path: root/lib/main.tcl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/main.tcl')
1 files changed, 699 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/main.tcl b/lib/main.tcl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6a0f033
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/main.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,699 @@
+# Part of MCU 8051 IDE ( )
+# Copyright (C) 2007-2009 by Martin Ošmera #
+# #
+# #
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and#or modify #
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or #
+# (at your option) any later version. #
+# #
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
+# GNU General Public License for more details. #
+# #
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #
+# along with this program; if not, write to the #
+# Free Software Foundation, Inc., #
+# 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. #
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Initilizator of the program
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# -----------------------------
+encoding system {utf-8} ;# System encoding
+set LIB_DIRNAME [file normalize [file dirname $argv0]] ;# Path to directory where the *.tcl file are located
+set VERSION "1.3.7" ;# Program version
+set SHORTNAME "MCU8051IDE" ;# Program short name (without white space)
+set APPNAME "MCU 8051 IDE v$VERSION" ;# Full program name
+set MIN_TCL_VER "8.5" ;# Minimum required Tcl version
+set APPLICATION_LOADED 0 ;# True if program is loaded
+set TRANSLATION_LOADED 0 ;# Bool: Translation loaded
+set MICROSOFT_WINDOWS {} ;# Bool: Windows OS running on the host computer
+set CONFIG_DIR {} ;# Directory containing configuration files
+# Check for correct Tcl version
+if {[package vcompare $::tcl_version $::MIN_TCL_VER] < 0} {
+ puts stderr "ERROR: This program requires Tcl version $::MIN_TCL_VER or higher but you have Tcl $::tcl_version ."
+ puts stderr " Please install Tcl $::MIN_TCL_VER in order to run this program"
+ exit 1
+## Tcl packages used by this prgram
+ # Format: {
+ # {pkg_name pkg_verison}
+ # ...
+ # }
+ {BWidget 1.7}
+ {Itcl 3.4}
+ {Tcl 8.2}
+ {md5 2.0}
+ {Tk 8.5}
+ {img::png 1.3}
+ {tdom 0.8}
+ {Tclx 8.0}
+## Bool:
+ # 1 == library TclX is avaliable
+ # 0 == library TclX is NOT avaliable
+ #
+ # TclX is used here only to handle signals (e.g. SIGINT), so the IDE can run
+ # without it, that's the reason for this variable. If TCLX_AVAILABLE is 0 then
+ # we are not able to handle signals, but everything else works normally.
+## Determinate the host OS
+if {[string first {Windows} ${tcl_platform(os)}] != -1} {
+ # Note:
+ # Microsoft Windows is NOT a POSIX system and because of that we need
+ # to do some workarounds here in order to make the IDE functional there.
+# Set directory containing configuration files according to the host OS
+ set CONFIG_DIR [file join $::env(HOME) .[string tolower ${::SHORTNAME}]]
+} {
+ set CONFIG_DIR [file join ${::env(USERPROFILE)} ".[string tolower ${::SHORTNAME}]"]
+# Handle CLI options
+# -----------------------------
+proc mc args {return [eval "format $args"]}
+source "${::LIB_DIRNAME}/cli.tcl"
+# -----------------------------
+if {!$::CLI_OPTION(quiet)} {
+ if {$::CLI_OPTION(nocolor)} {
+ puts "WARNING:"
+ puts "\tThis program is distributed with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY !"
+ puts "\tPlease report bugs at"
+ puts "\tAuthor: Martin Osmera <>"
+ } {
+ puts "WARNING:"
+ puts "\tThis program is distributed with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY !"
+ puts "\tPlease report bugs at \033\[34;1m\033\[m"
+ puts "\tAuthor: Martin Osmera \033\[33;1m<>\033\[m"
+ }
+## This function should be called when some Tcl library fail to load
+ # @parm String library - Name of failed library
+ # @return void
+proc libraryLoadFailed {library} {
+ # Itcl workarond for Debian
+ if {$library == {Itcl}} {
+ set library_version "3.4"
+ set libname "libitcl"
+ set ::env(ITCL_LIBRARY) ${::LIB_DIRNAME}
+ puts stderr "\nERROR: Unable to load Itcl library compatible with this version of Tcl/Tk !"
+ puts stderr "Trying to workaround ..."
+ if {[lsearch {Linux} ${::tcl_platform(os)}] == -1} {
+ puts stderr "FATAL ERROR: Unsupported operating system. ${::tcl_platform(os)}"
+ puts stderr "You can contact author of the project at <> if you want to get you OS supported."
+ exit 1
+ }
+ if {[lsearch {x86_64 i386 i486 i586 i686 x86} ${::tcl_platform(machine)}] == -1} {
+ puts stderr "FATAL ERROR: Unsupported system architecture. ${::tcl_platform(machine)}"
+ puts stderr "You can contact author of the project at <> if you want to get you OS supported."
+ exit 1
+ }
+ puts stderr "Loading library $library for ${::tcl_platform(os)} on ${::tcl_platform(machine)} ... (filename: ${libname}${library_version}.so.${::tcl_platform(os)}.${::tcl_platform(machine)})"
+ if {[catch {load "${::LIB_DIRNAME}/${libname}${library_version}.so.${::tcl_platform(os)}.${::tcl_platform(machine)}" Itcl} error_info]} {
+ puts stderr "FAILED !"
+ puts stderr "Reason: ${error_info}"
+ puts "\nPlease try to run mcu8051ide with --check-libraries to see what's wrong."
+ exit 1
+ } {
+ puts stderr "WORKAROUND SUCCESSFULL ... \n(But don't be much happy about this, it is still serious failure. And please don't forget to comply to developers of your Linux distribution. Missing library is: ${library} version ${library_version})"
+ return
+ }
+ # Tclx workarond for Debian
+ } elseif {$library == {Tclx}} {
+ puts stderr "\nERROR: Unable to load Tclx library, functionality will be limited"
+ return
+ }
+ # Print error message
+ if {$::CLI_OPTION(nocolor)} {
+ puts stderr "\n\nERROR: Unable to load library $library"
+ } {
+ puts stderr "\n\n\033\[31mERROR:\033\[m Unable to load library \033\[32m$library\033\[m"
+ }
+ # Print tip
+ puts "\nTip: try to run mcu8051ide with --check-libraries to see what's wrong."
+ # Terminate the program
+ exit 1
+# -----------------------------
+# Load Tk ToolKit
+set T [lindex [time {
+ if {[catch {package require img::png 1.3}]} {
+ libraryLoadFailed "img::png"
+ }
+ if {[catch {package require Tk $::MIN_TCL_VER} errinfo]} {
+ puts stderr "Unable to initialize Tk\n$errinfo"
+ }
+}] 0]
+# Hide main window
+wm withdraw .
+# Determinate default Fixed font
+set ::DEFAULT_FIXED_FONT {DejaVu Sans Mono}
+if {[lsearch -ascii -exact [font families] {DejaVu Sans Mono}] == -1} {
+ set ::DEFAULT_FIXED_FONT {Courier}
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Microsoft Windows OS specific code
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Print windows related warning
+ puts ""
+ puts ""
+ # Redefine the "bind" command, because on Windows binding a callback to
+ # event, which does not exist on Windows would cause program crash
+ rename bind original_command_bind
+ proc microsoft_windows_specific_bind args {
+ if {
+ [string first {ISO_} [lindex $args 1]] != -1 ||
+ [string first {XF86_} [lindex $args 1]] != -1
+ } {
+ return
+ }
+ eval "original_command_bind $args"
+ }
+ rename microsoft_windows_specific_bind bind
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Load base config file
+# -----------------------------
+# Load i18n library
+# (It must be loaded here because ::msgcat::mclocale must be available when
+# base config file is being loaded)
+incr T [lindex [time {
+ if {[catch {package require msgcat 1.3.4}]} {
+ libraryLoadFailed "msgcat"
+ } {
+ namespace import -force ::msgcat::*
+ }
+}] 0]
+# Check if the file exits
+if {![file exists ${::CONFIG_DIR}]} {
+ file mkdir ${::CONFIG_DIR}
+ puts "\nCreating program configuration files in directory: \"[file normalize ${::CONFIG_DIR}]\""
+ puts "Welcome in this IDE, [file tail [file normalize ~]] !"
+ } {
+ catch { ;# Make the configuration directory in Microsoft Windows hidden
+ file attributes $::CONFIG_DIR -hidden 1
+ }
+ puts "Welcome in this IDE, ${::env(USERNAME)} !"
+ }
+## Open and read the file
+if {[catch {
+ set conf_file [open "${::CONFIG_DIR}/base.conf" r]
+ # File doesn't exits -> create it with default configuration
+}]} then {
+ # Default settings
+ array set GLOBAL_CONFIG [list \
+ splash 1 \
+ tips 1 \
+ language [::msgcat::mclocale] \
+ ]
+ # Create the file
+ if {[catch {
+ set conf_file [open "${::CONFIG_DIR}/base.conf" w]
+ puts -nonewline $conf_file [list \
+ $GLOBAL_CONFIG(splash) \
+ $GLOBAL_CONFIG(splash) \
+ $GLOBAL_CONFIG(language) \
+ ]
+ close $conf_file
+ }]} {
+ puts stderr "Unable to create base configuration file"
+ }
+ # File exits -> read configuration from it
+} else {
+ # Read file contents
+ set data [read $conf_file]
+ close $conf_file
+ # Set configuration acording to the file contents
+ set GLOBAL_CONFIG(splash) [lindex $data 0]
+ set GLOBAL_CONFIG(tips) [lindex $data 1]
+ set GLOBAL_CONFIG(language) [lindex $data 2]
+ ## Validate read values
+ if {![string is boolean -strict ${GLOBAL_CONFIG(splash)}]} {
+ set GLOBAL_CONFIG(splash) 1
+ }
+ if {![string is boolean -strict ${GLOBAL_CONFIG(tips)}]} {
+ set GLOBAL_CONFIG(tips) 1
+ }
+ # Check if the cpecified translation is valid
+ set tmp [list]
+ catch { ;# For Microsoft Windows it has to be enclosed by catch
+ set tmp [glob -nocomplain -types f -tails \
+ -directory "${LIB_DIRNAME}/../translations" *.msg \
+ ]
+ }
+ set translations {en}
+ foreach translation $tmp {
+ lappend translations [file rootname $translation]
+ }
+ if {[lsearch $translations ${GLOBAL_CONFIG(language)}] == -1} {
+ set GLOBAL_CONFIG(language) {en}
+ }
+# Load translation
+# -----------------------------
+# Load language specific translation file
+if {!${::CLI_OPTION(notranslation)} && ${GLOBAL_CONFIG(language)} != {en}} {
+ if {[catch {
+ mclocale ${GLOBAL_CONFIG(language)}
+ mcload "${LIB_DIRNAME}/../translations/"
+ } result]} then {
+ puts stderr "Unable to load translation"
+ puts stderr "\tFile: '${LIB_DIRNAME}/../translations/${GLOBAL_CONFIG(language)}.msg'"
+ puts "\n"
+ puts $result
+ } else {
+ }
+# -----------------------------
+if {!$::CLI_OPTION(nosplash) && ${::GLOBAL_CONFIG(splash)}} {
+ # Crete toplevel window
+ toplevel .splash -class {Splash creen} -bg {#EEEEEE}
+ # Show image of splash creen
+ place [label \
+ -image [ \
+ image create photo -format png \
+ -file "${::LIB_DIRNAME}/../icons/other/splash.png" \
+ ] \
+ ] -x 0 -y 0 -width 400 -height 199
+ # Show status bar
+ place [label .splash.status \
+ -bg {#FFFFFF} -fg {#0000FF} \
+ -text [mc "Initializing %s" $APPNAME] \
+ ] -x 200 -y 180 -anchor center
+ # Set window parameters
+ wm geometry .splash "=400x199+[expr {[winfo screenwidth .] / 2 - 200}]+[expr {[winfo screenheight .] / 2 - 100}]"
+ wm overrideredirect .splash 1
+ # Click on splash creen destroys it
+ bind .splash <1> {wm withdraw .splash}
+ # Done ..
+ update
+# -----------------------------
+## Print content of $T in mili seconds ($T must contain value in [us])
+ # @return void
+proc time_in_msec {} {
+ global T ;# Time in microseconds
+ # Determinate number of miliseconds
+ set msec [lindex $T 0]
+ set msec [expr {$msec / 1000}]
+ # print the message
+ if {!$::CLI_OPTION(quiet)} {
+ if {$::CLI_OPTION(nocolor)} {
+ puts "... $msec ms"
+ } {
+ puts "... \033\[33m$msec ms\033\[m"
+ }
+ }
+## Print some initialization message (splash screen and CLI)
+ # @parm String message - text of the message
+ # @return void
+proc showInitMessage {message} {
+ # Change content of splash screen status bar
+ if {!${::CLI_OPTION(nosplash)} && ${::GLOBAL_CONFIG(splash)}} {
+ if {[winfo exists .splash.status]} {
+ .splash.status configure -text [string trim $message]
+ update
+ }
+ }
+ # Print message to console output
+ if {!${::CLI_OPTION(quiet)}} {
+ if {${::CLI_OPTION(nocolor)}} {
+ puts -nonewline $message
+ } {
+ puts -nonewline "\033\[37m$message\033\[m"
+ }
+ puts -nonewline [string repeat { } [expr {38 - [string length $message]}]]
+ flush stdout
+ }
+## Set status bar tip for some widget
+ # Usage:
+ # setStatusTip -widget $some_widget -text "some text"
+ #
+ # @return void
+proc setStatusTip args {
+ # Local variables
+ set widgetIsSet 0 ;# True if widget is set
+ set textIsSet 0 ;# True if text is set
+ set argsLength [llength $args] ;# Number of arguments
+ set widget {} ;# ID of widget specified by argument '-widget'
+ set helpText {} ;# Help text specified by argument '-text'
+ # Iterate over given arguments and evaluate them
+ for {set i 0} {$i < $argsLength} {incr i} {
+ # Currently parsed argument
+ set arg [lindex $args $i]
+ # Decide what $arg means
+ switch -- $arg {
+ -widget { ;# ID of the widget
+ # check if that widget wasn't already specified
+ if {$widgetIsSet} {
+ error "Widget has been already specified"
+ }
+ # Check if widget's ID follow the arument
+ incr i
+ if {$i >= $argsLength} {
+ error "Expected widget name after -widget option"
+ }
+ # Set ID of the widget
+ set widget [lindex $args $i]
+ if {![winfo exists $widget]} {
+ error "The specified widget does not exist"
+ }
+ # Widget is now set
+ set widgetIsSet 1
+ }
+ -text { ;# The help text
+ # Check if help text follow the argument
+ incr i
+ if {$i >= $argsLength} {
+ error "Expected text after -text option"
+ }
+ # Set the help text
+ set helpText [lindex $args $i]
+ # Help text is now set
+ set textIsSet 1
+ }
+ default { ;# Unrecognized opton -> invoke ERROR
+ error "Invalid argument '$arg', possible options are -widget and -text"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Ckeck if both aruments are properly specified
+ if {!$widgetIsSet || !$textIsSet} {
+ error "You must specify text and widget"
+ }
+ # Create binding
+ bind $widget <Enter> "Sbar -freeze {$helpText}"
+ bind $widget <Leave> "Sbar {}"
+# -----------------------------
+# Show "first line message"
+if {!$CLI_OPTION(quiet)} {
+ if {$CLI_OPTION(nocolor)} {
+ puts [mc "\nInitializing MCU 8051 IDE %s" $VERSION]
+ } {
+ puts [mc "\nInitializing \033\[1mMCU 8051 IDE \033\[32m%s\033\[m" $VERSION]
+ }
+## Load libraries
+showInitMessage [mc "\tLoading libraries"]
+incr T [lindex [time {
+ # Iterate over list of libraries and lod each of them
+ foreach library $::LIBRARIES_TO_LOAD {
+ # Loading successful
+ if {[catch {package require [lindex $library 0] [lindex $library 1]}]} {
+ libraryLoadFailed [lindex $library 0]
+ # Loading failed
+ } {
+ if {!$::CLI_OPTION(nosplash)} update
+ }
+ }
+ if {$::MICROSOFT_WINDOWS} { ;# Load dde - Dynamic Data Exchange on Microsoft Windows
+ package require dde
+ }
+ # Import NS for managing OOP in Tcl
+ namespace import -force ::itcl::*
+}] 0]
+# Look for some external programs
+foreach program {
+ urxvt vim emacs kwrite gedit nano dav
+ le sdcc indent doxygen asl asem doxywizard
+ as31 sdcc-sdcc gvim
+ } {
+ if {[auto_execok $program] == {}} {
+ set ::PROGRAM_AVALIABLE($program) 0
+ } {
+ set ::PROGRAM_AVALIABLE($program) 1
+ }
+time_in_msec ;# Print time info
+## Load program sources
+showInitMessage [mc "\tLoading program sources"]
+set T [time {
+ source "${::LIB_DIRNAME}/lib/innerwindow.tcl" ;# Tool for creating inner windows
+ source "${::LIB_DIRNAME}/dialogs/errorhandler.tcl" ;# Background error handler
+ source "${::LIB_DIRNAME}/dialogs/my_tk_messageBox.tcl" ;# A replacement for tk_messageBox
+ source "${::LIB_DIRNAME}/lib/settings.tcl" ;# Settings management
+ source "${::LIB_DIRNAME}/project.tcl" ;# Project management
+ source "${::LIB_DIRNAME}/dialogs/fsd.tcl" ;# File selection dialog
+ source "${::LIB_DIRNAME}/X.tcl" ;# GUI <==> Implementation Interface
+ source "${::LIB_DIRNAME}/configdialogs/configdialogs.tcl";# Configuration dialogs
+ source "${::LIB_DIRNAME}/editor/editor.tcl" ;# Source code editor
+ source "${::LIB_DIRNAME}/lib/Math.tcl" ;# Special mathematical operations
+ source "${::LIB_DIRNAME}/compiler/compiler.tcl" ;# 8051 Assemly language compiler
+ source "${::LIB_DIRNAME}/dialogs/tips.tcl" ;# Tips on startup
+ source "${::LIB_DIRNAME}/lib/hexeditor.tcl" ;# Hexadecimal editor
+ source "${::LIB_DIRNAME}/utilities/hexeditdlg.tcl" ;# Hexadecimal editor dialog
+ source "${::LIB_DIRNAME}/environment.tcl" ;# Main window "trappings" (menu and such)
+ source "${::LIB_DIRNAME}/rightpanel/rightpanel.tcl" ;# Right panel
+ source "${::LIB_DIRNAME}/leftpanel/filelist.tcl" ;# Left and middle panel
+ source "${::LIB_DIRNAME}/simulator/simulator.tcl" ;# MCU Simulator
+ source "${::LIB_DIRNAME}/bottompanel/bottomnotebook.tcl";# Bottom panel
+ source "${::LIB_DIRNAME}/maintab.tcl" ;# Central widget
+ source "${::LIB_DIRNAME}/lib/ihextools.tcl" ;# Tools for manipulating Intel 8 HEX
+ source "${::LIB_DIRNAME}/utilities/symbol_viewer.tcl" ;# Assembly symbols viewer
+ source "${::LIB_DIRNAME}/utilities/eightsegment.tcl" ;# 8-segment LED display editor
+ source "${::LIB_DIRNAME}/utilities/asciichart.tcl" ;# ASCII chart
+ source "${::LIB_DIRNAME}/utilities/notes.tcl" ;# Scribble notepad
+ source "${::LIB_DIRNAME}/utilities/baseconvertor.tcl" ;# Base convertor
+ source "${::LIB_DIRNAME}/utilities/speccalc.tcl" ;# Special calculator for x51 MCU's
+ source "${::LIB_DIRNAME}/utilities/rs232debugger.tcl" ;# UART/RS232 applications debugger
+time_in_msec ;# Print time info
+if {${::X::avaliable_processors} == {}} {
+ destroy .splash
+ bell
+ tk_messageBox \
+ -icon error \
+ -type ok \
+ -title [mc "FATAL ERROR"] \
+ -message [mc "MCUs database file is currupted,\nthis program cannot run without it.\nPlease reinstall MCU 8051 IDE."]
+ exit 1
+# Load global configuration
+# Initialize GUI environment
+iconbar_redraw ;# Main toolbar
+mainmenu_redraw ;# Main menu
+shortcuts_reevaluate ;# Key shortcuts
+## Remove splash screen
+destroy .splash
+if {$CLI_OPTION(minimalized)} {
+ wm state . iconic
+} {
+ wm deiconify .
+# Configure signal handling
+ proc signal_handler {signal_name} {
+ global cntrlc_flag
+ puts stdout [mc "\nExiting on signal %s" $signal_name]
+ if {[catch {::X::__exit 1}]} {
+ exit 1
+ }
+ }
+ signal trap SIGINT {signal_handler SIGINT}
+ signal trap SIGTERM {signal_handler SIGTERM}
+# ---------------------------------------------------------
+# Ugly job ... dirty workarounds and such a shit ... :(
+# ---------------------------------------------------------
+catch {
+ NoteBook .foo
+ proc NoteBook::_getoption {path page option} {
+ if {$option == {-background}} {
+ return {#eeeeee}
+ }
+ set value [Widget::cget $path.f$page $option]
+ if {![string length $value]} {
+ set value [Widget::cget $path $option]
+ }
+ return $value
+ }
+ destroy .foo
+# ---------------------------------------------------------
+## Open the last session
+# Print message
+showInitMessage [mc "\tOpening last session"]
+flush stdout
+# Evaluate new geometry of the main window
+# Open projects of last session
+set T [time {
+ foreach project_file $::CONFIG(OPENED_PROJECTS) {
+ if {![Project::open_project_file $project_file]} {
+ tk_messageBox \
+ -title [mc "File not found"] \
+ -icon warning \
+ -type ok \
+ -message [mc "Unable to open project file:\n\"%s\"" $project_file]
+ }
+ }
+# Reopen base convertors
+foreach cfg $::CONFIG(BASE_CONVERTORS) {
+ if {[catch {
+ set obj [::X::__base_convertor]
+ ::X::$obj set_config $cfg
+ }]} {
+ puts stderr {}
+ puts stderr $::errorInfo
+ }
+time_in_msec ;# Print time info
+# Create binding for panes management
+bind . <Configure> {X::redraw_panes}
+# Print final message
+if {!$CLI_OPTION(quiet)} {
+ puts [mc "%s is now operational\n" $APPNAME]
+# Program is now operational
+set ::Compiler::in_IDE 1
+set X::critical_procedure_in_progress 0
+update idle
+foreach project ${::X::openedProjects} {
+ $project filelist_adjust_size_of_tabbar
+ $project ensure_that_both_editors_are_properly_initialized
+# Focus on the active editor
+if {${::X::actualProject} != {}} {
+ update
+ focus [${::X::actualProject} editor_procedure {} cget -editor]
+ focus [${::X::actualProject} editor_procedure {} Configure {}]
+ focus [${::X::actualProject} editor_procedure {} highlight_visible_area {}]
+# Just workaround for disapearing main menu
+raise .
+# Correct strange behavior concerning restoration of the last window size and position
+ update
+ wm geometry . $::CONFIG(WINDOW_GEOMETRY)