path: root/t
diff options
authorMarc van der Wal <>2022-10-06 14:09:44 +0200
committerMarc van der Wal <>2022-10-12 15:11:36 +0200
commitef0a666ee5b71ce029c61fc683bfbfeadd7d9f02 (patch)
tree167031f5c125e1d7f58dcee3d27de45d4e176afc /t
parentb545a9fc10a70dc5370ea04950d4bb5fbe390f60 (diff)
Improve access to text data in TXT records
So far, there has been no real elegant way of accessing the data in DNS TXT records. The only existing method, txtdata(), is implemented in XS code and has several issues. Firstly, it only returns the first string of the TXT record. Secondly, it returns that string in presentation format, that is, it returns a string which itself has surrounding quotes and contains decimal escapes for non-printable characters. This incorrect implementation is replaced with one in pure Perl. Normally, the only correct abstraction for TXT resource records is a list of strings. But for some use cases, such as SPF, DKIM and DMARC, the TXT record data ought to be treated as a single long string, which is the concatenation of all the strings in the TXT resource record data, without adding any spaces between consecutive strings. To my knowledge, there is no need to access the actual list of strings in the resource record data. This function could easily be made context-sensitive (e.g. by returning the list of strings in list context) if need be. This commit is also an excellent opportunity to rewrite the unit test for TXT resource records. The previous version needed Internet connectivity, but this new version can be run offline.
Diffstat (limited to 't')
1 files changed, 11 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/t/rr.t b/t/rr.t
index 9b7aa66..a442386 100644
--- a/t/rr.t
+++ b/t/rr.t
@@ -77,18 +77,18 @@ subtest 'AAAA' => sub {
subtest 'TXT' => sub {
- SKIP: {
- skip 'no network', 1 unless $ENV{TEST_WITH_NETWORK};
- my $se = Zonemaster::LDNS->new( '' );
- my $pt = $se->query( 'se', 'TXT' );
- plan skip_all => 'No response, cannot test' if not $pt;
- foreach my $rr ( $pt->answer ) {
- isa_ok( $rr, 'Zonemaster::LDNS::RR::TXT' );
- like( $rr->txtdata, qr/^"SE zone update: / );
- }
+ my @data = (
+ q{txt.test. 3600 IN TXT "Handling TXT RRs can be challenging"},
+ q{txt.test. 3600 IN TXT "because " "the data can " "be spl" "it up like " "this!"}
+ );
+ my @rrs = map { Zonemaster::LDNS::RR->new($_) } @data;
+ foreach my $rr ( @rrs ) {
+ isa_ok( $rr, 'Zonemaster::LDNS::RR::TXT' );
+ is( $rrs[0]->txtdata(), q{Handling TXT RRs can be challenging} );
+ is( $rrs[1]->txtdata(), q{because the data can be split up like this!} );
subtest 'DNSKEY' => sub {