path: root/src/asciidoc/whats-new.adoc
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diff --git a/src/asciidoc/whats-new.adoc b/src/asciidoc/whats-new.adoc
index 5ad8910d..bb1cb1e5 100644
--- a/src/asciidoc/whats-new.adoc
+++ b/src/asciidoc/whats-new.adoc
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ Spring 4.1 also improves its own caching abstraction significantly:
common settings to be shared at the class level **without** enabling any cache operation.
* Better exception handling of cached methods using `CacheErrorHandler`
-Spring 4.1 also has a breaking change in the `CacheInterface` as a new `putIfAbsent`
+Spring 4.1 also has a breaking change in the `Cache` interface as a new `putIfAbsent`
method has been added.
=== Web Improvements
@@ -368,9 +368,9 @@ method has been added.
* Test property sources which automatically override system and application property
sources can be configured via the new `@TestPropertySource` annotation.
** See <<testcontext-ctx-management-property-sources>> for details.
-* Default ++TestExecutionListener++s can now be automatically discovered.
+* Default ``TestExecutionListener``s can now be automatically discovered.
** See <<testcontext-tel-config-automatic-discovery>> for details.
-* Custom ++TestExecutionListener++s can now be automatically merged with the default
+* Custom ``TestExecutionListener``s can now be automatically merged with the default
** See <<testcontext-tel-config-merging>> for details.
* The documentation for transactional testing support in the TestContext framework has
@@ -597,13 +597,13 @@ public @interface MyTestConfig {
subsequent release.
* `@Sql` now supports execution of _inlined SQL statements_ via a new
`statements` attribute.
-* The `ContextCache` that is used for caching ++ApplicationContext++s
+* The `ContextCache` that is used for caching ``ApplicationContext``s
between tests is now a public API with a default implementation that
can be replaced for custom caching needs.
* `DefaultTestContext`, `DefaultBootstrapContext`, and
`DefaultCacheAwareContextLoaderDelegate` are now public classes in the
`support` subpackage, allowing for custom extensions.
-* ++TestContextBootstrapper++s are now responsible for building the
+* ``TestContextBootstrapper``s are now responsible for building the
* In the Spring MVC Test framework, `MvcResult` details can now be logged
at `DEBUG` level or written to a custom `OutputStream` or `Writer`. See
@@ -616,9 +616,125 @@ public @interface MyTestConfig {
definition profiles.
* Embedded databases can now be automatically assigned a unique name,
allowing common test database configuration to be reused in different
- ++ApplicationContext++s within a test suite.
+ ``ApplicationContext``s within a test suite.
** See <<jdbc-embedded-database-unique-names>> for details.
* `MockHttpServletRequest` and `MockHttpServletResponse` now provide better
support for date header formatting via the `getDateHeader` and `setDateHeader`
+== New Features and Enhancements in Spring Framework 4.3
+=== Core Container Improvements
+* Core container exceptions provide richer metadata to evaluate programmatically.
+* Java 8 default methods get detected as bean property getters/setters.
+* It is no longer necessary to specify the `@Autowired` annotation if the target
+ bean only defines one constructor.
+* `@Configuration` classes support constructor injection.
+* Any SpEL expression used to specify the `condition` of an `@EventListener` can
+ now refer to beans (e.g. `@beanName.method()`).
+* _Composed annotations_ can now override array attributes in meta-annotations
+ with a single element of the component type of the array. For example, the
+ `String[] path` attribute of `@RequestMapping` can be overridden with
+ `String path` in a composed annotation.
+* `@Scheduled` and `@Schedules` may now be used as _meta-annotations_ to create
+ custom _composed annotations_ with attribute overrides.
+* `@Scheduled` is properly supported on beans of any scope.
+=== Data Access Improvements
+* `jdbc:initialize-database` and `jdbc:embedded-database` support a configurable
+ separator to be applied to each script.
+=== Caching Improvements
+Spring 4.3 allows concurrent calls on a given key to be synchronized so that the
+value is only computed once. This is an opt-in feature that should be enabled via
+the new `sync` attribute on `@Cacheable`. This features introduces a breaking
+change in the `Cache` interface as a `get(Object key, Callable<T> valueLoader)`
+method has been added.
+Spring 4.3 also improves the caching abstraction as follows:
+* SpEL expressions in caches-related annotations can now refer to beans (i.e.
+ `@beanName.method()`).
+* `ConcurrentMapCacheManager` and `ConcurrentMapCache` now support the serialization
+ of cache entries via a new `storeByValue` attribute.
+* `@Cacheable`, `@CacheEvict`, `@CachePut`, and `@Caching` may now be used as
+ _meta-annotations_ to create custom _composed annotations_ with attribute overrides.
+=== JMS Improvements
+* `@SendTo` can now be specified at the class level to share a common reply destination.
+* `@JmsListener` and `@JmsListeners` may now be used as _meta-annotations_ to create
+ custom _composed annotations_ with attribute overrides.
+=== Web Improvements
+* Built-in support for <<mvc-ann-requestmapping-head-options,HTTP HEAD and HTTP OPTIONS>>.
+* New `@GetMapping`, `@PostMapping`, `@PutMapping`, `@DeleteMapping`, and `@PatchMapping`
+ _composed annotations_ for `@RequestMapping`.
+** See <<mvc-ann-requestmapping-composed,Composed @RequestMapping Variants>> for details.
+* New `@RequestScope`, `@SessionScope`, and `@ApplicationScope` _composed annotations_
+ for web scopes.
+** See <<beans-factory-scopes-request,Request scope>>,
+ <<beans-factory-scopes-session,Session scope>>, and
+ <<beans-factory-scopes-application,Application scope>> for details.
+* New `@RestControllerAdvice` annotation with combined `@ControllerAdvice` with `@ResponseBody` semantics.
+* `@ResponseStatus` is now supported at the class level and inherited by all methods.
+* New `@SessionAttribute` annotation for access to session attributes (see <<mvc-ann-sessionattrib-global, example>>).
+* New `@RequestAttribute` annotation for access to request attributes (see <<mvc-ann-requestattrib, example>>).
+* `@ModelAttribute` allows preventing data binding via `binding=false` attribute (see <<mvc-ann-modelattrib-method-args, reference>>).
+* Consistent exposure of Errors and custom Throwables to MVC exception handlers.
+* Consistent charset handling in HTTP message converters, including a UTF-8 default for multipart text content.
+* Static resource handling uses the configured `ContentNegotiationManager` for media type determination.
+* `RestTemplate` and `AsyncRestTemplate` support strict URI variable encoding via `DefaultUriTemplateHandler`.
+* `AsyncRestTemplate` supports request interception.
+=== WebSocket Messaging Improvements
+* `@SendTo` and `@SendToUser` can now be specified at class-level to share a common destination.
+=== Testing Improvements
+* The JUnit support in the _Spring TestContext Framework_ now requires JUnit 4.12 or higher.
+* New `SpringRunner` _alias_ for the `SpringJUnit4ClassRunner`.
+* Test related annotations may now be declared on interfaces -- for example, for use with
+ _test interfaces_ that make use of Java 8 based interface default methods.
+* An empty declaration of `@ContextConfiguration` can now be completely omitted if default
+ XML files, Groovy scripts, or `@Configuration` classes are detected.
+* `@Transactional` test methods are no longer required to be `public` (e.g., in TestNG and JUnit 5).
+* `@BeforeTransaction` and `@AfterTransaction` methods are no longer required to be `public`
+ and may now be declared on Java 8 based interface default methods.
+* The `ApplicationContext` cache in the _Spring TestContext Framework_ is now bounded with a
+ default maximum size of 32 and a _least recently used_ eviction policy. The maximum size
+ can be configured by setting a JVM system property or Spring property called
+ `spring.test.context.cache.maxSize`.
+* New `ContextCustomizer` API for customizing a test `ApplicationContext` _after_ bean
+ definitions have been loaded into the context but _before_ the context has been refreshed.
+ Customizers can be registered globally by third parties, foregoing the need to implement a
+ custom `ContextLoader`.
+* `@Sql` and `@SqlGroup` may now be used as _meta-annotations_ to create custom _composed
+ annotations_ with attribute overrides.
+* `ReflectionTestUtils` now automatically unwraps proxies when setting or getting a field.
+* Server-side Spring MVC Test supports expectations on response headers with multiple values.
+* Server-side Spring MVC Test parses form data request content and populates request parameters.
+* Server-side Spring MVC Test supports mock-like assertions for invoked handler methods.
+* Client-side REST test support allows indicating how many times a request is expected and
+ whether the order of declaration for expectations should be ignored (see <<spring-mvc-test-client>>).
+* Client-side REST Test supports expectations for form data in the request body.
+=== Support for new library and server generations
+* Hibernate ORM 5.2 (still supporting 4.2/4.3 and 5.0/5.1 as well, with 3.6 deprecated now)
+* Jackson 2.8 (minimum raised to Jackson 2.6+ as of Spring 4.3)
+* OkHttp 3.x (still supporting OkHttp 2.x side by side)
+* Netty 4.1
+* Undertow 1.4
+* Tomcat 8.5.2 as well as 9.0 M6
+Furthermore, Spring Framework 4.3 embeds the updated ASM 5.1 and Objenesis 2.4 in