path: root/lib/bottompanel/graph_wdg.tcl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/bottompanel/graph_wdg.tcl')
1 files changed, 1115 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/bottompanel/graph_wdg.tcl b/lib/bottompanel/graph_wdg.tcl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bcb2d62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/bottompanel/graph_wdg.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,1115 @@
+# Part of MCU 8051 IDE ( )
+# Copyright (C) 2007-2008 by Martin Ošmera #
+# #
+# #
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and#or modify #
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or #
+# (at your option) any later version. #
+# #
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
+# GNU General Public License for more details. #
+# #
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #
+# along with this program; if not, write to the #
+# Free Software Foundation, Inc., #
+# 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. #
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Graph widget for showing port states
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class GraphWidget {
+ common step_y 13 ;# Int: Vertical distance between graph rows
+ common half_edge 5 ;# Int: Half length of bit edge
+ common full_edge 10 ;# Int: Full length of bit edge
+ # Big font (vertical header)
+ common big_font [font create \
+ -family $::DEFAULT_FIXED_FONT \
+ -size -14 -weight bold \
+ ]
+ # Small font (horizontal header)
+ common small_font [font create \
+ -family $::DEFAULT_FIXED_FONT \
+ -size -14 -weight bold \
+ ]
+ # Font for booleans values for each port
+ common bool_font [font create \
+ -family $::DEFAULT_FIXED_FONT \
+ -size -12 -weight bold \
+ ]
+ # Definition of graph popup menu
+ common GRAPHMENU {
+ {command {ON/OFF} {} 0 "graph_change_status_on"
+ {} "Enable/Disable graph"}
+ {separator}
+ {command {Change grid} {} 1 "graph_switch_grid_mode 1"
+ {} "Change grid morfology"}
+ {separator}
+ {command {Zoom in} {} 1 "graph_zoom_in"
+ {viewmag_in} "Change bit length on X axis to a lower value"}
+ {command {Zoom out} {} 1 "graph_zoom_out"
+ {viewmag_out} "Change bit length on X axis to a higher value"}
+ {separator}
+ {command {Remove marks} {} 1 "graph_clear_marks"
+ {editdelete} "Clear user marks"}
+ }
+ # Variables related to object initialization
+ private variable gui_initialized 0 ;# Bool: GUI created
+ private variable _parent ;# Parent widget
+ private variable parent ;# Innert parent widget
+ private variable canvasWidget ;# ID of the canvas widget
+ private variable grid_mode {b} ;# Current grid mode (one of {b n x y})
+ private variable drawing_on 1 ;# Bool: Graph enabled
+ private variable magnification 0 ;# Magnification level (0..3)
+ private variable graph_elements ;# Array: IDs of graph elements (green and red lines)
+ private variable intr_lines {} ;# List of IDs of interrupt lines
+ private variable marks {} ;# List of IDs mark rectangulars
+ private variable mark_flags {} ;# List of Boolean mark flags
+ private variable state_history {} ;# History of X bits (for changing magnification level and stepback)
+ private variable intr_history {} ;# History of X interrupt flags
+ private variable previous_state ;# Array: previous state of each bit
+ private variable menu {} ;# ID of canvas popup menu
+ private variable step_x ;# Number of pixels required for draw one bit
+ private variable scrollable_frame ;# Widget: Scrollable area (parent for all other widgets)
+ private variable horizontal_scrollbar ;# Widget: Horizontal scrollbar for scrollable area
+ private variable number_of_ports ;# Int: Number of MCU's ports (see engine proc. get_ports_info)
+ private variable port_numbers ;# List: Numbers of implemented ports (e.g. {0 3})
+ private variable port_length_in_px ;# Length of one port segment in PX
+ private variable port_graph_length ;# Same as port_length_in_px but only visible area
+ private variable history_max_length ;# Maximum history depth
+ private variable Super ;# Object: Super
+ ## Prepare object for creating its GUI
+ # @parm Widget Parent - GUI parent widget
+ # @parm List _data_list - Configuration data list
+ # @return void
+ constructor {Parent super} {
+ set _parent $Parent
+ set Super $super
+ set gui_initialized 0
+ }
+ ## Object destructor
+ destructor {
+ if {$gui_initialized} {
+ menu_Sbar_remove $menu
+ }
+ }
+ ## React to MCU change
+ # @return void
+ public method change_mcu {} {
+ if {!$gui_initialized} {return}
+ foreach wdg [winfo children $_parent] {
+ destroy $wdg
+ }
+ set gui_initialized 0
+ CreateGraphGUI
+ }
+ ## Initialize graph
+ # @return void
+ public method CreateGraphGUI {} {
+ if {$gui_initialized} {return}
+ set gui_initialized 1
+ # Determinate number of ports and port indexes
+ set number_of_ports [$Super get_ports_info]
+ set port_numbers [lindex $number_of_ports 1]
+ set number_of_ports [lindex $number_of_ports 0]
+ set port_length_in_px [expr {840 / $number_of_ports}]
+ set port_graph_length [expr {$port_length_in_px - 15}]
+ set history_max_length [expr {$port_graph_length / 5}]
+ # Create scrollable area
+ set scrollable_frame [ScrollableFrame $_parent.scrollable_frame \
+ -xscrollcommand "$this graph_gui_scroll_set" \
+ ]
+ set horizontal_scrollbar [ttk::scrollbar $_parent.horizontal_scrollbar \
+ -orient horizontal -command "$scrollable_frame xview" \
+ ]
+ pack $scrollable_frame -fill both -side bottom -expand 1
+ set parent [$scrollable_frame getframe]
+ # Create canvas widget
+ set canvasWidget [canvas $parent.canvas \
+ -height 120 -width 860 -bd 0 \
+ -highlightthickness 0 \
+ ]
+ # Create graph headers
+ for {set i 0; set y 17} {$i < 8} {incr i; incr y $step_y} {
+ $canvasWidget create text 10 $y -text $i -font $small_font -anchor n -fill {#0000FF} -tags background
+ }
+ for {set i 0} {$i < $number_of_ports} {incr i} {
+ set x [expr {$i * $port_length_in_px + $port_length_in_px / 2 + 20}]
+ $canvasWidget create text $x 7 \
+ -text "P[lindex $port_numbers $i]" \
+ -font $big_font -fill {#0000FF} -tags background
+ }
+ # Create separators
+ $canvasWidget create line 20 0 20 120 -fill {#000000} -tags background
+ $canvasWidget create line 0 15 860 15 -fill {#000000} -tags background
+ for {set i 1} {$i <= $number_of_ports} {incr i} {
+ set x [expr {$i * $port_length_in_px + 20}]
+ $canvasWidget create line $x 0 $x 120 -fill {#000000} -tags background
+ incr x -$step_y
+ $canvasWidget create line $x 0 $x 120 -fill {#888888} -tags background
+ }
+ # Initialize array of graph elements and previous states
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 40} {incr i} {
+ set graph_elements($i) {}
+ set previous_state($i) 1
+ }
+ # Create canvas popup menu
+ set menu $
+ menuFactory $GRAPHMENU $menu 0 "$Super " 0 {}
+ # Set event bindings for the canvas widget
+ bind $canvasWidget <Motion> "$this graph_highlight %x %y"
+ bind $canvasWidget <Leave> "$this graph_unhighlight"
+ bind $canvasWidget <ButtonRelease-3> "$this graph_popup_menu %X %Y"
+ bind $canvasWidget <Button-1> "$this graph_place_mark %x %y"
+ # Pack the canvas widget
+ set marks [string repeat {{} } [expr {$history_max_length + 1}]]
+ pack $canvasWidget -fill none -expand 0 -anchor nw -side left
+ # Commit magnification level
+ commit_magnification $magnification
+ # Commit ON/OFF state
+ commit_state_on_off $drawing_on
+ # Create graph grid
+ graph_switch_grid_mode $grid_mode
+ }
+ ## Draw interrupt line
+ # @parm String = {} - If "nohistory" the history of interrupt lines will not be modified
+ # @return void
+ public method graph_draw_interrupt_line args {
+ if {!$gui_initialized} {CreateGraphGUI}
+ # Check if graph is enabled
+ if {!$drawing_on} {return}
+ # Adjust history
+ if {$args != {nohistory}} {
+ if {[llength $intr_history]} {
+ lset intr_history end 1
+ } {
+ lappend intr_history 1
+ }
+ }
+ # Create interrupt lines
+ set lines {}
+ for {set col 0} {$col < $number_of_ports} {incr col} {
+ set x [expr {$col * $port_length_in_px + ([llength $graph_elements(0)] * $step_x) + 20}]
+ lappend lines [$canvasWidget create line $x 16 $x 120 \
+ -fill {#DDAA00} -tags graph -width 2 -dash ,]
+ }
+ # Adjust list of canvas elements related to this line
+ if {$args != {nohistory}} {
+ if {[llength $intr_lines]} {
+ lset intr_lines end $lines
+ } {
+ lappend intr_lines $lines
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## Draw new port states in the graph
+ # A) With history enabled:
+ # @parm String - Hexadecimal value of P0
+ # @parm String - Hexadecimal value of P1
+ # @parm String - Hexadecimal value of P2
+ # @parm String - Hexadecimal value of P3
+ # @parm String - Hexadecimal value of P4
+ # B) With disabled:
+ # @parm List - {# {P0_hex P1_hex P2_hex P3_hex P4_hex}}
+ # @return void
+ public method graph_new_output_state args {
+ if {!$gui_initialized} {CreateGraphGUI}
+ # Check if graph is enabled
+ if {!$drawing_on} {return}
+ # Determinate number of bits per block and the current position
+ set treshold [expr {$port_graph_length / $step_x}]
+ set position [llength $graph_elements(0)]
+ # If graph is full -> remove last elements and move the graph
+ if {$position == $treshold} {
+ # Remove elemets
+ for {set i 0} {$i < ($number_of_ports * 8)} {incr i} {
+ foreach elm [lindex $graph_elements($i) 0] {
+ $canvasWidget delete $elm
+ }
+ set graph_elements($i) [lreplace $graph_elements($i) 0 0]
+ }
+ foreach elm [lindex $intr_lines 0] {
+ $canvasWidget delete $elm
+ }
+ set intr_lines [lreplace $intr_lines 0 0]
+ # Adjust position index
+ incr position -1
+ # Move graph
+ $canvasWidget move graph -$step_x 0
+ }
+ # Adjust history (cannot be longer than 38)
+ if {[llength $intr_history] > $history_max_length} {
+ set intr_history [lreplace $intr_history 0 0]
+ set state_history [lreplace $state_history 0 0]
+ }
+ # Adjust history
+ set args [join $args {}]
+ if {[lindex $args 0] != {#}} {
+ lappend state_history [list {#} $args]
+ lappend intr_history 0
+ } {
+ set args [lindex $args 1]
+ }
+ lappend intr_lines {}
+ # Adjust arguments
+ set ports {}
+ foreach idx $port_numbers {
+ lappend ports [lindex $args $idx]
+ }
+ # Create new elements
+ set p_idx 0 ;# Port index (not port number)
+ set idx 0 ;# Bit index
+ $canvasWidget delete booleans ;# Clear boolean values
+ foreach num_x $ports {
+ set num [list 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
+ for {set i 0; set j 7} {$i < 8} {incr i; incr j -1} {
+ lset num $j [lindex $num_x $i]
+ }
+ # Draw bits
+ foreach bit $num {
+ draw_bit $idx $position $bit
+ incr idx
+ }
+ # Draw booleans
+ write_boolean $p_idx $num
+ incr p_idx
+ }
+ }
+ ## Write boolean values for the given port
+ # @parm Int port_idx - Port number
+ # @parm Int val - Port value
+ # @return void
+ private method write_boolean {port_idx val} {
+ set x [expr {($port_idx + 1) * $port_length_in_px + 13}]
+ for {set i 0; set y 17} {$i < 8} {incr i; incr y $step_y} {
+ switch -- [lindex $val $i] {
+ {1} {
+ set txt {H}
+ set clr {#FF0000}
+ }
+ {0} {
+ set txt {L}
+ set clr {#00FF00}
+ }
+ {|} {
+ set txt {-}
+ set clr {#FF8800}
+ }
+ {?} {
+ set txt {-}
+ set clr {#888888}
+ }
+ {X} {
+ set txt {-}
+ set clr {#8800FF}
+ }
+ {-} {
+ set txt {?}
+ set clr {#AAAA00}
+ }
+ {=} {
+ set txt {L}
+ set clr {#FF00AA}
+ }
+ }
+ $canvasWidget create text $x $y \
+ -text $txt \
+ -font $bool_font \
+ -anchor n \
+ -fill $clr \
+ -tags booleans
+ }
+ }
+ ## Draw one bit to the graph
+ # @parm Int idx - Bit index (0..39)
+ # @parm Int pos - Target position
+ # @parm Char bool - Bit value
+ # @return void
+ private method draw_bit {idx pos bool} {
+ # Local variables
+ set prev $previous_state($idx) ;# Previous state of the bit
+ set offset_y [expr {($idx % 8) * $step_y + 18}] ;# Y offset
+ set lines {} ;# List of line IDs
+ # X offset
+ set offset_x [expr {
+ ($idx / 8) * $port_length_in_px + ($pos * $step_x) + 20
+ }]
+ # Determinate length of line elements acording to the current magnification level
+ switch -- $magnification {
+ {0} {
+ set line_len 3
+ set enge_diff 0
+ set enge_inc0 0
+ set enge_inc1 0
+ }
+ {1} {
+ set line_len 4
+ set enge_diff 1
+ set enge_inc0 1
+ set enge_inc1 1
+ }
+ {2} {
+ set line_len 6
+ set enge_diff 1
+ set enge_inc0 2
+ set enge_inc1 1
+ }
+ {3} {
+ set line_len 8
+ set enge_diff 2
+ set enge_inc0 2
+ set enge_inc1 2
+ }
+ }
+ # Logical one forced to zero (e.g. by NPN transistor)
+ if {$bool == {=}} {
+ set bool 0
+ set zero_color {#FF00AA}
+ } {
+ set zero_color {#FF0000}
+ }
+ ## Draw graph line(s)
+ # High frequency pulse
+ if {$bool == {|}} {
+ # Draw transition from the previous value
+ switch -- $prev {
+ {0} { ;# From logical 0
+ lappend lines [$canvasWidget create line \
+ $offset_x [expr {$offset_y + $full_edge}] \
+ $offset_x [expr {$offset_y + $half_edge}] \
+ -fill {#00FF00} -tags graph]
+ lappend lines [$canvasWidget create line \
+ $offset_x [expr {$offset_y + $half_edge}] \
+ $offset_x [expr {$offset_y + 0}] \
+ -fill $zero_color -tags graph]
+ }
+ {1} { ;# From logical 1
+ }
+ {?} { ;# From no voltage
+ lappend lines [$canvasWidget create line \
+ $offset_x [expr {$offset_y + $half_edge}] \
+ $offset_x [expr {$offset_y + 0}] \
+ -fill $zero_color -tags graph]
+ }
+ {-} { ;# From undeterminable state
+ lappend lines [$canvasWidget create line \
+ $offset_x [expr {$offset_y + $half_edge}] \
+ $offset_x [expr {$offset_y + 0}] \
+ -fill $zero_color -tags graph]
+ }
+ }
+ if {$magnification == 0} {
+ lappend lines [$canvasWidget create line \
+ $offset_x $offset_y \
+ [expr {$offset_x + 1}] $offset_y \
+ [expr {$offset_x + 1}] [expr {$offset_y + $half_edge}] \
+ -fill $zero_color -tags graph]
+ lappend lines [$canvasWidget create line \
+ [expr {$offset_x + 1}] [expr {$offset_y + $half_edge}] \
+ [expr {$offset_x + 1}] [expr {$offset_y + $full_edge}] \
+ [expr {$offset_x + 3}] [expr {$offset_y + $full_edge}] \
+ [expr {$offset_x + 3}] [expr {$offset_y + $half_edge}] \
+ -fill {#00FF00} -tags graph]
+ lappend lines [$canvasWidget create line \
+ [expr {$offset_x + 4}] [expr {$offset_y + $half_edge}] \
+ [expr {$offset_x + 4}] [expr {$offset_y}] \
+ -fill $zero_color -tags graph]
+ } else {
+ switch -- $magnification {
+ {1} {
+ set line_len 3
+ set enge_diff 0
+ set enge_inc0 0
+ set enge_inc1 0
+ }
+ {2} {
+ set line_len 4
+ set enge_diff 1
+ set enge_inc0 1
+ set enge_inc1 1
+ }
+ {3} {
+ set line_len $half_edge
+ set enge_diff 1
+ set enge_inc0 2
+ set enge_inc1 1
+ }
+ }
+ lappend lines [$canvasWidget create line \
+ $offset_x $offset_y \
+ [expr {$offset_x + $line_len}] $offset_y\
+ -fill $zero_color -tags graph]
+ incr offset_x $line_len
+ lappend lines [$canvasWidget create line\
+ $offset_x $offset_y \
+ [expr {$offset_x + $enge_diff}] \
+ [expr {$offset_y + $half_edge}] \
+ -fill $zero_color -tags graph \
+ ]
+ incr offset_x $enge_inc0
+ incr offset_y $half_edge
+ lappend lines [$canvasWidget create line\
+ $offset_x $offset_y \
+ [expr {$offset_x + $enge_diff}] \
+ [expr {$offset_y + 5}] \
+ -fill {#00FF00} -tags graph \
+ ]
+ incr offset_x $enge_inc1
+ incr offset_y $half_edge
+ lappend lines [$canvasWidget create line \
+ $offset_x $offset_y \
+ [expr {$offset_x + $line_len + 1}] $offset_y \
+ -fill {#00FF00} -tags graph]
+ incr offset_x $line_len
+ incr offset_x
+ lappend lines [$canvasWidget create line\
+ $offset_x $offset_y \
+ [expr {$offset_x + $enge_diff}] \
+ [expr {$offset_y - $half_edge}] \
+ -fill {#00FF00} -tags graph]
+ incr offset_x $enge_inc0
+ incr offset_y -$half_edge
+ lappend lines [$canvasWidget create line\
+ $offset_x $offset_y \
+ [expr {$offset_x + $enge_diff}] \
+ [expr {$offset_y - $half_edge}] \
+ -fill $zero_color -tags graph]
+ incr offset_x $enge_inc1
+ incr offset_y -$half_edge
+ lappend lines [$canvasWidget create line \
+ $offset_x $offset_y \
+ [expr {$offset_x + $line_len}] $offset_y \
+ -fill $zero_color -tags graph]
+ }
+ # Access to external memory
+ } elseif {$bool == {X}} {
+ lappend lines [$canvasWidget create rectangle \
+ $offset_x $offset_y \
+ [expr {$offset_x + $step_x}] [expr {$offset_y + $half_edge}] \
+ -fill $zero_color -width 0 -tags graph]
+ lappend lines [$canvasWidget create rectangle \
+ $offset_x [expr {$offset_y + $half_edge}] \
+ [expr {$offset_x + $step_x}] [expr {$offset_y + $full_edge}] \
+ -fill {#00FF00} -width 0 -tags graph]
+ set bool $prev
+ # Underminable state
+ } elseif {$bool == {-}} {
+ # Draw transition from the previous value
+ switch -- $prev {
+ {0} { ;# From logical zero
+ lappend lines [$canvasWidget create line \
+ $offset_x [expr {$offset_y + $full_edge}] \
+ $offset_x [expr {$offset_y + $half_edge}] \
+ -fill {#00FF00} -tags graph]
+ }
+ {1} { ;# From logical one
+ lappend lines [$canvasWidget create line \
+ $offset_x [expr {$offset_y + 0}] \
+ $offset_x [expr {$offset_y + $half_edge}] \
+ -fill $zero_color -tags graph]
+ }
+ {|} { ;# From high frequency pulse
+ lappend lines [$canvasWidget create line \
+ $offset_x [expr {$offset_y + 0}] \
+ $offset_x [expr {$offset_y + $half_edge}] \
+ -fill $zero_color -tags graph]
+ }
+ }
+ incr offset_y $half_edge
+ lappend lines [$canvasWidget create line \
+ $offset_x $offset_y \
+ [expr {$offset_x + $line_len}] [expr {$offset_y + int(rand() * $half_edge)}] \
+ [expr {$offset_x + $line_len + $enge_inc0}] $offset_y \
+ [expr {$offset_x + $line_len + $enge_inc0 + $enge_inc1}] [expr {$offset_y - int(rand() * $half_edge)}] \
+ [expr {$offset_x + 2*$line_len + $enge_inc0 + $enge_inc1}] $offset_y \
+ -fill {#FF8800} -tags graph]
+ # "Undeterminable state" -> "Zero"
+ } elseif {$prev == {-} && $bool == 0} {
+ lappend lines [$canvasWidget create line \
+ $offset_x [expr {$offset_y + $half_edge}] \
+ $offset_x [expr {$offset_y + $full_edge}] \
+ [expr {$offset_x + $step_x}] [expr {$offset_y + $full_edge}] \
+ -fill {#00FF00} -tags graph]
+ # "Undeterminable state" -> "One"
+ } elseif {$prev == {-} && $bool == 1} {
+ lappend lines [$canvasWidget create line \
+ $offset_x [expr {$offset_y + $half_edge}] \
+ $offset_x [expr {$offset_y + 0}] \
+ [expr {$offset_x + $step_x}] [expr {$offset_y + 0}] \
+ -fill $zero_color -tags graph]
+ # No voltage
+ } elseif {$bool == {?}} {
+ # Draw transition from the previous value
+ switch -- $prev {
+ {0} { ;# From logical zero
+ lappend lines [$canvasWidget create line \
+ $offset_x [expr {$offset_y + $full_edge}] \
+ $offset_x [expr {$offset_y + $half_edge}] \
+ -fill {#00FF00} -tags graph]
+ }
+ {1} { ;# From logical one
+ lappend lines [$canvasWidget create line \
+ $offset_x [expr {$offset_y + 0}] \
+ $offset_x [expr {$offset_y + $half_edge}] \
+ -fill $zero_color -tags graph]
+ }
+ {|} { ;# From high frequency pulse
+ lappend lines [$canvasWidget create line \
+ $offset_x [expr {$offset_y + 0}] \
+ $offset_x [expr {$offset_y + $half_edge}] \
+ -fill $zero_color -tags graph]
+ }
+ }
+ incr offset_y $half_edge
+ lappend lines [$canvasWidget create line \
+ $offset_x $offset_y \
+ [expr {$offset_x + $step_x}] $offset_y \
+ -fill {#888888} -tags graph -width 2]
+ # "No voltage" -> "Zero"
+ } elseif {$prev == {?} && $bool == 0} {
+ lappend lines [$canvasWidget create line \
+ $offset_x [expr {$offset_y + $half_edge}] \
+ $offset_x [expr {$offset_y + $full_edge}] \
+ [expr {$offset_x + $step_x}] [expr {$offset_y + $full_edge}] \
+ -fill {#00FF00} -tags graph]
+ # "No voltage" -> "One"
+ } elseif {$prev == {?} && $bool == 1} {
+ lappend lines [$canvasWidget create line \
+ $offset_x [expr {$offset_y + $half_edge}] \
+ $offset_x [expr {$offset_y + 0}] \
+ [expr {$offset_x + $step_x}] [expr {$offset_y + 0}] \
+ -fill $zero_color -tags graph]
+ # "High freq. pulse" -> "Zero"
+ } elseif {$prev == {|} && $bool == 0} {
+ lappend lines [$canvasWidget create line \
+ $offset_x [expr {$offset_y + 0}] \
+ $offset_x [expr {$offset_y + $half_edge}] \
+ -fill $zero_color -tags graph]
+ lappend lines [$canvasWidget create line \
+ $offset_x [expr {$offset_y + $half_edge}] \
+ $offset_x [expr {$offset_y + $full_edge}] \
+ [expr {$offset_x + $step_x}] [expr {$offset_y + $full_edge}] \
+ -fill {#00FF00} -tags graph]
+ # "High freq. pulse" -> "One"
+ } elseif {$prev == {|} && $bool == 1} {
+ lappend lines [$canvasWidget create line \
+ $offset_x $offset_y \
+ [expr {$offset_x + $step_x}] $offset_y \
+ -fill $zero_color -tags graph]
+ # 1 -> 1
+ } elseif {$prev == 1 && $bool == 1} {
+ lappend lines [$canvasWidget create line \
+ $offset_x $offset_y \
+ [expr {$offset_x + $step_x}] $offset_y \
+ -fill $zero_color -tags graph]
+ # 1 -> 0
+ } elseif {$prev == 1 && $bool == 0} {
+ lappend lines [$canvasWidget create line \
+ $offset_x $offset_y [expr {$offset_x + $line_len}] $offset_y \
+ -fill $zero_color -tags graph]
+ incr offset_x $line_len
+ lappend lines [$canvasWidget create line \
+ $offset_x $offset_y \
+ [expr {$offset_x + $enge_diff}] [expr {$offset_y + $half_edge}] \
+ -fill $zero_color -tags graph]
+ incr offset_x $enge_inc0
+ incr offset_y $half_edge
+ lappend lines [$canvasWidget create line \
+ $offset_x $offset_y \
+ [expr {$offset_x + $enge_diff}] [expr {$offset_y + 5}] \
+ -fill {#00FF00} -tags graph]
+ incr offset_x $enge_inc1
+ incr offset_y $half_edge
+ lappend lines [$canvasWidget create line \
+ $offset_x $offset_y [expr {$offset_x + $line_len}] $offset_y \
+ -fill {#00FF00} -tags graph]
+ # 0 -> 1
+ } elseif {$prev == 0 && $bool == 1} {
+ incr offset_y $full_edge
+ lappend lines [$canvasWidget create line \
+ $offset_x $offset_y [expr {$offset_x + $line_len}] $offset_y \
+ -fill {#00FF00} -tags graph]
+ incr offset_x $line_len
+ lappend lines [$canvasWidget create line \
+ $offset_x $offset_y \
+ [expr {$offset_x + $enge_diff}] [expr {$offset_y - $half_edge}] \
+ -fill {#00FF00} -tags graph]
+ incr offset_x $enge_inc0
+ incr offset_y -$half_edge
+ lappend lines [$canvasWidget create line \
+ $offset_x $offset_y \
+ [expr {$offset_x + $enge_diff}] [expr {$offset_y - $half_edge}] \
+ -fill $zero_color -tags graph]
+ incr offset_x $enge_inc1
+ incr offset_y -$half_edge
+ lappend lines [$canvasWidget create line \
+ $offset_x $offset_y [expr {$offset_x + $line_len}] $offset_y \
+ -fill $zero_color -tags graph]
+ # 0 -> 0
+ } else {
+ incr offset_y $full_edge
+ lappend lines [$canvasWidget create line \
+ $offset_x $offset_y \
+ [expr {$offset_x + $step_x}] $offset_y \
+ -fill {#00FF00} -tags graph]
+ }
+ # Adjust array of graph elements and previous states
+ lappend graph_elements($idx) $lines
+ set previous_state($idx) $bool
+ }
+ ## Iterate over avaliable grid modes
+ # @parm Int by - Iterate by
+ # @return void
+ public method graph_switch_grid_mode {_grid_mode} {
+ set grid_mode $_grid_mode
+ # Adjust button in button bar and canvas popup menu
+ switch -- $grid_mode {
+ {b} {set image {grid0}}
+ {n} {set image {grid1}}
+ {y} {set image {grid2}}
+ {x} {set image {grid3}}
+ }
+ $menu entryconfigure [::mc "Change grid"] -image ::ICONS::16::$image
+ # Redraw grid
+ adjust_grid
+ }
+ ## Adjust grid morfology to the current grid mode
+ # @return void
+ private method adjust_grid {} {
+ # Remove the current grid
+ catch {
+ $canvasWidget delete grid
+ }
+ # Create new grid
+ switch -- $grid_mode {
+ {b} {
+ draw_y_grid
+ draw_x_grid
+ }
+ {n} {}
+ {y} {draw_y_grid}
+ {x} {draw_x_grid}
+ }
+ }
+ ## Draw vertical grid lines
+ # @return void
+ private method draw_y_grid {} {
+ # Iterate over graph blocks
+ for {set i 0} {$i < $number_of_ports} {incr i} {
+ # Determinate horizontal boundaries
+ set xoff [expr {$i * $port_length_in_px + 20 + $step_x}]
+ set xend [expr {($i + 1) * $port_length_in_px + 5}]
+ # Draw vertical lines
+ for {set x $xoff} {$x < $xend} {incr x $step_x} {
+ $canvasWidget create line $x 16 $x 120 -fill {#AAAAAA} -tags grid -dash .
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## Draw horizontal grid lines
+ # @return void
+ private method draw_x_grid {} {
+ for {set y 30} {$y < 120} {incr y $step_y} {
+ $canvasWidget create line 0 $y 860 $y -fill {#888888} -tags grid
+ }
+ }
+ ## Set graph configuration variables
+ # @parm Char _grid_mode - Grid morfology (one of {'n' 'x' 'y' 'b'})
+ # @parm Int _magnification - Magnification mode (one of {0 1 2 3})
+ # @parm Bool _drawing_on - Widget enabled
+ # @parm List _mark_flags - List of mark flags (e.g {0 0 0 1 1 0})
+ # @return void
+ public method graph_set_data {_grid_mode _magnification _drawing_on _mark_flags} {
+ set grid_mode $_grid_mode
+ set magnification $_magnification
+ set drawing_on $_drawing_on
+ set mark_flags $_mark_flags
+ }
+ ## Get mark flags
+ # @return String - String of boolean flags
+ public method graph_get_marks {} {
+ return [join $mark_flags {}]
+ }
+ ## Adjust graph to the current magnification level
+ # @return void
+ public method commit_magnification {_magnification} {
+ set magnification $_magnification
+ # Determinate one bit X axis step
+ set step_x [expr {$magnification * 5 + 5}]
+ clear_graph keephistory ;# Clear graph
+ adjust_grid ;# Adjust graph grid
+ # Remove user marks
+ catch {
+ $canvasWidget delete mark
+ }
+ # Restore graph content from the history (voltage levels and interrupt lines)
+ set length [expr {$port_graph_length / $step_x - 1}]
+ foreach state [lrange $state_history end-$length end] \
+ intr [lrange $intr_history end-$length end] \
+ {
+ graph_new_output_state $state
+ if {$intr == 1} {
+ graph_draw_interrupt_line nohistory
+ }
+ }
+ # Restore user marks
+ set x_off [expr {21 - $step_x}]
+ set i -1
+ foreach mark [lrange $mark_flags 0 $length] {
+ incr i
+ incr x_off $step_x
+ if {!$mark} {continue}
+ set x $x_off
+ set lines [list]
+ for {set j 0} {$j < $number_of_ports} {incr j} {
+ lappend lines [$canvasWidget create rectangle \
+ $x 16 [expr {$x + $step_x - 1}] 120 \
+ -fill {#AA88FF} -tags mark -width 0]
+ incr x $port_length_in_px
+ }
+ lset marks $i $lines
+ }
+ }
+ ## Remove all graph elements (voltage levels)
+ # @parm String - If "keephistory" then do not clear history
+ # @return void
+ public method clear_graph args {
+ if {!$gui_initialized} {CreateGraphGUI}
+ catch {
+ $canvasWidget delete graph
+ }
+ catch {
+ $canvasWidget delete highlight
+ }
+ catch {
+ $canvasWidget delete booleans
+ }
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 40} {incr i} {
+ set graph_elements($i) {}
+ }
+ set intr_lines {}
+ if {$args != {keephistory}} {
+ set state_history {}
+ set intr_history {}
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 40} {incr i} {
+ set previous_state($i) 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## Turn graph ON/OFF
+ # @return void
+ public method graph_change_status_on {} {
+ $Super graph_commit_state_on_off $drawing_on
+ }
+ ## Adjust object to the current value of flag 'drawing_on'
+ # @return void
+ public method commit_state_on_off {_drawing_on} {
+ if {!$gui_initialized} {CreateGraphGUI}
+ set drawing_on $_drawing_on
+ # Enable widgets
+ if {$drawing_on} {
+ $menu entryconfigure [::mc "Remove marks"] -state normal
+ $menu entryconfigure [::mc "Change grid"] -state normal
+ $canvasWidget configure -state normal
+ # Disable widgets, clear graph and clear history
+ } else {
+ $menu entryconfigure [::mc "Remove marks"] -state disabled
+ $menu entryconfigure [::mc "Change grid"] -state disabled
+ $menu entryconfigure [::mc "Zoom in"] -state disabled
+ $menu entryconfigure [::mc "Zoom out"] -state disabled
+ $canvasWidget configure -state disabled
+ clear_graph
+ }
+ }
+ ## Highlight graph segment
+ # @parm Int x - Relative X coordinate
+ # @parm Int y - Relative Y coordinate
+ # @return void
+ public method graph_highlight {x y} {
+ # Remove previous highlight
+ graph_unhighlight
+ # Check for allowed coordinate range
+ if {$y < 17 || $x < 21} {return}
+ set x [expr {($x - 20) % $port_length_in_px}]
+ if {$x >= $port_graph_length - ($port_graph_length % $step_x)} {return}
+ incr x [expr {-($x % $step_x)}]
+ incr x 21
+ # Draw highlight rectangulars
+ for {set i 0} {$i < $number_of_ports} {incr i} {
+ $canvasWidget create rectangle \
+ $x 16 [expr {$x + $step_x - 1}] 120 \
+ -fill {#88FFFF} -tags highlight -width 0
+ incr x $port_length_in_px
+ }
+ set y [expr {$y - (($y - 17) % $step_y)}]
+ $canvasWidget create rectangle \
+ 0 $y 860 [expr {$y + $step_y}] \
+ -fill {#88FFFF} -tags highlight -width 0
+ # Set tag priorities
+ catch {
+ $canvasWidget lower highlight mark
+ }
+ catch {
+ $canvasWidget lower highlight grid
+ }
+ catch {
+ $canvasWidget lower highlight graph
+ }
+ catch {
+ $canvasWidget lower highlight booleans
+ }
+ catch {
+ $canvasWidget lower highlight background
+ }
+ }
+ ## Remove highlightion
+ # @return void
+ public method graph_unhighlight {} {
+ catch {
+ $canvasWidget delete highlight
+ }
+ }
+ ## Popup canvas menu
+ # @parm Int X - Absolute X coordinate
+ # @parm Int Y - Absolute X coordinate
+ # @return void
+ public method graph_popup_menu {X Y} {
+ tk_popup $menu $X $Y
+ }
+ ## Place mark in the graph
+ # @parm Int x - Relative X coordinate
+ # @parm Int y - Relative Y coordinate
+ # @return void
+ public method graph_place_mark {x y} {
+ # Check for allowed coordinate range
+ if {$y < 17 || $x < 21} {return}
+ set x [expr {($x - 20) % $port_length_in_px}]
+ if {$x >= $port_graph_length - ($port_graph_length % $step_x)} {return}
+ incr x [expr {-($x % $step_x)}]
+ set idx [expr {$x / $step_x}]
+ # Create mark
+ if {[lindex $mark_flags $idx] != 1} {
+ incr x 21
+ set lines {}
+ for {set i 0} {$i < $number_of_ports} {incr i} {
+ lappend lines [$canvasWidget create rectangle \
+ $x 16 [expr {$x + $step_x - 1}] 120 \
+ -fill {#AA88FF} -tags mark -width 0]
+ incr x $port_length_in_px
+ }
+ catch {
+ $canvasWidget raise mark highlight
+ }
+ catch {
+ $canvasWidget lower mark grid
+ }
+ catch {
+ $canvasWidget lower mark graph
+ }
+ lset marks $idx $lines
+ lset mark_flags $idx 1
+ # Remove mark
+ } {
+ catch {
+ foreach elm [lindex $marks $idx] {
+ $canvasWidget delete $elm
+ }
+ }
+ lset marks $idx {}
+ lset mark_flags $idx 0
+ }
+ }
+ ## Remove all user marks from the graph
+ # @return void
+ public method graph_clear_marks {} {
+ catch {
+ $canvasWidget delete mark
+ }
+ set marks [string repeat {{} } [expr {$history_max_length + 1}]]
+ set mark_flags [string repeat {0 } [expr {$history_max_length + 1}]]
+ }
+ ## Adjust scrollbar for scrollable area
+ # @parm Float frac0 - 1st fraction
+ # @parm Float frac0 - 2nd fraction
+ # @return void
+ public method graph_gui_scroll_set {frac0 frac1} {
+ # Hide scrollbar
+ if {$frac0 == 0 && $frac1 == 1} {
+ if {[winfo ismapped $horizontal_scrollbar]} {
+ pack forget $horizontal_scrollbar
+ update
+ }
+ # Show scrollbar
+ } {
+ if {![winfo ismapped $horizontal_scrollbar]} {
+ pack $horizontal_scrollbar -fill x -side top -before $scrollable_frame
+ }
+ $horizontal_scrollbar set $frac0 $frac1
+ update
+ }
+ }
+ ## Try to restore graph state before the given number of program steps
+ # @parm Int bits - Number of steps to take back
+ # @return void
+ public method graph_stepback {bits} {
+ if {!$gui_initialized} {CreateGraphGUI}
+ if {!$drawing_on} {return}
+ # Remove elemets
+ incr bits -1
+ for {set i 0} {$i < ($number_of_ports * 8)} {incr i} {
+ foreach elm [lrange $graph_elements($i) end-$bits end] {
+ foreach e $elm {
+ $canvasWidget delete $e
+ }
+ }
+ foreach elm [lrange $intr_lines end-$bits end] {
+ foreach e $elm {
+ $canvasWidget delete $e
+ }
+ }
+ set graph_elements($i) [lreplace $graph_elements($i) end-$bits end]
+ }
+ set intr_lines [lreplace $intr_lines end-$bits end]
+ # Adjust history
+ set intr_history [lreplace $intr_history end-$bits end]
+ set state_history [lreplace $state_history end-$bits end]
+ # Return graph to state before $bits steps
+ set last_state [lindex $state_history {end 1}]
+ if {[llength $last_state]} {
+ set ports {}
+ foreach idx $port_numbers {
+ lappend ports [lindex $last_state $idx]
+ }
+ set p_idx 0 ;# Port index (not port number)
+ set idx 0 ;# Bit index
+ $canvasWidget delete booleans ;# Clear boolean values
+ foreach num $ports {
+ foreach bit $num {
+ set previous_state($idx) $bit
+ incr idx
+ }
+ # Draw booleans
+ write_boolean $p_idx $num
+ incr p_idx
+ }
+ } else {
+ clear_graph
+ }
+ }