path: root/soundlib/ModSequence.h
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authorJames Cowgill <>2016-10-03 10:03:42 +0100
committerJames Cowgill <>2016-10-03 10:03:42 +0100
commit8afe53282f39c89e2425dbf1afd438719e1aedeb (patch)
treebdf8aadb1d7e65ea1c12a7813a3334b0e70a8a41 /soundlib/ModSequence.h
New upstream version 0.2.7025~beta20.1
Diffstat (limited to 'soundlib/ModSequence.h')
1 files changed, 252 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/soundlib/ModSequence.h b/soundlib/ModSequence.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f504ff7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/soundlib/ModSequence.h
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+ * ModSequence.h
+ * -------------
+ * Purpose: Order and sequence handling.
+ * Notes : (currently none)
+ * Authors: OpenMPT Devs
+ * The OpenMPT source code is released under the BSD license. Read LICENSE for more details.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <vector>
+class CSoundFile;
+class ModSequenceSet;
+class FileReader;
+class ModSequence
+ friend class ModSequenceSet;
+ typedef PATTERNINDEX* iterator;
+ typedef const PATTERNINDEX* const_iterator;
+ friend void WriteModSequence(std::ostream& oStrm, const ModSequence& seq);
+ friend void ReadModSequence(std::istream& iStrm, ModSequence& seq, const size_t);
+ virtual ~ModSequence() {if (m_bDeletableArray) delete[] m_pArray;}
+ ModSequence(const ModSequence&);
+ ModSequence(CSoundFile& rSf, ORDERINDEX nSize);
+ ModSequence(CSoundFile& rSf, PATTERNINDEX* pArray, ORDERINDEX nSize, ORDERINDEX nCapacity, ORDERINDEX restartPos, bool bDeletableArray);
+ // Initialize default sized sequence.
+ void Init();
+ PATTERNINDEX& operator[](const size_t i) {MPT_ASSERT(i < m_nSize); return m_pArray[i];}
+ const PATTERNINDEX& operator[](const size_t i) const {MPT_ASSERT(i < m_nSize); return m_pArray[i];}
+ PATTERNINDEX& At(const size_t i) {return (*this)[i];}
+ const PATTERNINDEX& At(const size_t i) const {return (*this)[i];}
+ PATTERNINDEX& Last() {MPT_ASSERT(m_nSize > 0); return m_pArray[m_nSize-1];}
+ const PATTERNINDEX& Last() const {MPT_ASSERT(m_nSize > 0); return m_pArray[m_nSize-1];}
+ // Returns last accessible index, i.e. GetLength() - 1. Behaviour is undefined if length is zero.
+ ORDERINDEX GetLastIndex() const {return m_nSize - 1;}
+ void Append() {Append(GetInvalidPatIndex());} // Appends InvalidPatIndex.
+ void Append(PATTERNINDEX nPat); // Appends given patindex.
+ // Inserts nCount orders starting from nPos using nFill as the pattern index for all inserted orders.
+ // Sequence will automatically grow if needed and if it can't grow enough, some tail
+ // orders will be discarded.
+ // Return: Number of orders inserted.
+ ORDERINDEX Insert(ORDERINDEX nPos, ORDERINDEX nCount) { return Insert(nPos, nCount, GetInvalidPatIndex()); }
+ // Removes orders from range [nPosBegin, nPosEnd].
+ void Remove(ORDERINDEX nPosBegin, ORDERINDEX nPosEnd);
+ // Remove all references to a given pattern index from the order list. Jump commands are updated accordingly.
+ void RemovePattern(PATTERNINDEX which);
+ // Check if pattern at sequence position ord is valid.
+ bool IsValidPat(ORDERINDEX ord);
+ void clear();
+ void resize(ORDERINDEX nNewSize) {resize(nNewSize, GetInvalidPatIndex());}
+ void resize(ORDERINDEX nNewSize, PATTERNINDEX nFill);
+ // Replaces all occurences of nOld with nNew.
+ void Replace(PATTERNINDEX nOld, PATTERNINDEX nNew) {if (nOld != nNew) std::replace(begin(), end(), nOld, nNew);}
+ void AdjustToNewModType(const MODTYPE oldtype);
+ ORDERINDEX size() const {return GetLength();}
+ ORDERINDEX GetLength() const {return m_nSize;}
+ // Returns length of sequence without counting trailing '---' items.
+ ORDERINDEX GetLengthTailTrimmed() const;
+ // Returns length of sequence stopping counting on first '---' (or at the end of sequence).
+ ORDERINDEX GetLengthFirstEmpty() const;
+ // Returns the internal representation of a stop '---' index
+ static PATTERNINDEX GetInvalidPatIndex() { return uint16_max; }
+ // Returns the internal representation of an ignore '+++' index
+ static PATTERNINDEX GetIgnoreIndex() {return uint16_max - 1; }
+ // Returns the previous/next order ignoring skip indices(+++).
+ // If no previous/next order exists, return first/last order, and zero
+ // when orderlist is empty.
+ ORDERINDEX GetPreviousOrderIgnoringSkips(const ORDERINDEX start) const;
+ ORDERINDEX GetNextOrderIgnoringSkips(const ORDERINDEX start) const;
+ // Find an order item that contains a given pattern number.
+ ORDERINDEX FindOrder(PATTERNINDEX nPat, ORDERINDEX startFromOrder = 0, bool searchForward = true) const;
+ // Ensures that the pattern at the specified order position is used only once (across all sequences).
+ // If another usage is found, the pattern is replaced by a copy and the new index is returned.
+ ModSequence& operator=(const ModSequence& seq);
+ // Write order items as bytes. '---' is written as stopIndex, '+++' is written as ignoreIndex
+ size_t WriteAsByte(FILE* f, const ORDERINDEX count, uint8 stopIndex = 0xFF, uint8 ignoreIndex = 0xFE) const;
+ // Read order items as bytes from a file. 'howMany' bytes are read from the file, optionally only the first 'readEntries' of them are actually processed.
+ // 'stopIndex' is treated as '---', 'ignoreIndex' is treated as '+++'. If the format doesn't support such indices, just pass a parameter that does not fit into a byte.
+ bool ReadAsByte(FileReader &file, size_t howMany, size_t readEntries = ORDERINDEX_MAX, uint16 stopIndex = ORDERINDEX_INVALID, uint16 ignoreIndex = ORDERINDEX_INVALID);
+ template<typename T, size_t arraySize>
+ // Read order items from an array. Only the first 'howMany' entries are actually processed.
+ // 'stopIndex' is treated as '---', 'ignoreIndex' is treated as '+++'. If the format doesn't support such indices, just pass ORDERINDEX_INVALID.
+ bool ReadFromArray(const T (&orders)[arraySize], size_t howMany = arraySize, uint16 stopIndex = ORDERINDEX_INVALID, uint16 ignoreIndex = ORDERINDEX_INVALID);
+ // Deprecated function used for MPTm files created with OpenMPT -
+ bool Deserialize(FileReader &file);
+ // Returns true if the IT orderlist datafield is not sufficient to store orderlist information.
+ bool NeedsExtraDatafield() const;
+ // Check if a playback position is currently locked (inaccessible)
+ bool IsPositionLocked(ORDERINDEX position) const;
+ // Sequence name setter / getter
+ inline void SetName(const std::string &newName) { m_sName = newName;}
+ inline std::string GetName() const { return m_sName; }
+ // Restart position setter / getter
+ inline void SetRestartPos(ORDERINDEX restartPos) { m_restartPos = restartPos; }
+ inline ORDERINDEX GetRestartPos() const { return m_restartPos; }
+ iterator begin() {return m_pArray;}
+ const_iterator begin() const {return m_pArray;}
+ iterator end() {return m_pArray + m_nSize;}
+ const_iterator end() const {return m_pArray + m_nSize;}
+ std::string m_sName; // Sequence name.
+ CSoundFile &m_sndFile; // Pointer to associated CSoundFile.
+ PATTERNINDEX *m_pArray; // Pointer to sequence array.
+ ORDERINDEX m_nSize; // Sequence length.
+ ORDERINDEX m_nCapacity; // Capacity in m_pArray.
+ ORDERINDEX m_restartPos; // Restart position when playback of this order ended
+ bool m_bDeletableArray; // True if m_pArray points the deletable(with delete[]) array.
+template<typename T, size_t arraySize>
+bool ModSequence::ReadFromArray(const T (&orders)[arraySize], size_t howMany, uint16 stopIndex, uint16 ignoreIndex)
+ LimitMax(howMany, arraySize);
+ ORDERINDEX readEntries = static_cast<ORDERINDEX>(howMany);
+ if(GetLength() < readEntries)
+ {
+ resize(readEntries);
+ }
+ for(int i = 0; i < readEntries; i++)
+ {
+ PATTERNINDEX pat = static_cast<PATTERNINDEX>(orders[i]);
+ if(pat == stopIndex) pat = GetInvalidPatIndex();
+ if(pat == ignoreIndex) pat = GetIgnoreIndex();
+ (*this)[i] = pat;
+ }
+ return true;
+class ModSequenceSet : public ModSequence
+ friend void WriteModSequenceOld(std::ostream& oStrm, const ModSequenceSet& seq);
+ friend void ReadModSequenceOld(std::istream& iStrm, ModSequenceSet& seq, const size_t);
+ friend void WriteModSequences(std::ostream& oStrm, const ModSequenceSet& seq);
+ friend void ReadModSequences(std::istream& iStrm, ModSequenceSet& seq, const size_t);
+ friend void ReadModSequence(std::istream& iStrm, ModSequence& seq, const size_t);
+ ModSequenceSet(CSoundFile& sndFile);
+ const ModSequence& GetSequence() {return GetSequence(GetCurrentSequenceIndex());}
+ const ModSequence& GetSequence(SEQUENCEINDEX nSeq) const;
+ ModSequence& GetSequence(SEQUENCEINDEX nSeq);
+ SEQUENCEINDEX GetNumSequences() const {return static_cast<SEQUENCEINDEX>(m_Sequences.size());}
+ void SetSequence(SEQUENCEINDEX); // Sets working sequence.
+ SEQUENCEINDEX AddSequence(bool bDuplicate = true); // Adds new sequence. If bDuplicate is true, new sequence is a duplicate of the old one. Returns the ID of the new sequence.
+ void RemoveSequence() {RemoveSequence(GetCurrentSequenceIndex());}
+ void RemoveSequence(SEQUENCEINDEX); // Removes given sequence
+ SEQUENCEINDEX GetCurrentSequenceIndex() const {return m_nCurrentSeq;}
+ ModSequenceSet& operator=(const ModSequence& seq) {ModSequence::operator=(seq); return *this;}
+ // Adjust sequence when converting between module formats
+ void OnModTypeChanged(const MODTYPE oldtype);
+ // If there are subsongs (separated by "---" or "+++" patterns) in the module,
+ // asks user whether to convert these into multiple sequences (given that the
+ // modformat supports multiple sequences).
+ // Returns true if sequences were modified, false otherwise.
+ bool ConvertSubsongsToMultipleSequences();
+ // Convert the sequence's restart position information to a pattern command.
+ bool RestartPosToPattern(SEQUENCEINDEX seq);
+ // Merges multiple sequences into one and destroys all other sequences.
+ // Returns false if there were no sequences to merge, true otherwise.
+ bool MergeSequences();
+ static const ORDERINDEX s_nCacheSize;
+ void CopyCacheToStorage();
+ void CopyStorageToCache();
+ // Array size should be s_nCacheSize.
+ // s_nCacheSize is defined out of line, because taking references to
+ // static const members is problematic for some clang and GCC versions
+ // otherwise.
+ // Defining s_nCacheSize out of line makes it unavailable for declaring
+ // an array.
+ PATTERNINDEX m_Cache[MAX_ORDERS]; // Local cache array.
+ std::vector<ModSequence> m_Sequences; // Array of sequences.
+ SEQUENCEINDEX m_nCurrentSeq; // Index of current sequence.
+const char FileIdSequences[] = "mptSeqC";
+const char FileIdSequence[] = "mptSeq";
+void WriteModSequences(std::ostream& oStrm, const ModSequenceSet& seq);
+void ReadModSequences(std::istream& iStrm, ModSequenceSet& seq, const size_t nSize = 0);
+void WriteModSequence(std::ostream& oStrm, const ModSequence& seq);
+void ReadModSequence(std::istream& iStrm, ModSequence& seq, const size_t);
+void WriteModSequenceOld(std::ostream& oStrm, const ModSequenceSet& seq);
+void ReadModSequenceOld(std::istream& iStrm, ModSequenceSet& seq, const size_t);