path: root/bin
diff options
authorOnur Aslan <>2010-08-15 05:21:31 +0000
committerOnur Aslan <>2010-08-15 05:21:31 +0000
commit6f4db1999c2225c9067411c262ba29e8a7ce38a5 (patch)
tree8261e9304e1e85a0f4fa898ab3a5e2e0e732eb68 /bin
[svn-inject] Installing original source of librivescript-perl (1.20)
Diffstat (limited to 'bin')
2 files changed, 580 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bin/rsdemo b/bin/rsdemo
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ad4a25e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/rsdemo
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use lib "./lib";
+use RiveScript;
+print "Welcome to the Perl RiveScript Interpreter. This script is a demonstration\n"
+ . "of RiveScript. The bot's replies are taken from the files in the\n"
+ . "'RiveScript/demo' directory, which by default are based on some of Eliza's\n"
+ . "triggers and responses. To load a different set of replies, provide\n"
+ . "a path to a directory on the command line, e.g. rsdemo /opt/rs/brain\n\n";
+# Get a directory name from the command line.
+my $brain = undef;
+my @opts = ();
+my $help = 0;
+if (@ARGV) {
+ foreach my $v (@ARGV) {
+ if ($v =~ /^\-*?debug$/i) {
+ push (@opts, 'debug', 1);
+ next;
+ }
+ elsif ($v =~ /^\-*?(?:debug|)(?:f|file)=(.+?)$/i) {
+ push (@opts, 'debugfile', $1);
+ next;
+ }
+ elsif ($v =~ /^\-*?(?:v|verbose)=(.+?)$/i) {
+ push (@opts, 'verbose', $1);
+ next;
+ }
+ elsif ($v =~ /^\-*?(nostrict)$/i) {
+ push (@opts, 'strict', 0);
+ next;
+ }
+ elsif ($v =~ /^\-*?(h|help|\?)$/i) {
+ $help = 1;
+ next;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (-d $v) {
+ $brain = $v;
+ }
+ else {
+ warn "Can't load brain from $v: not a directory\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+if ($help) {
+ print "Usage: rsdemo [--debug] [directory]\n";
+ exit(0);
+my $rs = new RiveScript(@opts);
+# Read the test directory.
+my $replies = (defined $brain ? $brain : ($RiveScript::basedir . "/demo"));
+print "Loading RiveScript brain from directory:\n$replies\n\n";
+$rs->loadDirectory ($replies);
+print "You\'re now chatting with the RiveScript bot. Why not say hello? When\n"
+ . "you get tired of this, type \"quit\" to exit this demonstration.\n\n";
+while (1) {
+ print "You> ";
+ chomp (my $msg = <STDIN>);
+ if ($msg =~ /^quit/i) {
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ my $reply = $rs->reply ('localuser',$msg);
+ print "Bot> $reply\n";
+=head1 NAME
+rsdemo - Command-line demonstration and development tool for RiveScript.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ Usage: rsdemo
+ rsdemo --debug
+ rsdemo /path/to/replies
+ rsdemo --debug /path/to/replies
+B<rsdemo> is a program for testing and developing RiveScript code via the
+command line. Run with no arguments, rsdemo loads the default set of RiveScript
+replies that are installed in your Perl lib. The default set is based on the
+classic Eliza bot's personality, with additional triggers for learning and
+repeating user information.
+If you have a different directory containing RiveScript documents, pass the
+path to that directory on the command line, and C<rsdemo> will load replies
+from there instead.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item --debug
+This will enable RiveScript debug mode. A B<lot> of information is printed to
+the terminal when debug mode is active.
+=item --debugfile=?, --file=?, -f=?
+Specify an external file for debug lines to be printed to. Since a lot of debug
+information gets printed, you might want to use this in conjunction with
+=item --verbose=?, -v=?
+Enable or disable verbose (debug) mode. This option only has an effect if debug
+mode is on. If verbose is C<1> (the default), all debug information is printed
+to the terminal. Set verbose to C<0> and this information will NOT go to the
+If C<debugfile> is provided, all debug information will (also) be printed to the
+debug file.
+=item --nostrict
+Turn off strict mode when parsing the RiveScript documents. When strict mode
+is enabled (default), a syntax error in the RiveScript code is a fatal error.
+When turned off, it results in a warning, and the rest of the file that caused
+the error is skipped.
+=item --help
+Prints the usage of the command.
+The C<rsdemo> tool can be used for debugging a custom set of RiveScript replies.
+If you pass the C<--debug> option, debug mode is activated. By default, all
+debug information will be printed to the terminal, which is likely going to be
+more lines than your scrollback buffer can display. Unless you have a very small
+amount of replies you're debugging, it'll be more practical to pipe the debug
+information into a file and not display it on the terminal.
+Here's an example:
+ rsdemo --debug --verbose=0 --file=debug.txt /path/to/replies
+Or a shortened example:
+ rsdemo --debug -v=0 -f=debug.txt /path/to/replies
+In this case, the terminal would act as normal and allow you to chat with the
+bot, and all debug information would be written to debug.txt.
diff --git a/bin/rsup b/bin/rsup
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..592a7f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/rsup
@@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Getopt::Long;
+# rsup - Upgrade RiveScript 1.x code to 2.x standards.
+# Usage: rsup --out ./outdirectory <rs docs or directories>
+our $VERSION = '0.01';
+my $help = 0;
+my $out = '';
+my $ext = '.rs';
+my $bak = 0;
+my $fixobj = 0;
+my $opts = GetOptions (
+ "help|h" => \$help,
+ "backup|bak|b" => \$bak,
+ "dontfixperl|p" => \$fixobj,
+ "out|o=s" => \$out,
+ "ext|x=s" => \$ext,
+our @warnings = ();
+# Asking for help?
+if ($help) {
+ &help();
+# Verify that the output directory is writable.
+if (length $out) {
+ if (!-d $out) {
+ die "Output directory $out doesn't exist!";
+ }
+ if (!-w $out) {
+ die "Output directory $out is not writable!";
+ }
+# Collect the rest of the arguments.
+my @in = @ARGV;
+if (scalar(@in) == 0) {
+ &usage();
+# Process each argument.
+foreach my $item (@in) {
+ if (-d $item) {
+ # This is a directory, so open it.
+ opendir (DIR, $item);
+ foreach my $file (sort(readdir(DIR))) {
+ if ($file =~ /\~$/) {
+ if ($bak == 0) {
+ # Skip backup files~
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($file =~ /\Q$ext\E/i) {
+ &parseFile("$item/$file");
+ }
+ }
+ closedir (DIR);
+ }
+ elsif (-f $item) {
+ # This is a file.
+ if ($item =~ /\Q$ext\E/i) {
+ &parseFile($item);
+ }
+ }
+# Any warnings?
+if (scalar(@warnings)) {
+ print "\n";
+ print "=" x 60;
+ print "\n"
+ . "The following warnings were found during execution:\n\n"
+ . join("\n",@warnings) . "\n";
+sub parseFile {
+ my $file = shift;
+ print "<= Reading $file\n";
+ open (FILE, $file);
+ my @read = <FILE>;
+ close (FILE);
+ chomp @read;
+ # Create a buffer for the new file.
+ my @new = (
+ "// Converted to RiveScript 2 by rsup v. $VERSION",
+ "// Generated on " . localtime(time()),
+ '',
+ "! version = 2.0",
+ '',
+ );
+ my $lineno = 0;
+ my $skippedLast = 0;
+ my $inComment = 0;
+ my $inObject = 0;
+ foreach my $line (@read) {
+ $lineno++;
+ # See if we're inside an object.
+ if ($inObject) {
+ if ($line =~ /^<\s*object/i) {
+ # Ends the object.
+ $inObject = 0;
+ push (@new, "< object");
+ next;
+ }
+ # Attempt to fix up the Perl code if we can parse it.
+ if ($fixobj == 0) {
+ if ($line =~ /my \((.+?)\) = \@_/i) {
+ $line =~ s/my \((.+?)\) = \@_/my (\$rs,$1) = \@_/ig;
+ print "\tFixed obj. line: $line\n";
+ }
+ }
+ push (@new,$line);
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($inComment) {
+ if ($line =~ /\*\//) {
+ $inComment = 0;
+ push (@new,$line);
+ next;
+ }
+ push (@new,$line);
+ next;
+ }
+ # Further chomp the line.
+ $line =~ s/^(\t|\x0a|\x0d|\s)+//g;
+ $line =~ s/(\t|\x0a|\x0d|\s)+$//g;
+ # Blank lines?
+ if (length $line == 0) {
+ push (@new,$line);
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($line =~ /^\#/) {
+ # Single-line comment.
+ push (@new,$line);
+ next;
+ }
+ elsif ($line =~ /^\/\//) {
+ # Single-line // comment.
+ push (@new,$line);
+ next;
+ }
+ elsif ($line =~ /^\/\*/) {
+ # Start of a multi-line comment.
+ if ($line =~ /\*\//) {
+ # It ends on the same line.
+ push (@new,$line);
+ next;
+ }
+ push (@new,$line);
+ $inComment = 1;
+ next;
+ }
+ elsif ($line =~ /\*\//) {
+ # End of a multi-line comment.
+ push (@new,$line);
+ $inComment = 0;
+ next;
+ }
+ # Convert &object.syntax() to <call> syntax.
+ if ($line !~ /^\&/) {
+ while ($line =~ /\&([A-Za-z0-9\.\s]+)\((.+?)\)/) {
+ my $before = '&' . $1 . '(' . $2 . ')';
+ my (@cmds) = split(/\./, $1);
+ my $cmd = join(" ",@cmds);
+ my $args = $2;
+ $line =~ s/\&(.+?)\((.+?)\)/<call>$cmd $args<\/call>/ig;
+ $line =~ s/<call>(.+?)\s+?<\/call>/<call>$1<\/call>/ig;
+ print "\tConverted object call format at $file line $lineno.\n"
+ . "\t\t$before => $line\n";
+ }
+ }
+ # Separate the command from the data.
+ my ($cmd) = $line =~ /^(.)/i;
+ $line =~ s/^([^\s]+)\s+//i;
+ # Skipping this line?
+ my $skip = 0;
+ # Process the command.
+ if ($cmd eq '^') {
+ # This is a continue command. If we've skipped the line it continues, skip this too.
+ if ($skippedLast) {
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($cmd eq '!') {
+ my @fields = split(/\s+/, $line);
+ my $type = $fields[0];
+ # Make sure this isn't a RS version line.
+ if ($type =~ /version/i) {
+ my $v = $fields[2];
+ if (int($v) >= 2) {
+ print "\tSkipping file: it's already RiveScript v. 2 or greater.\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ # Obsolete types:
+ if ($type =~ /(addpath|include|syslib)/i) {
+ print "\tRemoving obsolete definition type \"$type\" at $file line $lineno.\n";
+ $skip = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($cmd eq '>') {
+ my @fields = split(/\s+/, $line);
+ my $type = $fields[0];
+ # Objects are slightly different now.
+ if ($type =~ /^object/i) {
+ my $name = $fields[1];
+ if (length $name) {
+ my $before = $line;
+ $line = "object $name perl";
+ $inObject = 1;
+ print "\tUpdated object declaration at $file line $lineno.\n"
+ . "\t\t$before ==> $line\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ print "\tWarning: found object at $file line $lineno but can't determine its name.\n";
+ push (@warnings,"Found object at $file line $lineno but can't determine its name.\n"
+ . "\t$cmd $line");
+ $inObject = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($cmd eq '*') {
+ my ($cond,$do) = ('','');
+ my $before = $line;
+ if ($line =~ /=\>/) {
+ ($cond,$do) = split(/=\>/, $line, 2);
+ }
+ elsif ($line =~ /::/) {
+ ($cond,$do) = split(/::/, $line, 2);
+ }
+ else {
+ print "\tWarning: can't parse conditionals at $file line $lineno.\n";
+ push (@warnings,"Can't parse conditionals at $file line $lineno:\n"
+ . "\t$cmd $line");
+ next;
+ }
+ $cond =~ s/^\s+//g;
+ $cond =~ s/\s+$//g;
+ $do =~ s/^\s+//g;
+ $do =~ s/\s+$//g;
+ my ($left,$eq,$right) = ($cond =~ /^(.+?)\s*(=|\!=|\<|\<=|\>|\>=|\?)\s*(.+?)$/i);
+ if ($eq eq '=') {
+ if ($right =~ /^[0-9]+$/) {
+ $line = "<get $left> == $right => $do";
+ }
+ else {
+ $line = "<get $left> eq $right => $do";
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($eq eq '!=') {
+ if ($right =~ /^[0-9]+$/) {
+ $line = "<get $left> != $right => $do";
+ }
+ else {
+ $line = "<get $left> ne $right => $do";
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($eq eq '?') {
+ $line = "<get $left> != undefined => $do";
+ }
+ else {
+ $line = "<get $left> $eq $right => $do";
+ }
+ print "\tConverted conditionals at $file line $lineno.\n"
+ . "\t\tBefore: $before\n"
+ . "\t\tAfter: $line\n";
+ }
+ elsif ($cmd eq '&') {
+ # This command is obsolete.
+ print "\tSkipping obsolete Perl command (&) at $file line $lineno.\n";
+ $skip = 1;
+ }
+ # Skipping this line?
+ if ($skip) {
+ $skippedLast = 1;
+ next;
+ }
+ $skippedLast = 0;
+ if ($cmd =~ /^(\!|>|\+|\-|\%|\^|\@|\*|\#)$/i) {
+ push (@new,join(" ",$cmd,$line));
+ }
+ else {
+ push (@new,join("",$cmd,$line));
+ }
+ }
+ # Cut off the directory.
+ my $name = $file;
+ if (length $out) {
+ my @parts = split(/(\/|\\)/, $file);
+ $name = pop(@parts);
+ }
+ # Save the file.
+ if (length $out) {
+ print "=> Writing $out/$name\n";
+ open (WRITE, ">$out/$name");
+ print WRITE join("\n",@new);
+ close (WRITE);
+ }
+ else {
+ print "=> Writing $name\n";
+ open (WRITE, ">$name");
+ print WRITE join("\n",@new);
+ close (WRITE);
+ }
+sub usage {
+ print "Usage: rsup [--out --ext --backup --dontfixperl] <docs or directories>\n"
+ . "Try `rsup --help` for more information.\n";
+ exit(0);
+sub help {
+ exit(0);
+=head1 NAME
+rsup - Upgrade RiveScript 1.x documents to the new 2.x standards.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ rsup [--out --ext --backup --dontfixperl] <files or folders>
+When RiveScript was rewritten to a new standard, a certain areas of backwards
+compatibility became broken. See the L<RiveScript::WD> document for details of
+the incompatible changes.
+This command-line tool can upgrade obsolete RiveScript code to fix these
+incompatibilities and allow it to be parsed by a RiveScript 2 interpreter.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item --out <directory>
+=item -o
+Specify a directory to output the new documents. If not specified, the files
+being read from will be replaced with the new documents.
+=item --ext <>
+=item -x
+For any arguments that are directories, all files in that directory ending with
+this extension are read. Default is C<.rs>
+=item --backup
+=item --bak
+=item -b
+Specify this flag if you want backup files (such as those created by Emacs
+or gEdit) to be processed. The default is to B<not> read these files.
+=item --dontfixperl
+=item -p
+When reading in Perl objects, C<rsup> will, by default, attempt to fix the C<@_>
+lines to include C<$rs>, the reference to the RS instance. Since this will
+modify the code of your object, you can specify this flag to disable this
+=item directories or documents
+After specifying command-line arguments, give C<rsup> a list of directories or
+files to work on. For directories, they are opened and any RiveScript documents
+inside are automatically processed. For individual files, just these files will
+be processed.
+=head1 CAVEATS
+This program is still under development. It tries its best to upgrade old
+RiveScript code to the new standards, but it's not perfect. It will output
+everything it changes to the terminal, but you may need to go through and make
+some custom tweaks to fix anything that it didn't translate properly.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Casey Kirsle,