path: root/src/SFML/Window/DRM/DRMContext.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/SFML/Window/DRM/DRMContext.cpp')
1 files changed, 872 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/SFML/Window/DRM/DRMContext.cpp b/src/SFML/Window/DRM/DRMContext.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa6d96d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SFML/Window/DRM/DRMContext.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,872 @@
+// SFML - Simple and Fast Multimedia Library
+// Copyright (C) 2023 Andrew Mickelson
+// 2013 Jonathan De Wachter (
+// This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
+// In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
+// Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+// including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely,
+// subject to the following restrictions:
+// 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented;
+// you must not claim that you wrote the original software.
+// If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment
+// in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
+// 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such,
+// and must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
+// 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
+// Headers
+#include <SFML/Window/DRM/DRMContext.hpp>
+#include <SFML/Window/DRM/WindowImplDRM.hpp>
+#include <SFML/System/Err.hpp>
+#include <SFML/System/Sleep.hpp>
+#include <cerrno>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <poll.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <xf86drm.h>
+// We check for this definition in order to avoid multiple definitions of GLAD
+// entities during unity builds of SFML.
+#include <glad/egl.h>
+ struct DrmFb
+ {
+ gbm_bo* bo;
+ sf::Uint32 fbId;
+ };
+ bool initialized = false;
+ sf::priv::Drm drmNode;
+ drmEventContext drmEventCtx;
+ pollfd pollFD;
+ gbm_device* gbmDevice = NULL;
+ int contextCount = 0;
+ EGLDisplay display = EGL_NO_DISPLAY;
+ int waitingForFlip = 0;
+ static void pageFlipHandler(int fd, unsigned int frame,
+ unsigned int sec, unsigned int usec, void* data)
+ {
+ // suppress unused param warning
+ (void)fd, (void)frame, (void)sec, (void)usec;
+ int* temp = static_cast<int*>(data);
+ *temp = 0;
+ }
+ static bool waitForFlip(int timeout)
+ {
+ while (waitingForFlip)
+ {
+ pollFD.revents = 0;
+ if (poll(&pollFD, 1, timeout) < 0)
+ return false;
+ if (pollFD.revents & (POLLHUP | POLLERR))
+ return false;
+ if (pollFD.revents & POLLIN)
+ {
+ drmHandleEvent(drmNode.fileDescriptor, &drmEventCtx);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ void cleanup()
+ {
+ if (!initialized)
+ return;
+ drmModeSetCrtc(drmNode.fileDescriptor,
+ drmNode.originalCrtc->crtc_id,
+ drmNode.originalCrtc->buffer_id,
+ drmNode.originalCrtc->x,
+ drmNode.originalCrtc->y,
+ &drmNode.connectorId,
+ 1,
+ &drmNode.originalCrtc->mode);
+ drmModeFreeConnector(drmNode.savedConnector);
+ drmModeFreeEncoder(drmNode.savedEncoder);
+ drmModeFreeCrtc(drmNode.originalCrtc);
+ eglTerminate(display);
+ display = EGL_NO_DISPLAY;
+ gbm_device_destroy(gbmDevice);
+ gbmDevice = NULL;
+ close(drmNode.fileDescriptor);
+ drmNode.fileDescriptor = -1;
+ drmNode.mode = 0;
+ std::memset(&pollFD, 0, sizeof(pollfd));
+ std::memset(&drmEventCtx, 0, sizeof(drmEventContext));
+ waitingForFlip = 0;
+ initialized = false;
+ }
+ void drmFbDestroyCallback(gbm_bo* bo, void* data)
+ {
+ int drmFd = gbm_device_get_fd(gbm_bo_get_device(bo));
+ DrmFb* fb = static_cast<DrmFb*>(data);
+ if (fb->fbId)
+ drmModeRmFB(drmFd, fb->fbId);
+ delete fb;
+ }
+ DrmFb* drmFbGetFromBo(gbm_bo& bo)
+ {
+ int drmFd = gbm_device_get_fd(gbm_bo_get_device(&bo));
+ DrmFb* fb = static_cast<DrmFb*>(gbm_bo_get_user_data(&bo));
+ if (fb)
+ return fb;
+ fb = new DrmFb();
+ fb->bo = &bo;
+ const sf::Uint32 width = gbm_bo_get_width(&bo);
+ const sf::Uint32 height = gbm_bo_get_height(&bo);
+ const sf::Uint32 format = gbm_bo_get_format(&bo);
+ sf::Uint32 strides[4] = {0};
+ sf::Uint32 handles[4] = {0};
+ sf::Uint32 offsets[4] = {0};
+ uint64_t modifiers[4] = {0};
+ modifiers[0] = gbm_bo_get_modifier(&bo);
+ const int num_planes = gbm_bo_get_plane_count(&bo);
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_planes; ++i)
+ {
+ strides[i] = gbm_bo_get_stride_for_plane(&bo, i);
+ handles[i] = gbm_bo_get_handle(&bo).u32;
+ offsets[i] = gbm_bo_get_offset(&bo, i);
+ modifiers[i] = modifiers[0];
+ }
+ sf::Uint32 flags = 0;
+ if (modifiers[0])
+ {
+ }
+ int result = drmModeAddFB2WithModifiers(drmFd, width, height, format, handles, strides, offsets, modifiers, &fb->fbId, flags);
+ if (result)
+ {
+ std::memset(handles, 0, 16);
+ handles[0] = gbm_bo_get_handle(&bo).u32;
+ std::memset(strides, 0, 16);
+ strides[0] = gbm_bo_get_stride(&bo);
+ std::memset(offsets, 0, 16);
+ result = drmModeAddFB2(drmFd, width, height, format, handles, strides, offsets, &fb->fbId, 0);
+ }
+ if (result)
+ {
+ sf::err() << "Failed to create fb: " << std::strerror(errno) << std::endl;
+ delete fb;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ gbm_bo_set_user_data(&bo, fb, drmFbDestroyCallback);
+ return fb;
+ }
+ sf::Uint32 findCrtcForEncoder(const drmModeRes& resources, const drmModeEncoder& encoder)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < resources.count_crtcs; ++i)
+ {
+ // Possible_crtcs is a bitmask as described here:
+ //
+ const sf::Uint32 crtcMask = 1U << i;
+ const sf::Uint32 crtcId = resources.crtcs[i];
+ if (encoder.possible_crtcs & crtcMask)
+ {
+ return crtcId;
+ }
+ }
+ // No match found
+ return 0;
+ }
+ sf::Uint32 findCrtcForConnector(const sf::priv::Drm& drm, const drmModeRes& resources, const drmModeConnector& connector)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < connector.count_encoders; ++i)
+ {
+ const sf::Uint32 encoderId = connector.encoders[i];
+ const drmModeEncoderPtr encoder = drmModeGetEncoder(drm.fileDescriptor, encoderId);
+ if (encoder)
+ {
+ const sf::Uint32 crtcId = findCrtcForEncoder(resources, *encoder);
+ drmModeFreeEncoder(encoder);
+ if (crtcId != 0)
+ {
+ return crtcId;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // No match found
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int getResources(int fd, drmModeResPtr& resources)
+ {
+ resources = drmModeGetResources(fd);
+ if (resources == NULL)
+ return -1;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int hasMonitorConnected(int fd, drmModeRes& resources)
+ {
+ drmModeConnectorPtr connector;
+ for (int i = 0; i < resources.count_connectors; ++i)
+ {
+ connector = drmModeGetConnector(fd, resources.connectors[i]);
+ if (connector->connection == DRM_MODE_CONNECTED)
+ {
+ // There is a monitor connected
+ drmModeFreeConnector(connector);
+ connector = NULL;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ drmModeFreeConnector(connector);
+ connector = NULL;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int findDrmDevice(drmModeResPtr& resources)
+ {
+ static const int maxDrmDevices = 64;
+ drmDevicePtr devices[maxDrmDevices] = { NULL };
+ const int numDevices = drmGetDevices2(0, devices, maxDrmDevices);
+ if (numDevices < 0)
+ {
+ sf::err() << "drmGetDevices2 failed: " << std::strerror(-numDevices) << std::endl;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ int fileDescriptor = -1;
+ for (int i = 0; i < numDevices; ++i)
+ {
+ drmDevicePtr device = devices[i];
+ int result = 0;
+ if (!(device->available_nodes & (1 << DRM_NODE_PRIMARY)))
+ continue;
+ // OK, it's a primary device. If we can get the drmModeResources, it means it's also a KMS-capable device.
+ fileDescriptor = open(device->nodes[DRM_NODE_PRIMARY], O_RDWR);
+ if (fileDescriptor < 0)
+ continue;
+ result = getResources(fileDescriptor, resources);
+#ifdef SFML_DEBUG
+ sf::err() << "DRM device used: " << i << std::endl;
+ if(!result && hasMonitorConnected(fileDescriptor, *resources) != 0)
+ break;
+ close(fileDescriptor);
+ fileDescriptor = -1;
+ }
+ drmFreeDevices(devices, numDevices);
+ if (fileDescriptor < 0)
+ sf::err() << "No drm device found!" << std::endl;
+ return fileDescriptor;
+ }
+ int initDrm(sf::priv::Drm& drm, const char* device, const char* modeStr, unsigned int vrefresh)
+ {
+ drmModeResPtr resources;
+ if (device)
+ {
+ drm.fileDescriptor = open(device, O_RDWR);
+ const int ret = getResources(drm.fileDescriptor, resources);
+ if (ret < 0 && errno == EOPNOTSUPP)
+ sf::err() << device << " does not look like a modeset device" << std::endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ drm.fileDescriptor = findDrmDevice(resources);
+ }
+ if (drm.fileDescriptor < 0)
+ {
+ sf::err() << "Could not open drm device" << std::endl;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (!resources)
+ {
+ sf::err() << "drmModeGetResources failed: " << std::strerror(errno) << std::endl;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ // Find a connected connector:
+ drmModeConnectorPtr connector = NULL;
+ for (int i = 0; i < resources->count_connectors; ++i)
+ {
+ connector = drmModeGetConnector(drm.fileDescriptor, resources->connectors[i]);
+ if (connector->connection == DRM_MODE_CONNECTED)
+ {
+ // It's connected, let's use this!
+ break;
+ }
+ drmModeFreeConnector(connector);
+ connector = NULL;
+ }
+ if (!connector)
+ {
+ // We could be fancy and listen for hotplug events and wait for a connector..
+ sf::err() << "No connected connector!" << std::endl;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ // Find user requested mode:
+ if (modeStr && *modeStr)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < connector->count_modes; ++i)
+ {
+ drmModeModeInfoPtr currentMode = &connector->modes[i];
+ if (std::strcmp(currentMode->name, modeStr) == 0)
+ {
+ if (vrefresh == 0 || currentMode->vrefresh == vrefresh)
+ {
+ drm.mode = currentMode;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!drm.mode)
+ sf::err() << "Requested mode not found, using default mode!" << std::endl;
+ }
+ // Find encoder:
+ drmModeEncoderPtr encoder = NULL;
+ for (int i = 0; i < resources->count_encoders; ++i)
+ {
+ encoder = drmModeGetEncoder(drm.fileDescriptor, resources->encoders[i]);
+ if (encoder->encoder_id == connector->encoder_id)
+ break;
+ drmModeFreeEncoder(encoder);
+ encoder = NULL;
+ }
+ if (encoder)
+ {
+ drm.crtcId = encoder->crtc_id;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const sf::Uint32 crtcId = findCrtcForConnector(drm, *resources, *connector);
+ if (crtcId == 0)
+ {
+ sf::err() << "No crtc found!" << std::endl;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ drm.crtcId = crtcId;
+ }
+ drmModeFreeResources(resources);
+ drm.connectorId = connector->connector_id;
+ drm.savedConnector = connector;
+ drm.savedEncoder = encoder;
+ // Get original display mode so we can restore display mode after program exits
+ drm.originalCrtc = drmModeGetCrtc(drm.fileDescriptor, drm.crtcId);
+ // Let's use the current mode rather than the preferred one if the user didn't specify a mode with env vars
+ if (!drm.mode)
+ {
+#ifdef SFML_DEBUG
+ sf::err() << "DRM using the current mode" << std::endl;
+ drm.mode = &(drm.originalCrtc->mode);
+ }
+#ifdef SFML_DEBUG
+ sf::err() << "DRM Mode used: " << drm.mode->name << "@" << drm.mode->vrefresh << std::endl;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ void checkInit()
+ {
+ if (initialized)
+ return;
+ // Use environment variable "SFML_DRM_DEVICE" (or NULL if not set)
+ char* deviceString = std::getenv("SFML_DRM_DEVICE");
+ if (deviceString && !*deviceString)
+ deviceString = NULL;
+ // Use environment variable "SFML_DRM_MODE" (or NULL if not set)
+ char* modeString = std::getenv("SFML_DRM_MODE");
+ // Use environment variable "SFML_DRM_REFRESH" (or 0 if not set)
+ // Use in combination with mode to request specific refresh rate for the mode
+ // if multiple refresh rates for same mode might be supported
+ unsigned int refreshRate = 0;
+ char* refreshString = std::getenv("SFML_DRM_REFRESH");
+ if (refreshString)
+ refreshRate = static_cast<unsigned int>(atoi(refreshString));
+ if (initDrm(drmNode,
+ deviceString, // device
+ modeString, // requested mode
+ refreshRate) < 0) // screen refresh rate
+ {
+ sf::err() << "Error initializing DRM" << std::endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ gbmDevice = gbm_create_device(drmNode.fileDescriptor);
+ std::atexit(cleanup);
+ initialized = true;
+ pollFD.fd = drmNode.fileDescriptor;
+ drmEventCtx.version = 2;
+ drmEventCtx.page_flip_handler = pageFlipHandler;
+ }
+ EGLDisplay getInitializedDisplay()
+ {
+ checkInit();
+ if (display == EGL_NO_DISPLAY)
+ {
+ gladLoaderLoadEGL(EGL_NO_DISPLAY);
+ eglCheck(display = eglGetDisplay(reinterpret_cast<EGLNativeDisplayType>(gbmDevice)));
+ EGLint major, minor;
+ eglCheck(eglInitialize(display, &major, &minor));
+ gladLoaderLoadEGL(display);
+#if defined(SFML_OPENGL_ES)
+ if (!eglBindAPI(EGL_OPENGL_ES_API))
+ {
+ sf::err() << "failed to bind api EGL_OPENGL_ES_API" << std::endl;
+ }
+ if (!eglBindAPI(EGL_OPENGL_API))
+ {
+ sf::err() << "failed to bind api EGL_OPENGL_API" << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ return display;
+ }
+namespace sf
+namespace priv
+DRMContext::DRMContext(DRMContext* shared) :
+m_display (EGL_NO_DISPLAY),
+m_context (EGL_NO_CONTEXT),
+m_surface (EGL_NO_SURFACE),
+m_config (NULL),
+m_currentBO (NULL),
+m_nextBO (NULL),
+m_gbmSurface (NULL),
+m_width (0),
+m_height (0),
+m_shown (false),
+m_scanOut (false)
+ contextCount++;
+ // Get the initialized EGL display
+ m_display = getInitializedDisplay();
+ // Get the best EGL config matching the default video settings
+ m_config = getBestConfig(m_display, VideoMode::getDesktopMode().bitsPerPixel, ContextSettings());
+ updateSettings();
+ // Create EGL context
+ createContext(shared);
+ if (shared)
+ createSurface(shared->m_width, shared->m_height, VideoMode::getDesktopMode().bitsPerPixel, false);
+ else // create a surface to force the GL to initialize (seems to be required for glGetString() etc )
+ createSurface(1, 1, VideoMode::getDesktopMode().bitsPerPixel, false);
+DRMContext::DRMContext(DRMContext* shared, const ContextSettings& settings, const WindowImpl* owner, unsigned int bitsPerPixel) :
+m_display (EGL_NO_DISPLAY),
+m_context (EGL_NO_CONTEXT),
+m_surface (EGL_NO_SURFACE),
+m_config (NULL),
+m_currentBO (NULL),
+m_nextBO (NULL),
+m_gbmSurface (NULL),
+m_width (0),
+m_height (0),
+m_shown (false),
+m_scanOut (false)
+ contextCount++;
+ // Get the initialized EGL display
+ m_display = getInitializedDisplay();
+ // Get the best EGL config matching the requested video settings
+ m_config = getBestConfig(m_display, bitsPerPixel, settings);
+ updateSettings();
+ // Create EGL context
+ createContext(shared);
+ if (owner)
+ {
+ Vector2u size = owner->getSize();
+ createSurface(size.x, size.y, bitsPerPixel, true);
+ }
+DRMContext::DRMContext(DRMContext* shared, const ContextSettings& settings, unsigned int width, unsigned int height) :
+m_display (EGL_NO_DISPLAY),
+m_context (EGL_NO_CONTEXT),
+m_surface (EGL_NO_SURFACE),
+m_config (NULL),
+m_currentBO (NULL),
+m_nextBO (NULL),
+m_gbmSurface (NULL),
+m_width (0),
+m_height (0),
+m_shown (false),
+m_scanOut (false)
+ contextCount++;
+ // Get the initialized EGL display
+ m_display = getInitializedDisplay();
+ // Get the best EGL config matching the requested video settings
+ m_config = getBestConfig(m_display, VideoMode::getDesktopMode().bitsPerPixel, settings);
+ updateSettings();
+ // Create EGL context
+ createContext(shared);
+ createSurface(width, height, VideoMode::getDesktopMode().bitsPerPixel, false);
+ // Deactivate the current context
+ EGLContext currentContext;
+ eglCheck(currentContext = eglGetCurrentContext());
+ if (currentContext == m_context)
+ {
+ eglCheck(eglMakeCurrent(m_display, EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_NO_CONTEXT));
+ }
+ // Destroy context
+ if (m_context != EGL_NO_CONTEXT)
+ {
+ eglCheck(eglDestroyContext(m_display, m_context));
+ m_context = EGL_NO_CONTEXT;
+ }
+ // Destroy surface
+ if (m_surface != EGL_NO_SURFACE)
+ {
+ eglCheck(eglDestroySurface(m_display, m_surface));
+ m_surface = EGL_NO_SURFACE;
+ }
+ if (m_currentBO)
+ gbm_surface_release_buffer(m_gbmSurface, m_currentBO);
+ if (m_nextBO)
+ gbm_surface_release_buffer(m_gbmSurface, m_nextBO);
+ if (m_gbmSurface)
+ gbm_surface_destroy(m_gbmSurface);
+ contextCount--;
+ if (contextCount == 0)
+ cleanup();
+bool DRMContext::makeCurrent(bool current)
+ const EGLSurface surface = current ? m_surface : EGL_NO_SURFACE;
+ const EGLContext context = current ? m_context : EGL_NO_CONTEXT;
+ return m_surface != EGL_NO_SURFACE && eglMakeCurrent(m_display, surface, surface, context);
+void DRMContext::display()
+ if (m_surface == EGL_NO_SURFACE)
+ return;
+ if (!m_scanOut)
+ {
+ eglCheck(eglSwapBuffers(m_display, m_surface));
+ return;
+ }
+ // Handle display of buffer to the screen
+ DrmFb* fb = NULL;
+ if (!waitForFlip(-1))
+ return;
+ if (m_currentBO)
+ {
+ gbm_surface_release_buffer(m_gbmSurface, m_currentBO);
+ m_currentBO = NULL;
+ }
+ eglCheck(eglSwapBuffers(m_display, m_surface));
+ m_currentBO = m_nextBO;
+ // This call must be preceeded by a single call to eglSwapBuffers()
+ m_nextBO = gbm_surface_lock_front_buffer(m_gbmSurface);
+ if (!m_nextBO)
+ return;
+ fb = drmFbGetFromBo(*m_nextBO);
+ if (!fb)
+ {
+ err() << "Failed to get FB from buffer object" << std::endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ // If first time, need to first call drmModeSetCrtc()
+ if (!m_shown)
+ {
+ if (drmModeSetCrtc(drmNode.fileDescriptor, drmNode.crtcId, fb->fbId, 0, 0, &drmNode.connectorId, 1, drmNode.mode))
+ {
+ err() << "Failed to set mode: " << std::strerror(errno) << std::endl;
+ std::abort();
+ }
+ m_shown = true;
+ }
+ // Do page flip
+ if (!drmModePageFlip(drmNode.fileDescriptor, drmNode.crtcId, fb->fbId, DRM_MODE_PAGE_FLIP_EVENT, &waitingForFlip))
+ waitingForFlip = 1;
+void DRMContext::setVerticalSyncEnabled(bool enabled)
+ eglCheck(eglSwapInterval(m_display, enabled ? 1 : 0));
+void DRMContext::createContext(DRMContext* shared)
+ const EGLint contextVersion[] =
+ {
+ };
+ EGLContext toShared;
+ if (shared)
+ toShared = shared->m_context;
+ else
+ toShared = EGL_NO_CONTEXT;
+ if (toShared != EGL_NO_CONTEXT)
+ eglMakeCurrent(m_display, EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_NO_CONTEXT);
+ // Create EGL context
+ eglCheck(m_context = eglCreateContext(m_display, m_config, toShared, contextVersion));
+ if (m_context == EGL_NO_CONTEXT)
+ err() << "Failed to create EGL context" << std::endl;
+void DRMContext::createSurface(unsigned int width, unsigned int height, unsigned int /*bpp*/, bool scanout)
+ sf::Uint32 flags = GBM_BO_USE_RENDERING;
+ m_scanOut = scanout;
+ if (m_scanOut)
+ flags |= GBM_BO_USE_SCANOUT;
+ m_gbmSurface = gbm_surface_create(
+ gbmDevice,
+ width,
+ height,
+ flags);
+ if (!m_gbmSurface)
+ {
+ err() << "Failed to create gbm surface." << std::endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ m_width = width;
+ m_height = height;
+ eglCheck(m_surface = eglCreateWindowSurface(m_display, m_config, reinterpret_cast<EGLNativeWindowType>(m_gbmSurface), NULL));
+ if (m_surface == EGL_NO_SURFACE)
+ {
+ err() << "Failed to create EGL Surface" << std::endl;
+ }
+void DRMContext::destroySurface()
+ eglCheck(eglDestroySurface(m_display, m_surface));
+ m_surface = EGL_NO_SURFACE;
+ gbm_surface_destroy(m_gbmSurface);
+ m_gbmSurface = NULL;
+ // Ensure that this context is no longer active since our surface is now destroyed
+ setActive(false);
+EGLConfig DRMContext::getBestConfig(EGLDisplay display, unsigned int bitsPerPixel, const ContextSettings& settings)
+ // Set our video settings constraint
+ const EGLint attributes[] =
+ {
+ EGL_BUFFER_SIZE, static_cast<EGLint>(bitsPerPixel),
+ EGL_DEPTH_SIZE, static_cast<EGLint>(settings.depthBits),
+ EGL_STENCIL_SIZE, static_cast<EGLint>(settings.stencilBits),
+ EGL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS, static_cast<EGLint>(settings.antialiasingLevel),
+#if defined(SFML_OPENGL_ES)
+ };
+ EGLint configCount;
+ EGLConfig configs[1];
+ // Ask EGL for the best config matching our video settings
+ eglCheck(eglChooseConfig(display, attributes, configs, 1, &configCount));
+ return configs[0];
+void DRMContext::updateSettings()
+ EGLint tmp;
+ // Update the internal context settings with the current config
+ eglCheck(eglGetConfigAttrib(m_display, m_config, EGL_DEPTH_SIZE, &tmp));
+ m_settings.depthBits = static_cast<unsigned int>(tmp);
+ eglCheck(eglGetConfigAttrib(m_display, m_config, EGL_STENCIL_SIZE, &tmp));
+ m_settings.stencilBits = static_cast<unsigned int>(tmp);
+ eglCheck(eglGetConfigAttrib(m_display, m_config, EGL_SAMPLES, &tmp));
+ m_settings.antialiasingLevel = static_cast<unsigned int>(tmp);
+ m_settings.majorVersion = 1;
+ m_settings.minorVersion = 1;
+ m_settings.attributeFlags = ContextSettings::Default;
+GlFunctionPointer DRMContext::getFunction(const char* name)
+ return reinterpret_cast<GlFunctionPointer>(eglGetProcAddress(name));
+Drm& DRMContext::getDRM()
+ checkInit();
+ return drmNode;
+} // namespace priv
+} // namespace sf