path: root/doc/html/index.htm
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-<h1>SFML Documentation</h1>
-<h3 align="center">1.6 </h3><h2><a class="anchor" name="welcome">
-Welcome to the official SFML documentation. Here you will find a detailed view of all the SFML <a href="./annotated.htm">classes</a>, as well as source <a href="./files.htm">files</a>. <br>
- If you are looking for tutorials, you can visit the official website at <a href=""></a>.<h2><a class="anchor" name="example">
-Short example</a></h2>
-Here is a short example, to show you how simple it is to use SFML :<p>
-<div class="fragment"><pre class="fragment"><span class="preprocessor"> #include &lt;SFML/Audio.hpp&gt;</span>
-<span class="preprocessor"> #include &lt;SFML/Graphics.hpp&gt;</span>
- <span class="keywordtype">int</span> main()
- {
- <span class="comment">// Create the main window</span>
- <a class="code" href="classsf_1_1RenderWindow.htm" title="Simple wrapper for sf::Window that allows easy 2D rendering.">sf::RenderWindow</a> App(<a class="code" href="classsf_1_1VideoMode.htm" title="VideoMode defines a video mode (width, height, bpp, frequency) and provides static...">sf::VideoMode</a>(800, 600), <span class="stringliteral">"SFML window"</span>);
- <span class="comment">// Load a sprite to display</span>
- <a class="code" href="classsf_1_1Image.htm" title="Image is the low-level class for loading and manipulating images.">sf::Image</a> Image;
- <span class="keywordflow">if</span> (!Image.<a class="code" href="classsf_1_1Image.htm#7cf6316aa5d022e0bdd95f1e79c9f50b" title="Load the image from a file.">LoadFromFile</a>(<span class="stringliteral">"cute_image.jpg"</span>))
- <span class="keywordflow">return</span> EXIT_FAILURE;
- <a class="code" href="classsf_1_1Sprite.htm" title="Sprite defines a sprite : texture, transformations, color, and draw on screen.">sf::Sprite</a> Sprite(Image);
- <span class="comment">// Create a graphical string to display</span>
- <a class="code" href="classsf_1_1Font.htm" title="Font is the low-level class for loading and manipulating character fonts.">sf::Font</a> Arial;
- <span class="keywordflow">if</span> (!Arial.<a class="code" href="classsf_1_1Font.htm#c1f0de973bdb9485b5f0bf4aacb717e5" title="Load the font from a file.">LoadFromFile</a>(<span class="stringliteral">"arial.ttf"</span>))
- <span class="keywordflow">return</span> EXIT_FAILURE;
- <a class="code" href="classsf_1_1String.htm" title="String defines a graphical 2D text, that can be drawn on screen.">sf::String</a> Text(<span class="stringliteral">"Hello SFML"</span>, Arial, 50);
- <span class="comment">// Load a music to play</span>
- <a class="code" href="classsf_1_1Music.htm" title="Music defines a big sound played using streaming, so usually what we call a music...">sf::Music</a> Music;
- <span class="keywordflow">if</span> (!Music.<a class="code" href="classsf_1_1Music.htm#26986766bc5674a87da1bcb10bef59db" title="Open a music file (doesn&amp;#39;t play it -- call Play() for that).">OpenFromFile</a>(<span class="stringliteral">"nice_music.ogg"</span>))
- <span class="keywordflow">return</span> EXIT_FAILURE;
- <span class="comment">// Play the music</span>
- Music.<a class="code" href="classsf_1_1SoundStream.htm#4d8437ef9a952fe3798bd239ff20d9bf" title="Start playing the audio stream.">Play</a>();
- <span class="comment">// Start the game loop</span>
- <span class="keywordflow">while</span> (App.IsOpened())
- {
- <span class="comment">// Process events</span>
- <a class="code" href="classsf_1_1Event.htm" title="Event defines a system event and its parameters.">sf::Event</a> Event;
- <span class="keywordflow">while</span> (App.GetEvent(Event))
- {
- <span class="comment">// Close window : exit</span>
- <span class="keywordflow">if</span> (Event.<a class="code" href="classsf_1_1Event.htm#90d5da29dd2f49d13dc10e7a402c0b65" title="Type of the event.">Type</a> == sf::Event::Closed)
- App.Close();
- }
- <span class="comment">// Clear screen</span>
- App.Clear();
- <span class="comment">// Draw the sprite</span>
- App.Draw(Sprite);
- <span class="comment">// Draw the string</span>
- App.Draw(Text);
- <span class="comment">// Update the window</span>
- App.Display();
- }
- <span class="keywordflow">return</span> EXIT_SUCCESS;
- }
-</pre></div> </div>
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- Documentation generated by <a href="" title="doxygen website">doxygen 1.5.2</a> &nbsp;::&nbsp;
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