path: root/src/SFML/Window/Win32/InputImpl.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/SFML/Window/Win32/InputImpl.cpp')
1 files changed, 225 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/SFML/Window/Win32/InputImpl.cpp b/src/SFML/Window/Win32/InputImpl.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ad303b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SFML/Window/Win32/InputImpl.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+// SFML - Simple and Fast Multimedia Library
+// Copyright (C) 2007-2013 Laurent Gomila (
+// This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
+// In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
+// Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+// including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely,
+// subject to the following restrictions:
+// 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented;
+// you must not claim that you wrote the original software.
+// If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment
+// in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
+// 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such,
+// and must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
+// 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
+// Headers
+#ifdef _WIN32_WINDOWS
+ #undef _WIN32_WINDOWS
+#ifdef _WIN32_WINNT
+ #undef _WIN32_WINNT
+#define _WIN32_WINDOWS 0x0501
+#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0501
+#include <SFML/Window/Window.hpp>
+#include <SFML/Window/Win32/InputImpl.hpp>
+#include <windows.h>
+namespace sf
+namespace priv
+bool InputImpl::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::Key key)
+ int vkey = 0;
+ switch (key)
+ {
+ default: vkey = 0; break;
+ case Keyboard::A: vkey = 'A'; break;
+ case Keyboard::B: vkey = 'B'; break;
+ case Keyboard::C: vkey = 'C'; break;
+ case Keyboard::D: vkey = 'D'; break;
+ case Keyboard::E: vkey = 'E'; break;
+ case Keyboard::F: vkey = 'F'; break;
+ case Keyboard::G: vkey = 'G'; break;
+ case Keyboard::H: vkey = 'H'; break;
+ case Keyboard::I: vkey = 'I'; break;
+ case Keyboard::J: vkey = 'J'; break;
+ case Keyboard::K: vkey = 'K'; break;
+ case Keyboard::L: vkey = 'L'; break;
+ case Keyboard::M: vkey = 'M'; break;
+ case Keyboard::N: vkey = 'N'; break;
+ case Keyboard::O: vkey = 'O'; break;
+ case Keyboard::P: vkey = 'P'; break;
+ case Keyboard::Q: vkey = 'Q'; break;
+ case Keyboard::R: vkey = 'R'; break;
+ case Keyboard::S: vkey = 'S'; break;
+ case Keyboard::T: vkey = 'T'; break;
+ case Keyboard::U: vkey = 'U'; break;
+ case Keyboard::V: vkey = 'V'; break;
+ case Keyboard::W: vkey = 'W'; break;
+ case Keyboard::X: vkey = 'X'; break;
+ case Keyboard::Y: vkey = 'Y'; break;
+ case Keyboard::Z: vkey = 'Z'; break;
+ case Keyboard::Num0: vkey = '0'; break;
+ case Keyboard::Num1: vkey = '1'; break;
+ case Keyboard::Num2: vkey = '2'; break;
+ case Keyboard::Num3: vkey = '3'; break;
+ case Keyboard::Num4: vkey = '4'; break;
+ case Keyboard::Num5: vkey = '5'; break;
+ case Keyboard::Num6: vkey = '6'; break;
+ case Keyboard::Num7: vkey = '7'; break;
+ case Keyboard::Num8: vkey = '8'; break;
+ case Keyboard::Num9: vkey = '9'; break;
+ case Keyboard::Escape: vkey = VK_ESCAPE; break;
+ case Keyboard::LControl: vkey = VK_LCONTROL; break;
+ case Keyboard::LShift: vkey = VK_LSHIFT; break;
+ case Keyboard::LAlt: vkey = VK_LMENU; break;
+ case Keyboard::LSystem: vkey = VK_LWIN; break;
+ case Keyboard::RControl: vkey = VK_RCONTROL; break;
+ case Keyboard::RShift: vkey = VK_RSHIFT; break;
+ case Keyboard::RAlt: vkey = VK_RMENU; break;
+ case Keyboard::RSystem: vkey = VK_RWIN; break;
+ case Keyboard::Menu: vkey = VK_APPS; break;
+ case Keyboard::LBracket: vkey = VK_OEM_4; break;
+ case Keyboard::RBracket: vkey = VK_OEM_6; break;
+ case Keyboard::SemiColon: vkey = VK_OEM_1; break;
+ case Keyboard::Comma: vkey = VK_OEM_COMMA; break;
+ case Keyboard::Period: vkey = VK_OEM_PERIOD; break;
+ case Keyboard::Quote: vkey = VK_OEM_7; break;
+ case Keyboard::Slash: vkey = VK_OEM_2; break;
+ case Keyboard::BackSlash: vkey = VK_OEM_5; break;
+ case Keyboard::Tilde: vkey = VK_OEM_3; break;
+ case Keyboard::Equal: vkey = VK_OEM_PLUS; break;
+ case Keyboard::Dash: vkey = VK_OEM_MINUS; break;
+ case Keyboard::Space: vkey = VK_SPACE; break;
+ case Keyboard::Return: vkey = VK_RETURN; break;
+ case Keyboard::BackSpace: vkey = VK_BACK; break;
+ case Keyboard::Tab: vkey = VK_TAB; break;
+ case Keyboard::PageUp: vkey = VK_PRIOR; break;
+ case Keyboard::PageDown: vkey = VK_NEXT; break;
+ case Keyboard::End: vkey = VK_END; break;
+ case Keyboard::Home: vkey = VK_HOME; break;
+ case Keyboard::Insert: vkey = VK_INSERT; break;
+ case Keyboard::Delete: vkey = VK_DELETE; break;
+ case Keyboard::Add: vkey = VK_ADD; break;
+ case Keyboard::Subtract: vkey = VK_SUBTRACT; break;
+ case Keyboard::Multiply: vkey = VK_MULTIPLY; break;
+ case Keyboard::Divide: vkey = VK_DIVIDE; break;
+ case Keyboard::Left: vkey = VK_LEFT; break;
+ case Keyboard::Right: vkey = VK_RIGHT; break;
+ case Keyboard::Up: vkey = VK_UP; break;
+ case Keyboard::Down: vkey = VK_DOWN; break;
+ case Keyboard::Numpad0: vkey = VK_NUMPAD0; break;
+ case Keyboard::Numpad1: vkey = VK_NUMPAD1; break;
+ case Keyboard::Numpad2: vkey = VK_NUMPAD2; break;
+ case Keyboard::Numpad3: vkey = VK_NUMPAD3; break;
+ case Keyboard::Numpad4: vkey = VK_NUMPAD4; break;
+ case Keyboard::Numpad5: vkey = VK_NUMPAD5; break;
+ case Keyboard::Numpad6: vkey = VK_NUMPAD6; break;
+ case Keyboard::Numpad7: vkey = VK_NUMPAD7; break;
+ case Keyboard::Numpad8: vkey = VK_NUMPAD8; break;
+ case Keyboard::Numpad9: vkey = VK_NUMPAD9; break;
+ case Keyboard::F1: vkey = VK_F1; break;
+ case Keyboard::F2: vkey = VK_F2; break;
+ case Keyboard::F3: vkey = VK_F3; break;
+ case Keyboard::F4: vkey = VK_F4; break;
+ case Keyboard::F5: vkey = VK_F5; break;
+ case Keyboard::F6: vkey = VK_F6; break;
+ case Keyboard::F7: vkey = VK_F7; break;
+ case Keyboard::F8: vkey = VK_F8; break;
+ case Keyboard::F9: vkey = VK_F9; break;
+ case Keyboard::F10: vkey = VK_F10; break;
+ case Keyboard::F11: vkey = VK_F11; break;
+ case Keyboard::F12: vkey = VK_F12; break;
+ case Keyboard::F13: vkey = VK_F13; break;
+ case Keyboard::F14: vkey = VK_F14; break;
+ case Keyboard::F15: vkey = VK_F16; break;
+ case Keyboard::Pause: vkey = VK_PAUSE; break;
+ }
+ return (GetAsyncKeyState(vkey) & 0x8000) != 0;
+bool InputImpl::isMouseButtonPressed(Mouse::Button button)
+ int vkey = 0;
+ switch (button)
+ {
+ case Mouse::Left: vkey = GetSystemMetrics(SM_SWAPBUTTON) ? VK_RBUTTON : VK_LBUTTON; break;
+ case Mouse::Right: vkey = GetSystemMetrics(SM_SWAPBUTTON) ? VK_LBUTTON : VK_RBUTTON; break;
+ case Mouse::Middle: vkey = VK_MBUTTON; break;
+ case Mouse::XButton1: vkey = VK_XBUTTON1; break;
+ case Mouse::XButton2: vkey = VK_XBUTTON2; break;
+ default: vkey = 0; break;
+ }
+ return (GetAsyncKeyState(vkey) & 0x8000) != 0;
+Vector2i InputImpl::getMousePosition()
+ POINT point;
+ GetCursorPos(&point);
+ return Vector2i(point.x, point.y);
+Vector2i InputImpl::getMousePosition(const Window& relativeTo)
+ WindowHandle handle = relativeTo.getSystemHandle();
+ if (handle)
+ {
+ POINT point;
+ GetCursorPos(&point);
+ ScreenToClient(handle, &point);
+ return Vector2i(point.x, point.y);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return Vector2i();
+ }
+void InputImpl::setMousePosition(const Vector2i& position)
+ SetCursorPos(position.x, position.y);
+void InputImpl::setMousePosition(const Vector2i& position, const Window& relativeTo)
+ WindowHandle handle = relativeTo.getSystemHandle();
+ if (handle)
+ {
+ POINT point = {position.x, position.y};
+ ClientToScreen(handle, &point);
+ SetCursorPos(point.x, point.y);
+ }
+} // namespace priv
+} // namespace sf