path: root/lmfit/
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authorPicca Frédéric-Emmanuel <>2016-03-31 18:44:17 +0200
committerPicca Frédéric-Emmanuel <>2016-03-31 18:44:17 +0200
commit7be530f22592e2d2193230d863b85d2f5c91c116 (patch)
tree3307f22f007d0cdd10e4837f0f6321180efb04cd /lmfit/
parent2e1aa7f33e9b92c89174dc34881a280122f1b1b0 (diff)
Imported Upstream version 0.9.3+dfsg
Diffstat (limited to 'lmfit/')
1 files changed, 1282 insertions, 774 deletions
diff --git a/lmfit/ b/lmfit/
index 7fca545..c67a396 100644
--- a/lmfit/
+++ b/lmfit/
@@ -1,774 +1,1282 @@
-Simple minimizer is a wrapper around scipy.leastsq, allowing a
-user to build a fitting model as a function of general purpose
-Fit Parameters that can be fixed or floated, bounded, and written
-as a simple expression of other Fit Parameters.
-The user sets up a model in terms of instance of Parameters, writes a
-function-to-be-minimized (residual function) in terms of these Parameters.
- Copyright (c) 2011 Matthew Newville, The University of Chicago
- <>
-from copy import deepcopy
-import numpy as np
-from numpy import (dot, eye, ndarray, ones_like,
- sqrt, take, transpose, triu, deprecate)
-from numpy.dual import inv
-from numpy.linalg import LinAlgError
-from scipy.optimize import leastsq as scipy_leastsq
-from scipy.optimize import fmin as scipy_fmin
-from scipy.optimize.lbfgsb import fmin_l_bfgs_b as scipy_lbfgsb
-# differential_evolution is only present in scipy >= 0.15
- from scipy.optimize import differential_evolution as scipy_diffev
-except ImportError:
- from ._differentialevolution import differential_evolution as scipy_diffev
-# check for scipy.optimize.minimize
- from scipy.optimize import minimize as scipy_minimize
-except ImportError:
- pass
-from .asteval import Interpreter
-from .parameter import Parameter, Parameters
-# use locally modified version of uncertainties package
-from . import uncertainties
-def asteval_with_uncertainties(*vals, **kwargs):
- """
- given values for variables, calculate object value.
- This is used by the uncertainties package to calculate
- the uncertainty in an object even with a complicated
- expression.
- """
- _obj = kwargs.get('_obj', None)
- _pars = kwargs.get('_pars', None)
- _names = kwargs.get('_names', None)
- _asteval = _pars._asteval
- if (_obj is None or _pars is None or _names is None or
- _asteval is None or _obj._expr_ast is None):
- return 0
- for val, name in zip(vals, _names):
- _asteval.symtable[name] = val
- return _asteval.eval(_obj._expr_ast)
-wrap_ueval = uncertainties.wrap(asteval_with_uncertainties)
-def eval_stderr(obj, uvars, _names, _pars):
- """evaluate uncertainty and set .stderr for a parameter `obj`
- given the uncertain values `uvars` (a list of uncertainties.ufloats),
- a list of parameter names that matches uvars, and a dict of param
- objects, keyed by name.
- This uses the uncertainties package wrapped function to evaluate the
- uncertainty for an arbitrary expression (in obj._expr_ast) of parameters.
- """
- if not isinstance(obj, Parameter) or getattr(obj, '_expr_ast', None) is None:
- return
- uval = wrap_ueval(*uvars, _obj=obj, _names=_names, _pars=_pars)
- try:
- obj.stderr = uval.std_dev()
- except:
- obj.stderr = 0
-class MinimizerException(Exception):
- """General Purpose Exception"""
- def __init__(self, msg):
- Exception.__init__(self)
- self.msg = msg
- def __str__(self):
- return "\n%s" % (self.msg)
-def _differential_evolution(func, x0, **kwds):
- """
- A wrapper for differential_evolution that can be used with scipy.minimize
- """
- kwargs = dict(args=(), strategy='best1bin', maxiter=None, popsize=15,
- tol=0.01, mutation=(0.5, 1), recombination=0.7, seed=None,
- callback=None, disp=False, polish=True,
- init='latinhypercube')
- for k, v in kwds.items():
- if k in kwargs:
- kwargs[k] = v
- return scipy_diffev(func, kwds['bounds'], **kwargs)
-SCALAR_METHODS = {'nelder': 'Nelder-Mead',
- 'powell': 'Powell',
- 'cg': 'CG',
- 'bfgs': 'BFGS',
- 'newton': 'Newton-CG',
- 'lbfgsb': 'L-BFGS-B',
- 'l-bfgsb':'L-BFGS-B',
- 'tnc': 'TNC',
- 'cobyla': 'COBYLA',
- 'slsqp': 'SLSQP',
- 'dogleg': 'dogleg',
- 'trust-ncg': 'trust-ncg',
- 'differential_evolution': 'differential_evolution'}
-class MinimizerResult(object):
- """ The result of a minimization.
- Attributes
- ----------
- params : Parameters
- The best-fit parameters
- success : bool
- Whether the minimization was successful
- status : int
- Termination status of the optimizer. Its value depends on the
- underlying solver. Refer to `message` for details.
- Notes
- -----
- additional attributes not listed above depending of the
- specific solver. Since this class is essentially a subclass of dict
- with attribute accessors, one can see which attributes are available
- using the `keys()` method.
- """
- def __init__(self, **kws):
- for key, val in kws.items():
- setattr(self, key, val)
-class Minimizer(object):
- """A general minimizer for curve fitting"""
- err_nonparam = ("params must be a minimizer.Parameters() instance or list "
- "of Parameters()")
- err_maxfev = ("Too many function calls (max set to %i)! Use:"
- " minimize(func, params, ..., maxfev=NNN)"
- "or set leastsq_kws['maxfev'] to increase this maximum.")
- def __init__(self, userfcn, params, fcn_args=None, fcn_kws=None,
- iter_cb=None, scale_covar=True, **kws):
- """
- Initialization of the Minimzer class
- Parameters
- ----------
- userfcn : callable
- objective function that returns the residual (difference between
- model and data) to be minimized in a least squares sense. The
- function must have the signature:
- `userfcn(params, *fcn_args, **fcn_kws)`
- params : lmfit.parameter.Parameters object.
- contains the Parameters for the model.
- fcn_args : tuple, optional
- positional arguments to pass to userfcn.
- fcn_kws : dict, optional
- keyword arguments to pass to userfcn.
- iter_cb : callable, optional
- Function to be called at each fit iteration. This function should
- have the signature:
- `iter_cb(params, iter, resid, *fcn_args, **fcn_kws)`,
- where where `params` will have the current parameter values, `iter`
- the iteration, `resid` the current residual array, and `*fcn_args`
- and `**fcn_kws` as passed to the objective function.
- scale_covar : bool, optional
- Whether to automatically scale the covariance matrix (leastsq
- only).
- kws : dict, optional
- Options to pass to the minimizer being used.
- Notes
- -----
- The objective function should return the value to be minimized. For the
- Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm from leastsq(), this returned value must
- be an array, with a length greater than or equal to the number of
- fitting variables in the model. For the other methods, the return value
- can either be a scalar or an array. If an array is returned, the sum of
- squares of the array will be sent to the underlying fitting method,
- effectively doing a least-squares optimization of the return values.
- A common use for the fcn_args and fcn_kwds would be to pass in other
- data needed to calculate the residual, including such things as the
- data array, dependent variable, uncertainties in the data, and other
- data structures for the model calculation.
- """
- self.userfcn = userfcn
- self.userargs = fcn_args
- if self.userargs is None:
- self.userargs = []
- self.userkws = fcn_kws
- if self.userkws is None:
- self.userkws = {}
- self.kws = kws
- self.iter_cb = iter_cb
- self.scale_covar = scale_covar
- self.nfev = 0
- self.nfree = 0
- self.ndata = 0
- self.ier = 0
- self._abort = False
- self.success = True
- self.errorbars = False
- self.message = None
- self.lmdif_message = None
- self.chisqr = None
- self.redchi = None
- self.covar = None
- self.residual = None
- self.params = params
- self.jacfcn = None
- @property
- def values(self):
- """
- Returns
- -------
- param_values : dict
- Parameter values in a simple dictionary.
- """
- return dict([(name, p.value) for name, p in self.result.params.items()])
- def __residual(self, fvars):
- """
- Residual function used for least-squares fit.
- With the new, candidate values of fvars (the fitting variables), this
- evaluates all parameters, including setting bounds and evaluating
- constraints, and then passes those to the user-supplied function to
- calculate the residual.
- """
- # set parameter values
- if self._abort:
- return None
- params = self.result.params
- for name, val in zip(self.result.var_names, fvars):
- params[name].value = params[name].from_internal(val)
- self.result.nfev = self.result.nfev + 1
- params.update_constraints()
- out = self.userfcn(params, *self.userargs, **self.userkws)
- if callable(self.iter_cb):
- abort = self.iter_cb(params, self.result.nfev, out,
- *self.userargs, **self.userkws)
- self._abort = self._abort or abort
- if not self._abort:
- return np.asarray(out).ravel()
- def __jacobian(self, fvars):
- """
- analytical jacobian to be used with the Levenberg-Marquardt
- modified 02-01-2012 by Glenn Jones, Aberystwyth University
- modified 06-29-2015 M Newville to apply gradient scaling
- for bounded variables (thanks to JJ Helmus, N Mayorov)
- """
- pars = self.result.params
- grad_scale = ones_like(fvars)
- for ivar, name in enumerate(self.result.var_names):
- val = fvars[ivar]
- pars[name].value = pars[name].from_internal(val)
- grad_scale[ivar] = pars[name].scale_gradient(val)
- self.result.nfev = self.result.nfev + 1
- pars.update_constraints()
- # compute the jacobian for "internal" unbounded variables,
- # the rescale for bounded "external" variables.
- jac = self.jacfcn(pars, *self.userargs, **self.userkws)
- if self.col_deriv:
- jac = (jac.transpose()*grad_scale).transpose()
- else:
- jac = jac*grad_scale
- return jac
- def penalty(self, fvars):
- """
- Penalty function for scalar minimizers:
- Parameters
- ----------
- fvars : array of values for the variable parameters
- Returns
- -------
- r - float
- The user evaluated user-supplied objective function. If the
- objective function is an array, return the array sum-of-squares
- """
- r = self.__residual(fvars)
- if isinstance(r, ndarray):
- r = (r*r).sum()
- return r
- def prepare_fit(self, params=None):
- """
- Prepares parameters for fitting,
- return array of initial values
- """
- # determine which parameters are actually variables
- # and which are defined expressions.
- result = self.result = MinimizerResult()
- if params is not None:
- self.params = params
- if isinstance(self.params, Parameters):
- result.params = deepcopy(self.params)
- elif isinstance(self.params, (list, tuple)):
- result.params = Parameters()
- for par in self.params:
- if not isinstance(par, Parameter):
- raise MinimizerException(self.err_nonparam)
- else:
- result.params[] = par
- elif self.params is None:
- raise MinimizerException(self.err_nonparam)
- # determine which parameters are actually variables
- # and which are defined expressions.
- result.var_names = [] # note that this *does* belong to self...
- result.init_vals = []
- result.params.update_constraints()
- result.nfev = 0
- result.errorbars = False
- result.aborted = False
- for name, par in self.result.params.items():
- par.stderr = None
- par.correl = None
- if par.expr is not None:
- par.vary = False
- if par.vary:
- result.var_names.append(name)
- result.init_vals.append(par.setup_bounds())
- par.init_value = par.value
- if is None:
- = name
- result.nvarys = len(result.var_names)
- return result
- def unprepare_fit(self):
- """
- Unprepares the fit, so that subsequent fits will be
- forced to run prepare_fit.
- removes ast compilations of constraint expressions
- """
- pass
- @deprecate(message=' Deprecated in lmfit 0.8.2, use scalar_minimize '
- 'and method=\'L-BFGS-B\' instead')
- def lbfgsb(self, **kws):
- """
- Use l-bfgs-b minimization
- Parameters
- ----------
- kws : dict
- Minimizer options to pass to the
- scipy.optimize.lbfgsb.fmin_l_bfgs_b function.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError("use scalar_minimize(method='L-BFGS-B')")
- @deprecate(message=' Deprecated in lmfit 0.8.2, use scalar_minimize '
- 'and method=\'Nelder-Mead\' instead')
- def fmin(self, **kws):
- """
- Use Nelder-Mead (simplex) minimization
- Parameters
- ----------
- kws : dict
- Minimizer options to pass to the scipy.optimize.fmin minimizer.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError("use scalar_minimize(method='Nelder-Mead')")
- def scalar_minimize(self, method='Nelder-Mead', params=None, **kws):
- """
- Use one of the scalar minimization methods from
- scipy.optimize.minimize.
- Parameters
- ----------
- method : str, optional
- Name of the fitting method to use.
- One of:
- 'Nelder-Mead' (default)
- 'L-BFGS-B'
- 'Powell'
- 'CG'
- 'Newton-CG'
- 'TNC'
- 'trust-ncg'
- 'dogleg'
- 'differential_evolution'
- params : Parameters, optional
- Parameters to use as starting points.
- kws : dict, optional
- Minimizer options pass to scipy.optimize.minimize.
- If the objective function returns a numpy array instead
- of the expected scalar, the sum of squares of the array
- will be used.
- Note that bounds and constraints can be set on Parameters
- for any of these methods, so are not supported separately
- for those designed to use bounds. However, if you use the
- differential_evolution option you must specify finite
- (min, max) for each Parameter.
- Returns
- -------
- success : bool
- Whether the fit was successful.
- """
- if not HAS_SCALAR_MIN:
- raise NotImplementedError
- result = self.prepare_fit(params=params)
- vars = result.init_vals
- params = result.params
- fmin_kws = dict(method=method,
- options={'maxiter': 1000 * (len(vars) + 1)})
- fmin_kws.update(self.kws)
- fmin_kws.update(kws)
- # hess supported only in some methods
- if 'hess' in fmin_kws and method not in ('Newton-CG',
- 'dogleg', 'trust-ncg'):
- fmin_kws.pop('hess')
- # jac supported only in some methods (and Dfun could be used...)
- if 'jac' not in fmin_kws and fmin_kws.get('Dfun', None) is not None:
- self.jacfcn = fmin_kws.pop('jac')
- fmin_kws['jac'] = self.__jacobian
- if 'jac' in fmin_kws and method not in ('CG', 'BFGS', 'Newton-CG',
- 'dogleg', 'trust-ncg'):
- self.jacfcn = None
- fmin_kws.pop('jac')
- if method == 'differential_evolution':
- fmin_kws['method'] = _differential_evolution
- bounds = [(par.min, par.max) for par in params.values()]
- if not np.all(np.isfinite(bounds)):
- raise ValueError('With differential evolution finite bounds '
- 'are required for each parameter')
- bounds = [(-np.pi / 2., np.pi / 2.)] * len(vars)
- fmin_kws['bounds'] = bounds
- # in scipy 0.14 this can be called directly from scipy_minimize
- # When minimum scipy is 0.14 the following line and the else
- # can be removed.
- ret = _differential_evolution(self.penalty, vars, **fmin_kws)
- else:
- ret = scipy_minimize(self.penalty, vars, **fmin_kws)
- result.aborted = self._abort
- self._abort = False
- for attr in dir(ret):
- if not attr.startswith('_'):
- setattr(result, attr, getattr(ret, attr))
- result.chisqr = result.residual = self.__residual(ret.x)
- result.nvarys = len(vars)
- result.ndata = 1
- result.nfree = 1
- if isinstance(result.residual, ndarray):
- result.chisqr = (result.chisqr**2).sum()
- result.ndata = len(result.residual)
- result.nfree = result.ndata - result.nvarys
- result.redchi = result.chisqr / result.nfree
- _log_likelihood = result.ndata * np.log(result.redchi)
- result.aic = _log_likelihood + 2 * result.nvarys
- result.bic = _log_likelihood + np.log(result.ndata) * result.nvarys
- return result
- def leastsq(self, params=None, **kws):
- """
- Use Levenberg-Marquardt minimization to perform a fit.
- This assumes that ModelParameters have been stored, and a function to
- minimize has been properly set up.
- This wraps scipy.optimize.leastsq.
- When possible, this calculates the estimated uncertainties and
- variable correlations from the covariance matrix.
- Writes outputs to many internal attributes.
- Parameters
- ----------
- params : Parameters, optional
- Parameters to use as starting points.
- kws : dict, optional
- Minimizer options to pass to scipy.optimize.leastsq.
- Returns
- -------
- success : bool
- True if fit was successful, False if not.
- """
- result = self.prepare_fit(params=params)
- vars = result.init_vals
- nvars = len(vars)
- lskws = dict(full_output=1, xtol=1.e-7, ftol=1.e-7, col_deriv=False,
- gtol=1.e-7, maxfev=2000*(nvars+1), Dfun=None)
- lskws.update(self.kws)
- lskws.update(kws)
- self.col_deriv = False
- if lskws['Dfun'] is not None:
- self.jacfcn = lskws['Dfun']
- self.col_deriv = lskws['col_deriv']
- lskws['Dfun'] = self.__jacobian
- # suppress runtime warnings during fit and error analysis
- orig_warn_settings = np.geterr()
- np.seterr(all='ignore')
- lsout = scipy_leastsq(self.__residual, vars, **lskws)
- _best, _cov, infodict, errmsg, ier = lsout
- result.aborted = self._abort
- self._abort = False
- result.residual = resid = infodict['fvec']
- result.ier = ier
- result.lmdif_message = errmsg
- result.message = 'Fit succeeded.'
- result.success = ier in [1, 2, 3, 4]
- if result.aborted:
- result.message = 'Fit aborted by user callback.'
- result.success = False
- elif ier == 0:
- result.message = 'Invalid Input Parameters.'
- elif ier == 5:
- result.message = self.err_maxfev % lskws['maxfev']
- else:
- result.message = 'Tolerance seems to be too small.'
- result.ndata = len(resid)
- result.chisqr = (resid**2).sum()
- result.nfree = (result.ndata - nvars)
- result.redchi = result.chisqr / result.nfree
- _log_likelihood = result.ndata * np.log(result.redchi)
- result.aic = _log_likelihood + 2 * nvars
- result.bic = _log_likelihood + np.log(result.ndata) * nvars
- params = result.params
- # need to map _best values to params, then calculate the
- # grad for the variable parameters
- grad = ones_like(_best)
- vbest = ones_like(_best)
- # ensure that _best, vbest, and grad are not
- # broken 1-element ndarrays.
- if len(np.shape(_best)) == 0:
- _best = np.array([_best])
- if len(np.shape(vbest)) == 0:
- vbest = np.array([vbest])
- if len(np.shape(grad)) == 0:
- grad = np.array([grad])
- for ivar, name in enumerate(result.var_names):
- grad[ivar] = params[name].scale_gradient(_best[ivar])
- vbest[ivar] = params[name].value
- # modified from JJ Helmus'
- infodict['fjac'] = transpose(transpose(infodict['fjac']) /
- take(grad, infodict['ipvt'] - 1))
- rvec = dot(triu(transpose(infodict['fjac'])[:nvars, :]),
- take(eye(nvars), infodict['ipvt'] - 1, 0))
- try:
- result.covar = inv(dot(transpose(rvec), rvec))
- except (LinAlgError, ValueError):
- result.covar = None
- has_expr = False
- for par in params.values():
- par.stderr, par.correl = 0, None
- has_expr = has_expr or par.expr is not None
- # self.errorbars = error bars were successfully estimated
- result.errorbars = (result.covar is not None)
- if result.aborted:
- result.errorbars = False
- if result.errorbars:
- if self.scale_covar:
- result.covar *= result.redchi
- for ivar, name in enumerate(result.var_names):
- par = params[name]
- par.stderr = sqrt(result.covar[ivar, ivar])
- par.correl = {}
- try:
- result.errorbars = result.errorbars and (par.stderr > 0.0)
- for jvar, varn2 in enumerate(result.var_names):
- if jvar != ivar:
- par.correl[varn2] = (result.covar[ivar, jvar] /
- (par.stderr * sqrt(result.covar[jvar, jvar])))
- except:
- result.errorbars = False
- uvars = None
- if has_expr:
- # uncertainties on constrained parameters:
- # get values with uncertainties (including correlations),
- # temporarily set Parameter values to these,
- # re-evaluate contrained parameters to extract stderr
- # and then set Parameters back to best-fit value
- try:
- uvars = uncertainties.correlated_values(vbest, result.covar)
- except (LinAlgError, ValueError):
- uvars = None
- if uvars is not None:
- for par in params.values():
- eval_stderr(par, uvars, result.var_names, params)
- # restore nominal values
- for v, nam in zip(uvars, result.var_names):
- params[nam].value = v.nominal_value
- if not result.errorbars:
- result.message = '%s. Could not estimate error-bars'% result.message
- np.seterr(**orig_warn_settings)
- return result
- def minimize(self, method='leastsq', params=None, **kws):
- """
- Perform the minimization.
- Parameters
- ----------
- method : str, optional
- Name of the fitting method to use.
- One of:
- 'leastsq' - Levenberg-Marquardt (default)
- 'nelder' - Nelder-Mead
- 'lbfgsb' - L-BFGS-B
- 'powell' - Powell
- 'cg' - Conjugate-Gradient
- 'newton' - Newton-CG
- 'cobyla' - Cobyla
- 'tnc' - Truncate Newton
- 'trust-ncg' - Trust Newton-CGn
- 'dogleg' - Dogleg
- 'slsqp' - Sequential Linear Squares Programming
- 'differential_evolution' - differential evolution
- params : Parameters, optional
- parameters to use as starting values
- Returns
- -------
- result : MinimizerResult
- MinimizerResult object contains updated params, fit statistics, etc.
- """
- function = self.leastsq
- kwargs = {'params': params}
- kwargs.update(kws)
- user_method = method.lower()
- if user_method.startswith('least'):
- function = self.leastsq
- function = self.scalar_minimize
- for key, val in SCALAR_METHODS.items():
- if (key.lower().startswith(user_method) or
- val.lower().startswith(user_method)):
- kwargs['method'] = val
- elif (user_method.startswith('nelder') or
- user_method.startswith('fmin')):
- function = self.fmin
- elif user_method.startswith('lbfgsb'):
- function = self.lbfgsb
- return function(**kwargs)
-def minimize(fcn, params, method='leastsq', args=None, kws=None,
- scale_covar=True, iter_cb=None, **fit_kws):
- """
- A general purpose curvefitting function
- The minimize function takes a objective function to be minimized, a
- dictionary (lmfit.parameter.Parameters) containing the model parameters,
- and several optional arguments.
- Parameters
- ----------
- fcn : callable
- objective function that returns the residual (difference between
- model and data) to be minimized in a least squares sense. The
- function must have the signature:
- `fcn(params, *args, **kws)`
- params : lmfit.parameter.Parameters object.
- contains the Parameters for the model.
- method : str, optional
- Name of the fitting method to use.
- One of:
- 'leastsq' - Levenberg-Marquardt (default)
- 'nelder' - Nelder-Mead
- 'lbfgsb' - L-BFGS-B
- 'powell' - Powell
- 'cg' - Conjugate-Gradient
- 'newton' - Newton-CG
- 'cobyla' - Cobyla
- 'tnc' - Truncate Newton
- 'trust-ncg' - Trust Newton-CGn
- 'dogleg' - Dogleg
- 'slsqp' - Sequential Linear Squares Programming
- 'differential_evolution' - differential evolution
- args : tuple, optional
- Positional arguments to pass to fcn.
- kws : dict, optional
- keyword arguments to pass to fcn.
- iter_cb : callable, optional
- Function to be called at each fit iteration. This function should
- have the signature `iter_cb(params, iter, resid, *args, **kws)`,
- where where `params` will have the current parameter values, `iter`
- the iteration, `resid` the current residual array, and `*args`
- and `**kws` as passed to the objective function.
- scale_covar : bool, optional
- Whether to automatically scale the covariance matrix (leastsq
- only).
- fit_kws : dict, optional
- Options to pass to the minimizer being used.
- Notes
- -----
- The objective function should return the value to be minimized. For the
- Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm from leastsq(), this returned value must
- be an array, with a length greater than or equal to the number of
- fitting variables in the model. For the other methods, the return value
- can either be a scalar or an array. If an array is returned, the sum of
- squares of the array will be sent to the underlying fitting method,
- effectively doing a least-squares optimization of the return values.
- A common use for `args` and `kwds` would be to pass in other
- data needed to calculate the residual, including such things as the
- data array, dependent variable, uncertainties in the data, and other
- data structures for the model calculation.
- """
- fitter = Minimizer(fcn, params, fcn_args=args, fcn_kws=kws,
- iter_cb=iter_cb, scale_covar=scale_covar, **fit_kws)
- return fitter.minimize(method=method)
+Simple minimizer is a wrapper around scipy.leastsq, allowing a
+user to build a fitting model as a function of general purpose
+Fit Parameters that can be fixed or floated, bounded, and written
+as a simple expression of other Fit Parameters.
+The user sets up a model in terms of instance of Parameters, writes a
+function-to-be-minimized (residual function) in terms of these Parameters.
+ Copyright (c) 2011 Matthew Newville, The University of Chicago
+ <>
+from copy import deepcopy
+import numpy as np
+from numpy import (dot, eye, ndarray, ones_like,
+ sqrt, take, transpose, triu, deprecate)
+from numpy.dual import inv
+from numpy.linalg import LinAlgError
+import multiprocessing
+import numbers
+from scipy.optimize import leastsq as scipy_leastsq
+# differential_evolution is only present in scipy >= 0.15
+ from scipy.optimize import differential_evolution as scipy_diffev
+except ImportError:
+ from ._differentialevolution import differential_evolution as scipy_diffev
+# check for EMCEE
+HAS_EMCEE = False
+ import emcee as emcee
+ HAS_EMCEE = True
+except ImportError:
+ pass
+# check for pandas
+ import pandas as pd
+except ImportError:
+ pass
+# check for scipy.optimize.minimize
+ from scipy.optimize import minimize as scipy_minimize
+except ImportError:
+ pass
+from .parameter import Parameter, Parameters
+# use locally modified version of uncertainties package
+from . import uncertainties
+def asteval_with_uncertainties(*vals, **kwargs):
+ """
+ given values for variables, calculate object value.
+ This is used by the uncertainties package to calculate
+ the uncertainty in an object even with a complicated
+ expression.
+ """
+ _obj = kwargs.get('_obj', None)
+ _pars = kwargs.get('_pars', None)
+ _names = kwargs.get('_names', None)
+ _asteval = _pars._asteval
+ if (_obj is None or _pars is None or _names is None or
+ _asteval is None or _obj._expr_ast is None):
+ return 0
+ for val, name in zip(vals, _names):
+ _asteval.symtable[name] = val
+ return _asteval.eval(_obj._expr_ast)
+wrap_ueval = uncertainties.wrap(asteval_with_uncertainties)
+def eval_stderr(obj, uvars, _names, _pars):
+ """evaluate uncertainty and set .stderr for a parameter `obj`
+ given the uncertain values `uvars` (a list of uncertainties.ufloats),
+ a list of parameter names that matches uvars, and a dict of param
+ objects, keyed by name.
+ This uses the uncertainties package wrapped function to evaluate the
+ uncertainty for an arbitrary expression (in obj._expr_ast) of parameters.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(obj, Parameter) or getattr(obj, '_expr_ast', None) is None:
+ return
+ uval = wrap_ueval(*uvars, _obj=obj, _names=_names, _pars=_pars)
+ try:
+ obj.stderr = uval.std_dev()
+ except:
+ obj.stderr = 0
+class MinimizerException(Exception):
+ """General Purpose Exception"""
+ def __init__(self, msg):
+ Exception.__init__(self)
+ self.msg = msg
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "\n%s" % self.msg
+def _differential_evolution(func, x0, **kwds):
+ """
+ A wrapper for differential_evolution that can be used with scipy.minimize
+ """
+ kwargs = dict(args=(), strategy='best1bin', maxiter=None, popsize=15,
+ tol=0.01, mutation=(0.5, 1), recombination=0.7, seed=None,
+ callback=None, disp=False, polish=True,
+ init='latinhypercube')
+ for k, v in kwds.items():
+ if k in kwargs:
+ kwargs[k] = v
+ return scipy_diffev(func, kwds['bounds'], **kwargs)
+SCALAR_METHODS = {'nelder': 'Nelder-Mead',
+ 'powell': 'Powell',
+ 'cg': 'CG',
+ 'bfgs': 'BFGS',
+ 'newton': 'Newton-CG',
+ 'lbfgsb': 'L-BFGS-B',
+ 'l-bfgsb': 'L-BFGS-B',
+ 'tnc': 'TNC',
+ 'cobyla': 'COBYLA',
+ 'slsqp': 'SLSQP',
+ 'dogleg': 'dogleg',
+ 'trust-ncg': 'trust-ncg',
+ 'differential_evolution': 'differential_evolution'}
+class MinimizerResult(object):
+ """ The result of a minimization.
+ Attributes
+ ----------
+ params : Parameters
+ The best-fit parameters
+ success : bool
+ Whether the minimization was successful
+ status : int
+ Termination status of the optimizer. Its value depends on the
+ underlying solver. Refer to `message` for details.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ Additional attributes not listed above may be present, depending on the
+ specific solver. Since this class is essentially a subclass of dict
+ with attribute accessors, one can see which attributes are available
+ using the `keys()` method.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, **kws):
+ for key, val in kws.items():
+ setattr(self, key, val)
+ @property
+ def flatchain(self):
+ """
+ A flatchain view of the sampling chain from the `emcee` method.
+ """
+ if hasattr(self, 'chain'):
+ return pd.DataFrame(self.chain.reshape((-1, self.nvarys)),
+ columns=self.var_names)
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError('Please install Pandas to see the '
+ 'flattened chain')
+ else:
+ return None
+class Minimizer(object):
+ """A general minimizer for curve fitting"""
+ err_nonparam = ("params must be a minimizer.Parameters() instance or list "
+ "of Parameters()")
+ err_maxfev = ("Too many function calls (max set to %i)! Use:"
+ " minimize(func, params, ..., maxfev=NNN)"
+ "or set leastsq_kws['maxfev'] to increase this maximum.")
+ def __init__(self, userfcn, params, fcn_args=None, fcn_kws=None,
+ iter_cb=None, scale_covar=True, **kws):
+ """
+ Initialization of the Minimzer class
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ userfcn : callable
+ objective function that returns the residual (difference between
+ model and data) to be minimized in a least squares sense. The
+ function must have the signature:
+ `userfcn(params, *fcn_args, **fcn_kws)`
+ params : lmfit.parameter.Parameters object.
+ contains the Parameters for the model.
+ fcn_args : tuple, optional
+ positional arguments to pass to userfcn.
+ fcn_kws : dict, optional
+ keyword arguments to pass to userfcn.
+ iter_cb : callable, optional
+ Function to be called at each fit iteration. This function should
+ have the signature:
+ `iter_cb(params, iter, resid, *fcn_args, **fcn_kws)`,
+ where where `params` will have the current parameter values, `iter`
+ the iteration, `resid` the current residual array, and `*fcn_args`
+ and `**fcn_kws` as passed to the objective function.
+ scale_covar : bool, optional
+ Whether to automatically scale the covariance matrix (leastsq
+ only).
+ kws : dict, optional
+ Options to pass to the minimizer being used.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ The objective function should return the value to be minimized. For the
+ Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm from leastsq(), this returned value must
+ be an array, with a length greater than or equal to the number of
+ fitting variables in the model. For the other methods, the return value
+ can either be a scalar or an array. If an array is returned, the sum of
+ squares of the array will be sent to the underlying fitting method,
+ effectively doing a least-squares optimization of the return values.
+ A common use for the fcn_args and fcn_kwds would be to pass in other
+ data needed to calculate the residual, including such things as the
+ data array, dependent variable, uncertainties in the data, and other
+ data structures for the model calculation.
+ """
+ self.userfcn = userfcn
+ self.userargs = fcn_args
+ if self.userargs is None:
+ self.userargs = []
+ self.userkws = fcn_kws
+ if self.userkws is None:
+ self.userkws = {}
+ self.kws = kws
+ self.iter_cb = iter_cb
+ self.scale_covar = scale_covar
+ self.nfev = 0
+ self.nfree = 0
+ self.ndata = 0
+ self.ier = 0
+ self._abort = False
+ self.success = True
+ self.errorbars = False
+ self.message = None
+ self.lmdif_message = None
+ self.chisqr = None
+ self.redchi = None
+ self.covar = None
+ self.residual = None
+ self.params = params
+ self.jacfcn = None
+ @property
+ def values(self):
+ """
+ Returns
+ -------
+ param_values : dict
+ Parameter values in a simple dictionary.
+ """
+ return dict([(name, p.value) for name, p in self.result.params.items()])
+ def __residual(self, fvars):
+ """
+ Residual function used for least-squares fit.
+ With the new, candidate values of fvars (the fitting variables), this
+ evaluates all parameters, including setting bounds and evaluating
+ constraints, and then passes those to the user-supplied function to
+ calculate the residual.
+ """
+ # set parameter values
+ if self._abort:
+ return None
+ params = self.result.params
+ for name, val in zip(self.result.var_names, fvars):
+ params[name].value = params[name].from_internal(val)
+ self.result.nfev += 1
+ params.update_constraints()
+ out = self.userfcn(params, *self.userargs, **self.userkws)
+ if callable(self.iter_cb):
+ abort = self.iter_cb(params, self.result.nfev, out,
+ *self.userargs, **self.userkws)
+ self._abort = self._abort or abort
+ self._abort = self._abort and self.result.nfev > len(fvars)
+ if not self._abort:
+ return np.asarray(out).ravel()
+ def __jacobian(self, fvars):
+ """
+ analytical jacobian to be used with the Levenberg-Marquardt
+ modified 02-01-2012 by Glenn Jones, Aberystwyth University
+ modified 06-29-2015 M Newville to apply gradient scaling
+ for bounded variables (thanks to JJ Helmus, N Mayorov)
+ """
+ pars = self.result.params
+ grad_scale = ones_like(fvars)
+ for ivar, name in enumerate(self.result.var_names):
+ val = fvars[ivar]
+ pars[name].value = pars[name].from_internal(val)
+ grad_scale[ivar] = pars[name].scale_gradient(val)
+ self.result.nfev += 1
+ pars.update_constraints()
+ # compute the jacobian for "internal" unbounded variables,
+ # the rescale for bounded "external" variables.
+ jac = self.jacfcn(pars, *self.userargs, **self.userkws)
+ if self.col_deriv:
+ jac = (jac.transpose()*grad_scale).transpose()
+ else:
+ jac *= grad_scale
+ return jac
+ def penalty(self, fvars):
+ """
+ Penalty function for scalar minimizers:
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ fvars : array of values for the variable parameters
+ Returns
+ -------
+ r - float
+ The user evaluated user-supplied objective function. If the
+ objective function is an array, return the array sum-of-squares
+ """
+ r = self.__residual(fvars)
+ if isinstance(r, ndarray):
+ r = (r*r).sum()
+ return r
+ def prepare_fit(self, params=None):
+ """
+ Prepares parameters for fitting,
+ return array of initial values
+ """
+ # determine which parameters are actually variables
+ # and which are defined expressions.
+ result = self.result = MinimizerResult()
+ if params is not None:
+ self.params = params
+ if isinstance(self.params, Parameters):
+ result.params = deepcopy(self.params)
+ elif isinstance(self.params, (list, tuple)):
+ result.params = Parameters()
+ for par in self.params:
+ if not isinstance(par, Parameter):
+ raise MinimizerException(self.err_nonparam)
+ else:
+ result.params[] = par
+ elif self.params is None:
+ raise MinimizerException(self.err_nonparam)
+ # determine which parameters are actually variables
+ # and which are defined expressions.
+ result.var_names = [] # note that this *does* belong to self...
+ result.init_vals = []
+ result.params.update_constraints()
+ result.nfev = 0
+ result.errorbars = False
+ result.aborted = False
+ for name, par in self.result.params.items():
+ par.stderr = None
+ par.correl = None
+ if par.expr is not None:
+ par.vary = False
+ if par.vary:
+ result.var_names.append(name)
+ result.init_vals.append(par.setup_bounds())
+ par.init_value = par.value
+ if is None:
+ = name
+ result.nvarys = len(result.var_names)
+ return result
+ def unprepare_fit(self):
+ """
+ Unprepares the fit, so that subsequent fits will be
+ forced to run prepare_fit.
+ removes ast compilations of constraint expressions
+ """
+ pass
+ @deprecate(message=' Deprecated in lmfit 0.8.2, use scalar_minimize '
+ 'and method=\'L-BFGS-B\' instead')
+ def lbfgsb(self, **kws):
+ """
+ Use l-bfgs-b minimization
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ kws : dict
+ Minimizer options to pass to the
+ scipy.optimize.lbfgsb.fmin_l_bfgs_b function.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError("use scalar_minimize(method='L-BFGS-B')")
+ @deprecate(message=' Deprecated in lmfit 0.8.2, use scalar_minimize '
+ 'and method=\'Nelder-Mead\' instead')
+ def fmin(self, **kws):
+ """
+ Use Nelder-Mead (simplex) minimization
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ kws : dict
+ Minimizer options to pass to the scipy.optimize.fmin minimizer.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError("use scalar_minimize(method='Nelder-Mead')")
+ def scalar_minimize(self, method='Nelder-Mead', params=None, **kws):
+ """
+ Use one of the scalar minimization methods from
+ scipy.optimize.minimize.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ method : str, optional
+ Name of the fitting method to use.
+ One of:
+ 'Nelder-Mead' (default)
+ 'L-BFGS-B'
+ 'Powell'
+ 'CG'
+ 'Newton-CG'
+ 'TNC'
+ 'trust-ncg'
+ 'dogleg'
+ 'differential_evolution'
+ params : Parameters, optional
+ Parameters to use as starting points.
+ kws : dict, optional
+ Minimizer options pass to scipy.optimize.minimize.
+ If the objective function returns a numpy array instead
+ of the expected scalar, the sum of squares of the array
+ will be used.
+ Note that bounds and constraints can be set on Parameters
+ for any of these methods, so are not supported separately
+ for those designed to use bounds. However, if you use the
+ differential_evolution option you must specify finite
+ (min, max) for each Parameter.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ success : bool
+ Whether the fit was successful.
+ """
+ if not HAS_SCALAR_MIN:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ result = self.prepare_fit(params=params)
+ vars = result.init_vals
+ params = result.params
+ fmin_kws = dict(method=method,
+ options={'maxiter': 1000 * (len(vars) + 1)})
+ fmin_kws.update(self.kws)
+ fmin_kws.update(kws)
+ # hess supported only in some methods
+ if 'hess' in fmin_kws and method not in ('Newton-CG',
+ 'dogleg', 'trust-ncg'):
+ fmin_kws.pop('hess')
+ # jac supported only in some methods (and Dfun could be used...)
+ if 'jac' not in fmin_kws and fmin_kws.get('Dfun', None) is not None:
+ self.jacfcn = fmin_kws.pop('jac')
+ fmin_kws['jac'] = self.__jacobian
+ if 'jac' in fmin_kws and method not in ('CG', 'BFGS', 'Newton-CG',
+ 'dogleg', 'trust-ncg'):
+ self.jacfcn = None
+ fmin_kws.pop('jac')
+ if method == 'differential_evolution':
+ fmin_kws['method'] = _differential_evolution
+ bounds = [(par.min, par.max) for par in params.values()]
+ if not np.all(np.isfinite(bounds)):
+ raise ValueError('With differential evolution finite bounds '
+ 'are required for each parameter')
+ bounds = [(-np.pi / 2., np.pi / 2.)] * len(vars)
+ fmin_kws['bounds'] = bounds
+ # in scipy 0.14 this can be called directly from scipy_minimize
+ # When minimum scipy is 0.14 the following line and the else
+ # can be removed.
+ ret = _differential_evolution(self.penalty, vars, **fmin_kws)
+ else:
+ ret = scipy_minimize(self.penalty, vars, **fmin_kws)
+ result.aborted = self._abort
+ self._abort = False
+ if isinstance(ret, dict):
+ for attr, value in ret.items():
+ setattr(result, attr, value)
+ else:
+ for attr in dir(ret):
+ if not attr.startswith('_'):
+ setattr(result, attr, getattr(ret, attr))
+ result.x = np.atleast_1d(result.x)
+ result.chisqr = result.residual = self.__residual(result.x)
+ result.nvarys = len(vars)
+ result.ndata = 1
+ result.nfree = 1
+ if isinstance(result.residual, ndarray):
+ result.chisqr = (result.chisqr**2).sum()
+ result.ndata = len(result.residual)
+ result.nfree = result.ndata - result.nvarys
+ result.redchi = result.chisqr / result.nfree
+ _log_likelihood = result.ndata * np.log(result.redchi)
+ result.aic = _log_likelihood + 2 * result.nvarys
+ result.bic = _log_likelihood + np.log(result.ndata) * result.nvarys
+ return result
+ def emcee(self, params=None, steps=1000, nwalkers=100, burn=0, thin=1,
+ ntemps=1, pos=None, reuse_sampler=False, workers=1,
+ float_behavior='posterior', is_weighted=True, seed=None):
+ """
+ Bayesian sampling of the posterior distribution for the parameters
+ using the `emcee` Markov Chain Monte Carlo package. The method assumes
+ that the prior is Uniform. You need to have `emcee` installed to use
+ this method.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ params : lmfit.Parameters, optional
+ Parameters to use as starting point. If this is not specified
+ then the Parameters used to initialise the Minimizer object are
+ used.
+ steps : int, optional
+ How many samples you would like to draw from the posterior
+ distribution for each of the walkers?
+ nwalkers : int, optional
+ Should be set so :math:`nwalkers >> nvarys`, where `nvarys` are
+ the number of parameters being varied during the fit.
+ "Walkers are the members of the ensemble. They are almost like
+ separate Metropolis-Hastings chains but, of course, the proposal
+ distribution for a given walker depends on the positions of all
+ the other walkers in the ensemble." - from the `emcee` webpage.
+ burn : int, optional
+ Discard this many samples from the start of the sampling regime.
+ thin : int, optional
+ Only accept 1 in every `thin` samples.
+ ntemps : int, optional
+ If `ntemps > 1` perform a Parallel Tempering.
+ pos : np.ndarray, optional
+ Specify the initial positions for the sampler. If `ntemps == 1`
+ then `pos.shape` should be `(nwalkers, nvarys)`. Otherwise,
+ `(ntemps, nwalkers, nvarys)`. You can also initialise using a
+ previous chain that had the same `ntemps`, `nwalkers` and
+ `nvarys`. Note that `nvarys` may be one larger than you expect it
+ to be if your `userfcn` returns an array and `is_weighted is
+ False`.
+ reuse_sampler : bool, optional
+ If you have already run `emcee` on a given `Minimizer` object then
+ it possesses an internal ``sampler`` attribute. You can continue to
+ draw from the same sampler (retaining the chain history) if you set
+ this option to `True`. Otherwise a new sampler is created. The
+ `nwalkers`, `ntemps`, `pos`, and `params` keywords are ignored with
+ this option.
+ **Important**: the Parameters used to create the sampler must not
+ change in-between calls to `emcee`. Alteration of Parameters
+ would include changed ``min``, ``max``, ``vary`` and ``expr``
+ attributes. This may happen, for example, if you use an altered
+ Parameters object and call the `minimize` method in-between calls
+ to `emcee`.
+ workers : Pool-like or int, optional
+ For parallelization of sampling. It can be any Pool-like object
+ with a map method that follows the same calling sequence as the
+ built-in `map` function. If int is given as the argument, then a
+ multiprocessing-based pool is spawned internally with the
+ corresponding number of parallel processes. 'mpi4py'-based
+ parallelization and 'joblib'-based parallelization pools can also
+ be used here. **Note**: because of multiprocessing overhead it may
+ only be worth parallelising if the objective function is expensive
+ to calculate, or if there are a large number of objective
+ evaluations per step (`ntemps * nwalkers * nvarys`).
+ float_behavior : str, optional
+ Specifies meaning of the objective function output if it returns a
+ float. One of:
+ 'posterior' - objective function returns a log-posterior
+ probability
+ 'chi2' - objective function returns :math:`\chi^2`.
+ See Notes for further details.
+ is_weighted : bool, optional
+ Has your objective function been weighted by measurement
+ uncertainties? If `is_weighted is True` then your objective
+ function is assumed to return residuals that have been divided by
+ the true measurement uncertainty `(data - model) / sigma`. If
+ `is_weighted is False` then the objective function is assumed to
+ return unweighted residuals, `data - model`. In this case `emcee`
+ will employ a positive measurement uncertainty during the sampling.
+ This measurement uncertainty will be present in the output params
+ and output chain with the name `__lnsigma`. A side effect of this
+ is that you cannot use this parameter name yourself.
+ **Important** this parameter only has any effect if your objective
+ function returns an array. If your objective function returns a
+ float, then this parameter is ignored. See Notes for more details.
+ seed : int or `np.random.RandomState`, optional
+ If `seed` is an int, a new `np.random.RandomState` instance is used,
+ seeded with `seed`.
+ If `seed` is already a `np.random.RandomState` instance, then that
+ `np.random.RandomState` instance is used.
+ Specify `seed` for repeatable minimizations.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ result : MinimizerResult
+ MinimizerResult object containing updated params, statistics,
+ etc. The `MinimizerResult` also contains the ``chain``,
+ ``flatchain`` and ``lnprob`` attributes. The ``chain``
+ and ``flatchain`` attributes contain the samples and have the shape
+ `(nwalkers, (steps - burn) // thin, nvarys)` or
+ `(ntemps, nwalkers, (steps - burn) // thin, nvarys)`,
+ depending on whether Parallel tempering was used or not.
+ `nvarys` is the number of parameters that are allowed to vary.
+ The ``flatchain`` attribute is a `pandas.DataFrame` of the
+ flattened chain, `chain.reshape(-1, nvarys)`. To access flattened
+ chain values for a particular parameter use
+ `result.flatchain[parname]`. The ``lnprob`` attribute contains the
+ log probability for each sample in ``chain``. The sample with the
+ highest probability corresponds to the maximum likelihood estimate.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ This method samples the posterior distribution of the parameters using
+ Markov Chain Monte Carlo. To do so it needs to calculate the
+ log-posterior probability of the model parameters, `F`, given the data,
+ `D`, :math:`\ln p(F_{true} | D)`. This 'posterior probability' is
+ calculated as:
+ ..math::
+ \ln p(F_{true} | D) \propto \ln p(D | F_{true}) + \ln p(F_{true})
+ where :math:`\ln p(D | F_{true})` is the 'log-likelihood' and
+ :math:`\ln p(F_{true})` is the 'log-prior'. The default log-prior
+ encodes prior information already known about the model. This method
+ assumes that the log-prior probability is `-np.inf` (impossible) if the
+ one of the parameters is outside its limits. The log-prior probability
+ term is zero if all the parameters are inside their bounds (known as a
+ uniform prior). The log-likelihood function is given by [1]_:
+ ..math::
+ \ln p(D|F_{true}) = -\frac{1}{2}\sum_n \left[\frac{\left(g_n(F_{true}) - D_n \right)^2}{s_n^2}+\ln (2\pi s_n^2)\right]
+ The first summand in the square brackets represents the residual for a
+ given datapoint (:math:`g` being the generative model) . This term
+ represents :math:`\chi^2` when summed over all datapoints.
+ Ideally the objective function used to create `lmfit.Minimizer` should
+ return the log-posterior probability, :math:`\ln p(F_{true} | D)`.
+ However, since the in-built log-prior term is zero, the objective
+ function can also just return the log-likelihood, unless you wish to
+ create a non-uniform prior.
+ If a float value is returned by the objective function then this value
+ is assumed by default to be the log-posterior probability, i.e.
+ `float_behavior is 'posterior'`. If your objective function returns
+ :math:`\chi^2`, then you should use a value of `'chi2'` for
+ `float_behavior`. `emcee` will then multiply your :math:`\chi^2` value
+ by -0.5 to obtain the posterior probability.
+ However, the default behaviour of many objective functions is to return
+ a vector of (possibly weighted) residuals. Therefore, if your objective
+ function returns a vector, `res`, then the vector is assumed to contain
+ the residuals. If `is_weighted is True` then your residuals are assumed
+ to be correctly weighted by the standard deviation of the data points
+ (`res = (data - model) / sigma`) and the log-likelihood (and
+ log-posterior probability) is calculated as: `-0.5 * np.sum(res **2)`.
+ This ignores the second summand in the square brackets. Consequently,
+ in order to calculate a fully correct log-posterior probability value
+ your objective function should return a single value. If
+ `is_weighted is False` then the data uncertainty, `s_n`, will be
+ treated as a nuisance parameter and will be marginalised out. This is
+ achieved by employing a strictly positive uncertainty
+ (homoscedasticity) for each data point, :math:`s_n = exp(__lnsigma)`.
+ `__lnsigma` will be present in `MinimizerResult.params`, as well as
+ `Minimizer.chain`, `nvarys` will also be increased by one.
+ References
+ ----------
+ .. [1]
+ """
+ if not HAS_EMCEE:
+ raise NotImplementedError('You must have emcee to use'
+ ' the emcee method')
+ tparams = params
+ # if you're reusing the sampler then ntemps, nwalkers have to be
+ # determined from the previous sampling
+ if reuse_sampler:
+ if not hasattr(self, 'sampler') or not hasattr(self, '_lastpos'):
+ raise ValueError("You wanted to use an existing sampler, but"
+ "it hasn't been created yet")
+ if len(self._lastpos.shape) == 2:
+ ntemps = 1
+ nwalkers = self._lastpos.shape[0]
+ elif len(self._lastpos.shape) == 3:
+ ntemps = self._lastpos.shape[0]
+ nwalkers = self._lastpos.shape[1]
+ tparams = None
+ result = self.prepare_fit(params=tparams)
+ params = result.params
+ # check if the userfcn returns a vector of residuals
+ out = self.userfcn(params, *self.userargs, **self.userkws)
+ out = np.asarray(out).ravel()
+ if out.size > 1 and is_weighted is False:
+ # we need to marginalise over a constant data uncertainty
+ if '__lnsigma' not in params:
+ # __lnsigma should already be in params if is_weighted was
+ # previously set to True.
+ params.add('__lnsigma', value=0.01, min=-np.inf, max=np.inf, vary=True)
+ # have to re-prepare the fit
+ result = self.prepare_fit(params)
+ params = result.params
+ # Removing internal parameter scaling. We could possibly keep it,
+ # but I don't know how this affects the emcee sampling.
+ bounds = []
+ var_arr = np.zeros(len(result.var_names))
+ i = 0
+ for par in params:
+ param = params[par]
+ if param.expr is not None:
+ param.vary = False
+ if param.vary:
+ var_arr[i] = param.value
+ i += 1
+ else:
+ # don't want to append bounds if they're not being varied.
+ continue
+ param.from_internal = lambda val: val
+ lb, ub = param.min, param.max
+ if lb is None or lb is np.nan:
+ lb = -np.inf
+ if ub is None or ub is np.nan:
+ ub = np.inf
+ bounds.append((lb, ub))
+ bounds = np.array(bounds)
+ self.nvarys = len(result.var_names)
+ # set up multiprocessing options for the samplers
+ auto_pool = None
+ sampler_kwargs = {}
+ if type(workers) is int and workers > 1:
+ auto_pool = multiprocessing.Pool(workers)
+ sampler_kwargs['pool'] = auto_pool
+ elif hasattr(workers, 'map'):
+ sampler_kwargs['pool'] = workers
+ # function arguments for the log-probability functions
+ # these values are sent to the log-probability functions by the sampler.
+ lnprob_args = (self.userfcn, params, result.var_names, bounds)
+ lnprob_kwargs = {'is_weighted': is_weighted,
+ 'float_behavior': float_behavior,
+ 'userargs': self.userargs,
+ 'userkws': self.userkws}
+ if ntemps > 1:
+ # the prior and likelihood function args and kwargs are the same
+ sampler_kwargs['loglargs'] = lnprob_args
+ sampler_kwargs['loglkwargs'] = lnprob_kwargs
+ sampler_kwargs['logpargs'] = (bounds,)
+ else:
+ sampler_kwargs['args'] = lnprob_args
+ sampler_kwargs['kwargs'] = lnprob_kwargs
+ # set up the random number generator
+ rng = _make_random_gen(seed)
+ # now initialise the samplers
+ if reuse_sampler:
+ if auto_pool is not None:
+ self.sampler.pool = auto_pool
+ p0 = self._lastpos
+ if p0.shape[-1] != self.nvarys:
+ raise ValueError("You cannot reuse the sampler if the number"
+ "of varying parameters has changed")
+ elif ntemps > 1:
+ # Parallel Tempering
+ # jitter the starting position by scaled Gaussian noise
+ p0 = 1 + rng.randn(ntemps, nwalkers, self.nvarys) * 1.e-4
+ p0 *= var_arr
+ self.sampler = emcee.PTSampler(ntemps, nwalkers, self.nvarys,
+ _lnpost, _lnprior, **sampler_kwargs)
+ else:
+ p0 = 1 + rng.randn(nwalkers, self.nvarys) * 1.e-4
+ p0 *= var_arr
+ self.sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers, self.nvarys,
+ _lnpost, **sampler_kwargs)
+ # user supplies an initialisation position for the chain
+ # If you try to run the sampler with p0 of a wrong size then you'll get
+ # a ValueError. Note, you can't initialise with a position if you are
+ # reusing the sampler.
+ if pos is not None and not reuse_sampler:
+ tpos = np.asfarray(pos)
+ if p0.shape == tpos.shape:
+ pass
+ # trying to initialise with a previous chain
+ elif (tpos.shape[0::2] == (nwalkers, self.nvarys)):
+ tpos = tpos[:, -1, :]
+ # initialising with a PTsampler chain.
+ elif ntemps > 1 and tpos.ndim == 4:
+ tpos_shape = list(tpos.shape)
+ tpos_shape.pop(2)
+ if tpos_shape == (ntemps, nwalkers, self.nvarys):
+ tpos = tpos[..., -1, :]
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('pos should have shape (nwalkers, nvarys)'
+ 'or (ntemps, nwalkers, nvarys) if ntemps > 1')
+ p0 = tpos
+ # if you specified a seed then you also need to seed the sampler
+ if seed is not None:
+ self.sampler.random_state = rng.get_state()
+ # now do a production run, sampling all the time
+ output = self.sampler.run_mcmc(p0, steps)
+ self._lastpos = output[0]
+ # discard the burn samples and thin
+ chain = self.sampler.chain[..., burn::thin, :]
+ lnprobability = self.sampler.lnprobability[:, burn::thin]
+ flatchain = chain.reshape((-1, self.nvarys))
+ quantiles = np.percentile(flatchain, [15.87, 50, 84.13], axis=0)
+ for i, var_name in enumerate(result.var_names):
+ std_l, median, std_u = quantiles[:, i]
+ params[var_name].value = median
+ params[var_name].stderr = 0.5 * (std_u - std_l)
+ params[var_name].correl = {}
+ params.update_constraints()
+ # work out correlation coefficients
+ corrcoefs = np.corrcoef(flatchain.T)
+ for i, var_name in enumerate(result.var_names):
+ for j, var_name2 in enumerate(result.var_names):
+ if i != j:
+ result.params[var_name].correl[var_name2] = corrcoefs[i, j]
+ result.chain = np.copy(chain)
+ result.lnprob = np.copy(lnprobability)
+ result.errorbars = True
+ result.nvarys = len(result.var_names)
+ if auto_pool is not None:
+ auto_pool.terminate()
+ return result
+ def leastsq(self, params=None, **kws):
+ """
+ Use Levenberg-Marquardt minimization to perform a fit.
+ This assumes that ModelParameters have been stored, and a function to
+ minimize has been properly set up.
+ This wraps scipy.optimize.leastsq.
+ When possible, this calculates the estimated uncertainties and
+ variable correlations from the covariance matrix.
+ Writes outputs to many internal attributes.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ params : Parameters, optional
+ Parameters to use as starting points.
+ kws : dict, optional
+ Minimizer options to pass to scipy.optimize.leastsq.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ success : bool
+ True if fit was successful, False if not.
+ """
+ result = self.prepare_fit(params=params)
+ vars = result.init_vals
+ nvars = len(vars)
+ lskws = dict(full_output=1, xtol=1.e-7, ftol=1.e-7, col_deriv=False,
+ gtol=1.e-7, maxfev=2000*(nvars+1), Dfun=None)
+ lskws.update(self.kws)
+ lskws.update(kws)
+ self.col_deriv = False
+ if lskws['Dfun'] is not None:
+ self.jacfcn = lskws['Dfun']
+ self.col_deriv = lskws['col_deriv']
+ lskws['Dfun'] = self.__jacobian
+ # suppress runtime warnings during fit and error analysis
+ orig_warn_settings = np.geterr()
+ np.seterr(all='ignore')
+ lsout = scipy_leastsq(self.__residual, vars, **lskws)
+ _best, _cov, infodict, errmsg, ier = lsout
+ result.aborted = self._abort
+ self._abort = False
+ result.residual = resid = infodict['fvec']
+ result.ier = ier
+ result.lmdif_message = errmsg
+ result.message = 'Fit succeeded.'
+ result.success = ier in [1, 2, 3, 4]
+ if result.aborted:
+ result.message = 'Fit aborted by user callback.'
+ result.success = False
+ elif ier == 0:
+ result.message = 'Invalid Input Parameters.'
+ elif ier == 5:
+ result.message = self.err_maxfev % lskws['maxfev']
+ else:
+ result.message = 'Tolerance seems to be too small.'
+ result.ndata = len(resid)
+ result.chisqr = (resid**2).sum()
+ result.nfree = (result.ndata - nvars)
+ result.redchi = result.chisqr / result.nfree
+ _log_likelihood = result.ndata * np.log(result.redchi)
+ result.aic = _log_likelihood + 2 * nvars
+ result.bic = _log_likelihood + np.log(result.ndata) * nvars
+ params = result.params
+ # need to map _best values to params, then calculate the
+ # grad for the variable parameters
+ grad = ones_like(_best)
+ vbest = ones_like(_best)
+ # ensure that _best, vbest, and grad are not
+ # broken 1-element ndarrays.
+ if len(np.shape(_best)) == 0:
+ _best = np.array([_best])
+ if len(np.shape(vbest)) == 0:
+ vbest = np.array([vbest])
+ if len(np.shape(grad)) == 0:
+ grad = np.array([grad])
+ for ivar, name in enumerate(result.var_names):
+ grad[ivar] = params[name].scale_gradient(_best[ivar])
+ vbest[ivar] = params[name].value
+ # modified from JJ Helmus'
+ infodict['fjac'] = transpose(transpose(infodict['fjac']) /
+ take(grad, infodict['ipvt'] - 1))
+ rvec = dot(triu(transpose(infodict['fjac'])[:nvars, :]),
+ take(eye(nvars), infodict['ipvt'] - 1, 0))
+ try:
+ result.covar = inv(dot(transpose(rvec), rvec))
+ except (LinAlgError, ValueError):
+ result.covar = None
+ has_expr = False
+ for par in params.values():
+ par.stderr, par.correl = 0, None
+ has_expr = has_expr or par.expr is not None
+ # self.errorbars = error bars were successfully estimated
+ result.errorbars = (result.covar is not None)
+ if result.aborted:
+ result.errorbars = False
+ if result.errorbars:
+ if self.scale_covar:
+ result.covar *= result.redchi
+ for ivar, name in enumerate(result.var_names):
+ par = params[name]
+ par.stderr = sqrt(result.covar[ivar, ivar])
+ par.correl = {}
+ try:
+ result.errorbars = result.errorbars and (par.stderr > 0.0)
+ for jvar, varn2 in enumerate(result.var_names):
+ if jvar != ivar:
+ par.correl[varn2] = (result.covar[ivar, jvar] /
+ (par.stderr * sqrt(result.covar[jvar, jvar])))
+ except:
+ result.errorbars = False
+ if has_expr:
+ # uncertainties on constrained parameters:
+ # get values with uncertainties (including correlations),
+ # temporarily set Parameter values to these,
+ # re-evaluate contrained parameters to extract stderr
+ # and then set Parameters back to best-fit value
+ try:
+ uvars = uncertainties.correlated_values(vbest, result.covar)
+ except (LinAlgError, ValueError):
+ uvars = None
+ if uvars is not None:
+ for par in params.values():
+ eval_stderr(par, uvars, result.var_names, params)
+ # restore nominal values
+ for v, nam in zip(uvars, result.var_names):
+ params[nam].value = v.nominal_value
+ if not result.errorbars:
+ result.message = '%s. Could not estimate error-bars' % result.message
+ np.seterr(**orig_warn_settings)
+ return result
+ def minimize(self, method='leastsq', params=None, **kws):
+ """
+ Perform the minimization.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ method : str, optional
+ Name of the fitting method to use.
+ One of:
+ 'leastsq' - Levenberg-Marquardt (default)
+ 'nelder' - Nelder-Mead
+ 'lbfgsb' - L-BFGS-B
+ 'powell' - Powell
+ 'cg' - Conjugate-Gradient
+ 'newton' - Newton-CG
+ 'cobyla' - Cobyla
+ 'tnc' - Truncate Newton
+ 'trust-ncg' - Trust Newton-CGn
+ 'dogleg' - Dogleg
+ 'slsqp' - Sequential Linear Squares Programming
+ 'differential_evolution' - differential evolution
+ params : Parameters, optional
+ parameters to use as starting values
+ Returns
+ -------
+ result : MinimizerResult
+ MinimizerResult object contains updated params, fit statistics, etc.
+ """
+ function = self.leastsq
+ kwargs = {'params': params}
+ kwargs.update(kws)
+ user_method = method.lower()
+ if user_method.startswith('least'):
+ function = self.leastsq
+ function = self.scalar_minimize
+ for key, val in SCALAR_METHODS.items():
+ if (key.lower().startswith(user_method) or
+ val.lower().startswith(user_method)):
+ kwargs['method'] = val
+ elif (user_method.startswith('nelder') or
+ user_method.startswith('fmin')):
+ function = self.fmin
+ elif user_method.startswith('lbfgsb'):
+ function = self.lbfgsb
+ return function(**kwargs)
+def _lnprior(theta, bounds):
+ """
+ Calculates an improper uniform log-prior probability
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ theta : sequence
+ float parameter values (only those being varied)
+ bounds : np.ndarray
+ Lower and upper bounds of parameters that are varying.
+ Has shape (nvarys, 2).
+ Returns
+ -------
+ lnprob : float
+ Log prior probability
+ """
+ if (np.any(theta > bounds[:, 1])
+ or np.any(theta < bounds[:, 0])):
+ return -np.inf
+ else:
+ return 0
+def _lnpost(theta, userfcn, params, var_names, bounds, userargs=(),
+ userkws=None, float_behavior='posterior', is_weighted=True):
+ """
+ Calculates the log-posterior probability. See the `Minimizer.emcee` method
+ for more details
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ theta : sequence
+ float parameter values (only those being varied)
+ userfcn : callable
+ User objective function
+ params : lmfit.Parameters
+ The entire set of Parameters
+ var_names : list
+ The names of the parameters that are varying
+ bounds : np.ndarray
+ Lower and upper bounds of parameters. Has shape (nvarys, 2).
+ userargs : tuple, optional
+ Extra positional arguments required for user objective function
+ userkws : dict, optional
+ Extra keyword arguments required for user objective function
+ float_behavior : str, optional
+ Specifies meaning of objective when it returns a float. One of:
+ 'posterior' - objective function returnins a log-posterior
+ probability.
+ 'chi2' - objective function returns a chi2 value.
+ is_weighted : bool
+ If `userfcn` returns a vector of residuals then `is_weighted`
+ specifies if the residuals have been weighted by data uncertainties.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ lnprob : float
+ Log posterior probability
+ """
+ # the comparison has to be done on theta and bounds. DO NOT inject theta
+ # values into Parameters, then compare Parameters values to the bounds.
+ # Parameters values are clipped to stay within bounds.
+ if (np.any(theta > bounds[:, 1])
+ or np.any(theta < bounds[:, 0])):
+ return -np.inf
+ for name, val in zip(var_names, theta):
+ params[name].value = val
+ userkwargs = {}
+ if userkws is not None:
+ userkwargs = userkws
+ # update the constraints
+ params.update_constraints()
+ # now calculate the log-likelihood
+ out = userfcn(params, *userargs, **userkwargs)
+ lnprob = np.asarray(out).ravel()
+ if lnprob.size > 1:
+ # objective function returns a vector of residuals
+ if '__lnsigma' in params and not is_weighted:
+ # marginalise over a constant data uncertainty
+ __lnsigma = params['__lnsigma'].value
+ c = np.log(2 * np.pi) + 2 * __lnsigma
+ lnprob = -0.5 * np.sum((lnprob / np.exp(__lnsigma)) ** 2 + c)
+ else:
+ lnprob = -0.5 * (lnprob * lnprob).sum()
+ else:
+ # objective function returns a single value.
+ # use float_behaviour to figure out if the value is posterior or chi2
+ if float_behavior == 'posterior':
+ pass
+ elif float_behavior == 'chi2':
+ lnprob *= -0.5
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("float_behaviour must be either 'posterior' or"
+ " 'chi2' " + float_behavior)
+ return lnprob
+def _make_random_gen(seed):
+ """Turn seed into a np.random.RandomState instance
+ If seed is None, return the RandomState singleton used by np.random.
+ If seed is an int, return a new RandomState instance seeded with seed.
+ If seed is already a RandomState instance, return it.
+ Otherwise raise ValueError.
+ """
+ if seed is None or seed is np.random:
+ return np.random.mtrand._rand
+ if isinstance(seed, (numbers.Integral, np.integer)):
+ return np.random.RandomState(seed)
+ if isinstance(seed, np.random.RandomState):
+ return seed
+ raise ValueError('%r cannot be used to seed a numpy.random.RandomState'
+ ' instance' % seed)
+def minimize(fcn, params, method='leastsq', args=None, kws=None,
+ scale_covar=True, iter_cb=None, **fit_kws):
+ """
+ A general purpose curvefitting function
+ The minimize function takes a objective function to be minimized, a
+ dictionary (lmfit.parameter.Parameters) containing the model parameters,
+ and several optional arguments.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ fcn : callable
+ objective function that returns the residual (difference between
+ model and data) to be minimized in a least squares sense. The
+ function must have the signature:
+ `fcn(params, *args, **kws)`
+ params : lmfit.parameter.Parameters object.
+ contains the Parameters for the model.
+ method : str, optional
+ Name of the fitting method to use.
+ One of:
+ 'leastsq' - Levenberg-Marquardt (default)
+ 'nelder' - Nelder-Mead
+ 'lbfgsb' - L-BFGS-B
+ 'powell' - Powell
+ 'cg' - Conjugate-Gradient
+ 'newton' - Newton-CG
+ 'cobyla' - Cobyla
+ 'tnc' - Truncate Newton
+ 'trust-ncg' - Trust Newton-CGn
+ 'dogleg' - Dogleg
+ 'slsqp' - Sequential Linear Squares Programming
+ 'differential_evolution' - differential evolution
+ args : tuple, optional
+ Positional arguments to pass to fcn.
+ kws : dict, optional
+ keyword arguments to pass to fcn.
+ iter_cb : callable, optional
+ Function to be called at each fit iteration. This function should
+ have the signature `iter_cb(params, iter, resid, *args, **kws)`,
+ where where `params` will have the current parameter values, `iter`
+ the iteration, `resid` the current residual array, and `*args`
+ and `**kws` as passed to the objective function.
+ scale_covar : bool, optional
+ Whether to automatically scale the covariance matrix (leastsq
+ only).
+ fit_kws : dict, optional
+ Options to pass to the minimizer being used.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ The objective function should return the value to be minimized. For the
+ Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm from leastsq(), this returned value must
+ be an array, with a length greater than or equal to the number of
+ fitting variables in the model. For the other methods, the return value
+ can either be a scalar or an array. If an array is returned, the sum of
+ squares of the array will be sent to the underlying fitting method,
+ effectively doing a least-squares optimization of the return values.
+ A common use for `args` and `kwds` would be to pass in other
+ data needed to calculate the residual, including such things as the
+ data array, dependent variable, uncertainties in the data, and other
+ data structures for the model calculation.
+ """
+ fitter = Minimizer(fcn, params, fcn_args=args, fcn_kws=kws,
+ iter_cb=iter_cb, scale_covar=scale_covar, **fit_kws)
+ return fitter.minimize(method=method)