path: root/src/SFML/Window/Linux/.svn/text-base/WindowImplX11.hpp.svn-base
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/SFML/Window/Linux/.svn/text-base/WindowImplX11.hpp.svn-base')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 277 deletions
diff --git a/src/SFML/Window/Linux/.svn/text-base/WindowImplX11.hpp.svn-base b/src/SFML/Window/Linux/.svn/text-base/WindowImplX11.hpp.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
index b4506fc..0000000
--- a/src/SFML/Window/Linux/.svn/text-base/WindowImplX11.hpp.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,277 +0,0 @@
-// SFML - Simple and Fast Multimedia Library
-// Copyright (C) 2007 Laurent Gomila (
-// This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
-// In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
-// Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
-// including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely,
-// subject to the following restrictions:
-// 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented;
-// you must not claim that you wrote the original software.
-// If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment
-// in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
-// 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such,
-// and must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
-// 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
-// Headers
-#include <SFML/Window/Event.hpp>
-#include <SFML/Window/WindowImpl.hpp>
-#include <X11/Xlib.h>
-#include <GL/glx.h>
-#include <set>
-#include <string>
-namespace sf
-namespace priv
-class VideoModeSupport;
-/// WindowImplX11 is the Linux (X11) implementation of WindowImpl
-class WindowImplX11 : public WindowImpl
-public :
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// Default constructor
- /// (creates a dummy window to provide a valid OpenGL context)
- ///
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- WindowImplX11();
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// Construct the window implementation from an existing control
- ///
- /// \param Handle : Platform-specific handle of the control
- /// \param Params : Creation settings
- ///
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- WindowImplX11(WindowHandle Handle, WindowSettings& Params);
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// Create the window implementation
- ///
- /// \param Mode : Video mode to use
- /// \param Title : Title of the window
- /// \param WindowStyle : Window style (resizable, fixed, or fullscren)
- /// \param Params : Creation settings
- ///
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- WindowImplX11(VideoMode Mode, const std::string& Title, unsigned long WindowStyle, WindowSettings& Params);
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// Destructor
- ///
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ~WindowImplX11();
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// Check if there's an active context on the current thread
- ///
- /// \return True if there's a context bound to the current thread
- ///
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- static bool IsContextActive();
-private :
- friend class VideoModeSupport;
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// /see WindowImpl::Display
- ///
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- virtual void Display();
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// /see WindowImpl::ProcessEvents
- ///
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- virtual void ProcessEvents();
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// /see WindowImpl::SetActive
- ///
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- virtual void SetActive(bool Active = true) const;
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// /see WindowImpl::UseVerticalSync
- ///
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- virtual void UseVerticalSync(bool Enabled);
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// /see WindowImpl::ShowMouseCursor
- ///
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- virtual void ShowMouseCursor(bool Show);
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// /see sfWindowImpl::SetCursorPosition
- ///
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- virtual void SetCursorPosition(unsigned int Left, unsigned int Top);
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// /see sfWindowImpl::SetPosition
- ///
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- virtual void SetPosition(int Left, int Top);
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// /see WindowImpl::SetSize
- ///
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- virtual void SetSize(unsigned int Width, unsigned int Height);
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// /see sfWindowImpl::Show
- ///
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- virtual void Show(bool State);
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// /see sfWindowImpl::EnableKeyRepeat
- ///
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- virtual void EnableKeyRepeat(bool Enabled);
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// /see WindowImpl::SetIcon
- ///
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- virtual void SetIcon(unsigned int Width, unsigned int Height, const Uint8* Pixels);
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// Switch to fullscreen mode
- ///
- /// \param Mode : video mode to switch to
- ///
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void SwitchToFullscreen(const VideoMode& Mode);
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// Create the OpenGL rendering context
- ///
- /// \param Mode : Video mode to use
- /// \param ChosenVisual : Visual that has been chosen for creating the contexte
- /// \param Params : Creation parameters
- /// \param Template : Visual infos to match
- /// \param Mask : Visual attributes to check in Template
- ///
- /// \return True on success, false on error
- ///
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- bool CreateContext(const VideoMode& Mode, XVisualInfo& ChosenVisual, WindowSettings& Params, XVisualInfo Template = XVisualInfo(), unsigned long Mask = 0);
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// Do some common initializations after the window has been created
- ///
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void Initialize();
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// Create a transparent mouse cursor
- ///
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void CreateHiddenCursor();
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// Cleanup graphical resources attached to the window
- ///
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void CleanUp();
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// Filter the received events
- /// (only allow those matching a specific window)
- ///
- /// \param Event : Event to filter
- /// \param UserData : Data passed to the function (here : the window to compare)
- ///
- /// \return True if the event belongs to the specified window
- ///
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- static Bool CheckEvent(::Display*, XEvent* Event, XPointer UserData);
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// Process an incoming event from the window
- ///
- /// \param WinEvent : Event which has been received
- ///
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void ProcessEvent(XEvent WinEvent);
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// Convert a X11 keysym to SFML key code
- ///
- /// \param Sym : keysym to convert
- ///
- /// \return Corrsponding SFML key code
- ///
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- static Key::Code KeysymToSF(KeySym Sym);
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// Open the display (if not already done)
- ///
- /// \param AddWindow : Tell whether or not we must increase the windows count
- ///
- /// \return True if the display is properly opened
- ///
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- static bool OpenDisplay(bool AddWindow = true);
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// Close the display
- ///
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- static void CloseDisplay();
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Static member data
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- static ::Display* ourDisplay; ///< Current opened display
- static int ourScreen; ///< Default screen on the opened display
- static WindowImplX11* ourFullscreenWindow; ///< Keep track of the active fullscreen window
- static unsigned int ourWindowsCount; ///< Number of windows created
- static unsigned long ourEventMask; ///< Mask defining the events that will be caught by our windows
- static XIM ourInputMethod; ///< Input object used to get unicode characters from keypress messages
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Member data
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ::Window myWindow; ///< X11 structure defining our window
- bool myIsExternal; ///< Tell whether the window has been created externally or by SFML
- GLXContext myGLContext; ///< OpenGL context attached to the window
- Atom myAtomClose; ///< Atom used to identify the close event
- int myOldVideoMode; ///< Video mode in use before we switch to fullscreen
- Cursor myHiddenCursor; ///< As X11 doesn't provide cursor hidding, we must create a transparent one
- XIC myInputContext; ///< Input context used to get unicode input in our window
- bool myKeyRepeat; ///< Is the KeyRepeat feature enabled ?
-} // namespace priv
-} // namespace sf