path: root/lib/configdialogues/rightpanel_config.tcl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/configdialogues/rightpanel_config.tcl')
1 files changed, 505 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/configdialogues/rightpanel_config.tcl b/lib/configdialogues/rightpanel_config.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0cace4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/configdialogues/rightpanel_config.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,505 @@
+# Part of MCU 8051 IDE ( )
+# Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 by Martin Ošmera #
+# #
+# #
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and#or modify #
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or #
+# (at your option) any later version. #
+# #
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
+# GNU General Public License for more details. #
+# #
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #
+# along with this program; if not, write to the #
+# Free Software Foundation, Inc., #
+# 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. #
+# >>> File inclusion guard
+if { ! [ info exists _RIGHTPANEL_CONFIG_TCL ] } {
+# <<< File inclusion guard
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Implements right panel configuration dialog
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+namespace eval rightPanel {
+ variable win ;# ID of toplevel dialog window
+ variable dialog_opened 0 ;# Bool: True if this dialog is already opened
+ variable changed ;# Bool: Settings changed
+ variable anything_modified ;# Bool: Settings changed (stay set to 1 even after APPLY)
+ variable apply_button ;# ID of button "Apply"
+ variable instruction_tags ;# Highlighting tags for instruction details
+ variable watch_text_tags ;# Highlighting tags for register watches
+ ## Create the dialog
+ # @parm Int tab_number=0 - number of tab to raise
+ # @return void
+ proc mkDialog {{tab_number 0}} {
+ variable win ;# ID of toplevel dialog window
+ variable dialog_opened ;# Bool: True if this dialog is already opened
+ variable anything_modified ;# Bool: Settings changed (stay set to 1 even after APPLY)
+ variable changed ;# Bool: Settings changed
+ variable apply_button ;# ID of button "Apply"
+ variable instruction_tags ;# Highlighting tags for instruction details
+ variable watch_text_tags ;# Highlighting tags for register watches
+ # Destroy the dialog if it's already opened
+ if {$dialog_opened} {
+ destroy .rightPanel_config_dialog
+ }
+ set anything_modified 0
+ set dialog_opened 1
+ set changed 0
+ # Get settings from Compiler NS
+ getSettings
+ # Create toplevel window
+ set win [toplevel .rightPanel_config_dialog -class {Configuration dialog} -bg ${::COMMON_BG_COLOR}]
+ # Create window header
+ label $win.header_label \
+ -compound left \
+ -text [mc "Right panel configuration"] \
+ -font [font create -size [expr {int(-20 * $::font_size_factor)}]]
+ ## Create notebook
+ set nb [ModernNoteBook $win.nb]
+ # Tab "Register watches"
+ set watches_tab [$nb insert end watches_tab -text [mc "Register watches"]]
+ # Tab "Instruction details"
+ set instruction_tab [$nb insert end instruction_tab -text [mc "Instruction details"]]
+ #
+ ## Tab "Register watches"
+ #
+ # Create header
+ grid [label $watches_tab.lbl_header_1 -anchor w \
+ -text [mc "Bold"] \
+ ] -column 1 -row 0
+ # Create buttons
+ set idx 0 ;# Current tag index
+ set row 1 ;# Row in the grid
+ foreach tag $watch_text_tags {
+ # Local variables
+ set tag_name [lindex $tag 0] ;# Tag name
+ set color [lindex $tag 1] ;# Foreground color (RGB)
+ set boldItalic [lindex $tag 2] ;# Bool: 1 == Bold, 0 == Italic
+ # Short tag decription
+ grid [label $watches_tab.lbl_${tag_name} \
+ -text [tag2name $tag_name] -pady 0 \
+ -highlightthickness 0 -bd 0 -anchor w \
+ ] -column 0 -row $row -sticky we
+ # Checkbutton "Bold"
+ set checkbutton [checkbutton $watches_tab.chbut_${tag_name} \
+ -pady 0 -highlightthickness 0 \
+ -command "::configDialogues::rightPanel::change_style $idx 1" \
+ ]
+ if {$boldItalic == {1}} {
+ $checkbutton select
+ }
+ grid $checkbutton -column 1 -row $row -sticky we
+ # Button for selecting foreground color
+ grid [button $watches_tab.but_${tag_name} \
+ -bd 1 -relief raised -pady 0 -highlightthickness 0 \
+ -bg $color -width 10 -activebackground $color \
+ -command "::configDialogues::rightPanel::select_color $idx $watches_tab.but_${tag_name} 1"
+ ] -column 2 -row $row -sticky ns -padx 10
+ incr row ;# Row in the grid
+ incr idx ;# Current tag index
+ }
+ # Adjust the grid
+ grid columnconfigure $watches_tab 0 -minsize 150
+ #
+ ## Tab "Instruction details"
+ #
+ # Create header
+ grid [label $instruction_tab.lbl_header_2 -anchor w \
+ -text [mc "Bold"] \
+ ] -column 2 -row 0 -sticky we
+ # Create buttons
+ set row 1 ;# Row in the grid
+ set idx 0 ;# Current tag index
+ foreach tag $instruction_tags {
+ # Skip highlight for numbers
+ if {[llength $tag] != 3} {
+ incr idx
+ continue
+ }
+ # Local variables
+ set tag_name [lindex $tag 0] ;# Tag name
+ set color [lindex $tag 1] ;# Foreground color (RGB)
+ set boldItalic [lindex $tag 2] ;# Bool: 1 == Bold, 0 == Italic
+ # Short tag decription
+ grid [label $instruction_tab.lbl_${tag_name} \
+ -text [tag2name $tag_name] -pady 0 \
+ -highlightthickness 0 -bd 0 -anchor w \
+ ] -column 1 -row $row -sticky we
+ # Checkbutton "Bold"
+ set checkbutton [checkbutton $instruction_tab.chbut_${tag_name} \
+ -pady 0 -highlightthickness 0 \
+ -command "::configDialogues::rightPanel::change_style $idx 0" \
+ ]
+ if {$boldItalic} {
+ $checkbutton select
+ }
+ grid $checkbutton -column 2 -row $row -sticky we
+ # Button for selecting foreground color
+ grid [button $instruction_tab.but_${tag_name} \
+ -bd 1 -relief raised -pady 0 -highlightthickness 0 \
+ -bg $color -width 10 -activebackground $color \
+ -command "::configDialogues::rightPanel::select_color $idx $instruction_tab.but_${tag_name} 0"
+ ] -column 3 -row $row -sticky ns -padx 10
+ incr row ;# Row in the grid
+ incr idx ;# Current tag index
+ }
+ # Adjust the grid
+ grid columnconfigure $instruction_tab 1 -minsize 150
+ # Raise appropriate tab
+ if {$tab_number == {}} {
+ $nb raise watches_tab
+ } else {
+ $nb raise [lindex [$nb pages] $tab_number]
+ }
+ # Create button frame at the bottom
+ set but_frame [frame $win.button_frame]
+ # Button "Apply"
+ set apply_button [ttk::button $but_frame.but_apply \
+ -state disabled \
+ -text [mc "Apply"] \
+ -compound left \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::ok \
+ -command {::configDialogues::rightPanel::APPLY} \
+ ]
+ pack $apply_button -side left
+ # Button "Ok"
+ pack [ttk::button $but_frame.but_ok \
+ -text [mc "Ok"] \
+ -compound left \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::ok \
+ -command {::configDialogues::rightPanel::OK} \
+ ] -side right -padx 2
+ # Button "Cancel"
+ pack [ttk::button $but_frame.but_cancel \
+ -text [mc "Cancel"] \
+ -compound left \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::button_cancel \
+ -command {::configDialogues::rightPanel::CANCEL} \
+ ] -side right -padx 2
+ # Pack frames and notebook
+ pack $but_frame -side bottom -fill x -expand 0 -anchor s -padx 10 -pady 5
+ pack $win.header_label -side top -pady 6
+ pack [$nb get_nb] -side top -fill both -expand 1 -padx 10
+ # Finalize creation of the dialog
+ wm iconphoto $win ::ICONS::16::configure
+ wm transient $win .
+ wm title $win [mc "Configure right panel - %s" ${::APPNAME}]
+ wm geometry $win =340x380
+ wm resizable $win 0 0
+ raise $win
+ catch {grab $win}
+ wm protocol $win WM_DELETE_WINDOW {
+ ::configDialogues::rightPanel::CANCEL
+ }
+ tkwait window $win
+ }
+ ## Traslate tag name to human readable string
+ # @return String - result or {}
+ proc tag2name {tag} {
+ switch -- $tag {
+ {tag_code8} {return "code8"}
+ {tag_code11} {return "code11"}
+ {tag_code16} {return "code16"}
+ {tag_imm8} {return "imm8"}
+ {tag_imm16} {return "imm16"}
+ {tag_data} {return "data"}
+ {tag_bit} {return "bit"}
+ {tag_DPTR} {return "DPTR"}
+ {tag_A} {return "A"}
+ {tag_AB} {return "AB"}
+ {tag_SFR} {return "C, R0..R7"}
+ {tag_indr} {return "@R0, @R0[mc { etc.}]"}
+ {tag_Baddr} {return [mc "Bit"]}
+ {tag_Xaddr} {return "XDATA"}
+ {tag_Eaddr} {return "EDATA"}
+ {tag_addr} {return "IDATA"}
+ {tag_name} {return [mc "Name"]}
+ default {return {}}
+ }
+ }
+ ## Toggle style flag for given text tag (Bold <-> Italic / Roman)
+ # @parm Int row - Index of the target text tag
+ # @parm Bool for - 0 == instruction_tags; 1 == watch_text_tags
+ # @return void
+ proc change_style {row for} {
+ variable instruction_tags ;# Highlighting tags for instruction details
+ variable watch_text_tags ;# Highlighting tags for register watches
+ if {$for} {
+ if {[lindex $watch_text_tags [list $row 2]] != 1} {
+ lset watch_text_tags [list $row 2] 1
+ } else {
+ lset watch_text_tags [list $row 2] {}
+ }
+ } else {
+ lset instruction_tags [list $row 2] [expr {!([lindex $instruction_tags [list $row 2]])}]
+ }
+ # Adjust status changed
+ settings_changed
+ }
+ ## Change color for given text tag and adjust given bg color of given button
+ # @parm Int row - Index of the target text tag
+ # @parm Widget button - ID of source button
+ # @parm Bool for - 0 == instruction_tags; 1 == watch_text_tags
+ # @return void
+ proc select_color {row button for} {
+ variable instruction_tags ;# Highlighting tags for instruction details
+ variable watch_text_tags ;# Highlighting tags for register watches
+ variable win ;# ID of toplevel dialog window
+ # Destroy prevoisly opened color selection dialog
+ if {[winfo exists .select_color]} {
+ destroy .select_color
+ }
+ # Invoke new color selection dialog
+ if {$for} {
+ set color [lindex $watch_text_tags [list $row 1]]
+ } else {
+ set color [lindex $instruction_tags [list $row 1]]
+ }
+ set color [SelectColor .select_color \
+ -parent $win \
+ -color $color \
+ -title [mc "Select color - %s" ${::APPNAME}] \
+ ]
+ # Change button background color
+ if {$color != {}} {
+ if {$for} {
+ lset watch_text_tags [list $row 1] $color
+ } else {
+ lset instruction_tags [list $row 1] $color
+ }
+ $button configure -bg $color -activebackground $color
+ # Adjust status changed
+ settings_changed
+ }
+ }
+ ## Adjust all editors to fit new settings
+ # @return Bool - result
+ proc apply_settings {} {
+ # Check if there is at least 1 opened editor
+ if {[llength ${::X::openedProjects}] == 0} {
+ return 0
+ }
+ # Apply new settings in all projects
+ foreach project ${::X::openedProjects} {
+ $project rightPanel_refresh_instruction_highlighting
+ $project rightPanel_refresh_regwatches_highlighting
+ }
+ # Done ...
+ return 1
+ }
+ ## Change content of configuration variables RightPanel NS
+ # @return void
+ proc use_settings {} {
+ variable watch_text_tags ;# Highlighting tags for register watches
+ variable instruction_tags ;# Highlighting tags for instruction details
+ set ::InstructionDetails::instruction_tags $instruction_tags
+ set ::RegWatches::watch_text_tags $watch_text_tags
+ }
+ ## Retrieve settings related to this dialog from the program
+ # @return void
+ proc getSettings {} {
+ variable instruction_tags ;# Highlighting tags for instruction details
+ variable watch_text_tags ;# Highlighting tags for register watches
+ set instruction_tags ${::InstructionDetails::instruction_tags}
+ set watch_text_tags ${::RegWatches::watch_text_tags}
+ }
+ ## Save configuration to config file
+ # @return void
+ proc save_config {} {
+ # Save configuration of "Instruction details"
+ foreach item ${::InstructionDetails::instruction_tags} {
+ # Save config
+ set key [lindex $item 0]
+ set value [lrange $item 1 end]
+ ::settings setValue "Instruction details/$key" $value
+ }
+ # Save configuration of "Register watches"
+ foreach item ${::RegWatches::watch_text_tags} {
+ # Save config
+ set key [lindex $item 0]
+ set value [lrange $item 1 end]
+ ::settings setValue "Register watches/$key" $value
+ }
+ # Commit
+ ::settings saveConfig
+ }
+ ## Load configuratin from config file
+ # @return void
+ proc load_config {} {
+ variable instruction_tags ;# Highlighting tags for instruction details
+ variable watch_text_tags ;# Highlighting tags for register watches
+ set instruction_tags {}
+ set watch_text_tags {}
+ foreach item ${::InstructionDetails::instruction_tags} {
+ # Load config
+ set key [lindex $item 0]
+ set value [lrange $item 1 end]
+ set value [::settings getValue "Instruction details/$key" $value]
+ lappend instruction_tags [concat $key $value]
+ }
+ foreach item ${::RegWatches::watch_text_tags} {
+ # Load config
+ set key [lindex $item 0]
+ set value [lrange $item 1 end]
+ set value [::settings getValue "Register watches/$key" $value]
+ lappend watch_text_tags [concat $key $value]
+ }
+ set ::InstructionDetails::instruction_tags $instruction_tags
+ set ::RegWatches::watch_text_tags $watch_text_tags
+ unset instruction_tags
+ unset watch_text_tags
+ }
+ ## Set status changed to True
+ # @return true
+ proc settings_changed {} {
+ variable changed ;# Bool: Settings changed
+ variable anything_modified ;# Bool: Settings changed (stay set to 1 even after APPLY)
+ variable apply_button ;# ID of button "Apply"
+ if {$changed} {return}
+ set changed 1
+ set anything_modified 1
+ $apply_button configure -state normal
+ }
+ ## Take back changes and destroy dialog window
+ # @return void
+ proc CANCEL {} {
+ variable win ;# ID of dialog toplevel window
+ variable anything_modified ;# Bool: Settings changed (stay set to 1 even after APPLY)
+ variable dialog_opened ;# Bool: True if this dialog is already opened
+ # Restore previous configuration
+ if {$anything_modified} {
+ load_config
+ apply_settings
+ set anything_modified 0
+ }
+ # Get rid of dialog window
+ set dialog_opened 0
+ grab release $win
+ destroy $win
+ }
+ ## Apply changes and destroy dialog window
+ # @return void
+ proc OK {} {
+ variable win ;# ID of dialog toplevel window
+ variable changed ;# Bool: Settings changed
+ variable dialog_opened ;# Bool: True if this dialog is already opened
+ # Apply new settings
+ if {$changed} {
+ use_settings ;# Adjust NS variables
+ apply_settings ;# Adjust GUI
+ save_config ;# Save new config
+ }
+ # Get rid of dialog window
+ set dialog_opened 0
+ grab release $win
+ destroy $win
+ }
+ ## Apply changes in GUI
+ # @return Bool - result
+ proc APPLY {} {
+ variable apply_button ;# ID of button "Apply"
+ variable changed ;# Bool: Settings changed
+ # Check if there is at least 1 opened editor
+ if {[llength ${::X::openedProjects}] == 0} {
+ return 0
+ }
+ # Reset status changed
+ set changed 0
+ $apply_button configure -state disabled
+ # Adjust NS variables
+ use_settings
+ # Adjust GUI in current project
+ ${::X::actualProject} rightPanel_refresh_instruction_highlighting
+ ${::X::actualProject} rightPanel_refresh_regwatches_highlighting
+ # done ...
+ return 1
+ }
+# >>> File inclusion guard
+# <<< File inclusion guard