path: root/translations/tool.tcl
diff options
authorAndrej Shadura <>2018-05-08 15:59:31 +0200
committerAndrej Shadura <>2018-05-08 15:59:31 +0200
commit47aa8b00b2b11df13a100489e0f904a4947177ef (patch)
treeb35c9acc778ea2f761f3c549f7bee2f4491b3144 /translations/tool.tcl
parent5b8466f7fae0e071c0f4eda13051c93313910028 (diff)
Import Upstream version 1.4.7
Diffstat (limited to 'translations/tool.tcl')
1 files changed, 697 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/translations/tool.tcl b/translations/tool.tcl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..668855f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translations/tool.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,697 @@
+#! /usr/bin/tclsh
+# Part of MCU 8051 IDE ( )
+# Copyright (C) 2011 by Martin Ošmera #
+# #
+# #
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and#or modify #
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or #
+# (at your option) any later version. #
+# #
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
+# GNU General Public License for more details. #
+# #
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #
+# along with this program; if not, write to the #
+# Free Software Foundation, Inc., #
+# 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. #
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# This is the translation manipulation tool written for the MCU 8051 IDE
+# project, purpose of this tool is to simplify maintenance of the
+# translation files. Since the template.txt might get updated every now and
+# then, we need to keep the translation files updated.
+# This file is intended to be used as a stand-alone executable
+# Command line options:
+# -t <file>
+# Update a translation template file (e.g. template.txt).
+# -m <file>
+# Update the given translation file (<file>) according to the
+# template.txt file located in the same directory as this script.
+# -h, --help, --usage
+# Print the help message.
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+namespace eval TranslationManipulationTool {
+ variable orig_dir ;# String: Directory from which the script was executed
+ variable tmp_dir ;# String: Temporary directory, e.g. "/tmp"
+ variable error_code ;# Int: Auxiliary variable indicating error
+ ## Initialize the tool, set some variables, etc.
+ # @return void
+ proc init {} {
+ variable orig_dir ;# String: Directory from which the script was executed
+ variable tmp_dir ;# String: Temporary directory, e.g. "/tmp"
+ variable error_code ;# Int: Auxiliary variable indicating error
+ set error_code 0
+ set orig_dir [pwd]
+ set tmp_dir {/tmp}
+ if {[string first {Windows} ${::tcl_platform(os)}] != -1} {
+ set tmp_dir ${::env(TEMP)}
+ }
+ if {$tmp_dir == {}} {
+ puts stderr "ERROR: Unable to determinate location of the temp directory."
+ exit 1
+ }
+ cd [file dirname $::argv0]
+ }
+ ## Update translation template file
+ #
+ # The update does these things:
+ # - add IDs to translation strings which does not have any yet,
+ # - remove duplicity translation strings,
+ # - remove translation strings which clearly cannot be translated, e.g. "--- %s".
+ #
+ # @param String filename - Name of the subject for the update
+ # @return void
+ proc update_template {filename} {
+ variable orig_dir ;# String: Directory from which the script was executed
+ variable tmp_dir ;# String: Temporary directory, e.g. "/tmp"
+ variable error_code ;# Int: Auxiliary variable indicating error
+ # Inform user about what we are doing
+ puts ""
+ puts " * Updating the template file: $filename"
+ # Open the translation template file (for reading)
+ if {[catch {
+ set f [file join $orig_dir $filename]
+ set template_file [open $f {r}]
+ }]} then {
+ puts stderr "ERROR: Unable to open $f file, exiting."
+ exit 1
+ }
+ # Open a temporary file (for writing)
+ if {[catch {
+ set f [file join $tmp_dir "mcu8051ide_template_txt.tmp"]
+ set template_file_tmp [open $f {w} 0644]
+ }]} then {
+ catch {
+ close $template_file
+ }
+ puts stderr "ERROR: Unable to open mcu8051ide_template_txt.tmp file, exiting."
+ exit 1
+ }
+ # Determinate the highest value of translation string ID
+ set highest_id 0
+ while {![eof $template_file]} {
+ set line [gets $template_file]
+ if {[regexp {^\s*##ID:\d{6}##\s*$} $line]} {
+ regexp {\d{6}} $line id
+ set id [string trimleft $id 0]
+ if {![string length $id]} {
+ set id 0
+ }
+ if {$id > $highest_id} {
+ set highest_id $id
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Increment the highest ID by 10 in order to make less probable
+ #+ that we actually reuse an ID.
+ if {$highest_id} {
+ incr highest_id 10
+ }
+ # Update the template file, the file itself will remain unchanged,
+ #+ we write results to the previously created/opened temporary file
+ seek $template_file 0 ;# Return at the beginning of the file
+ set line {} ;# String: Line read from the file
+ set prev_line {} ;# String: Line previously read from the file
+ array set tr_str_in_ns {} ;# Array of Lists: Translation strings in a namespace
+ set current_namespace {} ;# String: Current namespace
+ set transl_count 0 ;# Int: Number of translation strings found in the template
+ set rem_transl_count 0 ;# Int: Number of removed translation strings
+ set add_ids_count 0 ;# Int: Number of added IDs
+ while {![eof $template_file]} {
+ set line_raw [gets $template_file]
+ # Skip empty lines, or lines containing only white space
+ if {[regexp {^\s*$} $line_raw]} {
+ continue
+ }
+ set prev_line $line
+ set line $line_raw
+ # Detect white space
+ if {[regexp {namespace\s+eval\s+[^\{]+} $line ns_name]} {
+ regsub {namespace\s+eval\s+} $ns_name {} ns_name
+ regsub {\s*$} $ns_name {} ns_name
+ set current_namespace $ns_name
+ }
+ # Make the array with translation strings in a namespace aware of the current namespace
+ if {[lsearch -ascii -exact [array names tr_str_in_ns] $current_namespace] == -1} {
+ set tr_str_in_ns($current_namespace) [list]
+ }
+ # Attempt to extract the string for translation (original/source string)
+ if {[regexp {^\s*mcset\s+\$l\s+} $line]} {
+ set idx [string first {mcset} $line]
+ } else {
+ set idx -1
+ }
+ set trans_str $line
+ regsub -all {^\s*mcset\s+\$l\s*} $trans_str {} trans_str ;# Remove " mcset $l "
+ regsub -all {\s*\\\s*$} $trans_str {} trans_str ;# Remove trailing backslash
+ set trans_str_orig $trans_str
+ regsub -all {\{} $trans_str "\\\{" trans_str
+ regsub -all {\}} $trans_str "\\\}" trans_str
+ regsub -all {\"} $trans_str "\\\"" trans_str
+ if {$idx != -1} {
+ # Check for possibly duplicity, this condition is not allowed and it has to fixed
+ if {[lsearch -ascii -exact $tr_str_in_ns($current_namespace) $trans_str] != -1} {
+ puts "Removing duplicity: $trans_str_orig from namespace $current_namespace"
+ incr rem_transl_count
+ # Remove the next line as well
+ if {![eof $template_file]} {
+ gets $template_file
+ }
+ continue
+ }
+ # Check for nonsense string for translation, e.g. "--- %s ---"
+ if {![regexp {\w} $trans_str]} {
+ puts "Removing nonsense: $trans_str_orig from namespace $current_namespace"
+ incr rem_transl_count
+ # Remove the next line as well
+ if {![eof $template_file]} {
+ gets $template_file
+ }
+ continue
+ }
+ # Remember this translation in order to be able to detect possible duplicities later
+ lappend tr_str_in_ns($current_namespace) $trans_str
+ incr transl_count
+ # Generate and add a new ID if there is none yet
+ if {![regexp {^\s*##ID:\d{6}##\s*$} $prev_line]} {
+ incr add_ids_count
+ puts $template_file_tmp [format "%s##ID:%06d##" [string repeat { } $idx] [incr highest_id]]
+ } else {
+ puts $template_file_tmp $prev_line
+ }
+ }
+ # ID are handled separately, so we don't want them printed here
+ if {![regexp {^\s*##ID:\d{6}##\s*$} $line]} {
+ puts $template_file_tmp $line
+ }
+ }
+ array unset tr_str_in_ns
+ # Inform user about results
+ puts ""
+ puts "** Translation template updated"
+ puts " * Current number of translation strings: $transl_count"
+ puts " * Number of removed translation strings: $rem_transl_count"
+ puts " * Number of added translation IDs: $add_ids_count"
+ # Close all opened files
+ if {[catch {
+ close $template_file
+ }]} then {
+ puts stderr "ERROR: Unable to close the template file."
+ set error_code 1
+ }
+ if {[catch {
+ close $template_file_tmp
+ }]} then {
+ puts stderr "ERROR: Unable to close the template tmp file."
+ set error_code 1
+ }
+ if {$error_code} {
+ exit $error_code
+ }
+ # Move, copy, and/or remove files
+ set s [file join $tmp_dir "mcu8051ide_template_txt.tmp"]
+ set t "template.txt"
+ catch {
+ file rename -force $t "${t}~"
+ }
+ if {[catch {
+ file copy -force $s $t
+ }]} then {
+ puts stderr "ERROR: Unable to copy $s --> $t."
+ exit 1
+ }
+ catch {
+ file delete -force $s
+ }
+ }
+ ## Update translation file (a .msg file)
+ #
+ # The update does these things:
+ # -
+ #
+ # @param String filename - Name of the subject for the update
+ # @return void
+ proc update_msg_file {filename} {
+ variable orig_dir ;# String: Directory from which the script was executed
+ variable tmp_dir ;# String: Temporary directory, e.g. "/tmp"
+ variable error_code ;# Int: Auxiliary variable indicating error
+ # Local variables, all of them are Int: number of -
+ set missing_id_count 0 ;# - translation strings without ID
+ set not_trans_count 0 ;# - not translated strings
+ set trans_count 0 ;# - translated strings
+ set updated_count 0 ;# - updated translation strings
+ set found_in_src 0 ;# - translation strings found in the translation file
+ set found_in_tmpl 0 ;# - translation strings found in the template file
+ set added_count 0 ;# - translation strings copied from the translation file to the translation file
+ set id_dupl_count 0 ;# - duplicities in translation string ID
+ # Inform user about what we are doing
+ puts ""
+ puts "* Updating translation file: $filename"
+ if {$filename == {}} {
+ puts stderr "No file name given."
+ return
+ }
+ if {[catch {
+ set f [file join $orig_dir $filename]
+ set source_file [open $f {r}]
+ }]} then {
+ puts stderr "ERROR: Unable to open $f file, exiting."
+ exit 1
+ }
+ if {[catch {
+ set f [file join . "template.txt"]
+ set template_file [open $f {r}]
+ }]} then {
+ catch {
+ close $source_file
+ }
+ puts stderr "ERROR: Unable to open $f file, exiting."
+ exit 1
+ }
+ if {[catch {
+ set f [file tail $filename]
+ set f [file join $tmp_dir "${f}.tmp"]
+ set target_file [open $f {w} 0644]
+ }]} then {
+ catch {
+ close $source_file
+ }
+ catch {
+ close $template_file
+ }
+ puts stderr "ERROR: Unable to open $f file, exiting."
+ exit 1
+ }
+ array set trans_strs_by_id {}
+ # Copy commets at the begining of the source file to the target file,
+ #+ and load all translations into an array
+ set header 1
+ while {![eof $source_file]} {
+ set line [gets $source_file]
+ # Copy only continuous block of comments at the beginning of the file
+ if {$header && [regexp {^\s*#} $line] && ![regexp {^\s*##ID:\d{6}##\s*$} $line]} {
+ puts $target_file $line
+ continue
+ }
+ if {$header} {
+ set header 0
+ }
+ # Detect translation string ID
+ if {[regexp {^\s*##ID:\d{6}##\s*$} $line]} {
+ regexp {\d{6}} $line id
+ # Get original string, the string for translation
+ set trans_str_org [get_trans_str_org $source_file]
+ if {$trans_str_org == {}} {
+ break ;# We can still partially recover from here
+ }
+ set trans_str_org_raw [lindex $trans_str_org 1]
+ set trans_str_org [lindex $trans_str_org 0]
+ # Get translated string
+ set trans_str_trn [get_trans_str_trn $source_file]
+ if {$trans_str_trn == {}} {
+ break ;# We can still partially recover from here
+ }
+ set update_flag [lindex $trans_str_trn 2]
+ set trans_str_trn_raw [lindex $trans_str_trn 1]
+ set trans_str_trn [lindex $trans_str_trn 0]
+ # Check whether strings {} have the same length
+ if {
+ [string index [lindex $trans_str_org 0] 1] == "\{"
+ &&
+ [string length $trans_str_trn] != [string length $trans_str_org]
+ } then {
+ puts stderr "Warning: Translation probably violates the translation rules: ``$trans_str_org_raw'' --> ``$trans_str_trn_raw''"
+ }
+ # Detect, and remove, strings with duplicit IDs
+ if {[lsearch -ascii -exact [array names trans_strs_by_id] $id] != -1} {
+ puts stderr "Warning: Duplicit ID found: $id, ignoring!"
+ incr id_dupl_count
+ } else {
+ set trans_strs_by_id($id) [list $trans_str_org $trans_str_trn $update_flag]
+ incr found_in_src
+ }
+ }
+ # The mcset command should have been already handled when ID was detected
+ if {[regexp {^\s*mcset\s+\$l\s+} $line]} {
+ set idx [string first {mcset} $line]
+ } else {
+ set idx -1
+ }
+ if {$idx != -1} {
+ regsub -all {^\s*mcset\s+\$l\s*} $line {} line ;# Remove " mcset $l "
+ regsub -all {\s*\\\s*$} $line {} line ;# Remove trailing backslash
+ puts stderr "Warning: Missing translation string ID: ``$line'', removing!"
+ }
+ }
+ # We don't need the source file opened for reading any more
+ catch {
+ close $source_file
+ }
+ # Copy the rest (not commets at the begining of the file) from the
+ #+ template file to the target file, and update it from the
+ #+ trans_strs_by_id array which was extracted from the source file
+ set header 1
+ while {![eof $template_file]} {
+ set line [gets $template_file]
+ # Copy commets at the begining of the template file
+ if {$header && [regexp {^\s*#} $line] && ![regexp {^\s*##ID:\d{6}##\s*$} $line]} {
+ continue
+ }
+ if {$header} {
+ set header 0
+ }
+ # Detect translation string ID
+ if {[regexp {^\s*##ID:\d{6}##\s*$} $line]} {
+ regexp {\d{6}} $line id
+ # Get original string, the string for translation
+ set trans_str_org [get_trans_str_org $template_file]
+ if {$trans_str_org == {}} {
+ exit 1 ;# It would make no sense to continue from here
+ }
+ set mcset_idx [lindex $trans_str_org 2]
+ set trans_str_org_raw [lindex $trans_str_org 1]
+ set trans_str_org [lindex $trans_str_org 0]
+ # Get translated string
+ set trans_str_trn [get_trans_str_trn $template_file]
+ if {$trans_str_trn == {}} {
+ exit 1 ;# It would make no sense to continue from here
+ }
+ set trans_str_trn_raw [lindex $trans_str_trn 1]
+ set trans_str_trn [lindex $trans_str_trn 0]
+ # Regenerate the mcset command along with the string for translation
+ set original_string [string repeat { } $mcset_idx]
+ append original_string {mcset $l } $trans_str_org " \\"
+ regsub -all {\\\{} $original_string "\{" original_string
+ regsub -all {\\\}} $original_string "\}" original_string
+ regsub -all {\\\"} $original_string "\"" original_string
+ # Regenerate new translated string
+ set translation [string repeat { } [expr {$mcset_idx + 9}]]
+ if {[lsearch -ascii -exact [array names trans_strs_by_id] $id] == -1} {
+ # The string was not even found in the given translation file
+ append translation $trans_str_trn
+ regsub -all {\\\{} $translation "\{" translation
+ regsub -all {\\\}} $translation "\}" translation
+ regsub -all {\\\"} $translation "\"" translation
+ } else {
+ # The string was found in the translation file
+ append translation [lindex $trans_strs_by_id($id) 1]
+ regsub -all {\\\{} $translation "\{" translation
+ regsub -all {\\\}} $translation "\}" translation
+ regsub -all {\\\"} $translation "\"" translation
+ # But, it has not been translated (yet)
+ if {$trans_str_trn == [lindex $trans_strs_by_id($id) 1]} {
+ append translation " ;# <-- NOT TRANSLATED YET"
+ incr not_trans_count
+ } else {
+ incr trans_count
+ }
+ # If the source string (string for translation) in the template differs from
+ # the same string in the given translation file then add " ;# <-- UPDATE?"
+ # comment there.
+ if {$trans_str_org != [lindex $trans_strs_by_id($id) 0]} {
+ set foo [lindex $trans_strs_by_id($id) 0]
+ regsub -all {\\\{} $foo "\{" foo
+ regsub -all {\\\}} $foo "\}" foo
+ regsub -all {\\\"} $foo "\"" foo
+ puts "Source strings does not match, translation might need an update: ``$trans_str_org_raw'' --> ``$foo''"
+ append translation " ;# <-- UPDATE?"
+ incr updated_count
+ } elseif {[lindex $trans_strs_by_id($id) 2]} {
+ append translation " ;# <-- UPDATE?"
+ }
+ }
+ # Write results to the temporary file
+ puts $target_file $line ;# <-- #ID:dddddd##
+ puts $target_file $original_string ;# <-- mcset $l "original string"
+ puts $target_file $translation ;# <-- "translated string"
+ incr found_in_tmpl
+ continue
+ }
+ # Copy the rest
+ puts $target_file $line
+ }
+ array unset trans_strs_by_id {}
+ set added_count [expr {$found_in_tmpl - $found_in_src}]
+ # Inform user about results
+ puts ""
+ puts "** File: $filename updated"
+ puts " * Number of translations without ID: $missing_id_count"
+ puts " * Number of ID duplicities: $id_dupl_count"
+ puts " * Translated strings: $trans_count"
+ puts " * Not translated strings: $not_trans_count"
+ puts " * Number of translation which might need to be updated: $updated_count"
+ puts " * Number of strings added for translations: $added_count"
+ # Close all opened files
+ if {[catch {
+ close $template_file
+ }]} then {
+ puts stderr "ERROR: Unable to close the template file."
+ set error_code 1
+ }
+ if {[catch {
+ close $target_file
+ }]} then {
+ puts stderr "ERROR: Unable to close the target file."
+ set error_code 1
+ }
+ if {$error_code} {
+ exit $error_code
+ }
+ # Move, copy, and/or remove files
+ set s [file tail $filename]
+ set s [file join $tmp_dir "${s}.tmp"]
+ set t [file join $orig_dir $filename]
+ catch {
+ file rename -force $t "${t}~"
+ }
+ if {[catch {
+ file copy -force $s $t
+ }]} then {
+ puts stderr "ERROR: Unable to copy $s --> $t."
+ exit 1
+ }
+ catch {
+ file delete -force $s
+ }
+ }
+ ## Attempt to extract string for translation from the given file
+ # @param ChannelID source_file - File descriptor returned by "open"
+ # @return List:
+ # - {escaped_string raw_string index_of_mcset} <-- In case of success
+ # - {} <-- In case of failure
+ proc get_trans_str_org {source_file} {
+ if {[eof $source_file]} {
+ puts stderr "Warning: Unexpected end of file."
+ return {}
+ }
+ set trans_str_org [gets $source_file]
+ if {[regexp {^\s*mcset\s+\$l\s+} $trans_str_org]} {
+ set idx [string first {mcset} $trans_str_org]
+ } else {
+ set idx -1
+ }
+ if {$idx == -1} {
+ puts stderr "ERROR: Expected ``mcset $l'' at the beginnig of the line!"
+ return {}
+ }
+ regsub -all {^\s*mcset\s+\$l\s*} $trans_str_org {} trans_str_org ;# Remove " mcset $l "
+ regsub -all {\s*\\\s*$} $trans_str_org {} trans_str_org ;# Remove trailing backslash
+ set trans_str_org_raw $trans_str_org
+ regsub -all {\{} $trans_str_org "\\\{" trans_str_org
+ regsub -all {\}} $trans_str_org "\\\}" trans_str_org
+ regsub -all {\"} $trans_str_org "\\\"" trans_str_org
+ return [list $trans_str_org $trans_str_org_raw $idx]
+ }
+ ## Attempt to extract translated string from the given file
+ # @param ChannelID source_file - File descriptor returned by "open"
+ # @return List:
+ # - {escaped_string raw_string update_flag} <-- In case of success
+ # - {} <-- In case of failure
+ # @note
+ # update_flag == 1 means that there was ``;# <-- UPDATE?'' on the line,
+ # it's important because that comment should be preserved
+ proc get_trans_str_trn {source_file} {
+ if {[eof $source_file]} {
+ puts stderr "Warning: Unexpected end of file."
+ return {}
+ }
+ set trans_str_trn [gets $source_file]
+ if {[regexp ";# <-- UPDATE\?" $trans_str_trn]} {
+ set update_flag 1
+ } else {
+ set update_flag 0
+ }
+ regsub -all ";#.*$" $trans_str_trn {} trans_str_trn ;# Remove commet
+ regsub -all {\s*$} $trans_str_trn {} trans_str_trn ;# Remove trailing white space
+ regsub -all {^\s*} $trans_str_trn {} trans_str_trn ;# Remove leading white space
+ set trans_str_trn_raw $trans_str_trn
+ regsub -all {\{} $trans_str_trn "\\\{" trans_str_trn
+ regsub -all {\}} $trans_str_trn "\\\}" trans_str_trn
+ regsub -all {\"} $trans_str_trn "\\\"" trans_str_trn
+ return [list $trans_str_trn $trans_str_trn_raw $update_flag]
+ }
+ ## Print some information about what this tool is, and what's the license, etc.
+ # @return void
+ proc print_basic_info {} {
+ puts "Translation manipulation tool written for MCU 8051 IDE."
+ puts ""
+ puts "This software is licensed under GNU GPLv2 and comes with no warranty, "
+ puts "please report any bugs you encounter to the author of the script:"
+ puts "<>."
+ puts ""
+ }
+ ## Print help message to inform the user how to use this tool
+ # @return void
+ proc print_help {} {
+ print_basic_info
+ puts "Options:"
+ puts " -t <file>"
+ puts " Update a translation template file (e.g. template.txt)."
+ puts ""
+ puts " -m <file>"
+ puts " Update the given translation file (<file>) according to the"
+ puts " template.txt file located in the same directory as this script."
+ puts ""
+ puts " -h, --help, --usage"
+ puts " Print this message."
+ puts ""
+ }
+ ## Entry point to the tool functions
+ # @return void
+ proc main {} {
+ # If no CLI arguments were provided, print the help message
+ if {!$::argc} {
+ print_help
+ return 1
+ }
+ # Initialize the tool
+ TranslationManipulationTool::init
+ # List: Operations to execute
+ set command_list [list]
+ # Iterate over provided CLI arguments list and process it
+ for {set i 0} {$i < $::argc} {incr i} {
+ set arg [lindex $::argv $i]
+ switch -exact -- $arg {
+ {-h} { ;# Print the help message
+ print_help
+ return 0
+ }
+ {--help} { ;# Print the help message
+ print_help
+ return 0
+ }
+ {--usage} { ;# Print the help message
+ print_help
+ return 0
+ }
+ {-t} { ;# Update template file
+ set filename [lindex $::argv [incr i]]
+ if {![string length $filename]} {
+ puts stderr "Argument expected after the $arg option."
+ exit 1
+ }
+ lappend command_list "update_template $filename"
+ }
+ {-m} { ;# Update translation file
+ set filename [lindex $::argv [incr i]]
+ if {![string length $filename]} {
+ puts stderr "Argument expected after the $arg option."
+ exit 1
+ }
+ lappend command_list "update_msg_file $filename"
+ }
+ default { ;# Nonsense argument --> error
+ puts stderr "Unknown option ``$arg''."
+ puts stderr "Please type \"${::argv0} --help\" for help."
+ return 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Print some information about what this tool is, and what's the license, etc.
+ print_basic_info
+ # Execute required operations
+ foreach cmd $command_list {
+ eval $cmd
+ }
+ # Success
+ return 0
+ }
+# Start the tool
+exit [TranslationManipulationTool::main]