 200,
+ expect_res_headers => {
+ 'Content-Length' => 18,
+ 'Content-Type' => "text/plain",
+ 'Connection' => "Keep-Alive",
+ },
+ expect_res_content => "For your eyes only",
+do_test_uri( "authenticated GET (URL embedded)",
+ method => "GET",
+ uri => URI->new( "http://user:pass\@host4/private" ),
+ expect_req_firstline => "GET /private HTTP/1.1",
+ expect_req_headers => {
+ Host => "host4",
+ Authorization => "Basic dXNlcjpwYXNz", # determined using 'wget'
+ },
+ response => "HTTP/1.1 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 6$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Type: text/plain$CRLF" .
+ "Connection: Keep-Alive$CRLF" .
+ $CRLF .
+ "Shhhh!",
+ expect_res_code => 200,
+ expect_res_headers => {
+ 'Content-Length' => 6,
+ 'Content-Type' => "text/plain",
+ 'Connection' => "Keep-Alive",
+ },
+ expect_res_content => "Shhhh!",
+do_test_uri( "GET with additional headers from ARRAY",
+ method => "GET",
+ uri => URI->new( "http://host5/" ),
+ headers => [
+ "X-Net-Async-HTTP", "Test",
+ ],
+ expect_req_firstline => "GET / HTTP/1.1",
+ expect_req_headers => {
+ Host => "host5",
+ "X-Net-Async-HTTP" => "Test",
+ },
+ response => "HTTP/1.1 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 0$CRLF" .
+ $CRLF,
+ expect_res_code => 200,
+do_test_uri( "GET with additional headers from HASH",
+ method => "GET",
+ uri => URI->new( "http://host6/" ),
+ headers => {
+ "X-Net-Async-HTTP", "Test",
+ },
+ expect_req_firstline => "GET / HTTP/1.1",
+ expect_req_headers => {
+ Host => "host6",
+ "X-Net-Async-HTTP" => "Test",
+ },
+ response => "HTTP/1.1 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 0$CRLF" .
+ $CRLF,
+ expect_res_code => 200,
+do_test_uri( "simple PUT",
+ method => "PUT",
+ uri => URI->new( "http://host7/resource" ),
+ content => "The content",
+ content_type => "text/plain",
+ expect_req_firstline => "PUT /resource HTTP/1.1",
+ expect_req_headers => {
+ Host => "host7",
+ 'Content-Length' => 11,
+ 'Content-Type' => "text/plain",
+ },
+ expect_req_content => "The content",
+ response => "HTTP/1.1 201 Created$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 0$CRLF" .
+ "Connection: Keep-Alive$CRLF" .
+ $CRLF,
+ expect_res_code => 201,
+ expect_res_headers => {
+ 'Content-Length' => 0,
+ 'Connection' => "Keep-Alive",
+ },
+do_test_uri( "simple POST",
+ method => "POST",
+ uri => URI->new( "http://host8/handler" ),
+ content => "New content",
+ content_type => "text/plain",
+ expect_req_firstline => "POST /handler HTTP/1.1",
+ expect_req_headers => {
+ Host => "host8",
+ 'Content-Length' => 11,
+ 'Content-Type' => "text/plain",
+ },
+ expect_req_content => "New content",
+ response => "HTTP/1.1 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 11$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Type: text/plain$CRLF" .
+ "Connection: Keep-Alive$CRLF" .
+ $CRLF .
+ "New content",
+ expect_res_code => 200,
+ expect_res_headers => {
+ 'Content-Length' => 11,
+ 'Content-Type' => "text/plain",
+ 'Connection' => "Keep-Alive",
+ },
+ expect_res_content => "New content",
+do_test_uri( "form POST",
+ method => "POST",
+ uri => URI->new( "http://host9/handler" ),
+ content => [ param => "value", another => "value with things" ],
+ expect_req_firstline => "POST /handler HTTP/1.1",
+ expect_req_headers => {
+ Host => "host9",
+ 'Content-Length' => 37,
+ 'Content-Type' => "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
+ },
+ expect_req_content => "param=value&another=value+with+things",
+ response => "HTTP/1.1 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 4$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Type: text/plain$CRLF" .
+ "Connection: Keep-Alive$CRLF" .
+ $CRLF .
+ "Done",
+ expect_res_code => 200,
+ expect_res_headers => {
+ 'Content-Length' => 4,
+ 'Content-Type' => "text/plain",
+ 'Connection' => "Keep-Alive",
+ },
+ expect_res_content => "Done",
+do_test_uri( "plain string URI",
+ method => "GET",
+ uri => "http://host10/path",
+ expect_req_firstline => "GET /path HTTP/1.1",
+ expect_req_headers => {
+ Host => "host10",
+ },
+ response => "HTTP/1.1 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 0$CRLF" .
+ "$CRLF",
+ expect_res_code => 200,
diff --git a/t/03future.t b/t/03future.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8efcee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/03future.t
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use Net::Async::HTTP;
+my $CRLF = "\x0d\x0a"; # because \r\n isn't portable
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new();
+testing_loop( $loop );
+my $http = Net::Async::HTTP->new(
+ user_agent => "", # Don't put one in request headers
+$loop->add( $http );
+ my $peersock;
+ no warnings 'redefine';
+ local *IO::Async::Handle::connect = sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ ( my $selfsock, $peersock ) = IO::Async::OS->socketpair() or die "Cannot create socket pair - $!";
+ $self->set_handle( $selfsock );
+ return Future->new->done( $self );
+ };
+ my $request = HTTP::Request->new(
+ GET => "/some/path",
+ [ Host => "myhost" ]
+ );
+ my $future = $http->do_request(
+ host => "myhost",
+ request => $request,
+ );
+ ok( defined $future, '$future defined for request' );
+ wait_for { $peersock };
+ # Wait for the client to send its request
+ my $request_stream = "";
+ wait_for_stream { $request_stream =~ m/$CRLF$CRLF/ } $peersock => $request_stream;
+ $peersock->syswrite( join( $CRLF,
+ "HTTP/1.1 200 OK",
+ "Content-Type: text/plain",
+ "Content-Length: 12",
+ "" ) . $CRLF .
+ "Hello world!"
+ );
+ wait_for { $future->is_ready };
+ my $response = $future->get;
+ isa_ok( $response, "HTTP::Response", '$future->get for request' );
+ is( $response->code, 200, '$response->code for request' );
+ my $peersock;
+ no warnings 'redefine';
+ local *IO::Async::Handle::connect = sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ ( my $selfsock, $peersock ) = IO::Async::OS->socketpair() or die "Cannot create socket pair - $!";
+ $self->set_handle( $selfsock );
+ return Future->new->done( $self );
+ };
+ my $future = $http->do_request(
+ method => "GET",
+ uri => URI->new( "http://host0/some/path" ),
+ );
+ ok( defined $future, '$future defined for uri' );
+ wait_for { $peersock };
+ # Wait for the client to send its request
+ my $request_stream = "";
+ wait_for_stream { $request_stream =~ m/$CRLF$CRLF/ } $peersock => $request_stream;
+ $peersock->syswrite( join( $CRLF,
+ "HTTP/1.1 200 OK",
+ "Content-Type: text/plain",
+ "Content-Length: 12",
+ "" ) . $CRLF .
+ "Hello world!"
+ );
+ wait_for { $future->is_ready };
+ my $response = $future->get;
+ isa_ok( $response, "HTTP::Response", '$future->get for uri' );
+ is( $response->code, 200, '$response->code for uri' );
diff --git a/t/04fail.t b/t/04fail.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa618ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/04fail.t
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use Net::Async::HTTP;
+my $CRLF = "\x0d\x0a"; # because \r\n isn't portable
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new();
+testing_loop( $loop );
+my $http = Net::Async::HTTP->new(
+ user_agent => "", # Don't put one in request headers
+$loop->add( $http );
+my $peersock;
+no warnings 'redefine';
+local *IO::Async::Handle::connect = sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ ( my $selfsock, $peersock ) = IO::Async::OS->socketpair() or die "Cannot create socket pair - $!";
+ $self->set_handle( $selfsock );
+ return Future->new->done( $self );
+# fail_on_error false
+ $http->configure( fail_on_error => 0 );
+ my $request = HTTP::Request->new(
+ GET => "/some/path",
+ [ Host => "myhost" ]
+ );
+ my $future = $http->do_request(
+ method => "GET",
+ uri => URI->new( "http://host0/some/path" ),
+ );
+ ok( defined $future, '$future defined for request' );
+ wait_for { $peersock };
+ # Wait for the client to send its request
+ my $request_stream = "";
+ wait_for_stream { $request_stream =~ m/$CRLF$CRLF/ } $peersock => $request_stream;
+ $peersock->syswrite( join( $CRLF,
+ "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found",
+ "Content-Type: text/plain",
+ "Content-Length: 9",
+ "" ) . $CRLF .
+ "Not Found"
+ );
+ wait_for { $future->is_ready };
+ my $response = $future->get;
+ isa_ok( $response, "HTTP::Response", '$future->get for fail_on_error false' );
+ is( $response->code, 404, '$response->code for fail_on_error false' );
+# fail_on_error true
+ $http->configure( fail_on_error => 1 );
+ my $request = HTTP::Request->new(
+ GET => "/some/path",
+ [ Host => "myhost" ]
+ );
+ my ( $response_c, $request_c );
+ my $future = $http->do_request(
+ method => "GET",
+ uri => URI->new( "http://host0/some/path" ),
+ on_error => sub {
+ ( my $message, $response_c, $request_c ) = @_;
+ is( $message, "404 Not Found", '$message to on_error' );
+ },
+ );
+ ok( defined $future, '$future defined for request' );
+ wait_for { $peersock };
+ # Wait for the client to send its request
+ my $request_stream = "";
+ wait_for_stream { $request_stream =~ m/$CRLF$CRLF/ } $peersock => $request_stream;
+ $peersock->syswrite( join( $CRLF,
+ "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found",
+ "Content-Type: text/plain",
+ "Content-Length: 9",
+ "" ) . $CRLF .
+ "Not Found"
+ );
+ wait_for { $future->is_ready };
+ is( scalar $future->failure, "404 Not Found", '$future->failure for fail_on_error true' );
+ my ( undef, undef, $response_f, $request_f ) = $future->failure;
+ is( $response_f->code, 404, '$response_f->code for fail_on_error true' );
+ is( $response_c->code, 404, '$response_c->code for fail_on_error true' );
+ is( $request_f->uri, "http://host0/some/path", '$request_f->uri for fail_on_error true' );
+ is( $request_c->uri, "http://host0/some/path", '$request_f->uri for fail_on_error true' );
+ # Now check that non-errors don't fail
+ $future = $http->do_request(
+ method => "GET",
+ uri => URI->new( "http://host0/other/path" ),
+ );
+ $request_stream = "";
+ wait_for_stream { $request_stream =~ m/$CRLF$CRLF/ } $peersock => $request_stream;
+ $peersock->syswrite( join( $CRLF,
+ "HTTP/1.1 200 OK",
+ "Content-Type: text/plain",
+ "Content-Length: 9",
+ "" ) . $CRLF .
+ "Here I am"
+ );
+ wait_for { $future->is_ready };
+ my $response = $future->get;
+ is( $response->code, 200, '$response->code for non-fail' );
+# fail_on_error non-Future (RT102022)
+ $http->configure( fail_on_error => 1 );
+ my $request = HTTP::Request->new(
+ GET => "/some/path",
+ [ Host => "myhost" ]
+ );
+ my ( $response_c, $request_c );
+ $http->do_request(
+ method => "GET",
+ uri => URI->new( "http://host0/some/path" ),
+ on_response => sub {
+ die "Test failed - on_response with $_[0]";
+ },
+ on_error => sub {
+ ( my $message, $response_c, $request_c ) = @_;
+ is( $message, "404 Not Found", '$message to on_error' );
+ },
+ );
+ wait_for { $peersock };
+ # Wait for the client to send its request
+ my $request_stream = "";
+ wait_for_stream { $request_stream =~ m/$CRLF$CRLF/ } $peersock => $request_stream;
+ $peersock->syswrite( join( $CRLF,
+ "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found",
+ "Content-Type: text/plain",
+ "Content-Length: 9",
+ "" ) . $CRLF .
+ "Not Found"
+ );
+ wait_for { defined $response_c };
+ is( $response_c->code, 404, '$response_c->code for fail_on_error true' );
+ is( $request_c->uri, "http://host0/some/path", '$request_f->uri for fail_on_error true' );
diff --git a/t/05redir.t b/t/05redir.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9cdc217
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/05redir.t
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Identity;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use Net::Async::HTTP;
+my $CRLF = "\x0d\x0a"; # because \r\n isn't portable
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new();
+testing_loop( $loop );
+my $http = Net::Async::HTTP->new(
+ user_agent => "", # Don't put one in request headers
+$loop->add( $http );
+ my $redir_response;
+ my $location;
+ my $response;
+ my $peersock;
+ no warnings 'redefine';
+ local *IO::Async::Handle::connect = sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ $args{host} eq "host0" or die "Expected $args{host} eq host0";
+ $args{service} eq "80" or die "Expected $args{service} eq 80";
+ ( my $selfsock, $peersock ) = IO::Async::OS->socketpair() or die "Cannot create socket pair - $!";
+ $self->set_handle( $selfsock );
+ return Future->new->done( $self );
+ };
+ my $future = $http->do_request(
+ uri => URI->new( "http://host0/doc" ),
+ timeout => 10,
+ on_response => sub { $response = $_[0] },
+ on_redirect => sub { ( $redir_response, $location ) = @_ },
+ on_error => sub { die "Test died early - $_[0]" },
+ );
+ ok( defined $future, '$future defined for redirect' );
+ my $request_stream = "";
+ wait_for_stream { $request_stream =~ m/$CRLF$CRLF/ } $peersock => $request_stream;
+ $request_stream =~ s/^(.*)$CRLF//;
+ my $req_firstline = $1;
+ is( $req_firstline, "GET /doc HTTP/1.1", 'First line for request' );
+ # Trim headers
+ $request_stream =~ s/^(.*)$CRLF$CRLF//s;
+ $peersock->syswrite( "HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 0$CRLF" .
+ "Location: http://host0/get_doc?name=doc$CRLF" .
+ "Connection: Keep-Alive$CRLF" .
+ "$CRLF" );
+ wait_for { defined $location };
+ is( $location, "http://host0/get_doc?name=doc", 'Redirect happens' );
+ ok( !$future->is_ready, '$future is not yet ready after redirect' );
+ $request_stream = "";
+ wait_for_stream { $request_stream =~ m/$CRLF$CRLF/ } $peersock => $request_stream;
+ $request_stream =~ s/^(.*)$CRLF//;
+ $req_firstline = $1;
+ is( $req_firstline, "GET /get_doc?name=doc HTTP/1.1", 'First line for redirected request' );
+ # Trim headers
+ $request_stream =~ s/^(.*)$CRLF$CRLF//s;
+ $peersock->syswrite( "HTTP/1.1 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 8$CRLF".
+ "Content-Type: text/plain$CRLF" .
+ "Connection: Keep-Alive$CRLF" .
+ "$CRLF" .
+ "Document" );
+ wait_for { defined $response };
+ is( $response->content_type, "text/plain", 'Content type of final response' );
+ is( $response->content, "Document", 'Content of final response' );
+ isa_ok( $response->previous, "HTTP::Response", '$response->previous' );
+ my $previous = $response->previous;
+ isa_ok( $previous->request->uri, "URI", 'Previous request URI is a URI' );
+ is( $previous->request->uri, "http://host0/doc", 'Previous request URI string' );
+ ok( $future->is_ready, '$future is now ready for final response' );
+ identical( scalar $future->get, $response, '$future->get yields final response' );
+ my $redir_response;
+ my $location;
+ my $response;
+ my $peersock;
+ no warnings 'redefine';
+ local *IO::Async::Handle::connect = sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ $args{host} eq "host1" or die "Expected $args{host} eq host1";
+ $args{service} eq "80" or die "Expected $args{service} eq 80";
+ ( my $selfsock, $peersock ) = IO::Async::OS->socketpair() or die "Cannot create socket pair - $!";
+ $self->set_handle( $selfsock );
+ return Future->new->done( $self );
+ };
+ $http->do_request(
+ uri => URI->new( "http://host1/somedir" ),
+ timeout => 10,
+ on_response => sub { $response = $_[0] },
+ on_redirect => sub { ( $redir_response, $location ) = @_ },
+ on_error => sub { die "Test died early - $_[0]" },
+ );
+ my $request_stream = "";
+ wait_for_stream { $request_stream =~ m/$CRLF$CRLF/ } $peersock => $request_stream;
+ $request_stream =~ s/^(.*)$CRLF//;
+ my $req_firstline = $1;
+ is( $req_firstline, "GET /somedir HTTP/1.1", 'First line for request for local redirect' );
+ # Trim headers
+ $request_stream =~ s/^(.*)$CRLF$CRLF//s;
+ $peersock->syswrite( "HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 0$CRLF" .
+ "Location: /somedir/$CRLF" .
+ "$CRLF" );
+ undef $location;
+ wait_for { defined $location };
+ is( $location, "http://host1/somedir/", 'Local redirect happens' );
+ $request_stream = "";
+ wait_for_stream { $request_stream =~ m/$CRLF$CRLF/ } $peersock => $request_stream;
+ $request_stream =~ s/^(.*)$CRLF//;
+ $req_firstline = $1;
+ is( $req_firstline, "GET /somedir/ HTTP/1.1", 'First line for locally redirected request' );
+ # Trim headers
+ $request_stream =~ s/^(.*)$CRLF$CRLF//s;
+ $peersock->syswrite( "HTTP/1.1 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 9$CRLF".
+ "Content-Type: text/plain$CRLF" .
+ "$CRLF" .
+ "Directory" );
+ undef $response;
+ wait_for { defined $response };
+ is( $response->content_type, "text/plain", 'Content type of final response to local redirect' );
+ is( $response->content, "Directory", 'Content of final response to local redirect' );
+# 304 Not Modified should not redirect (RT98093)
+ my $peersock;
+ no warnings 'redefine';
+ local *IO::Async::Handle::connect = sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ $args{host} eq "host2" or die "Expected $args{host} eq host2";
+ ( my $selfsock, $peersock ) = IO::Async::OS->socketpair() or die "Cannot create socket pair - $!";
+ $self->set_handle( $selfsock );
+ return Future->new->done( $self );
+ };
+ my $f = $http->do_request(
+ uri => URI->new( "http://host2/unmod" ),
+ on_redirect => sub { die "Should not be redirected" },
+ );
+ my $request_stream = "";
+ wait_for_stream { $request_stream =~ m/$CRLF$CRLF/ } $peersock => $request_stream;
+ $peersock->syswrite( "HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified$CRLF" .
+ $CRLF ); # 304 has no body
+ wait_for { $f->is_ready };
+ my $response = $f->get;
+ is( $response->code, 304, 'HTTP 304 response not redirected' );
+# Methods other than GET and HEAD should not redirect
+ my $peersock;
+ no warnings 'redefine';
+ local *IO::Async::Handle::connect = sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ $args{host} eq "host3" or die "Expected $args{host} eq host3";
+ ( my $selfsock, $peersock ) = IO::Async::OS->socketpair() or die "Cannot create socket pair - $!";
+ $self->set_handle( $selfsock );
+ return Future->new->done( $self );
+ };
+ my $f = $http->do_request(
+ method => "PUT",
+ uri => URI->new( "http://host3/somewhere" ),
+ content => "new content",
+ content_type => "text/plain",
+ on_redirect => sub { die "Should not be redirected" },
+ );
+ my $request_stream = "";
+ wait_for_stream { $request_stream =~ m/$CRLF$CRLF/ } $peersock => $request_stream;
+ $peersock->syswrite( "HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 0$CRLF" .
+ "Location: /somewhere/else$CRLF" .
+ $CRLF );
+ wait_for { $f->is_ready };
+ my $response = $f->get;
+ is( $response->code, 301, 'POST request not redirected' );
diff --git a/t/06close.t b/t/06close.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9fb2f6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/06close.t
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use Net::Async::HTTP;
+my $CRLF = "\x0d\x0a"; # because \r\n isn't portable
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new();
+testing_loop( $loop );
+my $http = Net::Async::HTTP->new;
+$loop->add( $http );
+my $host = "host.example";
+my $peersock;
+no warnings 'redefine';
+local *IO::Async::Handle::connect = sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ $args{host} eq $host or die "Expected $args{host} eq $host";
+ $args{service} eq "80" or die "Expected $args{service} eq 80";
+ ( my $selfsock, $peersock ) = IO::Async::OS->socketpair() or die "Cannot create socket pair - $!";
+ $self->set_handle( $selfsock );
+ return Future->new->done( $self );
+# HTTP/1.1 pipelining - if server closes after first request, others should fail
+ my @f = map { $http->do_request(
+ request => HTTP::Request->new( GET => "/$_", [ Host => $host ] ),
+ host => $host,
+ ) } 1 .. 3;
+ my $request_stream = "";
+ wait_for_stream { $request_stream =~ m/$CRLF$CRLF/ } $peersock => $request_stream;
+ $request_stream = "";
+ $peersock->print( "HTTP/1.1 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 0$CRLF" .
+ $CRLF );
+ wait_for { $f[0]->is_ready };
+ ok( !$f[0]->failure, 'First request succeeds before EOF' );
+ $peersock->close;
+ wait_for { $f[1]->is_ready };
+ ok( $f[1]->failure, 'Second request fails after EOF' );
+ # Not sure which error will happen
+ like( scalar $f[1]->failure, qr/^Connection closed($| while awaiting header)/,
+ 'Queued request gets connection closed error' );
+ wait_for { $f[2]->is_ready };
+ ok( $f[2]->failure );
+# HTTP/1.0 connection: close behaviour. second request should get written
+ my @f = map { $http->do_request(
+ request => HTTP::Request->new( GET => "/$_", [ Host => $host ] ),
+ host => $host,
+ ) } 1 .. 2;
+ my $request_stream = "";
+ wait_for_stream { $request_stream =~ m/$CRLF$CRLF/ } $peersock => $request_stream;
+ $request_stream = "";
+ $peersock->print( "HTTP/1.0 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Type: text/plain$CRLF" .
+ $CRLF .
+ "Hello " );
+ $peersock->close;
+ undef $peersock;
+ wait_for { $f[0]->is_ready };
+ ok( !$f[0]->failure, 'First request succeeds after HTTP/1.0 EOF' );
+ wait_for { defined $peersock };
+ ok( defined $peersock, 'A second connection is made' );
+ wait_for_stream { $request_stream =~ m/$CRLF$CRLF/ } $peersock => $request_stream;
+ $peersock->print( "HTTP/1.0 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Type: text/plain$CRLF" .
+ $CRLF .
+ "World!" );
+ $peersock->close;
+ undef $peersock;
+ wait_for { $f[1]->is_ready };
+ ok( !$f[1]->failure, 'Second request succeeds after second HTTP/1.0 EOF' );
diff --git a/t/07continue.t b/t/07continue.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6bf309f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/07continue.t
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use Net::Async::HTTP;
+my $CRLF = "\x0d\x0a"; # because \r\n isn't portable
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new();
+testing_loop( $loop );
+my $http = Net::Async::HTTP->new;
+$loop->add( $http );
+my $peersock;
+no warnings 'redefine';
+local *IO::Async::Handle::connect = sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ $args{host} eq "host0" or die "Expected $args{host} eq host0";
+ $args{service} eq "80" or die "Expected $args{service} eq 80";
+ ( my $selfsock, $peersock ) = IO::Async::OS->socketpair() or die "Cannot create socket pair - $!";
+ $self->set_handle( $selfsock );
+ return Future->new->done( $self );
+my $body_sent;
+my $resp;
+ method => "PUT",
+ uri => URI->new( "http://host0/" ),
+ expect_continue => 1,
+ content_type => "text/plain",
+ request_body => sub {
+ return undef if $body_sent;
+ $body_sent++;
+ return "Here is the body content\n";
+ },
+ on_response => sub { $resp = shift },
+ on_error => sub { die "Test failed early - $_[-1]" },
+wait_for { defined $peersock };
+my $request_stream = "";
+wait_for_stream { $request_stream =~ m/$CRLF$CRLF/ } $peersock => $request_stream;
+$request_stream =~ s/^(.*?$CRLF$CRLF)//s;
+my $header = HTTP::Request->parse( $1 );
+is( $header->header( "Expect" ), "100-continue", 'Received Expect header' );
+ok( !$body_sent, 'request_body not yet invoked before 100 Continue' );
+$peersock->print( "HTTP/1.1 100 Continue$CRLF" .
+ $CRLF );
+wait_for { $body_sent };
+ok( !defined $resp, '$resp not yet defined after 100 Continue' );
+$peersock->print( "HTTP/1.1 201 Created$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 0$CRLF" .
+ $CRLF );
+wait_for { defined $resp };
+ok( defined $resp, '$resp now defined after 201 Created' );
+is( $resp->code, 201, '$resp->code is 201' );
diff --git a/t/08prepareprocess.t b/t/08prepareprocess.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f34fdae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/08prepareprocess.t
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use Net::Async::HTTP;
+my $CRLF = "\x0d\x0a"; # because \r\n isn't portable
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new();
+testing_loop( $loop );
+my $http = TestingHTTP->new(
+ user_agent => "", # Don't put one in request headers
+ok( defined $http, 'defined $http' );
+isa_ok( $http, "Net::Async::HTTP", '$http isa Net::Async::HTTP' );
+$loop->add( $http );
+my $peersock;
+no warnings 'redefine';
+local *IO::Async::Handle::connect = sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ $args{host} eq "some.server" or die "Expected $args{host} eq some.server";
+ $args{service} eq "80" or die "Expected $args{service} eq 80";
+ ( my $selfsock, $peersock ) = IO::Async::OS->socketpair() or die "Cannot create socket pair - $!";
+ $self->set_handle( $selfsock );
+ return Future->new->done( $self );
+my $response;
+ uri => URI->new( "http://some.server/here" ),
+ on_response => sub { $response = $_[0] },
+ on_error => sub { die "Test died early - $_[0]" },
+my $request_stream = "";
+wait_for_stream { $request_stream =~ m/$CRLF$CRLF/ } $peersock => $request_stream;
+$request_stream =~ s/^(.*)$CRLF//;
+my $req_firstline = $1;
+is( $req_firstline, "GET /here HTTP/1.1", 'First line for request' );
+# Trim headers
+$request_stream =~ s/^(.*)$CRLF$CRLF//s;
+my %req_headers = map { m/^(.*?):\s+(.*)$/g } split( m/$CRLF/, $1 );
+is( $req_headers{"X-Request-Foo"}, "Bar", 'Request sets X-Request-Foo header' );
+$peersock->syswrite( "HTTP/1.1 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 7$CRLF".
+ "Content-Type: text/plain$CRLF" .
+ "X-Response-Foo: Splot$CRLF" .
+ "$CRLF" .
+ "Blahbla" );
+my $response_header_X;
+undef $response;
+wait_for { defined $response };
+is( $response_header_X, "Splot", 'Response processed' );
+package TestingHTTP;
+use base qw( Net::Async::HTTP );
+sub prepare_request
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $request ) = @_;
+ $self->SUPER::prepare_request( $request );
+ $request->header( "X-Request-Foo" => "Bar" );
+sub process_response
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $response ) = @_;
+ $self->SUPER::process_response( $response );
+ $response_header_X = $response->header( "X-Response-Foo" );
diff --git a/t/09cookies.t b/t/09cookies.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68f17ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/09cookies.t
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use HTTP::Cookies;
+use Net::Async::HTTP;
+my $CRLF = "\x0d\x0a"; # because \r\n isn't portable
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new();
+testing_loop( $loop );
+my $cookie_jar = HTTP::Cookies->new;
+my $http = Net::Async::HTTP->new(
+ user_agent => "", # Don't put one in request headers
+ cookie_jar => $cookie_jar,
+$loop->add( $http );
+my $peersock;
+sub do_test_req
+ my $name = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ no warnings 'redefine';
+ local *IO::Async::Handle::connect = sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ $args{host} eq "myhost" or die "Expected $args{host} eq myhost";
+ $args{service} eq "80" or die "Expected $args{service} eq 80";
+ ( my $selfsock, $peersock ) = IO::Async::OS->socketpair() or die "Cannot create socket pair - $!";
+ $self->set_handle( $selfsock );
+ return Future->new->done( $self );
+ };
+ my $response;
+ my $error;
+ my $request = $args{req};
+ $http->do_request(
+ request => $request,
+ host => "myhost",
+ on_response => sub { $response = $_[0] },
+ on_error => sub { $error = $_[0] },
+ );
+ # Wait for the client to send its request
+ my $request_stream = "";
+ wait_for_stream { $request_stream =~ m/$CRLF$CRLF/ } $peersock => $request_stream;
+ # Ignore first line
+ $request_stream =~ s/^(.*)$CRLF//;
+ $request_stream =~ s/^(.*)$CRLF$CRLF//s;
+ my %req_headers = map { m/^(.*?):\s+(.*)$/g } split( m/$CRLF/, $1 );
+ my $req_content;
+ if( defined( my $len = $req_headers{'Content-Length'} ) ) {
+ wait_for { length( $request_stream ) >= $len };
+ $req_content = substr( $request_stream, 0, $len );
+ substr( $request_stream, 0, $len ) = "";
+ }
+ my $expect_req_headers = $args{expect_req_headers};
+ foreach my $header ( keys %$expect_req_headers ) {
+ is( $req_headers{$header}, $expect_req_headers->{$header}, "Expected value for $header" );
+ }
+ $peersock->syswrite( $args{response} );
+ # Wait for the server to finish its response
+ wait_for { defined $response or defined $error };
+ my %h = map { $_ => $response->header( $_ ) } $response->header_field_names;
+ is_deeply( \%h, $args{expect_res_headers}, "Result headers for $name" );
+my $req;
+$req = HTTP::Request->new( GET => "http://myhost/", [ Host => "myhost" ] );
+do_test_req( "set cookie",
+ req => $req,
+ expect_req_headers => {
+ Host => "myhost",
+ },
+ response => "HTTP/1.1 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ "Set-Cookie: X_TEST=MyCookie; path=/$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 0$CRLF" .
+ $CRLF,
+ expect_res_headers => {
+ 'Content-Length' => 0,
+ 'Set-Cookie' => "X_TEST=MyCookie; path=/",
+ },
+$req = HTTP::Request->new( POST => "http://myhost/", [ Host => "myhost" ] );
+do_test_req( "get cookie",
+ req => $req,
+ expect_req_headers => {
+ Host => "myhost",
+ Cookie => "X_TEST=MyCookie",
+ Cookie2 => '$Version="1"',
+ 'Content-Length' => 0,
+ },
+ response => "HTTP/1.1 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 0$CRLF" .
+ $CRLF,
+ expect_res_headers => {
+ 'Content-Length' => 0,
+ },
diff --git a/t/10request-streaming.t b/t/10request-streaming.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b0df01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/10request-streaming.t
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use Net::Async::HTTP;
+my $CRLF = "\x0d\x0a"; # because \r\n isn't portable
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new();
+testing_loop( $loop );
+my $http = Net::Async::HTTP->new(
+ user_agent => "", # Don't put one in request headers
+$loop->add( $http );
+my $peersock;
+no warnings 'redefine';
+local *IO::Async::Handle::connect = sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ ( my $selfsock, $peersock ) = IO::Async::OS->socketpair() or die "Cannot create socket pair - $!";
+ $self->set_handle( $selfsock );
+ return Future->new->done( $self );
+ my $req = HTTP::Request->new( PUT => "/handler", [ Host => "somewhere" ]);
+ $req->content_length( 21 ); # set this manually based on what we plan to send
+ my $response;
+ my $done = 0;
+ $http->do_request(
+ request => $req,
+ host => "myhost",
+ request_body => sub {
+ if( !$done ) {
+ pass( "Callback after headers sent" );
+ $done++;
+ return "Content from callback";
+ }
+ elsif( $done == 1 ) {
+ pass( "Second request seen, returning undef" );
+ $done++;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ else {
+ fail( "called request_body too many times" );
+ }
+ },
+ on_response => sub { $response = $_[0] },
+ on_error => sub { die "Test died early - $_[0]" },
+ );
+ # Wait for the client to send its request
+ my $request_stream = "";
+ wait_for_stream { $request_stream =~ m/$CRLF$CRLF/ } $peersock => $request_stream;
+ $request_stream =~ s/^(.*)$CRLF//;
+ my $req_firstline = $1;
+ is( $req_firstline, "PUT /handler HTTP/1.1", 'First line for streaming PUT' );
+ $request_stream =~ s/^(.*)$CRLF$CRLF//s;
+ my %req_headers = map { m/^(.*?):\s+(.*)$/g } split( m/$CRLF/, $1 );
+ is_deeply( \%req_headers,
+ {
+ 'Host' => "somewhere",
+ 'Content-Length' => 21,
+ 'Connection' => 'keep-alive',
+ },
+ 'Request headers for streaming PUT'
+ );
+ my $req_content;
+ if( defined( my $len = $req_headers{'Content-Length'} ) ) {
+ wait_for_stream { length( $request_stream ) >= $len } $peersock => $request_stream;
+ $req_content = substr( $request_stream, 0, $len );
+ substr( $request_stream, 0, $len ) = "";
+ }
+ is( $req_content, "Content from callback", 'Request content for streaming PUT' );
+ $peersock->syswrite( "HTTP/1.1 201 Created$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 0$CRLF" .
+ "Connection: Keep-Alive$CRLF" .
+ $CRLF );
+ wait_for { defined $response };
+ is( $response->code, 201, 'Result code for streaming PUT' );
+ my %res_headers = map { $_ => $response->header( $_ ) } $response->header_field_names;
+ is_deeply( \%res_headers,
+ {
+ 'Content-Length' => 0,
+ 'Connection' => "Keep-Alive",
+ },
+ 'Result headers for streaming PUT'
+ );
+ my $req = HTTP::Request->new( PUT => "/handler", [ Host => "somewhere" ]);
+ $req->content_length( 15 );
+ my $body_f = $loop->new_future;
+ my $response;
+ $http->do_request(
+ request => $req,
+ request_body => $body_f,
+ host => "myhost",
+ on_response => sub { $response = $_[0] },
+ on_error => sub { die "Test died early - $_[0]" },
+ );
+ # Wait for the client to send its request
+ my $request_stream = "";
+ wait_for_stream { $request_stream =~ m/$CRLF$CRLF/ } $peersock => $request_stream;
+ $request_stream =~ s/^(.*)$CRLF$CRLF//s;
+ $body_f->done( "Delayed content" );
+ wait_for_stream { length $request_stream >= 15 } $peersock => $request_stream;
+ is( $request_stream, "Delayed content" );
+ $peersock->syswrite( "HTTP/1.1 201 Created$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 0$CRLF" .
+ "Connection: Keep-Alive$CRLF" .
+ $CRLF );
+ wait_for { defined $response };
+ is( $response->code, 201, 'Result code for streaming PUT from Future' );
diff --git a/t/11response-streaming.t b/t/11response-streaming.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67ddcf7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/11response-streaming.t
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use Net::Async::HTTP;
+my $CRLF = "\x0d\x0a"; # because \r\n isn't portable
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new();
+testing_loop( $loop );
+my $http = Net::Async::HTTP->new(
+ user_agent => "", # Don't put one in request headers
+$loop->add( $http );
+my $peersock;
+no warnings 'redefine';
+local *IO::Async::Handle::connect = sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ ( my $selfsock, $peersock ) = IO::Async::OS->socketpair() or die "Cannot create socket pair - $!";
+ $self->set_handle( $selfsock );
+ return Future->new->done( $self );
+ my $header;
+ my $body;
+ my $body_is_done;
+ $http->do_request(
+ uri => URI->new( "http://my.server/here" ),
+ on_header => sub {
+ ( $header ) = @_;
+ $body = "";
+ return sub {
+ @_ ? $body .= $_[0] : $body_is_done++;
+ }
+ },
+ on_error => sub { die "Test died early - $_[0]" },
+ );
+ # Wait for request but don't really care what it actually is
+ my $request_stream = "";
+ wait_for_stream { $request_stream =~ m/$CRLF$CRLF/ } $peersock => $request_stream;
+ $peersock->syswrite( "HTTP/1.1 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 15$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Type: text/plain$CRLF" .
+ "Connection: Keep-Alive$CRLF" .
+ "$CRLF" );
+ wait_for { defined $header };
+ isa_ok( $header, "HTTP::Response", '$header for Content-Length' );
+ is( $header->content_length, 15, '$header->content_length' );
+ is( $header->content_type, "text/plain", '$header->content_type' );
+ $peersock->syswrite( "Hello, " );
+ wait_for { length $body == 7 };
+ is( $body, "Hello, ", '$body partial Content-Length' );
+ $peersock->syswrite( "world!$CRLF" );
+ wait_for { $body_is_done };
+ is( $body, "Hello, world!$CRLF", '$body' );
+ my $header;
+ my $body;
+ my $body_is_done;
+ $http->do_request(
+ uri => URI->new( "http://my.server/here" ),
+ on_header => sub {
+ ( $header ) = @_;
+ $body = "";
+ return sub {
+ @_ ? $body .= $_[0] : $body_is_done++;
+ }
+ },
+ on_error => sub { die "Test died early - $_[0]" },
+ );
+ # Wait for request but don't really care what it actually is
+ my $request_stream = "";
+ wait_for_stream { $request_stream =~ m/$CRLF$CRLF/ } $peersock => $request_stream;
+ $peersock->syswrite( "HTTP/1.1 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 15$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Type: text/plain$CRLF" .
+ "Connection: Keep-Alive$CRLF" .
+ "Transfer-Encoding: chunked$CRLF" .
+ "$CRLF" );
+ wait_for { defined $header };
+ isa_ok( $header, "HTTP::Response", '$header for chunked' );
+ is( $header->content_length, 15, '$header->content_length' );
+ is( $header->content_type, "text/plain", '$header->content_type' );
+ $peersock->syswrite( "7$CRLF" . "Hello, " . $CRLF );
+ wait_for { length $body == 7 };
+ is( $body, "Hello, ", '$body partial chunked' );
+ $peersock->syswrite( "8$CRLF" . "world!$CRLF" . $CRLF );
+ wait_for { length $body == 15 };
+ is( $body, "Hello, world!$CRLF", '$body partial(2) chunked' );
+ $peersock->syswrite( "0$CRLF" . $CRLF );
+ wait_for { $body_is_done };
+ is( $body, "Hello, world!$CRLF", '$body chunked' );
+ my $header;
+ my $body;
+ my $body_is_done;
+ $http->do_request(
+ uri => URI->new( "http://my.server/here" ),
+ on_header => sub {
+ ( $header ) = @_;
+ $body = "";
+ return sub {
+ @_ ? $body .= $_[0] : $body_is_done++;
+ }
+ },
+ on_error => sub { die "Test died early - $_[0]" },
+ );
+ # Wait for request but don't really care what it actually is
+ my $request_stream = "";
+ wait_for_stream { $request_stream =~ m/$CRLF$CRLF/ } $peersock => $request_stream;
+ $peersock->syswrite( "HTTP/1.0 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Type: text/plain$CRLF" .
+ "Connection: close$CRLF" .
+ "$CRLF" );
+ wait_for { defined $header };
+ isa_ok( $header, "HTTP::Response", '$header for EOF' );
+ is( $header->content_type, "text/plain", '$header->content_type' );
+ $peersock->syswrite( "Hello, " );
+ wait_for { length $body == 7 };
+ is( $body, "Hello, ", '$body partial EOF' );
+ $peersock->syswrite( "world!$CRLF" );
+ wait_for { length $body == 15 };
+ is( $body, "Hello, world!$CRLF", '$body' );
+ $peersock->close;
+ wait_for { $body_is_done };
+# on_header should see a redirect once we run out of indirections (RT124920)
+ my $header;
+ $http->do_request(
+ uri => URI->new( "" ),
+ max_redirects => 1,
+ on_header => sub {
+ ( $header ) = @_;
+ return sub {};
+ },
+ on_error => sub { die "Test died early - $_[0]" },
+ );
+ # Wait for request but don't really care what it actually is
+ my $request_stream = "";
+ wait_for_stream { $request_stream =~ m/$CRLF$CRLF/ } $peersock => $request_stream;
+ $peersock->syswrite( "HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 0$CRLF" .
+ "Location:$CRLF" .
+ "Connection: Keep-Alive$CRLF" .
+ "$CRLF" );
+ $request_stream = "";
+ wait_for_stream { $request_stream =~ m/$CRLF$CRLF/ } $peersock => $request_stream;
+ $peersock->syswrite( "HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 0$CRLF" .
+ "Location:$CRLF" .
+ "Connection: Keep-Alive$CRLF" .
+ "$CRLF" );
+ wait_for { defined $header };
diff --git a/t/12conn-persistence.t b/t/12conn-persistence.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26e3d75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/12conn-persistence.t
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Identity;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use Net::Async::HTTP;
+my $CRLF = "\x0d\x0a"; # because \r\n isn't portable
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new();
+testing_loop( $loop );
+my $http = Net::Async::HTTP->new(
+ user_agent => "", # Don't put one in request headers
+$loop->add( $http );
+foreach my $close ( 0, 1, 2 ) {
+ # We'll run an almost-identical test three times, with different server responses.
+ # 0 == keepalive
+ # 1 == close
+ # 2 == close with no Content-Length
+ my $peersock;
+ my $connections = 0;
+ no warnings 'redefine';
+ local *IO::Async::Handle::connect = sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ $connections++;
+ $args{host} eq "host$close" or die "Expected $args{host} eq host$close";
+ $args{service} eq "80" or die "Expected $args{service} eq 80";
+ ( my $selfsock, $peersock ) = IO::Async::OS->socketpair() or die "Cannot create socket pair - $!";
+ $self->set_handle( $selfsock );
+ return Future->new->done( $self );
+ };
+ my $response;
+ # placate IO::Async bug where this returns () instead of 0
+ is( scalar $http->children || 0, 0, 'scalar $http->children 0 initially' );
+ my $future = $http->do_request(
+ uri => URI->new( "http://host$close/first" ),
+ on_response => sub { $response = $_[0] },
+ on_error => sub { die "Test died early - $_[0]" },
+ );
+ ok( defined $future, 'defined $future' );
+ wait_for { $peersock };
+ is( $connections, 1, '->connect called once for first request' );
+ is( scalar $http->children, 1, 'scalar $http->children 1 after first request' );
+ my $request_stream = "";
+ wait_for_stream { $request_stream =~ m/$CRLF$CRLF/ } $peersock => $request_stream;
+ $request_stream =~ s/^(.*)$CRLF//;
+ my $req_firstline = $1;
+ is( $req_firstline, "GET /first HTTP/1.1", 'First line for first request' );
+ ok( !$future->is_ready, '$future is not ready before response given' );
+ $peersock->syswrite( "HTTP/1.1 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ ( $close == 2 ? "" : "Content-Length: 3$CRLF" ) .
+ "Content-Type: text/plain$CRLF" .
+ ( $close ? "Connection: close$CRLF" : "Connection: Keep-Alive$CRLF" ) .
+ "$CRLF" .
+ "1st" );
+ $peersock->close, undef $peersock if $close;
+ undef $response;
+ wait_for { defined $response };
+ if( $close ) {
+ is( scalar $http->children, 0, 'scalar $http->children now 0 again after first response' );
+ }
+ else {
+ is( scalar $http->children, 1, 'scalar $http->children still 1 after first response' );
+ }
+ is( $response->content, "1st", 'Content of first response' );
+ identical( scalar $future->get, $response, '$future->get for first request' );
+ my $inner_response;
+ my $inner_future;
+ $future = $http->do_request(
+ uri => URI->new( "http://host$close/second" ),
+ on_response => sub {
+ $response = $_[0];
+ $inner_future = $http->do_request(
+ uri => URI->new( "http://host$close/inner" ),
+ on_response => sub { $inner_response = $_[0] },
+ on_error => sub { die "Test died early - $_[0]" },
+ );
+ },
+ on_error => sub { die "Test died early - $_[0]" },
+ );
+ wait_for { $peersock };
+ if( $close ) {
+ is( $connections, 2, '->connect called again for second request to same server' );
+ }
+ else {
+ is( $connections, 1, '->connect not called again for second request to same server' );
+ }
+ is( scalar $http->children, 1, 'scalar $http->children 1 after second request to same server' );
+ $request_stream = "";
+ wait_for_stream { $request_stream =~ m/$CRLF$CRLF/ } $peersock => $request_stream;
+ $request_stream =~ s/^(.*)$CRLF//;
+ $req_firstline = $1;
+ is( $req_firstline, "GET /second HTTP/1.1", 'First line for second request' );
+ ok( !$future->is_ready, '$future is not ready before response given for second request' );
+ $peersock->syswrite( "HTTP/1.1 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ ( $close == 2 ? "" : "Content-Length: 3$CRLF" ) .
+ "Content-Type: text/plain$CRLF" .
+ ( $close ? "Connection: close$CRLF" : "Connection: Keep-Alive$CRLF" ) .
+ "$CRLF" .
+ "2nd" );
+ $peersock->close, undef $peersock if $close;
+ undef $response;
+ wait_for { defined $response };
+ is( $response->content, "2nd", 'Content of second response' );
+ identical( scalar $future->get, $response, '$future->get for second request' );
+ ok( defined $inner_future, 'defined $inner_future' );
+ wait_for { $peersock };
+ if( $close ) {
+ is( $connections, 3, '->connect called again for inner request to same server' );
+ }
+ else {
+ is( $connections, 1, '->connect not called again for inner request to same server' );
+ }
+ $request_stream = "";
+ wait_for_stream { $request_stream =~ m/$CRLF$CRLF/ } $peersock => $request_stream;
+ $request_stream =~ s/^(.*)$CRLF//;
+ $req_firstline = $1;
+ is( $req_firstline, "GET /inner HTTP/1.1", 'First line for inner request' );
+ $peersock->syswrite( "HTTP/1.1 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ ( $close == 2 ? "" : "Content-Length: 3$CRLF" ) .
+ "Content-Type: text/plain$CRLF" .
+ ( $close ? "Connection: close$CRLF" : "Connection: Keep-Alive$CRLF" ) .
+ "$CRLF" .
+ "3rd" );
+ $peersock->close if $close;
+ undef $inner_response;
+ wait_for { defined $inner_response };
+ is( $inner_response->content, "3rd", 'Content of inner response' );
+ identical( scalar $inner_future->get, $inner_response, '$inner_future->get for inner request' );
+ if( $close ) {
+ is( scalar $http->children, 0, 'scalar $http->children now 0 again after inner response' );
+ }
+ else {
+ is( scalar $http->children, 1, 'scalar $http->children still 1 after inner response' );
+ }
+ # Drain connections for next test
+ undef $peersock;
+ wait_for { scalar $http->children == 0 };
diff --git a/t/13conn-pipeline.t b/t/13conn-pipeline.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef80cf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/13conn-pipeline.t
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use Net::Async::HTTP;
+my $CRLF = "\x0d\x0a"; # because \r\n isn't portable
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new();
+testing_loop( $loop );
+my $test_mode;
+# Most of this function copypasted from t/01http-req.t
+sub do_uris
+ my %wait;
+ my $wait_id = 0;
+ my $http = Net::Async::HTTP->new( pipeline => not( $test_mode eq "no_pipeline" ) );
+ $loop->add( $http );
+ my $peersock;
+ no warnings 'redefine';
+ local *IO::Async::Handle::connect = sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ $args{service} eq "80" or die "Expected $args{service} eq 80";
+ ( my $selfsock, $peersock ) = IO::Async::OS->socketpair() or die "Cannot create socket pair - $!";
+ $self->set_handle( $selfsock );
+ return Future->new->done( $self );
+ };
+ while( my ( $uri, $on_resp ) = splice @_, 0, 2 ) {
+ $wait{$wait_id} = 1;
+ my $id = $wait_id;
+ $http->do_request(
+ uri => $uri,
+ method => 'GET',
+ timeout => 10,
+ on_response => sub { $on_resp->( @_ ); delete $wait{$id} },
+ on_error => sub { die "Test failed early - $_[-1]" },
+ );
+ $wait_id++;
+ }
+ my $request_stream = "";
+ my $not_first = 0;
+ while( keys %wait ) {
+ # Wait for the client to send its request
+ wait_for_stream { $request_stream =~ m/$CRLF$CRLF/ } $peersock => $request_stream;
+ $request_stream =~ s/^(.*)$CRLF//;
+ my $req_firstline = $1;
+ $request_stream =~ s/^(.*?)$CRLF$CRLF//s;
+ my %req_headers = map { m/^(.*?):\s+(.*)$/g } split( m/$CRLF/, $1 );
+ if( $test_mode ne "pipeline" ) {
+ is( length $request_stream, 0, "Stream is idle after request for $test_mode" );
+ }
+ elsif( keys %wait > 1 && $not_first++ ) {
+ # Just in case it wasn't flushed yet, wait for another request to be
+ # written anyway before we respond to this one
+ wait_for_stream { length $request_stream } $peersock => $request_stream;
+ ok( length $request_stream > 0, "Stream is not idle after middle request for $test_mode" );
+ }
+ my $req_content;
+ if( defined( my $len = $req_headers{'Content-Length'} ) ) {
+ wait_for { length( $request_stream ) >= $len };
+ $req_content = substr( $request_stream, 0, $len );
+ substr( $request_stream, 0, $len ) = "";
+ }
+ my $waitcount = keys %wait;
+ my $body = "$req_firstline";
+ my $protocol = "HTTP/1.1";
+ $protocol = "HTTP/1.0" if $test_mode eq "http/1.0";
+ $peersock->syswrite( "$protocol 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: " . length( $body ) . $CRLF .
+ "Connection: Keep-Alive$CRLF" .
+ $CRLF .
+ $body );
+ # Wait for the server to finish its response
+ wait_for { keys %wait < $waitcount };
+ }
+ $loop->remove( $http );
+# foreach $test_mode doesn't quite work as expected
+foreach (qw( pipeline no_pipeline http/1.0 )) {
+ $test_mode = $_;
+ do_uris(
+ URI->new( "http://server/path/1" ) => sub {
+ my ( $req ) = @_;
+ is( $req->content, "GET /path/1 HTTP/1.1", "First of three pipeline for $test_mode" );
+ },
+ URI->new( "http://server/path/2" ) => sub {
+ my ( $req ) = @_;
+ is( $req->content, "GET /path/2 HTTP/1.1", "Second of three pipeline for $test_mode" );
+ },
+ URI->new( "http://server/path/3" ) => sub {
+ my ( $req ) = @_;
+ is( $req->content, "GET /path/3 HTTP/1.1", "Third of three pipeline for $test_mode" );
+ },
+ );
diff --git a/t/14conn-max.t b/t/14conn-max.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15e44da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/14conn-max.t
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Identity;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use Net::Async::HTTP;
+my $CRLF = "\x0d\x0a"; # because \r\n isn't portable
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new();
+testing_loop( $loop );
+my $http = Net::Async::HTTP->new(
+ user_agent => "", # Don't put one in request headers
+ pipeline => 0, # Disable pipelining or we'll break the tests
+$loop->add( $http );
+my @peersocks;
+no warnings 'redefine';
+local *IO::Async::Handle::connect = sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $selfsock, $peersock ) = IO::Async::OS->socketpair() or die "Cannot create socket pair - $!";
+ $self->set_handle( $selfsock );
+ push @peersocks, $peersock;
+ return Future->new->done( $self );
+foreach my $max ( 1, 2, 0 ) {
+ $http->configure( max_connections_per_host => $max );
+ my @done;
+ foreach my $idx ( 0 .. 2 ) {
+ $http->do_request(
+ request => HTTP::Request->new( GET => "/" ),
+ host => "myhost",
+ on_response => sub { $done[$idx]++ },
+ on_error => sub { },
+ )
+ }
+ ## First batch of requests looks the same in all cases
+ my $expect_conns = $max || 3;
+ is( scalar @peersocks, $expect_conns, "Expected number of connections for max=$max" );
+ # Wait for all the pending requests to be written
+ my @buffers;
+ wait_for_stream { ($buffers[$_]||"") =~ m/$CRLF$CRLF/ } $peersocks[$_] => $buffers[$_] for 0 .. $#peersocks;
+ $_ = "" for @buffers;
+ # Write responses for all
+ $_->syswrite( "HTTP/1.1 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 0$CRLF" . $CRLF ) for @peersocks;
+ wait_for { $done[$_] } for 0 .. $expect_conns-1;
+ if( $max == 1 ) {
+ # The other two requests come over the same initial socket
+ wait_for_stream { ($buffers[0]||"") =~ m/$CRLF$CRLF/ } $peersocks[0] => $buffers[0];
+ $_ = "" for @buffers;
+ $peersocks[0]->syswrite( "HTTP/1.1 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 0$CRLF" . $CRLF );
+ wait_for { $done[1] };
+ wait_for_stream { ($buffers[0]||"") =~ m/$CRLF$CRLF/ } $peersocks[0] => $buffers[0];
+ $_ = "" for @buffers;
+ $peersocks[0]->syswrite( "HTTP/1.1 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 0$CRLF" . $CRLF );
+ }
+ elsif( $max == 2 ) {
+ # The third request will come over one of these $peersocks again, but we don't know which
+ my $peersock;
+ {
+ $loop->watch_io( handle => $peersocks[0], on_read_ready => sub { $peersock = $peersocks[0] } );
+ $loop->watch_io( handle => $peersocks[1], on_read_ready => sub { $peersock = $peersocks[1] } );
+ wait_for { defined $peersock };
+ $loop->unwatch_io( handle => $_, on_read_ready => 1 ) for @peersocks;
+ }
+ wait_for_stream { ($buffers[0]||"") =~ m/$CRLF$CRLF/ } $peersock => $buffers[0];
+ $_ = "" for @buffers;
+ $peersock->syswrite( "HTTP/1.1 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 0$CRLF" . $CRLF );
+ }
+ wait_for { $done[0] && $done[1] && $done[2] };
+ ok( 1, "All three requests are now done for max=$max" );
+ undef @peersocks;
+ $_->remove_from_parent for @{ delete $http->{connections}{"myhost:80"} };
diff --git a/t/15conn-errors.t b/t/15conn-errors.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f26bcb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/15conn-errors.t
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Identity;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use Net::Async::HTTP;
+my $CRLF = "\x0d\x0a"; # because \r\n isn't portable
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new();
+testing_loop( $loop );
+my $http = Net::Async::HTTP->new(
+ user_agent => "", # Don't put one in request headers
+$loop->add( $http );
+# connect errors
+ my @on_connect_errors;
+ no warnings 'redefine';
+ local *IO::Async::Handle::connect = sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ my $f = $self->loop->new_future;
+ push @on_connect_errors, sub { $f->fail( @_ ) };
+ return $f;
+ };
+ my $f1 = $http->do_request(
+ uri => URI->new( "http://hostname/first" ),
+ );
+ my $f2 = $http->do_request(
+ uri => URI->new( "http://hostname/second" ),
+ );
+ is( scalar @on_connect_errors, 1, '1 on_connect_errors queued before first connect error' );
+ ok( !$f1->is_ready, '$f1 still pending before connect error' );
+ ( shift @on_connect_errors )->( connect => "No route to host" );
+ wait_for { $f1->is_ready };
+ is( scalar $f1->failure, "hostname:80 - connect failed [No route to host]", '$f1->failure' );
+ is( scalar @on_connect_errors, 1, '1 on_connect_errors queued before second connect error' );
+ ok( !$f2->is_ready, '$f2 still pending before connect error' );
+ ( shift @on_connect_errors )->( connect => "No route to host" );
+ wait_for { $f2->is_ready };
+ is( scalar $f2->failure, "hostname:80 - connect failed [No route to host]", '$f2->failure' );
diff --git a/t/16max-in-flight.t b/t/16max-in-flight.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6a8b11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/16max-in-flight.t
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use Net::Async::HTTP;
+my $CRLF = "\x0d\x0a"; # because \r\n isn't portable
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new();
+testing_loop( $loop );
+my $http = Net::Async::HTTP->new(
+ max_in_flight => 2
+$loop->add( $http );
+my $host = "host.example";
+my $peersock;
+no warnings 'redefine';
+local *IO::Async::Handle::connect = sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ $args{host} eq $host or die "Expected $args{host} eq $host";
+ $args{service} eq "80" or die "Expected $args{service} eq 80";
+ ( my $selfsock, $peersock ) = IO::Async::OS->socketpair() or die "Cannot create socket pair - $!";
+ $self->set_handle( $selfsock );
+ return Future->new->done( $self );
+my @resp;
+ request => HTTP::Request->new( GET => "/$_", [ Host => $host ] ),
+ host => $host,
+ on_response => sub { push @resp, shift },
+ on_error => sub { die "Test died early - $_[-1]" },
+) for 0 .. 3;
+wait_for { $peersock };
+my $conn = $http->{connections}->{"$host:80"}->[0] or die "Unable to find connection object";
+ref $conn eq "Net::Async::HTTP::Connection" or die "Unable to find connection object";
+my $request_stream = "";
+wait_for_stream { $request_stream =~ m/$CRLF$CRLF/ } $peersock => $request_stream;
+ok( $request_stream =~ m[^GET /0 HTTP/1\.1$CRLF.*?$CRLF$CRLF$]s, 'Request stream contains first request only' );
+$request_stream = "";
+is( scalar @{ $conn->{ready_queue} }, 3, '3 requests still queued' );
+$peersock->print( "HTTP/1.1 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 0$CRLF" .
+ "$CRLF" );
+wait_for { $resp[0] };
+is( $resp[0]->code, 200, 'Request /0 responded OK' );
+wait_for_stream { $request_stream =~ m/(?:.*$CRLF$CRLF){2}/s } $peersock => $request_stream;
+ok( $request_stream =~ m[^GET /1 HTTP/1\.1$CRLF.*?${CRLF}${CRLF}GET /2 HTTP/1\.1$CRLF.*?${CRLF}${CRLF}$]s,
+ 'Request stream contains second and third requests after first response' );
+$request_stream = "";
+is( scalar @{ $conn->{ready_queue} }, 1, '1 request still queued' );
+$peersock->print( "HTTP/1.1 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 1$CRLF" .
+ "$CRLF" .
+ "A" );
+$peersock->print( "HTTP/1.1 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 2$CRLF" .
+ "$CRLF" .
+ "AB" );
+wait_for { $resp[2] };
+is( $resp[1]->content, "A", 'Request /1 content' );
+is( $resp[2]->content, "AB", 'Request /2 content' );
+wait_for_stream { $request_stream =~ m/$CRLF$CRLF/ } $peersock => $request_stream;
+ok( $request_stream =~ m[^GET /3 HTTP/1\.1$CRLF.*?$CRLF$CRLF$]s, 'Request stream contains final request' );
+$peersock->print( "HTTP/1.1 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 0$CRLF" .
+ "$CRLF" );
+wait_for { $resp[3] };
+is( $resp[3]->code, 200, 'Request /3 responded OK' );
diff --git a/t/17on-write.t b/t/17on-write.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a29121f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/17on-write.t
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use Net::Async::HTTP;
+my $CRLF = "\x0d\x0a"; # because \r\n isn't portable
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new();
+testing_loop( $loop );
+my $http = Net::Async::HTTP->new(
+ user_agent => "", # Don't put one in request headers
+$loop->add( $http );
+my $peersock;
+no warnings 'redefine';
+local *IO::Async::Handle::connect = sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ ( my $selfsock, $peersock ) = IO::Async::OS->socketpair() or die "Cannot create socket pair - $!";
+ $self->set_handle( $selfsock );
+ $self->configure( write_len => 10 );
+ return Future->new->done( $self );
+ my @written;
+ my $req_f = $http->do_request(
+ request => HTTP::Request->new( PUT => "/content", [ Host => "somewhere" ] ),
+ host => "somewhere",
+ request_body => "X" x 100,
+ on_body_write => sub { push @written, $_[0] },
+ );
+ defined $peersock or die "No peersock\n";
+ # Wait for the client to send its request
+ my $request_stream = "";
+ wait_for_stream { $request_stream =~ m/$CRLF$CRLF/ } $peersock => $request_stream;
+ $request_stream =~ s/^(.*)$CRLF$CRLF//s;
+ wait_for_stream { $request_stream =~ m/X{100}/ } $peersock => $request_stream;
+ $peersock->syswrite( "HTTP/1.1 201 Created$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 0$CRLF" .
+ "Connection: Keep-Alive$CRLF" .
+ $CRLF );
+ wait_for { $req_f->is_ready };
+ is_deeply( \@written,
+ [ 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 ],
+ 'on_body_write invoked per body write call' );
diff --git a/t/18content-coding.t b/t/18content-coding.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..030585e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/18content-coding.t
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use Net::Async::HTTP;
+my $CRLF = "\x0d\x0a"; # because \r\n isn't portable
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new();
+testing_loop( $loop );
+my $http = Net::Async::HTTP->new(
+ user_agent => "", # Don't put one in request headers
+ decode_content => 1,
+$loop->add( $http );
+my $TEST_CONTENT = "Here is the compressed content\n";
+my $peersock;
+no warnings 'redefine';
+local *IO::Async::Handle::connect = sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ $args{host} eq "host" or die "Expected $args{host} eq 'host'";
+ $args{service} eq "80" or die "Expected $args{service} eq 80";
+ ( my $selfsock, $peersock ) = IO::Async::OS->socketpair() or die "Cannot create socket pair - $!";
+ $self->set_handle( $selfsock );
+ return Future->new->done( $self );
+# RFC 2616 "gzip"
+SKIP: {
+ skip "Compress::Raw::Zlib not available", 4 unless eval { require Compress::Raw::Zlib and $Compress::Raw::Zlib::VERSION >= 2.057 };
+ diag( "Using optional dependency Compress::Raw::Zlib $Compress::Raw::Zlib::VERSION" );
+ my $f = $http->GET( "http://host/gzip" );
+ $f->on_fail( sub { $f->get } );
+ {
+ my $request_stream = "";
+ wait_for_stream { $request_stream =~ m/$CRLF$CRLF/ } $peersock => $request_stream;
+ my ( undef, @headers ) = split m/$CRLF/, $request_stream;
+ ok( scalar( grep { m/^Accept-Encoding: / } @headers ), 'Request as an Accept-Encoding header' );
+ my $compressor = Compress::Raw::Zlib::Deflate->new(
+ -WindowBits => Compress::Raw::Zlib::WANT_GZIP(),
+ -AppendOutput => 1,
+ );
+ my $content = "";
+ $compressor->deflate( $TEST_CONTENT, $content );
+ $compressor->flush( $content );
+ $peersock->syswrite( sprintf "HTTP/1.1 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: %d$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Type: text/plain$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Encoding: gzip$CRLF" .
+ $CRLF . "%s",
+ length $content, $content );
+ }
+ my $response = $f->get;
+ is( $response->content, $TEST_CONTENT, '$response->content is decompressed from gzip' );
+ ok( !defined $response->header( "Content-Encoding" ), '$response has no Content-Encoding' );
+ is( $response->header( "X-Original-Content-Encoding" ), "gzip", '$response has X-Original-Content-Encoding' );
+# RFC 2616 "deflate"
+SKIP: {
+ skip "Compress::Raw::Zlib not available", 3 unless eval { require Compress::Raw::Zlib and $Compress::Raw::Zlib::VERSION >= 2.057 };
+ my $f = $http->GET( "http://host/deflate" );
+ $f->on_fail( sub { $f->get } );
+ {
+ my $request_stream = "";
+ wait_for_stream { $request_stream =~ m/$CRLF$CRLF/ } $peersock => $request_stream;
+ my $compressor = Compress::Raw::Zlib::Deflate->new(
+ -WindowBits => 15,
+ -AppendOutput => 1,
+ );
+ my $content = "";
+ $compressor->deflate( $TEST_CONTENT, $content );
+ $compressor->flush( $content );
+ $peersock->syswrite( sprintf "HTTP/1.1 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: %d$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Type: text/plain$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Encoding: deflate$CRLF" .
+ $CRLF . "%s",
+ length $content, $content );
+ }
+ my $response = $f->get;
+ is( $response->content, $TEST_CONTENT, '$response->content is decompressed from deflate' );
+ ok( !defined $response->header( "Content-Encoding" ), '$response has no Content-Encoding' );
+ is( $response->header( "X-Original-Content-Encoding" ), "deflate", '$response has X-Original-Content-Encoding' );
+SKIP: {
+ # Compress::Bzip2 2.09 appears to fail
+ skip "Compress::Bzip2 not available", 3 unless eval { require Compress::Bzip2 and $Compress::Bzip2::VERSION >= 2.10 };
+ diag( "Using optional dependency Compress::Bzip2 $Compress::Bzip2::VERSION" );
+ my $f = $http->GET( "http://host/bzip2" );
+ $f->on_fail( sub { $f->get } );
+ {
+ my $request_stream = "";
+ wait_for_stream { $request_stream =~ m/$CRLF$CRLF/ } $peersock => $request_stream;
+ my $compressor = Compress::Bzip2::bzdeflateInit();
+ my $content = "";
+ $content .= $compressor->bzdeflate( my $tmp = $TEST_CONTENT );
+ $content .= $compressor->bzclose;
+ $peersock->syswrite( sprintf "HTTP/1.1 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: %d$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Type: text/plain$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Encoding: bzip2$CRLF" .
+ $CRLF . "%s",
+ length $content, $content );
+ }
+ my $response = $f->get;
+ is( $response->content, $TEST_CONTENT, '$response->content is decompressed from bzip2' );
+ ok( !defined $response->header( "Content-Encoding" ), '$response has no Content-Encoding' );
+ is( $response->header( "X-Original-Content-Encoding" ), "bzip2", '$response has X-Original-Content-Encoding' );
diff --git a/t/19idle.t b/t/19idle.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f55adb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/19idle.t
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Identity;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use Net::Async::HTTP;
+my $CRLF = "\x0d\x0a"; # because \r\n isn't portable
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new();
+testing_loop( $loop );
+my @on_error;
+my $http = Net::Async::HTTP->new(
+ user_agent => "", # Don't put one in request headers
+ on_error => sub {
+ my ( undef, @args ) = @_;
+ push @on_error, [ @args ];
+ },
+$loop->add( $http );
+# spurious trailing content
+ my $peersock;
+ no warnings 'redefine';
+ local *IO::Async::Handle::connect = sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ ( my $selfsock, $peersock ) = IO::Async::OS->socketpair() or die "Cannot create socket pair - $!";
+ $self->set_handle( $selfsock );
+ return Future->new->done( $self );
+ };
+ my $f = $http->do_request(
+ request => HTTP::Request->new( GET => "http://host/" ),
+ );
+ wait_for { $peersock };
+ my $request_stream = "";
+ wait_for_stream { $request_stream =~ m/$CRLF$CRLF/ } $peersock => $request_stream;
+ $peersock->print( "HTTP/1.1 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 11$CRLF" .
+ $CRLF .
+ "Hello world" .
+ "more stuff here" );
+ wait_for { $f->is_ready };
+ ok( !$f->failure, '$f is ready and does not fail' );
diff --git a/t/20local-connect.t b/t/20local-connect.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3fda97d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/20local-connect.t
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use Net::Async::HTTP;
+my $CRLF = "\x0d\x0a"; # because \r\n isn't portable
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new();
+testing_loop( $loop );
+my $http = Net::Async::HTTP->new(
+ user_agent => "", # Don't put one in request headers
+$loop->add( $http );
+my $port;
+ host => "",
+ service => 0,
+ socktype => "stream",
+ on_listen => sub {
+ $port = shift->sockport;
+ },
+ on_stream => sub {
+ my ( $stream ) = @_;
+ $stream->configure(
+ on_read => sub {
+ my ( $self, $buffref ) = @_;
+ return 0 unless $$buffref =~ m/$CRLF$CRLF/;
+ $self->write( "HTTP/1.1 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Type: text/plain$CRLF" .
+ "Connection: close$CRLF" .
+ "$CRLF" .
+ "OK" );
+ $self->close_when_empty;
+ return 0;
+ },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $stream );
+ },
+ on_listen_error => sub { die "Test failed early - $_[-1]" },
+ on_resolve_error => sub { die "Test failed early - $_[-1]" },
+wait_for { defined $port };
+my $local_uri = URI->new( "$port/" );
+my $response;
+my $connected_port;
+ uri => $local_uri,
+ on_ready => sub {
+ my ( $conn ) = @_;
+ $connected_port = $conn->read_handle->peerport;
+ Future->done;
+ },
+ on_response => sub {
+ $response = $_[0];
+ },
+ on_error => sub { die "Test failed early - $_[-1]" },
+wait_for { defined $response };
+is( $response->content_type, "text/plain", '$response->content_type' );
+is( $response->content, "OK", '$response->content' );
+is( $connected_port, $port, 'peerport visible within on_ready' );
diff --git a/t/21local-connect-ssl.t b/t/21local-connect-ssl.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c9d159
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/21local-connect-ssl.t
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use Net::Async::HTTP;
+eval {
+ require IO::Async::SSL;
+ IO::Async::SSL->VERSION( '0.12' );
+} or plan skip_all => "No IO::Async::SSL";
+my $CRLF = "\x0d\x0a"; # because \r\n isn't portable
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new();
+testing_loop( $loop );
+my $http = Net::Async::HTTP->new(
+ user_agent => "", # Don't put one in request headers
+ # This also checks that object-wide SSL params are applied
+ SSL_verify_mode => 0,
+$loop->add( $http );
+my $port;
+ host => "",
+ service => 0,
+ socktype => "stream",
+ SSL_key_file => "t/privkey.pem",
+ SSL_cert_file => "t/server.pem",
+ on_listen => sub {
+ $port = shift->sockport;
+ },
+ on_stream => sub {
+ my ( $stream ) = @_;
+ # SNI - RT#94605
+ SKIP: {
+ skip "SSL server does not support SNI", 1 unless IO::Socket::SSL->can_server_sni;
+ my $sslsocket = $stream->read_handle;
+ is( $sslsocket->get_servername, "", '->get_servername on server' );
+ }
+ $stream->configure(
+ on_read => sub {
+ my ( $self, $buffref ) = @_;
+ return 0 unless $$buffref =~ m/$CRLF$CRLF/;
+ $self->write( "HTTP/1.1 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Type: text/plain$CRLF" .
+ "Connection: close$CRLF" .
+ "$CRLF" .
+ "OK" );
+ $self->close_when_empty;
+ return 0;
+ },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $stream );
+ },
+ on_listen_error => sub { die "Test failed early - $_[-1]" },
+ on_resolve_error => sub { die "Test failed early - $_[-1]" },
+ on_ssl_error => sub { die "Test failed early - $_[-1]" },
+wait_for { defined $port };
+my $local_uri = URI->new( "$port/" );
+my $response;
+ uri => $local_uri,
+ on_response => sub {
+ $response = $_[0];
+ },
+ on_error => sub { die "Test failed early - $_[-1]" },
+wait_for { defined $response };
+is( $response->content_type, "text/plain", '$response->content_type' );
+is( $response->content, "OK", '$response->content' );
+# require_SSL
+ $http->configure( require_SSL => 1 );
+ my $f = $http->GET( "$port/" );
+ ok( $f->failure, '->GET on http with require_SSL fails' );
+ like( scalar $f->failure, qr/require_SSL/, 'require_SSL failure' );
diff --git a/t/22local-connect-pipeline.t b/t/22local-connect-pipeline.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ccd4fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/22local-connect-pipeline.t
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use Net::Async::HTTP;
+my $CRLF = "\x0d\x0a"; # because \r\n isn't portable
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new();
+testing_loop( $loop );
+my $http = Net::Async::HTTP->new(
+ user_agent => "", # Don't put one in request headers
+$loop->add( $http );
+my $port;
+ host => "",
+ service => 0,
+ socktype => "stream",
+ on_listen => sub {
+ $port = shift->sockport;
+ },
+ on_stream => sub {
+ my ( $stream ) = @_;
+ $stream->configure(
+ on_read => sub {
+ my ( $self, $buffref ) = @_;
+ return 0 unless $$buffref =~ s/^(.*?)$CRLF$CRLF//s;
+ $self->write( "HTTP/1.1 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Type: text/plain$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 2$CRLF" .
+ "Connection: Keep-Alive$CRLF" .
+ "$CRLF" .
+ "OK" );
+ return 1;
+ },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $stream );
+ },
+ on_listen_error => sub { die "Test failed early - $_[-1]" },
+ on_resolve_error => sub { die "Test failed early - $_[-1]" },
+wait_for { defined $port };
+my @local_uris = map { URI->new( "$port/page/$_" ) } 1 .. 2;
+my @responses;
+ uri => $_,
+ on_response => sub {
+ push @responses, $_[0];
+ },
+ on_error => sub { die "Test failed early - $_[-1]" },
+) for @local_uris;
+wait_for { @responses == 2 };
+is( $responses[0]->content_type, "text/plain", '$response->content_type' );
+is( $responses[0]->content, "OK", '$response->content' );
+is( $responses[1]->content_type, "text/plain", '$response->content_type' );
+is( $responses[1]->content, "OK", '$response->content' );
diff --git a/t/23local-connect-redir.t b/t/23local-connect-redir.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f9ceaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/23local-connect-redir.t
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use Net::Async::HTTP;
+my $CRLF = "\x0d\x0a"; # because \r\n isn't portable
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new();
+testing_loop( $loop );
+my $http = Net::Async::HTTP->new(
+ user_agent => "", # Don't put one in request headers
+$loop->add( $http );
+my $port;
+ host => "",
+ service => 0,
+ socktype => "stream",
+ on_listen => sub {
+ $port = shift->sockport;
+ },
+ on_stream => sub {
+ my ( $stream ) = @_;
+ $stream->configure(
+ on_read => sub {
+ my ( $self, $buffref ) = @_;
+ return 0 unless $$buffref =~ s/^(.*?)$CRLF$CRLF//s;
+ my $header = $1;
+ my $response = ( $header =~ m{^GET /redir} )
+ ? "HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 0$CRLF" .
+ "Location:$port/moved$CRLF" .
+ "Connection: close$CRLF" .
+ "$CRLF"
+ : "HTTP/1.1 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Type: text/plain$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 2$CRLF" .
+ "Connection: close$CRLF" .
+ "$CRLF" .
+ "OK";
+ $self->write( $response );
+ return 1;
+ },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $stream );
+ },
+ on_listen_error => sub { die "Test failed early - $_[-1]" },
+ on_resolve_error => sub { die "Test failed early - $_[-1]" },
+wait_for { defined $port };
+my $response;
+ uri => URI->new( "$port/redir" ),
+ on_response => sub {
+ $response = $_[0];
+ },
+ on_error => sub { die "Test failed early - $_[-1]" },
+wait_for { defined $response };
+is( $response->content_type, "text/plain", '$response->content_type' );
+is( $response->content, "OK", '$response->content' );
diff --git a/t/24local-connect-redir-ssl.t b/t/24local-connect-redir-ssl.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9ac518
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/24local-connect-redir-ssl.t
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use Net::Async::HTTP;
+eval {
+ require IO::Async::SSL;
+ IO::Async::SSL->VERSION( '0.12' );
+} or plan skip_all => "No IO::Async::SSL";
+my $CRLF = "\x0d\x0a"; # because \r\n isn't portable
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new();
+testing_loop( $loop );
+my $http = Net::Async::HTTP->new(
+ user_agent => "", # Don't put one in request headers
+$loop->add( $http );
+my $redir_url;
+my $port;
+ host => "",
+ service => 0,
+ socktype => "stream",
+ SSL_key_file => "t/privkey.pem",
+ SSL_cert_file => "t/server.pem",
+ on_listen => sub {
+ $port = shift->sockport;
+ },
+ on_stream => sub {
+ my ( $stream ) = @_;
+ $stream->configure(
+ on_read => sub {
+ my ( $self, $buffref ) = @_;
+ return 0 unless $$buffref =~ s/^(.*?)$CRLF$CRLF//s;
+ my $header = $1;
+ my $response = ( $header =~ m{^GET /redir} )
+ ? "HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 0$CRLF" .
+ "Location: $redir_url$CRLF" .
+ "Connection: Keep-Alive$CRLF" .
+ "$CRLF"
+ : "HTTP/1.1 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Type: text/plain$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 2$CRLF" .
+ "Connection: Keep-Alive$CRLF" .
+ "$CRLF" .
+ "OK";
+ $self->write( $response );
+ return 1;
+ },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $stream );
+ },
+ on_listen_error => sub { die "Test failed early - $_[-1]" },
+ on_resolve_error => sub { die "Test failed early - $_[-1]" },
+ on_ssl_error => sub { die "Test failed early - $_[-1]" },
+wait_for { defined $port };
+$redir_url = "$port/moved";
+my $response;
+ uri => URI->new( "$port/redir" ),
+ SSL_verify_mode => 0,
+ on_response => sub {
+ $response = $_[0];
+ },
+ on_error => sub { die "Test failed early - $_[-1]" },
+wait_for { defined $response };
+is( $response->content_type, "text/plain", '$response->content_type' );
+is( $response->content, "OK", '$response->content' );
+# require_SSL
+ $http->configure( require_SSL => 1 );
+ $redir_url = "$port/moved_to_plaintext";
+ my $f = $http->GET( "$port/redir" );
+ wait_for { $f->is_ready };
+ ok( $f->failure, '->GET on http with require_SSL fails' );
+ like( scalar $f->failure, qr/require_SSL/, 'require_SSL failure' );
diff --git a/t/30timeout.t b/t/30timeout.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05bd6ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/30timeout.t
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Refcount;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use Net::Async::HTTP;
+use Errno qw( EAGAIN );
+my $CRLF = "\x0d\x0a"; # because \r\n isn't portable
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new();
+testing_loop( $loop );
+my $http = Net::Async::HTTP->new();
+$loop->add( $http );
+my $peersock;
+no warnings 'redefine';
+my $latest_connection;
+local *IO::Async::Handle::connect = sub {
+ $latest_connection = my $self = shift;
+ ( my $selfsock, $peersock ) = IO::Async::OS->socketpair() or die "Cannot create socket pair - $!";
+ $self->set_handle( $selfsock );
+ return Future->new->done( $self );
+ my $errcount;
+ my $error;
+ my $future = $http->do_request(
+ uri => URI->new( "http://my.server/doc" ),
+ timeout => 0.1, # Really quick for testing
+ on_response => sub { die "Test died early - got a response but shouldn't have" },
+ on_error => sub { $errcount++; $error = $_[0] },
+ );
+ is_refcount( $http, 2, '$http refcount 2 after ->do_request with timeout' );
+ wait_for { defined $error };
+ is( $error, "Timed out", 'Received timeout error' );
+ is( $errcount, 1, 'on_error invoked once' );
+ ok( $future->is_ready, '$future is ready after timeout' );
+ is( scalar $future->failure, "Timed out", '$future->failure after timeout' );
+ is( ( $future->failure )[1], "timeout", '$future->failure [1] is timeout' );
+ is_refcount( $http, 2, '$http refcount 2 after ->do_request with timeout fails' );
+ my $errcount;
+ my $error;
+ my $future = $http->do_request(
+ uri => URI->new( "http://my.server/redir" ),
+ timeout => 0.1, # Really quick for testing
+ on_response => sub { die "Test died early - got a response but shouldn't have" },
+ on_error => sub { $errcount++; $error = $_[0] },
+ );
+ my $request_stream = "";
+ wait_for_stream { $request_stream =~ m/$CRLF$CRLF/ } $peersock => $request_stream;
+ $request_stream =~ s/^(.*)$CRLF//;
+ $peersock->syswrite( "HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 0$CRLF" .
+ "Location: http://my.server/get_doc?name=doc$CRLF" .
+ "Connection: Keep-Alive$CRLF" .
+ "$CRLF" );
+ wait_for { defined $error };
+ is( $error, "Timed out", 'Received timeout error from redirect' );
+ is( $errcount, 1, 'on_error invoked once from redirect' );
+ ok( $future->is_ready, '$future is ready after timeout' );
+ is( scalar $future->failure, "Timed out", '$future->failure after timeout' );
+ is( ( $future->failure )[1], "timeout", '$future->failure [1] is timeout' );
+ my $error;
+ my $errcount;
+ $http->do_request(
+ uri => URI->new( "http://my.server/first" ),
+ timeout => 0.1, # Really quick for testing
+ on_response => sub { die "Test died early - got a response but shouldn't have" },
+ on_error => sub { $errcount++; $error = $_[0] },
+ );
+ my $error2;
+ my $errcount2;
+ $http->do_request(
+ uri => URI->new( "http://my.server/second" ),
+ timeout => 0.3,
+ on_response => sub { die "Test died early - got a response but shouldn't have" },
+ on_error => sub { $errcount2++; $error2 = $_[0] },
+ );
+ wait_for { defined $error };
+ is( $error, "Timed out", 'Received timeout error from pipeline' );
+ is( $errcount, 1, 'on_error invoked once from pipeline' );
+ wait_for { defined $error2 };
+ is( $error2, "Timed out", 'Received timeout error from pipeline(2)' );
+ is( $errcount2, 1, 'on_error invoked once from pipeline(2)' );
+# Stall during write
+ my $future = $http->do_request(
+ uri => URI->new( "http://stalling.server/write" ),
+ stall_timeout => 0.1,
+ );
+ # Much hackery for unit-testing purposes
+ $latest_connection->configure(
+ writer => sub { $! = EAGAIN; return undef },
+ );
+ wait_for { $future->is_ready };
+ is( scalar $future->failure, "Stalled while writing request", '$future->failure for stall during write' );
+ is( ( $future->failure )[1], "stall_timeout", '$future->failure [1] is stall_timeout' );
+# Stall during header read
+ my $future = $http->do_request(
+ uri => URI->new( "http://stalling.server/header" ),
+ stall_timeout => 0.1,
+ );
+ # Don't write anything
+ wait_for { $future->is_ready };
+ is( scalar $future->failure, "Stalled while waiting for response", '$future->failure for stall during response header' );
+ is( ( $future->failure )[1], "stall_timeout", '$future->failure [1] is stall_timeout' );
+# Stall during header read
+ my $future = $http->do_request(
+ uri => URI->new( "http://stalling.server/read" ),
+ stall_timeout => 0.1,
+ );
+ my $request_stream = "";
+ wait_for_stream { $request_stream =~ m/$CRLF$CRLF/ } $peersock => $request_stream;
+ $peersock->syswrite( "HTTP/1.1 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 100$CRLF" ); # unfinished
+ wait_for { $future->is_ready };
+ is( scalar $future->failure, "Stalled while receiving response header", '$future->failure for stall during response header' );
+ is( ( $future->failure )[1], "stall_timeout", '$future->failure [1] is stall_timeout' );
+# Stall during body read
+ my $future = $http->do_request(
+ uri => URI->new( "http://stalling.server/read" ),
+ stall_timeout => 0.1,
+ );
+ my $request_stream = "";
+ wait_for_stream { $request_stream =~ m/$CRLF$CRLF/ } $peersock => $request_stream;
+ $peersock->syswrite( "HTTP/1.1 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 100$CRLF" .
+ $CRLF );
+ $peersock->syswrite( "some of the content" ); # unfinished
+ wait_for { $future->is_ready };
+ is( scalar $future->failure, "Stalled while receiving body", '$future->failure for stall during response body' );
+ is( ( $future->failure )[1], "stall_timeout", '$future->failure [1] is stall_timeout' );
+$loop->remove( $http );
+is_oneref( $http, '$http has refcount 1 before EOF' );
diff --git a/t/31cancel.t b/t/31cancel.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa8ada4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/31cancel.t
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use Net::Async::HTTP;
+my $CRLF = "\x0d\x0a"; # because \r\n isn't portable
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new();
+testing_loop( $loop );
+my $http = Net::Async::HTTP->new(
+ user_agent => "", # Don't put one in request headers
+ pipeline => 1,
+ max_connections_per_host => 1,
+$loop->add( $http );
+my $peersock;
+no warnings 'redefine';
+local *IO::Async::Handle::connect = sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ ( my $selfsock, $peersock ) = IO::Async::OS->socketpair() or die "Cannot create socket pair - $!";
+ $self->set_handle( $selfsock );
+ $peersock->blocking(0);
+ return Future->new->done( $self );
+# Cancellation
+ undef $peersock;
+ my $f1 = $http->do_request(
+ method => "GET",
+ uri => URI->new( "http://host1/some/path" ),
+ );
+ wait_for { $peersock };
+ $f1->cancel;
+ wait_for { my $ret = sysread($peersock, my $buffer, 1); defined $ret and $ret == 0 };
+ ok( 1, '$peersock closed' );
+ # Retry after cancel should establish another connection
+ undef $peersock;
+ my $f2 = $http->do_request(
+ method => "GET",
+ uri => URI->new( "http://host1/some/path" ),
+ );
+ wait_for { $peersock };
+ # Wait for the client to send its request
+ my $request_stream = "";
+ wait_for_stream { $request_stream =~ m/$CRLF$CRLF/ } $peersock => $request_stream;
+ $peersock->syswrite( join( $CRLF,
+ "HTTP/1.1 200 OK",
+ "Content-Type: text/plain",
+ "Content-Length: 12",
+ "" ) . $CRLF .
+ "Hello world!"
+ );
+ wait_for { $f2->is_ready };
+ $f2->get;
+# Cancelling a pending unpipelined request
+ undef $peersock;
+ # Make first -one- request/response to establish HTTP/1.1 pipeline ability
+ my $f0 = $http->do_request(
+ method => "GET",
+ uri => URI->new( "http://host2/" ),
+ );
+ my $request_stream = "";
+ wait_for_stream { $request_stream =~ m/$CRLF$CRLF/ } $peersock => $request_stream;
+ $peersock->syswrite( join( $CRLF,
+ "HTTP/1.1 200 OK",
+ "Content-Length: 0",
+ "" ) . $CRLF
+ );
+ wait_for { $f0->is_ready };
+ my ( $f1, $f2, $f3 ) = map {
+ $http->do_request(
+ method => "GET",
+ uri => URI->new( "http://host2/req/$_" ),
+ );
+ } 1, 2, 3;
+ wait_for { $peersock };
+ # cancel $f2 - 1 and 3 should still complete
+ $f2->cancel;
+ # Wait for the $f1 and $f3
+ $request_stream = "";
+ wait_for_stream { $request_stream =~ m/$CRLF$CRLF/ } $peersock => $request_stream;
+ like( $request_stream, qr(^GET /req/1 HTTP/1.1), '$f1 request written' );
+ $request_stream = "";
+ $peersock->syswrite( join( $CRLF,
+ "HTTP/1.1 200 OK",
+ "Content-Length: 0",
+ "" ) . $CRLF
+ );
+ wait_for { $f1->is_ready };
+ ok( $f1->is_done, '$f1 is done' );
+ wait_for_stream { $request_stream =~ m/$CRLF$CRLF/ } $peersock => $request_stream;
+ like( $request_stream, qr(^GET /req/3 HTTP/1.1), '$f3 request written' );
+ $request_stream = "";
+ $peersock->syswrite( join( $CRLF,
+ "HTTP/1.1 200 OK",
+ "Content-Length: 0",
+ "" ) . $CRLF
+ );
+ wait_for { $f3->is_ready };
+ ok( $f3->is_done, '$f3 is done' );
diff --git a/t/32remove.t b/t/32remove.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b849fe1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/32remove.t
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Refcount;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use Net::Async::HTTP;
+my $CRLF = "\x0d\x0a"; # because \r\n isn't portable
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new();
+testing_loop( $loop );
+my $http = Net::Async::HTTP->new;
+$loop->add( $http );
+my $host = "host.example";
+my $peersock;
+no warnings 'redefine';
+local *IO::Async::Handle::connect = sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ $args{host} eq $host or die "Expected $args{host} eq $host";
+ $args{service} eq "80" or die "Expected $args{service} eq 80";
+ ( my $selfsock, $peersock ) = IO::Async::OS->socketpair() or die "Cannot create socket pair - $!";
+ $self->set_handle( $selfsock );
+ return Future->new->done( $self );
+my $f = $http->do_request(
+ request => HTTP::Request->new( GET => "/", [ Host => $host ] ),
+ host => $host,
+my $request_stream = "";
+wait_for_stream { $request_stream =~ m/$CRLF$CRLF/ } $peersock => $request_stream;
+$request_stream = "";
+$peersock->print( "HTTP/1.1 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 0$CRLF" .
+ $CRLF );
+wait_for { $f->is_ready };
+# gut-wrenching
+my $conn = $http->{connections}{"$host:80"}[0];
+ok( $conn, 'Found a connection' );
+# 1 internally in the $http, 2 in IO::Async internals, 1 here
+is_refcount( $conn, 4, 'Connection has 4 references' );
+$loop->remove( $http );
+undef $http;
+is_oneref( $conn, 'Connection has 1 reference remaining at EOF' );
diff --git a/t/40socks.t b/t/40socks.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7d104e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/40socks.t
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use Net::Async::HTTP;
+ eval {
+ require Net::Async::SOCKS;
+ Net::Async::SOCKS->VERSION( '0.003' );
+ } or plan skip_all => "No Net::Async::SOCKS";
+my $CRLF = "\x0d\x0a"; # because \r\n isn't portable
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new();
+testing_loop( $loop );
+my $http = Net::Async::HTTP->new(
+ user_agent => "", # Don't put one in request headers
+ SOCKS_host => "",
+ SOCKS_port => "1234",
+$loop->add( $http );
+my %connect_args;
+my $connect_f;
+no warnings 'redefine';
+local *IO::Async::Loop::SOCKS_connect = sub {
+ shift;
+ ( %connect_args ) = @_;
+ return $connect_f = Future->new;
+my $f = $http->do_request(
+ uri => URI->new( "http://remote-site-here/" ),
+# Check that ->SOCKS_connect was invoked correctly
+my $handle;
+ wait_for { keys %connect_args };
+ $handle = delete $connect_args{handle};
+ delete @connect_args{qw( SSL on_error )};
+ is_deeply( \%connect_args,
+ {
+ family => 0,
+ socktype => "stream",
+ host => "remote-site-here",
+ service => 80,
+ is_proxy => '',
+ SOCKS_host => "",
+ SOCKS_port => 1234,
+ },
+ 'SOCKS_connect invoked'
+ );
+# Set up a socket connection
+my $peersock;
+ ( my $selfsock, $peersock ) = IO::Async::OS->socketpair() or die "Cannot create socket pair - $!";
+ $handle->set_handle( $selfsock );
+ $connect_f->done( $handle );
+# Handle request/response cycle
+ my $request_stream = "";
+ wait_for_stream { $request_stream =~ m/$CRLF$CRLF/ } $peersock => $request_stream;
+ $request_stream =~ s/^(.*)$CRLF//;
+ is( $1, "GET / HTTP/1.1",
+ 'Received request firstline' );
+ $request_stream =~ s/^(.*)$CRLF$CRLF//s;
+ my %req_headers = map { m/^([^:]+):\s+(.*)$/g } split( m/$CRLF/, $1 );
+ is_deeply( \%req_headers,
+ {
+ Host => "remote-site-here",
+ Connection => "keep-alive",
+ },
+ 'Received request headers' );
+ $peersock->syswrite( "HTTP/1.1 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 0$CRLF" .
+ $CRLF );
+wait_for { $f->is_ready };
+my $response = $f->get;
+is( $response->code, 200, '$response' );
diff --git a/t/80cross-http.t b/t/80cross-http.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01939e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/80cross-http.t
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use IO::Async::Stream;
+unless( eval { require Net::Async::HTTP::Server and
+ Net::Async::HTTP::Server->VERSION( '0.03' ) } ) {
+ plan skip_all => "Net::Async::HTTP::Server 0.03 is not available";
+unless( eval { require Net::Async::HTTP } ) {
+ plan skip_all => "Net::Async::HTTP is not available";
+my $CRLF = "\x0d\x0a";
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new();
+testing_loop( $loop );
+my $server = Net::Async::HTTP::Server->new(
+ on_request => sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $req ) = @_;
+ my $content = "Response to " . join " ", $req->method, $req->path, "with " . length( $req->body ) . " bytes";
+ $req->write( "HTTP/1.1 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: " . length( $content ) . $CRLF .
+ "Content-Type: text/plain$CRLF" .
+ $CRLF .
+ $content
+ );
+ $req->done;
+ },
+$loop->add( $server );
+$loop->add( my $client = Net::Async::HTTP->new );
+my ( $host, $port );
+ addr => { family => "inet", socktype => "stream", ip => "", port => 0 },
+ on_listen => sub {
+ my $socket = $_[0]->read_handle;
+ $host = $socket->sockhost;
+ $port = $socket->sockport;
+ },
+ on_listen_error => sub { die "Cannot listen - $_[-1]\n" },
+wait_for { defined $host and defined $port };
+my $response;
+ uri => URI->new( "http://$host:$port/" ),
+ on_response => sub {
+ ( $response ) = @_;
+ },
+ on_error => sub { die "Test failed early - $_[-1]\n" },
+wait_for { $response };
+is( $response->code, 200, '$response->code' );
+is( $response->content_type, "text/plain", '$response->content_type' );
+is( $response->content, "Response to GET / with 0 bytes", '$response->content' );
diff --git a/t/81cross-https.t b/t/81cross-https.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0fc710
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/81cross-https.t
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use IO::Async::Stream;
+unless( eval { require Net::Async::HTTP::Server and
+ Net::Async::HTTP::Server->VERSION( '0.06' ) } ) {
+ plan skip_all => "Net::Async::HTTP::Server 0.06 is not available";
+unless( eval { require Net::Async::HTTP } ) {
+ plan skip_all => "Net::Async::HTTP is not available";
+unless( eval { require IO::Async::SSL and
+ IO::Async::SSL->VERSION( '0.12' ) } ) {
+ plan skip_all => "IO::Async::SSL is not available";
+my $CRLF = "\x0d\x0a";
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new();
+testing_loop( $loop );
+my $server = Net::Async::HTTP::Server->new(
+ on_request => sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $req ) = @_;
+ my $content = "Response to " . join " ", $req->method, $req->path, "with " . length( $req->body ) . " bytes";
+ $req->write( "HTTP/1.1 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: " . length( $content ) . $CRLF .
+ "Content-Type: text/plain$CRLF" .
+ $CRLF .
+ $content
+ );
+ $req->done;
+ },
+$loop->add( $server );
+$loop->add( my $client = Net::Async::HTTP->new );
+my ( $host, $port );
+ addr => { family => "inet", socktype => "stream", ip => "", port => 0 },
+ on_listen => sub {
+ my $socket = $_[0]->read_handle;
+ $host = $socket->sockhost;
+ $port = $socket->sockport;
+ },
+ extensions => [qw( SSL )],
+ SSL_key_file => "t/privkey.pem",
+ SSL_cert_file => "t/server.pem",
+my $response;
+ uri => URI->new( "https://$host:$port/" ),
+ SSL_verify_mode => 0,
+ on_response => sub {
+ ( $response ) = @_;
+ },
+ on_error => sub { die "Test failed early - $_[0]\n" },
+wait_for { $response };
+is( $response->code, 200, '$response->code' );
+is( $response->content_type, "text/plain", '$response->content_type' );
+is( $response->content, "Response to GET / with 0 bytes", '$response->content' );
diff --git a/t/90rt75615.t b/t/90rt75615.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8cba89d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/90rt75615.t
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use Net::Async::HTTP;
+my $CRLF = "\x0d\x0a"; # because \r\n isn't portable
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new();
+testing_loop( $loop );
+my $http = Net::Async::HTTP->new(
+ user_agent => "", # Don't put one in request headers
+$loop->add( $http );
+my $port;
+ host => "",
+ service => 0,
+ socktype => "stream",
+ on_listen => sub {
+ $port = shift->sockport;
+ },
+ on_stream => sub {
+ my ( $stream ) = @_;
+ $stream->configure(
+ on_read => sub {
+ my ( $self, $buffref ) = @_;
+ return 0 unless $$buffref =~ s/^(.*?)$CRLF$CRLF//s;
+ my $header = $1;
+ my $response = ( $header =~ m{^GET /redir} )
+ ? "HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 0$CRLF" .
+ "Location: /moved$CRLF" .
+ "Connection: close$CRLF" .
+ "$CRLF"
+ : "HTTP/1.1 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Type: text/plain$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 2$CRLF" .
+ "Connection: close$CRLF" .
+ "$CRLF" .
+ "OK";
+ $self->write( $response );
+ return 1;
+ },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $stream );
+ },
+ on_listen_error => sub { die "Test failed early - $_[-1]" },
+ on_resolve_error => sub { die "Test failed early - $_[-1]" },
+wait_for { defined $port };
+my $code = \&IO::Async::Handle::connect;
+no warnings 'redefine';
+local *IO::Async::Handle::connect = sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ $args{service} = $port if $args{service} eq '80';
+ $code->($self, %args);
+my $response;
+my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => '/redir');
+$req->header(Host => '');
+ method => "GET",
+ host => '',
+ request => $req,
+ on_response => sub {
+ $response = $_[0];
+ },
+ on_error => sub { die "Test failed early - $_[-1]" },
+wait_for { defined $response };
+is( $response->content_type, "text/plain", '$response->content_type' );
+is( $response->content, "OK", '$response->content' );
diff --git a/t/90rt75616.t b/t/90rt75616.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2193f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/90rt75616.t
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use Net::Async::HTTP;
+my $CRLF = "\x0d\x0a"; # because \r\n isn't portable
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new();
+testing_loop( $loop );
+my $http = Net::Async::HTTP->new(
+ user_agent => "", # Don't put one in request headers
+$loop->add( $http );
+my $port;
+ host => "",
+ service => 0,
+ socktype => "stream",
+ on_listen => sub {
+ $port = shift->sockport;
+ },
+ on_stream => sub {
+ my ( $stream ) = @_;
+ $stream->configure(
+ on_read => sub {
+ my ( $self, $buffref ) = @_;
+ return 0 unless $$buffref =~ s/^(.*?)$CRLF$CRLF//s;
+ my $header = $1;
+ my $response = ( $header =~ m{^GET /redir} )
+ ? "HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 0$CRLF" .
+ "Location: /moved$CRLF" .
+ "Connection: close$CRLF" .
+ "$CRLF"
+ : "HTTP/1.1 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Type: text/plain$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 2$CRLF" .
+ "Connection: close$CRLF" .
+ "$CRLF" .
+ "OK";
+ $self->write( $response );
+ return 1;
+ },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $stream );
+ },
+ on_listen_error => sub { die "Test failed early - $_[-1]" },
+ on_resolve_error => sub { die "Test failed early - $_[-1]" },
+wait_for { defined $port };
+my $code = \&IO::Async::Handle::connect;
+no warnings 'redefine';
+local *IO::Async::Handle::connect = sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ $args{service} = $port if $args{service} eq 'http';
+ $args{service} = $port if $args{service} == 80;
+ $code->($self, %args);
+my $response;
+my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => '/redir');
+$req->header(Host => '');
+ method => "GET",
+ host => '',
+ request => $req,
+ on_response => sub {
+ $response = $_[0];
+ },
+ on_error => sub { die "Test failed early - $_[-1]" },
+wait_for { defined $response };
+is( $response->content_type, "text/plain", '$response->content_type' );
+is( $response->content, "OK", '$response->content' );
diff --git a/t/90rt92904.t b/t/90rt92904.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c2534a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/90rt92904.t
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use Net::Async::HTTP;
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new;
+testing_loop( $loop );
+my $http = Net::Async::HTTP->new(
+ max_connections_per_host => 2,
+$loop->add( $http );
+my @conn_f;
+no warnings 'redefine';
+local *IO::Async::Loop::connect = sub {
+ shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ $args{host} eq "localhost" or die "Cannot fake connect - expected host 'localhost'";
+ $args{service} eq "5000" or die "Cannot fake connect - expected service '5000'";
+ push @conn_f, my $f = $loop->new_future;
+ return $f;
+my @f = map { $http->do_request(uri=>'http://localhost:5000/') } 0 .. 1;
+is( scalar @conn_f, 2, 'Two pending connect() attempts after two concurrent ->do_request' );
+# Fail them both
+( shift @conn_f )->fail( "Connection refused", connect => ) for 0 .. 1;
+ok( $f[$_]->is_ready && $f[$_]->failure, "Request [$_] Future fails after connect failure" ) for 0 .. 1;
+ok( !@conn_f, 'No more pending connect() attempts' );
diff --git a/t/90rt93232.t b/t/90rt93232.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c11277
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/90rt93232.t
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Refcount;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use Net::Async::HTTP;
+my $CRLF = "\x0d\x0a"; # because \r\n isn't portable
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new();
+testing_loop( $loop );
+my $http = Net::Async::HTTP->new(
+ user_agent => "", # Don't put one in request headers
+$loop->add( $http );
+my $port;
+ host => "",
+ service => 0,
+ socktype => "stream",
+ on_listen => sub {
+ $port = shift->sockport;
+ },
+ on_stream => sub {
+ my ( $stream ) = @_;
+ $stream->configure(
+ on_read => sub {
+ my ( $self, $buffref ) = @_;
+ return 0 unless $$buffref =~ s/^(.*?)$CRLF$CRLF//s;
+ my $header = $1;
+ $self->write(
+ "HTTP/1.1 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Type: text/plain$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 2$CRLF" .
+ "Connection: close$CRLF" .
+ "$CRLF" .
+ "OK"
+ );
+ return 1;
+ },
+ );
+ $loop->add( $stream );
+ },
+my $on_body_chunk;
+ method => "GET",
+ host => "",
+ port => $port,
+ request => HTTP::Request->new(GET => "/"),
+ on_header => sub {
+ my ( $header ) = @_;
+ # Needs to be a real closure
+ return $on_body_chunk = sub { $header = $header; 1 };
+ },
+is_oneref( $on_body_chunk, '$on_body_chunk has refcount 1 before EOF' );
diff --git a/t/90rt99142.t b/t/90rt99142.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..453a1d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/90rt99142.t
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use Net::Async::HTTP;
+my $CRLF = "\x0d\x0a"; # because \r\n isn't portable
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new();
+testing_loop( $loop );
+my $http = Net::Async::HTTP->new(
+ user_agent => "", # Don't put one in request headers
+ max_connections_per_host => 2,
+$loop->add( $http );
+ my @pending;
+ no warnings 'redefine';
+ *IO::Async::Handle::connect = sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ $args{host} eq "localhost" or die "Cannot fake connect - expected host 'localhost'";
+ $args{service} eq "5000" or die "Cannot fake connect - expected service '5000'";
+ push @pending, [ $self, my $f = $loop->new_future ];
+ return $f;
+ };
+ sub await_connection
+ {
+ wait_for { scalar @pending };
+ return @{ shift @pending };
+ }
+# Make a first connection
+my $req_f1 = $http->GET( "http://localhost:5000/1" );
+my $peersock;
+ my ( $conn, $conn_f ) = await_connection;
+ ( my $selfsock, $peersock ) = IO::Async::OS->socketpair() or die "Cannot create socket pair - $!";
+ $conn->set_handle( $selfsock );
+ $conn_f->done( $conn );
+# Before the first is ready, make a second one
+my $req_f2 = $http->GET( "http://localhost:5000/2" );
+my ( $conn2, $conn_f2 ) = await_connection;
+ok( $conn_f2, 'Second connection request is pending' );
+# Gutwrenching
+is( scalar @{ $http->{connections}{"localhost:5000"} }, 2,
+ '$http has two pending connections to localhost:5000' );
+my $request_stream = "";
+wait_for_stream { $request_stream =~ m/$CRLF$CRLF/ } $peersock => $request_stream;
+like( $request_stream, qr(^GET /1), 'First request written' );
+$request_stream = "";
+# Respond with HTTP/1.1 so client knows it can pipeline
+$peersock->syswrite( "HTTP/1.1 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 0$CRLF" .
+ $CRLF );
+wait_for { $req_f1->is_ready };
+ok( $req_f1->is_done, '$req_f1 is done after first response' );
+# At this point, req 2 should already be made down the socket
+wait_for_stream { $request_stream =~ m/$CRLF$CRLF/ } $peersock => $request_stream;
+like( $request_stream, qr(^GET /2), 'Second request written down first socket' );
+# And $conn_f2 should already be cancelled
+ok( $conn_f2->is_cancelled, '$conn_f2 now cancelled' );
+# Gutwrenching
+is( scalar @{ $http->{connections}{"localhost:5000"} }, 1,
+ '$http has only one connection to localhost:5000 at EOF' );
diff --git a/t/91rt100066.t b/t/91rt100066.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6eb95d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/91rt100066.t
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use Net::Async::HTTP;
+my $CRLF = "\x0d\x0a"; # because \r\n isn't portable
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new();
+testing_loop( $loop );
+my $http = Net::Async::HTTP->new(
+ user_agent => "", # Don't put one in request headers
+$loop->add( $http );
+my $peersock;
+no warnings 'redefine';
+local *IO::Async::Handle::connect = sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ $args{host} eq "localhost" or die "Cannot fake connect - expected host 'localhost'";
+ $args{service} eq "5000" or die "Cannot fake connect - expected service '5000'";
+ ( my $selfsock, $peersock ) = IO::Async::OS->socketpair() or die "Cannot create socket pair - $!";
+ $self->set_handle( $selfsock );
+ return Future->done( $self );
+# Without on_error
+ my $f1 = $http->GET( "http://localhost:5000/1" )
+ ->on_done( sub { die "Oopsie" } );
+ my $f2 = $http->GET( "http://localhost:5000/2" );
+ wait_for { defined $peersock };
+ my $request_stream = "";
+ wait_for_stream { $request_stream =~ m/$CRLF$CRLF/ } $peersock => $request_stream;
+ pass( "First request is made" );
+ $request_stream =~ s/^.*$CRLF$CRLF//s;
+ $peersock->syswrite( "HTTP/1.1 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 0$CRLF" .
+ $CRLF );
+ my $e = eval { $loop->loop_once(0) for 1 .. 5; 1 } ? undef : $@;
+ like( $e, qr/^Oopsie at \Q$0\E line \d+/,
+ 'Oopsie exception caught at loop toplevel' );
+ wait_for_stream { $request_stream =~ m/$CRLF$CRLF/ } $peersock => $request_stream;
+ pass( "Second request is made after first one dies at ->done" );
+ $request_stream =~ s/^.*$CRLF$CRLF//s;
+ $peersock->syswrite( "HTTP/1.1 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 0$CRLF" .
+ $CRLF );
+ wait_for { $f2->is_ready };
+ ok( !$f2->failure, '$f2 completes successfully' );
+# With on_error
+ my $error;
+ $http->configure(
+ on_error => sub { ( undef, $error ) = @_; },
+ );
+ my $f1 = $http->GET( "http://localhost:5000/1" )
+ ->on_done( sub { die "Oopsie" } );
+ my $f2 = $http->GET( "http://localhost:5000/2" );
+ wait_for { defined $peersock };
+ my $request_stream = "";
+ wait_for_stream { $request_stream =~ m/$CRLF$CRLF/ } $peersock => $request_stream;
+ pass( "First request is made" );
+ $request_stream =~ s/^.*$CRLF$CRLF//s;
+ $peersock->syswrite( "HTTP/1.1 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 0$CRLF" .
+ $CRLF );
+ my $e = eval { $loop->loop_once(0) for 1 .. 5; 1 } ? undef : $@;
+ ok( !defined $e, 'Loop toplevel does not catch exception' ) or
+ diag( "Caught exception was: $e" );
+ like( $error, qr/^Oopsie at \Q$0\E line \d+/,
+ 'Oopsie exception caught by on_error handler' );
+ wait_for_stream { $request_stream =~ m/$CRLF$CRLF/ } $peersock => $request_stream;
+ pass( "Second request is made after first one dies at ->done" );
+ $request_stream =~ s/^.*$CRLF$CRLF//s;
+ $peersock->syswrite( "HTTP/1.1 200 OK$CRLF" .
+ "Content-Length: 0$CRLF" .
+ $CRLF );
+ wait_for { $f2->is_ready };
+ ok( !$f2->failure, '$f2 completes successfully' );
diff --git a/t/91rt102547.t b/t/91rt102547.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa2e9d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/91rt102547.t
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use IO::Async::Test;
+use IO::Async::Loop;
+use Net::Async::HTTP;
+# When connections failed, they weren't being removed from memory
+# so we'd slowly leak
+my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new;
+testing_loop( $loop );
+my $http = Net::Async::HTTP->new(
+ max_connections_per_host => 2,
+$loop->add( $http );
+my @conn_f;
+my @remove_f;
+no warnings 'redefine';
+local *IO::Async::Loop::connect = sub {
+ shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ $args{host} eq "localhost" or die "Cannot fake connect - expected host 'localhost'";
+ $args{service} eq "5000" or die "Cannot fake connect - expected service '5000'";
+ push @conn_f, my $f = $loop->new_future;
+ return $f;
+my $old = \&IO::Async::Notifier::remove_from_parent;
+# Make sure these actually get removed!
+local *IO::Async::Notifier::remove_from_parent = sub {
+ my $self = shift;
+ push @remove_f, $self;
+ return $old->($self, @_);
+my @f = map { $http->do_request(uri=>'http://localhost:5000/') } 0 .. 2;
+is( scalar @conn_f, 2, 'Two pending connect() attempts after two concurrent ->do_request' );
+# Fail them all
+( shift @conn_f )->fail( "Connection refused", connect => ) for 0 .. 2;
+ok( !@conn_f, 'No more pending connect() attempts' );
+is( scalar @remove_f, 3, 'Three connect() attempts removed after connection failure' );
diff --git a/t/99pod.t b/t/99pod.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb319fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/99pod.t
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+eval "use Test::Pod 1.00";
+plan skip_all => "Test::Pod 1.00 required for testing POD" if $@;
diff --git a/t/privkey.pem b/t/privkey.pem
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e466a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/privkey.pem
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9790ddf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+openssl genrsa -out privkey.pem
+openssl req -new -x509 -key privkey.pem -out server.pem
diff --git a/t/server.pem b/t/server.pem
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e472001
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/server.pem
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@